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File: 123 KB, 1200x800, fireball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11731268 No.11731268 [Reply] [Original]

SpaceX loses another Starship prototype in massive explosion.
The failed test comes just a day before SpaceX is set to perform an unrelated launch for NASA that will send two astronauts to the International Space Station. They must be a bit worried.

How do we feel about this private/commercial space trucking business?

>> No.11731281

The more explosions that happen during testing, the less explosions that will happen during launch

>> No.11731293

Launch is literally tomorrow, with 2 pilots on board.

>> No.11731302

On a completely different rocket, mind you

>> No.11731307

dude you know the thing that blew up today was a completely different rocket right?

>> No.11731320

For your sake, I hope you’re trolling.

>> No.11731338

this is just wrong

>> No.11731348

this marketization of space will end when one of elongated muskrat's rockets blows up and kills its human passengers. as sad as that will be, those astronauts will be martyrs and will ensure space exploration is the domain of the state (as it should be) and not unaccountable capitalist corporations

>> No.11731353
File: 67 KB, 449x402, 1569290469473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm literally a leftist but lmao shut the fuck up.

>> No.11731354

Unless it explodes so often the launch never comes.

>> No.11731358

If it keeps exploding, you're not fixing the bit that's making it explode

>> No.11731360

>wanting space to be dependent on extorted funds

Authoritarian lunatic.

>> No.11731411

just like titanic

>> No.11731424

Astronauts have already died from rockets going boom. It just causes a temporary setback in public opinion before going back to business as usual. Better to have it in corporations that have to please their antsy investors rather than govt organizations that can just have money siphoned to them by Big Brother no matter what they do.

>> No.11731477

I'm still a bit freaked out that there seems to be no provisions for an LES in any Starship concept so far. I understand that such a system would be impractical on colonization missions, but most early flights of Starship won't be carrying 50-100 people.

>> No.11731483

so are we going to see americans die tomorrow?

>> No.11731498

Starship is the LES. At the early stages of Flight it'll be Super Heavy doing all the work so if anything goes wrong, detach Starship, ignite engines, then RTLS.

>> No.11731503

No. It's gonna be scrubbed due to weather again.

>> No.11731504

It's 50/50

>> No.11731532
File: 148 KB, 895x1117, 1575773405907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musktards BTFO yet again!

Those two astronauts must be shitting their pants right about now... they'll be ATOMIZED in a day or two!

>> No.11731538

Not gonna lie, this looks like the least truth worthy piece of hardware I've ever witnessed.

>> No.11731556

No amount of state influence can prevent space exploration from being exceedingly dangerous for the continued existence of humanity.

>> No.11731579

you seem awfully happy by the prospect of two astronaut's deaths
double nigger

>> No.11731587


>> No.11731589
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Why are they using archaic technology that's literally just a more controlled 13th century fireworks?

>> No.11731593
File: 30 KB, 419x528, p008_1999p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is absolutely hilarious. who didn't see this coming?

>> No.11731596

what the fuck are you saying? do you have better rocket tech?

>> No.11731598

elon 'brace for impact' musk
elon 'fire will embrace you' musk
elon 'one way trip' musk
elon 'my face is charred' musk

>> No.11731600

>muh different rocket
eleon makes shit rockets and if people die tomorrow you can kiss his ass goodbye

>> No.11731602


>> No.11731606

not really. I'm just stating the obvious.
SpaceXplode rocket is the last thing I'd want to board! Their design is shit.

>> No.11731607

Yes, but it's the flaw of Starship design. The cockpit should have an abort.

>> No.11731612
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Wow you should tell NASA about this! This is amazing!

>> No.11731614

he should just focus on making an elevator, 's probably safer

>> No.11731615

That's a beautiful painting anon. What's it of?

>> No.11731620

Where do all you Boeing niggers appear from?

