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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11662109 No.11662109 [Reply] [Original]

scientifically speaking there is no way this is true right?

>> No.11662126 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11662129

There it is.

>> No.11662134

>The housewives of middle-class men, who were hot in their 20s and essentially never had to do or learn anything while working their 6 figures HR jobs, turned out to be retarded.

Wow man I never saw this coming dude.

>> No.11662155

Educated people are more likely to be mistrustful of the government. Some of the smartest guys I know are huge conspiracy theorists.

>> No.11662211

Being mistrustful of the governement =! being a retarded contrarian.
You can mistrust the governement, in fact you should.
But what is really wrong with retarded conspirationnist is that they are against the governement for the sake of being against it.
It reminds me of pol who for january hyped the coronavirus as the next end of the world, and the second media started warning about its dangerous it started doing the exact opposite of what it was doing so far, shilling how much of a hoax it was.

>> No.11662248

>come from areas that are better educated
doesn't mean they're more educated themselves, duh.

>> No.11662260

Yes, it is posible. In fact, exposure to information can turn into a polarizing factor over scientific consensus on a given issue. There is an ongoing controversy on the topic of the relationship between scientific literacy and unwarranted beliefs (such as pseudosciences, paranormal or conspiracy beliefs), some studies have found a positive linear relation, but others have found no relation at all, meaning that access to education is not necesarily a protective factor against this kind of stupidity.
See this article, on relation to what i'm saying, it also cites a bunch of other findings on this area:

Fasce, A., & Picó, A. (2019). Science as a Vaccine. Science & Education, 28(1-2), 109-125.

>> No.11662277

>gubment bad me smart
ok. The south is really fucking intelligent apparently

>> No.11662278

A negative linear relation* sorry

>> No.11662295

Simple, "educated" is an arbitrary standard that has no relation to having actual knowledge and, analytical or critical skills.

>> No.11662324

okay mr. highschool dropout

>> No.11662328
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>> No.11662353

nope its quite codified in fact, if you attended post secondary education you are (for the purposes of this conversation) educated
>no relation
nope, educated people score better by any metric you care to use in the domain of intellectual pursuits

Being educated doesnt guarantee you arent a moron, however it is a strong indicator you arent. Denying this is an untenable position as all evidence supports it.

>> No.11662395

I'm pretty sure nuking babies with vaccines is the reason we have developed so many new/worse allergies and autoimmune disorders.

>> No.11662398


There is book read smarts and then there is intellectual smarts.
Book read people have learned from the system that you are rewarded by memorizing and then reguritating information that you read. They're more likely to read some psudoscientific article about anti-vaxing and then believe it, because the system has trained them that way.

Critical thinking is no longer rewarded in our society, and thus the "educated" are easily manipulable fools.

Is this coincidence? or by design? I'll make no comment on that, but I'll leave it as food for thought.

>> No.11662416

Nonlinear dose response of aluminum.



Inflammation and neurogenesis:

Hepatitis B vaccine induced brain dysfunction.

In the US this is given within 12 hours after birth. This aspect of our "Brave New World" should not be overlooked.

You have the well reported alteration of antigen presentation in the gut, massive inflammation. That's against a background of other environmental factors which destroy proper gut flora.

Section 13 of every vaccine insert, as its sole content, contains a variant of the following:
"[Vaccine] has not been tested for mutagenic potential, carcinogenic potential, or impairment of fertility."

Look up "immunocastration", anti-GnRH (eg Improvac).
A variant of this (anti-HCg) was tested on girls in Kenya (by the UN) via tetanus toxoid which was "contaminated" with the beta subunit of HCg.

Inserts are here:

Purported vaccine content is here:

>> No.11662419

The vast majority of vaccines are never subjected to a blinded randomized placebo controlled trial. They use other vaccines or adjuvants as placebos. The observation period is restrained to a narrow window. Long term followup is not performed. This sort of junk science would be called out anywhere else, but vaccination seems to be a protected class.

The government body which is supposed to be monitoring VAERS and producing annual reports has never produced a single one.

Lazarus - Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS)

Vaccine manufacturers and administrating physicians were given blanket legal immunity over 30 years ago. Vaccines are thus a liability free product. You cannot sue for them vaccine damage, instead, you have to go through a lengthy process up against DOJ lawyers in a special vaccine court. If you win the settlement comes out of a pool allocated with a small fee per vaccine, not from the manufacturer responsible. In the event of overt injury, your tax dollars go to fund yourself fighting yourself, to pay yourself.

DOJ Vaccine injury reports:

Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS):

Flu shot has been shown to be largely ineffective, completely ineffective over 65.
Wipond 2018 - Reporting flu vaccine science

>> No.11662420

Silicon Valley tech neighborhoods have some of the lowest vaccination rates in the country. They want you to think that its dumb rednecks who are afraid of vaccines, but its really rich white and asian people.

>> No.11662424

Historical data on disease rates indicates vaccines are introduced only after other measures have reduced rates of disease. Actual treatments and prevention have been suppressed in favor of vaccination, simply things like vitamin C and vitamin A for measles. Polio was successfully treated and partially reversed in its flaccid paralysis staged with injections of sodium ascorbate and a small amount of copper salicylate. Polio itself only became an issue after other vaccines, indicating immune disruption and inability to handle organochloride pesticide bombardment (DDT), diethylstilbestrol added to milk and used in pregnancy, mercury in the water from mining operations, people were putting mercurochrome on open wounds. Leaded gas. Even the wallpaper had DDT. A matter of total toxic load.

