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File: 173 KB, 1500x1125, Transpo-Elon-Musk-RTX6P9YW[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11662976 No.11662976 [Reply] [Original]

Elon Musk is the living proof that different types of intelligence do exist. This man basically exposed himself as a verbal retard on the JRE. He struggles to finish up a train of though and is unable to communicate his opinions or to process the opinions of others.
Sure he's very pragmatic and business intelligent but I'd imagine he'd have an extremely difficult time grasping works of philosophy or thinking abstractly.

link if you wanna cringe: https://youtu.be/L3Tgn6sjaeU

>> No.11662996

You do realize, right, that Elon Musk is just a figurehead and he doesn't actually run "his" companies or invent anything...

>> No.11663004

How does that address my original point?

>> No.11663006

It's likely because he's nervous and felt threatened when around a real alpha male like Joe Rogan, whose genius level IQ, high comedic/verbal aptitude, and physically imposing frame puts fear into Elon's soul. He knows he's not half the man Joe Rogan is. Notice how he's coherent in other interviews like in the lex fridman podcast. He feels safe around lower primates

>> No.11663015

Musk is nothing more than a huckster.

>> No.11663017

That roidhead is just slightly above average IQ.

>> No.11663024 [DELETED] 

You present Elon Musk as this highly intelligent inventor dude who mysteriously at the same time is so unintelligent that he can't speak properly, and this is someone a "different type of intelligence". I countered it by pointing out that no, he's actually just a figurehead, he didn't invent anything himself, so his retardation is no surprise. He's simply retarded, he doesn't have a "different type" of intelligence.

>> No.11663025

>he's actually just a figurehead, he didn't invent anything himself,

>> No.11663027

You present Elon Musk as this highly intelligent inventor dude who mysteriously at the same time is so unintelligent that he can't speak properly, and so this is an example of someone with a "different type of intelligence". I countered it by pointing out that no, he's actually just a figurehead, he didn't invent anything himself, so his retardation is no surprise. He's simply retarded, he doesn't have a "different type" of intelligence.

>> No.11663030

My ass, but your ass should be able to figure it out as well. The way Musk and "his" companies suddenly popped out of nowhere a few years ago and the way the MSM since day 1 apparently wants the people to like him and how they portray him as cool etc, should have rung alarm bells for you long ago.

>> No.11663035

Why wouldn't they put an actually charismatic and charming person that could sound intelligent as their figurehead then?

>> No.11663152

High iq = worse socially

>> No.11663159

>different types of intelligence do exist
this is what bainlets tell themselves at night after failing babby's first calc test.

>> No.11663160

A rather successful huckster and the richest African-American by far.

>> No.11663166

It's not a matter how being socially skilled or not. Did you watch the video? He is literally unable to form a coherent though that is longer than a few sentences. When pressed to explain his opinions he can't do anything other than repeat the said opinion.
If his intelligence was to be judged by his video alone people would assume his iq is around 90.

>> No.11663169
File: 172 KB, 797x866, 1580699994066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather hang out with verbally stunted Elon and have a few cold ones than be stuck in conversation with any of you folks trying to tear into him. Strip away his money and business...and he still a pretty cool dude with neat ideas. Give you money and business...and you're still a bunch of neckbeard sourpusses.

>> No.11663178

Bad news buddy, he doesn't seem like a particular skilled conversationalist so your hanging would consist mostly of awkward silences and creepy staring

>> No.11663191
File: 8 KB, 236x213, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he didn't become retarded after having that one marijuana

>> No.11663200

because conservatives are so terrible you have to acknowledge this basic understanding of the experience of life that there are different intelligences

no wonder he married grimes

>> No.11663207


>> No.11663435

>tfw I have the exact same communication skills as him but not 160 iq
I have to be good at least something right? I always feel like I can't describe the picture I have in my mind accurately enough.

>another iq thread

>> No.11663447
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548810236506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another elon thread

>> No.11663487

bingo, musk is living proof that average and dumb people can't identify intelligent people (but think they can)

>> No.11663536

He sounds intelligent enough to normies. But isn't intelligent enough to rebel against his masters.

>> No.11663547

>he's retarded
>head of space company and electric car company
Okay, retard.
He also has a degree in physics.
He also started a Phd in physics, but dropped out to start a company and get rich.

>> No.11663638

I know that this guy sounds like a schizo but I actually think that there's some truth to it. Everything Musk does is quite patriotic and every single company of his just dumps free R&D into the army. SpaceX is basically the way you make the stock market develop your ballistic missile or airforce capabilities for free with a marketing guru scammer heading these operations while Russians have to 50% tax their $300 wages to catch up.

Just look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp8smJFaKYE

>> No.11663643

I'm a verbal retard worse than musk and philosophy is by far my favorite subject

Most philosophers were autists

>> No.11663684

a lot of very intelligent people are not very articulate. It's more a symptom of extroversion (more practice communicating) than it is some indicator of intelligence.

