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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11703907 No.11703907 [Reply] [Original]

Previously >>11692887

Talk maths and maybe homotopy theory

>> No.11703910

First for E Theory

>> No.11703915

Second for SCV

>> No.11703924

Third for KKK-Theory.

>> No.11703927
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What's the third K?

>> No.11703928

Reminder that 24 is the event horizon for mathematicians, after that point it's all over if you want to be a researcher

>> No.11703942

Klan, obviously.

>> No.11704027

As an Aerospace Engineer I live for differential equations and state functions.

>> No.11704030

That's like 200 year old math bro...

>> No.11704057

Yep. Math is math, though. More complex math models are fun, too.

>> No.11704064

24 is the end for all: youth, learning ability, loosing virginity... There is no life after 24, if you wasn't successful before.

>> No.11704080

please get out of this thread, you're always here posting the same shit and no one cares.

>> No.11704093

I don't care that you don't care.

>> No.11704097


tell me about the properties of 24

>> No.11704111

We're different people, which means YOU'RE OUTNUMBERED

>> No.11704115

>>Is learning Algebra from Apostol's Calculus a dumb idea?
>Yes, it is

Could you please explain why? I'd like to know about better first course alternatives as well if that isn't much to ask

>> No.11704147

Because you don't learn algebra from a calculus text.

>> No.11704150

It's a book about both though, what would be the problem?

>> No.11704161
File: 46 KB, 780x439, intro-1563898570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a very modern Homotopy theory book,
which does not put strong emphasis on topology?

>> No.11704166

Homotopical Topology by Fuchs-Fomenko

>> No.11704169

Is anyone else confused about what he's even asking?
Is my brain wired on boomer terminology and homotopy theory means simplicial homotopy theory, model categories or maybe even HTT now?

>> No.11704174

Ah, you mean Linear Algebra? Apostol doesn't teach it in depth, you'll still need Axler or Hoffman as a complement if you really wanna learn LA (and you want to learn it because it's the basis of all modern math)

>> No.11704190

No sorry, I do mean the calculus texts. They come with an intro to linear algebra... which I guess is why your answer applies still, it probably doesn't go in enough depth
>(and you want to learn it because it's the basis of all modern math)
I hear that a lot yeah. I also just think it's neat from what I've seen.

>> No.11704218


im not gonna make it

>> No.11704236

It's ok, most of us won't make it as well, hell I would say around 20% really make it in the end.

>> No.11704243
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>> No.11704249

>homotopy theory means simplicial homotopy theory, model categories or maybe even HTT now?
Actually yes. I know a couple of homotopy theorists and they are pretty insistent that it not be considered a subfield of algebraic topology. It does its own thing, with obvious ties to topology, but it is not topology

>> No.11704253

All subgroups of Z/24Z have the property that every element of their automorphism groups have order 1 or 2.

>> No.11704257

The sum of the reciprocals of the squares is tau squared divided by 24.

For more 24 facts look up John Baez’s YouTube video on the number.

>> No.11704271


>the video exists

my god

>> No.11704298
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, uygil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not letting you into the loser club, so you will make it. If you say you won't I'll never talk to you again.

>> No.11704328

You already made it, yet you talk as if you didn't, why?

>> No.11704338

What should I do when I like algebra and category theoretic stuff but am too dumb for (co)homolgy?

>> No.11704352

Algebraic Geometry

>> No.11704358

Become John Baesz.

>> No.11704368

get a damn job

>> No.11704372

Doesn't AG use cohomolgy all the time though?
I hope I don't

>> No.11704377

In what exactly? There's no application for algebra/geometry passed a certain point.

>> No.11704378

you need cohomology modern in alg geometry

>> No.11704390
File: 51 KB, 965x536, memento mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you cross the 24

>> No.11704391

start learning (co)homology

>> No.11704401
File: 211 KB, 978x652, call of the wintermoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've reached the point where I realise how I can't actually do anything. It'd be nice if I could say it's impostor syndrome teasing me, but how could I say it's not actually Dunning-Kruger trying to trick me into believe it's IS, or how could I know it's not IS pretending to be DK and so on? In reality it is just the case that my brain is smoother than a differentiable manifold and I'm really out of my league. My old boss texted me and asked if I could come back and I said I can't but now I'm regretting that. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>too dumb for (co)homolgy
If you really believe this, then maybe you are. It is hard only when you go to the specific claims. On the general level you can pretty much resolve every problem (am I not clever hahaha very hilarious) with a suitable projective or injective resolution and some cute diagram lemma. Then you get all the general results you can try to use in the specific context, and that is when you have my permission to cry.

>> No.11704404

I tried but I'm too dumb. I know it's supposed to do with invariants and stuff but I don't know what chains and boundaries have to do with that. Maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way but I can't find the intuition behind it.

>> No.11704423

>too dumb for (co)homolgy?
what do you mean ? too dumb for research in homological algebra, or too dumb to even comprehend the basics ?

>> No.11704455
File: 47 KB, 649x473, images (80).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you cross the 24 barrier

>> No.11704457

>I hope I don't

>> No.11704460
File: 84 KB, 1100x702, 4a22c2b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have simplified (co)homology a bit, there can be tensor products and other nastyish stuff, BUT there are the Künneth and universal coefficient theorems etc. to deal with those. It is not as bad as it may seem to be.

Now that you mentioned invariants, do you know what a group ring/algebra is (check it out if not!), and the same question for augmentation ideals? If you then look at the standard resolution [math] \cdots \to RG\otimes_R RG\otimes_R RG \to RG\otimes_R RG \to RG \to R[/math], and let's say [math]R=\mathbb{Z}[/math] so that we get the group ing [math]G[/math], and then we tensor that with a module [math]M[/math] over the group ring, then we get [math]H_*(G; M)[/math] out of the resulting complex, and [math]H_0(G; M) = M_G[/math] is the (quotient) module of coinvariants. If we instead apply the functor [math]\text{Hom}(-, M)[/math], we get [math]^*(G; M)[/math] with the zeroth cohomology being the submodule of invariants, [math]M^G[/math]. That's a connection, but you should check the dteails out yourself, I'm a bit tipsy.

>> No.11704472
File: 22 KB, 660x371, emsmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11704480

Now that's a voice I could listen to on a loop.

>> No.11704501

Is there a field that combines abstract algebra+category theory+algebraic topology+analytic number theory+holomorphic functions+homotopy theory+manifolds

>> No.11704506

Lucky guess: IUTeich.

>> No.11704528

I don't think there's a mathematical field that people having working in quantum field theory haven't tried

>> No.11704532

>is there a field that combines analytic geometry and analytic number theory
Google didn't return any results, so I think not tbqh.

>> No.11704544 [DELETED] 

yes, it's called number theory

>> No.11704547

>combines analytic geometry and analytic number theory
Riemann surfaces?

>> No.11704554
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This was the last guy who got a perfect score in the japanese IMO team back in 2009.


>> No.11704563

The abstract algebra you use in analytic geometry kinda trivializes in the one-dimensional case, from what I remember.
>for me, it's Weierstrass preparation and division in one dimension

>> No.11704575
File: 194 KB, 307x597, 1587591732616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only woman to be part of a japanese IMO team in the 21st century


Cute, I wonder what she's doing these days

>> No.11704584
File: 1.87 MB, 1399x881, 1590000030355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoy shit, she's an assitant professor in the University of Kyoto these days, she fucking made it


I'm inspired by you nos Mayuko-chan

>> No.11704595

Several Complex Variables

>> No.11704604

She is probably a huge slut and has had sex with many men...

>> No.11704608
File: 65 KB, 464x720, ryys4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you compete?

Yep, several universal Teichmüller variables.

>> No.11704610
File: 44 KB, 500x483, 1589989848594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Highly intelligent
This is very unlikely, the more intelligent you are, the less sexual desire you feel generally.

