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11713042 No.11713042 [Reply] [Original]

Prev thread - >>11708315.
Don't be lazy this quarantine https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/aeronautics-and-astronautics/16-885j-aircraft-systems-engineering-fall-2005/video-lectures/

>> No.11713054
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first for Boing! BTFO

>> No.11713058
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>> No.11713060

Mad lad.

>> No.11713062

>Tried to stop depot
>Lost lunar cargo contract
>Lost lunar crew contract
>2 critical failures in Starliner
>SLS won't launch Gateway, commercial rockets will
>Many airplane orders cancelled due to covid
>737MAX production still in 0 emissions mode (grounded)
I honestly feel bad for them

>> No.11713063
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How can these suits look so good yet so bad when worn?

>> No.11713064
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Is he really going to colonize Mars?

>> No.11713068
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"here's your SLS bro"

>> No.11713070

Why does every aerospace logo have a streak

>> No.11713071
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rocket go woosh

>> No.11713077

First stage got lazy apparently.

>> No.11713079


>> No.11713087 [DELETED] 

Virgin orbit propulsion engineers got lazy

>> No.11713103

The guy is a giant cock like his rockets.

He ain't touching any planets. The only rockets or missiles he deserves is his party sausage in his pants.

>> No.11713104
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>You want to use 2 SLS for your mission, after the first test launch? Great, we got plenty of 'em!

>> No.11713107
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>> No.11713109
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They should’ve just ground tested it more. Or at least flown it with only one stage as a first stage test.

>> No.11713118
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Olympus Mons is 22km high, Mars rotates in 24.6 hours, and Mars's escape velocity is about 5.3km/s. That's a LOT of angular momentum. You could build an orbital mass driver at the summit with junkyard electromagnets since you only need ~2km/s propulsive delta-V and the atmosphere is so thin.

>4ASS buys up ten thousand electromagnets, some tunneling equipment, and some DIY geothermal powerplant kits
>orbital yeet train carries them off to Mars 50t at a time
>Operation Supervillain commences
>a colony is dug into the western rim of the main caldera on Olympus Mons
>a four leaf clover flag flies over the colony dubbing it Port Chan
>the eastern rim of the colony crater has the aforementioned junkyard mass driver
>the powerplant kits are used to tap the thermal gradient of the volcano itself to power the colony and the mass driver
>initial tests of the mass driver show it's compatible with the 4ASS standard 50t capsule and thus it is named the Yeet Cannon
>inaugural payloads are sending frog probes to every icy moon in the solar system, including the south pole of our own moon
>ULA reps suiciding at a rate of about once a week
>SpaceX hires Buzz Aldrin to be ambassador to Port Chan
>he ends up starting a vacuum buggy racing league

>> No.11713126
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t. smol pp

>> No.11713171

Because they were made by some hollywood designer to look good on mannequins and hollywood actors.
Not people who want to do work in orbit.

>> No.11713275

Tomorrow it will be scrubbed, isn't it /sfg/? I'm trying to keep expectation low.

>> No.11713278
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Bullshit prediction. Starship production continues in Texas, but at a point this summer/fall the site stops making new rockets (after sn8 or 9). Then the crews all move to Robert's Road and build a site NOT MADE OF FUCKING TENTS and gets started legit.

Has Elon said anything about Texas being the permanent spot? It seems so slapdash and "not meant to last more then a year".

>> No.11713282

Boca Chica has low latitude east facing coast. If you're going to build a spaceport not in Florida it's the best spot in the contiguous US.

>> No.11713293

Work was consolidated at Boca some months ago because Elon was sick of flying back and forth.

>> No.11713360

esa doesn't

>> No.11713419

Didn't read the comment but I appreciate the coomerism.

>> No.11713450

I'm unironically terrified that Biden will get elected and kill all Trump space programs and the space private sector out of spite and for liberal brownie points by forcing everyone to go through the UN and propose a revised Space Treaty before they do anything else.

>> No.11713458

or as a bargaining chip to try to appease Russia and China and separate himself from the previous administration

>> No.11713490

Forecast has improved to 60% GO, backup day is 70% GO
Source: https://twitter.com/thesheetztweetz/status/1265253137725734912

>> No.11713533

Regardless of Party, NASA as an institution is to popular with people to have their funding gutted. And if they have money thier contractors have money.

>> No.11713537

all the funding in the world doesn't matter if they're directed to focus entirely on climate research

>> No.11713541

Isn’t that NOAA’s job? Even the biggest retard in the world knows this.

>> No.11713542

They said aerospace anon

>> No.11713543

That gives us an 88% chance of launch.

>> No.11713551
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>Excuse me yeah, where do I sign for a trip to the ISS? I wanna shoot a movie you see...

>> No.11713552
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NASA Admin briefing with astronauts on Demo 2 LIVE:


Starts SOON

>> No.11713556

Thank ye, sir

>> No.11713571

I would try and ask them a troll question but I'm too lazy desu

>> No.11713574

Nvm they seem to be taking questions from news organisations and shit

>> No.11713580

>Crew Demo 2 will have a name
>Name will be released on launch day
>It will be Trampoline

>> No.11713582

This was when Cocoa, Florida was still operating. They MAY be the site of official Starship production, using robotics and shit for fine welding, but for now, they've stagnated. However, it's fairly clear that SpaceX will probably move its HQ to Texas.

>> No.11713584

Not only that, without government facilities there, they can do it with much less restrictions/financial costs.

>> No.11713585

Solar arrays only last 114 days? Can Dragon use ISS power while docked? Why the short period?

>> No.11713587

The trunk module IS meant to be disposed, might as well use solar cells that don't last.

>> No.11713588

But wouldn't a crew mission to ISS usually last 6 months?

>> No.11713593

How long until the launch?

>> No.11713595

Dragon probably gets charged by the ISS anyways.

>> No.11713597

Lmao this is what he would say to the astronaut's kids

>> No.11713600

Launch on Wednesday afternoon

>> No.11713602

Inspiring stuff desu, nice to hear such convincing dialog from NASA.

>> No.11713603
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Chinese astronauts training for upcoming space station missions.

>> No.11713604

I doubt it, but I wish they would.

>> No.11713605
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>> No.11713608

>American time
Thanks anyway senpai

>> No.11713609

About 36 hours from now

>> No.11713611

It's tomorrow morning (my time) faggot

>> No.11713612

Launch is at 20:33:33 UTC (22:33:33 CET with DST in effect) if all goes to plan.

>> No.11713616

So like, 6 hours from now?

>> No.11713617

A little less than 32 hours from now.

>> No.11713618


>> No.11713620

Sorry, 30, my brain is not working. Been a long day and I haven't eaten jack shit.

>> No.11713621

30 hours

>> No.11713622
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Very competitive sounding too which is good news
>AMERICAN rockets
>AMERICAN people
>AMERICAN star system

>> No.11713624

Looks like some evil empire shit

>> No.11713627

Oh fuuck I got the days wrong. It's literally just clocked midnight here, so please forgive me.

>> No.11713629
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Sorry that it wasn't metric time.

>> No.11713632

>But I write the style guide


>> No.11713636

I like this guy a lot

>> No.11713641

kek. Apparently America was going to switch to Metric in the 70s or something but some politicians kicked up a stink about it saying it was going to cost a lot, don't know the whole story or even if it's true.

>> No.11713642
File: 1.36 MB, 2373x1497, Grumman-X29-InFlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Favorite plane was the Grumman X-29
pretty based.

>> No.11713643

>about the toilet haha
what was that about?

>> No.11713645

There's no toilet on Dragon 2.

>> No.11713646

>Jim reveals on launch day that NASA has been secretly working on an SSTO variant of the X29 for Space Force

>> No.11713647

at this point we're all just sick of euros jerking off to their number standards that it's 99% spite

>> No.11713649

what? I could have sworn there is

>> No.11713652

are these two astronauts the backups in case doug or bob get sick?

>> No.11713655

>cutting your nose off
I feel like the change is going to happen eventually, imperial is pretty outdated. Even NASA uses metric

>> No.11713658

Jim confirms that Launch Cat will be in attendance at the launch control center

>> No.11713659

Good question about launch fever.