>> No.11663704

Check Rogan with Bostrom and you will know Rogan's IQ is under 70.

>> No.11663710
File: 102 KB, 674x900, musk starship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give him a break, his gf just had a baby and his car company is being fucked over by Alameda County. He's busy and probably not getting a lot of sleep

>> No.11663729

That led to some nice personal moments but it was still terrible timing. Two hours with Musk wasted on the fucking Corona virus. Not helped by the clear fact Rogan doesnt give a fuck about SpaceX.

>> No.11663765

Typical INTX behavior.

>> No.11663823


Only time Elon flipped to a subservient role in the conversation was when Joe started applying pressure on Elon's twitter habit. Joe brilliantly make Elon realize that his tweets were counterproductive to Elon's goals, without actually saying.

>> No.11663828


Now THIS is a hot take

>> No.11663884

more like living proof that hes not as intelligent as he wants you to think he is. he didnt get his companies by making innovations that beat the competition or anything like that, he just has a lot of money from pure luck from the dot com bubble.

>> No.11663898

it depends, my brain fires rapidly and I'll get a complex solution fixed for work (i'm a programmer) but if i explain it verbally it comes out as mishmash, but in my brain everything is aligned and connected properly

>> No.11663902

communication skills are a part of intelligence

>> No.11663927

"emotional intelligence"


>> No.11663935

Joe's phoning it in these days... the dude really doesn't ever learn anything from his guests and every episode is another Joe Rogan interview, where he expresses his enthusiasm for lsd, grappling, and wide-eyed speculations about aliens, politics, and technology. What he really needs to do is go back to school and learn the fundamentals so he can ask intelligent questions.

>> No.11664105

You are right, I just noticed that he is the first African-American billionaire.

>> No.11664132

Musk is an incredible "do'er" and problem solver, he's not a very good thinker. He vastly overestimates the future progress of technology, as well as our current scientific understanding of the brain and the nature of physical reality.

>> No.11664198

>California arrests the richest African American
Elon Musk will lead civil rights 2.0, this time the liberals will be defending and conservatives will be leading the charge.

>> No.11664248

He is very hands-on and a CTO at SpaceX, not just a CEO.

>> No.11664249
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, munro-associates-tesla-model-3-motor-cost-weight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But his companies have made plenty of innovations that put them ahead of the competition. Tesla is a step or three ahead of everyone on electric vehicles - for a simple concrete example their motors are cheaper, lighter, and more powerful than their rivals - the Tesla motor here puts out 283hp, while the BMW & Chevy motors are at 181 hp & 200 hp.

And SpaceX is building better rockets than anyone else right now; nothing can lift as much as a Falcon Heavy, nothing is as cheap per kg as a Falcon 9.

And just money alone is not enough to achieve this. Three other billionaires have created their own space companies (Jeff Bezos, Charles Branson, and the late Paul Allen) but none of their companies have done more than suborbital hops or build a really big plane.

>> No.11664343

Fucking finally someone said it.

His fan base perceive him as this genius akin to Newton and Einstein while he has almost made zero scientific contributions.

He got rich and famous by programming applications, not by his scientific contributions.

>> No.11664351

>And just money alone is not enough to achieve this. Three other billionaires have created their own space companies (Jeff Bezos, Charles Branson, and the late Paul Allen) but none of their companies have done more than suborbital hops or build a really big plane.

Also NASA and ULA have much more money than any private space company and also many engineers working for them. Yet it is SpaceX that is revolutionizing spaceflight.

>> No.11664359

No tesla and spacex are just brand image, which is why their stocks fluctuate so badly.

>> No.11664364

It's because companies like spacex are getting all the talent. People like Musk as seen as cool, the government is not.

>> No.11664366

His fan base is plebbit tier retarded but that has no bearing on his actual level of intelligence.

>> No.11664389

While Tesla does have a volatile stock price, SpaceX is not publicly traded and the price when you can find shares to buy is a lot more stable. And how volatile a stock is has very little to do with how good their products are versus competitors, but is instead more influenced by a company's fiscal figures, and activities of external factors, like short sellers and that whole COVID thing.

>> No.11664440
File: 505 KB, 1920x1280, main-qimg-27d3affeca8a98987fa127fd01d1e2a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And people see Musk as cool because his companies are actually doing interesting things, rather than dragging everything out for maximum profit. Just look at the shit-show that is the SLS project versus the Falcon rockets. A single engine for the SLS costs more than a Falcon Heavy launch, for Goddard's sake.

Likewise, with EVs almost all the other offerings range from bland (Nissan Leaf, Chevy Bolt, Hyundai Ioniq) FWD econoboxes to awkward stuff like the BMW i3. The only other 'cool' EVs are the really expensive BMW i8 and Porsches Taycan.

>> No.11664506

Ask him a question and you can literally see he starts thinking 20 things at once, ranging from "what did he really mean by that" with several branching options to "what did security say I can't talk in public again?" The he starts speaking and moments later an even better thought hits him, he then goes through the above 20 things again, and so forth until he gets on track talking about mars or rocket engines or electric cars regardless of what you asked him.

