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11751464 No.11751464 [Reply] [Original]

/med/ - Medicine General

Last thread >>11686822

Thread for the discussion of allopathic evidence-based medicine. We discuss research, offer advice (the best one is to see your family physician), make fun of premeds and shitpost.

>What's the best spec for research?
Path, onc, anesthesia, etc.
>Best spec lifestyle wise?
Psych, ophtho, derm, rads
>Is x too old for med?

>> No.11751468

Is 91 too old for med?

>> No.11751471

What's the general consensus on immunologists/ immunology?

>> No.11751475

Based field

>> No.11751487

No. 91 year olds are generally on a lot of meds.

>> No.11751610

Just enrolled in a nursing degree boiiiz (27, Male). How bad did i fuck up????

>> No.11751624
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They vaccinate during pregnancy.
They ultrasound.
They induce with pitocin.
They clamp.
They inject vitamin K.
They put vaseline and silver nitrate in the eyes.
They wash under cold water.
They circumcise.
They inject a hepatitis B vaccine at 12 hours old, causing immunogenic brain damage.
They formula feed (due to failure to produce breast milk from pitocin)
They fluoridate.
They chlorinate.
They chlorimate.
They replace the iodine in flour with bromine.
They glyphosate.
They atrazine.
They s-o-y.
They make the entire food supply poison.
The child is subjected to early childhood traumatic conditioning.
The child is raised by the television.
The child is brainwashed under fluorescent lights which cause brain damage.
The child is irradiated with brain damaging and sterilizing microwaves. The females in particular will be sterile
The child has cone beam CT used on it at the dentist office.
The child is even given fluoride tablets to swallow.
The child is drugged.

The individual is the raped product of a Brave New World assembly line.

>> No.11751778

I distrust neurologists and psychiatrists.

>> No.11751790

swallow the NaFpill

>> No.11751806

No, you.

>> No.11752012
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1st year Uk med student

Any tips on what to do or what not to do.

I currently use brainscape and make notes after the lectures. Can anon do me a solid and recommend some methods to improve. Additionally I have to constantly churn out reflective statements. Im not the smartest cookie.

>> No.11752046

Glad this thread is still alive guys.

Mom FM romanon is back. Hit me up with the new frog memes pls.

>> No.11752099

Not Finnbro but welcome back, Romania.

>> No.11752234

Hey man, thanks. How are the exams for you guys during COVID-19 outbreak?

I, for one, will do it online.

>> No.11752297

My college doesn't want us to do online exams because they're afraid of cheating. They're forcing us to take the exams in-campus next week despite the city being in lockdown. Shit's whack.

>> No.11752386

Lmao. Here, the only exam that is going to be "face to face" is the admission one and it will take place on National Arena, the biggest football pitch lmao, Romanian things.

They are afraid of cheating but they did cut time from questions (approx 1 minute per question) so you don't have time to look the answer up. Either way, it's pretty shit.

>> No.11752391

Bazat medic român

>> No.11752478
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>have pains around the 10th-12th thoracic vertebrae, back and front
>decide to drink alcohol
>wait 5 hours, no pain
>take a shit the next morning, no blood, not black
So it's not an ulcer?

>> No.11752484

How long until Med Tech is taken over by computers? My dad is getting on my case about it not being a good field and instead going into cybersecurity even though I keep telling him that both fields have an almost equal job growth.

>> No.11752493


>> No.11752873

Can someone please give me a list of medical physiology books, I am a first year and really need this guidance.

>> No.11752889

issz 1002to old forgedm??

>> No.11752907

then how'd you get in?
why do dumbfucks like you get in but not me

>> No.11752991

Anki mate. Use the USMLE decks from reddit and get the Gray's anatomy flash card deck. Find the relevant cards in Zanki or AnKing and do them during that part of the course. Some older years will produce a good finals deck by the time you get there. You can download all the US resources like Boards and Beyond, SketchyMedical and Pathoma. Use Dr Najeeb if you have no idea as he takes ages but explains things well. Get all textbooks from lib gen, fuck tortora and fuck kumar and clark.

Bin off all in house lectures, they will be shit. Nothing can compare to the tip top quality products produced by the huge, bloated US market of step 1 resources.

Just do reflections like stream of conciousness. Like don't even write anything halfway decent. No one will read them and no one reflects properly after the Bawa-Garba case anyway.

Being the dumbest in the class is a good thing. Your only employer as a junior doctor (the NHS) recognises all GMC approved degrees the same. If you scrape into some shit hole with the bare minimum of AAA you can laugh at the mongs who went to Oxbridge or Imperial with amazing results as you all get paid the same and have no advantages/disadvantages at FPAS or speciality allocations.

>> No.11753088

What about dumbest in the class in USA? If you don't match you are big fucked

>> No.11753105

US you have smart but it's all hinged on step1 score and clerkship evaluations I believe. You could be dumbest in your class and still do well nationally on step 1 and match. Howeverm step going pass fail is big RIP for a lot of people. No evaluations here so you can tell a doctor to fuck off or just leave the ward and then run away. Most trouble you'll get in is a slap on the wrist from your med school.

Honestly, being a US med student sounds a lot harder than being one over here but you do earn the big bucks as attendings

>> No.11753145
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Thanks for your advice anon! I tried Zanki and that shit was so hard comparative to what Im learning in class. Would studying step 1 materials be useful? My lectures feel super low yield like they are wasting my time talking about polio history. You know where I can get b&b , sketchy med and pathoma for free? Atm I use freemedical tube and uptodate. Freemedical tube has alot of vids but not sure if it has them all from sketchy. Do you make notes on everything ? Should I be going over my notes and condensing them or just save them till revision.

>> No.11753162

What are good anki settings?
How many new cards you do per day?

>> No.11753200

im schizotypal, officially diagnosed, years ago
should i be taking any psychotropics? if yes then which and in what doses and how often?

>> No.11753211

I'd rather get paid less as an attending and not have to take out 300k+ in loans.

>> No.11753223

It is hard but it's much better than anything you learn in UK lectures. Skim the lecture slides or look at your learning objectives given for each topic and do the relevant Zanki cards. Medicine is in some sense universal, e.g the krebs cycle is the same gobally, so it will all be the same as the content they expect you to learn here.

Fully maturing zanki would be massive overkill in my opinion but take the bits you need from that. Start now with 20-30 new cards per day and it will be very manageable.

Your lectures will be crap content taught by consultants or researchers who can't teach. Just go for the social aspect as its good to make friends in 1st year and get into a semi decent routine. You can test the waters to find out what you can and can't skip early on.

You can find pirated step 1 stuff around but I used freemedical tube. When I used it about 18 months ago sketchy was on there. You don't need the full videos but the Pepper anki decks use sketchy images and I think they are great. I made notes in 1st year but never really used them. From the start of 2nd year I have made no notes, I've just used pre-made anki decks with some home made cards added. I would make no notes if I was you, if anything make anki cards instead of notes.

Find out how your deciles are calculated at your school and just focus on doing well on those exams.

