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11714998 No.11714998 [Reply] [Original]

Why did uneducated men start getting laid more than college educated men after 1960?


>> No.11715032

Unless that graph includes men having sex with men, someone is lying.

>> No.11715053

back in the good old days, women cared far more about a mans career than his looks, college men had better careers

>> No.11715063

Women never cared about career over looks lmao you sad ugly autistic incel.

>> No.11715122

because the amount of respondents increased or because the definition of "education" changed

>> No.11715138

civil rights movement
womens right to choose

That's where Rome entered its final stages of decay as well.

>> No.11715143

>I can't get laid because I'm too educated
it's fascinating to see all the layers of cope you mentally ill incels can come up with. pure entertainment.

>> No.11715160

Boy there sure are a lot of flaming homosexuals in the United States.

>> No.11715169

>the flaming homos with swords and sandals are totally a useful parallel to draw with contemporary society
Don't reproduce.

>> No.11715181

>t. reddicuck

homosexuality is probably the most based sexual orientation... I wish I was homosexual, how simple life would have been.

>> No.11715190

doesn't exist

>> No.11715380

This might a brainlet question, but how is there such a significant difference in partner count between the genders if in any given encounter with a new partner, both the man and woman’s count would go up the same amount? Like, if 100 men and 100 women were in the population, whether each woman paired with one unique man each, or all of the women slept with the same one man, each gender should still have an average of one partner per person, right? And gay people or differences in gender population sizes don’t seem significant enough to produce such a high skew.

>> No.11715385

People lie a lot about their number. Men are thought to overestimate and women are thought to underestimate.

>> No.11715388

>16 partners
I don't believe it.

>> No.11715389

No one likes to have sex with autists because they are either retarded in those matters or just hopeless coomers

>> No.11715392

Sexual Revolution.

>> No.11715411

16 in a lifetime doesn't seem so crazy, especially if you account for people lying.

>> No.11715414

Also pre 1960 college guys were more chad and exceptional. They probably spent every weekend banging a different local girl.

>> No.11715423

>males average 10-16 partners
>women average 6
I know gays are promiscuous but they're not THAT common that they'd skew the mean like that.

>> No.11715446

If you have 10 gays in a room and they have an orgy, what is the increase in the average number of partners?

>> No.11715450
File: 72 KB, 640x354, median.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Although Twenge and other scholars have looked at mean trends in sexual partners, this approach has a disadvantage. Arithmetic means are artificially inflated by outliers, those unusually adventurous folks who’ve had 50, 100, or more partners. Ninety percent of women have had 10 or fewer partners; 90% of men have had 30 or fewer. But the data go as high as 367 for women and 750 for men (the latter value seems to imply a Lothario prone to rounding). These high values mean that averages will be artificially inflated, and therefore fail to capture typical patterns of American sexuality.

>> No.11715455

A woman can meet a guy Friday night, fuck him all weekend, and decide it doesn't count because she's not into him. A guy see's a girl's bra strap on the bus and counts her.
The real lesson here is that the data is completely worthless.

>> No.11715460

>A guy see's a girl's bra strap on the bus and counts her.
Uh, yeah, I that's what sex is. Haven't you heard of a bang bus?

>> No.11715461


>> No.11715467

A woman can count a gangbang as one partner

>> No.11715484

I'd count all the other guys as my partners in it.

>> No.11715590
File: 50 KB, 480x673, 1588004065764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


World War 1- Roaring Twenties

Uneducated men get sent to war, the survivors become war hero chads at home, increasingly got laid and recieve middle class jobs.

Great Depression

Self explanatory, poor people have more sex since more children increases survivor of the family. Educated men who could afford college became more conservative with partner count as increase likelihood of offspring brought on extra costs.

World War 2

New generation of uneducated men get sent to war, the survivors once again become war hero chads at home. Surpassing educated men in getting laid and recieve middle class jobs.

Cold War and Red Scare 2.0

Everyone is on edge, elites, professors and college students are seen as possibly compromised because of communism. Disinterest in them as attractive partners fall, even the elites, professors and students themselves become cautious of partners. This is compounded by lesson learned from great depression thus reducing partners and possible offspring to keep wealth stable.

Vietnam War

New generation of the uneducated once more are sent to war. This time though the survivors do not become war hero chads as public opinion slowly sees them as puppets for modern imperialism. Counter culture hippie movement also decreased the attractiveness of war time heroes.

Basically world war 1&2 caused the steep increase of uneducated men become preferred partners. Afterwards the trend of uneducated men having more partners remained because college educated men loss out on peak attractiveness on three different fronts. Only Vietnam set uneducated men back and that was only briefly.

>> No.11715632

Surprisingly (or not) women lie way more about partner count than men...

They hooked women up to a fake lie detector and and their average reported partner count suddenly went up by almost 100%

They did the same with men and it decreased like less than 10%.

Adjusting by these proportions makes OP graph lines overlap pretty well between men and women....

>> No.11715635

Women like people with intelligences on par with theirs.

>> No.11715643

Plebbit would be perfect for losers like you. You gave up on yourself.

>> No.11715648

Take your meds schizo.

>> No.11715663

This statistics tell me that, if only 6 woman per 16 males are a viable, that there is a lot of homo shit out there.

I have heard from historians that 40% of the Greek populations in ancient times where bi or homo, but thats straight 62%.

>> No.11715668

People that went to college were still rich kids, thankfully society has become more of a meritocracy.

>> No.11715694
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Don't deny the truth anon. You know damn well there's no other explanation for uneducated men to completely over take educated men in partners in the span of three decades. Then proceed to maintain that lead afterwards.

>> No.11715822

Lol according to many first hand accounts I read from soldiers returning home from war, they were treated with disgust and told soldiers were not required to apply.

>> No.11715888

actually they did
now a-days security is promised in most western worlds due to our social systems. We dont need alpha men anymore, just sex

>> No.11715902

take your meds schizo

>> No.11716050


not true since hand not included

>> No.11716675

Romans didn't have our modern conception of sexuality. There's a recorded argument between a Roman who preferred boys and a Roman who preferred girls. They went to a female statue and the "homosexual" one said that the woman had a nice ass, while the "hetersexual" one said she had nice tits.

>> No.11716705

Literally nobody believed in the modern conception of "sexual orientation" until the gays invented it around 1960.

And most of the world (e.g. China, Russia) still doesn't believe it. It's really just an ideological doctrine promoted by people connected with American government and their media empire.

>> No.11716806

Only on 4chan do you encounter such stupid ass comments. Perfect display of humanity's diverse stupidity

>> No.11716833

>Literally nobody believed in the modern conception of "sexual orientation" until the gays invented it around 1960.
Lol no, the modern conception of sexual orientation was earlier than that. You say the gays invented it, but gayness also had to be invented, you know? In various ancient Mediterranean cultures, it was not gayness but sodomy that was seen as immoral, which was then manifested into Abrahamic religions through laws restricting sodomy. We can compare this with the similar (and possibly the ancestral) Greeco-Roman immorality placed on the bottom, rather than both participants. As the Abrahamic religions conflated the behavior of both participants, with Christianity and then Islam, sexual identity shifted from the acts of a participant to their identity as a participant. This created an identification whereby a group of people, who otherwise may have been "bisexual", were marked. The resulting social pressure created a caste whereby such participants could only find empathetic partners who were also participants in the practice, leading to an exclusionary identity.

>> No.11716836

>pre ww2 reliable datas

>> No.11716848


>> No.11716858

>not in double to triple digits
lmao nice self reporting bs. that said it's probably true women go for chad retards over educated betoids.