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File: 137 KB, 1400x1400, elon_musk_tesla_3036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11674507 No.11674507[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>His company is revolutionizing autonomous vehicles.
>Heads a company that is actively developing high speed city-to-city underground transport systems.
>Has been the catalyst for a large amount of space progression the likes of which hasnt been seen in 50 years. God knows NASA wasnt going to do it.
Yeah, I'm shilling the fuck out of Elon, but that's because I think he's the best chance we got for anything actually happening. I've seen social media do a complete 180 in recent years, going from wholeheartedly supporting Elon and his endevors to completely shitting all over him at any chance they get. Why? I'm out of the loop on this one.

>> No.11674516
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Because he's a degenerate freak.

> Tesla founder Elon Musk and his, ahem, wife Claire Boucher recently gave birth to an offspring that they decided to name “X Æ A-12” in celebration (?) of its designation as a “gender-neutral” baby.

> In bizarre sci-fi fashion, the couple made the politically correct announcement while offering an aside that the baby is actually a biological boy. But in order to not offend the child’s eventual and inevitable gender confusion, Musk and Boucher have given him a space alien name to appeal to the cult of LGBTQ.

> “I don’t want to gender them (sic) in case that’s not how they feel in their (sic) life,” Boucher, who goes by the musician name of “Grimes,” stated during a YouTube live stream event from back in February. Like most panderers to the cult of LGBTQ, Boucher used grammatically incorrect “them” and “their” pronouns to refer to her singularly existent son.

> When fans and curious inquirers began to press Musk and Boucher about their choice of a name for their baby boy, Grimes took to Twitter with an explanation that pretty much makes no sense. Note her reference to artificial intelligence (AI), which is suggestive of the fact that herself, Musk, and possibly their baby boy may not be entirely human.

Full article: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-05-12-elon-musk-space-alien-gender-neutral-baby-psychosis.html

I've ALWAYS thought there was something very "off" and "wrong" with Musk... This just proves my gut feeling about him was correct.

>> No.11674518

because a lot of people fangirled over this dude before they realized that he's a child (which is whatever). The fact that you said "he's the best chance" as if we are waiting for a messiah to lead us into a tech age is cringe.

Also the hyperloop is a meme.

>> No.11674523

I wonder what the actual purpose of Hyperloop was. Some sort of financial scam? Or something else?

>> No.11674527

Doesnt he have other children though, all of which are normally gendered? I feel like it was likely his current wife's decision but I dont really understand what this has to do with his career. I dont give a fuck about some child.

>> No.11674529

>>His company is revolutionizing autonomous vehicles.
credit where it's due - Tesla seems to be winning the race to commercialize self-driving cars

>Heads a company that is actively developing high speed city-to-city underground transport systems.
will never happen, ever

>Has been the catalyst for a large amount of space progression the likes of which hasnt been seen in 50 years. God knows NASA wasnt going to do it.
nobody I know who works in aerospace actually believes this. and before you ask, they're not NASA employees.

>> No.11674530

he said something agreeing with trump more than once now. Also commie types hate anyone rich or wealthy as unethical

>> No.11674536

shut up pedo

>> No.11674538

barf. Mike Adams might actually be the clamp schizo that posts here

>> No.11674542

I don't think it was supposed to be a scam initially. Musk and likely others had the idea to do something, they knew it wasn't easy but didn't realize that it's not possible. Then they started the project and likely realized it wasn't possible, but by then they had a money making machine so they just rolled with it

>> No.11674545

I've recently seen posts about them finishing excavations of a 2nd tunnel or something. I doubt it'll actually come to reality but at least it's being attempted.

>> No.11674553

waste of money but at least it will prove that this is not a good idea. which is worth something i guess

>> No.11674606

>autonomous vehicles
a meme.

>> No.11674609

Why would the progressing infantilization of adults be a meme?

>> No.11674634

>everyone hates him
nope, only mainstream media outlets and the NPC's who follow them.

If you deviate from the lefty narrative, even a little bit you're on the shitlist, no matter how much good you do for the Earth or mankind.

>> No.11674637

>Only mainstream media and the NPC's who follow them hate him.
So still everyone.

