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File: 204 KB, 576x864, Elon_Musk_Royal_Society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11660980 No.11660980 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so obsessed with space? Does he want a Mcadees on Mars that badly? Why doesn't he put his money into something worthwhile like cancer research or something?

>> No.11660987

Imagine what an 8 year old sub-wit white boy with a chipmunk face would do with the amount of money Elon has, and that is what Elon will do with his money.

>> No.11660989

Lol. Imagine if any of the great conquerors of history thought this way. Evolution would have never progressed, let alone civilization. The fact that the only use you can think for space-travel is "Mcadees on Mars" just betrays where your own interests lie. You are just projecting your own failures and pessimisms on the rest of humanity. I believe Nietzsche called this "chandala syndrome", in that, because you played the game and lost, you now have ressentiment towards it, and so take revenge in slandering it.

>> No.11660994

The Jews are all over healthcare.

>> No.11661002

I don't think he cares about other people that much

>> No.11661023

t. loser

>> No.11661028

If you grew up in Africa and saw what was coming you would be trying to leave the planet too.

>> No.11661044

Colonising Mars is one of the most futile, wasteful ways to throw away money I can think of. As well as being unfeasible in any of our lifetimes it propagates this notion that we can ruin this world, leave and find another. It's actively harmful.

>> No.11661052

Ah yes, because GIBSMEDAT programs are any better.

>> No.11661080

>GIBSMEDAT programs
ask Elon Musk about that

>> No.11661089

He isn't interested in cancer research. I wouldn't be either. You've clearly never read science fiction novels. Health isn't interesting. Space is interesting.

>> No.11661120

Completely unrelated. He could help preserve this planet instead of chasing another one. He may as well try and colonise the sun.

>> No.11661124

Really? Two "why doesn't Musk spend money on the things I want him to" threads at the same time?

>> No.11661136

>Lol. Imagine if any of the great conquerors of history thought this way. Evolution would have never progressed
I'm now done with this thread. Finished. Goodbye.

>> No.11661384


He wants to test his own prohibition out. A lot of people do it. To see if people remember. It can disturb the opposing space agency. His people are forbidden by various space agencies as victims of war. Means they have a imminent revenge clause assigned. I don’t know how they got one but not some other groups if they aren’t historical enemies of US but I can see the reason upto that extent but also the flaw. But I heard US got with with crimes against nature and humanity in that arena for example cracking the moon due to stress it puts on it for takeoff. But then again it’s that Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris match. Chuck Norris didn’t want to kill Bruce but saw it amicable test of strength. Didn’t take his shot when he had it. Bruce Lee however really wanted to kill.

>> No.11661385

The sun is going to swallow the earth anyways. The best thing to do is cull the ooga boogas shitting in the rivers and pull a MacArthur, which colonizing planets.

>> No.11661390


Similar to how some people can’t be president because they have nothing to preside over except illegal matters. Things that would get them imprisoned.

>> No.11661398


For example not all states accepted refugee visas. Or in old days pulling castle doctrine without having a destination and keep coming back to the state you pulled castle doctrine or killing someone from the state you chose as primary destination. Just doesn’t make sense.

>> No.11661473

He's a delusional genius that knows we're simply evil apes.
I wanna go to Mars too some day, away from all this gobbledygook. + we gotta keep expanding territory, we've taken over Earth fully and drained it nearly dry so we gotta find a new place to live.

>> No.11661503

How does it promote that notion in any way? Mars is an extremely hostile environment. If anything, Mars will teach us how to overcome the changing environment on earth, so we can still survive here after we finish fucking it up. Why do you care what elon is doing with his billions? There are hundreds of other billionairs you don't seem to care how they spend their money.

>> No.11662306

>like cancer research
How much money gets put into cancer research every year OP?
How much more money do you think they need before its cured? Why are you spending money on room and board when cancer still exists? DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT CANCER!
Also, getting the human race off the planet earth is the only way to ensure the continued survival of the human race over any long scale of time.
Whether or not he ever does it is a moot point really because he's been very instrumental in privatized spaceflight.

>> No.11662317
File: 377 KB, 1700x850, deathism chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying curing cancer is more important than curing aging

>> No.11662329

>Why is he so obsessed with space?

you know what they say: "smart people talk about ideas, ordinary people talk about events, and dumb people talk about people."

>> No.11662334

so why can't /sci/ find anything more interesting to talk about than celebrity billionaires?

>> No.11662335
File: 356 KB, 500x235, zd98j].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11662341

obviously the planets are not aligned tonight. there are good times ahead. shit is hit and miss on every board but this is still teh best board

>> No.11662350


nobody ever wants to talk about anything interesting in real life either. it's always the latest video game or some such nonsense. i'm tired of it. everything seems so distant and foreign

>> No.11662361

Exactly how is colonizing Mars infeasible within any of our lifetimes?

We have the technology. Fine sands? Whatever bro. Terraforming and/or reliable habits? Already on the way there man.