>> No.11713674


>> No.11713684
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We had the same thing, now we're stuck halfway between some ungodly metric/imperial mix that doesn't make sense half the time

>> No.11713698

>Berger wrote a review of the Space Force tv show
he didn't like that they launched rockets from Colorado, but seems to like the show in general

>> No.11713709

Yeah I heard about that, what the actual fuck. Love to know who is the retard to blame for that

>> No.11713710
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I mean it's the most boring space agency out there, but it can do stuff, I promise

>> No.11713718

Rumor is texas really wants it's own spaceport and spaceX using it full time with starship.
They probably will make it very easy for spaceX to do so.

>> No.11713720

Elon thinks current starship architecture will achieve 1000% cost reduction over F9

>> No.11713733
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>SpaceX signed a deal with the US Army to provide Army units with Starlink
>the deal is good for three years

>> No.11713743

it's going to be a little sad if we lose the Cape Canaveral and Baikonur Cosmodrome rivalry since both names are nauseatingly American/Russian, but the future of spaceflight is definitely in Boca Chica

>> No.11713746

Starlink will be 100mbps down, 40mbps up

>> No.11713759
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This is what happens when you build a rocket outside .

The Starship SN5 nosecone skirt really wanted to be the nosecone. This was achieved with the help of last night's gusty winds. Hushed faceStar-struckRocket


>> No.11713767

Hopefully that will boost elons revenue

>> No.11713779

All musk related stock will probably take a boost tomorow if the launch succeeds.

>> No.11713788

Stock boost or not, successful DM-2 ensures another solid revenue stream for launching astronauts for NASA.

>> No.11713809

>But for a fleeting, dismissive mention of NASA, Space Force mostly ignores civil and commercial space. In this television show—and thus, I fear, in the public mind—it sets up the human exploration of the Moon as a purely military exercise. There are those of us who would like to see NASA as a force to unite the world, rather than divide it, and for humans to go forward into the next frontier together.
I hate those Star Trek inspired fags who want NASA to lead the world to some peaceful commune. It's just not realistic, and it's dangerous given the realities of social ills like Islam, China, corruption, and how easy it is for dictators to take over in democracies. A unified humanity will quickly become a dictatorship with mass genocide at worst, global war at best.

>> No.11713824
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SN7 section has made an appearance this morning, see pic.

FOUR Starships are now outdoors in various phases of production and processing.

SN4 at the pad. SN5 in the High Bay with SN6 section alongside and now SN7's first rings have been spotted near the big tents.

>> No.11713828

they need to blow up SN4 so they can move on

>> No.11713833

Are they anticipating that the FAA will give them a blanket license to launch Starships? They're having a ton of trouble with the FAA to launch SN4.

>> No.11713838

I think once all the village residents are gone it will be a lot easier.

>> No.11713840

cant he hire some good ol boys to set the place on fire.

>> No.11713847
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What's in the mystery box?

>> No.11713849

>China declared the Sea of Tranquility as a scientific zone
>non-Chinese are warned to not enter the area
I bet things like this are going to happen. Oriental countries love to give small excuses like this then grab everything they can while Western countries complain and call for investigations.

>> No.11713853

i think it goes on top to add weight.

>> No.11713855

Hopefully they crash

>> No.11713865
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>> No.11713888

>Space Force mostly ignores civil and commercial space
I assume that line is referring to Space Force the show and not the organization, because I thought that the USSF is working with civil and commercial space.

>> No.11713890

I saw a couple days ago that weather permitted 40% chance of launch has anyone seen an update to this?

>> No.11713897

It's from the Berger article comparing the show to the real world. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/05/i-laughed-a-lot-at-netflixs-space-force-but-my-inner-space-wonk-cried/

>> No.11713905


>> No.11713912

>Starship maiden launch
>payload is a 2m*2m*2m solid cube of steel
>it re-enters uncontrolled a few year and razes a random town in Australia

>> No.11713917

Nobody even respects their claims on earth because they are bullshit, why would we respect them on the moon?

>> No.11713924

>it re-enters uncontrolled a few year and razes a random emu camp in Australia

>> No.11713926

The chinese are taking over australia and are used to getting spaceship relates stuff droped on them anyway.

>> No.11713930

>The chinese are taking over australia
citation needed

>> No.11713933

Moon War

>> No.11713939

>citation needed
hello mr headinthesand

>> No.11713941

Considering how lawless space is, I doubt anyone would take those claims seriously unless China has a way to enforce them using weapons, but that would cause a huge international outrage.

>> No.11713951

Or a chinese shill, lots of those too on 4chan.

>> No.11713952

it's two rolls of starship steel welded into a frame and then put in a box
you can see it in a video

>> No.11713998

So the strategy of the Space Force is to have more satellites than China has ASAT missiles.

>> No.11714004

Elon interview with Aviation Week

>> No.11714005

or to just make a kessler syndrome ring around China's launch sites

>> No.11714018

That would affect the US as well.

>> No.11714021

That combined with SpaceX continuously launching to replenish Starlink means that attempting to destroy Starlink in space will be dangerous and futile. China will probably have to destroy American launch sites instead.

>> No.11714023

Or bribe Shelby to accelerate his SpaceX nationalization plans.

>> No.11714042
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this is what is in the mystery box

>> No.11714043
File: 1.81 MB, 3807x1937, 3_SLS_at_Michoud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda sad to see NASA be so proud of the SLS given how troubled the whole project is. Like, are they just blissfully unaware of the issues, or do they reconcile it as a necessary evil?

>> No.11714046

they are, by law, required to be excited about SLS

>> No.11714049
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>> No.11714052

>they made SN4 too light to do the short single engine hops
>so they're adding 25 tons of ballast

>> No.11714058

>SN4 accidentally SSTOs

>> No.11714059

It's too heavy for that, at best (if they put all three engines on) it could end up at 100 km

>> No.11714062

NASA lives for that shit, politicians doubly so.

>> No.11714064

SLS ensures NASA’s support from boeing, which ensures that politions from districts where boeing has employies won’t defund NASA.

>> No.11714070

SSOs are still a long time away, unless DARPA secretly has one and they haven't told us about it.

>> No.11714079
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will they be alright

>> No.11714083

cry more

>> No.11714085

>>11713888 (checked)

USSF is preparing to roll out the SDI, now that the technology exists and actual designs are being tested. Musk's Starship and Falcons will be putting it all into place, then the US will finally feel ready to subdue the SCO countries and colonize the solar system.

>> No.11714086
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>> No.11714090
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The new forecast looks better than it did yesterday. Now a 40% probability of violating weather constraints.

>> No.11714092

Yes, NASA knows how to not go outside in a thunderstorm

>> No.11714093

>ou could build an orbital mass driver at the summit with junkyard electromagnets since you only need ~2km/s propulsive delta-V and the atmosphere is so thin.
What we'd actually do is go full ham and build an electromagnetic accelerator track up the entire slope of the mountain, with tunnels and bridges in place as necessary, allowing us to launch payloads directly onto interplanetary escape trajectories from the ground. Colonies are most likely to be built at low elevations, because the air pressure is higher and thus CO2 acquisition is easier, and of course landing rockets with more atmosphere to slow down with means you get more payload downmass.

>> No.11714095

Isn't there a "YOU ARE HERE" pasta for Elon?

>> No.11714106

Name an advantage of a big expensive permanent building compared to rapidly constructed, reconfigurable tent setups, I'll wait.
Elon loves tents because it lets them be flexible without spending much money on basic infrastructure like roofs.

>> No.11714109

I just met a schizo who thinks NASA is gonna mass produce SLSs and that starship won't be ready by 2024 even.

>> No.11714110

Doesn't matter, it takes like 12 hours to weld one of those things together.

>> No.11714112

did you tell him that by even the most conservative estimates, SLS costs a billion dollars to make and they can make one of them a year?

>> No.11714113

>NASA is gonna mass produce SLSs
Isn't it supposed to fly 2 time per year at most, or am I remembering things wrong?

>> No.11714114

>who thinks NASA is gonna mass produce SLSs
Isn’t SLS made by Boeing though? NASA doesn’t own a spaceship factory, and if they did they would produce something much better than Boeing shit.

