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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11750275 No.11750275 [Reply] [Original]

Sort school subjects by their importance.

How important is History?
How important is Math?

1. Your native language
2. Other language
3. Other language
4. Math
5. Computer science
6. History
7. Ethics
8. Sports
9. Biology
10. Chemistry
11. Physics
12. Music
13. Art
14. Some weird class

>> No.11750287

1. Reading
2. Writing
3. Elementary arithmetic (at the level of Serre).
4. PE
Everything else is useless and should be abolished. School is an outdated institution.

>> No.11750309
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based af tbqh.

(Although I think History is important. Even if it tends to make one unhappy.)

>> No.11750331

1. Native language speaking/writing
2. Math
3. Philosophy
4. History
5. Literature
6. Physical Education
7. Economics
8. Second Language
9. Homesteading
10. Physics
11. Chemistry
12. Biology
There are 12 grades, and these 12 subjects every functional adult should know at least at a mid-tier. Schools should get it done.

>> No.11750370

Overall good but I would put economics/finance higher, and maybe bio (the aspects that people will actually use like health and some animal behavior, also a basic knowledge of ecology)

>> No.11750383

higher than what in his list?

>> No.11750389

1. Drama
2. Storytelling
3. Classifying 1&2 into a language.
4. Pure math.
5. Classifying 4 into a language.
6. Resolving 3&5
∞. History

>> No.11750392

Lower literature and philosophy below econ, and that would make econ and PE at good spots. I just realized that most of what I wanted from biology is in PE so that's fine.

>> No.11750401


>Philosophy below economics

Autistic midwit detected

>> No.11750406


>> No.11750417

>all these posts putting biology near bottom

I shouldn't even be surprised given the quality of post in any thread referring to genetics.

>> No.11750433


Agreed. Board is full of poseurs nowadays.

>> No.11750455

We can't, but analyzing why we can't is the 6th most important subject I can think of.

>> No.11750468
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1. Logic
2. Philosophy + ethics

These are the most important and should be mandatory for all students, taught at a young age.
After that it's just about what you're interested in.

99% of our problems come from people making decisions that make absolutely no sense
>The justice system sucks and I'm mad as hell, but instead of burning down the courthouse or the DA's office, let's burn down the grocery store

>> No.11750488

sorry that's too big brained for me

>99% of our problems come from people making decisions that make absolutely no sense
This disregards that people are born into a situation where exteriour forces control their well-being

"Reason" is a meme, but I get your view.

>> No.11750493

It's important, but not as important as most other things. We don't need a lot of experts in biology to make good decisions.

>> No.11750510

What did you mean by your question, "resolving?"

>> No.11750527

I was just quoting you

>> No.11750542

Why doesn't it make sense for people to want to connect the language of math to the language of drama and storytelling?

>> No.11750579

Yeah like the average person would get anything out of philosophy

>> No.11750594

1. Physics
2. Chemistry
3. Biology
4. Math
5. Computer Science
The most important STEM topics in order of importance and then everything else IMO

>> No.11750609

>White European Language
>Related White European Language
>Nigger Hunting
>Nigger Trapping
>Nigger taxidermy
>Nigger behaviorism
>Nigger pathology
>Statistical Niggernomics
>Niggers and their relation to reality and truth
>Nigger network theory
>Nigger metabolomics
>Nigger management
>Advanced Nigger Management
>Interpretations and Analysis of the out-of-africa migrations in light of the Nigger phenomena
>The history of Niggers I, Never leaving the jungle
>The history of Niggers II, The Bantu Expansion: Mass genocide, devolution, hybridization?
>The history of Niggers III, Initiation of contact and failure to integrate, the Trans-saharan trade and beyond
>The history of Niggers IV, Ay yo gimme dat shiet
>Nigger dance studies
>Nigger rhetoric
>The psychology of Nigger inferiority

>> No.11750629

Lol. More like
0. Talking Shit
1. Computer Science
2. Math
3. Physics
4. Chemistry
5. Biology

Math is limited by computer science, not vv

>> No.11750639

1) Mathematics
2) Philosophy
3) Physics
4) Chemistry/Biology are of equal importance (though I prefer Chemistry to Bio)
5) Native language literature and language studies
6) Modern History
7) Foreign Languages

Computer Science is a meme below university no point teaching it at school, especially when you can equal or even go above the level of education you could get at school at home.

