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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11691704 No.11691704 [Reply] [Original]

Is their a method to see if it rained in the past on a certain date? I want to know if their was rain on Friday April 3, 33 A.D.

>> No.11691708

Yes. Statistically, there has been rain somewhere on Earth for the past few billion years.

>> No.11691711

oh god this is a religious thing isn’t it, to prove that it rained during Jesus’ death or something?
No, we can’t plug numbers into a computer so it can beep boop until you get your answer. Ask /his/ if there’s any evidence for your fanfic

>> No.11691720

Take a core sample of some soil and the wet parts will show you which days it rained on.

>> No.11691731
File: 88 KB, 900x900, iameuphoric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh god this is a religious thing isn’t it, to prove that it rained during Jesus’ death or something?
>No, we can’t plug numbers into a computer so it can beep boop until you get your answer. Ask /his/ if there’s any evidence for your fanfic

>> No.11691741

can you find it though? you dont sound like a rain expert, unless its the tears on your face writing that. i guess youre an expert in being a cry baby rain boy. can i call you that?

>> No.11691745

It is definitely about Jesus’ death
You can’t know definitively on a single date that far back, certainly not in the levant, based on any testing, but there could well be a historical record of such a thing, christcuck

>> No.11691763

If you want to know whether it rained at a certain date and at a certain place then realistically no. Long term future weather predictions vary significantly based off minute changes to the initial conditions. Predicting the weather 2000 years ago would basically be the same problem as predicting the weather 2000 years from today.

>> No.11691967

we could have a vague idea about the weather conditions of longer time period in past by looking at geographical evidence or other records and could predict a possible climatic model for that time period and find the probability of receiving rainfall during a particular month(which is questionable in accuracy ) but to correctly track a date ?
nope and this is coming from someone who ain't a rain expert

>> No.11691993

That's not working at all here you cuck.

>> No.11693769

Why, isn't you time machine water proof?

>> No.11693807
File: 644 KB, 1494x1672, Foster_Bible_Pictures_0074-1_Offering_to_Molech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11694424
File: 35 KB, 233x217, soyboy crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not working at all here you cuck.

>> No.11694497

Daily reminder that Trumptards, mainstream conservatives, Christfags, SJWs, Reditors, capital-A "Atheists", and mainstream liberals are all retards and that mainstream politics is a retard glownigger psyop.
Stop worrying about parties, ideologies, and political affiliations, and start focusing on actual issue in politics and society. Learn to think critically. Stop worshiping the mainstream media, Jesus, and the Jews, because either way, if you're a Republican or a Democrat, you probably support those 3 things above everything else and don't even realize it.

>> No.11694523

Mathematically, the hairy ball theorem implies that for every point in time where liquid water is in Earth's atmosphere there is precipitation somewhere on Earth, but there's no way to figure out what bit of the Earth gets rain at a particular time.