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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11758761 No.11758761[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or has the IQ of the average 4channer dropped 20 points in the last year or so?

>> No.11758799

coffee is bad for you

>> No.11759455

SARS-CoV-2 attacks the brain.

>> No.11759464

It’s because poltards and /x/ invaded sci
not to mention stormfront and reddit as well

>> No.11759476

hiromoot doesn't want to ban stormfags

>> No.11759478

>reddit as well

Can confirm.

>> No.11759480

Coffee is only good every once in a while.

>> No.11759652
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can u see the shill?

>> No.11759660

Yeah I noticed it too. Biggest drop since 2016. Maybe it was the tumblr purge. This wave of dumb dumbs seem to have a degree of tumblr luggage

>> No.11759777

bots, election year

>> No.11759832

>in the last year or so
Not really, it's since at least 2015.

>> No.11759857

larger population

>> No.11759861

Maybe you've just gotten 20 IQ points smarter.

>> No.11759950

OP probably you have just gotten much smarter.

>> No.11759996

It's tourism, the average normalfag is borderline retarded.

>> No.11759999

All me

>> No.11760032

COVID was like an early summer vacation

>> No.11760401

Why yes, your IQ in particular has dropped roughly over 20 points over the course of the past year.

>> No.11760469

It's just reddit

>> No.11760799
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This movie is a documentary, commonly mistaken for a satirical comedy

>> No.11760858

The sweat, glint, and tan lines on the flesh of female form makes me shudder with lust.

>> No.11760943

It's me, joined a couple of months ago

>> No.11760959

How so?

>> No.11761274

2011 newfag surge was a drop
2016 electionfaggot surge was a drop

>> No.11761507
File: 175 KB, 500x500, SCIENCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the brightest minds of /sci/ are able to achieve

>> No.11762628

yep. and it goes since 2016

>> No.11762740

You misspelled 2010.

Actually, it started going down at 9/11 back then. 2001 was when 4chan started becoming infested.

>> No.11762987

2016 was the real fucking plummet when /pol/ became the center of the "meme war" and invited every boomer and normie right winger onto the site, who as we know are far more likely to be conspiracy theorists, phone posters and distrustful of science.

>> No.11763076
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Been on image boards since 1970s kid. Get into HAM radio if you want high IQ

>> No.11763082
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>> No.11763117

Hard to judge. The average IQ tanked post-2016 once Reddit purged all their shit sub-reddits to sell more stock or whatever.

>> No.11763125

This. /pol/ brought a hoarde of unwashed normies. They're about as bad as bronies but at least bronies stopped shitposting on other boards.

>> No.11763164

Exactly. Bronies were rampant on the site but they then got their own containment board, so they were happy to go there. All the retards /pol/ brought in were unfamiliar with the concept of a containment board and didn't realise that's what /pol/ was, so they saw no reason not to go rampant on the rest of the site.
I mean, most of the popular boards were cess pools anyway but a lot of fairly chill blue boards definitely experienced a surge in performative stormfaggotry and right wing virtue signalling after '16, and it hasn't gone away since.

>> No.11763248
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There is global rule 4 and 3 i believe. Just report shitpost and garbage. Other than that, more effective moderation, along the lines of bronies and furries, would clean this place up nicely and actually keep /pol/ as a containment dump hole.

>> No.11763606
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>last year