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11677894 No.11677894 [Reply] [Original]

Is exclusively listening to music without lyrics a sign of low IQ?

>> No.11677897
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>Is exclusively listening to music without lyrics a sign of low IQ?
No but exclusively listening to music with lyrics is a sign of low IQ.

>> No.11677908

Close. Only listening to an extremely narrow range of different genres or exclusively one genre is a sign of low IQ.

>> No.11677918
File: 25 KB, 960x422, 95D394BE-D870-4522-920A-23CD75A2AA3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit instrumental

>no lyrics
>orchestra & piano

>no lyrics(mostly)
>audio engineering
>pretty good

The point has been made

>> No.11677921

Really depends on what kind of music. What about piano or African and Indonesian instrumentals? Most modern rap falls under instrumental because the lyrics are literally incomprehensible.

>> No.11677922

It's the other way around, listening to music with lyrics (unless it's classical), calling musical pieces without lyrics "songs" and enjoying any music other than classical are signs of a low IQ.

>> No.11677926

No because IQ is not defined strictly enough for that to have any fucking bearing on it. God, you dumb fuck. Just say "intelligence". Just say you think music with no lyrics is dumb. Don't fucking throw buzzwords like "IQ" around to pretend you're being scientific. You stupid fucking wanker. Fuck off to /mu/.

>> No.11677945

Nope, it's the other way around.

>> No.11677959
File: 427 KB, 514x662, kot is here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being obsessed with IQ is the biggest sign of a low IQ.

>> No.11678490

>le Reddit fallout maymay xD

>> No.11678759

I have 145 IQ and listen to Chief Keef, Boards of Canada, and Tim Hecker

>> No.11679340

>Is exclusively listening to music without lyrics a sign of low IQ?

lyrics is where they put the classical conditioning, propaganda, and clandestine mental programming.

>> No.11679352

i have 137IQ and i listsen to marshmello, is this based

>> No.11679356

True intellectuals listen to Bossa nova and let the delicate breezes of harmony caress their eardrums

>> No.11679363

it's so funny to me that people think what they consume/listen is the least bit interesting

>> No.11679373

I’m interested to know what music you listen to

>> No.11679421

Listening to music is a sign of low iq.

>> No.11679453


>> No.11679576
File: 136 KB, 960x835, anecdotal evidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably. Anymore I overwhelmingly listen to music from other languages I don't understand. I have also observed a noticeable drop in my cognition power with age.

>> No.11679617

Op how much of a brainlet do you have to be to post this?

>> No.11679647

or that you're autistic

>> No.11680215

If I wanted lyrics, I'd read a book of poems. Music is about sound. If you need words to convey a mood or feeling, you're a shitty musician

>> No.11680380

I have the 6xx, wish I bought the amp, I thought people were memeing when they said to get the amp too

>> No.11680395

>using the 6xx without an amp
definitely low iq

>> No.11680865

The voice is just an instrument, and no other instrument sounds quite like it. But I can understand not liking the way it sounds

>> No.11680872


>> No.11681909

Music sets the atmosphere, the feeling. Lyrics tell the story, bring the message. They empower each other.

>> No.11681947

It is the other way around. You can't think and listen to voices at the same time.


>> No.11681969


>> No.11682684

>Is OP being an artless seether a sign of idiocy?
It's the most surefire index there is.

>> No.11682955


>> No.11682960

Yeah I listen to 6ix9ine exclusively and I have 200 IQ

>> No.11683366

kids with autism will listen to vacuum cleaner videos

>> No.11683495

Radiohead is high IQ?

>> No.11683499

I woulda thought Elton John would be higher up on the list

>> No.11684709

one study I do recall looking at music and IQ found that the complexity and novelty of the piece had some bearing, because the lower IQ brain does not like complexity or novelty, at the lower end there is a preference for simple repetitive beats and a dislike of more interesting music.
The presence of lyrics is somewhat irrelevant. it's what they do with it that matters.

>> No.11684712

this is not to say that the high IQ can't also enjoy the more simple music but the inverse is unlikely.

>> No.11684735

your shit taste is a sign of low IQ nothing more

>> No.11684764

No, but it might show a problem with sensory processing.

>> No.11684765

>gospel is retard tier
Christfags seething!

>> No.11684776 [DELETED] 

IQ is sensitivity to patterns. The higher IQ, the less unpredictable and free of possibly confusing patterns the music needs to be in order for you to meaning fully decode it. The high information content of genres like rap (lyrics), or metal, jazz (musically) make such genres painful to listen to to high IQ individuals, but it may make them attractive to the lower IQ people, who can process more data more quickly.

>> No.11684777

IQ is sensitivity to patterns. The higher IQ, the less unpredictable and free of possibly confusing patterns the music needs to be in order for you to meaningfully decode it. The high information content of genres like rap (lyrics), or metal, jazz (musically) make such genres painful to listen to to high IQ individuals, but it may make them attractive to the lower IQ people, who can process more data more quickly.

>> No.11684782

yeah this, it's about information density.

>> No.11684804 [DELETED] 

I think even the controversial "communication gap" may be the result of this. Lower IQ people expect more thorough explanations, and need avoid potentially confusing patterns much less, while high IQ people think they are making things SIMPLER by saying less, (because processing a lot at once is a problem for them) and may read too much between the lines where no such information was intended.

>> No.11684810

I think even the controversial "communication gap" may be the result of this. Lower IQ people expect more thorough explanations, and don't need to avoid potentially confusing patterns as much, while high IQ people think they are making things SIMPLER by saying less, or give long winded talks with little information density (because processing a lot at once is a problem for them) and may read too much between the lines where no such information was intended.

>> No.11684817

what's that old quote?
"say what you're going to say, say it, then say what you said"

>> No.11684818

the opposite

>> No.11684868

As in the joke:
Basic education: I don't know
High school: I am unable to tell.
Some college: I don't posses such information.
Three degrees: Unfortunately, I need to inform you I was forced to conclude I am not capable of providing the information that you requested.
(sorry for my English)

>> No.11684901
File: 71 KB, 1080x1080, FCB5E679-0EB8-45C0-B764-3B8892585974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t see Eurobeat listed here, must be too far to the right to fit on the graph

>> No.11684933

These are some nice Poké Balls, dude...

>> No.11685067


>> No.11685116

>Widest bar
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11685176

I listen to my classical only in the historically accurate whole beat