>> No.11714118

Yes, two was an optimistic prediction, they won't reach one per year.

>> No.11714119

That counterweight costs more than pretty much any large section of each Starship prototype, lol.

>> No.11714128

>Isn't it supposed to fly 2 time per year at most
It's supposed to fly one per year at most, and people have said that if they pushed the factory to the max they could build 2 per year.

>> No.11714131

Yes, but only if Michoud tried its very best and crunch timed. However, it cannot sustain that level of production. One SLS a year is the maximum sustained level.

>> No.11714138
File: 10 KB, 480x360, old_man_kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA took almost a decade to design and build a single propellant tank
>taking months just to test the fully assembled rocket which reuses parts that should be familiar
>It will cost at least $1B per launch
>Somehow is going to be "mass produced"

>> No.11714154

If SLS is operational and can be used by 2023 it might see some use. If not it will never see the light of day.

>> No.11714161

I think that it is made using the thicker stainless rolls that were for earlier designs and they didn't need them anymore. Still more expensive than a Starship section but they could only get around a dollar per pound if they scrapped it.

>> No.11714172

I told him all of this, and I asked him how he expects to have colonization (or even manned exploration) of the solar system with a rocket that costs a billion to launch a 100 tons into LEO once a year, and he literally just ignored it.

>> No.11714175
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You know, it was all fun when they were blowing up Suckenberg's satellite, but now I'm pissing my pants that the thing might esplode on the Pad with people on board.
Now, I understand there's an escape system, but still.

I think I'm gonna go hide in the forest whenever they start putting people in Starship.

>> No.11714178

Where's that quote of some NASA guy from 2014 or so saying he thinks SLS will be launched before falcon heavy

>> No.11714179

did you call him a nigger and an oldspace shill
go hide in the forest now please, frogposter, and leave your electronics behind you

>> No.11714185

I hope they delay so I can actually drive down to see this on saturday

>> No.11714191

Don't know where I read about it, but I think they're blocking access to all main viewing areas because of a certain Virus.

>> No.11714196
File: 3.18 MB, 5100x3300, SLS_vs_F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I shit on SLS. I hope it launches well before 2023 and that it sees some use.

Share this image to him, and then ignore his stupid ass.

>> No.11714197

Thanks, I will.

>> No.11714198

boo hoooo.

Not really.

You just have to keep outlandish people in check before massive things can change for the worse.

Jumped up dorks should not get a say on nuking Mars, if it was ever an opportunity. It won't happen but they should know.

>> No.11714200

Launch escape systems have saved two out of two soyuz crews over the past 50 years. One time on the pad from a pad explosion, the second during launch.

>> No.11714203

SLS is but a shadow of itself.
I remember when it was supposed to get liquid boosters with F1-B engines.

>> No.11714205

cry more

>> No.11714210

An American loser who aspires to reach for the stars to escape his bullies.

>> No.11714211

I know that.
Yet I still get the jitters for tomorrow.
And I know it's irrational, I'm just saying.
And I'm sure a lot of Spacex employees must be feeling that way too.

>> No.11714213
File: 492 KB, 1313x1080, f1b_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liquid boosters with F1-B engines
Press F for the F-1B.

>> No.11714217

At least falcon 9 is a relatively proven rocket

>> No.11714218

He ignored it and told me I didn't educate myself on SLS.

>> No.11714219
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>> No.11714223
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Tell him to look at the OIG reports on how SLS is managed and just ignore him for good. He's not going to change his mind, and he might even be trolling you.


>> No.11714224

>22 billion
With that money James Webb could have been operational by now.

>> No.11714225

I know they shut down the Kennedy space center, but I doubt they are going to shut down the beaches around there

>> No.11714227
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>> No.11714230

The truth is, this would have closed whatever company makes the Shuttle SRBs.
I'm sad because it looked cool af fuck.

>> No.11714243

>China starts developing it's own version of Starlink
>can't hack SpaceX to steal Starlink specs
>decide to use their X-37B clone to nab a Starlink sat and bring it back for study
How plausible is this?

>> No.11714253

cry more

>> No.11714254

>How plausible is this?
Kinda? China can definitely send a spacecraft to capture a Starlink sat assuming that SpaceX doesn't have some precaution against that. However, I think that would cause international outrage, and encourage the US to start pulling down Chinese satellites until they start playing nice in space.

>> No.11714257

>Starship chomping Chinese satellites like a game of space Pacman

>> No.11714260

>He might even be trolling you.
No shit.

>> No.11714263

Why wouldn't they just lean on a Chinese-American working for SpaceX and get them to provide the information they seek? The Chinese government turn anyone with family remaining in China, they do it constantly to feed their global spy network.

>> No.11714266

I wanna see that happen. No, just attach a shredder inside the jaws of starship so it can obtain cheap material to be used for more starlinks

>> No.11714275
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>> No.11714283

The space food chain, but instead of plankton and fish, it's satellites and starships.

>> No.11714284

Those are spools of sheet metal welded into thicc cylinders? Crazy. But impressively simple.

>> No.11714290

Implausible, it'd be funny if this actually happened though and SpaceX blew the satellite while it was in the Chine vehicle's payload bay and undergoing reentry. It's not like SpaceX would not be aware of the situation.

>> No.11714295
File: 66 KB, 734x624, sls hueg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11714298

May as well reuse the old-spec steel

>> No.11714306

>Falcon heavy is too small to launch payloads that are 120% the size of its maximum payload
>and since we refuse to consider orbital assembly for anything except space stations, this is a problem

>> No.11714307

Just strap two more first stages to it and call it falcon super heavy desu

>> No.11714308
File: 26 KB, 583x583, are_you_feeling_the_despair_now_mr_krabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>North Korean Shuttle
Imagine the RUDs...

>> No.11714310

Do hydrogen fuel tanks always suffer from boil off or is there some way to prevent it?

>> No.11714312

doubt it, texas is giving them a lot of leeway, they are in a good spot, and they've already bought up all that neighboring property and shown proposals for massive future expansion

>> No.11714315


There's probably nothing that exotic in a Starlink sat that it can't be reasonably duplicated.

>> No.11714318
File: 122 KB, 728x546, ULA_based_depot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One could shield the tank heavily enough to slow down the boil off to the point where it isn't a significant issue, but that would add too much weight to be practical for a rocket propellant tank. Could work for a d*p*t.

>> No.11714323

go and die in a car crash with you and your family.

>> No.11714325

they come from the factory that way, they just welded some up instead of use them

>> No.11714326
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>> No.11714329

Very thick insulation would work, but then your mass fraction turns to shit. Boil-off honestly doesn't matter on time scales measured in minutes, like a rocket launching to LEO, so you actually don't need to insulate hydrogen tanks whatsoever if you're just making a launch vehicle stage. SLS and Delta and others are insulated anyway because engineers are afraid of falling ice for some reason, not that it caused the Saturn rockets any issue.

>> No.11714330

what I'm primarily interested in is if China gets butthurt about the fact that Starlink would necessarily bypass the great firewall. I expect bootleg ground terminals to spread around the country and give people access to the free internet.

>> No.11714331

Wait, wouldn't comparing falcon heavy to starship be more appropriate, considering both are under development and both are super heavy lift vehicles?

>> No.11714334

cry more

>> No.11714336

Why doesn't Russia sign on with the Chinese space station?

>> No.11714338
File: 647 KB, 816x642, S-IV_assembly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SLS and Delta and others are insulated anyway because engineers are afraid of falling ice for some reason
I think that's just a hold over from the Shuttle which had to worry about ice on the outside of the tank. IIRC the Saturn stages were also insulated but on the inside of the tank walls rather than the outside.

>> No.11714339

go and die in a car crash with you and your family.

>> No.11714341

What about in the outer solar system? I started using cryogenic engines in KSP and they seem pretty nifty, but you need to expend substantial amounts of electricity constantly to prevent boiloff.

