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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11680064 No.11680064 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking is this safe?

>> No.11680083

I predicted 3 months ago that Americans would act retarded because of "muh freedumbdumbs" and "muh constatootuion".

>> No.11680116

How does the boot taste?

>> No.11680127

>dickride a piece of paper written completely out of context
>likely a drumpf shill who does it for free
>n-no you're a bootlicker
Okay retard

>> No.11680128

No, but it helps getting those retards infected so they'll see and feel for themselves what the virus causes. Maybe then they'll finally shut their whore mouths.

>> No.11680162

>thinks that getting the flu might be a teaching moment

>> No.11680170

You're right, conservatives never learn

>> No.11680194

Long term it's safer for everyone if boomers and conservatives get sick and die.

>> No.11680202
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A virus with a 0.03% fatality rate lmao

>> No.11680210

Anyone supporting the lockdown is a servile coward. The risk has not necessitated the response which has occurred, and those going along with such decrees are just blindly following orders.

>> No.11680221
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Covid-19 is a globalist move. As usual the rest of us are being dominated by the cattle. Meanwhile they're destroying the food supply. Woops, another holodomor.

>> No.11680236

But American food has been shit for decades though? can it get worse?

>> No.11680250

The virus isn't going to go away.
Are ya just going to lock down forever until the economy crashes?

>> No.11680278

yeah, just like in the soviet union, or cuba, right?

>> No.11680279
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The same people demanding that we stay quarantined are the same ones that financially and politically benefit from it.

>> No.11680291
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yep, despite making up 5% of the global population america has 33% of all covid-19 cases. even shitholes like russia and cuba are doing better lmfao.

>> No.11680315

Imagine being this bluepilled.

>> No.11680326

Thread needs more wojaks and /pol/ buzzwords before I'm convinced OP is wrong. Maybe throw in something about trannies

>> No.11680345
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Imagine waking up one day and finding out you’re as stupid as this guy.
I’d probably neck myself desu.

>> No.11680354

whats a /pol/ buzzword? genuinely curious

>> No.11680359

Yes. There will be much less of it, and the bulk of it will be imported from China and Brazil.

>> No.11680368
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>all covid-19 cases

struck a nerve there bud, you got so fucking mad you didn't even read. and america still does worse than cuba and russia in this table. you missed the point and still lost to the imaginary point you fought against holy shit it's so fucking easy bro

>> No.11680369

Imagine thinking 36000 deaths justify any of this.

>> No.11680370

Would someone be stupid enough to abuse our language such as to be "genuinely curious" and not mean it? If you are, eradicate yourself.

>> No.11680372

Words they yell when they lose an argument/to stir shit up for no reason. Some include 'the left' libs tranny bluepilled libtard ((())) degenerate etc.
Imagine being proud of ignorance. Probably missed some

>> No.11680373

What are you talking about?

This is like a speech some underage faggot might practice saying in the mirror, bro

>> No.11680375
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>hospitals can't handle the current amount of cases
>dude what if we had 10x the cases that'll fix everything

>> No.11680378

>13th in deaths per 1 million

You sure showed him.

>> No.11680381

Yes. Coronavirus is not dangerous to young healthy people.

>> No.11680383

>hospitals can't handle the current amount of cases

Yes they can lol

>> No.11680384

Don't forget how it'll fix the economy. Keep in mind it's brainlet wagies who got hit the most

>> No.11680418

>hmmm the libs oppose this so it must be good
Pretty much the entire logic here

>> No.11680451

Look at this retarded thread, people can't even have a conversation and discuss the data rationally.

This is how they do it. They rule us with fear. You can see the fear throughout this whole thread, and frankly, every single thread on this board. It's all fear.

What makes you say anyone is "ignorant"? How stupid are you?

>> No.11680453

Holy fucking confirmation bias

>> No.11680456

Look, another nonsense comment.

>> No.11680459

Because you've said anything of value and did something besides attacking people you disagree with. Even for righties this is a huge lack of self awareness

You don't want to know the truth, you want to spite the libtards through contrarianism

>> No.11680461


>> No.11680462

If you want to start a conversation start one with an insightful comment and challenge.

>> No.11680463


>> No.11680470

The truth is 300k dead in half a year, reminder that nearly 300k people die every fucking day.

>> No.11680471

The truth is go google herd immunity

>> No.11680473

Which won't exist with everyone locked in their houses.

>> No.11680476

So then the quarantine works. Also you can leave your house but don't intentionally fucking group up with people jesus fuck

>> No.11680478

They’re instituting purchasing rations on meat, which was one of the few things that isn’t completely artificial, at my local stores so yes.

>> No.11680480

wtf are you even talking about stupid faggot?

gotcha, thanks

>> No.11680486

Smoking kills hundreds of thousands every year in the US alone, then there are opiates given out by doctors.
Should we have an economic lockdown until all these addicts go cold turkey?

>> No.11680489

>So then the quarantine works

Post mass graves and body piles in India, Africa and South America then. Oh wait you can because they don't exist.

>> No.11680521

Because those shitholes are accurately reporting it, going to doctors and confirming it's not a flu

>> No.11680532

No, but few people are actually involved. In the grand scheme of things, these retards are doing only minor harm.

Per capita is the correct way to measure how well a country is doing at something. The US has a lot of cases, but it also has 350 million people and several population dense cities.

And under a bunch of European countries. The USA's performance has been acceptable.
Also there's the part where some countries who have done very poorly are lying their asses off about the cases and deaths.

>> No.11680538

There is no test.

>> No.11680551

Real talk though, why are all of the governments working together to fake all of this shit? They already controlled most aspects of people's lives through social media and news networks.