>> No.11664547

That is the absolute sickest cope I've ever seen
>tfw too smart to think properly

>> No.11664576

I'm hoping against the odds that Blue Origin is secretly based and working on some O'Neil cylindor futurism.

>> No.11664685

>Ask him a question and you can literally see he starts thinking 20 things at once
No, just no. There's always a faggot like you in a comments section sucking his cock by saying "woah he's got a real speedy mind thinking 50 things at once!". Shut up.

>> No.11664721

Maybe one day you'll actually find yourself around intelligent people and discover that they're mostly awkward and disinterested in interpersonal communication and frequently have trouble expressing their thoughts. If you've ever taken a higher level college class, you know this. If you've ever interacted with high achieving business professionals you know this. If you've ever had a competitive job where aptitude was valued over soft skills you know this.
Do they have the capacity to develop their interpersonal skills? Sure, but they don't either out of disinterest or autism or misanthropy.

>> No.11664726

Musk is smart and no amount of coping by you brainlets will change that. He was top tier in his physics undergrad and got onto a Phd program before dropping out to make money instead. If you think he can successfully run Tesla and SpaceX, companies making extremely complicated scientifically based products with thousands of engineers/scientists working for them, without being able to understand how the technology works or be able to effectively communicate concepts to his staff, you are retarded. He speaks a bit weird because he's an autist.

>> No.11664739

Musk's greatest skill has been raising capital by duping idealistic silicon valley investors with fuck-it money into thinking they're helping shape the future. Musk knows these types of investors are motivated by the prospect of telling people at cocktail parties they're invested in a neurotechnology or aerosoace company with grand visions, rather than some gay hookup app startup.

>> No.11664773

Okay, even if we assume that's true, it's a fact that spacex and tesla are producing innovative products. If he's good at getting investment, then that's only a positive attribute.

>> No.11664775

>He was top tier in his physics undergrad
Where are the proofs?
>and got onto a Phd program before dropping out to make money instead.
There is no evidence whatsoever that this happened. Stanford confirmed that they had no record of Musk having attended even for one day. But if he said it happened it must have, right? He can get away this saying shit like that because there will always be nerds like you to worship his cock.

>> No.11664787

hes a cloutchaser, got rich and immediately started hanging out in LA with celebs and married the biggest cloutchaser in music

who gives a shit

>> No.11664794

>Where are the proofs?

>Chairman of the ENCORE Selection Committee Geoff Yang (MBA '85)
>Elon Musk: Tesla Motors CEO, Stanford GSB 2013 Entrepreneurial Company of the Year


>> No.11664797


>As for his academic records, Musk produced a document for me dated June 22, 2009, that came from Judith Haccou, the director of graduate admissions in the office of the registrar at Stanford University. It read, “As per special request from my colleagues in the School of Engineering, I have searched Stanford’s admission data base and acknowledge that you applied and were admitted to the graduate program in Material Science Engineering in 1995. Since you did not enroll, Stanford is not able to issue you an official certification document.”

>> No.11664822
File: 58 KB, 700x525, Elon Musk & Ghislaine MaxWell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post 1/2:

Musk is controlled opposition.

Elon Musk is much more than just an average politically opinionated tech CEO. He is an intel asset. He is just like Jeff Bezos, Mark ZuckerBerg, Tom Hanks, Jack Dorsey or Bill Gates. They all have specific high-profile public image in their respective fields, however they are also active behind the scenes, all connected through the same entity of common intel agency. Intelligence agencies are especially heavily interested and invested in all tech sectors, especially space and remote-controlled cars, so just like they have journalists as assets that work for big newspapers to publish or spin specific story that CIA wants, they have tech CEOs, developers etc. that do CIA's bidding. When one of them shows a higher potential, then that person gets into smaller, close-circle of powerful people. Elon Musk is one of them. He is glowing brighter than supernova. Just research his involvement with companies and where they get their money from. Government subsidies are not to "help" company grow, but to make them govt's slave. Everything that comes from Musk is guaranteed to have backdoors and other hidden surprises.

Just search for "Tesla subsidies", or "Space X subsidies" and you will see. Musk would be a total nobody if he wasn't compromised, 100% controlled and propped up. Just like all these people I mentioned above. They are all part of something bigger.

Also, check Musk's ties with Michael Griffin, (head of NASA 2005-2009). Griffin was also working for In-Q-Tel, a CIA subdivision.


More in reply.

>> No.11664827

Post 2/2:

Also, read about Musk's grandfather: https://www.technocracy.news/shock-elon-musks-grandfather-was-head-of-canadas-technocracy-movement/

Musk is most likely a frontman, a figurehead sponsored by In-Q-Tel, which is a CIA subdivision, which is tasked with funding companies in order to make them part of the government, so they can put their backdoors and other surprises.

Research In-Q-Tel:


You can bet anything Musk touches is one of them.

