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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 209 KB, 800x935, funny-meme-of-mark-ruffalo-medicine-commercial-says-this-medicine-may-cause-death-people-in-the-ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11686822 No.11686822 [Reply] [Original]

"FDA approved" Edition

Last bread>>11669314
Thread for the discussion of allopathic evidence-based medicine. We discuss research, offer advice (the best one is to see your family physician), make fun of premeds and shitpost.

>What's the best spec for research?
Path, onc, anesthesia, etc.
>Best spec lifestyle wise?
Psych, ophtho, derm, rads

>> No.11687059

Psych or Senpai?

>> No.11687608

question: I just removed a tonsil stone that was practically a small rock. it was difficult to remove and the stone was kinda sharp. WTF was this thing? how are they produced? I don't remember ever having had something like this.

I think you mean /med/

>> No.11687615

fuck, forgot to mention: it wasn't white, but brown/black. and removal was painful...

>> No.11687628

I'll leave some resources here, just in case they help you, medfags:

>> No.11687678

>I think you mean /med/
Thanks for clearing it up, I wouldn't have known what the thread was about otherwise

>> No.11687699

some people use filters. I myself looked for /med/ and couldn't find it. had to ctrl+f "medicine"

>> No.11688204

Is there a way to reduce sickness from stress?
I think I would take stress much better if it didn't make me sick in the stomach.

>> No.11689049

Is rads not considered that good for research? I was considering it.

>> No.11689239

You could try a PPI.

>> No.11689288

How do I succeed on internal medicine rotations? I'm not very smart...

>> No.11689392


>> No.11689469

sounds good. do they have any significant side effects to be aware of?

>> No.11689617

Off the top of my head, increases risk of some foodborne illnesses and you might have some gi disturbances. Unless you plan on using it constantly it shouldn't be much of a problem.

>> No.11689706

sweet, thanks

>> No.11689941

Pls respond

>> No.11690886

Alright medfags, I have a minor issue. So everytime I lie down, I feel like in my abdomen under my ribs on the lower left side, it feels empty and it's somewhat irking and uncomfortable. I can't find anything about it online. Is it something with my liver?
Also, for reference I'm 18 at 220lbs/100kg, shitty diet but I've been maintaining for 2 years.

>> No.11690968

What’s the cutting edge of MS research? I am desperate and willing to put literally anything in my body if there is even a 1% chance of curing me.

>> No.11691105


StepUp2Med, Anki decks, UpToDate. Break up the cookie cutter cases by system and read everyday (COPD, CHF, GI bleeds, Anemia causes, DKA). If you like the shame learning the pressure and questions on rounds can provide lots of stuff to read about each day - pick one and be consistent.

I'm deciding on whether to do psych or GP, my passion is mental health but it's pretty competitive compared to GP and longer training. Main reason I want to do psych is to be an "expert" in future endeavours like telepsych consults, consulting with businesses/media, and research in psychadelics and other new interventions.

What do y'all think of psychiatrists and the field if you had the disposition to do it?

>> No.11691660

Probably not since the liver should be on the right unless you also have situs inversus. Does it change at all when or shortly after you eat?

>> No.11691699

Is it cringe to be interested in virology?

>> No.11691713

That's not medicine that's molecular biology

>> No.11691920
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>Is it something with my liver?

>> No.11691945

I think you are suffering Ulcerative colitis for shitty diet but need to do the anamnesis, how is your shit?

>> No.11691953

Is Urology worth?
It seems fun with all those equipment

>> No.11692044
File: 77 KB, 650x650, 1589815212386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would anesthesiology let me do research on the brain and how it works? I know neurology would be a better fit but I like the idea of having a broad grasp of many medical topics instead of focusing on a small part of medicine in my clinical practice; by a research pov, though, I'm strictly interested in neural regeneration. Is there a way to conciliate these two?

>> No.11692051

Just study farmacology with neural regeneration inducing drugs

>> No.11692057

>idea of having a broad grasp of many medical topics

This is bad idea, consider being autistic in some parts

>> No.11692225

How do I compete against gunners who live and breathe medicine and research?

>> No.11692240


>> No.11692250

Well fuck me, I don't study anatomy for a fucking living, I just googled anatomy charts or whatever.
Pretty sure I don't have situs inversus. I think it feels a little less "empty" but it still feels off. I've had this for a while, just wondering if it's a medical issue.
My shit recently has been pretty dark and tarry, but I ate a fuckton of steak a couple days before, and I'm also under high stress at the moment. The maintaining is just from me watching how much shitty food I eat, so I don't think it's what you described.

>> No.11692266

>Shit is black and tarry
Welp, seems like your Upper Gastrointestinal Tract is bleeding caused by gastritis. Take some PPI when you are under stress, I think it is GER

>> No.11692270

have you got a history of heartburn? what is your alcohol intake like? do you smoke? does the pain get worse after eating?
a common cause of your symptoms, depending on your history is a duodenal ulcer

regardless, you will need to see your doctor, he might require further investigations/treatment that may involve an endoscopy.

>> No.11692290

No heartburn, no alcohol, no drugs. It's not a pain at all, it's just irking discomfort.
I'll check my stool tomorrow, it's usually not this tarry. But I don't think it's GER, just literally too much protein.

Can I mention again that's it's not pain? Just general discomfort of a somewhat hollow feeling in the area under my lowermost left rib.

>> No.11692321

impossible to diagnose without full history and investigations, there is a good likelihood you have some sort of upper GI bleed, likely a duodenal ulcer, you might not even have any of the risk factors for an ulcer, with the ulcer being caused by H. pylori
you need to consult your doctor to diagnose it properly

>> No.11692339

Yeah check it before too late anon. Worst case scenario is you got cancer

>> No.11692344

You need to find out what you really want in life.
If you are ok with being a comfy family doctor, then there is no need to compete with them. If you want to become an elite pediatric neurosurgeon then you must become the gunner to beat the gunner and you will be ok with that if you really want to get that kind of position

>> No.11692358

I too once was a gunner until I realized it is shitty ways to lives under constant stress. Now im doing /med/ for maximus comfiness of helping people

>> No.11692504

yes, reddit. problem?

>> No.11692634

I want to be an internist and help people in that capacity. Not the comfiest lifestyle, but also not the most elite of elites. But on IM rotations and future residency, I'm gunna be up against GI and cardio gunners. Just don't want to look stoopid in front of the attending bros, or get sabotaged by a particularly sociopathic gunner.