>> No.11704618

>Did you compete?
I didn't, but I'll win an honourable mention on the putnam to make up for my laziness during high school

>> No.11704620

Only true for men, intelligent women are huge sluts with weird fetishes
t. knower

>> No.11704623
File: 644 KB, 875x1000, ryys6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fairly sure the anon meant she got to her position by using her body.

No idea of the exact significance of Putnam, but I would assume that is quite well done. Good job, anon!

>> No.11704630

Oops misread that. Prrobably time to stop for today. /gnmg/

>> No.11704639 [DELETED] 
File: 518 KB, 760x796, Screenshot_20200517-185829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how japanese women work, they're nothing like westerners, when a japanese woman is high quality she won't be satisfied with pathetic men, didn't you watch Kaguya-sama? Mayuko-chan is probably a virgin still waiting for a man on her level to appear. Now I'll make everything I can to study at Kyoto U and become a man who stand at her side.

>> No.11704646
File: 61 KB, 1024x768, 6a1e065b9aebfce90eb17053f9ecd9beddceb8ab_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


where are they today?

>> No.11704665

Could you also not let me into the loser club? I am 19 btw if that actually matters.

>> No.11704669
File: 278 KB, 833x831, thank you based zuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't you watch Kaguya-sama?
I did even better, I read it, and Ishigami is a loser but is fawned upon by two women.
This kyoto slut is probably in zuki-harem btw

>> No.11704699

thank you based 'zuki

>> No.11704710

That image is a test, you idiot, it tells you indirectly that if you have to rely on mysticism to win a fields medal then you won't gonna make it. So the real answer to it is to not answer it, hehe pretty clever.

>> No.11704723
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 1491281911847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worse case scenario, nothing happens and I do whatever I was going to do. Other option, I win a fields medal. Not a tough choice.

>> No.11704782
File: 320 KB, 1350x900, virginmath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based 'zuki

>> No.11704864

“Each generation has its few great mathematicians, and mathematics would not even notice the absence of the others. They are useful as teachers, and their research harms no one, but it is of no importance at all. A mathematician is great or he is nothing.”
— Alfred Adler

>> No.11704884
File: 70 KB, 800x704, __inaba_tewi_touhou_drawn_by_poronegi__7a23eb2e8b927da46c72ffce113de781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based 'zuki.
>rely on mysticism to win a fields medal then you won't gonna make it
Huh? Are you telling me you don't rely on mysticism?
You don't keep pictures of mathematicians with you so that their image can empower your spirit?
You don't believe that God communicates with humanity through zeta regularization, by telling us how to know infinity?
Don't tell me that you just go and read books and articles without first looking for images and paintings of the authors, so that you can visualize them explaining the theorems and definitions to you, connecting you both spiritually and facilitating the passage of knowledge?
You don't go nights without sleep and then drink strange medicines to open your mind and allow ancient spirits to guide you through dreams?

Honestly, if you don't even do that basic stuff, you aren't gonna make it.

>> No.11704896
File: 410 KB, 1076x1080, Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-24 um 01.31.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute kek

>> No.11704904

Dumb quote, mathematics wouldn't notice the absence of anyone, regardless of how 'great' they were (oh look, a subjective measure being used as objective), no matter how big of a contribution you did, if you weren't there to discover it, someday someone would discover it eventually, not to diminish the accomplishment of others, but mathematics wouldn't miss them at all.

>> No.11704906

24 poster redeemed

>> No.11704919 [DELETED] 

thank you based 'zuki

>> No.11704924
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thank you based 'zuki

>> No.11705275

Where are these people? According to my advisor, no one cares about this shit and you won't get a job if you specialize in abstract homotopy theory.

>> No.11705292

That's because all they do is throw shit at a wall, hoping some experimentalist some day will justify their work.

>> No.11705293

Yo I've been getting into model theory recently. But I think LEM and law of explosion are shit. Anybody got any recs for model thoery based on minimal logic rather than FOL? If not got any recs for intuitionist model theory?

>> No.11706116
File: 28 KB, 300x186, tree-11-300x186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can som1 hook me up with an image of a tree of rational numbers like pic but down to like 1/5000

>> No.11706120 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 326x318, gmfwd9ilj4911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear, sorry for the self pity last night.

You are merely a little baby. One has to be at least 24 to enter. Kids these days...

I study hard into the mid winter night
to these black arts I dedicate my life
and no reward could ever be so sweet
oh my dark lord, when will we meet?

to the furthest hell
I toll this bell
black is the night
perform the rite

the arcane tome
I'll read alone
and sacrifice
to the lord of light

So Adler was the original 24-poster.

>> No.11706157

make it yourself
seems like an amusing thing to code and I doubt it's unreasonably difficult

>> No.11706162

read hatcher

>> No.11706167

complex geometry?

>> No.11706239 [DELETED] 

How can I know beforehand if it's possible to isolate a and x to be each in their own fraction? Is there a special name for this kind of procedure. I don't know what to look up.

>> No.11706266 [DELETED] 


>> No.11706286

I'm learning about sets right now and it is so fucking awesome that my intuitions about some infinities being "bigger" than others is a mathematical system. Makes me feel like I was made for this and that the world makes sense.

>> No.11706408


>> No.11706445

aren't mathematicians doing the same, except they don't even ask for justification, just shit flinging for its own sake.

>> No.11706477

mathematicians prove theorems, physishits just come up with bullshit and call it a theory

>> No.11706490

physicists contributed more directly to give you your smartphone
(not that smartphones are a good thing)

>> No.11706506
File: 44 KB, 599x510, c3fb415b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No under 24 yo babies into the club.

Based original 24-poster.

Well behaved mathemagicians require an example before they define stuff. The example may be extremely obscure, though.

>> No.11706602

Does that invalidate what I said ? Mathematics is proven, physics is just stuff that "seems to work".

>> No.11706604

Why do the real numbers have a size of [math]2^{\aleph_0}[/math]?

>> No.11706609

Roughly speaking, think the metric completion of [0,1] in Q as represented as infinite sequences of 0's and 1's, starting with 0.

>> No.11706612

Base 2, of course.
And the infinite sequences are functions of type N->{0,1}

>> No.11706671

lmao she's flat

>> No.11706723

Yup, when mathematicians can't prove something they just invent a new axiom out of nowhere to justify their bullshits or they simply write ultracomplex gibberish on hundreds of pages and pretend no one else can understand it (see IUT).

>> No.11706771

Beauty comes from inside, not from the outside

>> No.11706782
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Got Velleman's How to Prove It and I'm already stuck in the INTRODUCTION'S exercises, more precisely 1b. Should I just keep going if I can't find a way to solve it and come back later?

>> No.11706795

proof books are garbage, do real math instead.

>> No.11706797
File: 19 KB, 400x600, adjointification.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. How old are you?

Otherwise, give your mind a break. Take a shower. Go for a run. Write down all the definitions and rules of inference possibly required. And if things don't fall into place, ask in /sqt/.

>> No.11706813

I'm also doing it, had a little bit of a problem at first as well, probably because I was rusted as fuck, I'm now at the last chapters of chapter 3 and can do almost all exercises with ease, keep going, the first 2 chapters are boring as fuck though.

>> No.11706816

>Write down all the definitions and rules of inference possibly required
That's the problem, it's the damn introduction, he has barely provided any content yet, just "there are infinitely many prime numbers", "for every positive integer n, there is a sequence of n consecutive positive integers containing no primes" and "suppose n is an integer larger than 1 and n is not prime. Then 2^(n)-1 is not prime."

From that I'm supposed to solve "Find an integer x such that 1<x<2^(32767)-1 and 2^(32767)-1 is divisible by x."

I'm 23, I know I'm old but I fucked it up by pausing uni to do some other stuff until I got back on the horse in 2019. The uni I'm in now is shit though and I know I'll have to study a lot on my own.

>> No.11706818

What's your opinion on proof books, tranny?