I would recommend anywhere from 20-100. Anything above that and your reviews will get crazy, you're risking burnout and a day off will fuck you up. Divide the total number of cards you wanna do by the number of days until about 1 month before your exam and do that many each day. Allow the 1 month so you can just about mature the cards before exam day and you can switch to grinding question banks. Always do your reviews, if not you lose all the benefit of anki.

You can download a simulator add on for anki that will tell you how many reviews you will get per day with specific new card settings.

>> No.11753264
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For cards which I am completely clueless about. What works best a quick google or some in depth reading and note taking.

>> No.11753301

It's a personality disorder. I'd recommend therapy if anything at all. You're eccentric, no drug is gonna change that.

>> No.11753307

If you ask a psychiatrist he might put you on anti-psychotics, which I strongly discourage unless you're actually having hallucinations. They have horrible side effects and dull your mind.

>> No.11753313

shrink told me not to stop taking amisulpiride 100mg per day to prevent me from becoming quasipsychotic again
from this weak i lowered dose to 50mg per day

>> No.11753325

What led you to the shrink in the first place? Did the disorder actually affect your quality of life?

>> No.11753397
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it's serious question time.
I really like studying and possibly doing research on the brain and the human mind but at the same time, in my clinical practice, I'd rather manage complex and less "specialized" cases and medical emergencies.
Should I go with something like psych/neuro which would let me do research in a field of study that I'm interested in but whose clinical practice I learnt to despise because too hyper-specialized on a single system or should I go with something like anesthesiology/ICU because I really like the cases and their management? Admittedly, I don't know what research opportunities anesthesia would give me; maybe I could consider a PhD later if I want to continue doing research.
I'd like to hear your opinion on the matter, guys: I have still some time to decide and hearing others pov can help

>> No.11753400

pretty based. Kinda underdogs of medicine but I think their field of research is extremely valuable

>> No.11753406

on piratebay you can find most Lecturio Med Courses which helped me quite a bit studying the clinics

>> No.11753430

yes it did, im a kissless virgin neet incel

>> No.11753468

You can't expect us to choose for you, my man. You should know best.

How comfy do you want your life to be? ICU or Pulm/Crit is pretty fucking exhausting.

>> No.11753474
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I'd still like to have a life outside of the hospital, that's for sure; about hard work that's no prob, I don't shy away from it

>> No.11753478

You might not shy away from hard work, but you'll eventually get burned out.

>> No.11753562
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All anesthesiologists get burned out? Really?

>> No.11753650
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The end of clamp posting

I'm not sure if I've done the right things, but I've decided this is the final clamp post. I apologize for any harm caused, it was not my intention. There will be a New Normal, and the Old World will continue to fade more rapidly than ever. We need to get back to recognizing and actually valuing each other. And reject the script, to find and build the New World that should have been all along.

>> No.11753657

Wtf, no. ICU ones, most of the times. The anesthesiologists that sit comfortably in the OR reading newspapers and asking the surgeon "Is it over yet?...how about now?...but now?..." are based.

>> No.11753663

I think finding a good counselor you can connect with would give you more benefit than an antipsychotic desu. Not saying to not listen to your psychiatrist obviously, but just propose the idea of trying to ween off while going through CBT

>> No.11753668
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Yikes'd at this """"""""advice""""""""

>> No.11753712

psychotherapy is a scam

>> No.11753746

>Not wanting to be just like everyone else
Think you're special, eh? Narcissist detected.

>> No.11753762

If it benefits you then it's not. I don't trust people enough to get close with them, so I pay to have someone to vent to. It's like paying a prostitute for sex instead of dealing with the headaches of a relationship.

>> No.11753798

Psychotherapy "works" but not in the way we are supposed to believe it does. Basically everything about modern life is atomized, commercialized, separated, sterilized, packaged, whatever. We live in social groups totally differently than what we naturally evolved to be in. You don't have a community, a village, even a family in many cases. You don't have 6+ siblings like we used to. You don't have multi generational households like we used to. We don't have commons and other areas like we used to.

This lifestyle not only causes mental distress in certain people (again, in any population when you change the environment, a certain % of organisms cannot adapt or maladapt). But this is compounded when you basically have 1/100th the social network/social support your ancestors had. Basically, if one of your brothers was an asshole, in the past, you had 4 other brothers to hang out with. You were surrounded by uncles, aunts, cousins, if your parents were assholes. And so on. I'm sure you get the idea.

So this leads back to psychotherapy. Basically you had people you cared about and people who cared about you, instead tons of people are childless and live in showbox apartments, totally different experience than what our genes tell us life should be like. Psychotherapy simulates talking to someone who cares about you. That's all it is fundamentally.

>> No.11753807

i want to be normal but psychotherapy isnt effective

imageboards are my social network

i vent to anons

>> No.11753817

I dunno what to tell you. It really benefits me to vent to someone face to face, and they have my undivided attention for a full hour. I look forward to it. It's like training to have a friend basically.

>> No.11753843

I really vibe with my therapist. He's helped me get through a lot of shit.

>> No.11753848

Same here bro. I was cynical for years until I realized it was dumb of me to pay for something and not even try to get anything out of it.

>> No.11753877
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ARYAN: trauma surgery (general ortho vascular), OB/GYN
SEMITIC: psych, endo, cardio

>> No.11754296

>No FM included

Wtf man.

>> No.11754320

>aryan: brainless mechanic shit
>semitic: most of internal medicine, i.e. the high IQ specialties
really makes you think

>> No.11754330

How come I can't see blood in my eye normally but if I cut my cornea I can see blood. Even if the capillaries are transparent, the blood shouldn't be.

>> No.11754336
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I'm sorry if I confused you, here in Italy anesthesiologists do both OR and ICU (in fact, the specialization is "anestesia e rianimazione" = anesthesiology and resuscitation; that's why I asked

>> No.11754343

The light goes through the pupil only (black part of eye).

>> No.11754348

No I mean, when you look at someone else's eye, you still can't see the blood.

>> No.11754455
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They clamp then they bank.

>> No.11754491

Clamping is good.

>> No.11754619


Post more outpatient, easy to access, free resources. This is amazing.

>> No.11754694

uptodate ?

>> No.11754701


choose one.

>> No.11754710
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>> No.11754711

Get it through your university or hospital.

BMJ best practice is another good one

>> No.11754716
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Frog lives matter

No good, Romanians can't afford this shit. They gave us a Lancet subscription instead.

>> No.11754717

Think all norwegians get UpToDate free so maybe try a VPN? Not sure if it will work

>> No.11754735
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>> No.11754736

Doesnt work anymore

>> No.11754745

I'm interested in EM, anyone have insight into what its like working in that field? Is it exciting?

>> No.11754750

12 bucks is a lot. I can get a game for my PS4 and study from shit I can find online for free

Depends. ER is pictured to be really cool and "the first line of survival" in many situations but 90% of the times it's actually people coming in for non-emergencies and can't wait until their GP opens their office.

It is interesting considering that you do small procedures too, but it's not always that exciting as you might think it is.

>> No.11754759


Antibiotic guide. FOR FREE, not UpToDate bullshit. Here you go lads.