>> No.11692647

Good luck mate dealing with those drama. Sometimes doctor-doctor drama is the one I personally avoid the most

>> No.11693888

Is this the right thread for gene mod/therapy? How into gene mods?

>> No.11694345

What age is too late to finish med school? Early to mid 30s?

>> No.11694637

Almost twisted my ankle today while walking downhill. Heard a pop sound like when you crack your knuckles. Hurt like a bitch for a minute, but could walk normally and don't have any bruises apart from some minor pain. Glad that turned out well

>> No.11694697
File: 61 KB, 467x424, 3l92j6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a test today
>a question about stem cells
>write literally the perfect answer, everything is correct
>the clamp posting enters my stream of thoughts
>fuck everything up by writing that taking the cord blood has the down side of causing disabilities

>> No.11694735

I think of him every time I'm in pediatrics class. His posts have helped me remember answers on exams a couple of times.

Thanks, clamp poster.

>> No.11695373

Any dermotology/pharamcist fags ?
I have developed jock-itch near my groin, and i have a 30g container of 'DermAid' lying around - will it work ? Im asking only because it contains "hydrocortisone" which seems to be in recommended medicines against this rash...

>> No.11695382

never mind,
it says "For : non-infected anogenital itch"
Which [if im infering correctly that JI is caused by infection] will not do anything for me....

>> No.11695781
File: 61 KB, 361x351, 00138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't doctors immediately sedate patients who are bleeding heavily? At least I assume they don't, I never hear about that as an emergency treatment. A terrified patients heart would pump 3x more blood than at rest, according to this anyways.

>> No.11695793

Why waste drugs if you will forget about the pain 5min later ?

>> No.11695852

How long till Hydroxychloroquine is over the counter?

>> No.11696577

know your pts.
know the relevant physical exams.
do your pre-rounding correctly, always have pt lab values present (and know the trends and their most likely explanations), know the pt's hospital drugs, their indication and their adverse effects, know what the new consults said, know the new imagings and their reports (and have the new CXRs on your phone).

lung exam the pt on pre-rounds. explicitly ask about N/V, diarrhea/constipation, headache, dyspnea, chest pain, and the present illness relevant symptoms (but don't be too suggestive).

write SOAP progress note everyday.

know your electrolytes, know your thrombocytopenias, know your int-med emergencies.
read up on the pt's disease/diagnosis/impression.
know the relevant ddx.

if you are a pajeet/chink don't be an annoying tryhard.
if you are a nigger don't try to pull the le sophisticated negro look. just be yourself.

>> No.11696590

all right lads how do I fuck the qt petite pediatrics resident?
t. intern

>> No.11697096
File: 59 KB, 1024x682, 1590078688180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't this the standard nursoid uniform

>> No.11697108

It is now, and she's gonna have to burn that underwear too.

>> No.11697192

Not OP but helpful, cheers anon

>> No.11697198

context x

>> No.11698338

Just exam questions about the vaccination schedule, delayed cord clamping, and the essential intrapartum newborn care guidelines for immediate initiation of breastfeeding.

>> No.11698372

medbros i have to take a prereq w/lab online due to coronaids... i know schools don't like online labs, will they have lenience due to situation?

>> No.11698461

Aryan: ortho, neurosurg, trauma surgery, OB/GYN
Semitic: psychiatry, cardiology, endocrinology

>> No.11698490

If they don't accept online labs, there's prolly gonna be a huge gap in their attendance

>> No.11699023

It's never too late if medicine is your calling.

>> No.11699033

Deity: family med

>> No.11699101

Science GPA is only a 3.52.... leave me behind brothers.

>> No.11699621
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>mum has some ''''autoimmune'''' disease and gets regular blood tests
>cortisol levels come back super low so gets a call from the endocrinologist
>pic related
Aren't those all the bs diseases that are the modern day equivalent of the vapours?

>> No.11699626

This expands dong

>> No.11699970

Jesus your mother is a walking corpse at this point

>> No.11699993
File: 122 KB, 820x814, punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just spent my time learning about a disease with prevalence 3/1000000
I better get pimped about Whipple's disease at least once in my life

>> No.11700083 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11700267

YES I agree. being a rural family physician is godly.

>> No.11700276

if you get to dx it, it would be the most satisfying thing.
one of my attendings said diagnosing two cases of Osler-Weber-Rendu was of the highlights of his career of 30 years.

>> No.11702199


>> No.11702253

How do you do this as a man without people in your life thinking you're a big perv?

>> No.11702548

>Failed my GEH test
How do I cope medfags?

>> No.11702730
File: 459 KB, 3008x2000, canes_sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know anything about rads and rads research?

>> No.11703071

aren't we all, in the long term of things?

>> No.11703074

I want to test my medical knowledge general skills, Where I can test it online?

>> No.11703587

They're probably not that good if you couldn't even learn proper English.

>> No.11703665

What are the top 3 specialties for autists?
Asking for a friend

>> No.11703675

heyyo fellow med'ers
i'm in year 3 and i'm panicking at the fact that i'm gonna face real people next year
what are your tips and tricks to cope ?

>> No.11703692

Patho, radio

>> No.11704456

out of all things possible why would you choose to look at rotten stretched pussies for a living for the rest of your life?

>> No.11704876

>It's never too late if medicine is your calling.
I'm just kinda worried because I'm 22 already and will be at least 24 or perhaps even 26 once I can start the six years of med school required here in Germany.

>> No.11704889

sports medicine

>> No.11706305
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Medbros, can you actually reposition your spine with enough physical therapy and exercise? I don't like the look of mine
t. lordosis

>> No.11706339

Why are encephalitis, meningitis, epididymitis etc possible? I thought leukocytes had no access to those areas

>> No.11706385
File: 18 KB, 544x540, 1560115094871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of a resource/paper that explicits the differences in behavior and cognition between people with ASD and people with high intellectual potential/giftedness?
It seems that both have very similar "symptoms" and comorbidities so I'm looking for more precise information.

>> No.11706435

That's not even a specialty, is it?

>> No.11706485

It's a ortho and I think family med subspecialty

>> No.11706590

should i apply for med? i already have good grades and i like biology. career wise studying biology here is like studying gender studies and i figure med is the closest thing to biology

>> No.11706660

Why can’t I get myself out of bed long enough to off myself?

