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11752678 No.11752678 [Reply] [Original]

How could we convince flat-earthers they're wrong? We can't just ignore science deniers, it infects our youth and is destructive to our progress.

>> No.11752693

Do you even know what differential equations are little zoom zoom?

>> No.11752698
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>How could we convince flat-earthers they're wrong?
Unless they're flatties due to ignorance, you can't. Most have a personal connection with the flat earth movement and thus any attempt to debunk the flat earth "theory" will be perceived as a personal attack by them.

>We can't just ignore science deniers, it infects our youth and is destructive to our progress.
Flatties are a minority. They just happen to be very noticeable on the internet. Ignoring them is the best course of action. They spread from making their facts seem true through force of authority, more attention means more authority to them.

>> No.11752701

Yes, how does that relate to my question?

>> No.11752703

I purposely encourage all brainlet psuedoscience. It’s great job security.

>> No.11752704

You're so dumb that you think you can change people's views.

>> No.11752710

Happens all the time actually.

>> No.11752722

Post evidence.

>> No.11752729

you honestly can’t, you have to go to people who aren’t flat earthers but are young, uneducated, etc, and teach them about actual scientific method. Flat earthers do bastardized experiments all the time which can even sound convincing compared to weird shit like the cavendish experiment. But if we put effort into actually getting people to see and carry out such experiments they wouldn’t be so credulous of science and trusting of snake oil

>> No.11752744

IMO there are very few legitimate (as in genuinely convinced it's reality and not just mentally ill or faking it) flat earthers. I'm convinced it's largely a psyop to A) serve as a great distraction for both smart and stupid people alike, and B) make an easy way to discredit anything else by association. As such, it's not really worth actively trying to educate them specifically.

>> No.11752773

we should be a lot more worried about anti vaxxers and general snake oil in medicine, frankly

>> No.11752780
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>> No.11752782

Flat-earthers don't exist. If someone claims he is a flat-earther he either lies or a troll

>> No.11752783

People convert to a different religion, switch political parties, and like foods they didn't used to like. Just because you aren't capable of change doesn't mean no one is.

>> No.11752792

I have met flat earthers in real life just casually, Ive worked with people who were on the fence. Hell I knew a perfectly normal guy who one day told me that the slave trade was a myth, a lie made up to enslave the minds of black americans, who were actually indigenous to North America, and had always been there. He had pages and hours of evidence for it and showed me his youtube channel.

>> No.11752793

this is the whole problem
being against vaccination has nothing to do with flat earth but you fell for the bait

just lol at wanting to live in a world where the government can inject whatever they want into you

>> No.11752806
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There are ways to use psychology to convert people if you really want to. I'm not going to post them because do you own homework, lol. Also there are a million people with any one given opinion, even if it is exceptionally retarded. Use the magic of the internet and filter them out.

>> No.11752807

Kill them

>> No.11752808
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Also pic realted

>> No.11752811

Look mate, I’ve actually done the research and there are some good points made by anti vaccine people but they’re fringe and really have nothing to do with the core beliefs or origins of them, which are built on total fucking bullshit.
But stick jade up your vagina to realign your energies bro

>> No.11752819

>da gobernmend

>> No.11752823

Going against someone with those entrenched beliefs is like trying to extract a nail by hitting it with a hammer. You have to be devious. Just remember rationality isn't for everyone, and some people legit believe the light fittings are watching them shower, so there's that

>> No.11752849

Science denial isn't an issue of logic, it's an issue of emotional illness. They are delusional and can't be reasoned with.

>> No.11752853

I followed that exact model from liberal to conservative BUT I actually did get a bunch of medical bills and it still didnt convert me back to liberalism.

>> No.11752857

Not ONCE in my 36 years of being vaccinated has a GOVERNMENT agent or office injected me with anything. Normally I'd say take your meds, but you're not schizo just retarded.