In-Q-Tel is also behind the mobile game Pokemon, through it they got all these millions of people all around the world intel-gathering for them and giving it all to western intel agencies for free. It was clever. Imagine how much data in pictures, geo-location, Wi-Fi, BlueTooth and others that probably were harvested like call logs, text messages etc. were just like that acquired for free. It was smart move on their part. I admire their ingenuity.


As I stated before:

>Musk would be a total nobody if he wasn't compromised, 100% controlled and propped up. Just like all these people I mentioned above. They are all part of something bigger.

>He is glowing brighter than supernova.

>> No.11664835

>thinking 50 things at once
>implying it's a good thing to have such a fine mess in your head when talking to people instead of just coming up with the perfect answer right away

>> No.11664853

His skill at duping idealistic investors has to the creation of some incredible companies. I'm not doubting that, or even doubting the value of it. I'm simply pointing out that his greatest skill is selling grand visions to investors and allocating their capital to do things that were previously implausible for companies with rational investors.

>> No.11664856

Walt Disney and Steve Jobs were visionaries who had a "reality distortion" power that enabled them to convince anyone of their vision and join their cause whereas most interviews I've seen of Musk aren't that inspirational. Watch some of Steve Jobs old apple presentations or interviews for a master class on psychopath businessman charisma.
Don't get me wrong, Musk is also a visionary but in a different way, he seems to tap into humanities desire and aspiration for a better future with his whole real life Tony Stark shtick , the guy who builds cool stuff and advances technology and civilization. The key to Musks success is that he's not only chasing his own dreams but also humanities dreams.

>> No.11664861

He's the lead engineer, another person serves as the CEO.

>> No.11664886

Musk is literally NOBODY but a figurehead. Read here and think for yourself at least once in your life:


>> No.11664894

Fuck off schizo, back to >>>/x/ and >>>/pol/
Here, people having a picture together is not evidence of anything except people taking a picture together.

>> No.11664929

Well most chips including Intel's are already CIA modified. Someone from there posted about it on /g/ a while back.

>> No.11664977

fuck off shill

>> No.11664985

Keep that shit on /pol/, fuck off.

>> No.11664991

s h i l l

>> No.11665002
File: 979 KB, 1169x6371, Shill Guidelines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic attempt, shill / bot. All you have to do is just refute statements made in these posts:


We are waiting. You WON'T, because truth cannot be refuted, and if you just ignore this or instead write combination of words without supporting proof, then you admit defeat. Stay mad, shill / bot.

For everybody else: Look carefully at this shill's / bot/s potential reply and compare it to attached image, a Shill GuideLines.

>> No.11665017

He probably has Aspergers Syndrome. Many telltale signs.

>> No.11665024

>muhhhh shillll
This all you fags ever say. Piss off back to /pol/.

>> No.11665049

confirmed shill, you didnt even try putting in effort to responding to >>11665002

>> No.11665056

See, people? I told you it's a bot / shill. I even predicted it's future behaviour, which should tell you something regarding contents of these posts:


>> No.11665074

The thing with Elon's communication skills is that his brain processes massive amounts of information per time, while human verbal communication can only express a limited amount of ideas (due to language itself hampering the verbalization of thoughts, many of which cannot be verbalized effectively) thus producing an output bottle-neck which is noticeable during his speech. He's not retarded, his brain works at a different (higher) pace and that enables complex/abstract thinking, that's what geniuses are.

>> No.11665086

I'm not even reading your posts, I've wasted enough time on /pol/ drivel. Anyone who starts shouting "shill", "psyop", never has anything worthwhile to say.

>> No.11665092

Verbal intelligence is literally the ability to encode into words ideas that are difficult to express. Language has limitations, but its the ability to work fluently within the confines of those limitations which characterizes verbal intelligence.

>> No.11665118

>The thing with Elon's communication skills is that his brain processes massive amounts of information per time
Every fucking time. Somebody says this every fucking time, and its clearly not true.

>> No.11665176

Consistently banning schizo threads when?

>> No.11665231

that's what being a weedgang faggot does to you.

>> No.11665235

not him but me gusta

>> No.11665245

the only downside is that he wouldn't possibly like you to question him about his new tech idea. I really do like neuralink and the other jazz but in a way to stunt natural advancement through not completly understanding the human body is taking the time train a bit too early. Though I should say that biology should have been figured by now but when you have globo schlomo pulling strings and damaging the entire populous with garbage. It's going to take a long time to finish things.

>> No.11665248

I don't mind talking I just can't talk with a filter.

>> No.11665326

Elon Musk was severely bullied as a kid. I'd argue his struggle to communicate isn't a sign of low intelligence but a result of early life trauma. If he was entirely healthy and didn't have the personal demons that he has I'm sure it would be a different story.

>> No.11665337

was not he once bullied so bad that he was left unconscious? that would go beyond psychological trauma, that's likely to leave some brain scars

>> No.11665344

Maybe, I heard he was kicked down a flight of stairs

>> No.11665772

Intelligence is a combination of "IQ"
EQ and the ability to innovate.
Intxs have poor EQ

t. intx

>> No.11665922
File: 1 KB, 56x125, 1587626969457s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're blind.