>> No.11714342

US (+ the rest of the world) > China
because the US is involved they have to make a choice, they can't be involved in both at the same time

>> No.11714344

>Elon Musk disrupts the automotive industry with Tesla, completely revolutionizes the Space launch industry with SpaceX, and spurs an actual revolution and overthrow of the CCP with Starlink
Is there anyone more based?

>> No.11714349

China sucks and Russia doesn’t want to work with them either

>> No.11714351
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>> No.11714353

cry more

>> No.11714358

needs more struts

>> No.11714360

My understanding is that they had to insulate the oxygen from the hydrogen in stage 2 of the Saturn V to prevent the formation of frozen oxygen. Regardless of whether they actually insulated the tanks, they had ice forming pretty much everywhere above the first stage kerosene tank, which makes me believe they could have got away with not using any insulation between the propellant and the outside air. Probably at most they'd want exterior coatings that would inhibit ice collecting on the surface, or encourage the ice to be shed during launch.

>> No.11714361

I want to see it do a Korolev Cross.

>> No.11714367
File: 66 KB, 730x570, Yenisei_Rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hydrogen has a ridiculously low boil off temp, so I'd imagine that the issues would persist in the outer system.

Looks like the Yenisei.

>> No.11714370

go and die in a car crash with you and your family.

>> No.11714373
File: 132 KB, 800x480, planetes_diapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just understood why dragon has a working toilet. No one would buy tourist tickets if they had to use a diaper.

>> No.11714374

I hate bureaucracy

>> No.11714381
File: 197 KB, 1345x683, Manifest-Direct3-062209-zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK did they fuck up DIRECT this much!?

>> No.11714388
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>> No.11714389


>> No.11714390


That graph is made up by the Direct liars.

>> No.11714392

They probably have a crap ton of random stuff like that left over from the mk1/2 days that can't be used with the current design and is laying around waiting to be scrapped anyways

>> No.11714393

>windy boi strikes again

>> No.11714394

Reminder that NASA considered deleting the toilets from Orion to meet the mass budget.

>> No.11714395

I wonder what the price will be..

>> No.11714397
File: 368 KB, 2817x1574, Commonality_DIRECT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Shelby

>> No.11714398

That sucks. The thing I noticed most about it was how low in density it is as a fuel. A fuel tank with 800 volume carrying liquid fuel and oxidizer has more than twice the weight of a fuel tank of the same volume carrying only LH2, so you need bigger tanks to hold an equivalent amount of propellant.

>> No.11714401

the S-IV is just an EUS, isn't it

>> No.11714402

>2012 ISS
>2017 Moon
just a reminder to never get excited

>> No.11714403 [DELETED] 
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Remember guys, Stay safe.... (see pic)

>> No.11714405
File: 1.69 MB, 3000x2250, DIRECT_Jupiter-232_Exploded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would have happened if DIRECT was implemented as proposed but congress saw pork oportunity in dragging it out, pride and dignity be dammed so we get SLS instead

>> No.11714406

Stay safe and have many children

>> No.11714409

hahah rocket look like penis

>> No.11714411

I actually deleted it because I too share that notion, we don't want more population you are right.

I just found it funny.

>> No.11714412

Nobody wants to work with china, they would just steal everything and cry out that they are the victim.

>> No.11714416
File: 188 KB, 489x499, 1590516605369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I accidentally deleted it

it ok bro I gotou

>> No.11714417

We want as many people as we can fit on this Earth and Mars, so like twenty billion or more.

>> No.11714419

Kinda. EUS is a better S-IV from the looks of the stats (ignoring that the S-IV was a part of the chad Saturn I, and the EUS is tied to the virgin SLS).

>> No.11714421

cry more

>> No.11714422

The dude will have it's own chapter in history at this rate.

>> No.11714423

lol awh hell no.

>> No.11714431

Sounds awful.

>> No.11714435

Shut up earthroach, the future is millions of people per star system, each with command of more resources than or entire civilization currently uses today.

>> No.11714436

Kys misanthrope.

>> No.11714437

Fuck them for not accepting Pyrios. "unsuitably high acceleration and poor abort scenarios" my ass.

>> No.11714441

KYS people lover.

Wow what a faggot. go lick a strangers ass hole you weirdo.

>> No.11714443

>Unironically hating your own species

Please see a psychiatrist. You have personal issues.

>> No.11714449

That’s boring and unrealistic. Trillions could fit inside of space stations built from moons.

>> No.11714451

Thinks i have issues for not wanting tons of people around me.

Wow go back to red dit fag.

>> No.11714460

>Thinks i have issues for not wanting tons of people around me.

Yes you have issues for not wanting tons of people around you. Humans are social animals that can maintain personal relationships with at least 140 people.

>> No.11714462
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>> No.11714464
File: 9 KB, 194x259, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humans are social animals that can maintain personal relationships with at least 140 people.

No shit sherlock, of course something that basic is possible.

Shall i go and do it now because theory says we can?

Jesus what a fucking fairy.

>> No.11714466
File: 297 KB, 1024x770, DIRECT_Jupiter-120_Exploded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was supposed to be so simple, so straightforward.

>> No.11714475
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>> No.11714479

>Shall i go and do it now because theory says we can?

Yes. Meeting people is fun.

>> No.11714480
File: 58 KB, 800x667, 1552501031566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They went full retard with SLS

>> No.11714483
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SLS is Direct, the Direct people lobbied the congress people involved in creating SLS to create SLS by setting SLS parameters in legislation to force NASA to build SLS because NASA was going to do something else and something better than SLS, pic related is what SLS replaced and what the Direct crew could not stand have occur instead of a shuttle derived rocket.

>> No.11714488
File: 215 KB, 1098x850, J241-41.4002.08001_EDS_090606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was the Falcon 1 even flying yet at that time, nice joke

>> No.11714490
File: 169 KB, 872x1200, sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it CAN be.

You live in lala land if this is every-time for you.

I don't need 20 billion humans to get that fix. You must be high on Starbucks coffee.

>> No.11714494

Watch cosmonauts doing the mr. Roboto walk in the sohkolov suit. Spacesuits are stiff and bulky.

>> No.11714495
File: 175 KB, 1098x850, J130H-41.5000.10051_CaLV_30x130nmi_29.0deg_090608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11714500

Not every time, but it’s more fun than annoying.

> I don't need 20 billion humans to get that fix.

Neither do I, dummy, but more people existing is generally desirable. I’d like for there to be 450 quintillion people or more.

>> No.11714505
File: 53 KB, 576x454, x36ckvj64a231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait for tomorrow, finally get to wear my spaceX shirt and hat

>> No.11714508
File: 498 KB, 3648x2736, falchion beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gradius ships finally become real

>> No.11714514

>Neither do I, dummy, but more people existing is generally desirable. I’d like for there to be 450 quintillion people or more.

That is dumb.

Resources can't cope. World becomes just all about humans.

What about other life forms and landscapes?

You only think about humans.

You would want 450 quintillion? So basically you want to live in a giant human ass hole. Ok cool.

>> No.11714521
File: 213 KB, 1098x850, J246-41.4004.10051_CaLV_090606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck SLS

>> No.11714524

>Resources can't cope.

There are practically unilimited resources among the stars.

> World becomes just all about humans.
What about other life forms and landscapes?

Don’t give a fuck about them. Their only practical use is as food or amusement.

> You only think about humans.


>> No.11714526

>I’d like for there to be 450 quintillion people or more
I hope you mean spread across a huge number of solar systems. China's only got a few billion and it's total shit. India can't poo in the loo for a reason.

>> No.11714532
File: 989 KB, 4096x2730, trump space force flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama had NASA working on climate propaganda and Muslim outreach. There was a big stink in 2017 when Trump told them to stop.



>> No.11714533

Also I care for other life forms , i am a human so I don't need to worry about my own kind, by default that comes with the daily life.

I don't need to put extra love and red dit care into people, like they are fucking god's children.

>> No.11714534
File: 353 KB, 2785x823, DIRECT_Lunar_Mission_Model_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think where we would be right now if DIRECT was adopted instead of Congress Launch System

No 9 year US manned spaceflight gap...

>> No.11714539

>There are practically unilimited resources among the stars
Well, I actually want to HAVE resources, not share them commie style.