>> No.11752965

close down /pol/ this bullshit will end for good. Most of these schizio retards come from there

>> No.11752979
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>> No.11753008

Who even cares? If someone wants to not believe it, let them. Is being superior to tin-foiled retards really such a turn on. Why don't we roast people for being into popsci instead? Popsci adherents are ubiquitous.

>> No.11753047

Invest in telescopes for youth. I guarantee no flat earther exists when you've seen the rings of Saturn and the moons of Jupiter for yourself as a child.

>> No.11753097

It encourages young people to distrust science dummy.

>> No.11753131

Trying to convince them is the problem. Convictions breed stupidity. I'm sorry but the only way anything gets better is if someone cares a whole awful lot. You need to become the science friend in their life that invites them to do science projects—not because they're interested, but because they have to learn.

>> No.11753143

The Earth is flat you retards. It's just that if you go far enough in one direction you teleport to the other side.

>> No.11753149

Finally, someone that knows the truth! I agree 100 %

>> No.11753276

What teleports you? Are flat earthers normally religious?

>> No.11753286

>They just happen to be very noticeable on the internet
Are they though? I spend unhealthy amounts of time on the internet and all I've ever seen is people talk about flat earthers but I've never seen one.

>> No.11753353

Are we sure about Japan tho?

>> No.11753398

I've had too much free time and what I have found looking into flat earth stuff is that for every single proof of Earth not being flat somebody has thought of a counter argument why it's wrong. For me some of the arguments for flat Earth make sense but the overwhelming amount of stupidity should be a warning sign for any sane person. People in those communities like to bring a reasonable person down to their level and "destroy" them with their experience because they have been on that stuff for years. They are delusional, most of them are narrow and simple minded and from what I've seen- lonely people. Flat earth communities are a place to hang out and find like minded people for them. A lot of them seem to be mentally ill aswell. Most of their arguments boil down to "I see the Earth is flat therefore it is flat and nobody else can be trusted to bring any other evidence." No reason to try and argue with a flat earther because that is what thrives them.

>> No.11753651
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>How could we convince flat-earthers they're wrong?

You can with this video:

>Reality Crash Course for Absolute Idiots

Mirror: https://femto.pw/cayz.mp4

Mirror 2: https://share.dmca.gripe/HE7BdxlFGC9Em1GU.mp4

>> No.11753670

Timezones aren't real thought, they're a human construct. There's no such thing as a Timezone in nature / physical reality.

>> No.11754575

remainder only zoomers say "zoom zoom"

>> No.11754665
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>> No.11754842

Thats not a peer-reviewed youtube video with horrible voice work tho

>> No.11754883

But time zones wouldn't need to be made by humans if the Earth were flat as it would be day or night for all parts of the world simultaneously.

>> No.11754909

We live in the post-scientific narration-era.

Just like you believe in the manufactured climate change narrative they believe in the manufactured flat earth narrative.

>> No.11754933

To broaden this topic:

It's a lot easier to create an attractive Narrative than an attractive truth.

In a narrative you can inject certainty, you can inject ideology, you can inject a nanny that holds your hand and protects you from the unforgiving nature of reality.

>We face the threat of [Scary headlines], we know everything about it because [Central authoritarian expert figures], we just need to band together and do [unreaonably expensive virtue signaling not realistically attainable at the scale suggested] and only then will peace settle on the earth and utopia will be reached.

It is a religious narrative, and it have a religious following.

>> No.11754954

>let me just create an even more ridiculous strawman

your posts don't even make sense. plenty of countries have mandatory vaccinations and this will only grow with coronavirus hysteria and lead to mandatory bloodtests, medication etc

>> No.11754973

You will never convert flat-earthers because their belief system is based in moving goalposts. The biggest names in flat earth bought a $20,000 laser gyroscope to prove that the Earth was not a spinning ball. No matter what they did the gyroscope told them that the Earth had a 15 degree per hour drift. You would think that would convince them but they chalked it up to be interference from heavenly energies/electromagnetic interference.

>> No.11755088
