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11742627 No.11742627 [Reply] [Original]

Give me one (1) reason to give a shit about space

>> No.11742631

The earth is 1 planet. Imagine what we could build and what resources we could use if we had two planets.

>> No.11742636

going there is the only way to escape this shithole

>> No.11742680

not feasible
to create another shithole?

>> No.11742695

Imagine the resources we would need to use up first just to get the second planet

>> No.11742697

>not feasible
you have 0 idea what you're talking about, kill yourself

>> No.11742698 [DELETED] 

you can put all the jews in the world up there and still never run out of room

>> No.11742710

>duhhhh niel degrass tyson said we can live on mars
yeah, call me whenever that happens dipshit

>> No.11742712

The only reason is if you'd like to see the richest people leaving earth to live somewhere else while we live in Chaos and Misery as slaves to feed their intergalactic empire.
Other than that, there are none, there are bigger issues to solve first, and maybe we should never really leave here to begin with.

>> No.11742718

more gold than you can imagine

>> No.11742719

Kill yourselves.

>> No.11742722
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There's bound to be a planet of the catgirls

>> No.11742725

platinum group metals

>> No.11742726


>> No.11742728

There are no niggers in space

>> No.11742738

Every single advancement in human history happened in a time where there were "bigger issues to solve first"
It's a very jewish demoralization argument.

>> No.11742742

There were, though, and they were left unsolved because people bothered with useless shit.
Also, most of these advancements are useless.

>> No.11742746

>if it hasnt happened yet its not feasible
again, please fuck off and kill yourself

>> No.11742747

Asteroid mining is feasible and likely worthwhile. There are scholarly articles you can read up on.

>> No.11742795

There are plenty of rocks on earth. Going to space for rocks is completely asinine.

>> No.11742809

It's a white thing, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.11742816

It's basic energy, but a retard shitposter midwit like you wouldn't understand.

>> No.11742853

There is only a finite amount of material on earth. Some materials that are rare and useful on earth may be cheaper to obtain from space.

>> No.11742870

I don't have to, if human civilization decides it wants to continue existing you will be dragged kicking and screaming with us.

>> No.11743110

>Existential purpose and meaning
>Endless resources
>Science and engineering advancement
Gee I really don’t see anon

>> No.11743313

>Existential purpose and meaning
>Endless resources
the universe is not infinite
>Science and engineering advancement
that will never effect people only spaceships and astronauts

>> No.11743512

>>Science and engineering advancement
>that will never effect people only spaceships and astronauts
This is where you're wrong, and shows that you have no knowledge of higher levels of technology. How did you get to the age of 18+ without knowing about energy scarcity and energy needed to maintain a certain level of civilization?

>> No.11743723

>the universe is not infinite
Yes it is, on a human scale.
Our solar system alone has a fuck load of resources.
You could find more iron in one asteroid than there is on Earth.

>> No.11743901

Alien oppai

>> No.11743910
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those who hunger for the next challenge, the next mountaintop, need not explain their desire to you
their insatiable need to achieve greater heights will elevate all, while you cry about it on the internet

>> No.11743935

We've already been to space.

>> No.11743941

We can already power everything with hydrogen if we want to. I don't think we'll be running out of that anytime soon.

>> No.11743944

>bros we already sailed off the coast, that's it, we conquered the ocean
>why the fuck are you trying to figure out how to go further, fucking stop, there's nothing out there, you're just going to die and waste time

>> No.11744146

We know what's in space. Much farther than we could ever go even.

>> No.11744360

Nope, a civilization without a dyson laser is like a man walking into an alley without a weapon. We cannot power those without space faring capability. All interesting technology like wormholes etc cannot be powered without solar scale technology. Yeah sure we could technically "survive" here as naturalists with a tiny population indefinately, but we would essentially be choosing to lobotomize ourself as a species. And that is not your choice to make, thank the gods.

>> No.11749818


>> No.11749829

Not the entire resources of a whole planet

>> No.11749839

That's 1300's talk

>> No.11750064

wasting money on bullshit things is indeed a huwite thing

>> No.11750071

>its a white thing
just like having sex with dogs

>> No.11750223

>depleting the resources of a whole planet to create a second one
a work of genius

>> No.11750227

Space philanthropy is a prerequisite course

>> No.11750260

there is a lot of space in space, and we need space to put our stuff

>> No.11750539

If you mine enough planets and give us enough star power, we might be able to bend space through energy manipulation machinery to unlock your waifu in a multiverse portal.

