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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 353 KB, 1600x335, Foto_de_Venera_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11729225 No.11729225 [Reply] [Original]

am i the only one who wants surface pictures of planets and moons? like pictures from near orbit are great but looking at the planet/moon from the ground perspective is so much cooler. i would love to see the surface of io or europa. to see great plains of io's volcanic rock and sulfur, or to see mountains of ice on europa; all from a human perspective sounds so awesome. i really love the pictures of venus and titan specifically because they contained such a mystery, nobody knew what the surface TRULY looked like. does anyone share that feel?

>> No.11729259

Are you a neet? Would you even consider starting a /sci/ project (I know it sounds like a pipedream, but hey, here we are) to eventually build a cubesat able to land and take periodic pictures on the surface of celestial bodies? I know I do! It would obviously take a shitton of money but why shouldn't we at least talk about it? A /sci/ cubesat taking pictures of Europa, I guess I just miss the space elevator anon

>> No.11729271
File: 16 KB, 100x100, 1557783294961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yes bro. I love those pics. I get ur feel.

>> No.11729273

kind of a neet, but regardless i love the idea. i had actually never heard of a "cubesat" and you prompted me to google it. miniature, affordable satellites sound super cool and im totally on board. it wouldnt really be that hard to attach one of these to some upcoming Discovery mission to Jupiter's orbit and find some way to land it. id think the landing portion of it would be a bit more complicated (and costly) to implement, but really even for like a half hour of pictures at best like the venera probes, that would be so worth it.

>> No.11729274
File: 6 KB, 159x316, rrrrrrter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

color picture of Titan's surface. the rocks are most likely made of water ice

>> No.11729277

Do it. I'll watch

>> No.11729317
File: 153 KB, 983x492, venera14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11729350

really wish there was a repository of all of venus's surface pics. would emailing the russian space agency yield anything?

>> No.11729434

I fucking love that they sent something to Venus

>> No.11729444
File: 686 KB, 1437x1208, hpdqtm0d3kn31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

several things

>> No.11729446

I need video of a drone on titan flying around....I would love to live on titan. it's sad that the odds of that are almost certainly zero.

>> No.11729505

IO's a fucking hell world. Rads are the problem not heat, anything you send there won't live that long due to the rads. Europa has the rad problem too. NASA did investigate a Europa lander and found it would be the biggest robotic probe ever. We can do it, the problem is we need to send the europa clipper first. From what we've seen Europa has extreme terrain, we ain't gonna send the biggest probe ever unless we know a safe place to land.

>> No.11729509

mars has radiation-hardened electronics

>> No.11729537

Mars doesn't have thicc radiation belts

>> No.11729629

you better put a figurine of maki on it

>> No.11730116
File: 268 KB, 1170x1357, fzdb0xesx3621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my university has its logo on mars :^)

>> No.11730161

My hobby is going into the desert, taking pictures of random rocks, then color grading them and posting them online as fake pictures from NASA of Mars

>> No.11731118


>> No.11731656

paypal me $100 and i'll cum on it before launch

>> No.11731782

Adding on to this thread, I’m kind of the same, op. However, I also have a fondness for actual pictures of things in space. It’s so hard having to dig through stupid “artist depictions” of stuff before I find their actual pictures. I don’t even care if the real picture is blurry and pixelated

>> No.11732728


>> No.11737257

gimme your email and I'll do it