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File: 78 KB, 500x463, 3percentscience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1174084 No.1174084 [Reply] [Original]

What is this faggotry.

>> No.1174086

That must be the USA budget. No other country is this messed up. I rest my case.

>> No.1174088

What he said.

>> No.1174089

Why?! Such a waste. Seeing it like that makes me feel like I threw away a winning lotto ticket or something.

>> No.1174090

You're right, health is nowhere near as much as I'd like it to be

>> No.1174095

No taxation!! We don't wanna pay for all the freeloaders who live the life of reilly on our tax dollars!!!

>> No.1174098
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>> No.1174103


That's the wrong way to approach the problem. What you mentioned isn't caused by taxation but by wrong administration of said taxes.

>> No.1174109

I like the idea of Veterans suddenly realising they have more money than Science and uniting to build a Large(r) Hadron Collider for nothing more than sheer decadence.

>> No.1174116

Protip: National Defense, Health, Education, and Transportation all have major science departments.

>> No.1174128
File: 125 KB, 468x593, budgetglanceDM_468x593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know its US because we actually give money to science and not hobos

>> No.1174129

You're right, we dont need a military or government employees

>> No.1174130


US expenditure for Medicare and Social Security is not included in the Discretionary Budget.

>> No.1174132
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/yes it includes both public and private spending.

>> No.1174137

Hah, veterans get more money than the advancement of science?
Fucking hilarious.

>> No.1174138


What the fuck is Iceland making? This seems suspicious...

>> No.1174140


Boats to run from the volcanoes.

Also to go a-viking in. Perhaps after the volcanoes. Perhaps not.

>> No.1174143

>G7 listed
>individual members also listed

How does that work?

>> No.1174150


It's called an 'average'.

>> No.1174152


They invented America. Now they're trying to fix their mistake.

>> No.1174154

Is "National Defense" American for "National Offense"? Because at the minute, they don't seem to be doing a whole lot of defending to be perfectly honest.

>> No.1174173
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>National Defense 59%


>> No.1174187

Oh wow, the idiocy in this thread is amazing.

>> No.1174188

brown people aren't gonna kill themselves... well, not fast enough fanyway

>> No.1174195
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>> No.1174206

What can be classified as "Other"..?

>> No.1174221

Brainwashing campaigns

>> No.1174224

"Other types of national defense"

>> No.1174229


>> No.1174260

How do they need that much on defense honestly.

>> No.1174261
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>> No.1174298

>corp tax
>minuscule sliver of pie

>> No.1174302

What a lot of you don't realize is that the national defense budget also funds science.

The science of making brown people dead, but science nonetheless.

>> No.1174316

Yea bro, last year they tried to cut some of the military spending. F14 I believe, people argued and bitched about cutting the plane. I only took one expert to point out f14s crash when it rains. That was the only reason it was cut. Vietnam era heatseeking missiles had a 70% failure rate.

>> No.1174324

You do realize that the 3% the US spends on science is probably more than any other country, right?

>> No.1174334


It's not. Hell, if you're talking govenmernt funding, it's nowhere fucking close.

>> No.1174336

Then show me a country that spends more

>> No.1174364

We wouldn't have anywhere for science to practice without them.

>> No.1174558

Since the US has over a trillion dollar budget that is still over 3 billion in funding without military science funding included

>> No.1174571


Are you serious? Even India spends more than 3%.

>> No.1174597

are you an idiot?
3% of a $10 budget is 3 dollars, but 3% of 1 trillion (which is less than the US' discretionary spending budget in 2010) is 30,000,000,000.

maybe you should go back to school to relearn how percentages work

>> No.1174606

oops, that should say 3,000,000,000 not 30.

also this year the National science foundation has a budget of about 7 billion. So if you count military science spending, and then what the Nation Institutes of Health spend. I don't know what that number would be since I don't know how much the last 2 contribute, but you can bet it's over 10 billion

>> No.1174625

DARPA funding falls under defense.
NIH falls under health.

Also, that is the discretionary spending. What does the other budgeted spending look like?

>> No.1174631
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here you go m8

>> No.1174640


Yeah, obviously you know how percentages work real well.

>> No.1174646

1.) Exterminate the Sandniggers.
2.) Cut "National Defense" budget by 75%.
3.) Dump money into scientific and technological advancement.
4.) Live on Mars.