The rocketry necessary is already made. I would bet big big money that we'll see footprints in Mars by the first half of this century is not in the next 10 years.

Moon base to. There's going to be a huge market for that once commercial spacecraft are cheap enough for public use. Plenty of rich and upper middle class people who'll want to live there.

>> No.11662407

>lol bro the effects of climate change on this and the next generations don't matter because the sun will explode in a billion years anyway

>> No.11662453

Cancer is too complex and difficult to study. We're not really getting anywhere with it despite billions being poured into it. Aging research would make a lot more sense, because we have biomarkers like Methylation which allows us to do lab work a lot quicker.

>> No.11662543

I wish the masses would propose their own alternative vision of the future rather than adopting this farfetched space hotel and robotic servant fantasy for billionaires.

>> No.11662606

Going to Mars won't help you get away from all the "gobbledygook". Humans can't outrun nature, anywhere we go we will be the same.

>> No.11662631

lot of good being young does when your brain tumor kills you dead

I get the logic of slowing aging, but you have >50% odds of dying from something besides old age

>> No.11662687

>Space is interesting.
that's where you're wrong. some of the engineering, maybe, some of the human interest stories like apollo 13
but space is literally nothing - and guess what i'm not being a semantics fuckhead. Because there's nothing in it either. Planets? nothing on 'em. Distant planets that might have something on them? can never reach 'em
There is no aspect of space as it exists outside of the human drama that's just as applicable to any other endeavour, space itself, that isn't fantasy.

>> No.11662697

the fuck are you talking about, almost everyone dies of old age now but when an old persons worn out heart stops they write heart attack not 'old age' on the statistics, you fucking cretin

>> No.11663174

Most rich people are zionists like that by nature because if you actually like where you live and the people around you, you aren't insecure enough to hoard that much wealth and you are investing in your neighborhood and neighbors.

>> No.11663410

Better to focus on preserving our home. He can spend on whatever he wants, but suggesting we can relocate somewhere else in the solar system makes this world seem expendable, when the exact opposite is true.

Try to imagine how shit living on the Moon or Mars would be, even if it were feasible.

>> No.11663438

cancer research is a waste of money. keeping dumb small minded basedcuck "NOOOO WE HAVE TO FIX EARTH FIRST YOU CAN'T GO TO MARS" people alive is a waste of money. That money should be going into space exploration instead

>> No.11663443

your probability of cancer and all other diseases increases exponentially with age. curing aging almost effectively eliminates all other disease.

>> No.11663453

Space is cool.
Deal with it.
It's culture now anon.

>> No.11665291

>Try to imagine how shit living on the Moon or Mars would be, even if it were feasible.
Slightly shittier than a stay in Antarctica, but slightly better than Detroit.

>> No.11665313

> thinks of something worth researching
>comes up with cancer research

This is smth that's straight out of some index card of a miss America participant.

Solving intelligence is the only thing in STEM worth focusing on. All the other problems will find their solution as a consequence of that.

>> No.11665321

No he couldnt, the only way we are preserving this planet is if people decide to stop being greedy self absorbed shits. That or another major war/disease/disaster knocks 2-4 billion people off the count and destroys much of our infrastructure. Having a shit ton of money doesnt somehow allow you to ignore the limitations of human psychology.

>> No.11665328

hello r*ddit

>> No.11665341

>the fuck are you talking about, almost everyone dies of old age now
No they dont you idiot

You could say people principally die from diseases that have a strong correlation with age, but you didnt because you are a pseud.

>> No.11665373

stellar comeback dawg

>> No.11665837
File: 355 KB, 2492x2084, IMG_20200427_044947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this right here

>> No.11665858


>> No.11666107

Yeah launching GPS satellites is totally worthless right? Retard

>> No.11666141

Neural Link dumbass

>> No.11666736

>gnuuh he is smart help me smoke ciggies and not die! gnuh mars is stupid use your money to help poor people have more children!

Ah yes why indeed does he want to leave this planet?

>> No.11666755

A side effect of 'curing' ageing would be the near complete halting of cancer and cardiovascular disease and a massive reduction in the severity of other diseases. The only top killers which curing ageing wouldn't affect are suicide and "accidents".

>> No.11667440

Besides a genius, Elon Musk is a capitalist. He knows there is a lot of potential in space exploring, both financial and historical glory.

On his last JRE podcast he showed no compassion at all to the afflicted by Covid, although he had some reasoning in his speech.

>> No.11667469


>implying natural evolution is a conscious process

>> No.11667627

>Besides a genius
What has he done? What's his IQ?

>> No.11667641

Well said.

>> No.11667646

>Mars is an extremely hostile environment. If anything, Mars will teach us how to overcome the changing environment on earth, so we can still survive here after we finish fucking it up.

Quoted for truth.

>> No.11667713

>Why is he so obsessed with space?
He wants to escape his bullies