>> No.11731622

it absolutely should have an abort. the first time this thing blows up 20+ colonists is the day private space is dead. congress won't wait to stop the private sector and drag us back to the 90's in terms of spaceflight costs and achievements

>> No.11731629
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idk it's just an abstract thing. artist is jean-pierre ugarte

>> No.11731634

Capitalist pig. Libertarian shitheads like you are a stain on society.

>> No.11731636

Oh, yeah, they're supposed to re-fill that bad boy on Mars. What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.11731639
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are you paid to suck dick or are you doing it FOR FREE™?

>> No.11731644

Real question: why do people suck Elon’s dick so hard? is it just popsci people who want to believe tony stark is real? libertarians obsessed with Muh Private Sector?

>> No.11731650

More like I just want more people in space and he has the dream and the wealth.
And at least he's no Bezos.

>> No.11731660

/x/ tier but I believe it was blown up by government assets who disagrees with space x and can't stand the fact that a company has their hand in space flight.

>> No.11731671

Did you see that glownigger bird too?
Definitely a saboteur.

>> No.11731675

I want people in space too but people act like he’s a genius inventor when really he’s just a genius at building a personal brand to leverage the value of his actual, literal brands and businesses. Which he’s genuinely brilliant at, but he also proposes retard tier ideas like the car tube subway and the cave rescue submarine. I think his interest in mars is largely for publicity

>> No.11731678

I like him because he's driving spaceflight forward in a way companies haven't done for half a century. I'm skeptical about the viability of his long-term plans (i.e. Mars colonization), but making launches cheaper is a good thing for everyone in the aerospace industry.

>> No.11731683

genuinely schizo cope dude.

>> No.11731684
File: 22 KB, 600x300, 5a30a6ad4aa6b51c008b4621[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is right, we should nationalize SpaceX and its shoddy rockets

>> No.11731687
File: 1.57 MB, 2432x3178, 0F0FA5AF-125D-461C-BAED-0D042294DB55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Slavs superior in rocket development when they’re so shit at everything else?

>> No.11731693

hell be fine

>> No.11731699

all rockets are the same it's just a big tank of fuel.

>> No.11731705

Tankies like you who actually call your enemies pigs are the real enemy. Along with the jews that puppeteer you.

>> No.11731707


>> No.11731708

The found a system that works and stuck with it to the point that they understand the vehicle incredibly well. There's a reason just about every Russian launch vehicle not derived from the R-7 was either a disaster like the N1 or just shitty like Proton. Maybe Angara will be better, but I'm skeptical they'll ever move on from Soyuz.

>> No.11731720

/x/ tier but I believe it was blown up by Elon to hype up press for his real launch tomorrow and make it look like more of a success

>> No.11731723

I'm not a commie you retard. There's a third option as opposed to just capitalism and communism.

>> No.11731731
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the astronauts are probably looking a bit nervous for tomorrow

>> No.11731742

>Elon are you sure this is safe?
>Oh yeah dude. I mean I'm a software engineer but I gave the specs a once-over. They're solid. Anyway check out this funny tweet I posted.

>> No.11731744

If there's one good thing about this, Boeing would've probably done this with people on board, so it's still a good thing on SpaceX's part.
National socialism? I'm on board. Just keep the "pig" shit out, only commies speak like that.

>> No.11731749

Why would they worry? Starship shares zero commonality with Falcon/Dragon.

>> No.11731757

This. Dragon and Falcon have practically been tested to death.

>> No.11731767

And tomorrow, they will literally be tested to death.

>> No.11731769

>*ba dum tsss*

>> No.11731776
File: 92 KB, 600x860, falconchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many memes. You ruin elon pol


>> No.11731785

Thank you for you sarcasm and I'm sorry, I'm retarded today:
> Ion thrust engines are practical only in the vacuum of space and cannot take vehicles through the atmosphere because ion engines do not work in the presence of ions outside the engine. Additionally, the engine's minuscule thrust cannot overcome any significant air resistance. Spacecraft rely on conventional chemical rockets to reach their initial orbit.

>> No.11731794

They could put a dragon capsule on the tip of starship instead of the nosecone.