>> No.11706843

1st year med anon here anyway I can access the uptodatewebsite for free

>> No.11706845

yup go for it

>> No.11707227
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I'm having an issue with night time urination and need advice. It's been like this for years. I'll get up to piss 5-6 times in a single night and that's normal for me. I've seen my doctor over this multiple times. My fasting blood glucose is normal, and to investigate diabetes further in my country your fasting bloods need to be high (they don't offer glucose tolerance or anything otherwise). My doctor isn't convinced I have a problem, and to be honest I believe him that it's probably not diabetes (e.g. I never have this problem after having a big meal, only at night time). He says it's because I drink water at night, but that's retarded. The only reason I drink water is I get dehydrated. Last night I pissed maybe 5-6 times and had next to no water (yes I drank I tiny bit after maybe the 4th piss because I was already dehydrated and had a fucking headache, and it was only a swish of water because I don't like my mouth being dry because of tooth decay).

Keeping in mind finding the cause of the problem might be impossible - my doctor probably thinks I'm a hypochondriac. I'll take any advice you have on that too though. The advice I definitely want is how can I minimize urination at night without getting dehydrated? It's extremely disruptive getting up sometimes every 30 minutes to piss when I'm trying to sleep, and it makes me feel like I'm damaging myself when I don't drink water and have a headache for half of the night.

>> No.11707262

Sounds like diabetes insipidus

>> No.11707783

How do I know for sure if I'm dizzy or have vertigo? I sometimes feel light-headed and sometimes wonder if I am always dizzy but don't register it (e.g. head feels heavy when I move it around, and I feel constantly confused). I've been feeling particularly spaced out and head-heavy while standing up the last couple days, but I'm thinking it might be the after-effects of some cannabis I smoked (yes I know weed makes you retarded). I don't feel nearly as dizzy as when you get your ear syringed - but it's been nearly 48 hours since I smoked the cannabis and I'm still waiting for it to go away. Maybe the cannabis just numbed my brain in a way that let m notice something I'd been mentally blocking all this time.

>> No.11708234

How old are you? There's a lot of potential causes for nocturia. Do you have urinary retention or any other associated symptoms?

>> No.11708255
File: 224 KB, 600x800, picture_content_01_800x600_EN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I occasionally have slight pains those spots marked, both on the left side about a centimeter off. I also had blood on my stools, red like from a fresh cut, but a colonoscopy revealed nothing out of the ordinary. I have quite the bad breath too.

Any idea what it could be?

>> No.11708291

Are neural stem cells as likely to cause cancer as undifferentiated embryonic or iPS cells?

>> No.11708297

You're breathing.

>> No.11708342

Hello medbros i have a question
A couple of years ago i hit my nose and it got slightly deformed (not in the bones for sure) can it be fixed without surgery?
Also does not treating it cause me harm?even if indirectly, I heard for example if you breathe from your mouth you destroy your face.
Thanks in advance

>> No.11708348

how's a normal person supposed to know if they need to seek medical attention for trauma or let it heal - just by the presence of pain?

like i smashed my lower side on a cabinet earlier because i'm a retard and it kinda hurts. but how am i supposed to know if it caused an intestinal perfusion or not - just pain and tenderness?

guess it's probably impossible to go unnoticed but i have no idea how easy it is to get internal damage

>> No.11708351

perforation* it's too late

>> No.11708352


>> No.11708362

How much environment affect growth of the body especially the brain?if someone grew up with terrible diet and living conditions would that cause their brain and body to grow badly?

>> No.11708386
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What books would I need to read to get close to that what a doctor would know? Anatomy textbooks?

>> No.11708552

Sounds like metastasized lung cancer.

>> No.11708729

There are people in my class who are in their late 30s.

>> No.11708731

not a doctor but

The general man rule of thumb is sleep on it no matter how bad it is and if it's worse the next day then you go to a hospital.

>> No.11708803
File: 34 KB, 334x400, internal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
have fun

>> No.11709048

The /sci/ wiki has a good recommended reading list. Get a grasp on basic anatomy, physiology, and some biochem first.

>Tortora Principles of Anatomy and Physiology
>Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology
>Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
>Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease
>Goodman & Gilman The Pharmacologic Basis of Therapeutics

But yeah, >>11708803 will basically be your Bible.

>> No.11709072

Has anyone ever actually finished reading that book?

>> No.11709084

I plan on making at least one pass through during my final 2 years of med school
Ideally making notes/cards from it but we'll see

>> No.11709090

Just see the doctor right away
You might get fucked up by internal bleeding

>> No.11709130

The internal med residents at my school hospital have gone through the entire thing. Their books are completely covered in highlighter ink.

>> No.11709153

I never understood how to highlight. Like just mark the important stuff and disregard everything else that shouldn't have even been written? It's an exercise in finding sections to think of as retarded and pointless. A writer should aspire to be so good that no one dare highlight anything he says.

>> No.11709221

There's a lot of material that doesn't apply to the population here because the stats are based on US prevalences so it's pretty safe to disregard those. It's also a good way to group concepts together and easily find key features of the disease and management when going back through the chapter a second time.

It's not like you have to go through every single cell marker and step in the cell signalling cascade of oncogenesis for a particular tumor unless they're important to the therapy.

>> No.11709229

So like highlighting passages of the bible that don't drone on about family lineage. Could probably design a program to do that for you. Alternatively seeing how you feel and highlighting when the mood strikes you sounds exhausting.

>> No.11709247

Or you could just sit down and read the book, highlight, and prepare an Anki slide?

>> No.11709252

Highlighterfags don't actually understand anything they read. If it weren't for affirmative action, you'd all be eliminated.

>> No.11709280


>> No.11709317

You do space magic

>> No.11709356


>> No.11709399

How can I give my skeleton for other people to see? It would be a shame to waste it. It is a fun skeleton. I want it to be enjoyed.

>> No.11709434

It's just a regular small bruise

>> No.11709466

Yeah makes sense
It's just a bruise at this point

>> No.11709480
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>scrawny, barely exercise, don't eat well
>measure pulse with finger and timer
>50 BPM
What's going on here? Is it just genetics, am I not measuring right? I guess it could help explain how my morbidly obese grandpa lived to 94.