Contamination with the old polio vaccine with SV40 gave many people cancer. Think about those in your family who are dying of cancer in their 40's to 60's. Historically vaccine contamination has been frequent.
Notably some independent testing found various "contaminants" in human vaccines, but not veterinary.
Worth noting as well, prior to the "cutter incident" work was being done to weaponize polio at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.

Risk of severe side effects:

Infection in fully vaccinated children, increased susceptibility to other infections after vaccination, role of the vaccinated as asymptomatic carriers or "resevoirs"

>> No.11662429

Other resources:
Look up Suzanne Humphries, MD. Some of her talks are on youtube. Her book "Dissolving Illusions" as well.
John Bergman on Youtube.
"Murder by Injection" by Eustace Mullins. For those who like to whine and complain about "conspiracy theory", he's simply compiling the contents of documents found in the Library of Congress.

Quite a lot of information

Some posts by others:

Lawsuit filed challenging legality of the defense department’s anthrax vaccination immunization program, This article does not go into the complaints from some service members that the anthrax vaccine made them sick in more detail but if you look into the history of Bioport the company that made the vaccine, you will find all types of suspicious shit going on like scandals & controversial federal bail-outs.

there are many lawsuits against Bill Gates foundations you can find them if you look for them,like testing vaccines without "consent"

I am not saying that all vaccine & vaccine companies are evil but some of them are and have been involved in scams, you can find many if you look for them,Big-Pharma is not your friend ! & if you look into the companies that are working on the COV19 vaccine like Emergent Biosolutions! you should look at their history of profiteering, you look should at the people funding it , you look should at the corrupt

>> No.11662434

people involved in lobbying for them in the government and then decide! if you want the government to force their products on the public by making vaccination mandatory.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 granted unprecedented, economic immunity to pharmaceutical companies for injuries caused by their products and eviscerated economic incentive for them to manufacture safe vaccine products or improve the safety of existing vaccine products. Congress therefore charged the Secretary of HHS with the explicit responsibility to assure vaccine safety but after a FOIA request HHS had to finally and shockingly admit that it never, not even once, submitted a single biennial report to Congress detailing the improvements in vaccine safety.
Safety was never a priority , making money and controlling the market is ,companies then go on to sell the products to governments worldwide

Vaccination: ALL

A two-phase study evaluating the relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccine administration and the risk for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in the United States

A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population.

Commentary--Controversies surrounding mercury in vaccines: autism denial as impediment to universal immunisation.

Methodological issues and evidence of malfeasance in research purporting to show thimerosal in vaccines is safe.

Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism.

>> No.11662436

Post the source already

>> No.11662439

Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002.

A case series of children with apparent mercury toxic encephalopathies manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders.

A comprehensive review of mercury provoked autism.

Thimerosal Exposure and the Role of Sulfation Chemistry and Thiol Availability in Autism

B-Lymphocytes from a Population of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Unaffected Siblings Exhibit Hypersensitivity to Thimerosal

Theoretical aspects of autism: causes--a review.

Conjugate vaccines and autism.

A prospective study of thimerosal-containing Rho(D)-immune globulin administration as a risk factor for autistic disorders.

Hypothesis: conjugate vaccines may predispose children to autism spectrum disorders.

The potential importance of steroids in the treatment of autistic spectrum disorders and other disorders involving mercury toxicity.

Reduced levels of mercury in first baby haircuts of autistic children

Cultured lymphocytes from autistic children and non-autistic siblings up-regulate heat shock protein RNA in response to thimerosal challenge.

A possible central mechanism in autism spectrum disorders, part 1.

The role of mercury in the pathogenesis of autism.

>> No.11662441

Transcriptomic analyses of neurotoxic effects in mouse brain after intermittent neonatal administration of thimerosal.

Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: are they safe?

Aluminum and Vaccine Ingredients:What Do We Know? What Don’t We Know?

Impact of Environmental Factors on the Prevalence of Autistic Disorder After 1979

UN Report On Vaccine Deaths / Dangers Buried By Google

Why The Elite Do Not Vaccinate Their Children

Subtle DNA changes and the overuse of vaccines in autism

Vaccine and Autism- a New Scientific Review

Summary of previous Journal of Immunology

Autism and Resulting Medical Conditions:

Mercury toxic encephalopathy manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders.

Relation of mercury to high autism rates in boys

>> No.11662452 [DELETED] 

Autism and mercury poisoning

Hypothesis: conjugate vaccines may predispose children to autism spectrum disorders

Rise in autism coincides with rise in vaccines

A two-phase study evaluating the relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccine administration and the risk for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in the United States


This is what they did to us. This is what they're still doing and getting away with. To those reading this who are still capable of thinking for themselves, save, review, and propagate this information. Eventually I'm going to get sick of posting and reposting 2k character limit blocks, with barely any rational or intelligent dialogue coming from it, and I'm just going to stop. We need more people. Too few people are doing too much of the work, in many things.

>> No.11662463
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>> No.11662467

Still pushing that nonsense, I see.