>> No.11731797

Because noone would‘ve made any electric cars without him.
Because space flight would be almost a magnitude more expensive without him.
Because America would still be buying Soyuz for years to come without him.
Because he sees something cool he wishes got done and then actually devotes his life to getting it done himself.

>> No.11731802

>Because noone would‘ve made any electric cars without him.

>> No.11731803

Anyone else see a pig or cat face making finger guns?

>> No.11731805

wow you really just eat up his ad campaigns huh.

>> No.11731814


>> No.11731833
File: 333 KB, 1024x945, 8931904184_3a2bfd0521_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine being an intellectual cuckold married to archaic technology from the 13th century...

>> No.11731858

They have the Soyuz which is very tested and very robust but the tech is 30 years behind everything new and it will fuck them once everyone starts using spacex and wathever the chinks copy paste rocket name is

>> No.11731891

My thought is that they should just use starship as a dedicated spacecraft and just dock with it

>> No.11731942

that rusty tin can has 0 to do with a proven system such as F9

>> No.11731949

shitty compliance cars don't count

>> No.11731957
File: 22 KB, 429x376, EW8qcI4WoAMiRlL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes let's just sit around and do absolutely nothing in the 0.001% hope that they will resurrect a 60's project with full funding out of nowhere

>> No.11731968

I was talking about numbers that mattered and prompted a reaction in the market.
The fucking Leaf may have been the most selling EV for years and might‘ve been completely independent of Tesla. But it‘s not like it was getting even a tiny shred of the car market. It‘s not like anyone gave a fuck about it.

Oh no! How will I counter all of your 0(zero) counterarguments!

>> No.11731978

>Those two astronauts must be shitting their pants right about now... they'll be ATOMIZED in a day or two

I thought the same thing. I'm not wishing their deaths, but i think the situation is fucking hilarious.

>> No.11732007

He‘s not about brands. He just sees problems and immediately has the autistic need to try to solve them himself(/with his companies).
Whether it‘s climate change, Mars or children being unable to dive out of a cave. And if you get in his way he spergs out at you.

>> No.11732017

I don't know about that project but wouldn't a Nuclear rocket spew radiation everywhere like that flying payload deliverer that the USA never actually built would have done?

>> No.11732037
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>developing last minute

>> No.11732047

Challenger was nearly 35 years ago.

>> No.11732053

that really sucks

>> No.11732055

Elon is a narcissist and doesn't deserve to help us towards the space age.
Hope he crashes and burns tomorrow.

>> No.11732064

heres your (you)

>> No.11732266
File: 181 KB, 1145x778, GANA BLOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i called it

>> No.11732319

>I'm a software engineer
he's a physicist.

>> No.11732634

You boeiggers didn't get those trips. Fuck off. The weather cancelled it, not SLS.

>> No.11732635

lots of disgruntled pubic workers in this thread

>> No.11732840


>> No.11732893

its a Nuclear Thermal Rocket, it only passes the propellant (LH2) over a nuclear reactor to heat it and then has it expand in the rocket nozzle, creating thrust.

>> No.11732954
File: 3.47 MB, 3557x3303, SpaceX Crew Demo 2 (Elon Musk CIA).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. He is driving space exploration forward and getting people excited about space in a way that hasn't been seen for quite some time.
2. He is an inspiring visionary who doesn't let small-minded people stop him from getting things done.
3. SpaceX has absolutely BTFO NASA and others with regards to rocket and ship design. This will hopefully prompt the government to shift NASA's focus away from ships and more towards science and space research. That will be a far more efficient use of resources.
4. He is making spaceflight an order of magnitude cheaper.
5. People are actually excited about space again because of him.
6. He will play a vital role in getting the USA/West to Mars before the Chicoms.
7. His Twitter feed is very entertaining.