>> No.1174648

It's a good thing there isn't a chart in this thread to highlight your bullshiting
Oh no, this must be really awkward for you

>> No.1174653


So you're basically saying that if a country spends a larger percentage of their gov't budget on R&D, if they spend more money per capita, spend more money as a percentage of GDP and more money per research, then it doesn't mean shit because the USA, which has more than double the population of any industrialized nation, spends more in _absolute figures_?

Yeah that makes perfect sense. U-S-A! U-S-A!

>> No.1174657
File: 161 KB, 800x2161, info.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1174659

>india: .7%
>at least 3%

>> No.1174660

It's called diseconomies of scale.

>> No.1174665


Percentage of the federal budget isn't the same as % of GDP. At all.

>> No.1174670


>3% of a $10 budget is 3 dollars,

and then:

>maybe you should go back to school to relearn how percentages work


>> No.1174677


>3% of 10$ is 3$
>3% of 1 trillion is 3 billion

how old are you, 10?

>> No.1174680


He said, ignoring that the US once lead the world in R&D expenditure in every metric.

That's the death of the US right there. If yanks spent half the energy they spend on convincing themselves they're living in the best-possible-of-worlds and put it towards improving their damn country, maybe they'd be back on top.

>> No.1174682

>spend 59% on national defense
>beaten by sand niggers
I should really consider investing in a company that makes the flags they drape over the coffins I hear business is booming.

>> No.1174687

>this years terrorist attacks on US soil: 0
>this years terrorist attacks in Europe: countless

>> No.1174690
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Troll detected

>> No.1174694
File: 35 KB, 550x420, 047_kotiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't refute the facts
>lol ur a troll

I'm sensing some tears around this area, here have a kitten and cheer up

>> No.1174695


>this year dead European soldiers: 0
>this year dead US soldiers: countless

>> No.1174699

If only we would stop imitating Europe.

>> No.1174700


>"countless" (although it's 0 afaik)

>> No.1174703

nice job with craming education among the other things.

stay classy, america.

>> No.1174706


Ill say it again

>can't refute the fact

>> No.1174721

[Citation needed]

>> No.1174737

American military expenditure at work

>> No.1174742

That's neither how you use citation needed, nor sage a thread


>> No.1174743

USA budget huh? 59% in National Defense? Such a waste.

>> No.1174755


Actually 3% of a trillion is 30 billion, which is what he actually said. That 3% of 10$ is 3$ is just retarded. But it's really ridiculous, the amount of money the US spends on defence.

>> No.1174759


How about you come with some evidence? There have been 0 terrorist attacks in Europe this year.

>> No.1174766

5 seconds in google later

>> No.1174782


>> No.1174795


so 1, that's not countless (also moscow is not exactly the heart of europe). all the other terrorist attacks were some small bombs at police stations by the IRA or greek anarchists.

>> No.1174797

This angers me a lot, just think what we could do if we spent only 40% or, heaven forbid, 30% on national defence

>> No.1174798

Your tears of anger are so sweet to me

>> No.1174804


as long the "wars" in Iraq and Afghanistan are in place, no way.

>> No.1174812

Just think how that money wouldn't exist if it weren't being spent on national defense.

Poor scientists seem to think that money is something other than a representation of social value.

Theres no logic that says if theres no value for war, that suddenly there'd be more value for science.

>> No.1174814

I'm not going to sit here all day and look up the countless attacks

You insisted 0 YOU WERE WRONG

>> No.1174820

But war actually nets us a nice profit. "National Defense" is pretty much an investment

>> No.1174829

>implying Russia is a part of Europe

>> No.1174830

Who do you mean by "us"? Are we as a country better off or is the military industry better off?

>> No.1174834


it nets profit for private companies. also the US pay billions of dollars of interest for war debt.

>> No.1174840

Both, I don't remember the exact statistic but a frigging HUGE chunk of the population either works directly for the govt or is in some way subsidized by it

>implying that you can just switch geography like that

>> No.1174854
File: 74 KB, 612x792, Population_Density_2000_Russia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering most of their major cities and the vast majority of their population is on the European side of Russia, I'd say so.

>> No.1174863

Too bad it took place in Moscow, don't even try to place that in Asia

>> No.1174871


Nice try but you're done here.