>> No.11706820

You're not 24 yet so it's alright you can still make it if you publish some papers before next year

>> No.11706822

Being rusty as fuck perfectly describes me, but I never had contact with this kind of exercise before anyway so I'm not sure if not having a pause would mean much.

>> No.11706827

I'm not worried about making it the /sci/ way, I'm not delusional about my capabilities and I know I'm a fuck up, I just want to be good at what I do and accept I'll need to find contentment in other things.

>> No.11706829

It's Ok, I also had trouble with that exercise you posted and it made me feel dumb as fuck, like I couldn't do anything, but I persisted and found the answer after a lot of time thinking, keep thinking about it, read the prior definitions, don't worry too much, if you keep going at it everyday you'll eventually get better, at least I did.

>> No.11706853

How is it even possible to write an article before you're 24 when nobody will publish it unless you have a PhD?

>> No.11706856

Ok, I'll stick to it, thanks.
I got this book because I was failing at Spivak's early exercises.

>> No.11706862

I thought he was memeing. It's not like you can even understand the subject matter enough to write an article before you have some knowledge under your belt anyway.

>> No.11706870

>Start college at 17
>Graduate at 21
>2 years for masters
>Start PhD at 24
That's the normal path, dude, if you start a PhD beyond 24 it's pretty much already over for u

>> No.11706876
File: 744 KB, 2498x906, Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-24 um 17.02.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11706877

>It's not like you can even understand the subject matter enough to write an article before you have some knowledge under your belt anyway.
Well you can do that very young (very few people though), but nobody will publish you because you don't have a PhD.
Yes that's what I did but people won't let you publish stuff when you're IN a PhD program, only when you've finished it.

>> No.11706882

Different times. Besides I couldn't name any other mathematician who was like that except Tao

>> No.11706887 [DELETED] 
File: 514 KB, 677x720, h7G09wC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dodge the algebraic geometry/topology trap, do some combinatorics and publish as an undergrad

>> No.11706894

>publish as an undergrad
literally how

>> No.11706897 [DELETED] 
File: 641 KB, 889x720, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just participate in IMO as a high schooler and then publish as an undergrad

>> No.11706903

>dude just have relations lmao
If I had any I wouldn't be wondering how to publish

>> No.11706907
File: 195 KB, 760x714, Screenshot_20200524-121305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artur Avila


>> No.11706910

be your own publisher
make a website and publish it there

>> No.11706913

Literally the hardest field to do research in, you need 180IQ to understand the problems in that shit

>> No.11706917

wish I wasn't born in EU, the earliest I can start my phd here is 25

>> No.11706921

>literally who
>dynamical systems
yeah and nobody will read it

>> No.11706924

>the earliest I can start my phd here is 25
Seriously? Why? Is there some law preventing you from starting earlier?

>> No.11706930 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 248x310, Screenshot_20200502-131750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A fields medalist is a literal who

>> No.11706934

>in dynamical systems
yes. Nobody gives a shit about those meme subjects.

>> No.11706936

Casual reminder that, in spite of Tao and Avila having finished their PhDs a lot earlier than normal, ya boy Big S still holds the title of youngest Fields Medal winner.
Based and vixrapilled.

>> No.11706937

that's how the laws work here
>Is there some law preventing you from starting earlier?
you finish high school when you're 20, then you go to college, after 3 years you get bachelors, then after 2 masters and only then you can start phd which takes minimum 3 years
dunno if it's the same everywhere in eu but I know it is in most countries

>> No.11706939

Why's Dynamical Systems a meme exactly? And he doesn't only work on that, but it's his main area and the reason he won the medal.

>> No.11706942

>yeah and nobody will read it
if you believe your paper is something significant just start sending it to professors you dumbass
are you like autistic or something? if you've made an important discovery then it's obvious people will want to know about it

>> No.11706946

>Finishing high school when you're 20
Huh? Never heard about it, are you sure it's not just in your country?

>> No.11706950
File: 192 KB, 555x404, 1583588136525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't use it in AG or AT, it's a meme.

>> No.11706952

it's the same in most eu countries, either 19 or 20 to finish high school

>> No.11706955

No it isn't.
In anywhere that isn't some sort of absolute shithole, you finish high school at 17-18, with some outliers at 16 or 19.

>> No.11706960

What the fuck are you on about? I've been to numerous countries and it has always been 18

>> No.11706968 [DELETED] 
File: 785 KB, 948x720, Xcpobpj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to be lazy, dynamical systems are perfect
all you need is literally undergrad knowledge + 2/3 books and you're ready to write some low quality papers but they're enough to get into PhD programme and get money

>> No.11706978

What the hell? A professor I know has two post-doctorals in dynamical systems, took her years until she reached research level, you're talking out of your ass here

>> No.11706989

I'm pretty sure you need algebraic varieties to do dynamical systems

>> No.11707054
File: 37 KB, 640x261, e05bfe55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be honest with you. The life of a mathematician is like a day. When you are a kid, that is the time between midnight and dawn when you are asleep, then you wake up in the morning and you do what you do for the day. When evening comes, you are too tired to do anything important. 24 is the ultimate upper bound, but really it is closer to 19. I am glad these 15 yo kids come and ask these questions here. There is still time to guide them!

>> No.11707086

Do you think that avatarfags are annoying and should be banned?

>> No.11707090

They're not annoying, but why use them to indentify yourself when tripcodes exist? They could just put 'tohoufag' and 'tranny' as their username instead of avatarfagging

>> No.11707097

>but really it is closer to 19
Name one mathematician born after 1900 who accomplished more before 19 than after.

>> No.11707099

Attentionwhoring on 4chan is pure retardation. Attentionfags are low IQ primitive apes who should not be allowed to post on /sci/.

>> No.11707102
File: 105 KB, 1258x1205, b03d5f8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left as an exercise to the reader.

>> No.11707105 [DELETED] 

i'm exaggerating to some degree but mostly speaking out of my own experience
the whole field is a collection of loosely connected parts, some of which are:
1) "polynomial map on [math]\mathbb{C}[/math]" kind of dynamics, that's where the meme julia and mandelbrot sets come from
2) "a diffeomorphism on a smooth manifold" kind of dynamics
3) ergodic theory and symbolic dynamics, which barely have to do with anything geometric, and those even connect to combinatorics, like furstenberg's proof of szemeredi's theorem or the green-tao stuff about prime numbers
you can git gud at one of these without having a clue about the others, and i think it takes 1/10th of the effort to learn algebraic geometry

>> No.11707109

Being that angry over something as insignificant as someone avatarfagging is already a sign of low intelligence

>> No.11707123
File: 39 KB, 300x237, geometryman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /mg/ filled with anime posters psuhing the shitty 24 meme? it should be filled with Thurston posters pushing the good visualisation meme

>> No.11707131
File: 50 KB, 368x427, 1590089629491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, why don't you create your own /mg/ and post your shitty thurston memes there and forbid anime pics? Let's see which one will get more answers

>> No.11707134
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 0662925878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally who?

>> No.11707153
File: 37 KB, 388x555, ninaleen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avatarfagging has practical purposes.
You speak differently if you have an idea who you are talking to, what they know and how credible and motivated their posts are.
You can go on any board, say /tv/, and spend 3 hours in a thread taking with people who behind the curtains don't give the slightest shit about what they say. You can try to decipher math posts about subject you only faintly understand, not realizing the posts are by people who understand it even less and summarize Wikipedia articles, making you think they give insight.
One main issue I have with /sci/ is that generally people won't invest in questions that are not immediately answerable in 2 short sentences. And indeed, I suppose most here had the experience that they find a question posted on /sci/ that they can answer, invest 25 minutes or whatnot to give an answer, but ending up being the second and last poster in the thread.
Apart from the cancerous attention-whoring that you speak of (which certainly is a major factor), hangouts like /mg/ and some red line in terms of the shitpost topics and meme topics is an attempt to remedy some of the drawback that consequence-less anonymous posting introduces.

