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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 55 KB, 680x680, NPCs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11670221 No.11670221[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The NPC meme died far too quickly. A small subset of man throughout every era has recognized that he is among people who seem to lack something. People who aren't quite "real", like automatons, people who are almost like a mirage. The Jewish Rabbis recognized this obviously, hence why the Goyim are "cattle", or "raw material" which is the thinking man's responsibility to mold, shape, organize, use and abuse. They are like golem. It is also a matter of historical record that less than 10% of a population actually participates in revolutions, civil wars, large political shifts. Among them, the bulk of the behavior of the whole often stems from even fewer, far less than 1%. This truth can be found at every level of organization, even our own cells behave this way. Most tissues have cells which come to act like "pacemakers", the others tune to it, and thus the whole group behaves like coupled oscillators. Thus, activism of most forms can be seen as borderline inert. They will never begin to oscillate with you. They will always remain trauma bonded to their present masters, the established pacemaker.

There are a number of ways to explain this. Without going into "consciousness" or anything metaphysical, I recently found an interesting notion.


Although it remains to be seen whether this applies to NPCs or not. They may not have the potential for this kind of inner development, so it doesn't solve the ontological dilemma of the NPC.

>> No.11670230

Great, now you’ve summoned that guy that calls everything /pol/. Good job.

>> No.11670238

We'll just call him an NPC when he arrives. No big deal.

>> No.11670244

Well written post, thank you for introducing me to this framework, OP.

>> No.11670246


>> No.11670259


>> No.11670280
File: 57 KB, 688x430, Guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11670285
File: 1.68 MB, 1179x897, rk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11670317

>which is the thinking man's responsibility to mold, shape, organize, use and abuse.
what if the act of being controlled is causing damage that turns people more and more into an NPC? what if it's possible that there could be no NPCs, but only if all the non-NPCs to agree to never try to manipulate and control one another, and turn them into an NPC?

>> No.11670329

believing in a solipsistic reality where only your voice matters is the hallmark of being a narcissistic adolescent twat, not a misunderstood genius

>The Jewish Rabbis recognized this obviously, hence why the Goyim are "cattle"
This is etymologically false. Goyim literally just means 'nations'.

>> No.11670335

Dumb pseud
There is a mountain of Jewish literature where it is taught that the Goyim (non-Jews) are "beasts in human form" and not truly conscious.
Etymology =/= meaning, retard.

>> No.11670349

1. OP never claimed to be a misunderstood genius

2. Knowing NPC exist is not solipsistic, there is literally nothing ever indicating a solipsistic philosophy that has been espoused by this meme. You literally just pulled that out of your ass, I imagine to use the word "solipsistic" to try and look smarter than you are, which always backfires when stupid do of course.

3. Goyim has numerous connotations. Why in the fuck would Jews use a word that means "nations" as an out group term? This makes no fucking sense whatsoever you are a colossal fucking moron and should hide your head in shame at posting something this idioctic.

>> No.11670357

I've been wondering if you guys are of the same critters. Is this your idea of "smart topic" anon(s)? This is flat earth tier discussion, constructed by insufficient understanding, the "i'm so woke" mentality and just plain pseuds. Embarassing.

>> No.11670359

>There is a mountain of Jewish literature where it is taught that the Goyim (non-Jews) are "beasts in human form" and not truly conscious.

Never seen any of that before. Jewish theology doesn't care about non-Jews - they're irrelevant to the religion and the overwhelming majority of our commandments don't even apply to them.

>Etymology =/= meaning
Etymology is the study of how words develop their meanings.

>Knowing NPC exist is not solipsistic, there is literally nothing ever indicating a solipsistic philosophy that has been espoused by this meme
the basic idea is that you're on a higher level of intelligence than everyone else, and everyone who disagrees with whatever bullshit you post on /sci/ is just a zombie without any free thought whatsoever, instead of independent people with their own unique set of experiences that have led them to think differently than you.

what it probably goes back to is you growing up thinking the world revolves around you, and you not venturing far enough outside the bounds of anonymous image boards to have that smacked out of you by the larger part of society.