>> No.11680552

So retards don't panic or do contrarian bullshit such as the OP image. As much as I hate sheep analogies, fear is a good way to herd people

>> No.11680556

I mean why did they fake the entire virus?

>> No.11680560

schizos pls

>> No.11680672

Watching American MAGA conservatives through this ordeal has really showed how fucking stupid they are.

>> No.11680681

Where were you the last 4-6 years

>> No.11680684

Good bye the USA you had a decent run.

>> No.11680689

>calculating a fatality rate
Don't do this. This is sci. You literally cannot calculate the fatality rate yet. Your implied conclusion is correct though

>> No.11680696

No they're going to lock down until Zuckerberg and Gates say it's safe :)
Imagine not knowing about states fudging the numbers
Correct, the hospitals are empty, as others have pointed out.
Nobody is accurately reporting this. Different countries have different reasons to inflate or suppress the numbers.
The test is hogwash. Fruit tests positive. FRUIT.

>> No.11680703

>The test is hogwash. Fruit tests positive. FRUIT.
Yes, exactly. And now they want to come into the home and forcibly test and remove you if the State desires. It's obvious. This is the big reorganization and powerplay people have been talking about for years. It's happening.

>> No.11680707

No, it isn't happening. Sure, this is a big powerplay, but they do big powerplays all the time and it never matters. It's what they do. Assuming you're in the US: Nobody's going to forcibly "test" you in the US, as we have many more people and many, many, many, many more guns than them. We couldn't handle underfed and comparitively unarmed Afghanistan, what makes you think they could handle the modern resistance something like that would create? You should be concerned about increased control and surveillance, not a coup.

>> No.11680713

>Scientifically speaking is this safe?
It depends. Are you healthy? If so, yes. If no, wear a mask, then it's safe. In conclusion, this thread is bait, and it's safe.

>> No.11680718

I'm not going to bother to go into a one or the other discussion. You should be wary of the possibility that certain undesireables are pruned under the guise of controlling a pandemic. That's all.

And yes, they are. Look into eg Ventura county and HR 6666. There are too many facets to bother covering on 4chan. Pandemic bonds and massive payouts is another.

>> No.11680726 [DELETED] 

Masks are for libtard faggots. Real men don’t wear a fucking mask.

>> No.11680735
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>Masks are for libtard faggots. Real men don’t wear a fucking mask.

>> No.11680749

Pretty sure there was some euro country that completely disallowed lockdowns due to their own constitution and everything turned out OK. Sweden? Switzerland maybe?

>> No.11680752

Kike and Usury are buzzwords for people with poor quantitative reasoning skills.

>> No.11680753

Well then I'm sure you can find pictures of mass graves and piles of bodies then? India at least is fully saturated with smartphones. Oh wait you can't.

>> No.11680766

Burden of proof for your conspiracy is on you, retard

>> No.11680792

False. The burden of proof is equally on both of you. You don't get a free pass just by aligning with and sponging up the mainstream line, that ain't how it works bucko.

>> No.11680800

Should just bring out the tanks and open fire on them. A few 500lb bombs wouldn't hurt either.

>> No.11680823

>make dumbass claim with nothing to back it up
>no u

>> No.11680826

Unclamp, "retard".

>> No.11680831

>>11680489 they exist in New York tho'

>> No.11680866

Based burning the establishment worshipers.

>> No.11680869

>paper written completely out of context

It is the supreme law of the law. Acting like laws written on paper is abnormal. Context? You think laws should only apply some of the time? We will remember that we when lawfully rape your gf. Because it all depends on the context.

>> No.11680873

The supreme law of the land is actually international maritime law. That's what they don't tell us. It's also why our capital is in some mysterious "District of Columbia" and we have a BAR. We're still puppets of the British. All the commonwealth countries are in similar predicaments.

>> No.11680874

>laws where people lived completely differently are the same in 2020
ok retard

>> No.11680878

Or "capitol" rather.

>> No.11680881

Of course not, though they won't learn anything from such tests of loyalty to the Giant Orange Predatory Insect to whom their lives are disposable commodities.

>> No.11680883

Retard, Sweden proves them right. The lockdown is total nonsense. They're testing to see how people respond to a police state and you've passed with flying colors.

>> No.11680886

Orlly? CCM Physician here. I benefit in no way from quarantines, white the opposite actually, yet I recommend social distancing because it is the only thing we can do stop dumb fucking Americans from being reckless assholes, as we are known to be.

>> No.11680896

>dickride a piece of paper

imagine being this fucking stupid
I know you're not american

>> No.11680902

So you DO benefit from it.

>> No.11680904

see >>11680874

I really don't care what you think, you're a fucking moron who can't think for yourself and I wont be able to change that

>> No.11680909

>herd immunity doesn't work when everybody's in quarantine
>therefore quarantine works!

yeah it works if you want people to develop no immunity to this virus and die

>> No.11680911

>They're testing to see how people respond to a police state
I doubt this is true but people certainly are taking notice of the public's reaction.
It's was just a lot of public fear and political fear from governments afraid of being called out as responsible for deaths. Everyone was looking at Italy and freaking out and didn't want to be the one who did nothing.
Then there are some governments now trying to make the most of this opportunity to pass stupid laws and there are a some radical leftists who think it's the start of some teardown/revolution that was supposed to but never happened after either of the world wars.

It was supposed to be flattening the curve to prevent Italian overwhelm of the health system, that never happened. Doctors and nurses are idling in most 1st world countries due to elective surgeries being canned.
So it's gone from "flattening the curve" to "stay home just because"
Pointless stuff. You could achieve 0 cases for consecutive as we have here in my country but everyone knows it will spike again the minute flights start arriving from overseas.
We can't hide from it and it's probably going to be a seasonal thing that we are just going to have to live with.
Don't count on a vaccine.