I never got into it in any depth, but I have the feel that results in symbolic dynamics should translate into many fields, by mapping the symbolic objects discussed there injectively into various theories.
I find ergodic theory interesting in as far as it related to statistical mechanics and it's relation with phenomenological thermodynamics.

I never got the appeal of puzzles or math competition type problems, faggot.
I like the study of proofs with content in the Curry-Howard sense.
As far as available logic introductions go, I like

Btw. today I read

>> No.11707172

>I never got the appeal of puzzles
Math itself is a huge puzzle...
>or math competition type problems
If you're good at them it's pretty much guaranteed you'll be a great research, competition problems require great creative thinking and knowledge akin to those necessary to be able to succeed in a research field

>> No.11707195

My academic objectives for the next 3 years:
>Master algebra
>Master differential geometry
>Master algebraic topology
>Learn the essentials of algebraic geometry
>Learn about several complex variables
>Graduate with better grades
>Study every single day
>Be approved for a PhD in Japan

>> No.11707208

>You speak differently if you have an idea who you are talking to, what they know and how credible and motivated their posts are.
The entire purpose of an ANONYMOUS imageboard is to remove this dynamic. Literally the ENTIRE purpose.
If you don't like the idea of talking to somebody without being able to make value judgements based on their identity, go anywhere else at all on the entire Internet.

If you really do have a practical reason to have an identity for certain posts (which are rare, but do exist) this is what tripcodes are designed for. There's no reason to attach the same anime girl to every post you make except so you can waste 100 posts of a thread roleplaying with another guy doing the same thing.

>> No.11707217 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 1024x1307, 1024px-Carl_von_Sales_Bildnis_Joseph_II_posthum_1823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're good at them it's pretty much guaranteed you'll be a great research
My age times [math] \int_0^\infty \dfrac{ t }{ {\mathrm e}^{2\pi\, t} -t } {\mathrm d}t [/math] is bigger than one.

Yeah, good.
>Learn about several complex variables
lel, nice.

>Study every single day
How will you deal with the internet. Like, social media and Netflix additions?

I don't really disagree. See above.

>> No.11707221

>>Master algebra
>>Master differential geometry
>>Master algebraic topology
by "master" you mean "get comfortable with the standard graduate course material" ?

>> No.11707222

>If you're good at them it's pretty much guaranteed you'll be a great research
My age times [math] \int_0^\infty \dfrac{ t }{ {\mathrm e}^{2\pi\, t} -1 } {\mathrm d}t [/math] is bigger than one.

Yeah, good.
>Learn about several complex variables
lel, nice.

>Study every single day
How will you deal with the internet. Like, social media and Netflix additions?

I don't really disagree. See above.

>> No.11707223
File: 62 KB, 940x1024, 1587471099711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't really disagree
>opens post with "avatarfagging has practical purposes"

>> No.11707225

>t. angry avafag
Avatarfags use sparky images, post retarded shit, attract many attention, and distort discussions, so they should be banned.

>> No.11707230

I'm currently at the early graduate level in math (taken grad courses in analysis, algebra, topology). How do I make it to the next level? Do I read more difficult books or stuff like that?

>> No.11707234

>but people won't let you publish stuff when you're IN a PhD program, only when you've finished it.
you're either blowing this out your ass or you have an extremely abusive advisor who's deliberately trying to cripple your career

>> No.11707235 [DELETED] 
File: 374 KB, 444x720, PvO1tLb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to me, the purpose of an imageboard is "you are free to post anonymously" not "you are obliged to post anonymously"

>> No.11707236

Sorry, fixed my integral to a simpler one.

And yes, it's like "I know that eating chocolate is bad."

I don't support avatarfagging. But I find helpful. The best solution is of course to "go anywhere else on the internet." There's some better math outlets theses days.

Not sure - find people who are interested in the same things and read stuff you don't have to read? I think reading "ahead" is very helpful, but I'm not in academia either.

>> No.11707242
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, mnvffg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make yourself proud by making me proud. And make sure you reformulate SCV in the interuniversal context. Several Complex Venues, a generalisation of SCV using Hodge theatres.

Who even uses those?

>> No.11707244

read bourbaki

>> No.11707246
File: 289 KB, 540x405, 1589785695500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hum, I guess so? I just want to learn enough of those to be able to fully understand and do research in several complex variables
>How will you deal with the internet. Like, social media and Netflix additions?
I'm still addicted to the internet, but it's now or never, lad, I've already wasted too much time, already deleted facebook and the only social media I have now is twitter in order to practice my japanese, now is the time for action, I WILL FUCKING MAKE IT I SWEAR.


>> No.11707248

You better do some highschool math first. Answer to 1a is also a huge hint for 1b.

>> No.11707250

unless you go really overboard with it you will get away with it because /sci/ has no mods, but using avatars is explicitly not an intended option of the website. It's (theoretically, because /sci/ has no mods) a bannable offense.

>> No.11707269
File: 7 KB, 250x186, thats_right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mg/ is social media

Anyway, I almost think that barely anyone today has the power to read 4 hours of math accessing a browser or online app.

He lists 5 things he wants to get good at and "Study every single day".
My first question to that is: Are you capable of making a schedule to clean your flat every Sunday at 14 and end up actually doing it for 6 months straight? That's a lighter, "trivial" but actually in practice hard tasks, and an easy variant of his goal.
That is, find me a modern man with discipline.

don't do this

>> No.11707272

>But I find helpful.
I understand you're weaseling around like a politician so that your anime fanboy won't get mad at you, but again, "I find it helpful" is completely disagreeing with the entire point.
There is no possible use of avatarfag spam except to turn the thread into a circlejerk. In what way is it supposed to be "helpful"?

>> No.11707280
File: 155 KB, 707x1000, 1585772191955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro that's the best part (flat is justice)

>> No.11707295

Are the squares with arrows on the edges stuff considered a rigorous (or at least acceptable) proof in AT?

>> No.11707308
File: 12 KB, 256x242, 849e3452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, assuming you can justify that the arrows in your diagram have some properties. That's why it's abstract nonsense.

>> No.11707330

It's way beyond acceptable, topology is basically totally dependent on them these days.
Even just reformulating fairly elementary textbook-level stuff to never use diagrams sounds like a great idea if you're suicidal and looking for that last extra push off the edge.

>> No.11707331

It's so people can ask follow up questions to the smart one and not the faggot finitist

>> No.11707385


>> No.11707403

>19 minutes
Is it worth spending my precious time watching it?

>> No.11707409

>taking life advice from a braindead drug addict

>> No.11707412

How do you know he's that?

>> No.11707418
File: 271 KB, 855x482, what i&#039;m talking about.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not talking about category theory and commutative diagrams, I'm talking about stuff like pic rel

>> No.11707421

this is not about JBP

>> No.11707439

Did you somehow miss this last year? He flew to Russia to treat his anxiety med addiction and they gave him brain damage. He's been totally sheltered from the public for ages now because he's basically turned into a retard.

>video with Peterson in the thumbnail and Peterson quotes played throughout is not about Peterson

>> No.11707442

>>video with Peterson in the thumbnail and Peterson quotes played throughout is not about Peterson

>> No.11707448
File: 319 KB, 1524x1670, K4GSCdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In some situations, yes, but not alone. Showing that the Whitehead product can be used as the commutator of the fundamental group is a line or two if you draw a square and use its sides for your benefit.

>> No.11707449
File: 7 KB, 511x256, Rule30-256-rows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of background is needed to study recursion theory at the grad school level? I feel like there is a lot of low hanging fruit (relatively) to be discovered here.

>> No.11707460

Probably, given that no one in their right mind has proven that the tetrahedron is homeomorphic to the sphere with an explicit function, but it is always stated as true

>> No.11707461
File: 129 KB, 655x741, brainlet_gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks based Ayaya poster for rejecting me from the loser club. I will do my best to honor your words. I will make it.