>> No.11670362

take your Jewish Studies to /x/ or /pol/

>> No.11670364

>Never seen any of that before. Jewish theology doesn't care about non-Jews - they're irrelevant to the religion and the overwhelming majority of our commandments don't even apply to them
obligatory lol, the rhetoric trickery makes a lot of sense now
"etymology" in the way you used it is the origin of the word "Goyim", it doesn't cover its definition. If you wanted to actually STUDY how the word Goyim has changed its meaning throughout history, you would have given me an enormous post detailing every use of the word throughout history. Is this what you did?
The etymology of the English word "lord" is quite different from its meaning today or even five hundred years ago.
The rest of your post is just projection, OP never claimed he was on a higher level. He remarked on a possible phenomenon.

>> No.11670367
File: 761 KB, 1280x2096, leftists don't breed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are retarded

>> No.11670373

the word "goy" is not a derogatory term. it just means a non-Jew, and has no origin in farm animals, beasts, or whatever idiots on the internet think it means.

you can show me that 'mountain of Jewish literature', but hinging your entire argument on a false definition of a word is pretty weak shit

>> No.11670376

>the basic idea is that you're on a higher level of intelligence than everyone else,
Ok, let's assume this is true, which it isn't, but we will for a moment. This is demonstrable fact. Are you seriously implying every human has the exact same level of knowledge and intelligence? This is so moronic on its face it is embarrassing to have to point this out to you.

>and everyone who disagrees with whatever bullshit you post on /sci/ is just a zombie without any free thought whatsoever
Again you just pulled this directly out of your ass. Literally not one person I have ever seen said or even indirectly implied this other than trolls trying to trigger people.

>what it probably goes back to is you growing up thinking the world revolves around you, and you not venturing far enough outside the bounds of anonymous image boards to have that smacked out of you by the larger part of society.
We have the retard who writes fan fics with his strawman is now going to look into his crystal ball and tell us all what our motives are and upbringing was now guise. This is truly fascinating anon. I imagine there is some projection going on here. Even though this certainly falls within the bounds of fantasy fiction, they always say write what you know so ....

>> No.11670381

Some people do want to be led in life. Perhaps they are the inherent societal followers which ensures safety or last likely to be killed for resisting, dissent or due to invasion. Maybe it's the materialistic nature of society feeding enough dopamine into their system that they feel no need nor drive to pursue something higher than instantaneous gratification? Maybe it's both?

I have no clue what's exactly causing it or why it's there, but there definitely are NPC's within society and I like to differentiate between people and NPC's by seeing how their process of action occurs.

In NPC's I observe: Event occours > Emotional internal response to event > Action > Thought and reflection (often still charged with emotion)

While others usually think well before they act. Maybe the sense of awareness has something to do with it and sympathy which NPC's lack.

>> No.11670384

I never defined the word moron, you did.
> but hinging your entire argument on a false definition of a word is pretty weak shit
Projection much? This is exactly what you attempted to do. How about you point out where I unequivocally defined the word Goyim?
Go work on your pilpul and dig up the literature yourself instead of asking a goy to teach you about your own religion.

>> No.11670385

The moron calling everyone morons meme never gets old. The breeding cycle changes over time/environmental circumstances you absolute fucking imbecile.

>> No.11670389

>Are you seriously implying every human has the exact same level of knowledge and intelligence?
no, but you literally aren't smarter than everyone else. at best, anyone who posts on this board is average. NPC meme is teenage narcissism personified

>We have the retard who writes fan fics with his strawman is now going to look into his crystal ball and tell us all what our motives are and upbringing was now guise.
not a psychic but I'd bet I'm in the balllpark

>> No.11670390

>How about you point out where I unequivocally defined the word Goyim?
If I point that out, you'll just insist that you aren't samefagging OP.

