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11712255 No.11712255[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11712262
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To what entity would you even be submitting this to that could provide you with a convincing enough answer/response?

>> No.11712293

>>>/lelddit/fedoras are that way

>> No.11712311

Whose the artist?

>> No.11713092

Law of conservation of energy

>> No.11713108

Unfortunately not science my friend. We don't have the information you seek, maybe try another forum.

>> No.11713190

There is none.

>> No.11713195

Okay genius, then what happens after death? If you answer nothing, how long is that nothing going to last?

>> No.11713199

Nothing. Yes.

>> No.11713201

It is true.

>> No.11713203



We are all one.

>> No.11713209

You are your brain once it rots you're gone. But every day new ones are being made,

>> No.11713236


>> No.11713241
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everything is a circle

>> No.11713246


>> No.11713803


Its possible. I mean the odds that you would be you seem slim unless you are everybody simultaneously

>> No.11713883
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We don't know the full answer to your question OP. Don't worry too much about it. If reincarnation is real then you'll be taken care of and your body and soul will be reorganized to another part of the universe. If our existence is infinite there is a good reason why we have forgotten who or what we really are. Or death could be the end of perception. Enjoy your life while you can.

>> No.11713902

If time is infinite then our exact atomic structure has to replicate at some point in the timeline after our death right?

>> No.11715444

I really don't understand how people think there is nothing after death when they just popped into existence out of nothing

>> No.11715479

>How long is that going to last
The concept of time passing doesn’t apply here, in fact concepts at all don’t apply, you aren’t aware of anything, there is no “you”, you’re simply gone.

From your point of view the universe may as well have ended, you don’t have a point of view. It a single thought is left.

>> No.11715482
File: 26 KB, 517x593, 053B1850-F6DE-425B-A5A6-4A7C2FB51115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are all these people being reincarnated from?

>> No.11715489

Is exact atomic structure enough? Many would argue it isn't.

Personally, I think awareness can be regained or perhaps even never lost but without memories and a brain as a conduit, it may as well be like how you were moments after your birth. A clean slate, no knowledge or memories, etc.

I don't worry too much about it, nature has adapted to some really crazy shit, I'm sure for something as ubiquitous as death has some quirks associated with it.

>> No.11715494

You didn’t just pop into existence out of nothing, you popped out of your mum.

Your whole self awareness exists within something, you’re not self aware until you exist, so how can you think there’s any level of self awareness after you stop existing and there’s nothing?

Your whole self awareness is proppped up by a physical system.

>> No.11715506

No that’s not you though. It’s “you” as in it’s a copy of you.

Like if you managed a digital copy upload of yourself to a super computer.

Or teleportation where a new copy is made at the destination.

The copy won’t have a lapse in awareness, but you will have no awareness.

Your self awareness doesn’t magically transfer over when you make a copy. That copy is it’s own being’s self awareness and not yours.

>> No.11715545

I could see reincarnation being real. If consciousness is in some way fundamental and not an emergent property that it would follow the first law of thermodynamics. I think there were some declassified CIA documents where they questioned children about past lives and they were able to give accurate details about the person they would have no way of knowing through and normal means.

>> No.11715555

I remember reading the story of the egg in middle school on funnjunk, seemed reasonably plausible then and still does now. You are the universe experiencing itself. Matter/energy cant be created or destroyed within the universe so it seems reasonable that consciousness can't be either.

>> No.11715594

Humans are narcissists so it's hard for them to understand the simple fact that when you die you're just gone. What happens to the words on paper when it's burned? Just. Gone. You don't get to experience all the shit that happened before you were born, and you don't get to experience all the shit that will happen after you die.

>> No.11715600

You don't stop existing, all your parts are still there.

>> No.11715989

Why limit your sense of existence to your conception and death? Physically, the boundary between "you" and "the environment" is at best an approximation, lying somewhere between nuclear epidermis, anuclear epidermis, microbiota, oils, and air. A boundary that is challenged in many organisms and systems, such as conjoined twins, grafted plants, symbiotes, viruses, multicellular microbes, plasmid-using bacteria, etc. A boundary that's constantly shifting, between the hazy, blurry times of its formation and dissolution. Your sense of self exists strictly between your conception and death, but the physical process you consist of by no means begins or ends at those times. It continuously evolved into what you call yourself, and will continue to evolve unfazed after your last breath. Nothing physical is created or lost.

>> No.11716001

It's fake. Made up. Bullshit. Clear?

>> No.11716013

People too often think of themselves as fundamentally, ontologically distinct from the rest of the world, when we're just as much a part of nature as literally anything else is.

>> No.11716301

I'm kind of tormented of an idea similar to this.

If the universe is infinite and time rolls on forever then after my death given enough time and space some process will rearrange matter into my brain, in the state moments after my death then I will experience more of the universe until that version dies, then so on. This will happen an endless amount of times and I will experience an endless amount of unique experiences. I will experience pure pleasure and also pure suffering, an endless amount of suffering. This idea of endless amount of suffering is what torments me.

I've thought a lot of about why this couldn't be true but I've never been able to complete counter it.