>> No.11674638

lol ok

>> No.11674642

>Also commie types hate anyone rich or wealthy as unethical
but Bernie Sanders gets a pass

>> No.11674653

He's a reddit loving loser manchild who abused his son before he even had conciseness (speedrunning it I guess :/) and made his fortune off child slaves and exploiting tragedies for publicity.

>> No.11674676

I bought a used model 3 and had features revoked from it until I paid for them a 2nd time. The motherfucker DRMed cars. Fuck him.

>> No.11674708

Because people are fed up of listening to millionaires talking about how great they are while doing stuff like banning trade unions at their places of work for no real reason, or calling people a paedophile because they got upstaged by a diver, shattering his illusion that he is Tony Stark.

He also kind of acts like he is being persecuted by people seeing that he is just an entrepreneur and investor rather than the "better socialist than real socialists because I'M pushing society forward with my hypothetical hyperloops and boring flamethrowers" revolutionary he wants to be seen as.

>> No.11674717

People invested under assumption he's an obvious scam, lost money, and now have a personal grudge and try to drag him down just to prove they were right

>> No.11674723

There was no way there were going to create a vacuum in a tube that long in this universe. It’s impossible.

>> No.11674730

Groundwork for martian transport and/or mass driver

>> No.11675133

beecoss zay a stoopeed
(no, seriously, people are fucking dumb)

>> No.11675152

Go back to pool you mentally damaged dipshit

>> No.11675184

it's just what happens with simps. They worship someone they don't know, then the person does something the simps don't like or figure out they're simping over a person with flaws too.
Elon is some slightly assholey guy with money, owning cool businesses, anyone who hates on him was either once a simp of him or hates people who are simped after. That's the rule, a lot more will make sense when you realize this.

>> No.11675186

Just let him do what ever he wants to do.
He gets there, great.
If not, so what.
Some money might be lost but in the grand scheme of things a few billion dollars isn't even the GDP of some poor African nations.
The real reason people hate Elon is that he's a shit communicator and that they're contrarian.
They don't like ANYTHING that is popular.

>> No.11675216

When he gets the starships to Mars there will STILL be people who hate him
And he doesn't care lol

>> No.11675221



ok NPC

>> No.11675562

You don't know anyone lmao. In just week or so, commercialized vehicle will take human to space. This is monumental. We have almost reached 1 year ago period where Us couldn't launch astronaut from an American rocket. Space has forever been a losing money venture. If commercial space can close the business vase, that's like Henry Ford moment for space.

>> No.11675569

Nooooo!!! You can't insult people. Stop calling someone a nigger

>> No.11675586
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>>His company

>> No.11675591

Because he's a real person who enjoys shitposting online, chatting it up with Joe Rogan, fucking hot bitches, mad scientisting it up

Normies can't even relate, they be straight up hatin'

>> No.11675635

Yes because its a computer on wheels, its not just 'a car'. Grow up.

>> No.11675639

This is common knowledge to anyone that matters, and it in his biography quite clearly.

>> No.11675643

It's really not. People think he's some sort of genius godlike business man on a crusade to save humanity using electric cars and rockets, when he's just another idiot born rich and privileged who's continuing to get richer

>> No.11675644

On the contrary. Tesla would be fucking dead decades ago without Musk, and they all know it.

>> No.11675651

>Yeah, I'm shilling the fuck out of Elon, but that's because I think he's the best chance we got for anything actually happening.
These arent the things people want. His vision of society is horribly outdated and belongs in the 90's.

>> No.11675731

They don't, but I'm glad more people do. He is just another rich parasite that has never done anything useful in his entire worthless life. He was just born rich then sucked at the public tit until he had unimaginable wealth. Even Steve Jobs had more talent than this fucking retard.

>> No.11675802

>t. big coal and oil

>> No.11675815

The name is pronounced "Kyle".

>> No.11675833

As it should fucking be. Tesla has never turned a profit. It is literally a luxury car company that is staying alive by constant infusions of American tax dollars.

>> No.11675839
File: 77 KB, 800x600, taking-lsd-was-a-profound-experience-one-of-the-most-importa-author-steve-jobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even Steve Jobs
Oh wow! The guy who revolutionized at least three different fields of human civilization. Then yeah, Elon is still decades from that "petty" level of greatness.