>> No.11665967

Musk is literally nobody but a figurehead, a face for these CIA-run companies. They run all these companies, not Musk. He doesn't manage anything. Idolizing Musk is like idolizing a life of a super-hero character from a movie thinking it's real. Just look how Musk's image is carefully crafted to resemble that of Tony Stark from Iron Man movies. CIA has overplayed their hand. They should pick one figurehead for each company, so it wouldn't be that obvious they are a figurehead, instead they created Musk who is supposed to be involved at the highest level in all these companies. Come on, chances of even one company like that being successfully build by one man are low, let alone all these. Musk is essentially an actor at this point, playing a role of Tony Stark.

Just read here for proof and open your eyes:


>> No.11665984

>Musk is literally nobody but a figurehead, a face for these CIA-run companies. They run all these companies, not Musk. He doesn't manage anything. Idolizing Musk is like idolizing a life of a super-hero character from a movie thinking it's real.

this is always what i've assumed. he's the image of an "ideal entrepreneur". something that normies can look at and aspire to. but of course it's not real. why would he marry that random girl? it doesn't make any sense. why would he go on joe rogan and smoke?

it's so painfully obvious and silly that i can hardly stand to watch it.

>> No.11665989


i guess there are worse evils in this world than a few fake billionaires though.

>> No.11665996

hahaha, joe has a 105, no higher

>> No.11666002 [DELETED] 


but does nobody else see it? or am i the dunce? am i the odd one out who took too long to catch on?

>> No.11666024

kinda seemed like he need to go get a coffee or whatever else it is that makes him go

>> No.11666122

Blaming it all on "He is awkward when it comes to talking" is dumb. When people see him on the JRE they think he has no social skills, but you have to factor in he is going through a very anxiety educing time in his life, he just ha d a kid and Tesla is on the line right now w/ Covid.

>> No.11666124

he is an engineer dumbass

>> No.11666159

Read here to understand what is going on with Musk and who he really is:

>> No.11666193

And that is largely the secret to his success that and his high work ethic.

>> No.11666511

His "secret" is being a CIA asset. Read here:

>> No.11666536

I find it amusing that the hate for Elon Musk on social media or something (as if Twitter matters) is so prevalent. I remember there was a timeframe where he was held up to a certain standard and now everyone is like "whaaat? you're letting people work during a pandemic?! the humanity!" and they're now giving shit to him.

>> No.11666687

He's not that bad. I think he seems worse than he is because he talks fast, slurred and with a slight stutter.

>> No.11666698

I don't think he's dumb. Like the argument in the OP, I just think his intelligence manifests itself into something different than verbal communication and abstract thought, proving that different types of intelligence exist despite /sci/ claiming otherwise

>> No.11667103

from what i know, i am high visual thinker, this is my primary way of thinking, and i have to read a lot of books to be able to explain some basic concepts to people, also i have to feel really relaxed cos im anxious. I have a buddy who is, as i suspect, also a visual thinker, very high iq, but verbaly weak.
>I'd imagine he'd have an extremely difficult time grasping works of philosophy or thinking abstractly.
This is just false. Such people are even better at abstract thinking than verbally inteligent ppl.

>> No.11667120

>why would he marry that random girl? it doesn't make any sense. why would he go on joe rogan and smoke?
Why wouldn't he?

>> No.11667193
File: 17 KB, 220x220, Wojak17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11667827

Intelligence can be divided into many categories.What IQ test you might be familiar with (when you see statistics by populations) measures, is general intelligence, which gives you just person's general IQ, without telling you how high or low a person scored in specific category.A person who has high verbal IQ will be a great candidate for a lawyer (this career requires high communication/language manipulation skills to be successful-these types of people generally think in words) while another person (with high visuo-spatial IQ-these people generally think in images- they visualize things in their mind) will be great at mathematics, physics, engineering etc.That's why there are stereotypes of women being worse drivers than men (visuo-spatial capabilities are being used while driving/moving in a 3D space more than anything else) and why men are generally better engineers/architects (again visuo-spatial skills are used a lot when you are designing a skyscraper or creating a highly complex device with many parts that you must visualize and manipulate in 3D in your mind), men on average have higher visuo-spatial IQ than women.Women generally have a little higher verbal IQ than men, that's why there is a stereotype that women are more talkative than men and many of them constantly gossip. People who have high emotional IQ will be great at "reading" people based on little cues like body language, facial expressions, voice intonation etc. and people like that are frequently sought for in intelligence agencies and as a hostage negotiator. Different types of IQ play huge role in politics, because people with higher verbal IQ and/or lower visuo-spatial IQ tend to be more social and lean towards left on the political spectrum and that's why they dominate media, while people with higher visuo-spatial IQ and/or lower verbal IQ tend to be more individualistic and lean towards right on the political spectrum, hence memes created by right-wing are more successful.