>> No.11754768
File: 31 KB, 584x504, Screenshot 2020-05-24 at 15.53.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually its $250, in my opinion Its a great resource and worth every dollar. Saves me a bunch of time looking for answers to questions. Time I spend on my ps4.

>> No.11754783

Holy shit, attending bux right there. I know it implements the new research into algorithms and guidelines, which can be very useful, especially in a FM setting, but I don't think that new protocols are that much different than the old ones.

Like instead of salbutamol, for a short acting B2 agonist, go for formoterol and so on. (Maybe not the best example, since salbutamol isn't prescribed that much anymore)

>> No.11754879


Another ABx guide.


Family medicine topics.

Who knew americans are so based when it comes to medicine resources but shit in practice?

>> No.11755121

Currently doing my bachelor's and I have no problem with the work EXCEPT the research bullshit. Is there a lot of focus on research principles in an actual medical degree? I understand the need to be able to read and interpret journal articles but anything else feels like an aggressive waste of time unless you want to go into research.

>> No.11755155

>had flat feet since being a kid
>had done some exercises for them i nchildhood but that was long time ago
>went for a feet scan and get recommended inserts and scholl sandals - inserts made my feet weak as hell and caused a lot of cramps but sandals broke fast, also developed clawed (?) small fingers
>now switched to minimal shoes and wearing a spreader for the last two fingers
where should I go to? all podologists in the area are fucking cosmetics, physios might be a scam but a fucking orthopedic might want to just sell me fucking stuff
i just want to be able to walk in my 50s for fucks sake
can any anons help?

>> No.11755237

You’re being dramatic. You will be able to walk when you are older even if you have flat feet. Wear some orthotic inserts and stop being a bitch.

>> No.11755352

If you're from USbekistan, then yes.

>> No.11755611

When did /med/ become so heartless ;::(

>> No.11755657
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It was always like this, anon-chan. Here, have a pic of a hottie to make you feel better.

Btw, you ARE being dramatic.

>> No.11756073
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>> No.11756088


>> No.11756226

hey med im addicted to porn and jerking off can I just take a pill so I dont get hard. How do i stop being a horny menace to society

>> No.11756248


>> No.11756330

>High IQ
well that solidifies it for me, boys. IM it is

>> No.11756344

Lmao. IM is mental masturbation with daily micro-management of the patient's blood panel. What the fuck is exciting about that, I have no idea.

>> No.11756350

What about cardiology? That's my end goal.

And I enjoy mental masturbation

>> No.11756359

Cards seems fun at first but becomes boring considering you mostly see patients with hypertension and HF.

Your choice, ultimately, but it's boring as shit. I'd rather get comfy with rural FM and see a shit ton of variety in diseases.

>> No.11756372

gotcha, thanks for the input. I'm entering clerkship now and think I'll end up in IM. Really dont want to be rural. I did a rotation in rural FM and my preceptor said if you dont make 500k (CAD) like 2-3 years out of residency then you're fucking up.

On another note, super general question but in which specialties is there the most opportunity to engage with ethics in an academic sort of way?

>> No.11757377

I don't understand. Ethics like what? Primum non nocere kind of shit?

>> No.11757413
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>> No.11757417

Hahaha. Honest question though will the majority of my future colleagues be like this.

>> No.11757418
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Why are US medical students this cucks?

Hopefully not. Study when you need to study, free time is free time. Don't let a shitty protest get in the way (especially if you're not participating like the cuck in OP's post)

>> No.11757426

Im in medical school atm and some people freak out over things such as practicing physical exams. Like everyone is ok with putting their grubby fingers all over other people. But they refuse to let you do a shoulder exam on them (normally its girls). I refuse to let these people examine me, why do their feelings trump mine. I dont enjoy getting touched either. However I know this is the way the patient will feel and I can better empathise with that going through it.

>> No.11757431

I know the feeling, but what's the link between your peers and the cuck posting? That shit can happen everywhere, US or not.

>> No.11757433
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I'm not even American goddamnit.

>> No.11757445
File: 13 KB, 436x410, Screenshot 2020-05-24 at 16.07.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was George's airway obstructed? He was still talking? Why did the coroners contradict each other?

>> No.11757446

I wasn't talking to you, dude. Just pointing out what a cuck the guy you posted is, assuming he's American.

If you're outside of US (Especially euro), I doubt you care about the shit that's going on there. I honestly don't give a fuck about their politics and what protests they hold because someone died.

Now please, let's not derail this thread to a politics-oriented one and let's keep it /med/.

>> No.11757449

>Why did the coroners contradict each other?
Because autopsy is more of an art than a science. It's not like you open up the sternum and you find a note that says "the patient was murdered 100%". Arteries that were collapsed at death may be open during the autopsy or vice versa. It's hard to tell to what extent any identified pathology may have contributed to the death. Pathology itself can be hard to identify. This is why co-morbidities are usually listed. Very rarely is a 100% accurate autopsy ever actually needed.
>Was George's airway obstructed? He was still talking?
Word on the street is that his carotids were compressed which means he could still breathe but blood and oxygen wasn't getting to his brain.

>> No.11757465
File: 1.89 MB, 986x1484, Screenshot 2020-01-23 at 22.29.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Word on the street is that his carotids were compressed which means he could still breathe but blood and oxygen wasn't getting to his brain.
After the force compressing the artery is released surely the artery would open back up and blood flow to the brain return to normal. I dont think the officer was the sole factor which caused Floyd's death

>> No.11757492

Considering his position, I doubt he died because of carotid compression. He should've been in and out of consciousness, one carotid compressed by the based police officer, the other by concrete.

All we can do is speculate, there's nothing we can say for certain until we see the actual papers, but they won't get released.

>> No.11757620
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do human organs scale with size and height? if they do or don't, what would that mean for surgery?

>> No.11757625

They do scale.

Doesn't mean shit for surgery. You usually know the dimension before going in the OR. Let's say you have a patient with hypertophic cardiomiopathy and need valve replacement. Surgeons know beforehand the size and how to enter to solve the problem. Now I don't know how much the size matters.

>> No.11757712

some organs scale but not proportionally, other organs don't scale at all. also there is difference between females and males

>> No.11757726

>during autopsy

They fucking scale, my man. If the organ is suffering, it can go trough hypetrophy/atrophy and determined @autopsy.

I thought we're talking about live, healthy subjects.

>> No.11757874

>"brah your profession is going to be automated in a generation"
Do you have autistic engineering friends who say the same thing?

>> No.11757901

Yes, but many of them will mature once they get their first child. Being a revolutionary isn't that important once you have to look after another human being.
In general men in surgery and the top specialties are going to be right-wing, while men in the bottom specialties like psychiatry are going to be more left-wing. Women who managed to get into medicine are usually the liberal goody two-shoe type(e.g. Meadow Sopranos) and some of them are the Christian conservative type. In Europe, it is really common for doctors to do a pilgrimage of virtue signaling to a poor shithole in Africa where they will work a year so they can tell the people back home how much better they are.

>> No.11757912
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No such autistic friends but I argued with a rad tech once about this. The funny thing is that the rad tech's field will be automated first if this shit happens.

