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11753567 No.11753567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>want to go to uni
>have to make a personal profile with no achievements beyond grades
>will probably have to do an interview
>stone faced emotionless with difficulties in eye contact

>> No.11753586

just go skydiving or some other adventure activity and pay for a video

>> No.11753594

Just tell them you are 50% minority, they will lower the bar so low you would have to be dead to fail.

>> No.11753602

I'm an immigrant from east europe but a citizen

>> No.11753603

Hey, been there. He’s a trick, you can learn to do these things if they aren’t reflex. I’m very autistic and I literally sat down with some non autistic friends and coworkers to learn how to smile, talk, make eye contact, read facial expressions and body language, produce them adequately, etc. I’m not perfect and its something that can be a bit draining, since it’s mostly conscious until you develop a reflex for it. I still can’t parse vocal tone, I still talk too much (but getting better!) and I have a difficult time tracing a line of causality for emotions (but I can still do it if I ask questions)
Went from being total autist introvert to very social and well liked person.
Anyway, just practice and get advice and help. You can even find some youtube videos. It’ll take literal years before people can’t tell you’re autistic but if I can do it fucking anyone can.

>> No.11753613

I don't actually know whether I have some disability but I've always been weird and failed to get along with others my whole life. Usually because of aggression, since childhood. My dumb dad literally encouraged me to punch people I didn't like in the face

>> No.11753692

>My dumb dad literally encouraged me to punch people I didn't like in the face
Wow, that’s... fucking something.
Even if it’s not a disability you can definitely learn how to emot and make eye contact. I went from basically a stereotype of a shut in autist to well liked and sought out for emotional help, public speaking, etc. I guess my point is if you want to change something about yourself do it, you almost certainly can

>> No.11753849

just smile and be yourself bro

>> No.11753857

Which uni? As long as your grades and test scores are high enough you can get into a decent state university, without extracurriculars, sports, volunteering, etc, all that bullshit is unnecessary unless you're aiming for Ivy League or something. And since when do university applications require interviews?

>> No.11753900

one of the elite Canadian ones. I'm doing university courses in community college but that's no guarantee I'll get into one of the good ones. I just got 87.5% in Calculus and 95% in chemistry 1 test, lost marks because I didn't check answers.

>> No.11753905

You wut m8?

>> No.11753911

The one I want to go to said they focus on personal profile and achievements beyond grades and that it's a good idea to attend an interview

>> No.11753920

>believing in retarded pol memes

>> No.11753950
File: 521 KB, 498x249, yikes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11753992


>> No.11754077

You can trick your way into a university, but you won't trick your way into a job.

I laugh at the amount of autistic fucks I have to interview but I'll never give a job to. Doesn't matter if you actually are academically smarter or more "capable" of doing the work, what's more important is seeing you ever day and not wanting to deal with some autistic fuck ruining the cohesion of my teams.

So go find a way to trick your way in, maybe you won't fail out. But you won't get a job.

>> No.11754082
File: 90 KB, 686x526, 090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I want a job
Guess how many months I've worked since 2016. 4. I'm doing it because I have nothing better to do. Fuck off

>> No.11754176

How did you get non autistic friends? I can’t seem to get autistic ones

>> No.11754196

How'd you do that?

>> No.11754202

>My dumb dad literally encouraged me to punch people I didn't like in the face
My dad did the same to me and he was so proud whenever I got into fight. He didn't even care if I win or not. It all culminated with me being kicked out of school and my whole family sent to therapy when I was 14 after I slapped a 7 yo to the ground and kicked his 15 yo sister in the gut. I was so happy to have my dad's approval, though.

>> No.11754329

work, through my many interests and hobbies, school mates, etc
see >>11753603 it’s basically just consciously learning social skills. I’m basically always acting to some degree, though my feelings and desires are genuine even if the form of expression is affected. Just years of active effort and talking to people and making notes when I made mistakes so I could learn from them - though they were mental notes. I suspect if I were to journal it would be much more efficient

>> No.11754329,2 [INTERNAL] 

it is very difficult to find a job because of this pandemic