>> No.11670393
File: 173 KB, 1554x720, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad for you I'm not, but here's the part where you try your retardedly clumsy rhetorical trickery yet again and insist that I'm faking this somehow.

>> No.11670397

If an organism is r-selected, its survival mechanism is to reproduce as much as possible with little investment. If the organisms in question are hardly breeding at all, i.e. leftists, they aren't fucking r-selected.

>> No.11670399

if you roll in at thread-start to suck OP's dick and deflect any responses towards him, you might as well be the same person

>> No.11670401

Solipsism and FOMO(varying levels of internal monologue) are two of the most significant pieces of the 'NPC' meme.
Yet, it's still interesting for some of OP's mentions.
The 'goyim' stuff is basic us-versus-them derogatory out group stuff, and shouldn't be conflated w\ 'nations'

>> No.11670403

HAHAHA NOW I SEE. You have taken this meme internally. Oh this makes perfect sense. You aren't fighting anon or me, you are fighting yourself to prove you aren't a NPC, we are just the strawman you are suing to direct your arguments towards.

You have some serious psychological issues and I don't have time to be your personal therapist so we will just end this convo now

>> No.11670404

Wow, I really got you in a corner huh?
Again, go work on your pilpul. You're the most pathetic Jew I've ever encountered in an argument. You even an ethnic one or what?

>> No.11670406

>The 'goyim' stuff is basic us-versus-them derogatory out group stuff
it's literally the hebrew word for a non-jew.

is it racist for me to use words like 'white' and 'black' because they exclude certain groups?

>> No.11670408

>you are fighting yourself to prove you aren't a NPC
yep you've got it OP. bless me with your knowledge, brain-chad

>You even an ethnic one or what?
do you want to see my cock or something?

>> No.11670411

Wow you really are fucking retarded I see. How do you think the world at large is "liberal" then if they haven't been reproducing you absolute fucking retard? I just explained to you that it is done in cycles like a predator prey relationship. Obviously they can't shitting out kids like rabbits when the environmental circumstances don't allow them too. Why are people on this board so fucking stupid

>> No.11670420

Not OP I would think that was clear from this

>1. OP never claimed to be a misunderstood genius

You are just a stone cold retard apparently. Sorry you failed the Turing test. Damn you really are an NPC mate.

>> No.11670422

>Damn you really are an NPC mate.
is this the part where you dump brainlet wojaks and call me clamped?

>> No.11670423

I'll take that as a no, very goy thing to say.

>> No.11670432

Of course, in literal, rational thinking, yes.
In terms of OP's reference, no.
Us-them dynamics turn boring words into irrational emotions, all the time

>> No.11670433

>stupid person trying to act smart : the post
Well thank you for your pointless observation and critique of disappointment you fucking idiot.

>> No.11670434

Just ignore them and this thread you moron, you want another 4 flat earth threads again? These guys just crave attention

>> No.11670437
File: 35 KB, 233x217, CRYING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this the part where you dump brainlet wojaks and call me clamped?

>> No.11670448

Oh yeah, this is the part lol

>> No.11670458
File: 27 KB, 200x267, SOY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh yeah, this is the part lol

>> No.11670857

who are the predators killing of liberals?

>> No.11670869
File: 17 KB, 403x352, me no intendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are criminals the only non-npc people?
They go against societal norms and break the conditioning.
The rest of us are either to weak to act or too brainwashed by the "masters".

>> No.11670877
File: 45 KB, 791x353, 1588920952498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before you were born the "npc meme" was simply lemmings.

>> No.11670882
File: 195 KB, 1080x1423, strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't predators just environmental conditions. Psyops, their own retarded nature, changing socio-political climate etc.

A simple example would be because of their policies with immigration over the last 70 years they have less jobs and less money. Because of this it has directly effected their ability to be able to afford kids etc etc. I mean I could give more but you should get the idea.