>> No.11707465

Reminder that /mg/ does not stand with bigots, racists, homophobics, transphobics, nationalists, republicans, conservatives, xenophobics, anti-choicers and anti-semits.


>> No.11707473
File: 121 KB, 1200x870, 7ea247b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will make it
Yes you will, or else I will show you pain beyond human understanding. Now show the world what you are made of!

>> No.11707475
File: 240 KB, 1329x1429, 1586977410736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11707476

go back to plebbit faggot

>> No.11707492

Do I have autism?
I was reading a paper. It was optional and barely related to my PhD work. But it took me 3 days because there is one page where the authors weren't explaining the proof clearly enough.
I couldn't just drop it and work on my main work.
Fuck me.

>> No.11707498
File: 334 KB, 1170x1096, 1590334297024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet here.
Why isn't this 50%? The order doesn't matter in this situation.

>> No.11707499 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 900x1000, __flandre_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_yoruny__bbf27ce5cec0c272803238c53cb92cff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because identifying yourself isn't the point.
>because /sci/ has no mods
That's not really the issue. Remember how mods sometimes vanished Yukarifag's images? They did that a couple of times to me and didn't ban me.

>> No.11707508

The 4 possibilities are:

>> No.11707510
File: 515 KB, 1200x1600, the_true_vladimir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Vlady says: Back to /set/.

>> No.11707512

These are four situations with equal probability:
(1) First try = Gold and Second try = Gold
(2) 1 = Silver and 2 = Silver
(3) 1 = Gold and 2 = Silver
(4) 1 = Silver and 2 = Gold
So the case in which they are both gold only occurs with a chance of 1/4.
However, the Jew smelt a gold orb, so you can narrow down only to case (1), (3) and (4).
So it's 1/3.

>> No.11707513

Thats not perfectly rigorous. To make such proofs rigorous, you would need to explictly write down the attaching maps/cw structure.

>> No.11707515

The odds of it being gold or silver is outside of the situation 50/50, however thoses odds are skewed by the setup

>> No.11707523

>Because identifying yourself isn't the point.
What's the point then?

>> No.11707525
File: 443 KB, 2518x1104, 5hv033rqlvhz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does /mg/ always derail into petty politics ffs

>> No.11707526

I want to promote 2hu.

>> No.11707528

(I am still not sure why the order matters in this question, if anything the possibilities are SS, SG (regardless of order), and GG)
Ok so if I got this right, the approach is first take into account what the frog god did, only then one consider what the Jew said?

>> No.11707534


>> No.11707540 [DELETED] 

i'm looking for some exercises involving multivariable calculus and surface integrals and stuff (as in stokes theorem or green theorem)
what can you recommend

>> No.11707547

Since the jew said he smell gold, I'll assume the kike is lying so it's a 100% chance that both orbs are indeed silver.

>> No.11707550

you need to be a 27+ shill, 24 y/o are retards. you can't even begin to have a clue as to what's going on in the universe before 27
t. 28

>> No.11707552

>what can you recommend
I would recommend doing something more interesting

>> No.11707554

Get a copy of some Schaum's book
For the purpose of grinding out a fuckload of decent-quality exercises on topics you already understand they're actually excellent books

>> No.11707555

>I am still not sure why the order matters in this question
It does, because they are two separate cases for gold-silver and silver gold.
Try tossing two coins and count the probability they come up both heads. Then compare to the other combinations. It should only be 1/4, not 1/3.
Anyway, you should read also read about conditional probability. Basically, with conditional probability, you eliminate unrelated cases based on some known evidence (the Jew smelt the gold orb), and count again.

>> No.11707567

>It does, because they are two separate cases for gold-silver and silver gold.
I think it clicked, if SG and GS were grouped into one, there would be much more occurrences GG or SS alone. Thanks anon and God bless you.

>> No.11707568

>Try tossing two coins and count the probability they come up both heads. Then compare to the other combinations. It should only be 1/4, not 1/3.
I never understood why variants of this question troll people so hard. If I flip two coins, point a gun at your head and ask you what I'm holding, is anybody really going to tell me I have two tails? That just feels gambly even as a gut instinct, because you can intuitively tell it's a less likely outcome.

>> No.11707569

Stop that shit here, retard, this place is not for you, seriously

>> No.11707575

why the IQism?

>> No.11707576
File: 13 KB, 431x109, 2020-05-24-162216_431x109_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not the other anon who said "kike".

>> No.11707581
File: 58 KB, 1000x1000, 1566915132819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But "you will become great after you turn 27" isn't as funny as funposting about how useless you become when you turn 24. Besides, being 27 myself would probably turn the age positivism into a coping mechanism. Moonlit room, me sitting in the fetal position biting my fist and repeating how I am only starting to mature up and it's OK to struggle with things. I can visualise that to vividly. No thanks.

>> No.11707587

How are you guys so fucking old yet so fucking dumb?

>> No.11707588

Dude, you're awesome, you're an inspiration to all of us, I eagerly read and take to heart all your posts, you stand at the very top among the regulars in this general, you don't have to feel down wondering if you'll make it because in truth you already made it champ, congratulations for all your contributions here and keep going.

>> No.11707590

it happens to everybody
intellectual rot is coming for you too zoomer, like it or not

>> No.11707591

barely anyone gets wise

>> No.11707594

what a faggot

>> No.11707598

Because most of us didn't graduate before 24, if we did we would have achieved illumination by now probably instead of shitpost here

>> No.11707604
File: 297 KB, 1350x1800, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_shangguan_feiying__0faaefd40a98c2162fdf5f0b8a0e61ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute 2hus.

>> No.11707624
File: 91 KB, 760x570, 1589289587752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much Trig Do I need to start Calculus.
It's just too boring and I want to move on.
Sorry for Coffee posting btw

>> No.11707636

why don't you stop asking for permission over and over from strangers on 4chan and just try it? the worst thing that could possibly happen is you find out you need more trig and then you go back and learn it

>> No.11707638

There's a stupid questions thread already, stop trashing this one.

As for the question, yes, you need a lot of trig, be it in limits, derivatives or integrals.

>> No.11707643

because my dumb ass gets confused easily.
no one is bumping it bro.

>> No.11707645

>because my dumb ass gets confused easily.
that doesn't answer the question

>> No.11707660
File: 38 KB, 480x480, 1586986361879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11707670

1st. I'm not asking for permission, I just want to read your opinions.
2nd. I get confused because I don't know what I don't know; and If I Don't know what I'm supposed to know I'll never learn the things I don't know.

>> No.11707676

>and If I Don't know what I'm supposed to know I'll never learn the things I don't know.
you will find out quickly what you're "supposed to" know if you try to study calculus and find out some background is missing
you clearly don't believe anybody when they tell you trig is necessary since you just keep asking over and over, why don't you just try calculus for yourself and experience what kind of trig you need for yourself?

>> No.11707677

If you get confused, you can always go back on /mg/ and ask what you need to solve "this" problem, what you need to understand "this" concept.
Asking a general question doesn't really help anything, because
>How much trigs
Is a blanket question and no one knows where your level is at, no one is going to give you a detailed list of what functions, what equalities, what equations are needed for you to move on to Calc.

>> No.11707714

Sorry for asking over and over again brah, I just have no teachers and no one IRL to ask. My shitty ass ""highschool"" just ""teached"" me basic algebra so everything I've learned up to now has been all me and some /sci/bros.
I get desperate because the clock is ticking, regrets are mounting and my head is getting older, I'm like the old dudes @ the gym that workout faster because they are going to die sooner, i'll try calculus fuck it.

>> No.11707723
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, 1585434029490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon. We will make it, won't we? We will make it big time!

Pic related.

>> No.11707740

From the way you post I can already see you're not gonna make it, don't waste your time.

>> No.11707744

how can you tell somebody is 24 just from their posting style?

