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11752638 No.11752638 [Reply] [Original]

Does the commercialization of the space flight industry change and possibly lower the barrier to entry for working at a space center?

>> No.11752642

You can work at a space center with no experience right now, just come to Huntsville, AL. They're always hiring.

>> No.11752646
File: 56 KB, 1300x864, rocket launch arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space flight industry
What's the point of having a "space flight industry" when rockets don't even work in space?

When you use logic, reason and actual real science, you realize rockets only work (definition: propel themselves forward) inside an atmosphere. This means they don't work in space.

Oh, you're a believer and think rockets really do work in space? Well, sorry for shattering your fantasy world, but it needs to be done.

They can't work in a real vacuum. Any claims of the contrary is a fraud and a lie.

>inb4 you parrot "newtons 3rd law!" like an NPC without any thought involved

That law /isn't/ in dispute here. Appealing to it to "prove" rockets "work in space" shows you don't grasp the fundamental problem here. The 3rd law is 100% correct. When asteroids floating in the vacuum of space crashes into each other, the 3rd law applies. Likewise, the law applies to objects interacting on the ground on Earth, underwater, and in the sky. The 3rd law is 100% real, but it doesn't "do" anything for a rocket when its engine is fired in a perfect vacuum.

You see, the atmosphere gets thinner at higher elevation until it disappears completely (out in space). That's the issue here! And you can't get around that issue. Parroting "newtons's 3rd law!" or throwing math equations around, doesn't magically make the issue go away. That's just you avoiding to deal with reality. Man up and stop avoiding reality.

If you're currently under the "rockets work in space! xd!" spell they cast on you through the entertainment industry and educational system (the indoctrination system), and you want to break free from that spell and shatter the illusion - then see these two educational videos (they play inside your browser):

1st vid: https://files.catbox.moe/dl9ldw.webm
2nd (also important): https://files.catbox.moe/so2rrt.mp4

Once you know that stuff, then you know beyond any doubt rocket technology will never be viable outside of Earth.

>> No.11752653
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No atmospheric pressure, zero atmospheric density = no thrust. It truly is that simple.

If you don't understand already, then the following videos, in addition to the ones already posted (here >>11752646), may help you understand:




>regarding pic related

For those of you with short attention spans who have difficulty following scientific presentations in video format, here's an illustration which can assist you in understanding that rockets indeed do not work in space. You're welcome.

>> No.11752679

If I shoulder a rifle while floating in space and pull the trigger, what happens?

>> No.11752705

It pushes against the rocket you nigger

>> No.11752712

Space isn’t a perfect vacuum. It’s just assumed to be in the calculations.

>> No.11752713

It makes it worse.

Trying to make lots of money from Minerals. Defacing our lovely solar system their fat ass wallets. Fuck them, don't let that happen.

So more greedy humans can consume pointless junk whilst never fixing core issues.

Oh and so people like Elon Musk-y balls can get rich whilst pulling the wool over people's eyes like red diters with Sci-fi trope talk.

>> No.11752730

>it makes it worse

NASA is severely underfunded.

This is a unique situation in which being a multi billionaire is a good thing.

>> No.11752755

Yeah don't let him get too much rein though because that is not a good thing either.

>> No.11752757

>Defacing barren procgen rocks
The saddest thing is that if we ever get to do this at all, there will be faggots like this guy

>> No.11752762

Jim Bridenstein said in his speech that Obama cut the staff at Cape Canaveral from 15,000 to 7500.

SpaceX has pumped that back up. The barrier of entry is still very high but there are more opportunities again. Probably soon to be ALOT more.

>> No.11752769

defacing the solar system?

How? Do you have any comprehension of how vast the solar system is? If you carved up the spherical volume of the solar system out to the orbit of Neptune you could give every person on earth a living space about 40 times larger than the SUN!

>> No.11752829

space centers still need jannies

>> No.11752939

Another fucking retard that does not understand the scale of the solar system.
Retards like you should be enslaved and used to clean sewers and suck our cocks.

>> No.11752954

So what are these "core issues" you speak of?

>> No.11754780
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>> No.11754815

>working at a space center
Space industry is piss-simple to get into. There's a shitton of relevant PhD positions available, I've heard from some colleagues that they had ZERO applicants for some of the projects two years ago. Just get a relevant undergrad, apply for those posts, be good at it and network properly. Ain't hard.

>> No.11754835

Would you morons please get real?

Space has always been commercial and simultaneously has never been commerical.
1. Nasa builds nothing. Everything is contracted with private companies.
2. No space related endeavor is profitable on its own. The Government pays for everything and has never been paid back for its investments.

The very question of privatization is a ruse by exploiters like Musk who don't want you to see how much of your tax money goes to him, while not wanting to have to pay it back.