>> No.11680913

immunity is from vaccines you moron

>> No.11680914

>fucking moron who can't think for himself
>I don't care what you think
>people shouldn't have the right to free speech or to move about as they will
>the government should rule every aspect of our lives
kill yourself

>> No.11680916

Why would I listen to a brainwashed doctor when the founder of barstool sports says it is all bullshit?

>> No.11680918

CCM Physician here
this anon is a liar that loves to suck dongs
>this fucking dumb

>> No.11680919

Immunity comes from antibodies your body produces after being exposed to the virus.
Hence why vaccines expose you to weakened forms of viruses

>> No.11680921

Shh anon don't explain it to him. You're spoiling my fun.

>> No.11680925
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>> No.11681061
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>dickride a piece of paper written completely out of context
I hate euroids so god damn much.

>> No.11681071

All animals practice social distancing when they are sick you fucking imbecile.

Humans have the advantage of understanding multiplicative phenomena better than other animals, so we know that we should practice isolation even if we don't feel sick.

>> No.11681078

>so we know that we should practice isolation even if we don't feel sick.
nice, we can just eat thin air and use pretend products once all the things run out

>> No.11681080

the next generation that isn't born yet can pick up the tab, the kids of their kids too

>> No.11681084

You don't solve pandemics by quarantining healthy people, then assume when you let everyone out again there will be no more virus left. That's absurd.

inb4 "schizo". They plan to depopulate and rule by food availability. The kids will always remember the year that they had no school for covid, and this myth will be used to control them. People were talking about technocracy way back in the 1930's. That's what Brave New World is about. Globalist technocracy.

>> No.11681090

Do Americans really?

>> No.11681093

>Live in a libertarian paradise
>No taxes, no government, no laws
>Spend your days securing your armored compound to protect your daughter from being raped by roaming bandits

>Live in a socialist Scandi hellhole
>All the essentials taken care of
>Half your government fiat goes back to pay for people who provide key services like firefighting, police, nursing, daycare, etc
>Work during the day, spend your nights pursuing arts, philosophy, and science, or just relaxing

You need to go back

>> No.11681094


>> No.11681134

Isn’t it the infection rate and damage it causes to the lungs that’s so bad though? I’m also immunocompromised (asthma) so I’d be pretty fucked.

>> No.11681142

It's unknown what's actually causing that. I won't bother to go into why it could be millimeter waves. Basically, use WiGig and wifi 6 at your own peril.

>> No.11681153

It's unrelated to all that shit. You can have material welfare and social liberty, in fact material welfare is arguably a prerequisite for it. You're defending a nonsensical policy just because Americans don't like it. I bet you think gun control and drug prohibition work, too.

>> No.11681330

You're ALL fucking BRAINLETS. FUCK. You fucking people are the REASON the US has a sub 100 average IQ.
do you math, motherfucker????
Assuming you live in the us:
Population: 328.2 mil
Confirmed cases: 1.5 mil
That's 1 for every 218 people in the fucking country.
It's been what, 220 days????????

God, you fucking mouthbreathing hairy shitwounds.

You didn't act this fucking retarded when h1n1 was a thing.
Have fun getting 1918'd faggots

>> No.11681360

This is why we should have cancelled all testing. Then we'd have no confirmed cases.

>> No.11681382

You mean like those Michigan demonstrants who all got infected and spread it to their home villages?

>> No.11681418


>> No.11681430

>what is bayesian inference

>> No.11681437

>running in the streets with guns
"the press must stop scaring people!!"
hurr durr

>> No.11681519

i mean they a bunch of idiots, but they are right, the economy meltdown will kill more people and destroy more families/communities than the
virus, unemployment leads to violence, crimes, theft, substance abuse, suicide, etc.
also stop sucking the boot faggot, Sweden is doing fine even if they had no lockdown or quarantine like the rest of Europe/World, but a lot of bootlickers still trust the big daddy government to save us, but in exchange they will take our freedom away, but that's just an inconvenience

>> No.11681527

Those protestors were protesting having to wear masks. Hence, they didn't wear any and got infected, consequently infected their peers from rural areas, where Corona-chan didn't visit yet.

>> No.11682158
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>> No.11682169
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You can't have mass graves if the cemeteries refuse to bury the dead

>> No.11682177
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>> No.11682194
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Reminded me of this for some reason


>> No.11682211

Protesters in Michigan want to recall the governor. To recall the governor, you must collect signatures. Going outside to collect signatures has been declared a non-essential activity by the governor, making her recall proof. Funny how this all works to her benefit.

>> No.11682234 [DELETED] 

>herd immunity
>only works as long as the virus mutates
>gets herd immunity through spreading the infection instead of vaccine
>the virus has plenty of chances to mutate
>herd immunity fails as COVID-20 appears and kills all the people whose bodies took organ damage from the first round
>Let's just try herd immunity again

Herd immunity only works if the virus stays the same. If we infect the entire world to get herd immunity it will just give the virus 7.5 billion chances to become a new strain that needs a whole new vaccine we haven't even started. There is a reason why anti-vaxxers are so dangerous, because every time a kid gets measles god rolls some dice. If we end up on snake eyes the vaccine everyone else has against measles no longer does anything.

There is also a reason that you can't go into the military if you ever get COVID, I'm thinking they are worried it was a bioweapon that primed people's immune systems for certain insults to trigger a cytokine storm that kills rapidly.

>> No.11682245

>Sweden proves them right
>Sweden has 3 times the deaths of Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland combined, even though Sweden has a population that is over 5 million people less.
Sweden is also downplaying its numbers.

