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11667799 No.11667799 [Reply] [Original]

How do DMT and other psychedelics affect your body and mind scientifically speaking? How are the hallucinations caused?


>> No.11667834


>> No.11667850

We are hallucinating all the time, psychedelics just make it obvious

This paper goes into what might be happening in more detail but who knows

>> No.11667923

Most of it has to do with how different parts of the brain process visual stimuli.

Here is a paper explaining the typical patterns you see:

>> No.11667950



>> No.11667961

we are like 100 years away from giving a satisfying answer to that question

>> No.11668327

Have you ever heard of hallucinogen persisting perception disorder? Don't do psychedelics unless you enjoy playing Russian roulette.

>> No.11668346
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>> No.11668365

schizo tier response

>> No.11668370
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>that pic
is dat sum lauterbrunnen?

>> No.11668373

i know it fucking tickles me for some reason

>> No.11668376

It's like: only a schizo would claim someone is sticking their head in the sand for not being highly interested in some mundane thing that you can straight up google the explanation for.

>> No.11668955

That's a meme, a person would have to be shizophrenic way before taking the psychedelic

>> No.11668962

Do you want to hear that you see interdimensional aliens when you're on DMT or something? Retard.

>> No.11669174

>he wants to do drugs
Kys degenerate.

>> No.11669374

Literally every ancient megalithic society did some kind of drugs.

>> No.11669407

>implying we should follow the lead of ancient nigger societies that fell apart probably because they were too fucked up to maintain civilization

>> No.11669435

You don't realize how much math goes into what they've built.

>> No.11669464

are you telling me that you've never touched alcohol?

>> No.11669466

I'm smarter than you (I go to Caltech) and I do drugs.


>> No.11669469

i don't realize much of nothin, i'm a god damn fucking retard. i'd love to be educated but it's hard to come across simple blunt information i can soak up. most information is convoluted incoherent unreliable or just simply wrapped up in some narcissistic cock sucker's self indulgent self-obsessed over-abundance of unnecessary details

>> No.11669542


>> No.11669557

Ancients didnt do that much math compared to today

>> No.11669563

They cause regular interruption. Imagine the timing signal for a CRT is fucked up, but then that the fuck timing signal is recycled, so the fuckups build up and get worse until they reach some point of stability. With lower doses, this stability point is quickly reached, the interrupt is mostly accounted for. At higher doses the brains attempt to fix itself plays into the errors and only further fucks its world model. A "breakthrough" is reaching this point, at which whole new stable states exist only beyond this state. Its hard to say much about beyond that since I havent experienced it, and even those who have have trouble describing (the pre breakthrough stuff is already indescribable enough).

>> No.11669588

where is this?

>> No.11669595


>> No.11669661


>> No.11669732

Not a meme, I got it from taking SSRIs.

>> No.11670312

well no shit

that shit fucks up your brain like heroin

>> No.11670427

Yeah, too bad the fucking doctors won't tell you about that when they're prescribing you pills.