>> No.11662469

The vast majority of chairs are never subjected to a blinded randomized placebo controlled trial


>> No.11662474
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>> No.11662473
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>> No.11662480

This is why they clamp and vaccinate. Any costs are drastically offset by the ultimate result, they get the desired product. You can't even have a rational or direct discussion, can you? You can't do it. You can't face anything squarely.

>> No.11662488

The vast majority of Enter keys are never subjected to a blinded randomized placebo controlled trial


>> No.11662496

serious question to anti-vaxers

does Hanlon's razor apply to vaccination?

>> No.11662497
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>> No.11662508

No, because Hanlon's razor assumes a singular entity. Vaccination is a massive machine with multiple levels of organization. When you're dealing with compartmentalization and large organizational and control structures, some will know not what they do, some will be incompetent, some may be maliciously incompetent, some may be malicious outright, some elements may in fact be Machiavellian, having been led to believe that what they're doing is not only necessary, but for the greater good.

So you see here. Some do not know what they're doing, some do not care what they're doing, some know mor eor less what they're doing but have false beliefs about its role in the overarching system, and some elements may have something close to a higher truth. Hanlon's razor is so basic and simplified that it just does not apply to such a such a large system, and not to individual elements either.

>> No.11662529
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AAAAAHHHH he hit Enter! He's an autist!!

>> No.11662536

so, your world view is that given enough people involved, at least 1 will be maliciously motivated enough to hamstring children developmental growth, and that this 1 malicious person will always have enough power to secretly control everything without anyone realizing it?

To assume that our world will always be secretly controlled by nefarious entities. That's a pretty jaded and bleak outlook on life.

>> No.11662538
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>> No.11662547

The prerequisite for conspiracist thought is the belief that people are not rational, and that large groups of people can be controlled on the basis of collective myth and delusion.

>> No.11662574

Maybe they read this https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Vaccines+and+Autoimmunity-p-9781118663431


In light of the discovery of Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants, or ASIA, Vaccines and Autoimmunity explores the role of adjuvants – specifically aluminum in different vaccines – and how they can induce diverse autoimmune clinical manifestations in genetically prone individuals.

Vaccines and Autoimmunity is divided into three sections; the first contextualizes the role of adjuvants in the framework of autoimmunity, covering the mechanism of action of adjuvants, experimental models of adjuvant induced autoimmune diseases, infections as adjuvants, the Gulf War Syndrome, sick-building syndrome (SBS), safe vaccines, toll-like receptors, TLRS in vaccines, pesticides as adjuvants, oil as adjuvant, mercury, aluminum and autoimmunity. The following section reviews literature on vaccines that have induced autoimmune conditions such as MMR and HBV, among others. The final section covers diseases in which vaccines were known to be the solicitor – for instance, systemic lupus erythematosus – and whether it can be induced by vaccines for MMR, HBV, HCV, and others.

Edited by leaders in the field, Vaccines and Autoimmunity is an invaluable resource for advanced students and researchers working in pathogenic and epidemiological studies.“

>> No.11662594

people can be dumb, irrational, and easily deluded. I wouldn't argue against that.

But there are somethings that even in war, people just won't do. Injuring infants seems like one of them.
I'm hesitant to say this but logic dictates it. It seems like a this act is a thing only a psychopath would do.
If that were the case, wouldn't psychopaths be more dangerous than vaccinations?
If you look at it that way, this entire argument gets reduced to conspiracy theorist schizos VS baby maiming psychopaths.

I honestly can't believe this, but the idea is quite amusing.

>> No.11662603

Read Brave New World. Also read Between Two Ages.

>> No.11662608

This is completely non-scientific but does anyone else think that perhaps back in the good 'ol days people were more willing to accept that they were dumb and uneducated?

>> No.11662621

Yes. It was a concept called humility that has been lost

>> No.11662626

I hate to be the one to pull the veil but that article is 100% accurate!

>> No.11662628

see >>11662398
These days people get handed slips of paper saying they're smart, simply because they memorized enough information and paid for it.

They don't need to prove they're capable of doing anything with that information they've memorized to be "certified smart."

>> No.11662629
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Never get high off you own supply

>> No.11662630

Wouldn't be surprised if it's because once you go get "educated" you realize school is easy and anyone with at least a 100 IQ can do a PhD, and if you look at various publications you see that people publish absolute trash.

Also, Americans get more PhD's in stupid shit like education, gender studies, or hospitality management (lol). To call those people educated...

>> No.11662651

it's also the reason why you didn't die of polio or smallpox you moron

>> No.11662660

In 2017 I was pregnant with my second child and everytime I would hear about these antivaxxers I couldn't understand why they were so hesitant to trust in the CDC, HHS, FDA, WHO, doctors and pharma. But I got curious so I looked into their side of things and found myself 3 years later on the complete opposite side from where I began my search. No one preached to me or repeated slogans. I simply searched and never felt more liberated and empowered with the truth- there is no going back and im beyond disgusted with how our nation has put money before the health of our children. The science is there but it does not sustain the pro vaccine movement- that is sustained by manipulated science and always remember statistics don't lie, statisticians do. Don't believe one way or the other until you do the research.

>> No.11662692

ah I knew there'd be a perfect word to describe it! Thank you
yeah I've met plenty of people like that. They'll spout facts they've learned but very rarely do you hear something that makes you think they've sat down and actually thought about the things they've learned. There's little genuine insight.