>> No.11750648

>Also, most of these advancements are useless.

not as useless as you are

>> No.11750649


You don't need one. If you don't want to give a fuck just don't.

I, on the other hand, am looking forward to see what tech advancements can be achieved in the next decade thanks to space exploration

>> No.11750672
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>Give me one (1) reason to give a shit about space

Not the best reason, but probably the one brainlets like yourself are capable of understanding.

>> No.11750706
File: 497 KB, 245x200, tears_kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We know what's in space.

We could still discover new planets in our own solar system, you dipshit.

The only things we can detect in space is the most obvious gigantic shit like stars and black holes.

There could literally be a huge alien fleet of spaceships in our system at all times. All they would need to do is stay on the other side of Jupiter or Saturn and we would have no way of detecting them.

>> No.11751215

even the Kemono Friends care about space, anon

>> No.11752331

But all the developed groups that are receptive to science are dying out where as religious groups that are apprehensive towards it are not, and are likely going to inherit the world.

>> No.11752344

conquer earth first, retard.

>> No.11752387

If we don’t start mining asteroids we will run out of resources on Earth and civilization will collapse.

>> No.11752439


>> No.11752903
File: 115 KB, 900x700, Kaban Tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Asteroids are rich in minerals. 1 single asteroid holds more minerals than any of our mines. Successfully mining one would result into a wild abundance of necessary metals that would make computers cheaper.

2. It is much easier, safer, and cheaper to send rockets into space to mine resources than to scan, get a permit, build a perimeter, plan your mining facility, handle environmental issues and finally dig for resources.
Asteroids have collided with each other since eons and thus any lose dirt was gone - only dense metals.

3. More energy.
Fossil Fuels are not feasable in the long run. Nuclear power obtained from mining asteroids for uranium is the future. Assuming nuclear fusion reactors were finally achieved, Hydrogen is the single most abundant element in space.
Not to mention taht Neptune has a moon loaded with methane that we too can use for fuels

With so much energy, electricity would be too cheap to even count

>> No.11753409

i just want the technology to turn myself into one

>> No.11753411

Youre in it ?

>> No.11754798
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>not feasible
same was said about colonizing america yet here you are

>> No.11754800

no, you just don't know much about space. That's why you don't care about space.

>> No.11754805
File: 18 KB, 450x296, 4chan servers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

said the man over the internet, through a satellite and into the 4chan servers

>> No.11754831

sigh, i know you are not gonna read a 236 page, part3 book about benefits of spaceflight, but...https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/benefits-for-humanity_third.pdf

>> No.11754841

You've become an interplanetary fertiliser trader and are giving some free samples to customers.

>> No.11754951

I'd trade it off any day to be working in a fief, only having to care about planting food and eating.

>> No.11754972

nice fantasy bro. enjoy getting ass rammed by your "LORD"

>> No.11755061

The second planet would have a different distribution of resources, and might have things in abundance that are extremely rare on Earth. If we spent a massive amount of cheap resources to get a massive amount of expensive resources, it would be a good deal. We're talking about planets here too, which are massive, but even a small asteroid could have more of a rare resource than we had on our entire planet. It's a very good trade.

>> No.11755236

all this talk of establishing a base on mars or the moon when we cant even establish a fucking UBI

>> No.11755240

>feeding parasites
going to outer space and UBI are at counter-purposes

>> No.11755268

I’d like to hear reasons for space exploration too.
learning tidbits about spaceships and rockets excite me but I don’t know exactly why. I believe it’s far better way of spending money than expanding nuclear arsenals and such but with so many problems on the earth right now I sometimes feel space is just a distraction

>> No.11755276

with so many problems on earth, isn't a distraction just what we need?
anyway Elon wants to make a brand new civilization on Mars, which should make everything quite interesting over the next century

>> No.11755297

every time you hear someone say they dont understand conquering the stars and the universe, spreading our consciousness, these abstract ideals that touch us in our very souls, they're not white (or eastern asian)
simple as, dismiss them

>> No.11755299

Most convincing argument on this thread so far.

>> No.11755303

Ok nigger