>> No.11675849
File: 254 KB, 1200x1577, 2007 Internet Goes To Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steve Jobs did nothing but make the world worse. And he never invented a god damned thing. Stop being a fucking cultist retard weirdo.

>> No.11675865

I invented a thing or two, but without someone like Stevie I will carry those inventions into my grave.

>> No.11675878
File: 295 KB, 1920x970, S00515-19451670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holly crap nigga pooping with sons
What a chad

>> No.11675879

You do realize that without his contribution you wouldn't have the access to the internet and could have a decent family life?

>> No.11675883

Maybe it's better that way. The inventions Stevie Niggers brought into the world were an abortion that nearly single-handedly sank society.

>> No.11675889

The internet fucking sucks.

>> No.11675903

Okay, luddite.

>> No.11675909

>If you're against phone fags and twitter, you're a luddite
You don't even know what technology fucking is, you primitive shit-throwing primate.

>> No.11675911

You do!

>> No.11675920

D'you wanna educate me on it?
You don't even know what my inventions are, you sophisticated pearl-casting swine.

>> No.11675923

I literally don't care about human inventions. You're a disgusting, primitive species. You can't even not shit where you eat.

>> No.11675937


You do know that Tony Stark's mega billionaire empire is from selling weapons to the world military right? The only reason why he's viewed positively is because of his suit and his hero complex--which he uses as a method of redemption to foil against the fact that 90% of his wealth is derived from the blood of innocents (at least in the MCU).

Musk is an asshole, but if there's one difference between him and Stark, it's that his billionaire empire wasn't derived from selling weapons to create conflicts around the world.

>> No.11675939

Oh, so you're a depressed degenerate, crawl to your grave faster. Or smoke some weed like Stevie did.

>> No.11675944

The media is owned and run by Globalists unifying the world to consolidate absolute power. Musk has opened a serious window to build a break away society on another planet that could exponentially snowball to hundreds and then thousands of breakaway societies across space just as they had almost snatched victory over humanity forever.

>> No.11675948

The saddest part of Steve Jobs' death is that I don't get to beat him to death with my bare hands.

>> No.11675952

I'm pretty sure it's far from being the saddest part of your life. Seriously, smoke some weed. It helped me a lot, it will work wonders for you (only don't mix it with alcohol and don't try some heavy substance only niggers should)

>> No.11675959

Shut the fuck up, pothead. I realize human brain cells are worth nothing since humans don't use their brains. Mine are worth using.

>> No.11675981

ow the edge

>> No.11675982
File: 58 KB, 493x335, 493ss_science_source_rm_normal_vs_alcoholic_brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> weed destroys braincells
Keep on believing propaganda, fool. Weed actually protects the brain-cells and help them work properly.

>> No.11675994

People like you are the strangest to me. It's like for huge amount of normies Space is not real in their minds and nothing that occurs there is actually happening.

You listed some tiny side projects from a man that did as much to put a fire under the worlds Aerospace operations as Sputnik.

>> No.11676042

Wow, as much as I do give credit to Elon for space stuff, putting it on equal footing as fucking sputnik is retarded. Hope his dick tastes good

>> No.11676048

>banning trade unions at their places of work for no real reason
unions are the cancer of industries.

>> No.11676068

Nah I stand by that. I remember the mockery the media made of him in whenever it was 2002 or whatever when he went to buy ICBMs to put a Greenhouse on Mars.

Never in a million years could I have envisioned SpaceX succeeding to where it is today. Even Falcon 1 succeeding was outrageous to most people.

>> No.11676082

>Never in a million years could I have envisioned SpaceX succeeding
Why? Privatised space industry is decades late to the party if anything.

>> No.11676085

I guess to be fair we haven't been able to see the recent space exploration hype in its entirety or in an objective context yet. Give it a few years

>> No.11676103

How so? The way i see it Musk had to sue pretty hard just to be allowed to compete against the ULA monopoly.

Bezo's started first sure but he failed to innovate and just joined ULA anyway in the end. Bezo's ended up a perfect control to highlight just how much Musk has achieved by putting serious risk behind SpaceX that paid off.

>> No.11676144

nobody likes car dealers

>> No.11676156
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>> No.11676159

Mostly jealousy and seeing him having fun as a sidequest. He was the lonely bullied physicist that managed to make it and then made the most out of it. This is pretty much everybody's situation here, but nobody wants to put in the effort to become better.
Hating is easier.