>> No.11682247

>herd immunity
>only works as long as the virus doesn't mutate into a new strain
>gets herd immunity through spreading the infection instead of vaccine
>the virus has plenty of chances to mutate
>herd immunity fails as COVID-20 appears and kills all the people whose bodies took organ damage from the first round
>"Let's just try herd immunity without a vaccine again"

Herd immunity only works if the virus stays the same. If we infect the entire world to get herd immunity it will just give the virus 7.5 billion chances to become a new strain that needs a whole new vaccine we haven't even started. There is a reason why anti-vaxxers are so dangerous, because every time a kid gets measles god rolls some dice. If we end up on snake eyes the vaccine everyone else has against measles no longer does anything.

There is also a reason that you can't go into the military if you ever get COVID, I'm thinking they are worried it was a bioweapon that primed people's immune systems for certain insults to trigger a cytokine storm that kills rapidly.

>> No.11682254
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I see the russian troll farms are firing on all cylinders. How many russian fedbux do they toss you ever month

>> No.11682378


>> No.11682414

Absolutely wrong. First thing is that organ damage only happens in really bad covid cases, not in the asymptomatic or just fever ones. The second is that even if virus mutates you still gain partial immunity since you had contact with a similar strain.
Sweden numbers are one of the few mostly in line with surplus deaths.

>> No.11682443

Probably not but it's nice to see natural selection in action in humans again

>> No.11682945

>fake news
I'll acknowledge the russian disinfo but they worked on top of what was happening combining truth with disinfo.

>> No.11683005


Selective pressure tends to favor less deadly strains of virus. Sure, sometimes things go haywire, it isn't an exact process, but it's expected that as a virus infects a large portion of the population (not 7 billion, herd immunity is achieved way below this number) that stronger variants will be attenuated and weaker variants amplified.

>> No.11683026
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I fucking hate Americans and support the end to lockdown so that more Americans die

>> No.11683107

Brazi isn't quarantining.

Their hospitals are filed to the brim with sick and they can't bury the dead fast enough. Mexico is having the same problem and is believed to be 7x as many cases/dead last I heard.

>> No.11683118

Which parts of Brasil?

>> No.11683125

end the lock down, don't end the lock down
the same amount of people die, it's just a matter of how long it takes

>> No.11683129


If you ask me, a lot of what we're seeing is the left entering irrational panic mode as they are starting to realize just how badly they've backed themselves into a corner, and can't get out of it without making some pretty uncomfortable admissions about how there wrong. E.g.

>hashtag staythefuckhome
>blacks and hispanics way more likely to have three generations of family living in tiny home
>blacks and hispanics over-represented in covid cases
>leftists didn't realize this because they are largely privileged elites who can't even fathom what the slightest amount of adversity is like
>can't admit this

>attempt to throw "harmful misinformation" into the memory hole
>don't realize you're not the only media company
>lose peoples' trust on a massive scale
>the npcs are now panicked, don't know who to believe, and are burning down 5G towers

>screech "you can't compare dollars to lives, monster!!!" because orange man bad
>tax revenue fucked because of lockdown
>have to cut medical personnel, police, firefighters,
>lives jeopardized
>depend on Donald Trump for bailout cash

>> No.11683144


Orginially heard the info off c-span interview. From link above they say Rio and other states are having complications.

>How is the Brazilian healthcare system handling it?

>Not well. Brazil is ostensibly well-equipped to manage a national outbreak. It has 21 ICU beds for every 100,000 people, about double the proportion of such beds in Italy, France and Spain. But they are not evenly distributed geographically, or between the public and private sectors. In practice, corruption and inefficiency, as well as Bolsonaro, have slowed down an effective response. Eleven states are investigating the possibility that millions in funds intended for medical equipment were improperly diverted.

>And so the system is quickly becoming overwhelmed. Eight state capitals have ICU occupancy of more than 90%, and in Rio there are more than a thousand people waiting for hospital beds. Of three emergency hospitals set up in the city to cope with the crisis, only three are operational. Brazil has already surpassed the U.S. in the number of healthcare workers who have died. If cases continue rising at the current rate, the healthcare system is expected to collapse imminently.

>> No.11683154

and the banksters are laughing

>> No.11683157

So why are brasilian companies about to dump a load of beef on the US? seems very strange.

>> No.11683177

Because they never locked down and just treat people as cogs. And like our meat industry they work under shit conditions that gives 0 fucks about worker safety.

However what is happening is the people aren't full retards, many do believe the virus is real and taking percations of their own such as mask and social distancing.

So why are you trying to correlate the beef industry to giving a fuck about the safety and well being about the country as a whole, the conditions of the hospital, or how fast morgue's can burn bodies? Because their president sure as fuck doesn't based on his "its just a flu" comments.

>> No.11683288

Well according to some report there's an intent to break the american food supply and flood it with brasilian and chink food and squeeze out the average farmers by controlling them with even worse food conglomerates

>> No.11683336

Whose fault will it be when they all get sick?

>> No.11683367
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>da libs are butthurt
>this thread
I'm fucking dying

>> No.11683377

imagine actually being proud of being a contrarian retard holy shit conservatives will do literally anything to spite 'the left'

>> No.11683391


>> No.11683410
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>I'm fucking dying
We know anon, and that's a good thing

>> No.11683419

Castro's son?

>> No.11683425

justin million-dollar-wu-mao castro

>> No.11683426

>no u

>> No.11683433

>Another thread of of righties shilling their altered vision of reality on the scientific board.
Makes little sense but it is to be expected from brainwashed morons.