This meme is also a good tldr for this line of thought

>> No.11670895

I've noticed, when trying, an inability to break through invisible barriers. I used to shut down in public, now tht I've noticed it, I don't really. But I'm still paralyzed when it comes to taking action with social risk, for example I was completely paralyzed for 30 minutes when sitting on a bridge and wanting to go talk to two girls. Before, I had not been aware of such fear-rooted invisible barriers to my behavior

>> No.11670906

>The NPC meme died far too quickly
because /pol/ completely ruined it since they're idiots

>> No.11670909

i think that the only reason liberals have low birth rates is due to the introduction of contraceptive tech

>> No.11670926

>I was completely paralyzed for 30 minutes when sitting on a bridge and wanting to go talk to two girls
it's npc programming right there
>noooo you can't just bother wimen
>nooooo you can't just express your sexual urges
>what will others think of you
Just go there and rape them like a real human being

>> No.11670983

>is the hallmark of being a narcissistic adolescent twat

>if(cann0t refute argument) then initiate protocol(insult)
>insult == imply that the individual in question is underage and or intellectually inferior thus his opinion is disqualified

>> No.11670996

the joke is all on you. underestimation of the intelligence of others is one characteristic that an NPC holds that is exploited by the jews. you see, more people are into the NPC ideology than you think. the jews wish to put everyone against each other. the jews want the people to hold a mistrust for their government, the jews want every person to view most as sheep. the NPC meme has not died, it is at its peak, billions are aware of it. the jews are controlling the frequency of this meme on the internet to make it seem like it has died. it is obvious why they would want to do this, if the average person learns that the ideology is common in the public, they would want to abandon it to draw away from the sheep. the NPC meme is widely popular. nobody cares for others anymore, they all believe that others are mindless sheep. all believe that they are the only intelligent ones present in the mass. the jews will strike soon. you were all the sheep. you were all idiots to present mistrust in the media, but still consume ideologies coming from the internet. both are controlled by the jews. everything is controlled by the jews. we are all playing a game of chess against the jews, and they are 10 moves ahead.

>> No.11671086

Falls well within these parameters
>their own retarded nature
>changing socio-political climate

>> No.11671092

>The NPC meme died far too quickly
The fact that it is existed at all was a travesty. It was invented by edgy contrarians to feel extra cool about their shitty unpopular opinions and has no basis in psychology

>> No.11671097

>NPC meme
Zoomers are such worthless people.

>> No.11671115
File: 23 KB, 305x449, wojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was invented by edgy contrarians to feel extra cool about their shitty unpopular opinions and has no basis in psychology
>Zoomers are such worthless people.

>> No.11671128

Look mate, zoomers didn't exactly invent the NPC meme, I recall people trying to make that a thing since I first came here 14 years ago. You know why it never caught on? Because we all knew it was a stupid fucking meme by self-absorbed teenagers who thought they were smarter than everyone else, and people on this site used to have enough self-distance to know that we weren't misunderstood genuises, so we used to just laugh at the faggots who used it. It's pretty telling that it's become more of a thing as more zoomers have found their way here.

>> No.11671134
File: 175 KB, 819x1024, Adepts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know why it never caught on? Because we all knew it was a stupid fucking meme
Except every philosopher and occultist who ever exited disagrees with you. Seeing as how the people on this board are autistic pseuds with no education outside of math and pop sci it is no surprise you don't understand this meme.

>> No.11671138
File: 8 KB, 328x154, genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so we used to just laugh at the faggots who used it.
Surprise smart people don't care about NPC laughing at them, they always laugh last

>> No.11671144

Anon, the obvious implication here is that the people we laughed at stopped using it, given that it never caught on.

>> No.11671204
File: 83 KB, 720x720, plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never caught on
rofl what in the actual fuck are you talking about? This meme has been around since the beginning of time, it will never die

>> No.11671214

plato is a badass mother fucker, allegory of the fucking cave is srsly timeless
>not implying your pic is related to allegory of the cave, i just think allegory of the cave is the most profound insight to the human condition or the existence condition really

>> No.11671233

>people are reactionary social herd animals
>there's an observable social hierarchy
>this is somehow a profound realisation because me saw it on imageboard and slap new wojak meme lore on it
>the power of /sci/

Broken fucking record. Ironic really.