>> No.11750651

>equal or even go above the level of education you could get at school at home.
You can do the same for math, why do you think computer science is different?

>> No.11750728

I think the idea is to list subjects that are essential for mental development from an early age. CS is a waste of time for children, and will likely induce autism, mathematics teaches you rational thought and abstraction and is immediately useful when learning the sciences.

>> No.11750782

Math taken to its limit is also autism.
I'm saying that CS circumscribes math, not the reverse.

>> No.11750827

In my personal opinion, a guiding hand with Mathematics from a young age is good. You can cover a lot of ground and gain a great appreciation for a large variety of fields through learning it, having a tutor aids this greatly.

Computer Science, on the other hand, is a very specific field and a portion of it can be covered in Mathematics. Learning it isn't necessary with a guided hand, particularly for pre-university stuff. University and post-university material, I agree, requires discussion and greater thought along with a guided hand to tour the various topics.

>> No.11750829

Talking about math taught to children and adolescents not algebraic geometry and number theory.
>CS circumscribes math
it doesn't and TCS isn't being taught to 6 year olds in any ideal circumstance. You'd always want to prioritize primary subjects first then branch out to secondary topics and applications such as CS.

>> No.11750832

Learning about a field has value beyond ones ability to apply it. In fact I would say the principal value in learning is beyond application.

>> No.11750844

This thread topic has nothing to do with children.

>> No.11750851

I entirely agree. Still feel the other fields are more important.

>> No.11750853

Well, my bad. I was taking it from the perspective of 'what subjects are most important at school' where 'school' is all compulsory education institutions

>> No.11750855

>1. Your native language
>2. Other language
>3. Other language
>4. Math
>5. Computer science
>6. History
>7. Ethics
>8. Sports
>9. Biology
>10. Chemistry
>11. Physics
>12. Music
>13. Art
>14. Some weird class
This sounds like the education of a child, I don't know why most of these would be relevant to the average pleb adult.

>> No.11750859

how does it not?

>> No.11750876

I thought it was sorting school subjects by their importance, which is what the title says.
If we're talking about a formula to educate kids, first know that 1/5 are sociopathic and that you can't cure it. But yes, framing everything as a language is the best thing you can do. Synesthesia between the symbols of the languages they're exposed to is ideal.

>> No.11750887

I didn't take it to be asking for advice, I took it to be asking for impact.

>> No.11750892

>framing everything as a language is the best thing you can do
I don't think there's good reason to believe that verbal thinking is optimal but it wouldn't be wrong to start attempting to teach multiple languages in American public schools as they do almost everywhere else in the developed world. You still need mathematics, writing, physical education above everything else that is not explicitly reading and language.

>> No.11750905

Verbal thinking isn't optimal. Associating the languages of letters, music, math, colors, etc. is optimal.

>> No.11750923

>languages of things that aren't languages
this is nonsense.

>> No.11750927

>math isn't a language
>music isn't a language
hope you never have kids

>> No.11750978
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>This disregards that people are born into a situation where exteriour forces control their well-being
It doesn't though, actually, it helps them more than anyone else

Memes like "the poor are all lazy and therefore deserve their lot in life" (usually uttered by people who inherited billions) can exist only in the absence of logic

>> No.11751000

>math isn't a language
No, its a system of axioms, propositions, theorems and interrelated abstract structures of varying form and nature which are useful for organizing ideas about human sense datum and complex models of natural phenomena.
>music isn't a language
no, its a form of artistic expression and entertainment. language requires written and spoken word and is used in other tangentially related fields of human activity like law, philosophy, poetry, lyrical music, rhetoric. Saying something is a language because it resembles some of the structural properties of hte easiest to comprehend distinguishing higher faculty of humans, complicated written and verbal communication, isn't informative.
>i hope you don't have kids
why? so, I don't lie to them and treat mathematics like learning a non-native tongue? Counting and geometry are as primary for humans as language, cephalopods, monkeys and corvids understand these things and have very little of the structure necessary to be called a language in their forms of verbalized communication.