>> No.11662705


Took like 5 seconds to prove that false

>> No.11662746

Not all vaccines are created equal.

>> No.11662747

>gates claims

>> No.11662748

>random blog claims they didn't

>> No.11662757

Nearly everyone is "educated" nowadays. The dumbest slut can obtain a degree.

>> No.11662762

Listen, I'm not an antivaxx schizo and I don't believe the story, but nothing in this "fact check" can really refute it.

>> No.11662765

Ah, the era of the internet. Where all you have to do is google it to know if it's true or false.

We're doomed. This is absolutely pathetic.

>> No.11662772

>don't search, just trust me
0.05 ruble has been deposited to your account

>> No.11662782

>rando on internet vs billionaire karen

>> No.11662834

glowie pls

>> No.11662865

probably because their cutoff for 'educated' is 'finished highschool'

>> No.11662873
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>only have high school degree

>> No.11662880
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>> No.11662893
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fucking karens

>> No.11662902

Enough education to have a chance of knowing what's what, not too much education to have been destroyed completely.

>> No.11662923

Notice the only refutations to these posts have been (((take your meds schitzo))) shitposts. You're doing good anon, collect more NPC responses and you prove the truth of your posts.

>> No.11662994

antischizos btfo

>> No.11663039

>It reminds me of pol who for january hyped the coronavirus as the next end of the world, and the second media started warning about its dangerous it started doing the exact opposite of what it was doing so far, shilling how much of a hoax it was.

Implying /sci/ didn't do this too. This is the biggest fucking retard board on this website. Compared to /pol/ this place looks like literal fucking retards and since /pol/ has a lot of legit schizos and retards that is really saying something

>> No.11663042

Impressive, did you quote that from your PhD?

>> No.11663047

He looks like noble laureate compared to morons like you on this board that parrot the word schizo non stop. I would be in full support of banning anyone that makes ad hominem comments on this board so we could be rid of you retarded apes for good since you wouldn't be able to muster any comment at all if that were the case

>> No.11663063

why yes i have a pretty huge dick, how could you tell?

>> No.11663068

go back to your containment board, you autist.

>> No.11663080

people with business degrees are not educated. if i had to guess the people that put crystals on their forehead thinking it get rids of headaches are also more educated then the general population. uneducated poor people don't have as much time to jerk off on Facebook. maybe poor people realize the reality of the world through their issues. their suffering leads them to believe there isnt magic that will help its a cold hard world.

>> No.11663086

oh here's another example of "imma post fuck ton of papers which i didn't read but i'll pretend like i did."

>> No.11663108

That's not a lot of papers.

>> No.11663477

You are mixing cientific content with pseudoscience articles stupid shizo

>> No.11663548

I am college educated, I like the pharma industry and I got a shit load of vaccines in my body. I will still refuse to get this "new" vaccine. I know the process of regulating new medication and while it is good and reasonably secure I still don't wanna get it right away without any long term studies. I think it's ok to give the people the right to decide. Even if it may turn out bad for them it's their personal responsibility.

>> No.11663554

ok tell me retard, how drumf is any good?

>> No.11663827

Ok i cnat belive i am taking this schizo posting seriously but all these studies are done on mice and dont't prove any correlation in humans hell the first one claims that while a dose of 200μg Al/kg affected mice higher doses of 400 and 800μg Al/kg and even claims that seeing it as dose makes the poison is overly simplistic, not to mention the fact that aluminium hydroxide is a major ingredient in many antacids in far larger doses and you would see effects there if anywhere
even the hep b vacine is only tested in mice while a study like thishttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK220661/ which does do human testing and found no correlation between brain dysfunction and the hep b vaccine
also your bullshit calim at the begining of >>11662419
>The vast majority of vaccines are never subjected to a blinded randomized placebo controlled trial.
is wrong every vacine needs to undergo phase 3 vacine trails which are
>Phase III tests are randomized and double blind and involve the experimental vaccine being tested against a placebo
how about you actually read some of this shit that your posting before wasting everyones time

>> No.11663836

There's a difference between not trusting the govement and not being a schizo

>> No.11663963

ok schizy schizo

>> No.11663972

>scientifically speaking there is no way this is true right?
Yes. A smart person would just let all the dumb and poor people vaccinate themselves to create herd immunity. Why poison yourself if you don't have to?

>> No.11664034

Do you make these? They are good

>> No.11664055

Very intelligent people can be extremely neurotic and arrogant.

That sets them up for being very vulnerable to cult type thinking.

The people in that yoga cult that gassed the Tokyo subway for example, were all doctors and physicists.

>> No.11664100

You postulated a well written counter point. It shows you are eduated. You managed however to say nothing besides some meaningless platitude and strawman. That something is arbitrary doesn't mean it can't be defined, just that it doesn't seem to be relevant if you take someonw with post secondary education or not. What metric do they score better? I agree I was just making a statement based on experience but what the fuck are you talking about? I know people who know plenty of "facts" and are shit for brains.

>> No.11664110

people were scared of coronavirus when it was an unknown disease
once the data came out it was pretty clear that it wasn't a threat to anyone healthy

>> No.11664117 [DELETED] 
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nah i'm just a connoisseur of fine gifs

>> No.11664141

>But there are somethings that even in war, people just won't do. Injuring infants seems like one of them.
Plenty of cases of people injuring young kids not only in war but in their home as well. Child abuse is sadly mundane.