>> No.11683440
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>We know anon, and that's a good thing

>> No.11683458

The right and the left are a false dichotomy
take the third way.

>> No.11683469

It's a false dichotomy because 4chan is only somewhat sane people and extreme righties these days

>> No.11683476

where do true leftists congregate?
just to clarify, this wasn't some veiled reference to the nazis

>> No.11683482

>where do true leftists congregate?
>leftist = liberal
normal people
>leftist = far left (horseshoe theory btw)

>> No.11683555

who is this motha fukkin gangsta he has my respect

>> No.11683557

>One side says one thing
>Other side says another thing
>Both sides call each other retards
>No data provided
What an excellent discussion. I don't know shit about this topic, and every time I see a discussion about this I learn absolutely nothing because this is what happens. People with opinions become more confident in their opinions, people without opinions become apathetic. This is how it's always been and this is how it always will be.
Politics is a retarded, unproductive subject. The vast majority of people know as little as I do but are much more politically involved. In order to get to a point where I know enough about politics to truly engage in it I would have to spend a lot of time researching, learning, and studying. The vast majority of people voting don't even het close to that threshold, which is why the Democratic nominee is a senile old man who got voted in on name recognition.
Fuck every one of you uneducated, argumentative retards. You're both appealing to some sort of authority and engaging in extreme confirmation bias. One of you is probably right, but that doesn't mean any of you are anything but braindead, self-infulgent retards.

>> No.11683560

is that the european understanding of the word liberal or the american version that completely changed the definition?

>> No.11683565

>In order to get to a point where I know enough about politics to truly engage in it I would have to spend a lot of time researching, learning, and studying.
lol you don't know shit about politics, it's all about manipulating peoples' emotions. you aint gotta know shit to do that, look at trump. Trump knows what he needs to know: how to inspire half the retards in the country and be combative towards whatever asshole tries to call him out on anything. he's a master at his craft, obviously.

>> No.11683568

Pretty much, all the terms got conflated at some point

>> No.11683575

I meant more like voting. The vast majority of voters are retards who don't understand politics in the slightest.

>> No.11683588

i just pay attention to body language and composure for that shit. democrats seem wildly incapable of controlling their emotions in this day and age it's so fucking cringe. i can't remember the last time i heard a democrat string together anything with consistent logic and reason which i'm sure is because they're all just emotion junkies, they want to feel powerful emotion and logic/reason stands in the way of freely feeling whatever the fuck you want. I FUCKING HATE LISTENING TO PEOPLES' STUPID FUCKING FEELINGS which is also why i don't particularly like listening to trump talk. he's a fucking retard that's obsessed with his image and reputation but i see far more intelligent articulation with heavy emphasis on logic and reason from the likes of Ted Cruz, Doug Collins, Jim Jordan and even fox news operatives although they're more hit and miss but every other news media is a huge miss. just feelings and blatant attempts to manipulate peoples' anger and fear.

>> No.11683593

scratch that, im listening to Jared Polis and i'm pleasantly impressed. i want desperately to hear more reasonable democrats like him.

>> No.11683638

And this is exactly why democracy is a mistake. How about we have people vote on how someone has heart surgery despite having no medical knowledge

>> No.11683643

>democrats can't control feelings
>trumplets sperg and shill for free on every single board nonstop
All you faggots ever do is type whatever bullshit you want and append it with muh libtards

>> No.11683646

>stupid fucking feelings
shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.11683649

This seemed oddly relevant, please enjoy
A load of plagues and witch hunts

>> No.11683665

>no government
you are retarded

>> No.11683915

Elon Musk, you huge faggot

>> No.11683933
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>> No.11683942
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>> No.11684015

>everybody in the reflection from the minivan is fat

>> No.11684033

holy shit you're srsly reaching

>> No.11684045
File: 26 KB, 409x409, 1579800618031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope the wagies get back to work soon NEETbux dont pay themselves!

>> No.11684065

Fuck mirin her biceps on the right

>> No.11684439


Imagine being a liberal retard who follows orders from the Chinese government, were all glad liberals don't reproduce.

>> No.11684442

The Chinese own smithfields, the largest US meat producer. You can thank scum sucking liberal dipshits for electing traitors to sell us out to 3rd world shithole despots.

>> No.11684445

power and money...

>> No.11684452

>pedo liberal posting underage boys
typical libtard and global reported.

>> No.11684521
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>> No.11684693

It's just the tribe doing what the tribe does every damned time as usual, you guys should have staged a revolt in the 90s
the west is probably fucked...

>> No.11684787

The good thing is they all live in the city and are all retarded as anon you responded too so they will be wiped out. God has a sense of humor and irony. People that stupid and weak should have never been allowed to survive as long as they did

>> No.11684798

get a load of this (((tranny)))

>> No.11684801
File: 868 KB, 1169x6371, cointelpro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at this retarded thread, people can't even have a conversation
Yah that means there are a bunch of Jews in it

>> No.11684805


Fuck you boot licking cowards I don't care if you stay in your house the rest of your life honestly in fact the world will receive a drastic increase in quality of life when you starve

>> No.11684832

makes sense, I always wondered why the best threads about a given topic happened away from their dedicated board

>> No.11686832

We’re just gonna ignore all that free food Trump sent out for everyone? Are the lines too long, or would taking the food make you a commie?

>> No.11686959

Why do /pol/cucks whine about that shit in the image when they do all the same things as well?

