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11678529 No.11678529 [Reply] [Original]

What's stopping us from having warp drive?

>> No.11678533


>> No.11678566
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Maybe read a physics book?
>sees reddit.

>> No.11678580


>> No.11678602

Jew nigger monkeys.

>> No.11679012

Or limited knowledge of physics. We don't know what we don't know. Based on our current understanding of physics, the correct answer is indeed physics.

>> No.11679085

The current equations for an alcubierre drive show that it costs way too much energy.

>> No.11679086

We already have it, according to David Pares and Space Warp Dynamics. They claim they have big news about a commercial partnership in late July.

I'm skeptical, but it's amusing to imagine all of current conventional aerospace tech being instantly rendered to the status of horse drawn carriages.

>> No.11679089

If you want warp drive here is what I think you should research. Are there any forces/interactions that we don't know about. Things with charge interact, and things with mass interact, because they have those properties. But there could be tons of shit we have no means to detect passing through us constantly, that do not interact with charge or mass or via the nuclear forces. How can we detect such objects? Our view of reality may be extremely limited. It maybe not be possible for us to warp space and travel, and we have to obey the laws of relativity, but those things may only apply to spacetime. Perhaps there is another "field" that we can exploit, with different laws, that has things like negative mass. Like how the nuclear forces are similar to electromagnetism, but there are 3 charges "colors". We need to find something we can exploit.

>> No.11679149


probably the laws of physics

it's not like you can just do whatever the hell you want lmao

>> No.11679189

Not with that attitude

>> No.11679190


Not much if these guys are legit:


That's a summary, their content has been scrubbed from youtube etc as they may have landed a commercial partner. Big update at the end of July. Or it's another cold fusion.

>> No.11679214

You would need the power output of a blackhole in order to warp matter and gravity.

>> No.11679222

Serious question, I don't know much about black holes. Do they have a power output? I always thought of them as a power sink

>> No.11679240

>David Pares and Space Warp Dynamics.

>> No.11679252

The elites dont care about scientific progress that doesnt get them more money or pacify the masses.

>> No.11679272

> I don't know much about black holes
that's pretty much anyone on the planet earth

>> No.11679339

Political will
Imagine the whole world unanimously decided to sink 70% global GDP for anti gravity research for 100 years

>> No.11679342

where the fuck do you get negative mass?

>> No.11679349

negative mass matter would have to exist and the fact that it would allow you to exceed the speed of light probably indicates that it does not exist

>> No.11679369


>> No.11679625

what was stopping the romans from building a nuclear reactor?

>> No.11679643

The Jews. Who else would sell them all those cups made of lead?

>> No.11680798
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>What's stopping us from having warp drive?


>> No.11681501

Nothing it already exists. Why don't the masses know about it? Because they are bamboozled with space time quackery

Applications Of The Torus – Anti Gravity

>> No.11681737
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with that attitude you'll never achieve glory

>> No.11681780


>> No.11681854



>> No.11681869
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This is 100% a scam but I want to believe that it isn't so fucking bad bros, how do I cope?

>> No.11681873

What's enabling us to have it..?

>> No.11681874

We can make anything that has a negative mass go pretty fast.
But as anon said, what the fuck are you going to do with something that has negative mass?
If there is some really big brained way to put humans in an object with mass but also has negative mass, pls tell me.

>> No.11681878
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not having enough chromatic metal and/or microprocessors

>> No.11681879

fyi, if you're ignorant if to why mass is important.
E = mc2
Mass increases as the object gets faster.

>> No.11681889

Also, you have to go back. Your kind aren't welcome here.

>> No.11681902

>The energy required to power the warp drive, according to White,[3] is approximately the negative (negative energy is required for the Alcubierre drive concept to function) mass–energy equivalence of Voyager 1, which has a mass of approximately 700 kilograms. Using E=mc2, −700 kilograms of mass is equivalent to ~−63 exajoules of energy (this number is not definitive and can be further reduced). The ship has two thick outer rings (to reduce required energy) that generate the warp field—a contraction of space ahead, and expansion of space behind it. The space inside the rings is optimized to fit more space for cargo, crew and equipment.