>> No.11732963 [DELETED] 

If space exploration is left up to the state, we will still be tryign to figure out how to get to Mars in 2100. Private firms are the future of rocket and ship design, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

>> No.11732981 [DELETED] 

If space exploration is left up to the state, we will still be tryign to figure out how to get to Mars in 2100. Private firms are the future of rocket and ship design, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

>> No.11732986

If space exploration is left up to the state, we will still be trying to figure out how to get to Mars in 2100. Private firms are the future of rocket and ship design, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

>> No.11732988

>we will still be trying to figure out how to get to Mars in 2100
why would you want to go to Mars? Mars will NEVER be a viable planet for humans to live on.

>> No.11733000

We are not anywhere close to going to Mars you delusional child.

>> No.11733002

I made dis

>> No.11733003

They're gonna die in those stupid suits as well, the whole thing is so sad.

>> No.11733004
File: 50 KB, 970x545, 1544813730772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They will never invent sub-orbital rockets!
>They will never invent a rocket that can reach space!
>They will never send a man into orbit!
>It is literally impossible to reach the moon, never going to happen!
>They will never be able to repeat the moon landing!
>They will never build an orbital space station!
>Private Space exploration will never take off!
>SpaceX will go bankrupt in a few years!
>SpaceX will never launch a rocket into space!
>SpaceX will never beat NASA at rocket design!
>There is no way that they will launch a car into space!
You are here
>SpaceX will never send people into space!
>SpaceX will never land people on the moon!
>Musk will never send people to Mars successfully!
>They will never terraform Mars!

>> No.11733010

>If space exploration is left up to the state, we will still be trying to figure out how to get to Mars in 2100.
which we will still be doing with private spaceflight. dont delude yourself, there wont be a mars landing in your lifetime.

>> No.11733014

USA should have stuck with the Saturn V

>> No.11733023

ah yes, the solitary step required between a moon landind and a mars landing, and from a mars landing to a full-blown terraforming process.

>> No.11733029

Saturn I F-1 for LEO
Saturn C8 for Mars

>> No.11733058

That was a mass well simulated RIP

>> No.11733075

Pieces of the reactor tended to exit along with the propellant.PR nightmare.

>> No.11733140

saturn v used really really outdated analog technology that would be incredibly time consuming to replicate and we would be better off replacing with digital methods
the reason we went through all of that shit is to show the commie bastards what for. we dont really have any global adversaries capable of space travel anymore though so theres not really a point

>> No.11733143

interesting, i only knew about the concept from Ignition!, and not much beyond.
could this issue be mitigated with modern materials?

>> No.11733151

lmao where are the delusional anons from the other thread saying we will be successfully landing and returning from mars within the next 10 years? Elon can barely make a rocket launch imagine going to and back from Mars with people inside. 5 years ago NASA was proud of landing a small rover. More like 30 years in the least.

>> No.11733220

SN4 was never going to Mars.

>> No.11733249

>inspiring visionary
Fucking this. We need more people who can dream big and actually work towards it.

>> No.11733259

>ITT: seething tesla shorters

>> No.11733281

>dream big and actually work towards it
Nobody is working towards anything. This Mars shit is just a marketing ploy to sell more satellite launches. They wouldn't even try to put people in space if NASA wasn't desperate to stop relying on russians to get to ISS.

>> No.11733282

kek this, it's like Americans forget that all this bullshit is just trying to get to Russia's level

this is not moving humanity forward, because Russia is part of humanity already

>> No.11733290

N1 wasn't actually a huge disaster though, they didn't even expect that thing to take of at all. The fall of the union killed it more than anything else.

>> No.11733295

nigger did you not watch the briefing? Our fucking (trump appointed) NASA administrator was salivating at the mouth on private industries getting their hand at the space industry.
He welcomes it wholeheartedly, and NASA is pretty decentralized among its centers that there is no way there was an organized effort within NASA to blow this shit up.
For all of NASA's feats we go through a lot of red tape. Safety alone is a fucking headache. i haven't even worked there that long and already realize that it's just like any govt agency. The fact that I work with fellow scientists and engineers doesn't change the fact that admins outnumber us

>> No.11733305


>> No.11733308

As much as Elon is doing to get the public into space, it doesn't help that America's focus on education in general is shit. At least during the Kennedy administration, he dared the country to go to the moon and funded STEM programs as a pipeline. Obama tried doing so but also gutted some NASA missions. The current administration admonishes education in general (fuck DeVoss)

>> No.11733315


>> No.11733319

N1 last launched in 1972, are you thinking of Energia (the greatest rocket ever built)

>> No.11733322

mars landing just needs a bit more fuel lmao

>> No.11733325

they could've scheduled the tests AFTER the crew mission, the fucking retards

>> No.11733359

tyranny of the rocket equation, anon.