>> No.11709482
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>> No.11709487

Also I've no elevated HR or RR or other symptoms

>> No.11709524
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, photo_2020-03-17_06-39-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /med/, could you please help me? During almost summer (around the 20th of November, I live in the southern hemisphere) I started with a really uncomfortable itching in my toes, after two weeks of moving out to the farm. The itch sometimes disappeared, and eventually appeared again. After one or two weeks I started using cream most days (a pretty cheap one desu), I even tried with anti-fungal creams but it's definitely nothing like a fungus. A really strong itching, sometimes it's unbearable. Around March my fingers started itching too. And I started noticing that my skin in the top of my fingers and toes was drier (my skin is naturally pretty dry). Around two weeks and a half ago my toe's skin went super dry (it wasn't itching by the time). Even some little cuts appeared but it didn't got worse and after ~5 days it started healing really slowly. I decided to go to the derm after all and she told me that I have to check my thyroid and my cholesterol at first, then she prescribed me one cream for dry skin which I have to use in my whole body, and for my toes and fingers clobetasol and an urea cream. It's a long ride to the town so I was going to wait till next week to analyze my blood, but yesterday the itching come back really hard, and it's unbearable (my skin look a lot better tho). I also noticed that when it itches my hands and feet doesn't feel as cold as usual, and I can see some redness on my skin. What do you think it can be apart from my thyroid? In case of being hypothyroidism, after being medicated will it finally stop? Can I do something else apart from suing those creams meanwhile? Do you have any other advise?

>> No.11709525

I have other hypothyroidism symptoms like depression, coldness, lack of concentration, and a tendency to gain weigh even though I'm constantly on diet, but most of these things I have them since I was a teen. My brother has hashimoto, my mother sometimes have a little bit of hypo (but not enough to be medicated they said) and my aunt is diabetic, I don't know if this is relevant or not. Sorry for the blogpost but the itching is unbearable I want to fuckin cut my toes.

>> No.11709633


>> No.11709697

either is fine

>> No.11709700

It's fine.

>> No.11709705



>> No.11709707

It's pretty based. Easily the comfiest surgical spec.

>> No.11709728

path, rad, diagnostic specialties

>> No.11709732

Basically most people on the spectrum are retarded, so to be a functional one, you have to be fairly smart.

>> No.11709739

>comfiest surgical spec.
I would've thought optho

>> No.11709744

Highlighting is actually not effective, so don't worry.

>> No.11709746

I know they intersect a lot, but sometimes (often?) high intellectual potential is misdiagnosed as ASD because they're very easy to mistake for one another due to how similarly they manifest. I wanted to know about resources that made the differences between HIP and ASD more explicit, if anyone ITT has a psych background

>> No.11709747

>be home
>look at laptop
>write what you see in image

>> No.11709750

>get biopsy
>look under microscope
>write what you see

>> No.11709756

Optho is pretty comfy, but it's just an operative spec here, they are not surgeons.

>> No.11709797

lmao no. Anatomy is just basics.

>> No.11709801

You're just a sad tranny faggot

>> No.11710206


>> No.11710221
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>> No.11710243

Some cytoquins such as TNF-alfa, IL-1, IL-6 among many other factors increase the permeability of the endothelium through molecular mechanisms that affects the cells adhesion molecules. This changes allow the leukocytes to migrate to the tissues

>> No.11710381

Is tobacco a medicine

>> No.11710421


>> No.11710527

I am 20 though and only smoked like 5 times in my entire life.

>> No.11710639

Any medbros use nootropics or amphetamines to get thru school? Feels like every other person in my class (top tier school) is on something.

>> No.11710777
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Will choosing anesthesiology let me do research in regenerative medicine and/or cryonics?

>> No.11710927

don't project your degenerated fetishes on myself and help me doc

>> No.11710963
File: 31 KB, 584x504, Screenshot 2020-05-24 at 15.53.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st year anon here should I start taking ritalin will it boost my memorisation skills?

>> No.11711033

No it won't. Just keep learning stuff, it's the best way to train memorisation.

>> No.11711068
File: 13 KB, 436x410, Screenshot 2020-05-24 at 16.07.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everynight my brain has a meltdown trying to remember this stuff.
Also u kno how too get uptodate membership for free?

>> No.11711077

You likely are. my suspicion is most of the info on heartbeat is bullshit. I've always had a resting heart rate of around 60-70 since my teens. I'm a fat 28 year old shit who never exercises. Don't assume you're healthy because you have a low heart rate. I suspect health authorities are either really shit at presenting info on heart rate and the relevant diseases people are looking out for, or heart rate is largely useless in predicting things like heart disease.

>> No.11711096

Are there any optimistic treatments being investigated for Meniere's Disease hearing loss or balance issues? The wikipedia article reads like there's nothing.

>> No.11711125

>Meniere's Disease
Clinicians should educate MD patients about the history of the disease, symptom control, treatment options, and potential outcomes, as well as lifestyle and diet modifications that may reduce or prevent symptoms.

Clinicians should offer a limited course of vestibular suppressants to MD patients for managing vertigo only during MD attacks.

Clinicians may consider diuretics and/or betahistine for maintenance therapy or prevention of MD attacks.

Clinicians should not prescribe positive pressure therapy to MD patients.

Clinicians may consider intratympanic steroids for MD patients who are nonresponsive to noninvasive treatment.

Clinicians should offer gentamicin to MD patients who are nonresponsive to nonablative therapy.

Clinicians may consider labyrinthectomy in MD patients who have failed less definitive therapy and have nonusable hearing.

Clinicians should offer vestibular rehabilitation/physical therapy for MD patients with chronic imbalance, but not for acute attacks of vertigo.

Clinicians should counsel MD patients on the use of amplification and hearing assistive technology.

Clinicians should document resolution, improvement, or worsening of vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss, and any change in quality of life in MD patients.

>> No.11711630
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How does one get a doctor GF?

>> No.11711687

Date me

>> No.11711718

How is dating in med school? Do students tend to pair up with each other, rather than non-meds? What about the male-female disparity?

>> No.11711723

they're all miserable cunts. if you go to medschool you will be a miserable cunt. if you date someone in medschool you will be a miserable cunt.

>> No.11711729

I am a scrawny dude though.

>> No.11711856

don't you medfags like working for these people?

>> No.11711888

Just eat ez

>> No.11711909

They started dating each other in first year. All that remain are the undateables and the ones with SOs outside of med.

>tfw one of the undateables

>> No.11711912

New derm baybee

>> No.11711922


True in leaf.

>> No.11712099

Online classes suck way more than irl lectures.