>> No.11714546

/r/ing the gif of elon with maracas

>> No.11714547

>I hope you mean spread across a huge number of solar systems

Obviously. We may be able to fit trillions in Sol using O’Neill cylinders, but I like planets.

>> No.11714549

At modern makes-30k-a-year living standard, retard.

>> No.11714551

>There are practically unilimited resources among the stars.
Good, take your onions boys, and go beyond our solar system and fuck off with your faggotry.

>Don’t give a fuck about them. Their only practical use is as food or amusement.

Well for a start without plant life you would be choking to death. Which is what you need to be doing right now.


What a fucking little smarmy cunt. Go and shove your head up some random granny's cunt and tell her how much you love her for being a human.

You giant liberal spastic.

>> No.11714552

>Well, I actually want to HAVE resources, not share them commie style.

No one advocated for sharing resources “commie style”. Ever heard of private mining, farming, and manufacturing?

>> No.11714556
File: 37 KB, 454x520, dfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obviously. We may be able to fit trillions in Sol using O’Neill cylinders, but I like planets.

Fuck sharing a cylinder with that cunt.

>> No.11714557
File: 444 KB, 3000x2000, 16787988882_3f7c661a96_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official NASA launch stream link is up:


Set your YouTube reminder. I'm sure SpaceX will have a link as well.

>> No.11714558


SpaceX was the foreseeable looming threat to the shuttle like rocket that locking in NASA's launch basis for the next 50 years or more in the year 2010 was meant to forestall.

In 2010 ULA tech was already a better option than Shuttle tech and SpaceX was going to give them a run for their money.

The time point to build an SHLV was arbitrary. The better non Shuttle tech options didn't go away, they were still pursuable at any point. You can build a ULA or SpaceX basis rocket at any point in time including now. The plan SLS replaced selected the competitive rocket solution a few years later, by 2015, after some more considered refinement. In 2010 it was a perfectly foreseeable move not to lock out the recognizable benefits of a better SpaceX entry but give it a shot, unless you were huffing your own fumes of Shuttle derived rocket hysteria.

>> No.11714559

>Well for a start without plant life you would be choking to death.

That’s why I said “Their only practical use is as food or amusement.”

> What a fucking little smarmy cunt. Go and shove your head up some random granny's cunt and tell her how much you love her for being a human.

I do love people simply because they are human, and so does the God-Emperor.

>Anyone who wants humans to reproduce more is a liberal


>> No.11714560

SpaceX developed a FFSC engine on their own between that Falcon XX proposal and the modern day, and SLS still hasn't flown. You really think SpaceX couldn't build a bigger GG kerolox engine to put onto a large single-stick launch vehicle, especially considering that they wouldn't even need to make it reusable?

>> No.11714561
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>> No.11714564

Will Shelby be attending tomorrow's launch?

>> No.11714567

>Also I care for other life forms

They’re fascinating, I suppose, but I prefer divine mankind.

>> No.11714571

Trump will, so he'd better.

>> No.11714572

>Just think where we would be right now
In the exact same position, doing cost plus contracts all over the place for repurposed legacy hardware in no hurry to get anywhere.

>> No.11714575

No, the ULA snipper will be attending in his place.

>> No.11714577 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 500x400, POL9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humanity is only divine when the parasitic and lazy are gone.

>> No.11714578

that wasn't the intended goal of Direct though

>> No.11714585

They can be uplifted, fixed.

>> No.11714586

The "intended goal" of SLS wasn't to putter about endlessly either, but here we are. It looked just as shiny on the promotion paper as Direct did.

>> No.11714587 [DELETED] 

>That’s why I said “Their only practical use is as food or amusement.”

Socializing with humans is for amusement too.

>I do love people simply because they are human, and so does the God-Emperor.

That's because you are high on liberal circle jerk bullshit.

>Anyone who wants humans to reproduce more is a liberal

Of course. We all know Liberals would love for there to be a mass orgy of humans. They are fucking that weird you know.

>> No.11714590

Nah that was the intended goal, which is why Direct turned to SLS thanks to meddling from congress and contractors

>> No.11714597

Hindsight is 20/20. But look at the thing. Legacy hardware, check. Same fucking contractors, check.
We got us a cost plus jobs program under a different name. It would have been the exact same shit just like Constellation.

>> No.11714601

>In 2010 it was a perfectly foreseeable move not to lock out the recognizable benefits of a better SpaceX entry but give it a sho
The one good thing about SLS as it is now then is that its intended specifically for BEO from the start, but now Falcon Heavy is giving it a run for its money with that, and later Starship

>> No.11714612

>Of course. We all know Liberals would love for there to be a mass orgy of humans

Hell yeah. I’m primarily interested in humans radically diverging from eachother due to natural evolution, genetic engineering, and cybernetics into a heterogenous variety with many unique cultures, viewpoints, bodies, and experiences to offer.

>> No.11714615 [DELETED] 
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>They’re fascinating, I suppose, but I prefer divine mankind.

They are far from divine.

That is how wishful thinking and delusional leftists are.

>> No.11714622

>democrats and libs when it suits them

>democrats and libs in reality

>> No.11714627

Stop taking adderall you fucking freak.

You sound like a complete twat.

Fuck humans, fuck the population and fuck you you gay human worshiper fag lord.

>> No.11714629

>They are far from divine.

Are we? What is it for something to be a “God” if not far beyond it’s peers in wisdom, intellect, and power? No chimpanzee can understand an internal combustion engine. No dolphin has landed on the moon. No reptile has pondered the nature of the stars. These feats and experiences are utterly beyond them, but they are within ours, because we’re the best.

>> No.11714631

You seem unhappy and full of hate. See a psychiatrist

>> No.11714640
File: 6 KB, 181x279, Likes humans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You seem unhappy and full of hate. See a psychiatrist
You seem content with using gay little CULTURAL rhetoric statements like this.

You truly are a human bum worshiper.

I don't need a psychiatrist like you bum worshipers do.

>> No.11714642

Why is it so goddamned windy there?
How much shit have they lost to wind already? Especially if you factor in all the fucked up welds.

>> No.11714643

>NASA will develop the EUS to increase SLS performance beyond Block 1 specifications. The improved upper stage was originally named the Dual Use Upper Stage (DUUS, pronounced "duce")[9] but was later renamed the Exploration Upper Stage (EUS) due to DUUS sounding like a profanity in Japanese.[10]

>> No.11714645

Okay, depression-and-hate anon. :)

>> No.11714652

>Why is it so goddamned windy there?
Lack of mountains or trees to break it up.

>> No.11714655

A combustion engine isn't magic before you lead everyone to think that. It is basic cause and effect leading to movement, you just have to simply find a way to transfer that energy, knowing that simple objective, the rest is easy. Takes time. But you make out it is fucking Harry Potter shit, like you liberal bum worshipers like to think of us humans being like.

A human can't live in the wild without tools and clothes like animals can, especially in certain elements.

So don't be so eager to fuck human ass yet.

>> No.11714659

>In the summer of 2019, a former ULA employee claimed that Boeing, NASA's prime contractor for SLS, viewed orbital refueling technology as a threat to SLS and blocked further investment in it.[147]

>> No.11714663

>A combustion engine isn't magic before you lead everyone to think that

To a chimp, it is. That’s the point.

> A human can't live in the wild without tools and clothes like animals can, especially in certain elements.

.......So? Tools and clothes, which only humans make to any significant degree, allow us to live anywhere on Earth and kill any of the other “apex predators”. We started trading physical strength for giant ass brains millions of years ago, and it’s worked to our advantage to a high degree.

>> No.11714664
File: 199 KB, 814x814, homelander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking for even a second that human expansion and longevity is a bad thing
If you want off this ride, you can always get off. Don't drag the rest of us down with you

>> No.11714666
File: 462 KB, 1200x925, 1588040156477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are these threads filling up with schizos? I just want to post about spaceships.

With a bunch of Raptor Aerospikes on a wedge-shaped lifting body like Venture Star it might be possible. You'd just sacrifice about 80% of your payload capacity compared to Starship+SuperHeavy.

>> No.11714667

> So don't be so eager to fuck human ass yet.