>> No.11733361


>> No.11733365


>> No.11733366

This; Musk is based.

>> No.11733370

It's a completely different rocket.

>> No.11733401

I know this, but most people just see a rocket blow up and connect the two. I'm talking about PR.

>> No.11733413

Oh they sprung a massive leak lol minutes after the engine test for a couple seconds

>> No.11733669


>mutt calling the kettle a jewish puppet


Falcon 9's been a huge success, and once this flight succeeds tomorrow you'll see the Chinese and the Vatniks and the Japs all racing to launch their own reusable rockets.

>> No.11733675

Very successful at casting Fireball spells, maybe.

>> No.11733692

Hey I don't like the Chicoms either, but what's wrong with the Japanese?

>> No.11733694

you americunts had to kidnap Europeans to get the ball rolling on that.

>> No.11733703
File: 117 KB, 800x800, SRB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> solid-fuel rockets can remain in storage for a long time without much propellant degradation, and the fact that they almost always launch reliably
> The lower performance of solid propellants (as compared to liquids) does not favor their use as primary propulsion in modern medium-to-large launch vehicles customarily used to orbit commercial satellites and launch major space probes.
Thus we have to find better forms of solid-rocket fuel, we probably can do it today the way we couldn't do it half a century ago.

>> No.11733727

>Elon has actually been inventing magic this whole time

>> No.11733752


His interest in Mars is a personal desire to walk on Mars, which literally billions of human beings can relate to.

>> No.11733754

It's not that no one would manufacture them, but Tesla is the only reason brands like VW or Ford are even thinking about making EVs. Without Tesla's popularity we would be a long way from having a semblance of an affordable EV.

>> No.11733759


I think they postponed the hops exactly for that reasoning and this was a lesser thing to do they didn't think would explode.

I don't agree with it though, that activity should be postponed to not tarnish the other thing with the possibility of unsightly PR. The explosion was no big problem and fine and they'll keep going, the capsule rocket flight will occur too and there is no need to treat it so delicately.

>> No.11733764

Elon probably has more secret Freemason and Judaic-Satanic curses attacking his mind at any one moment than you will ever experience in your entire life. It's not surprising he would go a little mad, and we should cut him some slack. He's trying to free others from the most evil mystical thought prison ever created (on Earth).

>> No.11733790

You're thinking of the Soviets. The Germans who worked for the US were actually treated with respect, which resulted in them producing better machines.

>> No.11733809

>You're thinking of the Soviets
Yeah, russians kidnaped Tsialkovsky and Korolev.
>producing better machines
US space program was a joke for the better part of it existance.

>> No.11734079

Ok vatnik

>> No.11734187

>fuck DeVoss
Hello, the CEO of Based Incorporated will see you now.

>> No.11735059

you're a dumb nigger

>> No.11736340

Energia wasn't a rocket. it was a space shuttle that was way better than the american counterpart. sadly it only flew like two times and then it got crushed in its hangar.

>> No.11737345

the Energia was a rocket, the Buran was the shuttle which the Russians somehow managed to jerryrig to fly on the Energia.

>> No.11737482
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The highest energy propulsion currently possible for spaceflight was already established.

>> No.11737489

The buran was better than the space shuttle in literally every aspect
>Mfw automated landing 40 years before spacex

>> No.11737651

*loads 5000 nukes onto my 100,000 tons of steel*

See you nerds on triton, I’m out

>> No.11738101

>He will play a vital role in getting the USA/West to Mars before the Chicoms.
Most important part, bar none. If the chinks get there first, the rest of the planet is fucked.