The only difference between old and nu is that woke philosophers and the like just called people stupid and understood why, you just assume they aren't human overall.
But whatever view makes one happy.

>> No.11671241

It's because people's brains are starting to adapt into less individual, more malleable minds as humans start their evolution into a eusocial species.
If we ever become an interstellar species it's going to be as zerg-apes.

>> No.11671243

Someone post the relevant xkcd

>> No.11671315


But what if it’s we, who ‘recognize’ the NPCs, that are actually lacking something? Maybe we’re missing whatever qualities would allow us to normally see humanity in our fellow man?

>> No.11671347

Isn't this the thought behind sociopaths and antisocial disorders?
I mean OPs own psychological theory posted suggests most leaders fall into the first level, aka the normalfag level, making this more about how much you fall outside society, not how on top of it you are.
So basically the less you relate to society the less npc u are. Which could be the other way around too. All a matter of perspective

>> No.11671349

based and cave pilled

>> No.11671355

Why are amerilards always this cringy?

>> No.11671360


There are people who are mentally locked into society, and then people who are a level above that, capable of independently observing it and figuring out how to game that paradigm. That is where most world leaders fall.

It's like the "meta" in a videogame, most religiously adhere to it because it's the most overwhelmingly common way to succeed in that context, but then there are the few who figure out how to manipulate that particular context, going against the grain, and come out further ahead than everyone else

>> No.11671369

>anon you are getting blown the fuck out and you’re making our tribe look bad you should stop talking something something flat earth
masters of rhetoric

>> No.11671517

Holocaust happened

>> No.11671521

why does your face look and smell like ass?

>> No.11671531

The funniest proof that /pol/ is retarded is that when you see posts like this you have no idea if they’re satire or real.

>> No.11671534

The funniest proof that /sci/ is retarded is that when you see posts like this you have no idea if they’re satire or a jew

>> No.11671547

>replies with yet more low IQ obsessive incel screeching about jiooz

>> No.11671586

I don't think in terms of npc and non npc.
I think in terms of obsessed with sex and not obsessed with sex.
People who are obsessed with sex are annoying afk.

>> No.11671596

I was just talking about the disintegration theory. Where most leaders fall into the integrated category which makes sense because intigrated level 1 are completely capable of observing society but are also completely comfortable with it. From level 2 upwards up until level 5 the status of the disintegrated is to disconnect from society.
Disintegration is about getting away from society not climbing its ladder. You're talking about slightly more intelligent normal social people taking advantage of less intelligent social people which is still a rat race struggle all motivated by basic needs and instincts (desire for power, greed etc all signs of a level 1) and has nothing to do with being free or disconnected.
Most world leaders are highly socially connected tools as well so that falls apart quickly

>> No.11671798

>You aren't fighting anon or me, you are fighting yourself to prove you aren't a NPC, we are just the strawman you are suing to direct your arguments towards.

Reading through this does seem to be the case. The great irony is that he calls everyone else a narcissist, then display the most classic narcissistic feature: lack of self regulation and ego. What he's doing is trying to manipulate and demand his environment into casting back the reflection he desires, a reflection which tells him everything is fine and fluffs up his grandiose false self. The fact that he's also a Jew at that point is unsurprising. It's a genetic predisposition that their culture of early childhood traumatic conditioning brings out further.

He doesn't even see us. He sees us as part of himself, and is trying to wrangle the world into order.

>> No.11671837
File: 289 KB, 1892x707, false pregnancy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you think the world at large is "liberal" then if they haven't been reproducing you absolute fucking retard?
The world at large isn't liberal you absolute idiot.

