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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11703332 No.11703332[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have degree in molecular biomedical sciences.
I can also code.
Yet I feel bad for being virgin.
Scientifically explain why this is so.

>> No.11703339

you're wired to reproduce

you're not reproducing

I don't have a degree in shit I don't think you needed me to tell you that one

>> No.11703364

>"Normal" people have sex 2/week without trying
>"Normal" people have
children before 30
>You can't even do what a normalfag do
>You are bellow a normal human
Don't even need math to understand this

>> No.11703365

because not putting your pee pee into holes means that you are low status
and also probably genetically inferior since women don't select you as a partner

>> No.11703501

Not OP but he seems to be pretty intelligent since he has a STEM degree and can code, he is at least smarter than 90% of humans so his genetics can't be that bad.

>> No.11703583

Nothing matters if you don't reproduce. A random tyrone with no education is more successful than you.

>> No.11703595

Reproduction is the primary driving instinct in humans, it is natural to feel bad for not having sex. Funnily enough once you do have sex you'll realize it's not all it's cracked up to be and become less high strung.

>> No.11703598

>Yet I feel bad for being virgin.

If you are a virgin female and not a land-whale, I am willing to "cure" your problem.

>> No.11703599

>Tfw 30 and haven't had kids yet
>Tfw will never have the financial security to give kids a stable life that I didn't have growing up
I just want to to better than my parents did damnit, why is everything so expensive? People used to have like 6 kids.

>> No.11703604
File: 13 KB, 730x358, Picture-2-750736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High Intelligence correlates with virginity and low amount of sex for both men and women. Not necessarily because they're less attractive but because they deem sex to be circumstantial rather than life-defining. And yes high IQ can and actually is a turn off because mates are looking for other mates that have similar phenotypes which includes a similar level of intelligence.

>> No.11703606

Survival of the fittest.
Doesn't matter how smart/strong/fast he is, if he can't pass them down, his genes are objectively worse than those who can and do.

>> No.11703616

More intelligent people tend to be more socially retarded. At least intelligent in the sense where normie fu*ks will see you as a smart human.

>> No.11703656

You have to do a better job of organizing your thoughts.
Your question is poorly written, and is not logically organized. Your degree/ skill, has little relevance to your question.
I'll try my best anyway - you seem to have some degree of social ineptitude, and possibly some cultural / religious issues regarding sex.
Start dating 2-3 low-value women this week(yes, readily available), (very careful about B.C. +stds) learn the routine, get your stamina up, get comfortable. Learn to enjoy power dynamics, don't fall for love/cohabitation/children/provider-role. Always keep 2-3 going, but upgrade whenever possible once you've got the hang of it.

>> No.11703759

>that image
Why are the japanese such betas?

>> No.11704141
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As an Asexual, I feel so sorry for you guys
I feel nothing but contentment in a life of isolation

>> No.11704230

ye have fun dying alone

>> No.11704254

I used to feel bad, until I realized that I could configure living biological things in a lab, or build artificial intelligences to sentience.

Literally "Asexual Reproduction of The Spotless Mind".


>> No.11704299

>you seem to have some degree of social ineptitude, and possibly some cultural / religious issues regarding sex.

>Your degree/ skill, has little relevance to your question.
It has relevance. We are our skills.

>> No.11704321

>we are our skills
We are also our potential.

>> No.11704343

I'm not that guy or asexual, but we all die alone whether our family is right next to us or not.

Death is a journey we all must make alone in the end.

>> No.11704376

The primary purpose of your existence is the replication of your genetic material through sexual reproduction. Your intelligence is simply one of the many mechanisms your ancestors evolved in order to aid you with that task, but you have mistakenly chosen to apply it in ways which do not directly improve your chances of reproducing, therefore causing your primitive lizard-brain to radiate signals of discontent towards your evolved monkey-brain.

>> No.11704379

>we all die alone
Contrary to this, if entropy is to be believed as being encapsulated and bound as a single universal constant bundled with gravity, we all die together.

>> No.11704881

Yes that's why reproduction is worthless but why is society making us feel bad for not doing it?

>> No.11704891

Kids don't need much anon. Just shelter, food, and love.

>> No.11704923
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Everyone trying to take you down in this thread is hurting as much as you or more, just in different ways.
What you feel is there because probably at some point in the evolution of sexual reproduction it became advantageous to have people feel what you are feeling, just like other types of pain. If being alone hurts ,you will go out of your way to try and not be alone.