>> No.11751014

You have a weird concept of what language means. Nothing except air pushed through vocal cords qualifies as a language to you?

>> No.11751048

Jesus, I looked at some of her interviews.
Why is she so fat? 20 billion and a slob styled like every other alcoholic around the corner? How? Am I too strict with women?

>> No.11751052

I already said verbal and written word are obviously language. But, language loses meaning as a category when mindlessly applied to everything. Music and math never struck me as a language, that they’re encoded in symbols sometimes doesn’t seem to constitute a language. The structure of mathematical theory is closer to philosophy, law, theology than language. In other respects mathematics is closer to empirical science and art.

>> No.11751057

Verbal and written word aren't encoded in symbols?

>> No.11751063

No, they are. But, language is primarily a means of communication and status signaling. Mathematics can take forms that require none of the symbolic encoding that is fundamental to language, and the spoken word which is entirely auditory is nothing like the abstractions of geometry. Language is something very primary and essential to humanity, without it there is no complex science or math, but these things are not entirely constructed from language and if you are broadening the scope of the term it ceases to be meaningful to me. Calling mathematics philosophy and nothing but is also vacuous, one gains no greater understanding of the thing from transposing the names of related ideas onto it. Thinking of math as a language is not necessary to master it and ceases to make sense when graphical and geometrical instances of math arise.

>> No.11751116

I disagree with almost everything you wrote, except that language is primarily a means of communication and status signaling. I agree with that.

>> No.11751124

Fair enough, its not an important distinction in my life or yours I'd imagine.

>> No.11751140

In my life, speaking math and music has been as important—if not more—than speaking dictionary. So we'd have to disagree.

>> No.11751141

1. Other Language
2. Math
3. 1 Art Class (Music, Fine Arts, Etc.)
4. 1 Science Class (Chemistry, Physics, Biology)
5. 1 Humanities (Ethics, History, Literature)

>> No.11751142

Whoops. I didn't rate them in terms of importance. I just put the only 5 classes that should be taken at any given time. Their importance is
>Foreign Language

>> No.11751150

Someone learned a new word

>> No.11751366
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1. native language taught through classic literary works written by natives of the language
2.phys-ed/nutrition. Not what we have now which is just mandatory exercise in school, this class starts in primary school, and teaches kids the proper way to exercise to maintain health while avoiding injury, it also gives a top down view of biology, with a focus on dietetics and a minimum of theory past "this is good for you, this is why".
3. a counter based martial art like judo, no punches or kicks will be taught, only throws and other moves that take advantage of an aggressor's force.
4.math & science from primary school up through middle school, science and math will be taught together, with math being presented as a tool to understand the world and form theories about it, significant digits will be understood before middle school
5. practical skills and societal education - this class will focus on basic knowledge that will be utilized, like home ec, but with other useful tidbits like "how to stand in a line", "this is why drugs are bad and this is exactly what they do", and "these are your rights, and the laws that you should not run afoul of". Also, at the beginning of the year, all students are informed that there is an unmonitored drop box in a secluded part of the school, if they are in a situation where someone is violating their rights or breaking the law outside or inside of school, a student can leave a note in the box.
6.free period, the student chooses their class, yes even in primary school students have electives, this class is mandatory, but can be waived if the student can provide a reasonable cause I.E. : wanting to work a job, having a life dedication that is more important than compulsory schooling (like if a student is a chess prodigy and wants to dedicate this time to out of school study)
7. free period 2; unlike the first, this one is optional.

this list is just for primary/elementary school but I still think this is smarter than most

>> No.11751397

I think that the exclusion of language from your curriculum is a mistake, but I really just posted to tell you that in your image that scenario 1 is more probable; in condition sets that aren't mutually exclusive, the probability of the one with the least requirements is greater than or equal to all other condition sets by default, so the answer to linda.png is 1. But I'm starting to think that was the joke the whole time, oh well, already typed this all out.