>Obviously they can't shitting out kids like rabbits when the environmental circumstances don't allow them too.
What the fuck are you talking about? People in modern society are more capable of reproducing now than they have been in any time ever before in history. Food production has never been higher, vaccines exist, life expectancies are higher than ever, there aren't any major wars in Western countries, and assisted reproductive technology exists. Dirt poor malnourished Africans manage to reproduce more than modern urbanites do. The limiting factor to reproduction in modern society is people's psychology.

>> No.11671856

Vaccines are poison.

>> No.11671864

It's actually true, Africa, india and china are all pretty right wing.

>> No.11671877

>Why does X make me Y
>Framed as an absolute, or a trait.

This is a clamped way of thinking.

>> No.11671888

they are normal
it is us who are not normal

>> No.11671984

How do I know if I'm an npc

>> No.11672011


>> No.11672040

Get off your fucking video games and stop living in a retarded fantasy world.

>> No.11672077

How do i do that

>> No.11672203
File: 7 KB, 306x165, Schmendrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you babbling about?
has zero to do with op

>> No.11672240

>t. listened to Vaknin, heard him say solipsism and narcissism in the same sentence once, now believes everything he doesn't like is due to a solipsistic infantile narcissism
>throws in teenage for added delegitimization, unwittingly airs his own childhood trauma
>probably has deep rooted mommy issues

>> No.11672247
File: 313 KB, 2563x1664, billgates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The limiting factor to reproduction in modern society is people's psychology.
Eh, the limiting factor is our extreme level of development
which means creating a viable competitive human is super expensive. 120 years ago if you had kids they could start working around the farm at age 6 and have proper job at 12 and by 18 if halfway smart could take upsupervisory roles.
Now you need to train them for at least 21 years to be competitive and it is intense training.
No one is going to want to raise a kid who is going to have a worse life then you did, so if you have kids you are committing to a huge program.
Btw it is good thing we have extreme levels of technical,social and political development and immigration and birthrates are an absolute meme. We need to be selecting for generalized intelligence

>> No.11672504

ok furry

>> No.11672516

You are a fucking imbecile stfu and kys

>> No.11672662

> less than 10% of a population actually participates in revolutions, civil wars, large political shifts
Oh no, it's almost like most people just want a stable livelihood and not necessarily bloody ideological revolution

>> No.11673181


>> No.11673194

And solipsism, and fomo aside, the Lemmings part remains the most interesting

>> No.11673261

that's just autism anon

>> No.11673326

Wow, yep a jew

>> No.11673335

My man here is absolutely based and educated. Have you read bodhi mantras clown world article? If not check it out a must read for someone at your level of understanding


>> No.11673368

gentile means nations not goyim you fucking retard

>> No.11673384

wrong nigger

>> No.11673386

not ironic at all one of the most prominent traits of cluster B is projection

>> No.11673395

Yah because we are the ones infected with the Jew

>> No.11673401
File: 64 KB, 847x1034, Talmud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses a (((mainstream))) dictionary and not the actual source material
Are you really this retarded or a slimy jew?

>> No.11673409


>> No.11673413

Subhuman intelligence is like a super power. If your agenda requires Miriam-Webster to be le joo then it is, regardless of facts. The world is whatever you want it to be when you’re a /pol/ subhuman.

In all seriousness it’s funny how anti-semites and creationists have identical reasoning processes.

>> No.11673426

>get proven wrong
>put parentheses around something and suddenly be right

>> No.11673768
File: 129 KB, 764x430, yes3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put parentheses around something and suddenly be right

>> No.11673801
File: 645 KB, 627x644, 1589259390161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bunny and wolf comparison
Ayyy el mao. This is some 13 year old, shadow the hedgehog level "'''deep"""

>> No.11673877
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure do understand the NPC meme. Now do an analysis of the pic related meme.
I'm curious what you spit out.

>> No.11673894

actually if anyone sees any parallels between clownworld meme and any historical ideas that would be pretty cool.