But as with any suffering, natural selection and evolution as a whole aren't intelligent or something like that. They are just things that happen, and generate effects, which might be good or bad. Everyone here claiming shit about genetic fitness or being "below other people" are just coping. Being a good boy and following mother nature and doing exactly what natural selection says doesn't earn you extra points in some highscore. Neither does earning a degree, being a millionaire, or any combination.

Just live your life, acknowledge some things will make you happy, some things will make you sad, and realize all of those things are not reasons to be harsh with yourself.

>> No.11704927

>More intelligent people tend to be more socially retarded

>> No.11704930

I really doubt people like you exist without massive trauma, mental illness or coping.
I knew some guys dating "asexual" girls, and oh surprise they started having sex and found out they weren't asexual once they started dating some other better looking guys. Crazy, right?

>> No.11704965
File: 268 KB, 923x1600, 1565705920546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yet I feel bad for being virgin.
Good. People who do nothing but study should be shunned and disposed of. Highschool is to live your life, explore sexuality and give into your urges, not to try getting perfect SAT scores. You wasted what's arguably the most important time of your life as a shut-in. You should feel bad and you deserve to feel bad.

>> No.11704975

Literally every influential thinker/scientist/person who created anything relevant that you use and defines your life,etc etc etc, prove you're wrong.
But nice way to cope that you'll never amount to anything but "the fun you had in highschool".

>> No.11704983

You're either massively uneducated, or unironically think Silicon-Valley incels are the only "influential" people.

>> No.11704984

I'm talking about Philosophers/Scientists/Artists/Religious figures of many different eras of mankind. People who literally shaped our society.
You honestly sincerely think that guy in your highschool who got 10 blowjobs is gonna be remembered for his deeds throughout history?

>> No.11704990

1) You have no evidence a notable amount of those people were virgins by the time they hit their 20s, logic dictates the opposite
2) You falsely assume for genuises and thinkers to not engage in a variety of different fields, including the arts and therefore almost inevitably sexual intercourse

Listen virgin. Your way of life was never normal and it sure as hell isn't what notable people followed. You've been so desperate to be something you never had the necessary intellect to be, you completely failed at developing a personality of your own. Now you're stuck in your early 30s, an autist who'll be forced to collect the scraps if anything. I pitty the likes of you who think there's only 2 groups to join: the virgins and the stacey fuckers. You chose an extreme, and similar to the braindead coomer staceyfuckers you'll suffer from its consequences for the rest of your miserable life. And that's a good thing.

>> No.11704993

nah, most smart men over the ages have realized independently and repeatedly that women are not worth that much effort/attention

"listen virgin" sounds dumb as well, simp

>> No.11705002

You have outed yourself as an incurable brain lacking fuck. Lurk more.

>> No.11705072

>Kids don't need much
Kids need diapers, cups, milk, etc. They come with quite a cost; that doesn't mean that they should be sacrificed for money though, having kids is the ultimate goal in life, as it is what makes one truly happy, along with continuing your people's and family's existence.

>> No.11705081

>Being a good boy and following mother nature and doing exactly what natural selection says doesn't earn you extra points in some highscore
The Eternal Struggle is what's important, and following mother nature is a part of this. Individuality was a mistake.

>> No.11705120
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>get the services of a prostitute. Several times if possible
>Realize that you can get sex whenever you want
>Realize that sex is overrated, unless you want to have children of your own
>Realize that having sex every week with a different thot is a literal STDs minefield.
>Realize that even Chad's eventually get tired of all the fucking.
>Realize that what's suffering is your ego, since you don't really need thots in your life.
>Even if you eventually get a gf she will demand your time and attention, distracting you from doing science or just from enjoying your free time.

>> No.11705147

Because even the dumbest nigger kike tranny can ejaculate into some pussy

>> No.11705164

To them, that is their universe. That is all they encompass, all they understand.

>> No.11705166

Because your biological imperative is to reproduce and pass on your genes. Your brain knows this. Everything else you do basically amounts to a way of passing time.