>> No.11707760
File: 43 KB, 784x612, Aggie had enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanks for motivating me clown.
Will finish trig Identities and Inverse Trig functions by 10.

>> No.11707878

I have shinigami eyes, Tom.

>> No.11707982

Coomer degenerate. Kill yourself because you will never make it.

>> No.11707989

I want yukariposter to love me.

>> No.11707994
File: 89 KB, 675x675, 1587817493612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't we all

>> No.11707998


>> No.11708007
File: 153 KB, 640x360, 1590354348817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your study plans in this quarentine?

>> No.11708008
File: 44 KB, 301x267, 1491279879434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11708016
File: 64 KB, 900x599, glownigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get this, why:
-1*-1 is 1?
Why does minus and minus give plus?
It seems wrong.
Why are there no negative prime numbers?
This is some CIA subversion of numbers.

>> No.11708031
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the Hodge star?
>remember that map from linear algebra which sends a vector subspace to its orthogonal complement? The Hodge star is pretty much that but with extra steps and orientations and the like

>> No.11708034

You see the number line? Multplying by -1 is a symmetry around 0. So when you you multiply by -1 you flip the number line around 0 and you are back to 1.

>> No.11708041

But why is it a reflection about 0 instead of just putting it on the negative side?

>> No.11708042

Just some nitpick here, but when you use '*' it looks like you're talking about an ordinary binary operation, if you want to talk about multiplication use (-1)(-1) or (-1).(-1)

>> No.11708044

Why is - 1*-1 different from False and False?

>> No.11708045

wow so high iq and indifferent! you must be at least 4444 SD's IQ anon-kun desu :)))))))

>> No.11708050
File: 76 KB, 1024x691, glow_car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's my point also, seems wrong - some arbitrary rule a Greek hobo made up

>> No.11708052
File: 101 KB, 850x1265, abe5e6e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No plans, just absorbing knowledge here and there.

1 and (-1)(-1) are additive inverses of -1, and such inverses are unique.

>> No.11708057

Why would it have anything do with "False and False"?
Integer arithmetic is not logic.

>> No.11708061

>just absorbing knowledge here and there.
Knowledge about what

>> No.11708072

Because [math](\{-1,1\},*) \ncong (\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z},*)[/math] but [math](\{-1,1\},*) \cong (\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z},+)[/math]

>> No.11708079
File: 370 KB, 392x758, 1575177641229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preemptively do more baby rudin, and on the off days I'm thinking set theory or dynamical systems, idk yet. Found a pdf of jech, but it's pretty scary looking. Haven't looked for anything in ds. Probably also gonna do some multivariable review since my class on it was horribly lacking.

>> No.11708083

Work through Dummit & Foote to develop a Foote fetish.

>> No.11708090

I think I understand what tensor spaces are now, they're the space in which the bilinear maps become linear, right? But what about n-linear maps, are the spaces associated with them also called tensor spaces?

>> No.11708106
File: 27 KB, 464x439, b77086a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff. All sorts of homotopy equivalences you get when you apply the loop space functor. For example [math] \Omega( A\vee B) \simeq \Omega(A) \times \Omega(B) \times \Omega \Sigma( \Omega(A) \wedge\Omega(B))[/math] or [math]\Omega( A\rtimes B)\simeq \Omega(A) \times \Omega\Sigma( \Omega(A)\wedge B)[/math]. Combining those, one gets a nice chain of isomorphisms: [math] \pi_n (A \vee B) \cong \pi_{n+1} (\Omega(A \vee B)) \cong \pi_{n+1} (\Omega(A)\times \Omega(B)\times \Omega\Sigma( \Omega(A)\wedge \Omega(B))) \cong \pi_{n+1}(\Omega(A)) \oplus \pi_{n+1} (\Omega(A \rtimes \Omega(B))) \cong \pi_n (A)\oplus \pi_n (A\rtimes \Omega(B))[/math]. Please don't explode...

>> No.11708107

They literally are tensor spaces.
To pass multilinear maps to linear ones you do the exact same thing as the bilinear case, you just tensor all the spaces together. The only superficial difference is that you have n spaces instead of n = 2 spaces.

>> No.11708109


>> No.11708110

Oh yeah I'm retarded, the dimension is just different

>> No.11708132
File: 34 KB, 350x490, e5rcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dimension
If you have m and n dimensional vector spaces [math]V, W[/math] over a field [math]k[/math], you can show [math]\mathfrak{b} = \{ v_i \otimes w_j \ |\ v_i\in \mathfrak{b}_V, w_j\in \mathfrak{b}_W\}[/math] is a basis for [math]V\otimes_k W[/math] whenever [math]\mathfrak{b}_V, \mathfrak{b}_W[/math] are bases of [math]V, W[/math]. Doing a bit of counting, we get [math]| \mathfrak{b}| = mn[/math], so the dimension is the product of the dimensions. Obviously, this generalises to any finite tensor product of finite dimensional vector spaces.

>> No.11708138

Yeah, this part is pretty intuitive.

>> No.11708152

Very good.

>> No.11708185

Haven't been on /sci/ for a while. Is it just me or it feels like there are redditors and /pol/fags everywhere?
Example: this fucking thread.

>> No.11708199

There were two anti-racism threads these last weeks and there's a trans person who's a regular here.

>> No.11708219

It's already over where I live.

>> No.11708233

Nani? How? The peak is happening right now in the world (except China)

>> No.11708248
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Not him, but Manitoba hasn't had a new case for like almost a week

>> No.11708260
File: 145 KB, 465x453, b2d4a5b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Baltic countries are doing pretty well, too, I think.

>> No.11708264
File: 253 KB, 1722x998, Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-25 um 01.33.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's Nani? Some anime?

>> No.11708271

"What" in animese.

>> No.11708290

divide by 0 or you're a pussy

>> No.11708314
File: 13 KB, 232x217, 1588818997644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I had to google that, of course there's no cases there that shit's in the end of world, no one goes there. Also, who's the artist?
No one wants to go to that war zone shithole, in the normal world it's chaos
It's japanese, it's common 4chan vocabulary, you just outed yourself as a redditor, congrats tard

>> No.11708338
File: 753 KB, 789x823, ijhug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one wants to go to that war zone shithole, in the normal world it's chaos
Are you sure you aren't confusing Baltic and Balkan countries? Tartu is a cute little city, I recommend visiting it some day. Pärnu is also pretty nice a place.

>> No.11708370

>it's common 4chan vocabulary
it's not, you're living in a bubble

>> No.11708385
File: 217 KB, 744x744, __hoshino_miyako_watashi_ni_tenshi_ga_maiorita_drawn_by_jigatei_omijin__a1d2aeaf5c53b72709f78200912525b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By careful inspection of context and phrasing, I was led to conjecture that Nani is a place where corona cases are over.
My theory feels solid, but I'm willing to listen to criticism.
Shut the fuck up weeb.

>> No.11708417
File: 61 KB, 1143x97, 36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to solve the following problem in Bona's 'A Walk Through Combinatorics'. I have an answer that I believe is correct but I would like someone to check it.

For a fixed k, there are [math] \binom{n}{k} [/math] k-element subsets of [n]. This will be the number of ways to pick C. For each of these ways, there are k elements we can pick from to be the element in common in between the two sets A and B. And then for each of these k elements to pick from, there are [math](2^{k-1})^2[/math] ways to pick A and B. So, putting everything together, the answer should be [math]\sum_{i=1}^n \binom{n}{k} k (2^{k-1})^2[/math].

is this correct?

>> No.11708448 [DELETED] 

>And then for each of these k elements to pick from, there are (2k−1)2(2k−1)2 ways to pick A and B.
I'm not sure about this statement. I think you are assuming that [math]A \cup B = C[/math] by saying this.