>> No.11687013

Because pole Cooks are polarized NPCs, but rather than realize that they are simply NPCs that has been repositioned oh, they fantasize that they actually red pilled edgelords, and thus repeat what they've previously heard in an echo
Only phone fax or worse fun facts phone fagg's or worse are Works god dammit or worse AR fuck I give up

>> No.11687051
File: 13 KB, 892x318, Jews-Schizos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe in competence of politicians, and such a consentaneous course of action from them looks not like sudden benevolence, but like something else. I only have to hope that this course of action is benevolent in its core, but I just dunno.

>> No.11687145

there are massive bottle necks in the food supply system that are fracturing due to lack of labour.

>> No.11687173

The motivation doesnt matter, only the effects. So what if it is something nefarious? Politicians are idiots and are likley to blow it anyway, and something good happening instead.
Events like this simply inject chaos into the system, it can be used for what ever purpose. Simply resisting it is counterproductive, you must harness it and channel it into the outcome you want to see.

>> No.11687196

You faggots do understand there is literally an entire board dedicated to uneducated children with zero life experience shitposting their political console wars, right?
Or does your flag just get you laughed out of every thread? Or is it just the forced anon that makes it too hard to hide your samefagging?

>> No.11687328
File: 6 KB, 240x210, abins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fruit tests positive. FRUIT
*citation needed*

>> No.11687331

I mean, we were going to automate that whole process within about 15 years anyway. I bet we could force it sooner if things get desperate.

>> No.11687358

Tanzania. Look it up.

>> No.11687886

I wish it was this but aren't those waves absorbed at the skin?

>> No.11687907

The Money Masters The Rise Of The Bankers - Full Documentary

There's a reason Jesus drove these kikes from the temple ya know

>> No.11687939

>Linear graph

>> No.11687944

Take your own advice.

>> No.11687949

what did he mean by this

>> No.11687955
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>> No.11687958

No, they scatter and ultimately travel along the skin surface and down into the sweat glands. The sweat glands are a helical coil and some modeling indicates they can circularly polarize the wave. From there you have three main targets:
-Stimulation / degeneration of peripheral nerves and mast cells. This causes release of endogenous opioids, histamine, and perhaps changes in the brain.
-Action on constituents of the blood, the structure of the water in the blood, etc.
-Propagation deeper into the tissues, eg via Brillouin precursors.

>> No.11687961
File: 1.04 MB, 2047x3482, 1F408695-0B97-4CE3-9043-18E400EC534B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free countries tend to be prosperous
>unfree countries tend to be shitholes
Really makes you think.

>> No.11687966
File: 390 KB, 1920x1920, CD99397D-0404-481C-89F9-7D09FA688A0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based retard

>> No.11687968
File: 66 KB, 960x684, CC2F9375-6842-464E-AE0D-6FBABC075775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys reddit

>> No.11687973
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>> No.11687977

>incoherent rambling

>> No.11687983
File: 157 KB, 1181x786, hurrdurrtrumpdurrangmentsysdrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurrdurr A country with 375 million people
>still has a better per capita rate

>> No.11687997

for the record there is no real meaning between a score of 86.8 and a score of 84, especially since those scores are somewhat subjectively determined
>t. actually had a good political science teacher

>> No.11687999

I vastly underestimated how stupid you Bernouts are.

>> No.11688002

>political science

>> No.11688005

Its funny seeing all these people try to cope with this. xD

>> No.11688007

I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make, but considering the scale there is logarithmic, the top 5 seem to have fucked up pretty hard compared to the others. Also, wasn’t the US hit way later than Europe?

>> No.11688025


>> No.11688031

it could have been much less if the situation wasnt handled that poorly; also most european countries are now past its peak, which is not remotely the case in US.

>> No.11688051

>What is Japan
>What is South Korea
>What is Singapore
Collectivist societies with strong, empathetic governments literally make over 99% of the US look like a Third World country.

>> No.11688059

>I'm going to deny the hard data and spew my own bullshit
Yep, that's what I thought

>> No.11688060

>>What is Japan
>>What is South Korea
>>What is Singapore
Some of the most economically free countries in the world.

>> No.11688093
File: 65 KB, 750x357, 5DA1039C-BCD6-48FF-87BF-9181F86121DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true at all for Japan and Korea. Singapore may be economically free, but you could be beheaded for smoking weed, so

Here’s your hard data. Pic related.

>> No.11688100

Infrastructure is communism

>> No.11688119
File: 57 KB, 578x694, tool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not true at all for Japan and Korea

>> No.11688127
File: 121 KB, 750x442, C6CAE1F7-C960-475A-BCBA-B67D7FBB3F99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try.

>> No.11688128
File: 197 KB, 760x1014, Ma_Ying-jeou_&_Xi_Jinping_(22698348730)_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you live in a country that actually has a decent constitution that prevents tyrannic politicians from locking down your society

>> No.11688133
File: 153 KB, 1191x803, getreckedfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, here is the liner scale.
get wreaked faggot. Still winning.
Remember when Trump called for travel restrictions from china in february and congress said no and 'dumb trump being racist' then two months later every liberal outlet blamed trump (??! :?)
because pepperidge farm remembers

>> No.11688148

Americans who call themselves liberal/Democrat are obsessed with the worst aspects of leftist ideology. Of course they’d disregard anything that doesn’t strengthen their non-arguments.

Honestly I have to give Trump credit for doing that one thing correctly. F+

>> No.11688160

Remember when he suggested injecting disinfectant?

>> No.11688171

Actually, I’ll give him credit for calling out the WHO too. If he follows through and cuts US funding altogether, I’ll admit that Trump is sort of based.

>> No.11688176
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This is the exact quote from the trasnscipt:
>...and is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs.
>So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me....
>it would be interesting to check that
>you’re going to have to use medical doctors with
>it would be interesting to check that
He suggested doctors research stuff in an a off the cuff remark.
saying he suggested people go inject disinfectant is disingenuous. I dont know exactly when the rest of the news got as bad as foxnews, but it did,.