Humans are the best, period. This will always be the case until we meet even more powerful and intelligent aliens, which I believe to be inevitable but very far in the future.

>> No.11714671

Animals don't need intelligence to make tools if they can survive without them.

They also have the opportunity to thrive (depending on conditions) and be happy.

>> No.11714673
File: 204 KB, 886x455, chamber-remove-squid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the FUCK out, squidlover.

>> No.11714675
File: 491 KB, 1920x1080, firefox_2019-05-02_15-08-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Satan, it would be the perfect and coolest method of launching to LEO space stations

>> No.11714676


>> No.11714680
File: 91 KB, 1024x576, avatar_speech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop feeding it

>> No.11714681
File: 212 KB, 604x340, f35mfq4k1zy11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The "humans are better" delusion dies.

Carry on loving Elon Musk's gay face till bed time.

>> No.11714682

True, but by that same token it only makes sense as an actual "space shuttle" to stations and orbit-only vehicles. We still need big fat TSTO stacks for putting bulk cargo in orbit to build those.

>> No.11714684

>Animals don't need intelligence to make tools if they can survive without them.

By the skin of their teeth at lower numbers with higher infant mortality and no ability to deal with diseases or injury whatsoever except hoping it gets better on its own.

>> No.11714685
File: 1.05 MB, 2700x1853, 1590331893372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and HFY pilled

>> No.11714689


Humans are better.

>> No.11714690
File: 435 KB, 2000x1574, Venturestar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as an actual "space shuttle" to stations and orbit-only vehicles
Yeah exactly, and safer than strapping it to a pair of SRBs

Everything Shuttle ended up doing, the Venture Star could have done the same, and much cheaper/safer, damn shame it got cancelled so unfairly like that

>> No.11714693

Does that thing actually have enough delta/v on paper to reach orbit?

>> No.11714698

>climate propaganda
Retard. That money is peanuts compared to all things NASA does.

>> No.11714700

Animals don't have gay little emotional issues like you.

They have emotions but are more weathered to understand life than you are on your Apple iMac pro in your little house, whilst texting your bum boys.

There are plenty of life forms that have natural defenses to pathogens. Sometimes it fails.
But look at humans...

All that vaccine and med care and they all cry about corona virus hah. The scientists are dumb founded.

You liberals make out Humans are brilliant yet cry and crumble to covid-19.

>> No.11714707

We're talking about manned spaceflight, anon, which very easily could be in jeopardy despite being the necessary precursor to real space exploration.

>> No.11714709

Look at how happy this little warthog is, not having to care about all those silly things like humans do. Just a nice little animal loving life in his own little world :)

>> No.11714710
File: 648 KB, 1920x1080, venture star pandora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect oldspace was warning Shelby that they'd all be out of business if an SSTO undercut them.

Apparently it was supposed to reach LEO with 26,800kg of payload.

Quaritch did nothing wrong.

>> No.11714711

are we back yet?

>> No.11714712

Similar question, how much mass/fuel is this thing carrying compared to starship? Could elon theoretically slap an aerospike on a starship and have a single-stage-to-orbit ship that just refuels in LEO?

>> No.11714717
File: 525 KB, 1406x955, SpaceX_ISS_speedrun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX DM-2 livestream when?

>> No.11714720

Your like a day to early.

>> No.11714722

>With a bunch of Raptor Aerospikes on a wedge-shaped lifting body like Venture Star it might be possible.
Aerospikes are a meme, you don't need them. Wedge-shaped lifting body increases surface area that requires TPS and decreases wet-dry mass fraction.
SSTO based on Starship technology would use a balloon-tank steel cylinder body, with a cluster of Raptor engines on the bottom with conventional nozzles modified to have a higher expansion ratio on the ground similarly to the RS-25. The vehicle would use sub-cooled methane and oxygen for increased mass ratio and engine performance. It would be wider relative to its height than Starship, aiming for tanks that are as close to the minimum surface area to volume ratio that can be achieved withing a cylindrical layout while also maximizing internal volume utilization.
Due to using steel, the same advantages in combined structure and TPS mass savings would apply just like with Starship. The SSTO would still land vertically using its main engines, because it's the lightest option (much lighter than horizontal landing on wheels/skids/whatever. The legs would be as low mass as practical. The vehicle doesn't use embedded header tanks inside the main tanks, instead it uses belly-flop control flaps which are wet structures; it carries its landing propellant inside the aero surfaces.

>> No.11714723

SpaceX often sets up the livestream a day early so people can set up notifications for it.

>> No.11714725

it will be a joint SpaceX/NASA stream. Coverage begins 4 hours before launch

If it's anything like the DM-1 stream, both the NASA and SpaceX links will be the same video, pretty much.

Also, launch thread goes live in 15 min!

>> No.11714726

>Muh animals so based

All amphibian species in the world are declining because of a fungal disease, meanwhile humans are currently suffering from a cough that pales in comparison to smallpox, which we eradicated decades ago. COVID-19 is no biggie.

> Animals don't have gay little emotional issues like you.

Don’t have emotional issues; for example like hating my own species.
You’re such a self-hating doomer. It’s sad, but one day you’ll be dead and mankind will continue onwards and upwards.

>> No.11714736

Launch escape system was the one thing that worked great on the N1.

>> No.11714743

>Animals don't need intelligence to make tools if they can survive without them.

Animals will be gone in a few hundred million years. Humanity and our descendants will last for trillions, thanks to our intelligence.

Earth is just a cradle.

>> No.11714744


Man, spaceplanes are just so much cooler than capsules desu for LEO at least

>> No.11714746

they really are the coolest, and I don't care if the math says SSTO space planes will always be worse than TSTO, it'd be fucking cool

>> No.11714748

Guys, it's coming up!

>> No.11714756
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>> No.11714757

Why does this board hate Shelby?

>> No.11714758

The propellant load on Starship has a mass of ~1,300,000 kg. The total mass of Venture Star would have been 1,000,000 kg. All together, Starship is about 1.5 times the mass of the on-paper Venture Star.

Of course, that doesn't mean it could be built though. Here, I'll design a reusable SSTO that uses Raptor engines right now.

9 Raptors, developing ~18,000 kN of thrust, to a single stage vehicle with a mass of ~1500 tons, for a TWR of ~1.22. We'll say the Raptors provide and average of 348 Isp when you look at the entire ascent profile (330 at sea level, 355 in vacuum, and being a bit pessimistic considering the majority of the time would be spent in vacuum). So far so good.
Now, in order to get the minimum >9km/s required to achieve orbit, our vehicle's burnout mass needs to be 100 tons or less. That's fine, we'll do exactly what Venture Star's designers did and imagine ultralight meme materials for the design. Say we want 20,000 kg of payload, that leaves 80,000 kg for the structural mass and engines and TPS. Again, don't worry about it, we'll just develop the materials necessary to pull that off and there won't be any unforeseen problems with manufacturing or toughness of those materials.

>> No.11714760
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>> No.11714763

He stonewalled actual worthwhile space capability development in order to ensure no future threat to his own personal pet technologies (district funding farms).

>> No.11714764
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X-33 =/= Venture Star

>> No.11714770

He set back space flight multiple times to serve his interests.
>lead supporter of SLS and uses his position in the Senate Committee on Appropriations to get more funding for it
>held back funding from commercial crew to have more for SLS
>(allegedly) stopped the development of propellant depots because the technology was a threat to SLS
>made SLS into law so that NASA can't study better alternatives
And probably more that I'm missing.

>> No.11714773

That's what they want instead of 1 big juicy/expensive(billion dollar) target.

>> No.11714779
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>> No.11714786

looks like a penguin

>> No.11714787
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>> No.11714790
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I'll show you a pengin

>> No.11714796

Heavy is only a super heavy lifter if you completely expend it. Something we will likely never see.

>> No.11714798

Back in 2011 no one thought Falcone 9 would be successful or that SLS would be so delayed so that made sense then.

>> No.11714801
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China apparently launched an X37B copy a few years ago

>> No.11714807

Also that article is from 2018 and Starship wasn‘t real then.

>> No.11714810
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Skylon's never being built, is it?