>> No.11738248
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>> No.11740062

Electric cars are cringe though

>> No.11740086

this. can't imagine what his mind is being put through

>> No.11740299
File: 293 KB, 1200x675, first nauts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how many secret launches were there that failed before the first public space launch? i would imagine we sent dozens of dudes to space and 90% of them died before we hit a stride of success

>> No.11740381

So does this push Starship development back even further?

At this rate it'll be 2022 before we see any real progress.

>> No.11740391

my point was that the Energia was a rocket before Buran, and the Soviets just say "eeeeh fuck it" and bolted the plane onto it (with some modification).
but yes, Buran > Shuttle any day.

>> No.11740782

Why use money for r/d when you can just use a proven model?

>> No.11740797

The Rothschilds and Rockefellers must be ended.

>> No.11740830

exactly. i have yet to look into the design of the Energia, but it is quite remarkable to me that a regular rocket can carry an asymmetric load to orbit.

>> No.11740875

ah, i stand corrected, thanks anon.

>> No.11740938

How‘s that boot taste?

>> No.11740976

>So does this push Starship development back even further?

Yes, by three weeks or so. Iterative engineering!

>> No.11740988

lol suck a fart out of my ass coward,I'm going to colonize mars

>> No.11741034
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>Because noone would‘ve made any electric cars without him.
>Because space flight would be almost a magnitude more expensive without him.
>Because America would still be buying Soyuz for years to come without him.
>Because he sees something cool he wishes got done and then actually devotes his life to getting it done himself.

>> No.11741055

It's more than that. They have to clear the debris, fix everything, and build a new one. That'll be a few months at least.

>> No.11741057
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>> No.11741080

This is the great man theory at work.
Fascism is based on the same principle btw.

>> No.11741101
File: 389 KB, 1650x715, 1590867069211[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the great man theory at work.

It is largely a correct theory.

>> No.11741105

Bro I hope you slow down first unless you want to remove triton.

>> No.11741115

It won't be a few months at all, just a few weeks. Also, they have another test pad almost ready.

>> No.11741120
File: 1.20 MB, 5316x3544, gettyimages-1157328419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider Greta.

She is not wasting all her time watching films based on legos and playing with her cunny. And she wasn't the first to adress the climate change issue. Just very sucessfull.

Musk can't claim to have invented anything. But if he was Greta he would've made everything be about him.

>> No.11741125

Like dead people ever stopped a corporation before lmao

>> No.11741151

>gubmint discriminates against black people with taxes
>gubmint blows money on Shart X
So there's no connection?

And given how badly white countries have handled this pandemic, I don't want to be white anymore. I want to be some kind of asian.

>> No.11741161

Greta exists just because she has been manufactured by some powerful families like Soros and Grimaldi, who paid her campaigns and her ship.

>> No.11741243

>gubmint blows money on gibs for nigs
two can play this game, mate

>> No.11741275
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>> No.11741394


Starships are meant to flyyyyy.
Let's so this one more time.

>> No.11741456
File: 256 KB, 500x500, rf laff 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11741503

More antics bent on displacing the indiginous population of Boco Chico. Some of those AirBnBs have been in the community for years.

>> No.11741507
File: 118 KB, 1763x1080, greta-thunberg-cordon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

((())): the blog post

I'd rather spend money on blacks so that they are docile.

>crawling on a beach
Is she Musk's chief engineer.

>> No.11741544

Does falcon heavy have big tiddies

>> No.11741890

Damn. The rocket blew up. They should really have prototypes and test launches to work that stuff out.
Oh... wait. That is exactly what this is.

>> No.11741956
File: 271 KB, 960x720, 1558440658752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this marketization of nuclear power will end when one of America's reactors blows up and kills its human workers. as sad as that will be, those workers will be martyrs and will ensure nuclear power is the domain of the state (as it should be) and not unaccountable capitalist corporations

>> No.11741976

Roscosmos cope, right on time.