>> No.11708566

Mentoring. The main reason why we have all of those Olympiads and why math is so competitive in the first place is because of the gargantuan asymmetry between raw talent and teachers that can lead them. The real main prize in those competitions is always the patronage of high profile mentors.
Very often they guide them through some research topics, so they would have something under their name early on, which always looks great. So getting published isn't such a big deal if you have such a support.
Another way to get published in school are more available (in theory) contests for research papers for students, which is somewhat an alternative to math contests. But having to do standalone research without a guidance is almost impossible so only students with support participate. Similar thing with the contests btw - their purpose is to screen most talented students and provide them with patronage, but most often those students already have strong mentors which is why they win them in the first place .

>> No.11708689
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>shit's in the end of world
I mean, yeah, but Winnipeg is there, which isn't nothing. Fortunately we're far enough away from the populated part of Ontario (Toronto, Ottawa), and we've got the even more lame province Saskatchewan on the other side.
>Also, who's the artist?
Good question

>> No.11708711
File: 50 KB, 690x461, gofacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It's japanese, it's common 4chan vocabulary

>> No.11708728
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They do look pretty cute in pictures, maybe I should visit someday.

>> No.11708902

Don't use Jech, use Jech and Hrabcek's introductory book. Big Jech is a reference book, he doesn't work through the details you need from a first course and there are not enough exercises.

>> No.11708922

She got her PhD in four months??!?!?

>> No.11708989
File: 146 KB, 1029x1311, 1583099291802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay cool, thank god. This looks way better, thank you!

>> No.11709014
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I just wrote an explicit function giving every consecutive prime.

Ask me anything

>> No.11709107

I'm almost shocked the university/department would even allow such a thing. Especially a Japanese university, since japs are the biggest rulefags on the face of the earth.

My wild guess is she must have gone complete gigabrain mode during her Master's and had enough work at the end of 2 years that her advisor decided she could split off 1/4 of it for a Master's thesis and submit the rest as her PhD.
That or she got absurdly lucky and cracked the thesis problem she took in a week and a half. That happens too.

>> No.11709120
File: 48 KB, 640x640, 1580425204811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically my study habits improved a lot now that I'm not going to uni.

>> No.11709125

What should I self study after calc 1 /sci/???? I'm going into a state uni and relearned everything from pre algebra up just to be fresh before going in.

>> No.11709165

Did you learn linear algebra already? That's what I'm on
Calc 2 is multivariable/vector valued, dunno how its where you at

>> No.11709178

does it return 2 and 3?

>> No.11709182
File: 669 KB, 960x696, 1578005522375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely unironically forgot how to integrate by parts
>"I'll just derive it lmao"
>I'm doing my masters
Theorems go through me like water.

>> No.11709183


>> No.11709193

Is it the sieve of Eratosthenes?

>> No.11709282 [DELETED] 

I may have depression. I sleep 9 hours and I feel numb. I sleep 6 hours and I feel numb. I sleep 12 hours and I feel numb.
I don't want to do anything. I hate myself for the wrong choices I make everyday for the past 20 years.
My advisor probably thinks that I'm mediocre and I should have been replaced by someone better.
I can't even understand a fucking paper.
I solve problems wrong all the time.
I spout nonsense remarks in group meetings all the time.
I forgot basic theorems when I need them.
I can't tell anyone in my family I feel like crap most of the time because they expect a lot from me. I'm the only one in the family who go for a higher degree.
I'm inadequate. I get annoyed at the smallest inconvenience.
Why am I even

>> No.11709354

I never learned the formula, I just integrate the multiplication rule every time.

>> No.11709388 [DELETED] 
File: 515 KB, 605x720, W2CRk1k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you get "there are [math](2^{k-1})^2[/math] ways to pick A and B"? Do you remember they're supposed to be disjoint? I don't think it's correct.
The actual answer is [math]4^n[/math].

>> No.11709396

>Do you remember they're supposed to be disjoint?
>Problem statement specifies [math]A \cap B \not = \emptyset[/math]
dumb anime poster

>> No.11709449 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 255x493, XXtbcmT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I misread.
Still, the solution posted is wrong, because the number of ways to choose not disjoint sets A, B from k elements is not [math]k(2^{k-1})^2[/math]. It is [math]4^k - 3^k[/math].
The correct answer to the problem is [math]5^n - 4^n[/math].

>> No.11709468


Study logic, and practice using the logic patterns.

Your nervous system will give you a response to how you perceive situations.

Here's an example;

A guy was saying his wife never tells him the she loves him.

Guy's wife literally says it every day. However, the guy set up a situation where he concludes that he never hear's here say that, and his nervous system produces the proper response to that command.

You can set up, for yourself, to be noticing everything that will help you feel better, and do better at what you want to do, and give zero attention to anything that could get in your way.

Quickly, you'll notice how you are perceiving what you want, and having been perceiving differently now you'll feel much better than before.

Now, it's like that game where you pinch someone when you see a specific type of car. You'll notice that in the game you start seeing a lot of those types of cars, and this is due to you setting up to notice for the cars.

Seriously, look into logic. It changed my life for the better.

>> No.11709493

Are you perhaps over the age of 24?

>> No.11709503

I think the way you look at the selection of the non-disjoint sets is wrong.
You are counting some sets multiple times.
Lets for example say, you want to select A and B out of [math] \{1,2,3\} [/math].
Now in your notation [math]k=3[/math]. So now you say, once we picked one to be the common element, the selection of the rest is irrelevant.
So if we pick 1 to be the common element, the possibilities for A and B are [math]\{1,2,3\},\{1,2\},\{1,3\},\{1\}[/math].
But if we picked 2 to be the common element, you'd count [math]\{1,2\}[/math] also!
Picking different elements to be the "joiner" does not yield completely different options down the road. So you can't just multiply the number of options here.

>> No.11709604
File: 57 KB, 612x551, gettyimages-81230190-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucker I am not using an abacus.
Its actually very simple.... once you know it .
The universe is like an ocean . Wave dynamics

>> No.11709636

I want to check of the rng of something in a game is really what the game lists it as. How many trials would be good to compare if the rng listed is correct or not?

>> No.11709640 [DELETED] 

depends on the specifics

>> No.11709648

im 19, what do I do...

>> No.11709652


>> No.11709662

imagine someone trying to get you to rote learn statistics equations

>> No.11709670

I am that 19 year old yo what up

>> No.11709677

What have you published so far?

>> No.11709689

nothing much, just a few coauthorships in Inventiones and a single paper in Annals of Mathematics

>> No.11709759

is this like the Schrodinger cat puzzle with a bit of math, I think its 1 out of 9 chance that took me way too long

>> No.11709762

o rly then u explain it

>> No.11709768
File: 153 KB, 1920x1080, 4a55374e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Henry Adams (Colorado State University)
>Title: Vietoris-Rips complexes and Borsuk-Ulam theorems
>Abstract: Given a metric space X and a scale parameter r, the Vietoris-Rips simplicial complex VR(X;r) has X as its vertex set, and contains a finite subset as a simplex if its diameter is at most r. Vietoris-Rips complexes were invented by Vietoris in order to define a (co)homology theory for metric spaces, and by Rips for use in geometric group theory. More recently, they have found applications in computational topology for approximating of the shape of a dataset. I will explain how the Vietoris-Rips complexes of the circle, as the scale parameter r increases, obtain the homotopy types of the circle, the 3-sphere, the 5-sphere, the 7-sphere, ..., until they are finally contractible. Only very little is understood about the homotopy types of the Vietoris-Rips complexes of the n-sphere. Knowing the homotopy connectivities of Vietoris-Rips complexes of spheres allows one to prove generalizations of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem for maps from the n-sphere into k-dimensional Euclidean space with k > n. Joint work with John Bush and Florian Frick.

>yo what up
Hi, I guess. I never know if this is a question or just a strange way to say "hi" like the English "how do you do"... It only takes a few words to confuse the socially inept.

Isn't that how it's done in high school?