>> No.11674031

That is the literal animals used to describe r/k selection not a le ebic maymay to own the libs you absolute fucking retard

>> No.11674038

-------------------> >>11673335

>> No.11674042

imagine if you were interested in ecology and genetics outside of 4channel memes

>> No.11674070

Is this rhetorical or are you an actual schizo?

>> No.11674217

Inner city gangs and refugees

>> No.11674254

>far too quickly
NIGGER IT WENT ON FOR A FUCKING YEAR. That's too long for any meme.

>> No.11674414

Wolves are r-selected you mong

>> No.11674425

>pretending to be retarded

>> No.11674607

>ill escape the mold and start revolutions because ecstasy song
Highschoolers out

>> No.11674651

Odd that it's called Non Player when the type's primary mode of play is that of the artless team or gang player--the kind of creature who is forever following directions composed by someone else, always unconsciously imitating style, forgettably lacking eccentricity, rarity, or the enigmatic power to surprise. With stultifying predictably, you've put the matter in political & religious terms rather than personal and aesthetic ones that make biographical encyclopedias of the arts so much more instructive when it comes to the difference you're attempting--badly--to characterize.

>> No.11674684


>> No.11674739

>Low ingroup loyalty
Basicaly what individuallist considers a magnificent gesture, likely reserved to the most revered and worthy, the collectivists consider the barest minimum to not be seen as a jerk.

>> No.11674754

It's pretty clear in many ways that individualists lack consciousness in some way. As I posted before, it is, i believe, when the cerebral cortex is too strong, or the cerebellum is too weak, when the cerebral cortex takes over, starts ruling the cerebellum instead of the opposite, and the person loses most of their consciousness, but continues to function as a thoughtless machine based on what they learned up until that point. The "NPCs" consider it "getting mature", which is why they see other people as immature as childish. Bit of course it is rather bad to be like that, which is why they keep moving the age when maturity occurs, as people evolve to not allow that that to happen.

>> No.11674776

And now look at them. Clamped, vaccinated, circumcised, fluoridated, irradiated, and walking on eggshells to the point where they cannot even speak anything of any substance.

>> No.11674799

>mindful people create order out of chaos
>mindless people can use the order to get ahead by memorizing everything and copying others without thinking
>the repeated mindless copying degrades the culture to the point of complete chaos.
>mindfull people rise again, not being harmed as much by the chaos.

>> No.11674827

There is no point arguing with NPCs, they will deflect anything you throw at them, they are not capable of doing anything else.

>> No.11675085

Cope and projection

>> No.11675536

collectivist / individualist
risk avoidance / risk seeking
expels competitors / feels bored without competing
almost unconditional ingroup cooperation / may see avoiding competing as a crime
avoids harming others / seeks to exploit others
understands that revenge comes after doing harm / confuses revenge with envy
feels shame / proudly shameless, feels only bound only by the rules that suit him
cooperates for mutual support, defence secondary / cooperates against common enemies; mutual support shameful
children never separated from their family / children expeled upon maturity
morality based on seeking harmony / morality based on seeking victory
boldness unwelcome and immature / boldnes desirable

I don't know, but I see all the signs of r-selection on the right. It's obviously collectivists who seek stability, while individualism is a high risk, high reward strategy.

>> No.11675679
File: 761 KB, 608x739, awakening2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11675747
File: 360 KB, 1440x780, Img-1576461203664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you want to see my cock or something
We don't even need to see it to know it's mutilated.

>> No.11675792
File: 298 KB, 600x512, 084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insane and hilarious

>> No.11675931

Whoa, VERY clamped.


>> No.11676217

I don't have time to read this schizo shit. this thing is a fucking novel, and after 5 minutes of reading it was all shit and none of my questions have been answered and don't seem like they are going to be answered. I merely want to know what previous manifestations of clown world meme looked like, if they existed, not read 100 pages of a low IQ schizo rambling about the "culture war" and the far left all the while saying almost nothing of substance.

>> No.11676420

cringe, actually clamped in denial