>> No.11757942

I love it when they bring up the fact that AI will be able to diagnose diseases better than humans. This obviously shows their lack of understanding as most cases are diagnosed by just looking at the reason for admittance and most of the work lies in doing tests, examinations, and paperwork.

>> No.11757947

For a dehydrated patient, I wouldn't mind an AI to calculate how much electrolytes/water is needed for repletion. That shit is a chore.

>> No.11757958

How important are extracurricular activities for getting into med school? Teachers always give the "There were two students who applied to do medicine, one with good grades and no extracurriculars and one with worse grades and a bunch of extracurriculars, and they accepted the latter" story but how true is it? The only sport i do is martial arts, and i've done it for about 12 years, and i volunteer at my church often. Is this enough to get by? Or will i be overshadowed by soys who were part of 10 different clubs in school?

>> No.11757959
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LMFAO at amerifats.

>> No.11757965

I'm not an american

>> No.11757969

Where are you from?

I was a member of the go home early club and i made it. Only started studying for reals in med school.

>> No.11757970

Where the fuck else do you need extracurriculars to be accepted into a fucking medschool?

Holy shit, that's some top shelf retarded stuff going on in your country.

>> No.11757973

Alright lads, about to make my own fucking anatomy of the pelvis deck because i don't like other people's decks.

Wish me luck lads.

>> No.11757978
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>> No.11757986


>> No.11757989

Depends what country you're in.

Here in Canada, they're extremely important. Anything you can do to set yourself apart from other candidates is worth considering. It's insanely competitive

>> No.11757990

>open book
>take good, short notes

Doesn't require the discipline anki or any other flashcards stuff needs to work.

>> No.11758013
File: 466 KB, 825x727, This man is not sleeping he is DEAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did that yesterday, now i was going to make cards from the notes i took.

I usually work like this:
> Open book
> Read
> Take good, short notes
> Break
> Make questions so i can quiz myself on later

I use anki mostly as a way to review and quiz myself. To be honest i'm new to this anki stuff, i only used it for class a few times.

Say anon, what anatomy book would you recommend? I'm using Moore but i don't like his pictures, know anything better?

>> No.11758021
File: 48 KB, 500x500, Sinelnikov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used Sinelnikov's Atlas during anatomy in my first two years.

It consists of three volumes. I = Bones, Muscles, Joints

2 - Viscera and vessels

3- Neuroanatomy, endocrine, sense organs.

Really nicely drawn pictures with explanation.

>> No.11758025

Anki is hard to master but really good if you use it correctly. I wish I started using Anki earlier.
>Where the fuck else do you need extracurriculars to be accepted into a fucking med school?
In the Uk, Canada, and Australia. You really need to be good at sucking cock to become a doctor in the anglosphere instead of doing a good job.

>> No.11758030

If you want a book for anatomy memorization, use memorix.

>> No.11758032

I don't need anatomy anymore, dude.

>> No.11758034
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I was looking for something divided like this.
Thank you anon!

Going to make anki from Sinelnikov's and check out >>11758030 memorix

I'm motivated now, thank you for the time lads.

>> No.11758037

I'm from trinidad in the caribbean. I dont actually know if it's important or not, for all i know it could have no impact whatsoever on selection of applicants, but people do seem to push the idea a lot
This is the stance i hear most in my country as well, and that you won't get in on grades alone. They also say social extracurriculars are something they look for especially and carry over when interacting with patients as a doctor. What are some activities you recommend i participate in to stand out more?
My country was british territory at one point, so that would explain why this is the case.

>> No.11758043

The people that say that are so fucking dumb. If we could automate the jobs of surgeons and physicians we would be able to automate almost all other jobs. At that point I imagine our ideas of 'having a job' will have changed.

>> No.11758049

use Anki's Image Occlusion Enhanced for anatomy pictures. This guy also has a good guide for beginners

>> No.11758051

Np, godspeed anon!

I'm the romanianon. Here all you need is your Bac diploma and you're eligible. Do well on the admission exam and you're in. Proceed to survive 6 years, then 4-6 more in residency and you're a doctor.

Just like that, no research, no nothing.

>> No.11758061

They really believe it, I think they just lack experience from the medical field to understand that everything is a bit more complex than let a computer/robot do it. There is a correlation between Elon Musk fanatics, computer engineers, and a belief that everything will be automated within a generation.

>> No.11758064

I can only speak from a Canadian perspective and from my own experience.

>research (especially health research)
>volunteering in a medical capacity somehow like a hospital greeter or w/e
>just volunteering in generally really (coaching sports, tutoring, community outreach stuff, etc)
>playing organized sports even if its intramurals is good and shows your well rounded and not just some nerd

If you're not an athlete, then something organized that shows you have interests/hobbies outside of this singular pursuit to get into medical school is good IMO. Like playing in a band or being involved in theatre or something

Good luck

>> No.11758069

it doesn't mean shit that they are dead, maybe dying of unnatural causes and having non adults can skew results a bit but i didn't find any other studies that found different results.
also height is negatively correlated with lower resting heart beat rate. if heart size was proportionally scaled taller people should have same resting beat rate.
the question is about proportionality. if everything in humans scales with height proportionally then that would mean that there is no limit to how tall a person can be

>> No.11758093

Thanks for the advice

>> No.11758095

>There is no limit to how tall a person can be

What are genes?

Now, everything else aside. They do scale, and here's the logic behind it.

Taller and heavier = more muscle mass, more blood than an average person which leads to = bigger heart to pump it, bigger kidneys to filter it, larger spleen to recycle it, basically, the body needs to grow, because that's how the genes were coded to this particular individual, so it will need more growth hormones.

Now, if the person we're talking about has gigantism or something, then we can talk about lower resting heart rate because of the way the heart is positioned in their body. Taller people's hearts tend to be more vertical, thus lower pressure is applied on the ventricles which leads to a lower heart rate, it will beat more lazily.

>> No.11758136

My dad says that about the medical technician field.

>> No.11758162

Ther might be some truth to that, as the work is routine but you're still going to need people to look after the machines.

>> No.11758168

That's basically what I told him but he keeps going on about cybersecurity, Also Question but where can one go after being a Med Tech?

>> No.11758191

>more muscle mass
wrong and you are missing the entire point which is proportionality.
to explain it simply a person who is 20% taller/heavier than the average person doesn't have a 20% larger liver, heart, kidney, etc. a 20% taller person can live with a 5% larger heart but it wouldn't be optimal. i know old farts that have lived 10 years with heart failure.
my guess is that organs scale unproportionally within a certain height/weight range and anything above and bellow suffers from clear problems due to size

>> No.11758218
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>they do procedures to decrease the mortality rate and increase the quality of life for both the newborn and mother
fucking brave New world man.

>> No.11758285


lrn2data Anon.

>> No.11758290

Also, obviously this can be found with an easy search, but including nonetheless.


And to state the obvious, which you have to do these days when the clear truth is so hard to bear and so easy to look away from, infant mortality is not the only metric of success and health of a population. You could hit them in the head with a hammer and have it not make a dent in infant mortality rate. This is why you rely on multiple lines of evidence not just "the numbers".