>> No.11667831

Left-leaning people are group-think / hive-mind kind of people (what here was called in a meme form as NPC), the ones who are very susceptible to peer-pressure and follow social trends, while right-leaning people are more individualistic, they first filter information coming from the outside world and choose what to believe or not, while left-leaning people are absorbing every kind of information confirming their existing world-view as a fact, without filtering it / checking it first. This topic is way too serious and detailed to reduce it to a conversation on a 4Chan, where posts' characters amount is strictly limited. However to make the long story short - remember when you were in school? There were generally 2 kinds of students: ones who were good at math, physics, engineering etc. and the ones who were good at poetry, essay writing, social-kind of studies etc. The ones from the first group are more right-leaning due to their higher visuo-spatial IQ and lower verbal IQ, while the second group tends to lean towards the left, because of their higher verbal IQ and lower visuo-spatial IQ. For the same reason great lawyers have high verbal IQ and high and wide forehead (that's where the part of the brain responsible for verbal and social communication is), while great physicists and mathematicians have a big head at the back of the skull (that's where part of brain responsible for visuo-spatial abilities is).

>> No.11667842


>> No.11667849
File: 369 KB, 986x553, 1586182894596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is an intel asset
But why is Intel behind all of this? What do they stand to gain

>> No.11667861


most people don't care for that sort of attention.

>> No.11667862

Intel as in short for Intelligence, not a CPU company Intel.

>> No.11667872
File: 143 KB, 609x1178, elonfraud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure he's very pragmatic and business intelligent
Did you mean "rich and a douchbag"?

>> No.11667900
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The modern world coddles people like Elon and others by hyperbolizing the importance of science not only in regards to scientific work, but to all work in all fields. This creates a type of person who most likely existed in across the clergy during the medieval period, someone who was fed scripture their entire life and was patted on the back by a large, powerful institution who molded the minds and opinions of the masses to also reward those who sought to enter its ranks.

Elon and others like him, because of their overly-emphatic belief in the universality of the scientific model, create this cultish atmosphere around science and technology, where its importance is screamed about and proselytized at every available opportunity, partially to jack themselves off, and partially to drown out any potential critique that technological and scientific progress may not be, should be, and most likely is not the sum-total of all human endeavors.

I admire science and scientists, they think in a way that I'm both averse to and fascinated by. For this reason I like discussing subjects with them and having them around.

>> No.11667912
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But I can't ignore this burgeoning and ugly sentiment that's emerged that if anything doesn't line up with scientific values, it's something to immediately be cast-off and disregarded. Whether it's religion, literature, the arts, if it ain't science, it can fuck off, or at the very least, it's demoted to a secondary position and ignored until it dies on the vine because of neglect, fueling more and more this self-fulfilling prophecy of, "See! It didn't work because it wasn't SCIENTIFIC you guise!!! Now put these chips in your brains, they're good for you, Musk said so on a podcast."

I don't believe this is the general feeling amongst most scientific professionals, enthusiasts, supporters, or the community as a whole. And to be fair, I acknowledge that the exact opposite can be and has been true for full-tilt religious/philosophical/literature/art supporters.

But as we begin to come closer to integrating technology into our own bodies, I just get this creepy feeling that most people don't question what that actually means because the answer comes from scientists, who they've been told to 1) respect/listen to, and 2) never, ever question, because they know things you common folk could only DREAM of.

I believe the scientific system has immeasurable value, far beyond what it's being used for today. I just wish the application was a bit less biased towards its own self-interests.

>> No.11667914

Elon Musk literally made a website. Just because he parrots what other people say about DUDE AI LMAO and other bullshit doesn't make him anything.

>> No.11667965

I'm sure I have the same affliction
he's just thinking faster than he can talk. He knows every detail of what he's trying to say is important, and trying to say everything, and in the correct order, for the listener to understand.
Normies can be smart but always omit detail which leads to misunderstanding down the line.

>> No.11667981

Elon Musk studied physics and started a PhD before dropping out to make money. He's a high level understanding of the electrical, mechanical, and rocket engineering principles that are used by his companies to produce products. He convinced a top USA rocket engineer to come work for spacex when it first started. Do you think he could have done that if he was retarded and didn't understand anything about rockets or engineering? Some of you fags are to jealous and seething with envy that you lose your ability to think.

>> No.11668071

>t. doesn't know about about Elon Musk beyond Tesla and some misconstrued headlines
fuck of pseud faggot

>> No.11668088

>he's just thinking faster than he can talk
this meme needs to die

>> No.11668124

It appears that he has no idea how anything "his" companies are involved with really works, he just vaguely knows what is going on and that's why he vaguely answers, no details, but anything serious, anything that actually gets things done is outside of his "expertise", knowledge and capabilities, because he is just a figurehead who gets regular briefings by his handler/s on what's going on in these CIA-run companies and tell him what to say and what not to say, that's why Musk appears to have serious problems with answering even basic questions, because he must follow a script, he must be careful about what he says, he isn't talking organically, but creates sentences that would fit with his pre-determined answers from the script to asked question, that's why he needs time after each question regarding "his" companies to answer it. Organic conversation flows smoothly, Musk must first think on HOW to answer a question (not what to answer - he knows from the script what to answer) in such a manner, so that he stays within the script given by the handler. Notice, that when he talks about companies he is slow to respond and responds chaotically, but when asked about other things he answers organically.