I agree with you, OP.

>> No.11676194

>His company is revolutionizing autonomous vehicles.
No? What exactly is that revolution?

>Heads a company that is actively developing high speed city-to-city underground transport systems.

>Has been the catalyst for a large amount of space progression the likes of which hasnt been seen in 50 years. God knows NASA wasnt going to do it.
Not exactly but he made people interested in space, as well as EVs, by exciting the collective imagination on big projects that are always unexpectedly near the corner in a way that noone could imagine. Yet he has yet to deliver on all many fronts.

I used to like him very much but he is making me tired lately.

>> No.11676213

>What exactly is that revolution?
Every large car-manufacturer is producing electic or at least hybrid cars now.

>> No.11676258

>Yet he has yet to deliver on all many fronts.
Have you been in a coma for 5 years? Starship might be a big dream that gets people excited but Falcon 9 has absolutely crushed the market. Falcon Heavy would have to if Falcon 9 Block 5 hadn't got so good it pretty much cut into Heavy's market.

>> No.11676261

Oh and by the way Starship is really going places anyway.

>> No.11676310

>His company is revolutionizing autonomous vehicles.
>autonomous vehicles
>revolutionizing autonomous vehicles
>he means "Every large car-manufacturer is producing electic or at least hybrid cars now."
>car-manufacturers produce electic or at least hybrid cars now
You didn't understand. Yes, he made EVs more fashionable in a broader public, as I said earlier, so the competition has risen but his tech isn't revolutionary, you understand that don't you. I mean both EVs and autonomous vehicles; plus is nothing new (Toyota attempted hybrid cars much earlier and the idea was pretty fashionable back then).

Don't get me wrong, I am not against competition or entrepreneurship and I'll give credit where credit's due, but I won't worship him either. It's still early to make a judgment about Elon.

>> No.11676312

Unions are cancer. Try to get something new done in a unionized factory and tell me how it goes.

>> No.11676326

On the 27th Musk will dab on twenty years of critics. People thought he was retarded for starting a rocket company. Then people thought he was retarded for expecting to do anything more than make a few parts for a government project rocket as a private entity. People thought Electric Vehicles were a joke and Tesla would never survive.

Now Tesla's are driving Nasa astronauts to a SpaceX designed launch tower in Tesla's to board a SpaceX crew capsule launched on a SpaceX reusable market dominating rocket to be guided by a SpaceX control room. They're at least equal partners although Nasa funded has to be taken into account ofcourse.

People are just contrarians OP and Musks success has been unbelievable and Starlink promises to make SpaceX one of if not the biggest company on Earth. They may eclipse NASA entirely mid century.

>> No.11676331

And how late would it be without SpaceX? Think how shitty it would be to get stuck with only Old Space for 30+ more years.

>> No.11676333
File: 277 KB, 800x500, SpaceX-Tesla-Model-X-astronaut-transfer-vehicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

I'm fanboying with that post and that sort of enthusiasm always perhaps rightly draws backlash but the mans crushed it.

>> No.11676351

I meant to say many fronts.

>Have you been in a coma for 5 years?
Relax, we are just talking.

>Starship might be a big dream that gets people excited
He does that way too often though and I am not sure it's a viable strategy.

>Falcon 9 has absolutely crushed the market. Falcon Heavy would have to if Falcon 9 Block 5 hadn't got so good it pretty much cut into Heavy's market.
I don't know about that I am not an expert. All I want is that it develops into a market with many competitors. We have a long way.

>Oh and by the way Starship is really going places anyway.
I don't think it does yet but he is developing the idea and we still have to see where that idea will end up because it constantly changes. I understand he does that for exciting the people, he is a businessman after all, but it's getting tiring the way he does it now.

Personally, I don't understand the blind cult following. The way some people can't hear a counter argument nowadays is to be expected but still.

>> No.11676355

>If [incrorrect premise] then [absurd assumption], bet you can't explain that
take your meds.

>> No.11676362

>he made EVs more fashionable in a broader public
So that his "tiny" revolution. Tiny to your standards, of course, not mine.

>> No.11676377
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>but it's getting tiring the way he does it now.
In what way? The tweets and interviews? Superficial media stuff that doesn't matter at all.