>> No.11758295

And just because I have the data handy.

Is there a problem?

As of 2011's data 44% of children in the US have at least 1 of 20 chronic health conditions. 54% if we include obesity.

Pentagon data from 2017 estimates 71% of those 17-24 are physically, cognitively, or psychologically unfit for military service.

Rate of autism continues to rise. 1 in 59 males nationally.
The highest is at 1 in 38 in New Jersey.

Thorpe 2012 - The medicalization of chronic disease and costs.

Selden 2019 - Decomposing changes in the growth of U.S. prescription drug use and expenditures, 1999-2016.


"In 1960, 1.8 percent of children were reported to have a health condition severe enough to interfere with usual daily activities. In 2010, more than 8 percent of children had a health condition that interfered with daily activities—an increase of more than 400 percent in fifty years."
"Publicly insured children have more chronic conditions than children who have private health insurance (24 percent versus 18 percent). Male children have 50 percent higher rates of chronic health conditions, as well as increased prevalence of asthma, autism spectrum disorders, physical disability, behavior or learning problems, and medical complexity, compared to female children."



>> No.11758301 [DELETED] 
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I didn't get in anywhere.

>> No.11758304

>be american


>> No.11758305

No one chooses what they're born as. As far as we know.

>> No.11758307
File: 23 KB, 981x359, asdfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask a Kaplan test monkey anything.

>> No.11758334

honestly i dont find left good looking particularly in one of her pictures that is not displayed here.
ive worked with mentally challenged teens that looked very similar to this.(red cheeks,messy hair,strabismus)
its kinda repulsive beyond believe desu

>> No.11758346

Is general surgery a meme slave tier job? I had plans for it but I’m not even passing USMLE yet and I’ve been prepping for 1.5 years

this shit never ends

>> No.11758350

do family med and IM docs make that much in a year?

>> No.11758352

Extremely based

>> No.11758355

>standing up to injustice is cuck

>> No.11758357
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never change america

>> No.11758365

It was probably staged. In the same way that they've conveniently been clearing people out of jail for the last year, and now they're leaving pallets of bricks on the street corners. Another Soros op, probably. Fits right in with The Protocols, and the globalist purpose behind covid-19.

No, you all don't even fucking know. How bout that?

>> No.11758371

This is true if you are Asian or Indian
white and Jews get in more easily.. extracurricular meme is especially imposed on Indians and chinks

>> No.11758375 [DELETED] 

She probably sent her husband out with friends and invited negroids to breed her and begged for "forgivness" like she actually did something.

Americans are done, lmao.

>niggers looting stores

Go back you schizoid freak.

Cucks are not based, especially a fellow student. Imagine being treated by a snowflake like that, holy shit.

>> No.11758378

>25% uworld done
>25th percentile
>49% answers correct
>50% incorrect
>1% ommitted

Will I make it bro’s? I can’t remember anything I fucking read in first aid and my mind goes blank when I’m answering the questions

Been prepping for a few months now

>> No.11758382

It's inconsistent what data they include year to year, but the Canadian Institute for Health Information says that on average, no. Average family med gross clinical payments in 2017-2018 was 283k, average IM was 404k that same period.

My understanding is that within IM it varies a lot. In 2015-2016, I think the last year they included some IM subspecialties in the report, IM was at 389k. GI was 515k, Cardiology was 578k.

Ophtho has been at the top for a while. 769k in 2017-2018

>> No.11758396

I was borderline on mcat.. got 502 or some shit.. still accepted in Caribbean med school

>> No.11758402


>> No.11758406

>My understanding is that within IM it varies a lot. In 2015-2016, I think the last year they included some IM subspecialties in the report, IM was at 389k. GI was 515k, Cardiology was 578k.

Yep that was my understanding as well, I did my undergrad at UoT and the doctor I volunteered for told me to go for surgery or gastro if I could because senpai med is shit tier and Id never really enjoy it after the initial few years of excitement.

afaik cardio, gastro, neuro get paid the highest

>> No.11758408

>Go back you schizoid freak.
back to pol Pablo, you are the schizoid one here btw looting<killing innocent people by standing on their necks

>> No.11758415

Take your meds schizio poltard

>> No.11758418

>Ophtho has been at the top for a while. 769k in 2017-2018

Damn son that’s awesome

>> No.11758419

>Go back you schizoid freak.
More will die from riots than will be killed by cops

>> No.11758424

I didn't start any /pol/ shit, just stated the obvious. He very likely did NOT die from that knee on the neck and you know it. Stop virtue signaling.

Based. Less niggers, less problems.

Now, dear /med/, can we go back at talking actual medicine and not US related politics?

>> No.11758428

amen save the thread

>> No.11758429

The cop's license plate says "POLICE", apparently there's 666 on one of the garbage cans, and apparently (haven't looked into it yet) there's indication Floyd and the cop knew each other.

>> No.11758432

That’s a good thing

>> No.11758444

Yep you are a paranoid schizophrenic

>> No.11758446


>> No.11758448

>compression of carotid arteries for a prolonged period (4-5 minutes) of time doesn’t cause brain death

>individual doesn’t become unconscious within seconds of carotid compression

I hope for your sake you aren’t a med student, because you are gonna fail the step if you don’t know these basic concepts

>> No.11758453

1. Compression of one carotid artery

2. Individual shouldn't be unconscious in second with one compressed artery like Floyd was.

I hope for your sake, you're not a nigger, because you're not going to survive the next months.

>> No.11758456

Btw, Floyd wasn't in and out of consciousness, he was counscious the whole time, begging for air and shit. Probably died of heat stroke or some shit.

>> No.11758462

Congrats. I definitely think the test has gotten better/harder since they changed the scoring system.

>> No.11758469

Serious question. Does it matter what medschool do you go to? Caribbean, US, Eastern/Western EU? Isn't the "finished product" of that university that actually matters? Like, you can go to a school that is regarded as mediocre, but you're actually a good physician.

>> No.11758475

I gave it in late 2016 iirc, was perhaps the worse performance of my life. Couldn’t understand shit about the questions

I’m shit at online test taking

>> No.11758478

>standing on someone’s carotid
>heat stroke
this is your schizio brain on /pol/ kek
you whitoids would be whining about jews and reptilians if this happened to some white faggot ass s-o-y boy

>> No.11758489

American and Canadian system has a lot of bullshit internal rules to weed out Caribbean and non North American students.

As far as academic training and such goes, the Caribbean cirriculum is pretty much taken from US med schools and we use the same books and same system of teaching. Carribean schools vary by a huge margin on quality of education and such

But my american med school friends and I have fairly similar amount of knowledge.. expect in anatomy, they spend a lot more time on anatomy and pharm apparently in american med school

In the end if you can get decent scores in USMLE step 1 (230+) you should be able to find a spot in the residency system in US/Canada. You won’t be a hot shot neurosurgeon but you’ll be a doctor and earn good enough to live a upper middle class life

>> No.11758490

Yes. I know several people going to those offshore med schools and typically you are lower priority for residency selection. However, that won't stop you from having a good career in medicine. You'll just have a rockier start. No big deal though, you've come this far so you can definitely do it.