>> No.11705310

>Yet I feel bad for being virgin.
you have too much time
>People used to have like 6 kids.
and all of them live like monkeys

>> No.11705325
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwMxB2A9Dm-cmNhH0zBguP7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe me, we heard the same thing many many times over and over again
>you will die alone
>you just haven't found the one
>no one would take care of you once you grow old
>I know someone who said the same thing but it turned out that he is not. Honest

Sorry but you don't understand the state of nirvana that we are in. Remember that clear headedness after masturbating? We feel that all the time
My time is for myself
My privacy is for myself
And I feel so content that I am able to do so much more of my time than being lonely because I cannot fullfill some societal obligation imposed on my gender

I cannot imagine a better life, honestly

>> No.11705330

just stay alive and rich long enough to buy the youth serums and then reproduce at that point.

*insert carleton from fresh prince thinking man*

>> No.11705358

Reliable ectogenesis pods and serious looking into gene editing is something we should try to accomplish
Humanity as a whole would be better liberated from the thot/chad/beta cycle forever

>> No.11705406

I'm neither of those people you responded to. "Asexuality" isn't real in humans outside of some extreme outlying genetic malfunctions. What you have is either an almost non-existent sex drive or, as he said, extreme trauma/mental illness/cope.
>because I cannot fullfill some societal obligation imposed on my gender
People like you are everything that's wrong with the world. Reproduction is about as far from a societal obligation as you can get. The rejection of reproduction is a rejection of human nature, having children makes people happy. Regardless, though, you should have children simply to continue your family line so that your not abandoning your father and ancestors, and so that you can help in populating your peoples. You've fallen directly into the Jew's trap.

>> No.11705409
File: 79 KB, 233x209, CHAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You feel like shit because you're a moecuck. In all seriousness, it's because you're WAY more intelligent than most women, and women often desire those with similar intelligences to them. It's why plenty of roasties for for tyrones, because they're just as dumb as the coons are.
You can thank (((certain people))) for trying to screw your race over. The best way I could see raising kids is to adopt really young orphans and discipline them the best you can. If they have to attend public school, ask what they learn, and correct anything wrong, like how Watson and Crick didn't actually steal from Rosalind Franklin, or how the holobunga really wasn't 6 gorillion jooz with gas chambers.

>> No.11705420
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwHs4p1k872pVaekvjpVzaUA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are not normal
Yeah, we heard that too. All the time.
Gays and asexuals are real. It's not an abnormality because if it is, natural selection would prune it long ago. The fact that we are here means that we are a beneficial trait

>> No.11705422
File: 279 KB, 1064x1422, skeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're only asexual because even your body realized your moefaggotry would mean you'll never touch a pussy in your lifetime. EVER.
All I can think of is that /co/ Skeet copypasta.

>> No.11705436

>It's not an abnormality because if it is, natural selection would prune it long ago
Except that shit WAS, at least for humans with disciplined minds and ideals. Homos are literal errors made by the genetic code. Sure, they'll exist, but they'll always remain a minority because fucking a poopy anus doesn't create children, so no increases are made.
That is, unless you have a (((parasitic influence))) that encourages people to fuck up their brains by COOMing too much, causing "sexualities" (IRL: fetishes) to pop up and form. There's a reason trannies never existed on a large scale beyond the Weimar Republic and today's grossly hedonistic culture.

>> No.11705439

You've felt great satisfaction from reaching academic goals. Just start hanging out with girls, holding hands and kissing on the cheek and stuff.

>> No.11705440

>Yeah, we heard that too. All the time.
I know. Why do you think you hearing something many times has anything to do with the topic at hand? We're not arguing about you hearing something, or how much you've heard it. We're arguing about whether asexuality exists.
>Listen: Gays and asexuals are real.
Gays are real; there is no denying that. Whether you want to argue that it's genetic or environmental etc. is a different topic, but being gay is somewhat common and real. Asexuality is literally not real. There is absolutely no basis for it whatsoever, outside of some "asexual" I'll come across on 4chan everything 6-7 months or so.
> It's not an abnormality because if it is, natural selection would prune it long ago. The fact that we are here means that we are a beneficial trait
How do you not understand this is completely fucking logically inconsistent? If "asexuality" was real, then it would automatically be pruned, due to the very nature of asexuality cutting off the possibility of reproduction. Are you functionally retarded? Are you even functional? I was okay to have a conversation with you, until you said this stupid fucking shit.
Also, all genetic mutations are abnormalities you stupid fuck, whether or not they're beneficial to the survival of a species is determined through it's ability to help that individual which it is a part of survive, and thus reproduce. Do you know what the words you're using mean?

>> No.11705442

I have a strong feeling that you COOM a lot, and if you stopped masturbating for like a week, you'd want a woman.

>> No.11705455

Don't take this shit dribbling bait...