There is a cult following but not a blind one. NASA themselves couldn't be happier with SpaceX and as much as you might have your doubts the Artemis announcement is pretty strong proof NASA thinks Starship is making serious headway.

Rocketry is a very niche interest that doesn't interest most people and that's fine but nothing more than this Artemis program displays what a collosal deal Starship is. Once it gets orbital that market with many competitors you talked about is all but obsolete.

Tesla fanboyism might be a cult I don't know much about that but SpaceX is world changing.

>> No.11676379

why are you twisting my argument? All I am saying that the tech is not revolutionary as you claimed at the beginning.

>So that his "tiny" revolution. Tiny to your standards
Did I say it's "tiny"? I said the technology is one thing and marketing another, so to speak.

You went from saying:
1. "His company is revolutionizing autonomous vehicles."
2. "Every large car-manufacturer is producing electic or at least hybrid cars now."
>>he made EVs more fashionable in a broader public
>So that his "tiny" revolution. Tiny to your standards, of course, not mine.
3. It's a revolution of public opinion

>> No.11676381

The power of the state and corporate media significantly influence peoples' perception of what is true or real. Through subtle and clever character assassination any person can be discredited, regardless of the good they do.

What a person does does not matter. How the tribe feels about a person matters.

>> No.11676382
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>> No.11676400

you're talking to more than one guy here
>technology is one thing and marketing another,
consider his revolution to be in the marketing if you wish. I know fuck-all about technology. But I know that many inventions were never developed into innovations.
> It's a revolution of public opinion
We need these much more than we need others.

>> No.11676422

>Superficial media stuff that doesn't matter at all.
That's true in all cases except the recent one. I think he has taken it too far with the things he said about the corona virus and the way he said them. He might be right about his right to reopen his factory and I understand that, but I believe the way he tries to achieve that is dangerous. He is smarter than me and probably knows what he is doing but isn't it dangerous?

>the Artemis announcement
It's in the best interest of the US that Artemis program will be a success.

>Once it gets orbital that market with many competitors you talked about is all but obsolete.
Wouldn't it better that Tesla in not a monopoly?

I don't know, it's too early to draw conclusions and I don't want the hole thing to go through an economic winter so to speak like the "AI winter" for silly reasons.

>> No.11676428

butthurt leftists are seething that a self-made billionaire is revolutionizing spaceflight as well as other industries

>> No.11676441


sure it's an opinion piece. It also happens to be right.

>> No.11676443

Monopoly's are bad always. I'm not suggesting a SpaceX monopoly but the just as Falcon 9 Block 5s improved payload has cut into Falcon Heavy's market Starship will completely replace Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy (actually their goal) and every other rocket in their class rendering that market obsolete is what I mean.

The small launch providers that have shot up in SpaceX's wake will continue to grow with the NanoSat revolution but every other country will have to start making Fully reusable rockets if they want to compete.

>> No.11676454

cool, got it

>> No.11676455

I imagine a vast Musk dynasty, with each son taking over a different branch of industry from Big Daddy Musk. Once Elon realizes he can't get to Mars in his lifetime, I expect him to shift focus to optimizing extreme education for his kids, pulling the same tricks a as Laszlo Polgar which turned his daughters into chess grandmasters. A real-life Umbrella Academy?

>> No.11676475

You know his Ad Astra school exists and is already doing that, yea?

I think Musk will live long enough to see boots on Mars if not a small token presence but yea it does occur to me that he could be the start of a Rothschild tier dynasty that realistically spread across the Solar system.

>> No.11676570

I like what his companies have accomplished technologically, but Musk has shown himself to be a ulta-capitalistic sociopath. He treats his own employees like shit, he seems to care nothing for anyone, he only cares about making money.

>> No.11676590

Not making money. Making progress and pushing technological boundaries. He had far far easier ways of making even more money that EVs and private Aerospace ultragambles.

>> No.11676641

>not hating

>> No.11676642

>all these people sucking Elon Musk's dick
You guys are retarded

>> No.11676651

He has the same kind of relentless pursuit you see in a wall street fat cat, but his goal is advancing our progress as a species instead of hoarding power and cash, which in the longest terms will provide more power and cash than is currently imaginable