>> No.11664182

WHen it was an unkown disease in the start of january ost people weren't afraid, even expert like anthony fauci kep on saying until late january that the risk was low for the us.
SImply because at the time it didn't seem to be much of a threat.
At least from what we were getting from china's official reports.

>> No.11664190

STEM educated or bullshit "studies" educated?

>> No.11664286

Why are huge proponents of vaccines, such as Bill gates and his children not vaccinated?

>> No.11664352

> but all these studies are done on mice
Most studies are done on mice. You can't kill humans and take them apart.

>and even claims that seeing it as dose makes the poison is overly simplistic
This is called a nonlinear dose response curve.

>aluminium hydroxide is a major ingredient in many antacids
There is a difference between oral and injected.

>while a study like thishttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK220661/ which does do human testing and found no correlation between brain dysfunction
I'll read it later, bit this seems to be all about demyelinating disorders and overt physical pathology. The papers linked have nothing to do with this.

>is wrong every vacine needs to undergo phase 3 vacine trails which are

>> No.11664383

>Most studies are done on mice. You can't kill humans and take them apart.
you cannot take those studies as they are the final truths either.

>> No.11664396

It's kind of like Pascal's wager
For most vaccines, there's actually very little personal benefit in getting vaccinated.
I think many people simply don't give a fuck about society anymore and are willing to risk public health on the off chance it gives their child a marginal advantage

Tbh, it isn't a terrible application of game theory

>> No.11664398

>Someone has to fall over dead right in front of me for my risk assessment to kick in
This is why people like you being in charge is a problem.

>> No.11664401

there is no proof to that you fuckign dumbass just look it up

>> No.11664410


>> No.11664415

talk about stawman argument the point the other anon was trying make was that mice studies are not effective tools to predict effects in humans and have been proven so https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2746847/
and so to use them as the basis of your argument is foolish

>> No.11664420

Guess we'll just never know anything then. Mice are not humans. This is where it begins and ends, it seems. What can we do.

>> No.11664422

ok mr galaxy brain schizo explain to me what stockholme syndrome and traumatic bonding have to do with you not being completly wrong and disproving the evidence i posted

>> No.11664434

what are you talking about there are other ways to test thing besides mice there is human testing like this one for the H1N1 vaccine

>> No.11664439

we don't have to know everything. animal studies are not the final truths but they're not pointless either. that's why we shouldn't come up with solutions based solely on animal studies. correlation doesn't imply causation but they're valuble data. i mean unless some anon post them and say "oh look i found bunch of animal studies and they state that x causes y thus it is also true for humans". that is where we should draw the line.

>> No.11664453

Your claim is absurd. The better approach is just admitting there is no way to determine if it's true or false, so it falls to a null state, not to a false state. This is problem with you people, you have no null state.

I wouldn't expect Gates did vaccinate his children given that he knows full well vaccines are poison and his parents were around in the era when eugenics and scaling societies to handle the impact of growing population were fairly common topics. Refer to eg Bertrand Russel.

You're descending into double speak. You can't start out with a flat "nuh uh" and then say "well maybe we'll follow up the leads provided by animal studies with other types of research" as if it's some novel idea you need to communicate to me.

Post disregarded. It's an obnoxious and labile conversational style that I'm just not into right now.

>> No.11664458

>"My worldview is getting challenged time to run away"

>> No.11664465

>I win
There's your reason.

>> No.11664484

>"Winning" 4chan

>> No.11664501

i'm just saying you shouldn't base your arguments on animal studies. and that's all. if you cannot understand that simple yet important point we cannot argue properly.

>> No.11664513

so you also dont know if its true or not but you belive it to be true without evidence either way becasue it conforms to your world view also how do you know that bill gates thinks that vaccines are poison and also how and why would you think that just becasue his parents were around in that eugenics was a common topic dosent mean that they had knowledge of it ore even that they belived in it and even if they hypotheticaly did it would prove that their son would hold those same belifes there is no logic in your statements how do you know any of this why is it just not wild speculation on your part

>> No.11664517
File: 30 KB, 473x473, 1586286127215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry if I sound like an antivaxxer, but would YOU trust the government to put experimental chemicals inside of you, or injecting you with viral material that they don't fully understand themselves? It's like never questioning what they put into your corn syrup laden drinks, or your MSG flavored hamburgers, or imitation fish sticks.

>w-well you're just being a paranoid contrarian

>> No.11664519

I didn't know 50 year old women posted on /sci/

>> No.11664527

I'm describing you.

It seems more like I had to inform you. Animal studies are not worthless in terms of risk assessment for a useless injection into neonate. There is no point in a hep B shot.

You're also persistently adversarial and keep repeating shit that I just said as though you came up with it. Like, have a conversation like a real human being, or shut the fuck up, k? k.

The rest of it is just a matter of having done your research. Start with Brave New World, Bertrand Russel. Look up Cold Spring Harbor (a eugenics program became the Human Genome Project). Real the book Between Two Ages. You'll start to get the idea. Maybe.

Anyway, got shit to do and this conversation is pissing me off.

>> No.11664528

Would you rather there be underage kids posting?

