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File: 723 KB, 3427x3427, atlantic-bottlenose-dolphin--jumping-high-during-a-dolphin-training-demonstration-154724035-59ce93949abed50011352530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11761832 No.11761832 [Reply] [Original]

Are dolphins smarter then people?

>> No.11761859


>> No.11761863

No. People are so smart we couldn't have gotten here without inventing fire first. Cooking made food more nutritious and allowed our brains to grow more than they would have otherwise.

>> No.11761880

>fire made food more nutritious
How does breaking down the macro nutrients make food more nutritious?

Also, I don't think evolution is true, but if it is then I'm pretty sure fire was used to keep warm due to loss of fur through natural selection and to deter predators, not to cook food

>> No.11761899

They are sexier...

>> No.11761907

Try eating raw eggs.

>> No.11761967
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>Also, I don't think evolution is true
why the fuck are you on a science board?

>> No.11761974

They just faff about in the ocean all day. raping and eating fish. Humans have an organized society, industrial production, wars, commodities, economies, and a whole host of other things. It's clear who the smarter group is.

>> No.11761984

Imagine if the dolphins organized tho'.
Incidentally, how incompatible is the dolphin reproductive system with a human's?

>> No.11762003

Dolphins don't do that

>> No.11762011


>> No.11762034


>> No.11762036

>dolphins are good boys they findu nuffin!!

>> No.11762040

So the fish consent? Preposterous.

>> No.11762045
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>> No.11762082



You comment is so much cringe

>> No.11762096

i want to be raped by a dolphin but only if it's a futa dolphin

>> No.11762098


If they’re so smart then how come they still live in a ocean huh smart guy?

>> No.11762100

Because there is more room

>> No.11762138

>free flying unlocked
>z axis unlocked
>geothermal energy unlocked
>free nutrients from hydrothermal vents
>passive plankton bonus
just face it water is the OG superior atmosphere
dolphins already obtained spiritual enlightenment swimming between heaven and earth as surfacelets are left out to dry constantly bullied by electron thief oxygeniggers

>> No.11762179
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>why the fuck are you on a science board?

>> No.11762193
File: 61 KB, 352x418, whales-evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They realized we should have never gone on land in the first place.

>> No.11762291

we are fucker than you

>> No.11764505

They're smarter than conspiracytards.

>> No.11764556

seals are smarter

>> No.11764715

Has that really been proven because I think I've seen other theories on how humans became more intelligent?

>> No.11766156

If science is reddit, doesn't that make you onions as well because you're here?

>> No.11766161

It's probably not true. Elephants need more nutrients than us and they don't need to cook. Unless people were really fucking shit at finding food so we had to optimize what meager amount we found.

>> No.11766244

> Dolphins can't beat humans in a fist fight
> Dolphins can't outrun humans on a track
> Dolphins can't operate a forklift
> Dolphins can't build rocket ships
> Dolphins can't cook a sunny-side up egg

The only sea creature capable of what humans have achieved is the octopus.

>> No.11766265

>more nutritious
depends on the foodstuff, it can make fibrous plant material more bio-available, reduce the energy used in digestion, less sickness = less energy loss, allowing better extraction from stuff like bones and things past good or slightly unsafe to eat raw

>> No.11766270

smnarter at sw iming and fish

>> No.11766296

What does it mean to be smarter?

>> No.11766299

>you must worship mainstream science or you have to leave the board

>> No.11766303

they might be smarter than americans

>> No.11766316

Most of them are not, but pilot whales and orcas just might be. An octopus is probably about as smart as a person too.

>> No.11766331
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>if they're so smart, how come they live on 70% of the earth.

lies and slander

>> No.11766361

Takes less effort to digest cooked food

>> No.11766581

>mainstream science
There is no mainstream science. Only science and not science.

>> No.11766586

worst post I've read this month tb quite h

>> No.11766663
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I wouldn't even trust humanity's ability to accurately measure the intelligence of humans, let alone other animals. Some even claim there are different types of intelligence, which complicates everything further.

Citing our technological/social-political/scientific/economic achievements and whatever, is nonsensical, as they are vastly more reliant on our ability to physically manipulate objects than intelligence.

>> No.11766796
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>> No.11767236

It takes efford to cook it.

>> No.11767260

The dolphin cries in pain as he strikes you.