>> No.11712592
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>large, hard balls which require extreme effort to push out, probably for 30 minutes, need to stand up and push hand around anus to help manipulate all of it out because it feels stuck, I suppose
>finally puah all of that out but still feel like something is there, but it feels like it's actually moving when I push
>push hard for a few minutes, stand up to help manipulate it again because i'm too exhausted to sit and push for another 30 minutes
>sit down and begin pushing out a gigantic, thick, but soft stool
This is how my bowel movements have been occurring. I'm assuming that the the end of the stool is sitting in my rectum for too long and dries and becomes a nightmare to push out. Is this the case? Should drink more water(currenrly 1L per day)? I eat about 8 ounces of shredded wheat every day(which is apparently mostly insoluble fiber. Should I eat less, or add soluble fiber(I think that i consume little soluble fiber) I have a restricted diet, but I could add canned peas/peaches/pears, prunes etc.. I've been eating a lot of cheese, which is apparently terrible for constipation so i'll stop.

>> No.11712810

I would like to donate a kidney to a friend is blood type compatibility the only requirement?

>> No.11712829


>> No.11712830

Is washing your hands communism?

>> No.11712859

Nope, your organs are labeled with an organic barcode that has to match with the receiver. Even then it's not always perfect, the immune system eventually recognizes it as foreign.

>> No.11712914

I woke up with the right eye seeing blurry.
The right pupil is also smaller.
What could this be a sign of? I did no drugs or anything.

>> No.11712918

Pays well and there's more to it than that.

>> No.11712991

Stroke? Idk not a doctor just googled it pls go to a real doctor fast

>> No.11713004

I can smile on both sides of the mouth, hold both hands up, think normally.
Don't think it's a stroke, mate.

>> No.11713012

Go see your GP?

>> No.11713018

idk I'm waiting for a while not to panic too fast

>> No.11713130

>n-no you

>> No.11713139

Please guys the itchiness is unbearable I can't even sleep.

>> No.11713149
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See your GP or visit a hospital if its urgent.

>> No.11713154

I went to a derm, she gave me two creams but they are doing nothing about the itchiness, my skin looks less dry tho. How can I stop this itchiness in my toes and fingers that seems out of nowhere? I live in a farm and going to the town in these times is not that easy.

>> No.11713234
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>then she prescribed me one cream for dry skin which I have to use in my whole body, and for my toes and fingers clobetasol and an urea cream. It's

She wants to rule out diseases which could be causing your pruritus. The insidious onset of generalised pruritis points to a cause which is not dermatologic. You should get tested those creams are simply for relieving your symptoms.

>> No.11713260
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I'm at first days of work alone and last time i sent a patient with nothing to the er simply because i kind of panic'd and wanted someone with clearer mind to look it up. After 10 mins i realized it was absolutely fucking stupid and i should have dealt with it myself, and i knew diagnosis and therapy. Now i learned, but i feel like an idiot anyway.

>> No.11713269
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also just thought you could try bathing in warm water this can help or if it is localised on your feet have a foot bath in a bucket of warm water.

>> No.11713271

What was the presentation?

>> No.11713277

Might have some feet pics? It's hard to tell without seeing them.
In general, there are a few tips to lower itching, but if it's that severe i'm not sure how much they will do. In general, aim for cold and avoid heat. Have your feet "breath", don't keep them under shoes and heavy socks, wash with cold water, avoid spicy food, use one less blanket when sleeping, avoid coffee, tea, and - if possible - generic stress. If it prevents you from sleeping i would honestly ask for an antistaminic anyway, it's not like it will give problems for the diagnostic process for sistemic conditions.
There are topical antistaminics too but those aren't too great.
Heat worses the itches.

>> No.11713283

4yo girl with irritation and itching to the pubic area. It was a phone call to know if he could bring her daughter there. My worry was doing a ginecological inspection to a girl so young, which i never did and i wasn't sure if it wasn't better for a woman to do it so i sent them there.

>> No.11713289

>4yo girl with irritation and itching to the pubic area.

>> No.11713434
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Pancoast tumour of the lung presenting as Horner's syndrome
I'm gonna need to order a CT and PET scan and lung biopsy
Start him on high dose cisplatin and cyclophosphamide, check if he has signed an organ donor card

>> No.11713704

When you get "diagnosed" with IBS does that just mean the doctors aren't smart enough to figure out what exactly might be wrong with your stomach?

>> No.11713785

No, it just means that you have IBS.

>> No.11713889


Inflammatory bowel syndrome or Irritable bowel syndrome pick one

>> No.11713921
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Axial CT confirms diagnosis as Pancoast tumour in the right lung.

>> No.11713954

Obviously irritable bowel given the context.

>> No.11713964

Inalienable Bowel Syndrome

>> No.11714012

Ibs just means they couldn't figure out what's wrong. Most doctors aren't very intelligent are they?

>> No.11714044

Means you should stop bitching about your loose ass if you drink a gallon of milk to build "mass".

>> No.11714060

>Seething med student/grad
So mad that you're even projecting

>> No.11714754
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Incel bowel syndrome

>> No.11715243
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Yeah but my itchiness came back just after starting using those creams. My symptoms are not relieved at all.
I did this back in December but it didn't help, I think it worsted my itchiness.
I-Is it really necessary? I don't want to post my feet on the internet. Rn they look pretty normal, just a bit dried, no more cuts nor harsh skin. Just a little bit more red than usually.
>Have your feet "breath", don't keep them under shoes and heavy socks, wash with cold water, avoid spicy food, use one less blanket when sleeping
I usually do all those things, about the heat and cold, my feet are usually super cold, but specially when they start itching they become more warm, and i can't avoid this.
> avoid coffee, tea, and - if possible - generic stress.
Is this key? During exams I limit myself to one or two coffee per day, but I drink a shit ton of tea. And I feel stressed af. But some months ago I wasn't drinking coffee nor tea, I was kinda stressed because I have anxiety problems and I can't avoid it but it wasn't that bad.

>> No.11715288


>> No.11715292

But I don't have anything in my skin, it looks normal.

>> No.11715309
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What are the Stereotypes of each medical branch like radiology, dentistry, etc?

>> No.11715752

carribean med student, barely getting 170 in nbme forms

how can i improve? fuck help me out bros

>> No.11715774

I want to eat that woman.

>> No.11715850

Don't forget the role of IL-4 in neonatal hepatitis B vaccine induced brain damage.

>> No.11715872

Citation pls

>> No.11715877


>> No.11715885


>> No.11715887

are you a cute girl with cute stinky, itchy feet?

>> No.11715890

Pedo -> Rope.