>> No.11664569

because we're very consistent about making sure that the people who graduate college can argue, we're much less consistent about making sure they can read a scientific journal article or reason statistically
what's more, getting a degree makes them confident that they know what they're talking about, even when they have crap information supporting their beliefs

essentially, non-stem majors have ruined everything

>> No.11664581

>Anyway, got shit to do and this conversation is pissing me off.

>> No.11664585

stem majors aren't immune from being wrong, especially when they think their degree in one field means they're an expert on everything
-t. engineer

>> No.11664589

what I am asking is how do you know i am repeating shit you say because i want to know where you get the information for that shit i want to know how you know bill gates thinks vaccines are poision how do you know that just because his parents were around when eugenics thing was around they belived in this i am not repeating them as if they were my idea i am repeating them becuase i thought that would make it clear on which subjects of your post i want clarification on

secondly i have read brave new world and even though its a good book its still speculative fiction its not evidence of the same things happening in the book are happening in real life, yes giveing the state control of new and pwoerful technologies and the unchecked power of states using said technology to passify the masses is bad but I dont see the modern world in such a state,
also a cursory glance at the website dosent suggest that it a eugenics program lastly it will take me a while to read between two ages so i cant comment on it

>> No.11664607

>no way this is true right?
well yes
present educational systems are active selection processes for the retarded (unironically)
the density of retarded and with cognitive issues is far greater in the highly educated than in the general population
the rest is just natural corolary

>> No.11664614

not that anon but;

the key point is the name "james watson" here lol :d

>> No.11664626

bruhh wtf
>Better Babies Contests

>> No.11664641

are they still doing eugenics stuff the site is a pain to navigate and i am admitidly to lazy to learn how to do so

>> No.11664674

nah, i don't think they are still interested in eugenics.

>> No.11664684

If someone is smart/educated, they probably know that what has worked for thousands of years will probably work better than introducing something totally new and not expecting any bad or unpredictable effects.

Humans havent been using vaccines for thousands and thousands of years, and now you are suddenly saying it is necessary for everyone to have them. does that even make sense, if you think about it? and not only are we supposed to take them, we are not supposed to wonder at all if vaccines cause ANY bad effects of ANY kind.

>> No.11664720

>Humans havent been using vaccines for thousands and thousands of years
do you have any idea about the human's life expectancy in 2020? what kinda autistic argument is that? i mean there are many counter arguments against vaccination yet you chose "muh gud ol' dayz" one. jeez bro.
how were the things working in the old times, anon? tell me about it. tell us about the highly parasitic environment which our ancestors dealt with. tell us about the highly infected virus ridden habitats of early homo sapiens. what was the conditions where our ancestors were living in and how many years were they living on average? what's the importance of koch? what's the importance of pasteur? what's the importance of their studies on quality of human life?

>> No.11664762

When you've been so maimed you no longer believe you could even exist apart from your abuser.

>> No.11664772

Here come the mindblocks against questioning your own opinions

>> No.11664782
File: 54 KB, 967x604, conf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because educated in this sense can be better described as rich, and delusional about their intelligence. The rich are more likley to be pandered to by pseudoscience, and there are a lot of these people on the top of the meme confidence graph because they went to a fancy school while not being very bright

>> No.11664789

>Although having better nutritional status and being protected against three infections, 6–35months old DTP-vaccinated children tended to have higher mortality than DTP-unvaccinated children. All studies of the introduction of DTP have found increased overall mortality.


>Between 3 and 5 months of age, children who received DTP and OPV early had 5-fold higher mortality than still unvaccinated children.


It's not hard to believe. There is plenty of evidence against the safety, and in some cases efficacy, of vaccines. Pro-vaxxers of course work hard to prevent any studies on the topic, but the educated often realize that if the pro-vaxxers are so adamantly against studies, there must be something wrong with their position.

>> No.11664826

authorities literally pushed that it wasnt that dangerous while /pol/tards digged out all the resources they could find to call the media lying cunts and how its much worse and how china is lying

fuck the entire shtick was to mock the idea of it being harmless. Like those metokur vids called "just a flu bro"
this crisis has shown that the age of paranoia has created people that don't question but simply fight everything that the higher ups throw at them. Time will show if this will be exploided in the future

>> No.11664844

more like wealthy and with time to waste on petulant shit. and yes they are mostly well off people

>> No.11664910

Yikes. How will the brain-circumcised defend against this.

>> No.11664958

but covid WAS downplayed early on and now most nations are in a shut-down state despite it already absolutely wrecking the economy so clearly at some point the authorities changed their tune to be more in accordance with the alarmists. they were downplaying it when they were still considering just letting it spread. then they realized it would overwhelm medical facilities world-wide and so everything HAD to be shut down. an unprecedented near-global quarantine state.

were some alarmists overly paranoid and exaggerated the potential of the virus? sure. but the fact of the matter is, it IS a very serious virus that kills few but leaves survivors with permanent lung damage. those who have suffered through the virus - and this includes all ages, even children - come out of it with permanent damage. are you aware of this? are you telling yourself, no big deal, if I get it I'll just recover and I'll be fine? because that's a coping mechanism and the disease actually does warrant all the quarantine measures put in place.

>> No.11664968


>> No.11664973

>pol is one person
Based retard

>> No.11664994

This. The signaling value of a degree has been diluted. Just having a degree means jack shit nowadays. Hence why you see a push towards higher and higher “qualifications” (master’s degrees or doctoral degrees) even for jobs that don’t really require them.

