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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 3.99 MB, 600x339, 1590938249085.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11747188 No.11747188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Retards over at /pol/ think the spacex event is fake (which is not surprising), but now they also think there's a rat walking in this gif. Honestly, bros, it makes me so angry that people this dumb exist.

>> No.11747210

why are you browsing that incel hugbox tho

>> No.11747214

yoo that ice is lit

>> No.11747237

Why the fuck would you make this thread you absolute cretin

>> No.11747248


>> No.11747264

This happens at every launch of the Falcon 9. If it were a rat, then the reptilian-Illuminati-Jewish-Irish-Sumerian conspiracy must be retarded to let this happen over and over.

>> No.11747281

Anon, I know how you feel. To give a large insult to fucking space exploration. Don't let /pol/ ruin the experience. They're retards who shouldn't be taken seriously.

>> No.11747298
File: 56 KB, 1300x864, rocket launch arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh rats in space
Kys retard. You're probably paid to post shit like that -- a distraction from the fact that rockets don't work in space at all.

When you use logic, reason and actual real science, you realize rockets only work (definition: propel themselves forward) inside an atmosphere. This means they don't work in space. Oh, you're a believer and think rockets really do work in space? Well, sorry for shattering your fantasy world, but it needs to be done.

They can't work in a real vacuum. Any claims of the contrary is a fraud and a lie.

>inb4 you parrot "newtons 3rd law!" like an NPC without any thought involved

That law /isn't/ in dispute here. Appealing to it to "prove" rockets "work in space" shows you don't grasp the fundamental problem here. The 3rd law is 100% correct. When asteroids floating in the vacuum of space crashes into each other, the 3rd law applies. Likewise, the law applies to objects interacting on the ground on Earth, underwater, and in the sky. The 3rd law is 100% real, but it doesn't "do" anything for a rocket when its engine is fired in a perfect vacuum.

You see, the atmosphere gets thinner at higher elevation until it disappears completely (out in space). That's the issue here! And you can't get around that issue. Parroting "newtons's 3rd law!" or throwing math equations around, doesn't magically make the issue go away. That's just you avoiding to deal with reality. Man up and stop avoiding reality.

If you're currently under the "rockets work in space! xd!" spell they cast on you through the entertainment industry and educational system (the indoctrination system), and you want to break free from that spell and shatter the illusion - then see these two educational videos (they play inside your browser):

1st vid: https://files.catbox.moe/dl9ldw.webm
2nd (also important): https://files.catbox.moe/so2rrt.mp4

Once you know that stuff, then you know beyond any doubt rocket technology will never be viable outside of Earth.

>> No.11747305

You forget alien, Jewish aliens control the media, there are probably alien invaders, probably Jewish with rubbing hands doing the refugee ideas.

>> No.11747314
File: 334 KB, 1624x1868, illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No atmospheric pressure, zero atmospheric density = no thrust. It truly is that simple.

If you don't understand already, then the following videos, in addition to the ones already posted (here >>11747298 ), may help you understand:




>regarding pic related

For those of you with short attention spans who have difficulty following scientific presentations in video format, here's an illustration which can assist you in understanding that rockets indeed do not work in space. You're welcome.

>> No.11747352

Frogposter is am imbecile that slept through highschool physics

Say it isn't so.

>> No.11747357

Kill yourself pedophile

>> No.11747386

Jews ADMIT themselves that they ARE in fact aliens, as in this video: https://files.catbox.moe/cjwe6l.mp4

>> No.11747623

The reason /pol/ is just schizoland now is because all of the actual polfags went to other imageboards.

>> No.11747800
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 1567372107103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bait to get people to look at CP
Hang your self pedo

>> No.11747846
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2020-05-31 (JPEG Image, 1024 × 576 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the Replicator from Stargate...

>> No.11748587

>Literally lying through your teetch
hmm... just like how faggots lie through their teeth about space

>> No.11748633

I dont follow the pedophile thing
videos are boring ass pseudo-scientific rednceck boomer science

>> No.11748735

why do all these conspiracies always come from poor white people

>> No.11748887

i don't think they really believe 90% of the bullshit they come up with

>> No.11749367


>> No.11749396

>Retards over at /pol/ think the spacex event is fake
Reminder, while niggers are burning our cities, White men are going into space, choose!

>> No.11749496
File: 2.48 MB, 360x270, 4chan mods.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not /pol/ - it's the /x/tards who've been raiding /pol/ for months with their flat earth fake space moon hoax free energy psychic alien ghost bullshit. They've been raiding other boards too - I've seen the same faggots show up spamming threads on /co/, /tv/, /v/, /int/, etc

We've tried getting rid of them, but the mods aren't doing jack shit because they're (a) mods and (b) don't like /pol/

>> No.11749504

yeah no, the dumbfuck conspiracy theorists have always been there

>> No.11749521

>mor-more warp stone!

>> No.11749522

It's trolling, anon. "Space is fake" fags do that to every space-related thread there. Like flat earthers, they don't even believe what's they're saying but know it makes you mad.

>> No.11749523

dude that's not the real rat video

>> No.11749533

>We've tried getting rid of them, but the mods aren't doing jack shit because they're (a) mods and (b) don't like /pol/
(c) the mods are the /x/tards

>> No.11749548

you're trying the same trick pol fags always use: pol is always right!... for except when they're not, in which case it's the work of shills/outsiders

>> No.11749552
File: 24 KB, 288x252, 1579227484235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cripplechan gets shutdown
>all boards are filled with absolute retardation and constant moron level race baiting

>> No.11749560

Almost like a board isn't a tribe or something.

>> No.11749579

There's always been plenty of government conspiracy shit and the odd thread by moon hoax fags or cult-obsessed weirdos, but it wasn't until after 8 got shut down last Fall and all the loonies fled here that we started seeing the kind of volume of schizo shit we're seeing 24/7 now.