Read here:

>> No.11668302

go away, glow niggers...
for real...
>glow niggers are spin doctors.

>> No.11668446

Why did he sleep at the factory floor then? Why does he work 120 hour weeks?

Do you think its a marketing strategy? It could be. If not I would want to know what he actually does during those 120 hours if he doesn't know what's going on.

>> No.11668450

His intelligence apparently threatens the type of normies that post on 4chan.

>> No.11668744

t. shizofuck

>> No.11669482
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>> No.11669583

>hes pragmatic
That doesnt mean what you think it means, elon musk is the virtual antithesis of a pragmatist
>he cant communicate
elons biggest advantages are his charisma, vision, and salesmanship
>hes a skilled businessman
his track record with business dealings is spotty at best

If you are going to create a shit thread at least have a basic idea of what the fuck it is you are trying to say.

>> No.11669608

>just wish the application was a bit less biased towards its own self-interests.
You either dont understand the fundamental premise of natural philosophy or you dont understand that your real problem lies with human psychology.

>> No.11669819

I'm a bit autistic, as I assume Elon is, and I can tell you that speaking or communicating outside of written word REALLY would make you think I'm "special" in the bad way. I'm just horrible at communicating.

>> No.11669880

There are plenty of retards that are very proficient at conversing with others but completely inept in all forms of reasoning. Reason being that verbal communication skills are more a question of how loud you are, how naturally social you are, and how well you empathize with the person you're talking to. If you want to find an array of verbal savants that are intellectually empty, just turn on the TV.

That aside, I had no issue understanding what he was trying to say. If you can't follow mumblespeak then you'd fail out of any hard science curriculum given that 3/4 of lecturers are like that except with a strong Chinese/Indian accent and substantially more complicated subject matter. I think you just outed yourself as a brainlet.

>> No.11669928

And this is why the business heads who actually make all the money and run shit aren't the smartest guys in the room. They just have the silver tongue, people skills, and can pick the winners from the losers in the first place.

>> No.11670305

Oi don't bring pol into this we like elon

>> No.11670424

>elons biggest advantages are his charisma
How am I supposed to take you serious after this sentence? Have you ever watched a single interview with him?

>> No.11670429

>That aside, I had no issue understanding what he was trying to say.
There was never a mention in the OP of not understanding what he is saying. You are literally to stupid to realize what the issue with his speaking is. You don't even know what you don't know so I can't help you.

>> No.11670436

this but unironically

>> No.11670546

Okay. Since you have actually asked me nicely, I will make you a favour and won't post anything politically-related to Elon.

I'm just pointing out the truth that most people seem to not be able to see. Personally I have no problem with Elon or with what he does, I just dislike his perceived public image, because it's fake. If he wants to play a character from an Iron Man and he has means to do it, then I see no problem, but when he leads people to actually believe, that he is an Iron Man, then that's where the problems start. I like Elon as a person and respect him, but his fake public image boils my blood when I see clueless people praising him for achievements of CIA.

With that being said, I will keep my word and won't post about that here again.

>> No.11670548

a top USA rocket engineer who knew he'd get a share of billions in subsidy money by pretending we can fly to mars in 5 years. fuck this charlatan

>> No.11670555


I ha e a deep appreciation for philosophy and I can't string a good enough sentence together to keep myself from sounding retarded. Your brain isn't one solid "thing", the parts that dictate verbal skills are only tangentially related to intelligence in regards to "big words".

>> No.11670564

Elon musk is only smart to dumb people

>> No.11670575

Does he suffer from Kruger effect
Or do I?

>> No.11670624

Lmao cope

Correlation means little

>> No.11670627

Times a flat circle

>> No.11670633


Just intelligence

Autism makes you a bad communicator though

>> No.11670635

Its been said >>11664389
100 times

Its weird how normies consider Elon smart and not Jeff... They've essentially done the same things. Hell Jeff actually came from poverty so he might have more of a claim. It's only that Jeff doesn't market himself as genius.