>> No.11688198

the one issue trump got right was immigration. (he gets almost everything else wrong)
which is funny because it used to be a democratic policy, up intill at least 2005, with Nancy and others saying on video immigration hurts workers and the lowest most vulnerable members of our society the most. ~and workers should be the democratics base.
Somewhere along the line AIO union and others changed it from a worker issue to a civil rights issue and with SJWs making up the loudest part of the democrats they went along.
The fact is immigration is racist, it hurts blacks the most (especially in fields like construction, good but hard jobs).
If the democrats had got this one issue right, trump would have been a nothing that never got elected, he just got the one issue voters REALLY care about 100% right.

>> No.11688212

Imagine thinking this incoherent drivel make it sound any better.
The mind if a nine year old.

>> No.11688224

imagine being an autistic moron, oh wait you dont have too

>> No.11688228
File: 1.28 MB, 440x418, rat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try recording yourself for 20 minutes and read a transcript.
most people sound like that.
Trump is actually an amazing speaker how he can just rattle off for 30 minutes straight on rosie o'donnell and democrats and immigration
note when I say amazing, I didnt say ethical or factual.
The truth is most people would be terrible at speaking like trump did in 2016 under pressure under camera and lights to interviews
>I am moving the goalposts anon.
just admit he never said it

>> No.11688230

Actually, it turns out someone’s working on some crazy new technology that irradiates a person’s internal organs with UV light. In a weird way, what Trump said was kind of genius.

Also that fishtank cleaner incident was a murder, not an accident.

>> No.11688236

>Trump is actually an amazing speaker

>> No.11688239
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>> No.11688263
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you are both reddit

>> No.11688276

you have both read it* fucking immigrants..

>> No.11688282

I am ashamed that my countrymen took so long.

>> No.11688338

Crazy being the keyword.

>> No.11688579

yeah, he has the best word. amazing speaker. totally winning.

>> No.11688586

Look you have to acknowledge his ability to talk or you will not be able to defeat him.

>> No.11688592

listen to Obama or Clinton and compare the level of discussion. the orange retard keeps babbling some idiotic buzzwords and compliments himself constantly. totally incoherent speeches, but I guess its enough for retards like you.

>> No.11688593


>> No.11688595

have the ability to talk = /= good talker. most of his speeches dont make any sense.
>mfw nuclear speech

>> No.11688613
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>> No.11688685


You only need 1 out of 6 faggots for a lockdown to fail. Americans are too irresponsible to deserve freedom.

>> No.11688711

Cells naturally generate bursts of coherent UV. What a stupid idea.

>> No.11690315
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It's a good thing Trump ignored the WHO and banned travel from China which is why America is currently free from infection.

>> No.11690321
File: 85 KB, 500x1406, THAT'S SOCIALISM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right mate

>> No.11691842
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Lol, the obesity rate in the US is nearly 40%. Not to mention all the people with diabetes, smokers and other comorbidities. I guarantee that we're gonna see a drastic rise in deaths in weeks to come.

Expecting Americans to understand basic biology, when they can't even point to china on a map, yet claim that its the source of their problems, is absurd. Good riddance, I hope that all those stupid Americans drop dead in the streets. Wretched nation.

>> No.11691868

You think you have any authority? You're just another cog in the machine. Your opinion has no value. You work for someone else, the people you for are the ones benefiting financially and influentially.

>> No.11692133


>> No.11692177

Didn't this guy literally get infected and die? I remember seeing screenshots somewhere...

>> No.11692198

Cells also naturally generate more cells, so it’s not as if augmenting a natural cellular process hasn’t been medically viable in the past.

>> No.11692229

Actually never mind, it was an evangelical pastor of some kind, not this guy.
I'm trying to find him but getting nowhere since they are dropping like flies at this point and I have no way of knowing which dead pastor is the one I'm thinking of.

>> No.11692411

bitch please, I was infected 4 times, my father 7, another friend of ours 3 times, none of us developed any immunity.

>> No.11692418

How were you all infected?

>> No.11692426

My father infected me all 4 times. This friend is because he does not care and keeps going out like is any other day, my father was infected at work meetings, then reinfected by my mother, infected in a supermarket and last time funny enough in a hospital, the Chief Medical Officer was infected as well, knew it and told nobody.

>> No.11692431

We were "fortunate" to have the means to take care of ourselves and the symptoms to warn us when it was "on", (dry throat, fatigue, itchy nose, excess of mucus and my case a slight loss of taste).

>> No.11692448

There’s a lot going on in this image. I love it
>these are the guys who ruined this site

>> No.11692457

He’s terrible compared to past presidents. Roosevelt got shot in the gut and was able to give a better speech than that baboon has ever given

>> No.11692533

And how many will die or suffer a worse fate than death due to the economic wreck this lockdown is and will cause?

>> No.11692541

Cool story bro

>> No.11692575

>imagine thinking the normal flu doesn't kill that many every year

>> No.11692759

>even shitholes like russia and cuba are doing better
You're implying both countries are doing the necessary number of tests to know whether or not they are doing better. It's almost as if poor countries can test people like the US is testing.

>> No.11692768
File: 24 KB, 500x500, 1433655960360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sweden with no lockdown has a lower death rate than some countries.

>> No.11692780

It's an anonymous board you retard. Why the fuck do you think /pol/ isn't one of the most targeted boards?

>> No.11692784


wow hundreds
well what are you gonna do an uprising of that size just can't be stopped

>> No.11692792

Sweden is made up of small towns, spread far apart. Its population distribution might actually be the best in the world in terms of slowing the spread of a virus.

