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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11728181 No.11728181 [Reply] [Original]

Most scientific fields are dead and stagnant. Only a few pure experimentalists who barely pay lip service only to the prevailing theories in their fields produce the occasional useful advance. They are carrying the rest of the scientific establishment on their backs. The majority of scientists just look smart, self congratulate each other at conferences, and teach remedial math to undergrads and grads.

This is how it ends. Not with a bang but with a whimper.

>> No.11728202

The “work” that graduate students do is busy work to help them learn how science is done. It isn’t scientific interesting or valuable.

>> No.11728209

Or here’s the schizo hypothesis: there is secret scientific progress happening in confidential bases and published in confidential journals.

>> No.11728212
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first year of undergrad

>> No.11728229
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We're nearing the beginning of a renaissance in science and a revolution in scientific progress.

>> No.11728234

I'm working on something I believe is profound. Fairly excited about it.

>> No.11728242

Usually those thoughts go away once you turn 18 or so.

>> No.11728250

scientific “achievements” of 1600-1800 were just collecting knowledge from India, China and other parts of the world and compiling and organizing it. that’s literally what most whites did, like a glorified secretary handling paperwork and labeling everything.

The amount of knowledge was so vast that it took close to 300 years to make it coherent and understand it.. then some expansion on that knowledge occurred while India and China were sucked dry of money and resources and most of it was sent to west, a mostly backward, judeo Christian civilization that managed to have the industrial revolution at the same time that India and China were in the midst of heavy civil war and political turmoil

Now that things have been sorted and knowledge from them gained, we are more or less back to the pre 1600 era.. luckily China and India is growing back up again so we can expect a new revolution within the next 20-25 years

>> No.11728263


>> No.11728270
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You sound like a thinly veiled CCP shill, but you're right about (((Christianity))) destroying scientific progress in Europe.

>> No.11728272
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>> No.11728283
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> 16 Facts about Christianity

> The Spread of Christianity from Year 314 to 580

>> No.11728289

>Jehovah's Witnesses
Fuck off to >>>/x/ Goldblatt.

>> No.11728295

Huh? It’s a term for all this “things will soon change and we will have a golden age!” propaganda.

>> No.11728299

Not only that but the depressing thing is that academia is the world's biggest clique. There isn't enough time/resources/money/equipment to test every theory out there so we are left with 3-4 proponent theories that get all the funding/time/attention. And how are proponent theories selected? The authors are usually those with the most influence in the field. So good luck with your breakthroughs, even if you submit a paper with a paradigm shifting new theory like Einstein did in 1905 it will never ever get the proper attention and will never be tested properly, which brings me to the central point here which is there might be groundbreaking new theories out there right now sitting at the arxiv for example that will never get the deserved attention and change the world.

>> No.11728320

Sorry not quite “propaganda”. More like delusion.

>> No.11728503

Are you legitimately retarded? Do you have zero comprehension of the current state which science is in?

Kirchoff's law is invalid, therefore Planck's equation is as well. Just take that simple fact alone. Scientists will be forced, inevitably, to try to connect Planck's equation to the real physical world in which we all live. When they do, all hell will break loose within the scientific establishment - and in a very positive way. The physical setting required to produce a thermal spectrum will become recognized, and that setting will be the vibrational lattice. So when the need for lattice structure becomes recognized, pseudosscientific quackery like the Big Bang theory, the Black Hole theory and the theory of gaseous stars will no longer survive. That will be one of the first real scientific explosions in physics. Your brain must consist of super dense matter if you don't understand the consequences will be severe when that occurs and that it inevitably will, or if you believe the scientific establishment can forever carry on pretending nothing is wrong and just keep manufacturing band-aids perpetually.

>> No.11728528

amazing graph, it's nice how they quantified "scientific advancement" in a way that is rigorously defined, and not just arbitrarily.
not a christian btw