>> No.11742214

If there's no launch then there's 0 launch explosions

>> No.11742220
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Don't worry fireballbros, we'll get him next launch.

>> No.11742750

>newer and better technology
still just an another way to spin a steam turbine

>> No.11742760

lol btfo'd faggot

>> No.11743658

it's getting resurrected, but not for launch from Earth. Because nuclear exhaust is dirty you need to build some special equipment to even test them. You know what that means: JOBS! NTR rocket engines have full support of some senators in southern states where this infrastructure would be built.

>> No.11745170

Just replace one part at a time and you are fine. First the computers, then the gyros, next the turbo pumps etc. And only one replacement at a time after that part had been well tested. Going from F-16 to F-35 was costly. A continuous upgrade until you could replace the air frame would have been better, cheaper and safer.

>> No.11745203

Meanwhile other car companies ploughed big money into figuring out how to defeat vehicle emission measurements.

>> No.11746805

Exactly, good thing that these things happen now. Too bad he isn’t building a railway into space

>> No.11747784

Yes, that's why the Soviet N1 was so successful....

>> No.11747791

Got anything to say now, fag?

>> No.11747881


of course it's another.
how could it be the same if it exploded? that rocket is no more friendo.

>> No.11747900
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So where are all of the new physics-based propulsion paradigms using all of the wonderful, tangible products of breakthroughs in physics and mathematics?

Why no alcubiere of cavity resonance thrust drives?

What you Rebbitors are so enthusiastic about with Muksrat is essentially no different than pic related.

>> No.11748036


>> No.11748060


>> No.11750665

rocket science is not rocket science

>> No.11750691

Those technologies either don't work or are centuries away from working. There is active and interesting work on direct drive fusion and nuclear thermal rockets.

>> No.11750866

There is nothing less accountable for these things than the State.
Corporations can lose millions of dollars when a worker gets killed. And their reputation can be severed.
States kill thousands, millions, often people who do not even volunteer. And then call them "heroes". And they keep leeching.


>> No.11751218

different explosion every time

>> No.11751229

>30 years behind everything new
50 years at best, anon, Soyuz is a 1950s design at heart

>> No.11751233

yes, there was a failure of the quick-disconnect

>> No.11751240

I'm glad musk is blowing shit up in the open,it helps reveal who the cowards and losers are who shrink in the face of adversity.

space needs true alphas-creators who face challenges head on, who push ahead towards a goal without hesitation. We need Audie murphies,but without the eventual suicide in a hotel due to the PTSD.

>> No.11751608

>space needs true alphas-creators who face challenges head on, who push ahead towards a goal without hesitation
progshit science fiction tells me that's bad tho

>> No.11752047


>> No.11752206

>at heart
by your logic spacex is 1930s design at heart.. reusable rockets have been in design phase for decades

>> No.11752222

the R7 is from the 1950s, and it still uses roughly the same engines
Merlin has its roots in 1999 at the earliest with FASTRAC, and the body of Falcon 9 is brand new

>> No.11753939

nice cope but reusable rocket concepts have been in the works since 1960s

> NASA started the Space Shuttle design process in the late 1960s, with the vision of creating a fully reusable spaceplane using a crewed fly-back booster for the 1970s.


read the history of reusable rockets once you get some free time from sucking elon cucks cock

>> No.11753952

some guy scribbling "winged booster reuse" on a napkin at NASA in the 60s does not a design make, anon
the hardware heritage for propulsive landing all comes from the DC-X, which used a slow hover landing like the Lunar Excursion Module and the F-35 and the Harrier
Falcon 9 uses hoverslam, which is actually unprecedented

>> No.11754025

are you suggesting Elon came up with the hoverslam in a desert with a box of scraps?

>> No.11754416

I'm saying that it was always theoretical before his company made it happen. Please don't put words in my mouth and suggest that it was Elon personally who did that.
Blue Origin has chosen to acquire DC-X engineers and pursue the slow inefficient hover landing.