>> No.11714809

Launch thread is up

>> No.11714811
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>> No.11714816

bit early innit

>> No.11714819


>> No.11714822

I didn't say it did

>> No.11714828

X-33 was suborbital test article

>> No.11714832


>> No.11714834


>made SLS into law so that NASA can't study better alternatives

No, Shelby had nothing to do with the creation of SLS. That was a different committee, the authorization committee, where Kay Bailey Hutchinson and one of her staffers were key figures, basically a different group of Shuttle program fanatics.

>> No.11714839
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feels bad man

>> No.11714852

Imagine the Space Force having a massive innovatory of those ready to do a sortie at a moment’s notice.

>> No.11714853


Starship is "X-33 done right"

>> No.11714856

I want Space Force to get turn Crew Dragon into ODST pods

>> No.11714864

>MCT/BFR/ICS/Starship as a "space plane"

>> No.11714865

Boca Chica is right next to South Padre though, I wonder if the residents will complain about the noise. Then again, they have to put up with spring break every year, and I'm sure that's much more annoying than a couple of sonic booms.

>> No.11714867

if they actually used the propulsive landing, they probably could

>> No.11714868


Well that's one of the corrections to the concept.

>> No.11714879

Talk about sitting ducks.

>> No.11714886

I fucking know, dude

>> No.11714891

The Venture Star was yet to even be built at the time of X-33 cancellation (at near 90% completion)

>> No.11714894

The fact that it is not a space plane is why it is done right

>> No.11714899

>90% completion
everyone who has ever worked on a big project knows the last 10% take as much time as the first 90%

>> No.11714902


>> No.11714908

Remember star trek is not a military organization, but it is always armed and will fight in wars and skirmishes. That's the most likely scenario we will see.

>> No.11714909

Would space planes work on Titan?

>> No.11714914

It seems like everything bad that happened to NASA can be traced back to the Shuttle. Purge of all Shuttle hardware, infrastructure, and supporters when?

>> No.11714918

the wright brothers plane would work on titan

>> No.11714924


>> No.11714925

Is Crew Dragon capable of landing on land, or is it just limited to water recovery? If it isn't, then i'm assuming the next iteration would allow it to be reusable like the rockets?

>> No.11714926
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Yeah not only would they work they would be efficient as fuck. Titan's mix of low gravity and thick ass atmosphere means an astronaut could strap on some lightweight wings and flap his arms and he would be able to fly

>> No.11714931

They'd be worth it if you used an air breathing turbo-ramjet to climb to high altitude and accelerate to close to orbital speeds. Jet engines are still much more efficient than rockets even if you have to supply them with fuel and oxidizer.

>> No.11714932

It doesn't have breaking rockets like Soyuz and no cushion device. like CST100.

The abort rockets wont be used for any landing sequence. Could those be used in combination with parachutes? Seems plausible but not confirmed

>> No.11714943

To be fair to Star Trek at this stage in history the space expansion was almost entirely military.

>> No.11714958

No, that design part has been scrapped.
And landing required landing legs, those are long gone too.

>> No.11714970

the point of the great firewall isnt to straight up stop anybody in china accessing outside internet (its already essentially trivial to bypass it), but to raise the barrier of entry to it, thereby vastly lowering the amount of people able to access the free internet. starlink sadly wouldnt really change that at all

>> No.11714979

Thanks. Christ thought he'd solved his stuttering.

Only new info I got from that is how expensive Starlink will be 'for a few years at least'. What a shame.

>> No.11714981

>starlink sadly wouldnt really change that at all
One Starlink uplink plus a dozen beater PCs running diskless Linux liveboots equals a whole lot of deniable access.

>> No.11714988

The west should create a firewall around china instead.
Chinese shills are flooding all discussion sites on the internet.

>> No.11715010

I suggest killing him

>> No.11715012

sure, but that's around equal to the current VPN based solutions in terms of complexity and arsed-ness, and that's what its all about. China knows that they can't stop 100% of their citizens from accesing the rest of the internet, they just need enough not to that they can control the narrative.

>> No.11715020


>> No.11715028

I have some issues with tesla, but holy fuck musk really is going to be remembered for decades to come.

>> No.11715029

>Elon Musk and Joe Rogan fly on Crew Dragon for another podcast streamed on Starlink

>> No.11715035

>After half a hour they have to stop because the weed smoke has made it too dark in the cabine

>> No.11715038

Why have a race of tens of trillions of serfs when you could be a race of tens of millions of demigods?

>> No.11715042


>> No.11715059

Who's gonna have the better stream?

>> No.11715060

>Joe only talks about chimps and AI
I think I'll spend my time on something else

>> No.11715061

Why have a race of tens of millions of demigods when you could have trillions of them? A more populous and widespread civilization is always desirable as long as resources can be acquired to support it, and there’s no limit to those.

>> No.11715067

Historically SpaceX commentary is better and more detailed. NASA usually has some pre-launch briefings. NASA stream tends to have some really good close up camera angles during ascent. I usually have both open and mute one as needed

>> No.11715079

the only thing Joe cares about is Neuralink, it's pretty clear he doesn't give a shit about any of Musk's other endeavors

>> No.11715090

Which ever doesn't show the celebrity guests. I have a feeling some of them will try to insert politics into the mix because the President will be in attendance.

>> No.11715091

>A more populous and widespread civilization is always desirable as long as robotic labor is too expensive or limited in capability to supplant a majority-human labor force

>> No.11715092

If it were possible, I doubt you'd be able to get back down

>> No.11715093

No, always desirable period. Trillions of humans pampered by quadrillions of robots sounds fun.

>> No.11715103

I think a kids movie did something like that, and the Humans became fat.

>> No.11715107

I’ll be so fucking pissed if someone has the nerve to make this about themselves and push their blue pilled anti drumpf message during the stream. It would be nothing but selfish

>> No.11715116

Wall-E. Earth became uninhabitable so everyone left for space in giant spaceships, and eventually became really fat because they didn’t do anything, robots did. Seems fun enough to me, but I’d get bored quickly and would rather do something useful or at least adventurous.

>> No.11715137

You'd probably play animal crossing

>> No.11715148

i guarantee that if you work, you don't do a job that involves the production of physical goods

>> No.11715153

no, but my work involves producing software that deprecates human beings

>> No.11715158

now THIS is what a reusable spaceplane should look like
not that gay SSTO bullshit

>> No.11715162

if you recover the side boosters on droneships and expend the center core it should also make the cut

>> No.11715166
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Just wait until see the British Threesome.

>> No.11715168

Yes, and both X-33 and Venture Star are the big gay
X-33 was pointless and the Venture Star could never work.

>> No.11715177

Video games are not as fun as real life. I want to study rocks on Ganymede

>> No.11715182

On what grounds is it a flawed concept? It’s engine?

>> No.11715184

any ai that could do your job better than you could concievably be called human, so problem solved

>> No.11715189

No, its mass ratio.

>> No.11715192

>any ai that could do your job better than you could concievably be called human
based retard

>> No.11715196

Doesn’t matter to me. If anything, I’d leave and always stay beyond the frontier. I want to change form and mind, see unseen sights, encounter the truly bizarre and alien, and tread where no one has tread before.

>> No.11715198

Oddly specific but ganymede is pretty cool I guess. Geology will be a cooler profession in the future, but for now you’re stuck on one planet with a lottery chance to maybe go to the moon or mars

>> No.11715199

an artificial intelligence wrote this post

>> No.11715201

“Person”, not human.

>> No.11715203

the tricore thing is stupid too, but at least it's got multiple stages
SSTO is impossible with chemical propellants on Earth

>> No.11715204

prove me wrong

>> No.11715209



dont know what you are talking about

>> No.11715210

>but for now you’re stuck on one planet with a lottery chance to maybe go to the moon or mars

I will comfortably pay a million dollars to squat on Mars in my 40’s or 50’s

>> No.11715212

humans are a species, the concept of personhood could conceivably be expanded to include such a being

>> No.11715214

the new MAD

>> No.11715215

I don't even need to respond to you, have fun chasing your impossible spaceplane memes

>> No.11715220

>dont know what you are talking about

Literally just do the math. Go to a delta/v calculator website, plug in the specific impulse of a chemical engine, and see how low your dry mass needs to be to be able to reach earth orbit

>> No.11715221

Computers already replaced the telephone line operator.