>> No.11705458
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3-5% of the population aren't a minor number, my friend. Especially now that we are in the billions

Oh, we are not real because we do not want to breed
But gays are real?

We are a paradox of Natural Selection and there are many hypothesis proposed for our existence. You can take your pick over which is convincing to you

Either way, I am comfy.

>> No.11705465

>Highschool is to live your life, explore sexuality and give into your urges, not to try getting perfect SAT scores
A moment of silence for the people whose parents were east asians.

>> No.11705467
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, CHADler proceeds to singlehandedly explain why youre retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3-5% of the population aren't a minor number, my friend. Especially now that we are in the billions
Almost as if there's a long nosed influence responsible for this. There's a reason the only time you LGBTards appear in large numbers soon coincides with the fall of your host nation.

>> No.11705468

I've spent at least 90% of my life physically alone, and 99% mentally alone. When I was a teenager some part of me deeply desired the relationship, romance, and so forth, but I didn't let it happen. I think this has to do with a certain type of early childhood conditioning and trauma. In my mid twenties now I view it as essentially impossible and rarely think about human connection beyond the inherent vulnerability of being reliant on society, yet not having real connections to anyone within it apart from money. Ultimately I finished crumbling away and killed my inner child and discarded the bulk of my humanity. Dissociation complete.

You probably feel bad because it's a constant reminder that there is something wrong with you, you're only getting older, and there is something missing from your life.

>> No.11705471

How many Roman emperors did not fuck men?

>> No.11705479

>Literally every influential thinker/scientist/person who created anything relevant that you use and defines your life,etc
etc etc, prove you're wrong
>You honestly sincerely think that guy in your highschool who got 10 blowjobs is gonna be remembered for his deeds throughout history?
People like Aristotle and even Diogenes were perfectly fit CHADS with great physique and mind. You're a skinnyfat sperg (like a lot of us, really). Sure, the highschool jock may not have any real memory in history, but neither will a smug ass aspie like you.

>> No.11705495

the Roman empire was doomed to fall when the emperors came in. Sure, they had some peaks, but their ways were leading imminent failure. The Roman Empire was the most stable when it had a Senate. The US and other first world countries will probably fall to chaos because of the LGBT pride shit as well. Hopefully, there are enough ashes for those with enough common sense to rise out of and prevent any more (((errors))).

>> No.11705503

Roman Empire lasted for 1000 years. 1600 years if you include the Byzantine which is still Rome except Emperor was not elected by the senate.
There's also China, Japan, Greeks, Babylonians, and Egyptians that tolerated homosexuality

Interpret that as you will

>> No.11705506

I can sort of relate. It's not even really too late for me, but I know that I must remain a virgin, or at least not have children: Because I'm a half asian mutt. I have no problems with myself existing, but it pains me knowing that I should not spread my mixed genetics. Because it's disgusting and most likely will end in broken marriages.

>> No.11705508

By the way, Great Britain is homophobic.
Their empire lasted for 100 years
Spanish Empire lasted for 40

>> No.11705510


>> No.11705516

Keyword: tolerated. They did not support it or tout it, nor did they put have a massive hateboner for it. They only let it happen on the naturally small scales it'd actually occur. Remember, the Weimar Republic, which SUPPORTED your degeneracy, led to the National Socialist German Workers' party.

>> No.11705520

Bro. Their leaders are fucking men.
You cannot downplay that

>> No.11705531

>Bro. Their leaders are fucking men.
>You cannot downplay that.
But I can ask for legitimacy. Give my proof that isn't some mainstream media corporation but rather from an honest, smaller source.

>> No.11705540

The fact it's in history records?

>> No.11705546
File: 36 KB, 680x508, DeclineInSex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Today an unprecedented portion of millennials will remain unmarried through age 40, a recent Urban Institute report predicted. The marriage rate might drop to 70 percent -- a figure well below rates for boomers (91 percent), late boomers (87 percent) and Gen Xers (82 percent). And declines might be even sharper if marriage rates recover slowly, or not at all, from pre-recession levels, according to the report."

Rates of sex have just declined all together. I think every single hypothesis has some merit to it, as well. Men who never had fathers, higher status women competing for small selection group of even higher achieving males and economic problems.
Now, before you get all 1488'd redpilled, I don't think that narrative is entirely accurate. My father was an absolute piece of shit, very high earner, but also an absolute piece of shit. Mom was saved by divorce. This is more common than people think. Lot of weak and shitty men getting pushed out by these divorces.
We are entering the era of the "hyper-individual", also known as the post-modern era. I think that we are such an epic cross-roads of civilization that everything is just totally up in the air. As things like global poverty, culture and society improve it will more than likely result in a lot of these problems being fixed.