I think the new test is actually easier to interpret. I think the last time I took the old mcat was in 2014 and that test really hammers home esoteric factoids and a precision of reading. The new one is more open to interpretation and the right answer is more easily inferenced. For reference, I was scoring in the high 30s to low 40s on the old test.

>> No.11758491

This is true. It's always the dark skinned ones are genetically inferior, and deserve to be dominated, enslaved, and exterminated like animals. Yet when they finally realize the Jews and upper echelon of the Chinese (likely descendants of Jews, the lighter skinned Asians have always been in power and smarter than the others) have subjugated them, they whine that 9it isn't fair. Surely they are the master race, surely this is a violation of natural law and the proper order! Surely their genetic organizational strategies and their ways are superior, if only they hadn't been hijacked and thwarted by those Jews!

Hypocrisy and pseudo-tribalism at its finest. I'm "white" I suppose, but not really Germanic. There are multiple kinds of whites.

>> No.11758500

Thanks for the input guys. I plan to stay where I am (not US), was just wondering about Caribbean and why it's looked down upon so much but it doesn't look as bad as other people say it is, just harder to get a residency spot, but once you're set, you're in a good place.

>> No.11758501

Ask me everything /sci/ i have 125 of IQ, im a doctor with 22 years old

>> No.11758507 [DELETED] 

are whites smarter than porch monkeys

>> No.11758510

Indeed but that didn't mean that all niggers are absolute horse shit tier

>> No.11758513

No, not necessarily. Just go in Wal-Mart sometime.

>> No.11758518

yeah, and then go outside and see what color are most of the homeless people.

>> No.11758523

Eh, I don't live in a city. What color? If it's black, that's not really surprising. They've been absorbed and forced into a cultural and organizational framework which doesn't suit them genetically. This is why racial homogeneity, if it can be stabilized relative to its neighbors, tends to achieve better results. Multi-culturalism is a neat bunch of trinkets and curiosities, but it's not the ideal, and it can only weaken a region over time. It cannot scale.

>> No.11758654

What are the physiological changes that occur in pregnant women?

>> No.11758673

Yeah, i used this.

Pretty good!

>> No.11758711

Good question,anon. Now he has to write a whole thesis.

>> No.11758722
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I'm looking foward to it.

>> No.11758726
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Me too.

>> No.11758770

Med school selection process is retarded as it is and very very competitive. If you don’t get into any US school, you should try going to Caribbean and trying from there.

They are looked down upon because typically students go there when they’ve been rejected from practically every med school in the US or Canada

Plus once you do your med training outside of US, residency programs won’t see you as a priority

>> No.11758775

yo poltard spammer, go post your schizophrenic rants on pol, fucking faggot

>> No.11758787

Why are you giving mcat again, friend? You said you gave it in 2014 before?

did you take a break from all the schooling?

>> No.11758805


>> No.11758816

kek looks like even poltards chased your schizophrenic ass out of their board, you should go to /x/

>> No.11758821

I do this to make money on the weekends by tutoring for MCAT. I'm currently and engineering phd student and didn't have an interest in actually getting an MD.

>> No.11758828


>> No.11758837
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2014 score for reference.

>> No.11759040
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>> No.11759089

it's premed tards paying me 200/hr to tell them to study harder not my fault there's a market for this.

>> No.11759099

200/hr fuck me chinks are desperate

>> No.11759146

they know how to make money unlike mutts

>> No.11760005

>have clenched throat
>have to drink constantly
Throat stuff started month ago after heavy drinking during which I vomited heavily. Any medfag?

>> No.11760009

Couldn've torn your esophagus while vomiting like in Boerhaave syndrome :)

>> No.11760024

Well, if thats the case i might be lucky to still live. I also have nausea and slight reflux since yesterday

>> No.11760052

git endoscopy senpai

>> No.11760065

Well fuck. At least i dont have fevers yet. Wish me luck.

>> No.11760140
File: 509 KB, 1920x802, B2F99A3A-9641-4F6A-B48B-72F8581A2A2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any foods against stomach ulcers?

>> No.11760197

congrats, good job, stability, can work a few days a week for 12 hrs and get 100 k eventually, pretty comfy.

Why? you been burned?

Anki, Reading around diseases every day (just pick one and try to get to know it in and out). I didn't study at all and it bit me in the ass - don't feel guilty studying but don't let it ruin your life.

>> No.11760235

Charcoal pills

>> No.11760281

Got a snicker out of me

>> No.11760474

I prefer Mars

>> No.11760493
File: 292 KB, 728x684, 26 - MkdfHfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avoid spicy food and dairy as much as possible. That's it mostly. Take omeprazole or any other proton pump inhibitor that your family physician or GI might prescribed along with domperidone (if you get nauseous) if possible because it doesn't have the extrapiramidal effects of metoclopramide.

If you're in doubt about the ulcer and just assume you have it, fuck you.

>> No.11760574

That wouldn't need AI anon, could just program the formula into an app.

>> No.11760603

Apps are temporary. Cell phones are lethal.

>> No.11760605

What specialty should I choose other than surgery if I want to be at work as long as possible? I don't want to have free time to think about how shitty my life is. Critical care while moonlighting as internal med seems promising.

>> No.11760608
File: 8 KB, 236x236, 0012132fa606abf6a4772551598c6943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That works too, I guess.

>to work as long as possible

Usually gen surg/ortho are in and out the OR, but you'll probably get burned out, faint, sent home for some days and you still have to think about your miserable life.

>> No.11760783

Did I fuck up? I have to get a blood analysis to check my cholesterol and thyroid. The asked me to do a 12 hours fasting but yesterday I was feeling pretty depressed and I didn't ate for most of the day, so instead of a 12-hour fasting I will be doing a 20/21 hour fasting, fasting for this long will fucked up my results?

>> No.11760788

Is the burnout really that bad? I've worked 90-110 hour weeks before and done fine, but maybe medicine will be different.

>> No.11760833

Yeah it'll show falsely lower results.

>> No.11760841

Fuck. For both? Or just my thyroid?

>> No.11760850

Or just the cholesterol test* sorry I'm sleepy

>> No.11760906

Yes, however it is more important for the cholesterol. That it is done after a 12 hour fast.

>> No.11760941

I just call the lab and they told me that I could go anyways, is this correct? I'm more concerned about my thyroid.

>> No.11760946

How fat are you, anon?

>> No.11761119

Why I cant use beta blockers for someone with asthma?

>> No.11761120

I think you can imagine how hard it will be in the OR taking responsibility for the patient's life. With more experience, you'll probably be more confident but I doubt any young surgeon isn't stressed out in the OR unless you're some kind of prodigy.

>> No.11761123

Avoids Spicy
Avoids Alchohol
Avoids Caffeine
Avoids Carbonate
Avoids anything with too much proteins

>> No.11761130

avoid sugar and salt too
Avoids white rice as well
Avoids smoked and bbq food that contains nitrites, can cause ulcer to

>> No.11761132

Think about what medication they use to treat asthmatics, genius

>> No.11761137

Brainlet tier question.