>> No.11715225

computers have also created countless new professions, next question

>> No.11715227

>SSTO is impossible with chemical propellants on Earth
It's not impossible, but if you can do it, you can always add a self-landing stage for more cargo capacity from the same fuel, making SSTO always a dumb idea.

>> No.11715228

I’d take a shitty paying job at Boca Chica to train astronauts on their way to mars. I wonder if elon will hire scientists once starship becomes more of a reality. Either way it’s just a basedboy dream I have that probably won’t come true

>> No.11715232

We already live in that situation, only that we're not in space and robots haven't fallen in love

>> No.11715237

Not with that attitude. Strive for greatness

>> No.11715248

That wasn't the point. You said a computer that can replace a person can be conceivable called a person itself. Unless you think a fucking router on your desk is a conscious being, your argument is wrong.

>> No.11715258

Ultralight tanks and high performance engines just make TSTO an even more obvious choice because it helps reduce the reusability hardware penalty and improve performance that much more, meanwhile it AT BEST makes SSTO marginal instead of outright infeasible.

>> No.11715270

he works in software production not telephone line operation

>> No.11715274

SSTO makes sense if you're going to be traveling between multiple high-gravity worlds. Starship is SSTO for Mars, Pluto, Ceres, and every moon in the system. For insertion into the Venusian or gas giant atmospheres you need the dV of full Earth SSTO, because anything you leave behind is effectively expended.

>> No.11715325

Different for aerospikes

>> No.11715333

That is irrelevant to my point.
There is no reason why a computer or even a general AI would have any conscious thoughts going on inside, which I think we can all agree is a prerequisite to being a person. A general AI which could outperform any human in terms of generating art, writing music, designing machines, etc, could have no qualia whatsoever, and effectively be the same as a modern neural network cat picture generator that turns white noise inputs into recognizable cat picture outputs. The only difference is the inputs would be the data collected from the world at large and the outputs would be actions taken by the AI.

>> No.11715348
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>lots of comments online asking if the military will buy their own version of Starlink
I guess most people aren't aware that the military has been looking to deploy it's own global megaconstellation for years now. Space Force itself wants 4-5 constellations.

>> No.11715372

>I wonder if elon will hire scientists once starship becomes more of a reality.
Yes. Why? Because SpaceX will need to mine Mars for fuel and oil companies here on Earth hire scientists all the time to help them with oil extraction. That and maybe there is life or some kind of proto-life in Martian ice, which would be an important discovery and in need of study. More likely though they're going to contract out to NASA for help, especially since NASA would be interested in funding a manned outpost on Mars.

>> No.11715387

There’s reason to believe Mars has life

>> No.11715390

don't respond to the troll

>> No.11715395


>> No.11715405
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we should build a fuckton of windmills

or just plant 9,000,000 trees uwu

>> No.11715410

no reason*

>> No.11715434

>NASA Administrator Bridenstine says they’re currently targeting Aug. 30 for the first operational Crew Dragon mission, Crew-1.
They're going to do their first real crew run before BOING! even does another demo. The absolute fucking state.

>> No.11715436

>no reason*

Methane don’t real. Oxygen don’t real. Water don’t real.

>> No.11715437

Crew-1 also includes a JAXA astronaut so that should make Dear Moon easier.

>> No.11715462

The possibility of life on Mars at one point doesn't mean there is currently life there.

>> No.11715470

There isn’t going to be a next iteration.
Crew dragon and all currently extant Falcon vehicles will become 100% obsolete and replaced by Starship once it becomes operational.
At this point crew dragon exists solely for a few ISS missions and won’t see much use beyond that

>> No.11715471

Guess the Crew Dragon ship name

>> No.11715475

There are currently anomalous methane and oxygen fluctuations in the atmosphere. It’s also known that earth microbes can survive in simulated Martian environments despite not even being adapted for it in particular, and that Mars has underground reservoirs. It’s also known that microbes exist on Earth that live deep inside of rocks and metabolize them so slowly that they reproduce once every five thousand years

>> No.11715486

all of them have much more plausible natural chemical sources than life existing and having left no larger, more tangible evidence

>> No.11715490

simple as

>> No.11715493

Isn't there japanese astronaut listed for Artemis?
It will be huge spit in the face of the chinks if second nation to sent man to the moon will be Japan.

>> No.11715511

XÆ A-12

>> No.11715524

Do they? Elaborate.

>and having left no larger, more tangible evidence

That is all you would expect such a biosphere to leave.

>> No.11715543

Damn this might be the big gay to say but I would love if we got a NASA corps. They could just hire NOAA corps officers to man a new generation of lunar and mars outposts. NOAA corps is already a purely-scientific uniformed service- I think it would be good for the united states to fund this sort of exploration

>> No.11715560

the atmosphere of Mars is in no way positively indicative of a planet that once hosted life and the little blips of data you're overanalyzing are easily explainable by chemical processes. The problem is scientists say "we don't know why and life is one of many, many possible answers" and then the pop-sci articles you read regurgitate that as "scientists find evidence of life on Mars"

>> No.11715567

>b...but anon! I watched a pop sci youtube video about the viking landers discovering life during a test. They even had a quote from carl sagan so it must be true!!!

I agree with you, none of the evidence we have found serves as a smoking gun. It can all be explained by natural geochemical processes. Mars could have life, but as far as we know it’s just as likely to be on Titan or Europa, etc.

>> No.11715574

>the atmosphere of Mars is in no way positively indicative of a planet that once hosted life

It’s compatible with once having life and currently possessing it.

> and the little blips of data you're overanalyzing are easily explainable by chemical processes.

Life is a chemical process.

>> No.11715576

>Life is a chemical process.
good, so chemistry can explain why you're so fucking gay

>> No.11715583

Xenoestrogens in the water pissed out by roasties on birth control. Alex Jones was right about the gay frogs.

>> No.11715585

Birth control is cringe. Just do anal.

>> No.11715588

>Mars could have life, but as far as we know it’s just as likely to be on Titan or Europa, etc.

Sure, but Mars is closer, so let’s do that first!

>> No.11715589

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, go read a scientific paper or two. It’ll expand your mind and get all the pop sci out of your head

>> No.11715614

The only conceivable way for computers to be conscious in the near future is for us to simply analyze the organic programming in an infant's brain that allows it to develop and mimic it in a mechanical medium.

>> No.11715624

Pop sci is the (((peer reviewed))) stuff being shilled in the MSM retard, that's why it's POP-sci.

>> No.11715646
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>> No.11715662

There’s more than one way to be conscious.

>> No.11715690

I’m afraid I can’t let you say that Dave

>> No.11715708

I wonder about colonizing Mars. It's driving normies crazy just to stay home for a few days on Earth. Two years on Mars and a year of space travel will drive them mad. They'll start killing each other.

>> No.11715720

Martians will be the best of the best. The driven, the courageous, the strong and the noble.

“For believe me! — the secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment is: to live dangerously! Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius! Send your ships into uncharted seas! Live at war with your peers and yourselves! Be robbers and conquerors as long as you cannot be rulers and possessors, you seekers of knowledge! Soon the age will be past when you could be content to live hidden in forests like shy deer! At long last the search for knowledge will reach out for its due: — it will want to rule and possess, and you with it!”

-Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.11715722

People don't kill themselves or each other on subs. Just vet the people who sign up. Make a rigorous training school and high requirements. Use an antarctic or desert training base as a sim.

>> No.11715730

Is EXOS ded? Was going to apply to them. Listings are all gone.

>> No.11715732

I know, isn't it great? No defective normies nor unmotivatable trash will take the first step on Mars. The ultimate filter.

>> No.11715736

New Bread


>> No.11715751

then don't hire normies? plenty of people are doing just fine with this

>> No.11715869

Maybe in 50 years some madlad billionaire will buy the remains and build it just for the lolz.

>> No.11716709

I heard on the radio that it was "Puff".
Lame as hell if so.

>> No.11716718
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they just need a world map behind them