This is by far the MOST unique time in history to be alive. I am very happy to be working, studying on what I am working, and still have faith in humanity. We will be able to confront the problems we are facing, Nietzche was right by predicting God's death and the need to face a new set of morality to guide us into the future.

>> No.11705549

massive cope.

>> No.11705564
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See, you only see part of the narrative. Women are becoming high earners and naturally they want to marry a guy who is even higher status.
So is the answer that we just fucking push women back into a socio-economic bracket that is similar to a servant, or what?
This is what you believe, right? And also that we need to abolish homo-sexuality, even though it clearly occurs in nature?

>> No.11705569

Okay, so what's your answer? Is it working on yourself? Or do you want people to just become nihilist about their romantic life and maybe focus on other outlets... OH WAIT THAT IS WHAT EVERYONE IS SAYING IN THE THREAD.
Maybe we just all need to become dead-end faggots like you who fucking drop like flies in the face of adversity, piece of shit.

>> No.11705571

I don't think man can survive the transition into a life after God. My entire life is torture and loss, and I'm in a state of constant discomfort. I wish I could still find meaning in what you've stated, but I cannot.

>> No.11705572
File: 23 KB, 680x373, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe it needs to be abolished. It just needs to be silenced. Let it happen at the small rates it naturally does. Do not promote it.
>So is the answer that we just fucking push women back into a socio-economic bracket that is similar to a servant, or what?

>> No.11705581

>Oh, we are not real because we do not want to breed but gays are real?
Where did I say that? Are you fucking illiterate? Why are you on the /sci/ board? Why do you come here?
>We are a paradox of Natural Selection and there are many hypothesis proposed for our existence. You can take your pick over which is convincing to you
Then why did you try to use natural selection as an argument for 'asexuality' being a preferable "abnormality"? Why are you contradicting yourself? Also, why can you not provide these "hypothesis" yourself? Why are they only hypothesis, and not actually researched?

>> No.11705594

Life has so much beauty to offer. Meditation, finding one's true-self, finding your charisma and even finding god. There is so much for life to offer. It's never too late, bruh.
Yeah dude, let's just risk of all of fucking civilization for what YOU think is the solution to these problems. You /pol/tards all think the same.

>> No.11705620


>> No.11705631 [DELETED] 


>> No.11705634


>> No.11705663

Not only does the first theory - which isn't actually a theory in any proper terms - have very few studies cited, it also refers only to the difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals.
The second "theory" makes the fallacy of correlation=causation, uses decades old data, and in the article it says that the study was criticized very much so for drawing improper conclusions from improper data sets.

Now, you never responded to my other questions, so I'll ask them again, and you can respond in a similarly ordered list if you'd like. I know reading and responding to regular, paragraphed type is difficult sometimes, so I want to make it as easy as I can for you :)
1) Where did I say that?
2) Are you fucking illiterate?
3) Why are you on the /sci/ board - why do you come here?
4) Why did you try to use natural selection as your original argument for 'asexuality' being a preferable "abnormality", then after being shown how this was completely illogical, say asexuality is a paradox of natural selection?
5) Why are you contradicting yourself
6) Why did you cite 2 heavily unsupported arguments from Wikipedia which have nothing to do with natural selection?
If it's still too difficult for you to figure out, I could restate it if you'd like. Again, I understand it's difficult to read things, especially if you have to realize and disconnect yourself from your bias, so I want to make it as easy as possible for you :).

>> No.11705674
File: 1.45 MB, 1505x1071, you must be new here 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really want to deal with you.
If you think we don't exist, then sure whatever.

Condemn me as you will. I ain't fucking you

>> No.11705678

Also, there's 4 hypothesis there, you know.
>"There is considerable evidence that human sexual orientation is genetically influenced, so it is not known how homosexuality, which tends to lower reproductive success, is maintained in the population at a relatively high frequency."