>> No.11709810
File: 58 KB, 482x427, 1543309233548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not in highschool and the equations are more complex

>> No.11709811

I'm sorry but stat isn't math.

>> No.11709813
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, 3dd2717f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My son, I have nothing more to teach you.

>> No.11709819

I heard a pajeet say in a video about homology "the fact that the boundary of a boundary is 0, that is[math]\partial^2=0[/math], is the most important realization in modern mathematics". Is this true?

>> No.11709823

it's a basic fact that lies at the basis of the very construction of all the homologies
obviously saying it's "the most important realization" is a pajeet exaggeration

>> No.11709828

share the pdf frendo

>> No.11709835

exaggeration, but it IS important as fuck, yeah

>> No.11709901
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Seems like it, my future wife is a fucking genius

>> No.11710008
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>getting filtered by Analysis I

>> No.11710022

Literally how? What do you find hard?

>> No.11710031

Dude, just read Abott it's impossible not to understand analysis after it

>> No.11710037

Yeah, that could be it. She must've founded the answer to her thesis problem sooner than later.

Which reminds me. There's a guy by the name of Edward Frenkel whom got his PhD at Havard in one year, which was quite shocking too. He did his undergrad in applied maths at some industrial Russian university. His research are in stuff like algebraic geometry and representation theory. He probably picked a lot of the pure maths stuff on his own and/or some outside help.

Usually if the student does well, then their adviser would give them a harder problem (in-conjunction to the student having to play guinea pig, for their adviser's mini research projects. i.e. selfish reasons), and have the result they have found published.

>> No.11710040

I guess the topics themeselves aren't that hard to understand(what a differentiable function is for example) but once I get to the tasks my uni gives me, I have no idea wtf they want from me
I will try it out, thanks

>> No.11710044

>the tasks my uni gives me
like what for example?

>> No.11710050

read a lot of exercices and their correction, and try to figure out the intuition behind it. That's how I do it.

>> No.11710055

There's a guy in my country who finished his PhD in 3 months, he holds the world record for fastest PhD, I think.

>> No.11710061

Donald Knuth solved his PhD thesis in 2 hours

>> No.11710099

holy fuck this is so big brain

>> No.11710100

>A picture is hung on the wall. Its bottom edge
is of the length a, its upper by b higher than the eye of a viewer
above the floor (a, b> 0). At what distance from the wall has the
Viewer to stand to see the picture from as large an angle as possible?

I hope the english isn't that bad

>> No.11710106

>hope the english isn't that bad
It is

>> No.11710112

>What do you find hard?
Not him, but I was tutoring two girls in their 1st year of college (they studied math of all things lol) because their professor could barely speak our language and whatever he tried explaining was incomprehensible

>> No.11710115
File: 29 KB, 528x312, 9181c4016c719f4e9daf194db019cf3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we have reached the point where Google translate can bypass captchas. Truly, this is starting to get interesting.

>> No.11710267

whats so good about DVRs?

>> No.11710273

There's a quote about some bigshot mathematician like Cartan that said that about d^2=0, so he probably just leeched off of that

>> No.11710290
File: 15 KB, 400x225, 1586890648178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classical Music+Classical Literature+Modern Mathematics+Anime

Best combination.

>> No.11710329
File: 77 KB, 188x262, facjate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better combination:
rap music + any mathematics + posting anime pictures but barely watching any

>> No.11710356
File: 48 KB, 303x413, Traité_d&#039;algèbre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you read old math books?

>> No.11710360

Why read dated shit when you could read modern introductions?

>> No.11710382

there's no point in reading an old textbook
you will encounter outdated notation and terminology

when it comes to old books actually worth reading, i think there's a modern edition of gauss' disquisitiones arithmeticae, it would be a nice reading material for a high school olympiad people

>> No.11710407
File: 548 KB, 790x720, 1590378752785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rap music
Not music
>any mathematics
If it isn't AT/AG related: Not math
>posting anime pictures but barely watching any
Back to r/anime, my man

>> No.11710419

based post

>> No.11710420
File: 493 KB, 810x939, 1568014673172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it's not my area of interest, it's not math
very rude

>> No.11710441

The entire anime tranny thing has been getting to me more than I thought, because I can't help but imagine anon as a trap saying this because he wants to anger a chad differential geometer or combinatorialist into fucking him in the ass.

>> No.11710453
File: 11 KB, 219x187, 1552253606973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seek help

>> No.11710459

you might be onto something

>> No.11710483

That's a very transphobic term

>> No.11710552

Are you sure you're not interested?
I study symplectic geometry and my preferred music style is bossa nova.

>> No.11710560
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Here you go, first one is jech, second is Jech and Hrbacek

>> No.11710569
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I think that's a good combo.

Waste of time.

I could imagine that scenario. Going into a conference on measure theory or differential geometry or whatever, and then finding the bulkiest guy in there. You walk to him and ask "have you considered doing something actually interesting instead of just computing some integrals like a pesky high schooler?", and he looks at you infuriated. "Mylady", he says, "what might this actually interesting be then?" while pushing you back against the wall, asserting dominance with his huge body. "Why that is obviously group cohomology", you say blushing, but then you add "but that is obviously beyond your mental capacity" winking your eye. At this point he is furious and lifts you up, and you whisper into his ear "do you have this lifting property with respect to everyone, or am I unique to you?". He growls like a beast and takes you to the conference room telling everyone to leave. His feral look and primal rage make people inside obey his command out of an animalistic instinct of preservation. He places you face down on the table and ties you up with his belt and slaps your butt. Your smooth skin makes him think of you like he thinks about his manifolds, and he puts his hand over your mouth. "No screaming", he grunts into your ear, like a primate he is. "As if I would scream and give you that pleasure, anal boy!" you reply after you have bitten his hand and freed your mouth. He rips his shirt in anger and pulls your knickers down. "I will show you why analysis is the superior field!" he shouts with his voice twisted from the guttural sounds of primitive lust.
(not really)

>> No.11710583

wow thank you this gave me an erection

>> No.11710620
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, cd4be314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was supposed to point out how unrealistic that idea was, but I guess that is a somewhat possible side effect of it. I know! Us seniors who have already crossed the event horizon need back up plans. Someone could expand this thing into a big story where ultra masculine analysts and frail algebra elves/fairies whatever, and the analysts have been cursed by a wizard on the mountains in a way that they are lycanthropic or like really turn into animals every now and then, but they need to coexist and give rise to a new generation of mathematicians in order to make peace with the hermit wizard. A touching story of love, acceptance, rivalry and magical being. I call it "Quod Eros De-Monstra-ndum".

>> No.11710640

it's very much worth your time if you're interested in the history and philosophy of mathematics to read up on old literature. Besides that, even in the last century quite a number of results have been discovered and rediscovered multiple times over.

>> No.11710650

Not the person you’re replying to, but any recommendations for bossa nova? I only know touhou bossa nova.

>> No.11710654

Bossa Nova is not a genre.

>> No.11710656

What is it then?

>> No.11710670

Frenkel is a bit of a weird case.
The place he did his undergrad wasn't _really_ an industrial school, it's the school where they herded all the jews into because they didn't want jews at Moscow State at that time and the IUM didn't exist yet.

>> No.11710671

Tom Jobim in general, Stone Flower in particular.

>> No.11710678
File: 22 KB, 303x269, 1566653338516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I'm only attracted to functional analysis chads who will breed my category tranny boipussy
>(not really)
please do

>> No.11710688
File: 45 KB, 534x534, 1549472986800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>functional analysis chads
wow there might be a chance for me...

>> No.11710695
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 138468248587,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banach Space.

>> No.11710719
File: 38 KB, 300x450, fcfyh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't make do it. I would suggest you start seducing the Collette poster, though.

>> No.11710723

I sincerely hope you faggots kill yourselves soon

>> No.11710792

A musical movement during the 50s

>> No.11710922


>> No.11711049

New thread done in the right way now