They're both frauds and "bad" people though

>> No.11670658

I'm capable of thinking abstractly and czn still communicate

Retards need not say anything

>> No.11670661

His ex wife said he'd constantly remind her that he's alpha

Really insecure guy

>> No.11670663

Working 120 hours a week doesn't make you smart lamo

>> No.11670667

LMAO source? really fucking cringe if true

>> No.11670742


I believe all of it

>> No.11670747

Remember that time he called the diver a pedo cause he wouldn't use his shitty submarine

Remember that time he crushed worker unions

Remember that one time he took advantage of little black children

I memba

>> No.11670751

>Hell Jeff actually came from poverty
lmao no he didn't

>> No.11670754

Compared to Elon he was

I don't care anyways they're both trash

>> No.11670768
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>> No.11670778

kinda ironic

>> No.11670805

The fact that he has a literal cult following among normies is proof of it, him going on the JRE and blazing with everyone loving it is another, that this thread even exists another, charisma =/ oratory skill. See also:
Steve Jobs
Donald Trump
Bernie Sanders
John Oliver

>> No.11670820

Trump is like a whole tier of autism on his own. None of those people are good at speaking, but Trump is retarded even when he's not going off-script whereas the others can at least get a sentence out without sounding like a retarded christopher walken

>> No.11671454

neither does understanding of the company processes. Let's stay with the subject matter: what does he do in those 120 hours all week?

>> No.11671493

Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Steve Jobs.
These are products. These are not people.
Their entire figure, manner of speech, looks, everything is a product their company is selling you. If you don't understand this you are beyond salvation. None of them are the intellectual driving forces behind their projects at this point.

>> No.11672448

Musk was a book worm, bullied loner, made a game as a kid and sold it for a lofty sum, exceptional student. He runs a fucking space and electric car company. Musk is intelligent, losers.

>> No.11672453

Easily-impressed brainlet

>> No.11672480 [DELETED] 

> different types of intelligence
wtf are you talkin about

>> No.11672784

steve jobs is dead

>> No.11672787

I'm dead

>> No.11672798

Intelligence can be divided in different types. Read here for explanation:


>> No.11672838

Who the fuck is syaing donald is smart? He's average at best and is an extremely delusional human.

He only got elected because other stuoid people relate to him, even though he's a billionaire

>> No.11672901
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>He struggles to finish up a train of though and is unable to communicate his opinions or to process the opinions of others.
Wow he is literally me

>> No.11672902

Elon is not most people.

>> No.11673059

No, not at all, considering he created all those jobs.

>> No.11673066

Imagine working for a billioanres and scarsfising yourself to make his cars during a pandemic

>> No.11673092

amazing anon, thats all the reply you will get for me you absolute retard.

>> No.11673100

There were more errors in my post

Curse of being a phone poster. You don't deserve a well-constructed post, however.

>> No.11673103

Elon is clamped.


>> No.11673104

He's trying to dumb down his conversation for a casual audience...
He is their lead engineer

>> No.11673105

...and I will never get one from you, because you're physically incapable of creating one with your ape-like intelligence you fucking idiot.

>> No.11673111

oh and he had to consider what he can say without giving away his company's secrets

>> No.11673113

Says the bootlicker

Aquire awareness/brain capacity.

I bet you're one of three "he's thinking 600 thoughts at once" gags

>> No.11673167

do you not know how he got his first million?

>> No.11673174

Foudned a generic company with his brother during the. Com boom fudned with daddy's money

Also his code was horrible and had to be re-written

>> No.11673296

I'm really starting to believe the phrase that he is the stupid person's idea of what a smart person is

>> No.11673302

You should have realized this a while ago

>> No.11673320


he probably is but they are thoughts like "what do i tweet next" and "how is my stock doing" so not very amazing

>> No.11673507

Today more than ever in history the title of "genius" is attainable only by savants. The foundations of science are so thick now that great contributions require a type of intelligence that is "deep" as opposed to "wide." This is made possible only by obsession to the point of detriment. However, you shouldn't take this as meaning that poor social skills are indicative of intelligence like those smug smoothbrains on reddit. I am unconvinced that Elon Musk possesses extraordinary intelligence anywhere outside business and media. I also wouldn't put faith in anyone making major scientific breakthroughs in any field or even grand works of art unless I could accurately describe them as retarded or insane in some way. Even Musk's most obvious gaps in intelligence are far too reddit, and his achievements too far overhyped, for me to call him anything close to a genius. On the other hand, when I read about a figure like Kanye West, I think "Only a genius could be this retarded."

>> No.11673515

Good post

>> No.11673540

he posted a pic once and it's somewhere in the 120s iirc

>> No.11673555

When I listened to him in the Lex Friedman podcast it confirmed to me that he's extremely insecure and arrogant. A lot of his responses to Lex were dismissive when he really could have had a great conversation with someone who knows a lot about machine learning. It was like he was out to prove himself the smartest person in the room.

>> No.11673786


I'm not saying he's a super genius, but he IS the chief engineer at SpaceX. So there is a level of intelligence necessary to achieve that position from F1 all the way to Starship.

>> No.11675302

Most of our evolution we've been non verbal, words help with categorizing concepts but slow thought processes down, most ways of thinking are easier without words but words are invaluable on a social level and in communicating competence.

>> No.11675361
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I speak like Elon Musk without his IQ
I'm a tsundere too

Kill me

>> No.11675371
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>He thinks Elon is a genius because he knows how to repeat the talking points of his scientists