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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11663023 No.11663023 [Reply] [Original]

Can there be a black hole inside black hole?

>> No.11663029

can there be a brain inside your head ?

>> No.11663032

No. And that's a trick question, it's like asking "what's the taste of time?" or "how do I cut the fabric of spacetime in half" etc, it's nonsensenical because it involves nonsenical fantasy topics.

>> No.11663036

literally just a bunch of mass. So if 2 black holes collide it forms a bigger collection of mass.

>> No.11663038

what is singularity?

>> No.11663041
File: 89 KB, 558x364, ''black hole'' believers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop with this silly schizo "black hole" garbage. And yes the belief in "black holes" truly is schizo.

"Black holes" violate Einstein's Relativity theories (let's just pretend they're correct), yet in the institutionalized "settled science" dogma, they simultaneously believe in Relativity. And "black holes" (as defined by the "black hole" believers themselves) can't exist in a Big Bang Universe, yet they simultaneously believe in the Big Bang. And by the official "black hole" """science""" there can't be /multiple/ "black holes" in the same universe simultaneously, yet they believe there are. It's 100% schizo and idiotic.

Institutionalized "settled science" followers are basically religious - they ignore any science and facts which contradicts their belief system.

To everyone who wish to learn and educate themselves, here's an excellent scientific paper describing the problems and contradictions with "black holes" and Relativity: https://files.catbox.moe/b3aur6.pdf

And here are great educational videos for those who don't want to read (all the following is based on /real science/ and observations of facts, as opposed to the "settled science" dogma):




























>> No.11663045
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you're on my nerve
every fucking thread i open, i see a list of these bullshit youtube videos
stop this already

>> No.11663050
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>fabric of spacetime
Kek, spacetime's gotta be one of my favorites. The concept of spacetime is totally unscientific and delusional.

>> No.11663056
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>> No.11663057

care to debunk every single experiment/observation done hundreds of different times that show the general relativity model to be accurate? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tests_of_general_relativity
also show me your counter model to relativity that is more accurate ill wait.

>> No.11663058
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Maybe you should stop making schizo threads and fuck off to >>>/x/ huh, ever considered that? Here we deal with science, not fictional fantasies.

>> No.11663064

bitch i'm not OP

>> No.11663071
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All alleged "black hole" models pertain to a universe that is spatially infinite, is eternal, contains only one mass, is not expanding, and is asymptotically flat or asymptotically not flat.

But the alleged "big bang" cosmology pertains to a universe that is spatially finite (one case) or spatially infinite (two different cases), is of finite age, contains radiation and many masses including multiple black holes (some of which are supposedly primordial), is expanding, and is not asymptotically anything.

Thus black holes and the big bang contradict one another - they're mutually exclusive. This is undeniable and clear as day. It's surprisingly easy to prove that neither General Relativity nor Newton's theory predict black holes to exist.

Despite numerous claims for black holes in their millions, none has ever been discovered. It's also not difficult to prove General Relativity violates the usual conservation of energy and momentum. There are fundamental contradictions contained in black hole theory, big bang cosmology, as well as in General Relativity. Numerical methods are therefore meaningless.

Oh and for those who'd like to use the defense that in an expanding universe energy isn't conserved and thus the "energy conservation law" is false and therefore all criticism of Einstein's field equations are incorrect, friendly reminder to you that Einstein required his field equations to satisfy the usual conservation of energy and momentum.

To do so he introduced his pseudotensor which has been demonstrated to be entirely meaningless (see: https://files.catbox.moe/hvc1fy.pdf and related: https://files.catbox.moe/q7ll4z.pdf )

"Big bang" theory is based upon Einstein’s field equations. Since the field equations violate the usual conservation laws, the theory of a big bang is fundamentally flawed.

>> No.11663076
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Therefore, invoking a Big Bang to attempt to circumvent the violation of the usual conservation laws is a circular argument and therefore completely invalid.

Furthermore, Einstein's field equations are nonlinear and so the principle of Superposition doesn't hold in General Relativity. But it does hold in Newton's theory.

Thus if X and Y are two different solutions to Einstein's field equations, then the linear combination of aX + bY, where a and b are scalars, isn't a solution. Physically this means that one can't simply pile up masses and radiation in any given spacetime to obtain multiple masses and radiation. Additionally, there are no solutions to Einstein's field equations for two or more masses and there is no existence theorem by which it can even be asserted that the field equations contain latent solutions for two or more masses. Thus it's not possible to insert a black hole universe into a big bang universe or into another black hole universe, or to insert a big bang universe into a black hole universe or another big bang universe.

Nevertheless, Einstein's followers routinely and incorrectly claim the existence of multiple black holes from objects such as stars by means of irresistible gravitational collapse.

Now read pic related if you want to understand all of this in depth.

>> No.11663085
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>> No.11663093
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>Einstein's pseudotensor

>> No.11663098
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>> No.11663105
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>> No.11663115
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>> No.11663119

Go home Mr. Tooker

>> No.11663134
File: 490 KB, 500x211, Thanks! .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "I have nothing, you win."

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

>> No.11663196
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how to get a girl like that

>> No.11663227

Not a source.

>> No.11663349 [DELETED] 

YouTube is video host. The sources are provided in the videos and in the description texts below the videos.

>> No.11663360

One that can turn herself at a 90 degree angle to everything at once, vibrate through walls and evaporate suns? First, you must have an IQ of at least 150

>> No.11663369

YouTube is a video host. The sources are provided in the videos and in the description texts below the videos.

>> No.11663519

necessarily, for everything contains at least itself.

>> No.11663537

Don't forget to like and subscribe and smash that like button. Click the bell icon if you want to be notified when we upload our latest crackpot videos! You can also support us on patreon, sponsors at the cybill level will get access to the schizodiscord for you and three of your favorite voices in your head!

>> No.11663673
File: 31 KB, 414x318, ''Don't forget to like and subscribe and smash that like button.''.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't forget to like and subscribe and smash that like button. Click the bell icon if you want to be notified when we upload our latest crackpot videos! You can also support us on patreon, sponsors at the cybill level will get access to the schizodiscord for you and three of your favorite voices in your head!

>> No.11663705

Too long, didn't read.

>> No.11663760
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> "Too long, didn't read."

>> No.11663786

>how do I cut the fabric of spacetime in half

Yes, its called a white hole. Where the black hole sucks the matter from inside the other blackhole and spit it out to normal space. Its only a theory though. Same math predicts black hole, predicts white holes, worm holes, etc.

>> No.11663966

Peak delusion level. You may as well watch Star Trek and choose to believe it's real.

>> No.11663973

Stay contained on >>>/tv/ schizo.

>> No.11664013

If you believe in black holes, you have to believe in worm holes and white holes. Its derived from the same math.

>> No.11664015

Also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GRB_060614 observation is theorized to be the result of white hole

>> No.11664235

I believe in neither, just like I don't believe in Santa Claus or a sky daddy.

>> No.11664243


For special retards just like you:














>> No.11665467

There is a planck star inside every black hole

>> No.11665602


>> No.11665633

>Thus black holes and the big bang contradict one another - they're mutually exclusive
Big Bang is the pseudo science
Black Holes are legit

>> No.11666801

>implying literally everyone isnt sick of your shit yet

>> No.11666987

>even more youtube
You realise that all this shit is meaningless because anyone can make a video and announce their worthless opinion.
Post studies or fuck off.

>> No.11668410

What about the singularities, do they also merge into one?

>> No.11668469

no, just nude