>> No.11715892

Only like 3 people in our class hooked up, 2 of them with each other
Some other guys used to sleep around
Mostly too busy for hoes, I did bang a few though

>> No.11715893

hard to cure sensorineural loss

>> No.11715921

Will I make it in surgery if I’m autistic and not too bright

>> No.11715927

>medical knowledge is judged by your English


picture them naked, laught at their problems and move on.. you are a doctor you

>> No.11715929

Caused by treponema whipplei, erodes the lining of intestines, causing massive vitamin deficiency and food intolerance iirc

I’m going by memory

>> No.11715935

Which one makes the most money with least effort?

>> No.11715939

Apply in Caribbean med school or go to osteopathic med school, give USMLE and get in that way.. 3.5 is acceptable for them

>> No.11715949

nigger patients bleeding, it’s not because of the anxiety, it’s because the pt is losing blood and the heart/body is trying to compensate by pumping more blood to the area.. sedating the pt would do fuck all to solve that issue

First thing to do is stop the bleeding, of the pt has bleeding disorders give fresh frozen plasma so the body can clot and then look for damage and start repairing

>> No.11715958

probably mid 30s but if you have other source of income, feel free to graduate whenever.

If you have a passion for medicine and think you can cram in all kinds of useless crap in your head in 4-5 years, then come on in

Try to limit your resources to 4-5 books max and focus on uworld and approaching medicine from a clinical standpoint and you will do extremely well as a student

>> No.11715968

rope—-> bdsm
kinky anom

>> No.11715991

Lmao the Dunning Kruger is real

>> No.11716002

It means you should eat more fiber in your diet instead of burgers and onions and stop annoying your doctor about trivial bullshit you fucking faggot

>> No.11716025

>In mice
>Vaccine's effects were transient

Good thing the same author concluded that BCG improves neurogenesis so the brain damage should cancel out since they're both given at birth :^)

>> No.11716037


>> No.11716047

No, I read that study (at least I think that's the one). The title gives a false impression. If you look at the actual data it improves neurogenesis in mice exposed prenatally to LPS (ie it attenuates the damage). The neurogenesis is still below controls, though I don't recall if the gap there was statistically significant.

Also, you have to use mice. This research should have been done before the vaccine was used on humans.

Fuck off.

>> No.11716073

Take your meds, Clamp schizo.

>> No.11716075

You think vaccines don't undergo clinical trials?

>> No.11716080

I see you're not able to reason. Never mind.

>> No.11716097

Take your cocoa beans, senpai. You've said several times that you'd never come back here yet here we are.

>> No.11716117

That's true.

>> No.11716123

Anyway, you should explain how you think the HepB vaxx makes kids retarded based off a study that went "haha mouse swim slightly slower."

>> No.11716141

As annoying as it is when you shit up /sci/ and /g/ with your schizo shit, you've actually helped me with my studies a lot. I don't think it's your intended result but you're helping a doctor graduate. Can't wait until I CLAMP and VACCINATE all these kids.

>> No.11716216

Basically you need to look at the totality of the literature on vaccines, the history of vaccination, and then consider it through a lens of organizational structure, social stability, and globalism. You should also read Brave New World.

"Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so."

You're welcome.

>> No.11716281

This is what your entire anti-medicine spiel boils down to? Fucking disappointing.

>> No.11716326

See the last thread.

>> No.11716443

They are not stinky, they are just itchy for no fuckin reason. I read that it can be due to a shitty circulation, is this possible? How can I improve my circulation? I used to do a lot of exercise and the itchiness persisted, rn I'm not doing a lot of exercises, I have to study a lot and I have not enough time.

>> No.11717121

>not enough time
If you have a treadmill or a cycling machine, you can work out to burn ~70 to 100 calories per day.. that’s a reasonable amount of workout if you don’t eat really heavy.

The fact that your legs get itchier after you put em in warm water tells me it’s a circulation issue.. warm water dilates your blood vessels and brings lots of blood to the area, causes mild swelling and itching. Any tingling or pain in that area?

If nothing else I’d recommend getting a bucket of warmish water, putting 2 tsp of dettol (can get on amazon or your local stores) and out your feet in them for like half an hour. You should feel a slight burning sensation that will tell you that the dettol is not too diluted. Dettol can burn the skin so don’t use more than 2-3 table spoons of it.

If there are any infections/fungi/bacterial invasions on the skin, that should take care of it. Atleast for a few days till you get in contact with your nasty shoes or whatever gave you the infections. If your shoes are stinky, I’d recommend washing them or aerating it do it can dry out completely. See if that works and let me know

>> No.11717648
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How do I gun for competitive residencies now that step 1 is p/f???

>> No.11717656

just be born into Jewish family or be black. Simple as.

>> No.11717659

do all the general and neuro surgeons at your hospitals smoke like an exhaust pipe too?

>> No.11717663

I mean residents not attendings.

>> No.11717833
File: 1.43 MB, 958x708, Screenshot 2020-05-21 at 14.51.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The conspiracy fags have a point, seems a bit too much of a coincidence that the worlds second richest man is so pro vax. How do you really know what your injecting people with?

>> No.11718170

its p/f in 2022

>> No.11718189

They want to use electroporation to insert genetic material into people. It'll probably contain DARPA's hydrogel and nanotechnology to gradually spread through the body and link people up with AI. Hence Microsoft's latest patent about using your body like a computer and storage device. Something us "conspiracy fags" have been telling you was coming for years. 6G and 7G are you, you are the transceiver.

>> No.11722913

Funny how we barely understand how the mind works yet bill gates knows how to control us all.

>> No.11722988
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Enrolling in a German med uni this year.
With my grades I pretty much have the choice to go wherever I want.

Yet I can't decide whether a big uni with huge amounts of people is the better choice compared to smaller ones. Do you have any advice?

>> No.11723723
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Id choose a small uni connected to a good hospital.

>> No.11723756

Nice try.

>> No.11723894

Yeah, doctors do tend to be prime examples of dunning kruger for sure.
I guarantee I eat cleaner than you. All you doctor fags can do is seethe because you're too dumb to figure out what's wrong so you just slap a bullshit diagnosis onto people that means "I don't know wtf is wrong or what I am doing lol." Typical doctor loses it if they can't just prescribe a pill one of their pharmaceutical reps has pushed for them sell.

>> No.11724168

>I-Is it really necessary?
Well, dermatological problems are approached by looking at skin. A pic is far from ideal. You can pinpoint a specific itchy area if that makes you more confortable, but make it high quality. I didn't think that asking for feet pics here is questionable behaviour.
>Is this key?
No, those are things that help, all together they might help to lessen the problem. But tea most likely isn't the trigger to itching.