The universities are happy about this situation, of course. More $$$ for them.

>> No.11665001

>are you aware of this?
yes how did my post indicate something else?
i merely posted my observation of the retarded crowd being anti establishment for the sake of it. I dont wanna catch it cause while I could be asymptomatic theres a chance I might get pneumonia and thats nothing for me.

>> No.11665015

This is legitimately the scariest thing I've seen on the internet to this day

>> No.11665072

Interesting but both links are the same study and the second link https://www.thelancet.com/article/S2352-3964(17)30046-4/fulltext
is missing tables from the first link and cut out whole swaths of the paper why is it called full text when it is chopped up like that, why would they publish it like that if the other site can have the full one its wierd

>> No.11665076

>American Education

>> No.11665085

There was a re analysis paper published last year based on this study
which claims that out of sequence vacinations are whats casuing an increase in infant mortatlity

>> No.11665111

this should've been the "fpbp" and "/thread" yet we're here with 139 replies...

>> No.11665132

Uneducated people don't have developed critical thinking skills. That's why the uneducated also house anti-vaxxers because they read one article on Facebook and are ready to overthrow decades of research.

Educated people misapply critical thinking and consider imperfect systems to be illegitimate even though a perfect system doesn't exist.

>> No.11666322

I definitely, absolutely agree. I simply believe that the increased prevalence of allergies and autoimmune disorders is an unfortunate side effect of vaccination, and we need to study this relationship better.

>> No.11666394


You need to develop the ability to realize that other people's potential don't match your own. Try tutoring an idiot. Realize what you call easy as fuck math and science questions are what the idiot calls magic that is solved by a formula that is also magic.

Once you realize that idiot is effectively 80% of the human race, you'll realize that educated really means. That person at one time with no real understanding of what he was doing, memorized formulas and applied them good enough to get a passing grade.

>> No.11666427

The semi-educated, those with enough ego to feel smart but lacking the stamina to do actual research.

>> No.11666436

The alternative theory is that educated is not synonymous with educated in stem. College degrees of the wrong type buy you no authority to talk about vaccines.

>> No.11666502
File: 68 KB, 868x960, bigSibling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gates Honored Doctor: "We’ll just get rid of all the whites in the United States for not taking vaccines"

>> No.11666580

A PhD in gender study doesn't help you much to understand how vaccine works.

>> No.11667155

lol speaking of blocks did you know people are BLOCKED from suing the vaccine company for malpractice?

>> No.11668838

scientifically speaking stupid people are more likely to lie about credentials when you call them out

>> No.11670242

If by educated you include liberal arts then it's obvious. A liberal arts degree is no only literally worthless but, it actually makes people objectively less competent. Yes, this includes degrees in psychology.

>> No.11670314

>look I found a source to confirm mt bias who cares it is actually logically sound
Someone claiming they did or did not do something, constitutes proof, it does not, you fucking moron. I mean fuck we should just get rid of the police and courts all together all we have to do is ask people if they did what they are accused of, no further inquiry is needed right? Idiot

>> No.11670653
File: 229 KB, 640x740, FT_20.01.07_MMRVaccine_black-hispanic-skeptical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whites are the biggest antivaxxers
meanwhile in reality

>> No.11671308

>Educated people are more likely to be mistrustful of the government
so are dumb people, but for all the wrong reasons. A mistrust in the government from a smart person will have basis in reality. A mistrust in the government from a retard would be mostly lunatic rambling about reptilians and shapeshifters

>> No.11671575
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>people were scared of coronavirus when it was an unknown disease
>once the data came out it was pretty clear that it wasn't a threat to anyone healthy
Nice alternate history. They were China doomers forced to do a sudden about face now that the virus is spreading uncontrolled throughout the US -- from something that's about to shatter China Warlords Era/Black Death style to less dangerous than the flu.

>> No.11671613
File: 841 KB, 1440x966, 1587252929793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>authorities literally pushed that it wasnt that dangerous while /pol/tards digged out all the resources they could find to call the media lying cunts and how its much worse and how china is lying
At first, pol just wanted to humiliate China as a shitskin infested shithole, even though its become obvious they're now going to replace America as the world's hegemon in a decade or two.
Now they just want the current and ongoing humiliation of God-emperor Trump at the hands of the Covid Heresy to end.
>fuck the entire shtick was to mock the idea of it being harmless. Like those metokur vids called "just a flu bro"
Doomers gonna doom, so the fact that they were "right" about covid doesn't change the fact that they were wrong about the last dozen emerging disease outbreaks.

>> No.11672825

source: me

>> No.11672884

trusting highly politicized (aaaa save us from giant plagues please) medical shit involved with the US government never ever goes well

maybe vaccines are okay (although each vaccine is its own beast), but given that they're supported by the same people who made up their own scientific research about how not acutely toxic fluoride exposure was totally safe when manhattan project runoff poisoned a fruit farm, you're inclined to just automatically assume it's poison

>> No.11672910

Uh, "runoff"? Try "we waited until night to vent out all the hydrogen fluoride and uranium hexafluoride gas, which settled in the fields, killed all the fruit tress, and calcified the livestock's joints together."