B-Blockers vs B2-agonist

>> No.11761173

Who the fuck is the ESL namefag?

>> No.11761186 [DELETED] 
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Ejection systolic murmur anon? I don't know.

>> No.11761188
File: 14 KB, 236x236, ddd848c3f711cdcb0073afe9aa92de80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably new here.

>> No.11761189

probably from pol

lots of low iq poltards shitting up the board

>> No.11761191

>Tfw feels good to be /med/ master race where other get unemployed after economical recession

>> No.11761199
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>> No.11761222

Yeah, I've only been lurking /med/ threads for a year so the only prominent people I know are the Finnish dude who drew the frogs, Romania, and clamper.

>> No.11761255

Why would you want to know that? I'm 157cms 60/62kgs. I'm fat but not american-fat.

>> No.11761264

He probably want to know your nutritional status anon. Thyroids disease are often diagnosed with sudden increase or decrease of your weight

>> No.11761302

I know why she wants to know my thyroid status. I'm the anon of the last thread who is having skin problems.
The girl in the lab told me that the studies won't be affected so I did the blood test anyway.

>> No.11761310

>157 cm
are you cute smol girl anon?

>> No.11761311

>tfw high iq but suicidal so stuck in academics

fuck me

>> No.11761580

So what do you think /med/

>> No.11761602
File: 12 KB, 235x235, e2ccb7511defcb7c248aac383e970405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected. Death due to carotid compression as other anon strongly felt? Bullshit

>Drugs in blood

The police officer is innocent.

>> No.11761625

On my local tv main news was that he died from heart attack and he tested positive for corona.

>> No.11761636

Consider this.

1. He had methamphetamines found in blood
2. He had a neuroendocrine tumour - that extraadrenal paraganglioma which could pump adrenaline in his body
3. Due to effects of adrenaline, drugs and his heart condition, it was kind of logical that it would end up with a heart attack.

>> No.11761780

>Police officer is innocent

That's up to the /law/ to decide.

>> No.11761849
File: 570 KB, 729x648, 1591281644722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm, don't you know that autopsies are pseudoscientific and racist?

>> No.11761866

What are some good books on pharm?

>> No.11761874

Lippincott's? Never used it, just seen it recommended a lot.

I used whatever my school gave me and during clinicals I used Tarascon's Pharmacopaeia

>> No.11761941
File: 36 KB, 687x649, 1546386788_salvulcano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shortage of doctors and medical staff
>very long wait times for surgery
>many counts of people dying because of waiting
>literally import doctors
>still need to have a perfect grades average (equivalent of only getting A+ without a single A or less) to get into med school
why do they do this? i can't get into med only because i had the equivalent of a b in fucking social studies and 3rd language in high school

>> No.11762014

>it’s a recurrent nightmare of being a surgeon episode

>> No.11762024

welcome back georgian anon here i still wanna have hot steamy make out session with you ;)

>> No.11762027

Good to hear from you georgiabro.

How's school going?

>> No.11762033
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>> No.11762039

don’t go you’re better than premeds at least

>> No.11762043

It's retarded, but once you make it you don't want anyone else to get in.



>> No.11762046

lmao, surgeries are high iq friend, a surgeon is also an internist but an internist is not a surgeon

>> No.11762047



>> No.11762050

cornea does not have blood vessels

>> No.11762055

>a surgeon is also an internist

The only surgeon I saw doing internist work were the cardiothoracic surgeons. The rest of them didn't give a shit about EKGs and shit like that, they were admitting the patients according to the notes provided by IM ward.

>> No.11762071

become a man and develop a thing called willpower. are not you tired of being pathetic?

>> No.11762079

but the nigga in screencap said he had a kid

>> No.11762085

it's impossible. you can't redo tests here to replace old grades with better grades. the grades you get are just added with the old ones.
I'm thinking of CS or bio engineer maybe

>> No.11762091

Why not Caribbean?

Pretty comfy if you want something that's not competitive.

>> No.11762121

you forgot to mention instagram post of floyd’s twin brother which shows photo of freemason symbols and insignia belonging to their grandfather as he mentions in the post, where he also says he will be continuing his work.
most importantly you did not mention the fact that hillary had to have a court hearing yesterday about the emails. quite a good distractions these blm protests came out to be.

>> No.11762154

Im mcfucking burned out and goin crazy, im finishing med school and last of the online classes are annoying, and thoughts of future are fearing too, nervous about residency since i finally decided ill be going general surgery route i don’t know if my country can give me the adequate education and i can’t go abroad rn so these thoughts are claiming my brain but nothing a good food and wine with you won’t fix.

>> No.11762157

>nce you make it you don't want anyone else to get in.

>> No.11762196

Oh shit, so you changed your mind, IIRC you wanted to go ob/gyn route.

Gen surg is a fine choice nonetheless, plenty of stuff to learn, will probably get easier to operate since most of the procedures are laparoscopic nowadays. The stress must be high, I'm a year below you and already feel the stress of the residency exam incoming, but after that obstacle, I can finally practice!

Stay strong, my man. Hope you do good and end up an even better surgeon!

>> No.11762202

We know the system is broken

>> No.11762266

no i actually never wanted ob/gyn, it was something between IM, Onco, ID or Surg. what are you up to?

>> No.11762293

My bad, I really thought you wanted to do ob/gyn.

For me, the exam session was delayed by a bit and my first exam is GI on 11, but I'm pretty confident the whole session will be a cake walk. Still got my eyes on FM, but I strongly consider pediatrics too. Can't wait to finish uni and to finally start making good money.

>> No.11762315

is HCQ actually good for 2ry prevention of sars cov-2 infection?
it was used mainly for hospitalized patients at first, ICU ones included, but now they are thinking about the other population with mild symptoms and early history of disease
what do you think anons? sorry for changing subject i am just curious

>> No.11762352

I'm sure I forgot a lot more than that. You can't spend all your time keeping up with the details of their theater. It's not like pointing this stuff out convinces anyone to mobilize against the overarching course anyway,

>> No.11762471

go to pediatrics so you can look after our kids better

>> No.11762483

truth said in right place right time can change minds of people and so on and so on which will eventually lead to some kind of action influenced by the said truth from the first person whoever said it. we may not feel it but it is really easy to change the world sometimes.

>> No.11762507
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Uh, anon I...

>> No.11762510
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olanzapine + valium + caffeine

and now my receptors are fucked and I cant get high

can a neurologist advise me on what to do? what has happened?

does anyone know much about adenosine blockade or dopamine / euphoria? ht-7?

anything would be appreciated at this point

>muscarinic receptors

>> No.11762561
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Exposure to anime should be an immediate disqualifier for pediatricians.

>> No.11762568
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But why? I'm not a lolicon.

>> No.11762570

Hey I'm a pediatrician and I've been browsing /a/ since 2006.

>> No.11762592
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The seeds have been broadcast. Like a history of sexual abuse, it can't be known what has taken root, and thus it should be a part of a filtration criteria.

It's a difficult call, honestly. The exact inverse, greater empathy and higher ideals (which correlate with a draw towards animation), could also make a better pediatrician.