>> No.11724247

everyone looks so tired in that pic

>> No.11724662

nah but they vape tho

>> No.11726511

I've been diagnosed with sleep apnea recently.
I only had a ahi of 12 so I didn't think much about it, but then I tried one of my pratician's recommendations, sleeping with a bagpack to avoid sleeping on my back.
It actually worked, since then I only sleep with a bag and I'm way less tired during the day.
Now I'm supposed to go see a specialist to know why those obstructions occur, but when I reached out to my insurance they told me the mask wasn't covered for an ahi below 15.
Now I don't really know what to fucking do. I'm far from overweight and never drink alcohol.

What is a good place to get an affordable cpap? I'm probably going to buy it by myself at this point.

>> No.11728340


not a medfag, but drink more water and eat more vegetables?

>my toes itch but I don't want to post a pic

>> No.11729234

Can someone give advice to an incoming M1? Any tips on what to do/not to do to be successful?

>> No.11729371

What books should I buy for the complete Medical course? I mean including the basics and after too. Which ones do i need? Which ones are a must read?

>> No.11729388

Just pirate them off z-library.

>> No.11729587

I am currently using Gray's anatomy and Guyton and Hall' physiology. Can you give me a list of the books that I should download or buy?

>> No.11729647

See >>11709048

>> No.11729755

>red light
>(DOLL) house
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... is that what i think it is?

>> No.11729780

Read first aid 2020 version once atleast when you still have some time, just skim over everything. Don’t bother memorizing but take time to grasp the concept on some of the things mentioned.
Label each and every section with those colorful bookmarks so it’s easy to find.

Get a book called Pathoma for all your pathology knowledge. In class, just go over everything you did for the day at the end.. make a summary of everything that you read and what you understood, what you didn’t and what doesn’t enter your head at all despite trying.. have a biweekly meet with your profs atleast to ask about these issues and tips on how to improve.

For microbio- get sketchy and learn about all the bacteria and stuff .. it’s extremely dense but you should be able to grasp it if you went over it in your first year.

Try to avoid whatever new meme book is being hyped, it’s most likely bullshit.. most kids in your class would be trying to learn from 5,6,7 different books, each around 300-500 pages in length, it’s a waste of time and in the end you’ll neither learn anything nor retain anything and only thing you’ll have is fear and anxiety about medicine.

Stick to first aid for deep learning of medicinal concepts (first aid groups different diseases, their symptoms, tests and treatment together- highlight or mark those and try to remember them as a concepts, memorization only takes you so far), Pathoma for pathology, sketchy for micro and Uworld for question bank

Start using uworld after 2-3 months of beginning your semester.. you’ll learn how questions are asked and how you are supposed to think in medicine

Other than that take class notes of important concepts.. or atleast write down stuff your profs emphasize on, its most likely the high yield stuff you gotta know..

Don’t panic, don’t buy into the fear mongering.. stay consistent, you won’t be able to cram everything in your head 3 days before the exam. Good luck

>> No.11729854

Reeperbahn, Hamburg, Germany.
This part of the district (Große Freiheit) doesn't even have the main focus on sex but more on clubs. The main street for hoes is "Herbertstraße".

Fuck I miss it brahs.

>> No.11729858

Lads, I was diagnosed with "partial epilepsy" as a child after an abnormal EEG, but I never took my meds because I'm scared of the side effects and I have never had one of those generalized seizures which I've come to associate epilepsy with. Now, I ocasionally have mild symptoms, like sngle jerking movements in the right shoulder or foot, spells of anxiety and muscle twitching (especially at night). I am fucking scared. What are the odds of this turning into full-fledged epilepsy? I can't just tell my neurologist I have never taken my meds because that would get me and possibly my parents in trouble, as I am legally entitled to a caretaker.

>> No.11729905

Ask your doc if you can get something with low side effect and tell him you are having muscle twitches and such

Don’t tell em you never took the drugs just tell em you read a story about side effects of anti epileptics andit spooked you real bad so you stopped taking the drugs a week and a half ago and decided to talk with your doc about your concerns .... then either he prescribes something milder or he doesn’t

Google some decent documentary or news article that talks in detail about anti epileptic medication side effects, preferably mentions the drug class or actual drugs that you have been prescribed. Bookmark that on your phone and show it to your doc

>> No.11729909

lying about your issues will ultimately only harm you and possibly some poor street passerby if you still are allowed to drive (highly doubt it)

Explain all the symptoms you are having and your concerns, a good doctor would try to take those into consideration and tell him you stopped taking them a week or two ago or however long the drugs are supposed to last in your body (google it)

>> No.11729927

I've been prescribed Orfiril and Levetiracetam all my life. No idea if those are dangerous but the fact that they have side effects ranging from drowsiness and loss of coordination to fucking suicide on the package insert makes me not want to take them. Recently, I changed neurologists and told the doc I haven't really had any seizures (I assumed she meant the nasty ones) because "I've been under treatment", which is bullshit. She didn't even allude to prescribing other meds. Didn't even give a fuck about it. Just transcribed a prescription from years back from an older file that I had, which has the same meds, albeit in a lower dosage than what my former doc prescribed. For a while I thought I should just take them, but the fact that I've never done it before makes me think my body will react poorly to them and actually trigger the fucking thing as opposed to curing it.

>> No.11729929

The aforementioned presumption comes from the fact that one of the pills (can't remember which one) has "convulsions" as a side effect.

>> No.11729978

Anti seizure drugs are pro seizure drugs, as the antiaritmic drugs are proaritmic drugs. They play with the charge of cells and if you play too much you end up with the results you wanted to avoid. Seems dumb, but that's how it is.

>> No.11729980

No, it can't be fixed without surgery and you should do it. It's a simple and fast surgery, so no worries.

>> No.11729984

So then what the fuck do I do?
>Don't take meds, deal with occasional discomfort and live in constant fear that the symptoms might worsen
>Take meds, fuck up my body chemicals and possibly (and irreversibly) trigger the exact thing I wanted to avoid

>> No.11729988

The rule for any abdominal pain is simple, if hurts enough for you to consider a doctors assessement - you need to go to a hospital

>> No.11729992

You should take them and have patience in adjusting the dose that your body needs. But if they produce more problems than the one they should be preventing, i see no point in it. You still shouldn't lie to your doc, he will most likely agree if you explain this.
Can you live a full life as you are now? Do you already cope by not going out, avoiding stressfull situations etc, then it means your health is not under your control and IMO you should give it a try, maybe you can reconquer some ground for your life.
But if you are saying "i want a drug that works immediatly with little to no side effects" that really can't happen. Those drugs effects are heavily patient-dependant and those therapies need time.