>> No.11692803

You're implying the other european countries in that list which are even worse than sweden don't share this same quality.

>> No.11692837

Us "schizos" told you this was bullshit before the lockdown even started. It's a globalist move. Period. Get over it, get real, get with the program.

Just look at this, you dim witted nearly literal cuckolds.

>> No.11692854

What am I looking at?

>> No.11692860

>men die a much higher rate
Is this shit fo fucking real?

>> No.11692862

Google “Sweden most populated cities”, then compare the results with those of other countries. There are countries with similar population distributions, but the numbers show that Sweden is special.

>> No.11692866

World Economic Forum's planning of their response and utilization of Covid-19. Given how tightly integrated it is in the overall projections, I doubt this was put together in a few short months.

I have a number of other documents from Rockefeller (operation Lock Step) and some other stuff about pandemic bonds I'm working on. I'll post it when it's all together.

Yep. Look under "Global Governance" and you'll find many things, including 5G.

>> No.11692872

>small towns, spread far apart.
to get a realistic picture how sweden has actually succeeded, compare it to its similar neighbors

>> No.11692878

Oddly no mention of 5g health effects...

>> No.11692879

On that list the only country is Belgium, which has a similar, but lower number.

>> No.11692888

Belgium is less than 10% the size of Sweden. I think that’s important.

>> No.11692892
File: 245 KB, 955x1024, 5G'd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, why would there be? You see, 5G is safe, effective, and proven. The science is settled. Further, we need to halt all further research, it's a waste of resources! (People like Kenneth Foster were actually pushing that 10 years ago, wouldn't surprise me if they tried to bring it back. Covid has made this type of research and controversy dangerous!)

The other interesting category is "anti-globalism". Naturally they also have plans to nullify any opposition.

>> No.11692893
File: 1.26 MB, 1240x820, 1589881699969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whose boot? you elect your politicians don't you? why do you elect people who put the boot on your neck?

>> No.11692907

Sure, but the population density in the most populated cities seems to be about the same.

>> No.11692944

>valuing digital equity
>valuing human dignity
>gender parity
>integrating migrants
>migrant rights
seems like we're in for a bumpy ride

>> No.11692956

Well, if they would educate people instead of simply banning things left and right there would be no demonstrations for their rights and people might actually care about hygiene and restrict themselves as they are aware of the consequences. Nooo, let's just take away their rights as they are too stupid to be reasonable.

>> No.11692980

It's almost like you've never read a job posting before. Come on, you really think they wouldn't dress it up and make it sound great? Just think about what all those things you listed mean in practice.

>> No.11692991

Why else do you think I highlighted them? perhaps I should have been more clear.
These are the velvet glove around the iron fist.

>> No.11693337

I see. Sorry, thought you were being sarcastic.

>> No.11693407

This is what q retards ACTUALLY believe.

>> No.11693626


>> No.11693771


The whole Sweden approach is a fuckup, which their government knows. Now its just damage control and attempts to sweep things under the rug.

>> No.11693824

If that's the case why aren't their numbers stratospheric right now? If THAT is the death toll, we'll have bigger problems on the next year with the economy than we'd have with just letting nature run it's course.

>> No.11693834

are people able to develop immunity to this virus or not?

>> No.11693961
File: 224 KB, 720x400, 1541569168454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Sweden, as a nation, has a weird fetish for being different and better than everybody else. They also want old Swedes to die.

Not to mention their country has a low population that is distributed over a large area (low population density)
Testing is also restricted to people in hospitals, you would know that if you read the article, thus their number are lower. They also have higher death tolls per capita as compared to other Scandinavian countries: Sweden:380 deaths per million Denmark: 96, Norway: 43 and Finland with 55

If you compare the death data for Sweden to Italy you can see that there is a maximal total of daily cases and then a decrease for Italy's data. Meanwhile Sweden has a broad distribution for daily cases. This means that the pandemic is going to last a lot longer, and thus more people are going to die.

>> No.11693987

>They also have higher death tolls per capita as compared to other Scandinavian countries
Not high enough to warrant a lockdown.

>> No.11694005

So more than three times the number than neighboring Denmark is not enough ? What would be an acceptable threshold in your view ?

>> No.11694020

A number that's the equivalent or higher than the death toll that will be caused by the economic collapse. I'm a pragmatic person, if there was a proper study which took into account the number of deaths and issues caused by poverty and bellow poverty conditions, and then said study was used to show how more people would die of the kung flu, then it'd be time to talk about a lockdown. The problem is that poverty kills both the elderly, which are the group at risk for the disease, and the young, who are, for society, much more important than the elderly.

>> No.11694028

>If that's the case why aren't their numbers stratospheric right now?

>> No.11694039

Did you really think I wouldn't look at both axis? Even 400 per million is a minuscule toll. Poverty causes a lot more problems.

>> No.11694048

You're a Canadian, right?


>> No.11694065

Dont post links to that scummy globalist rag.

>> No.11694309

they're removing the threat of elderly voters who remember when the country wasn't shit

>> No.11694315

Nothing is safe. Choose the level of risk you are comfortable with and move on with life. You want to go protest - go do it.

>> No.11694590

a world with less americans? yeah that sounds safe to me

>> No.11694600

>Poverty causes a lot more problems.
In sweden?

>> No.11694664
File: 188 KB, 600x450, 1589916432356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my joke of a state is somehow handling this shit better than states like New York and California

>> No.11694757

The protests in California were getting out of hand. Gavin eventually had to make the wrong choice because it was the best way to avoid violence.

>> No.11695098

Which already has a massive debt, yes. Poverty causes problems everywhere.