>> No.11767265

smarter than you, faggot

>> No.11767272

Ted Kaczynski realized industrial society is fundamentally flawed and we should go back to proto-argicultural society
but he was a brainlet, unlike Dolphins
they saw this coming before even developing hands

>> No.11767289

i dare you to eat raw food for a month

>> No.11767294
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No, but they're sexier than us and they know it.

>> No.11768763
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>> No.11768791

Yeah, all they do is have fun, eat tasty fish and have sex for pleasure. Fucking retards, they should be destroying the environment, bombing each other, acquiring wealth they don't need and can't spend, and posting memes on the internet like an intelligent species.

>> No.11768829

They cured autism.

>> No.11769304

Completely compatible physically until sperm hits egg and our genetics slam into each other like two runaway trains going head to head. The the chasm between a marine mammal descended from ungulates and an ape are unresolved during combination of the male and female pronuclei, so fertilization fails.

>> No.11769338

>hurrdurr dolphins

I wish this pseudoscience bullshit would die.

Literally every answer to this question, for or against, ends up just arbitrary nonsense that contributes nothing nor provokes thoughtful discussion.
Everyone just argues their initial perspective and doesn't actually engage in learning or discourse.

Oh wait I just described this whole joke of a board.

>> No.11769352

Despite being 371 characters long, this post contains no information.

>> No.11769423


Here's some information, then.
Dolphins are overrated.
They're quite intelligent, and probably have conscious experiences comparable to our own.

However, they're not "smart" beyond a capacity to be fairly adept at solving problems immediately relevant to their survival.

Dolphins have not invented anything, they have no written history or forms of persistent education beyond animal demonstration and primitive linguistic communication that is inferior proto afro civilizations circa 10,000 years ago.

Their behavior is summarily limited to generally complex social interactions and general animal survival. But that doesn't make them "smart".
Their intelligence makes them good at being dolphins, not good at being more than dolphins.

Comparatively, early hominid intelligence resulted in the creation of basic tools, agriculture, and complex social behavior that allowed them to form more interdependent tribal units and actually ascend beyond vulnerability to natural threats that were previously severely limiting to population and intellectual growth.

Dolphins lack the physiological and intellectual capacity for this sort of abstract problem solving, and the most complex thing they do that elevates them beyond basic survival is knowing that they can get shit from humans.

Dolphins are at an intellectual dead-end until they learn to write, which is fucking hard when you're an aquatic species.

>> No.11769564

>Dolphins have not invented anything
They're tool users. Hard to do in the water when your only means of manipulation is your beak, but they use things in their environment creatively, and teach the use of these tools to others.
>Their intelligence makes them good at being dolphins, not good at being more than dolphins.
Wrong. They have a major advantage early man didn't have: The attention of a higher species that likes them. Dolphins are cute to us, and intelligent enough to work with. I think they'll be a solid candidate for uplifting within several hundred years. They don't need to bootstrap a primitive writing system or work from rocks to lathes to VLSI. They can live like every other human in modern society: Ignorant of the details of the infrastructure and technology around them, dependent on consumption of prepared goods at some level. Humans individually accomplish much useful work in their lives despite specializing in a narrow field because of the provisions of society. Current dolphins are already used by militaries to conduct clandestine operations and defuse mines. An uplifted dolphin could use machinery to cheaply construct undersea infrastructure, and do so much more.
They are not currently even approaching humans in intellect, but their specialized biology and already reasonable nonhuman intelligence has potential for use.

>> No.11769607

I actually agree that Dolphins are in a unique position due to their social intelligence, at a time when we exist and can influence them to behave in ways that we evaluate as being more useful.

However, I think this specifically precludes them from being "smarter than people".
They're barely smarter than dogs and large birds, who fit basically all the criteria in your description of what makes them useful to humanity, but they're more socially and biologically complex than dogs are (partly from not being cucked by humans for a few thousand years).

Uplifted dolphins are an interesting prospect for the future of interspecies relations when we finally reach the genetic golden age, but we're still a pretty long way off from that, and I think more to the point, without dramatic evolutionary changes (e.g. becoming amphibious instead of strictly aquatic) or outside interference they seem like a cultural dead end, simply because they don't seem to be on any sort of behavioral arc that would naturally favor development of static infrastructure and aquaculture.

Now octopi on the other hand... I'm not so sure. Give those fuckers a couple hundred thousand years without us around and they might get up to some crazy shit.