>> No.11681904

You have to go back.

>> No.11681906

>Reddit moment!!

>> No.11681912

It's not a scam, but that doesn't mean it's feasible either. Still, they only claim their UAV will go 0.06 the speed of light (37,000,000mph). Would be nice for travel around our own solar system.

>> No.11681914

Based Gek

>> No.11681917

I read it wrong. 0.06 speed of light per 1kW of power.

>> No.11681958

that's still a thing we need to discover

>> No.11681964

But there's no way to know that without going through the process.
we MIGHT find that a way to get around it is in a different are of mathematics then mathematics related to physics.

But we also might find that physics is right.

>> No.11683816


>> No.11683847
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I got this guys.

>> No.11683860

>Need FTL in a pinch?
>Take two black holes
>Pour iron dust around them
>Spinnin iron generates magnets
>Black hole gravity makes them fall together
>Same pole magnets push them away from each other
>Ride between the black holes for infinite FTL travel
Have fun exploring the galaxy

>> No.11683882


Lack of negative energy/negative mass matter.

>> No.11683918

>take two black holes
this is where you lost me and all of the rest of reality.

>> No.11683935

You can do fusion in the kitchen sink. A reactor that fuses a few atoms is easy. A warp drive is similar. At the moment, you can make some small particles travel faster than light (quantum entanglement) but large things (like a helium atom) are too complicated ...

>> No.11683940

>Same pole magnets push them away from each other
also magnetism is EM radiation i.e. light i.e. it falls into the black hole too

>> No.11683948

The positive kaon decay in step 2 is wrong. It should be mu_0

>> No.11683982

Black holes emit Hawkins radiation and gradually lose mass and eventually disappear from existence. Black holes are just collapsed stars that didn't supernova, instead creating the densest ball of matter in the known universe. Thats pretty much all I know from watching the theory of everything lmao.

>> No.11684180

Yearly U.S. energy consumption amounts to roughly 94 EJ.

>> No.11684275

There is no "we" anon.

>> No.11684588

that's what she said

>> No.11685225

this have been theoretically reduced to few tonnes of "negative mass" reaction matter recently

the old proposal calls for juper-sized reaction mass

>> No.11685229

Oh it's this guy again.

>> No.11685705

Dark matter.

>> No.11685718

If negative mass did/could exist, it'd be just like regular mass except repelled by gravity. So you'd have to build with it in space, but there'd be no problem sitting inside it.

>> No.11685728

>you can make some small particles travel faster than light (quantum entanglement)

>> No.11685805

And would irradiate any occupants with black body radiation

>> No.11685830
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Politics, funding, priorities and inefficient systems(ie: public education and publish or perish doctrine which selects towards generating large volumes of 'safe' trash as opposed to small volumes of profound discoveries).

>> No.11685956

Scammers playing a very very long con if that's the case. Morel likely just pathological science.

>> No.11686003

>Scammers playing a very very long con
No shit? That's not remotely uncommon. Just look at the Moller Skycar guy, he was at it for decades.

>> No.11686089

>What's stopping us from having warp drive?

Nobody seems to understand what it is that they're trying to "warp through". Some say that it is possible to "warp through space" but I don't see how that's possible given that space has no properties to warp.

>> No.11686237

Eh? If it wasn't 'empty space' it wouldn't need warping.

>> No.11686513
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>Eh? If it wasn't 'empty space' it wouldn't need warping.
How do you warp something empty? What are you warping exactly?

>> No.11686706

Warp the distance with your mind.

>> No.11686712

If I told you, you would call me a racist

>> No.11687298
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>> No.11687300
File: 493 KB, 1200x799, UFO Contactee Billy Meier - Electron Pulse Engines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11687302
File: 297 KB, 651x932, UFO Contactee Billy Meier - The New Circular-Ratio of Pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11687635

Anything warp drive is a scam. Same shit as the EM Drive. The only researchers working on this shit are the ones who need to appear active without actually publishing anything of merit.

>> No.11687684

niggers in space lmao

>> No.11688644

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