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File: 132 KB, 940x940, Jupiter_and_its_shrunken_Great_Red_Spot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11669730 No.11669730[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more pointless planet than this? It's just stupid. A ball of gas that does nothing. No life, no nothing. What's the point of it even existing?

>> No.11669734

It's a giant roomba

>> No.11669751
File: 327 KB, 500x375, 4Ddt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao hell ya

>> No.11670330

It's really beautiful at least

>> No.11670334


Imagine slowly falling into Jupiter as his music intensifies.


>> No.11670338

it's a pretty cool planet. better than your planet, bitch

>> No.11670342


Pluto is technically a planet, and pretty irrelevant.

>> No.11670521

It’s actually very important and might be the only reason earth has intelligent life. Jupiter’s massive size acts as a ‘bodyguard’, almost any asteroids that might hit earth get sucked into it or diverted toward it instead.

>> No.11670545

I want to live on a moon of a gas giant. Just imagine looking up and seeing this big guy above you.

>> No.11670562

No way Jupiter is fucking amazing. The shit that goes on in it's atmosphere, we don't even know what's going on near the core.

Did I mention that it's also a giant slingshot for moons?

>> No.11671362


This planet will become the center of human civilization

>> No.11671364

>A ball of gas that does nothing. No life, no nothing.
tidal forces create an environment of its moons that could host life

>> No.11671367

Gay life, like microbes, maybe. Nothing actually interesting.

>> No.11671373
File: 55 KB, 900x810, smug_anime_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting filtered by a ball of space gas.

>> No.11671377

Maybe we could simulate our solar system without jupiter. We might find out it's important for some reason we don't even understand yet. I mean, we're here. Don't fix it if it aint broke.
Plus it beautiful. In an endless cold expanse it's a beautiful oasis

>> No.11671379

There are massive oceans of water suspended in the jovian atmosphere with convection cells of organic chemicals precipitating through it.
You could have massive sky whales and stuff like that in jupiter without us ever being able to detect them.

>> No.11671381

>without us ever being able to detect them
surely we can detect them

>> No.11671566

No he already said we cant

>> No.11671591

We can and we have. Its not public data.

>> No.11671598

Solar System vacuum cleaner.

>> No.11671629

Like >>11670521 said, that big boy is the janny of our solar system. We don’t have to dodge edgy rocks.
However, I have an irrational fear of getting vacuumed myself, by Jupiter. Imagine being in a spaceship, and then slowly drifting towards, seeing that creamy sea of storms close you in, the entire hull shaking and burning as the tidal forces rip it apart like it’s crepe paper.
And having massive constant radiation rot my eyes? No thanks.

>> No.11671633

the fact it exist at all proves it has purpose. otherwise it wouldn't exist.

>> No.11671639

Sounds like an amazing short film to watch on VR or a fullsize IMAX screen.

>> No.11671681

Would need to shit and piss before going, tho.

>> No.11671693

A ball of gas that does nothing. No life, no nothing.
We have no idea what resides in the gas. For all we know there are space whales in there. Fucking horrific.

>> No.11671711

Is Jupiter the one with giant diamond boulders, or is that Saturn?

>> No.11672644 [DELETED] 

it saves us from space shrapnel

>> No.11672661
File: 2.96 MB, 390x400, 790106-0203_Voyager_58M_to_31M_reduced.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: fags who haven't seen the gifs

>> No.11672909

Even that would be discovery of the decade. Besides, if there is some source of energy, what's stopping more complex life from emerging? Well besides, the sheer improbability of complex life.

>> No.11672983

I think that's just a thing that happens in gas giants.

>> No.11673050

there's something weirdly surreal about this, the combination of the grainy black and white camera and low framerate makes it seem like it's from a 1920s silent movie

>> No.11673154

it's a big gas slut, we could farm it for hydrogen in the future