>> No.1174873

Oh I know I've finished telling you, now I'm just basking in the victory

>> No.1174877


ofcourse it is u faggot its liek saying america isnt part of north america because american samoa is in the pacific u douchenvalder

>> No.1174885

liberalfags begin to realize how much damage Obama is doing to science

>> No.1174888

Much science research development is done through national defense.

>> No.1174890

Obama and the dems just tried to pass an education reform bill that focused on science, guess who filibustered it....

>> No.1174892

This thread is mind-numbingly stupid. First of all the US doesn't spend 59% of its government budget on its military thats just fucking ridiculous. Second most of the research in the US is funded in the private sector. It must be hard for liberalfags/eurofags to conceive of this.

>> No.1174893


Yeah, this.

Is there any real threat to america? Besides a few fucked up terrorist the best international agencies can't catch?

I mean, threats outside terrorism, like countries. Actual states instead of religious extremists.

Dammit America, what's up with the Defense budget? Hell, at least the DoD IT-FUCKING-SELF told Obama not to give him that much money. Seriously, cut the DoD's budget by 65% and it's still overkill.

>> No.1174894

>implying Obama didn't kill space exploration and divert that money to welfare

>> No.1174896


Obama increased NASA's budget, he killed Constellation because it was crap.

brb getting link for proof

>> No.1174897
File: 28 KB, 502x594, mccain-pointing..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

problem officer?

>> No.1174898

>oblivious to N. Korea and Russia

Come on, they do something crazy like every week....not exactly hard to notice

>> No.1174905


>implying the increase in budget wasn't totally earmarked for global warming studies

>> No.1174908


NK, yes. But are they a threat to America? Really? Just to South Korea and China is Kim is crazy enough to pull the trigger. Just send a couple of aircraft carriers or something.

Dunno about Russia, they don't seem really crazy.

>> No.1174912


Lol, not samefag. Just watching the argument and you lost.

>> No.1174920


Here. Proof that constellation was shit.

>> No.1174921

>is Kim is crazy enough to pull the trigger

He's tried to shoot missiles at us before, they just can't seem to build them right.

And we're not really worried about old school army vs army, it's biological and nuclear warfare that N.K seems to be interested in

>> No.1174931
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>not samefag

Really, I believe you

>> No.1174937

>implying part of the national defense budget doesn't go to engineers and scientists who investigate possible military technology

>> No.1174944



>some random obamabot's opinion

>> No.1174948


Lol k, believe what you want. You didn't provide a single example of an attack so you lose. Keep on trollin'! :3

>> No.1174952


>implying the Planetary Society is just "some guy's blog"

>> No.1174954

Yeah I did, reread the thread

>> No.1174960

I just keep getting an error, can anyone else open it?

>> No.1174962


>implying the planetary society doesn't suck obama's cock no matter what he does

>> No.1174965


Well that's true.

>> No.1175017


Protip: LOLRUSSIA isn't "countless"

>> No.1175072

>You didn't provide a single example

Seriously, like I said last time (oh no wait youre a *completely different person*) If you insist NO ATTACKS AT ALL and then I provide even one you are wrong


>> No.1175100

59% for sand nigger killing. Fuck yes.

>> No.1175103

Stop bumping your thread, it's been like 5 hours

>> No.1175113

That wasn't OP, I am OP, and even I am saging this

>> No.1175115

sagebombs just 1$

>> No.1175127

killing this thread with fire

>> No.1176253

>implying Sage kills threads

>> No.1176434



>> No.1176494

That is the amount allocated in one part of the whole budget. Learn to read graph titles.

>> No.1176516

And I'm sure that none of that bill would have gone into social welfare programs. Try reading past the bill title next time and see what exactly is in it. The 'health-care reform' bill that was going to give everyone free health insurance will leave thousands of workers uninsured for about 2 years due to its new regulations.

>> No.1176535

A lot of research is funded by the defense forces. My cousin is doing some laser shit for the navy.

>> No.1176558

national defense funds a shitload of science projects, so we're good
you just need to tell em its gonna blow shit up and they'll like it

>> No.1176949

That's actually fallacious thinking. There are many other factors that you aren't considering. Like how isolated the United States is compared to other European countries. And the fact that most terrorism in the US would come from inside(unless they plan on trying to use planes again) means a huge chunk of the military spending could be reallocated and we'd still be just as safe.

>> No.1176976

Stop whining.

>> No.1177013

This is how neoconservatives actually think.