>> No.11672943

no I think it was runoff, it was a former CIA source or something, not the official story, so if it was intentional they probably would have mentioned it
makes no real sense to intentionally leak toxic shit and potentially put the most important project in american history at risk just so you can save on a little disposal cash

>> No.11672949

This is what happens when you let your wife have her own opinions.

>> No.11673891

>measles vaccine
You are fucking idiot or shill, that is a single vaccine you stupid fuck. Are you too stupid to know there are scores of vaccines and that the measles vaccine is a single vaccine?

I am generally interested to know if you are this stupid for posterity because I suspect at least 40% of the people on this board really are this stupid but I am not positive.

>> No.11674815

Everyone has blind spots.
People who are more educated think they're smarter, which leads to hubris

>> No.11675843
File: 242 KB, 960x684, 521512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that guy, but what's up with so many allergies, rise of autism, ADHD etc in kids? we are getting better at finding them or it has something to do with all the chemicals in water / air and food, drugs and vaccines ?

>> No.11675887

dipshit, if you're skeptical of mmr then it will follow you'll be skeptical of everything else. mmr is the most basic of vaccines. so you're the one who is as stupid as you claim others to be.

>> No.11676035

This is also true for cult. You have to bother looking into it, a lot of dumb people can't be convinced to join cults, believe conspiracy theories, have fad diets etc. because they just aren't intellectually curious enough.

There is also the issue of pharma companies being corrupt and shady as hell

>> No.11676091

Yep you really are this stupid. Thanks for clearing that up mate

>> No.11676203

>no argument
yeah you're really projecting that much

>> No.11676578

Older mothers.

>> No.11678213

You do realize that according to your own pic better diagnostic isn't really an argument since researchers looked at medical/school records in 2018 thus applying the same criteria?

>> No.11678219

you're quite gifted

>> No.11678229

I don't want to be implanted a nano chip against my will

>> No.11678296

Don't worry, you're going to want it once you see everything people will have access to and be able to do with it.

>> No.11678297


>> No.11678379
File: 140 KB, 946x572, 44141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

higher intelligence = higher free will

>> No.11678411

what are you even talking about? I was concerned about the virus at first but stopped caring once it saw the data coming out of western countries

>> No.11678415

you are creating a big strawman there

>> No.11678429

No one gives a shit about you holy shit.

>> No.11678598

>Scientific consensus on conspiracy theories

u wot?

>> No.11678668

Agreed. Please actually read these papers before posting, as they don't support your point well at all.

>> No.11678889
File: 219 KB, 1080x1920, covid suicides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice alternate history. They were China doomers forced to do a sudden about face now that the virus is spreading uncontrolled throughout the US -- from something that's about to shatter China Warlords Era/Black Death style to less dangerous than the flu.
Here too the smoothbrains of /sci/ spread lies. COVID is mostly harmless. The lockdown OTOH will cost us for a generation or more.

>Total U.S. death rate is below average, CDC says

It is probably more papers than the average pro-vaxxer has read on the topic.

>> No.11678952

Flatten the curve hospital being overrun we dont know many things about it and blablabla

>> No.11679331

It's because you need to have at the very least some idea of how it works to be opposed to it

>> No.11680821

with covid 'vaccines', no, simply because they are experimental shit thrown together in a few months

>> No.11680824

That's pol in a nutshell. They're right 90% of the time because the world is right 10% of the time.

>> No.11680922

>correlation = causation

>> No.11680959

Not at all how that works

>> No.11680976

extremely cringe

>> No.11682284


>> No.11682297
File: 131 KB, 1200x1105, Excess-deaths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Total U.S. death rate is below average, CDC says
>April 17, 2020
>The United States may have managed to keep the COVID-19 pandemic from becoming a major killer.
Thanks, I really needed a good laugh after dealing with all these dumbasses.

>> No.11682301
File: 202 KB, 1080x1012, 1587299119371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was concerned about the virus at first but stopped caring once it saw the data coming out of western countries
The data coming out of western countries is even worse than the data coming out of non-western countries.

>> No.11682302

because a lot of vaccines are bullshit and when people point this out the establishment tries to dismiss them as being idiots against the concept of vaccines entirely.

>> No.11682315

How can you even be more based?
I agree, college education means nothing these days.

>> No.11684111

Paul seems like a pretty alright guy

>> No.11684441

My instinct says Dunning-Kruger effect. If all you have is a high school education, you're going to trust someone actually educated about medicine to tell you what is correct. You don't know a lot about medicine and you're generally probably aware of it as you're going to be socially conscious that you're not very well educated compared to everybody else.

The "more educated", do consider themselves smart, intelligent, and well educated regardless of whether it's the case, even though it's far more likely they're entirely average, because they have a college degree. Most people get bachelors in communication, business, accounting, or writing, and fuck off. These aren't challenging degrees and they certainly don't teach them anything about medicine.

Generally most, if not all, of this class of better educated people in question have no more knowledge of medicine or biology than the person with the high school degree. They likely never took any courses on it in college or if they did they were barely more than rehashes than high school ones. However, since they perceive themselves to be smarter, more intelligent, and more educated due to their college degrees, perceptions that generally will extend far beyond whatever specialization they actually received, they decide they know more than the medical establishment about medicine go full retard.

Perception is a powerful thing and so is Dunning-Kruger.