>> No.11762600


>> No.11762633

I thought you said you were leaving

>> No.11762635

Watching anime and browsing 4chan doesn't inherently make you a better or worse pediatrician.

Frankly people know if they want to see kids rather than adults mighty quick. If they can stand the sound of 10 babies in the nursery simultaneously crying and pooping then pediatrics is probably their calling.

I chose pediatrics because most of the time kids get better on their own and they don't have the baggage of chronic medical conditions. Easy peasy medication reconciliations haha.

>> No.11762639

>and they don't have the baggage of chronic medical conditions
Do you see this changing though?


>> No.11762645

I said it was the end of clamp posting. I haven't left outright quite yet.

>> No.11762649
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No I don't.
If you look at the actual article there's a table with the chronic conditions:

As you can see it's way different than managing chronic diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney failure, liver failure, hepatitis.

>> No.11762670
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IS there any drug that can induce neuron synthesis, like steroids induce muscle sythesis?
Or a neuroprotective drug? (other than estrogren)
Or any drug to improve memory, cognitive ability in the long term?

>> No.11762679


>> No.11762684

Ok that's definitely a start.
But how effective is it? From what I have gathered with a quick google search, it only seems to be good for preventing dementia.

>> No.11762701

What? Are you not aware of the hundreds of cell therapy and antibody therapy companies popping up on a yearly basis? It's huge. Maybe it's an underdog strictly in medicine, but in science in general, it's pretty big.

>> No.11762704

How long should i be studying and I mean absorbing facts/concepts not daydreaming or aimlessly reading a text book. My friends say they do 8 hours plus a day but this is tough and after an 8 hour day. I feel satisfied then have a few poor days 4 hours maybe. Im a first year go easy on my fresh ass.

>> No.11762726

Is high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, etc anything to be "managed"? These seem to be "cure" scenarios. Blood pressure is regulated by the body itself, so it's just a matter of fixing the dysfunctional regulation. Type 2 diabetes is dietary, exercise, occasionally mediated by environmental toxicity.

People who aren't going to change their lifestyle should just be abandoned. There should be a refusal to treat.

>> No.11762735
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>> No.11762745

Hahaha I can tell you are not a doctor.

Most of what we do is customer service. That kind of attitude won't get you paid.

>> No.11762766

Nope. 100% serious. There is no reason to believe in "high blood pressure" when it's repeatedly redefined every few years and only correlates with disease. Same with high cholesterol. The medications themselves, like statins, beta blockers, ACE2 inhibitors, cause more diseases than the disease itself.

The brain is literally made of fucking cholesterol. All of your stress hormones are made of cholesterol. The blood vessels are supposed to be coated with cholesterol. If there is truly a "Wrong ratio" or "wrong type" of cholesterol, that's the actual pathology to be corrected, not the absolute levels.

Of course I'm not. I wanted to be a doctor when I was a child, but actually experiencing the medical system, and seeing it eg in the way you just described, turned me off of it permanently. It's a business not unlike a church, or even more unfortunately ins ome cases, a crooked mechanic. Though I'm not sure the physician is really aware of what he's doing.

The ancient Chinese system may be a better replacement. Every "patient" pays a small amount at a set interval, and they stop paying when they get sick. Payment only resumes when they're well again. If they're getting sick repeatedly or not getting well, obviously, they find another doctor.

>> No.11762778

There is no reason to believe in "high blood sugar" when it's repeatedly redefined every few years and only correlates with disease. Same with high cholesterol. The medications themselves, like sulfonylureas, biguanides, cause more diseases than the disease itself.

The body literally runs off fucking glucose. All of your cells need glucose. There needs to be glucose in the bloodstream.

>> No.11762779

>All of your stress hormones are made of cholesterol.
And to clarify, the significance of this is if the body is self regulating, which given that it assembled itself from scratch and has kept you alive automatically your entire life with minimal intelligent input, it clearly is to a great degree, then one can expect an elevation of circulating cholesterol either has to do with a chronic stress response or in some cases more specifically oxidative and nitrosative stress.

>> No.11762786


The analogy you're drawing is not 1:1. The dietary role of different lipids is more complex, though a lot of the complexity may not be all that relevant either. eg intake of saturated fats upregulate lipolysis and are in general thermogenic. They bias the body towards fat burning, and therefore, can be a net fat reduction.

>> No.11762790

>chugging pure lard will make you less fat

>> No.11762797

Incorporating lard into a meal with protein and a reasonable amount of carbohydrates (though some say they shouldn't be mixed) will net reduce weight compared to the same type of diet minus the fat.

>> No.11762801

>intaking calories is going to make you lose weight

>> No.11762803

Dunning Kruger effect in action here.

Doctors are not miracle workers. A lot of medical conditions do come down to how someone takes care of him/herself. That said, we treat with medications to prevent complications.

High blood pressure is a condition that can predispose a person to fatal health conditions like coronary artery disease, stroke, heart failure. When doctors treat, they reduce the risk of such conditions appearing. Same with diabetes.

>> No.11762809


>When doctors treat, they reduce the risk of such conditions appearing
But do they really? Or do they just shift the problem to another area.

>> No.11762818


>> No.11762822
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>Anything that doesn't fit what I expect to hear is just trying to bait me

>> No.11762830

All medications have side effects.
Doctors weigh the risks and benefits every time they prescribe.
Clonidine for your Grandma's high blood pressure has a lot of benefits and a lot less risks.
Side effects include bradycardia, hypotension, and CNS depression. The doctor titrates the right dose to minimize the side effects.
Similar story with Metformin and type 2 Diabetes.

>> No.11762841

What "other areas" are you speaking of?

>> No.11762852

>Saturated fats don't actually provide 9kcal/g, it causes a negative net
>Brown adipose in adults is distributed the same as in infants yeet

>> No.11762865

Too bad you can't just fix the problem, huh? I guess stuff just wears out... You know you get to that age where you're on 10 medications, then they put you in the home, and then they take you to the room with all the screens.

The degenerative effects of statins are well known, as is their ironic relationship with stroke. Similar can be said for the side effects of all the others.

Basically, the gist of the idea is, the body is doing what it's doing in response to something. You may get it to stop doing that by blocking the line of communication required, or otherwise masking the high level symptom, but it won't put out the underlying fire. It just reduces the smoke.

So there are two aspects:
-Effects of the added drug
-Continued progression of the underlying pathophysiology which has not been stopped, but masked.

Food is not like putting gas in a tank. Metabolism is not an engine that just runs the same all the time.

The problem with medicine is t hasn't had any real incentive to catch up to the notion of nonlinear systems.

>> No.11762883

Your doctor can't fix your Grandma's 50 year diet of McDonald's and habit of 12 hours of TV watching a day.

At least not in the 15 minute appointment times.

>> No.11762892

Someone make a new fucking thread. I'm all out of images for the OP.

>> No.11762946

New breaaaad

>> No.11763799

Not if you go to mac my dude

>> No.11763823

Cuz not everyone has 400k lying around

>> No.11763876

keep doing it and say you're latino on applications