Take that as you will

>> No.11705721
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>I don't really want to deal with you.
That's because you can't refute any of my points, and you've known you're fucking retarded since your world has been falling apart around you from the moment you completely contradicted yourself on the natural selection argument - causing you to realize all of your parrot points aren't actually supported by anything other than your feelings.
>Also, there's 4 hypothesis there, you know.
No, there were two unsupported hypothesis that you linked. I didn't read the next two because you didn't link them.
Regarding the first one, kin selection doesn't prove anything about homosexuality being a preferable trait, much less "asexuality". It simply says that the relatives of such people reproduce, and thus continue the gene. The next point states that the lack of complete rejection of heterosexuality in gays causes them to continue the gene.
>"There is considerable evidence that human sexual orientation is genetically influenced, so it is not known how homosexuality, which tends to lower reproductive success, is maintained in the population at a relatively high frequency."
I don't know how to explain this to you any fucking better you blabbering fucking retard. We are not talking about homosexuals. We already know homosexuals exist, you literal fucking troglodyte fuck. We're arguing about the existence of asexuality, and those studies you posted have nothing to fucking do with asexuality. They might propose reasons that an asexual gene might continue a pool; they don't give any data on whether or not it exists, because it doesn't and those studies are about homosexuals, you fucking unironic Jewish nigger. You already have contradicted yourself multiple times, you don't know how to read scientific studies, in fact, you can't even draw ideas from their abstracts or wikipedia summaries, which is a pretty amazing feat of fucking retardation, considering those things say exactly what the study is about.

>> No.11705739

Holy shit you fucking killed him. Also, He's doing something called "pilpul". A jew-jitsu technique that involves spewing as many ad-hominem attacks and strawmen to distract opponents from actually destroying the mudhut of an argument they present. They hate it when you call them out on it.
Take this knowledge from a nigga with just enough rat blood to know about the evil culture, but not be ingrained in it.

>> No.11705742

You have a severe form of down syndrome and your family should be killed to stop it from spreading. You don't have even a basic level of reading comprehension. You can say I'm mad all you want, but the fact is, after you've read the things I've typed you're going to know the truth and the fallacies in your arguments and thought processes. You have one of two options from here: you can either accept this and move on with your life instead of being literally fucking incomprehensibly retarded and telling everyone you know about it, or you can continue your delusions of argumentation for confirmation of bias, because you're so brainwashed by ultra-progressivism that the only way you feel important is by claiming some obscure, fake mental illness to get into arguments online about it and get confirmation from your special friends. I genuinely feel bad for you, but unfortunately, some people are so far gone that the greatest mercy is death.

>> No.11705753
File: 2 KB, 782x543, 1421437892130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are gays and asexuals different?
We both don't want to breed.

I cannot see the part that says "lack of complete rejection of heterosexuality in gays causes them to continue the gene."

It states
>The "gay uncle hypothesis" posits that people who themselves do not have children may nonetheless increase the prevalence of their family's genes in future generations by providing resources (e.g., food, supervision, defense, shelter) to the offspring of their closest relatives.


>> No.11705760

>Also, He's doing something called "pilpul". A jew-jitsu technique that involves spewing as many ad-hominem attacks and strawmen to distract opponents from actually destroying the mudhut of an argument they present.
I'll write this down so I can look for it later. It becomes obvious when you realize they're not actually responding to your arguments, and simply repeating the same things over. Usually they try to run you in circles, looping back to the original argument you've already refuted after enough time, so it's easy to see what they're doing once you list out each of the things you have said in response, and how they reacted.
>Take this knowledge from a nigga with just enough rat blood to know about the evil culture, but not be ingrained in it.
The Kubrick's of this world are necessary if we want to fight the eternal Jew.
I'm not even going to continue responding to you. You know you're wrong, and you're arguing in bad faith. Everyone who reads our dialogue will be able to see that, except for you, because it doesn't play into your delusion.

>> No.11705772
File: 1.36 MB, 900x1271, 42_45301630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, I already told this to you: I couldn't care any less what you think

If you think that I do not exist or that I am not normal, that's suits me just fine

I celebrate my asexuality because it is the very essence of a calm and peaceful mind. I can focus on what I want without being burdened by insecurities of virginity.

And that's about it

>> No.11705779
File: 106 KB, 667x497, N I G G E R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he's just an aspie turned into a moefaggot.

>> No.11705781

If you couldn't care any less, then you'd shut up. Jew.

>> No.11705791
File: 13 KB, 349x328, 1419743402771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know you're just jealous.

>> No.11705827

I hit I nerve there, did I?

>> No.11705854

Because Ryan Jung. You are a liar. You have no degree OP just alot of time learning pseudo BS on YouTube