>> No.11730018

>Can you live a full life as you are now?
Yes. I go to college and live life normally. I have never had any unpleasant experiences while going out or anything, I instinctively avoid what I percieve to be epilepsy triggers like stress, flashing lights and so on, and I do my best not to strain myself. The twitching and so on typically happen at night unless I fall asleep. Nothing major happens to me throughout the day, except maybe a jerk once in a blue moon. I am just scared that it might worsen. If that wasn't the case, I would just live with it.

>> No.11730030

>I instinctively avoid what I percieve to be epilepsy triggers like stress, flashing lights and so on
Try to avoid booze and lack of sleep as well, if you don't already do. Point is, the only thing telling if your epilepsy goes better or worse is just by the number and intensity of your crisis, so you will be the first to know if it changes.
Honestly i would still do routine check ups and tell your doc you are not taking stuff. IF (and let's just hope it never happens) it gets worse i would like for you to be already "linked" to medical assistance instead of worrying for months about why you skip'd your checks, why you lied etc (a big amount of patients waste months and years over those worries). Doc can't force you to take any drugs anyway, and he will do the checkups, there's no need to lie.

>> No.11730412


did you guys see this? does it work

>> No.11732520

Thank you so much anon. Also, is there anyway to make myself more competitive for residencies now that step 1 is p/f?

>> No.11732533

>Don’t panic, don’t buy into the fear mongering
This is so true. There's so many retards in my class who freak out over minutiae.

>> No.11733205

Is this the thread where I ask what the deal is with the thousands of tiny cyst-like bumps on my arms are

>> No.11733542

Which type of reflex is developed with one unconditioned stimulus and one conditioned stimulus?

>> No.11733547

No, it's the thread where you ask about the dementia causing your shitty English.

>> No.11741585


>> No.11742834

How long until Med Tech is taken over by computers? My dad is getting on my case about it not being a good field and instead going into cybersecurity.

>> No.11743009

I’d say you need to know the basics, try to keep your gpa up in med school, doesn’t fucking matter if step 1 is p/f.. you’d need to work your ass off just to pass step 1.. not something you can cram in your head in 2 weeks and give it (I tried that and my scores were in the 40s so I rescheduled my exams for 6 months and studied my ass off).

Honestly step 1 tests your knowledge base, ideally try to ace it or get maximum you can. In rotations, show up on time, talk to supervisors, ask questions, take notes, make sure your docs notice you and try to show that you’re interested in the shit you are doing, especially for rotations that you wanna get in.. I think other than surgery fags most docs are fairly chill as long as you make some effort.

Ask them if you can join em for research or have something under your name if possible, have some volunteer experience that shows that you can work in a team (fundraisers? charity? Free clinic?).. other than scores recruiters typically look for folks who can work on a team, can resolve issues etc etc.. try to get 4-5 good recommendations or references or whatever it’s called.

Avoid burnout, take frequent breaks, atleast once a week for blowing off steam. By blowing off steam I don’t mean movies or tv.. I mean go out and talk to friends, go out, play some sport you like etc.

You’ll see all kind of people in med school, gunners, backstabbers, arrogant retards, class clowns, show offs, hot chicks, true friends.. your job is to do well.. not to impress anyone or show off.. stick to your goals, mind your own business, if you get a chance to research or make connections go for it. Talk to your profs, ask them about residency or rotations or even regular tips on how to learn and stuff. They don’t mind typically talking about it.

>> No.11744409

Which kind of glasses should i wear to look really smart?

>> No.11744553

Statistically speaking, how many known diseases can modern medicine reliably cure?

>> No.11744587

I had a painful large swollen pimple on my groin that burst yesterday and is releasing ton of pus, what should I do?

>> No.11744608

>Just destroy your stomach acid for no reason
God i hate medfags, I hope you all die from the poison dope you're slinging

>> No.11744693


>> No.11744716

I get numb pain in my lower right abdomen sometimes.
It gets worse when I eat certain foods, like rice.
When I was on full rice diet, the pain spread to lower centre abdomen and left testicle. That's when I realized that the problem might be dietary.
What do?

>> No.11744740

How should stress ulcers be managed?

>> No.11744744

How should head wounds from autistic wall banging be managed? By stopping the source of the injury.

>> No.11744765

Keep seething, dunning kruger.

>> No.11744847

>Stopping the source of injury
So by prescribing a proton pump inhibitor to allow the gastric mucosa to heal and antibiotics if it's caused by H. pylori?

>> No.11744849

lmao just stop the source of injury bro

>> No.11744866

PPIs cause digestive issues and bacterial overgrowth. Stopping stress is the main treatment because stress will destroy your body no matter how many bandaids and plugs you render the body with

>> No.11744885


>> No.11744894

Did i trigger the doctoid? Your ilk is responsible for all modern chronic diseases. You'll hang in your stethoscopes on the day of the rope. Just look how you shamelessly deny the source of his suffering so you can sling your toxic dope. You disgust me.

>> No.11744926
File: 90 KB, 887x756, lkeapustaja46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd take manageable chronic diseases as opposed to dying of acute preventable ones but that's just me.

Schizos stay seething <3

>> No.11744941

Acute care only works because it's hard to obfuscate and dead people can't pay medical bills anyway

>> No.11745174

>day of the rope
another low iq poltard. figured from autistic bullshit

>> No.11747713

Bout three fiddy

>> No.11747859

was reading a nobakov novel "invitation to a beheading" on my phone woke up the next day with red eyes
not like pinkeye but more like there's red arteries there
i also study a lot on the pc
the thing persisted for about 3 days
i know it's from the fatigue but is there a reason to worry ?
should i get an E ink reader ? would that be better for my eyes ?

>> No.11749955

Apart from Guyton and Hall physiology, which others should i read?

>> No.11750085
File: 3.14 MB, 4128x1956, 20200601_020149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone read this book? I got it as a gift.

>> No.11750371

Thanks again anon. If you're still here, I have another question.

How do you juggle doing research with step prep and classes/rotations?

Also, when you said
>Join em for research
Are you talking about attendings on rotations or profs?

>> No.11751303

i'm in DO school and feel bad about myself

>> No.11751404

new thread when?

>> No.11751420

Bro I am so sorry. They canceled step 2 CS but are still making you take the DO equivalent.

>> No.11751467

New thread >>11751464