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11656392 No.11656392 [Reply] [Original]

What's the biggest elephant in the room of science, either in academic context or not? What's some big and devastating problem that no one is willing to admit?

>> No.11656396

There could be biological differences between groups that cause disparities which can not be remedied by merely changing one’s socio-economic alignment.

>> No.11656397

That we aren't all the same.

>> No.11656411


Literally where did the universe come from

Of God did it, who made God

>> No.11656435

Race difference
Sex difference
Ideological difference

>> No.11656458

Literally questions solved by philosophers 2000 years ago. This is why people make fun of science.

>> No.11656479

WW1 was the turning point in almost every regard.

>> No.11656486

Brown sugar, how come you taste so good?

>> No.11656504
File: 269 KB, 1080x1080, carl-sagan-pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People with iq below 120 (maybe even 140) shouldn't be allowed into science. But they are and they're the majority of it.
Also this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebqAH5mLZNk

>> No.11656534
File: 19 KB, 404x520, Saint_Just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humanity's problems won't be solved with science, but with violence.

>> No.11656539

Transexuals have a mental disease and it's not just le quirky personality.

>> No.11656565

Turning point for the worse

>> No.11656600

Who ever thought that WWI was for the best ?

>> No.11656748

yes, only when academia dies, and this fact is accepted as truth, then we can start trying to pull the less intelligent into the light.
but alas- the academic establishment wants to see those people socially satisfied rather intellectually advanced.

>> No.11656760


>> No.11656991 [DELETED] 

Whites are completely different mentally from most of the world.
Cooperate by common hate; cooperating for mutual benefit is despicable, cortupt and gives an unfair advantage.
Consider hypocrisy (having "a strong character") a requiremend of being morally good.
Guilt based, rather than shame based; people only "make mistakes" and it would be "toxic" to make them change.

>> No.11656995 [DELETED] 

Whites are completely different mentally from most of the world.
Cooperate by common hate; cooperating for mutual benefit is despicable, cortupt and gives an unfair advantage.
Consider hypocrisy (having "a strong character") a requiremend of being morally good.
Guilt based, rather than shame based; people only "make mistakes" and it would be "toxic" to make them change.
The function of eye contact is reversed.

>> No.11657074

Whites are completely different mentally from most of the world.
Cooperate by common hate; cooperating for mutual benefit is despicable, cortupt and gives an unfair advantage.
Consider hypocrisy ("having character") a requiremend of being morally good.
Guilt based, rather than shame based; people only "make mistakes" and it would be "toxic" to make them change.
The function of eye contact is reversed - you stare at what you like and when you want to listen, instead of staring to challenge something or to speak yourself.

>> No.11657101

Capitalism, either with social-democracy or laissez-faire tends to deplete resources, no matter the size of the population.

Or, Asian autocracies are faring better than western democracies.

>> No.11657110

We're getting less intelligent, universally, due to social dysgenics, and theres not a lot we can do about it. It will radically reduce our potential societal complexity.

>> No.11657168

As far as I am aware there is a herd of elephants in the room, but the only one I am qualified to speak about is soil science.

Taken as a whole, and ignoring minor exceptions, the world's soils are fucked.

Over the past 100 years humans have been doing a a number of stupid short sighted things with regards to agricultural soils. I could tell you all the juicy details but I think your eyes would glaze over. Soil science is neither sexy or exciting.

Basically it boils down to poor management practices, placing short term profit in front of sustainability. We have been trying to squeeze too much production out of the soils. Removing the natural nutrients and supplementing them with artificial fertilizers. At the same time we have severely impacted the soil structure and greatly reduced the diversity and numbers of soil micro flora and fauna. We have also been losing huge amounts of soil to erosion ( water and wind ), diminishing what is essentially a finite supply.

As a result most of the world's soils are now like an empty sponge. We have to add fertilizers to get a decent crop. This is not an option anymore just to boost production, its now a necessity.

Not only does the damage continue every year, but its also irreversible. Providing we have energy sources which remain consistently cheap we can manage, and some technological advances, particularly in genetic modification to food crops, will offset the damage, at least in terms of quantity produced. But the problem is the soils are now incredibly fragile. We have taken the resilience out of their ecosystems. As time goes on over the next 100 years the degradation, especially the soil structure, will get worse and there is not much we can do about it. Eventually we reach a point where the calorie value of the energy and fertilizers we apply are not returned in the produce grown on the soil. Farming will become a net loss. It may not look like a desert but to all production values it essentially is.

>> No.11657210

>Literally questions solved by philosophers 2000 years ago.

Then what's the answer anon?

>> No.11657250

Bill Gates we need you, please.

>> No.11657366

Bill Gates is irrelevant . Population can not be controlled, its too ingrained. The only people aware of the situation are politically and socially insignificant and any overt effort on their part will be met with disdain if not outright hostility. So therefore Humanity will experience the J curve.

>> No.11657373

Literally nobody said that.

>> No.11657393

No, I refuse to accept that conclusion. There has to be some way, forced sterilization maybe, COVID seems like a good candidate.

>> No.11657403

I think this is why people are fat, the soil, and the food, is missing some mineral.
Soil loss isn't irreversible, you only need to add the missing nutrients, then create new soil with compost.

>> No.11657404

good luck.

>> No.11657410

*slaps head*
My God! Why didn't I think of that?

>> No.11657413

You meant nordic people (germanic, anglos, nords, slave) but you're 100% correct.
Very well put.

>> No.11657425

Maybe because soil scientists are retarded. I once read a paper about soils in (vineyards? I'm not sure) decomposes more slowly, but releases CO2 faster.

Don't worry about that though, most of science is completely fucked that way.

>> No.11657428

>we can start trying to pull the less intelligent into the light
The blind masses must be lead down the path of reason

>> No.11657440

Any economic system depletes resources there is no way around that (with current knowledge and technolodgy)

>> No.11657458 [DELETED] 

If that isn't clear, the soil will recreate ONCE THE NUTRIENTS ARE ADDED. It cannot recreate on it's own, since the misding nutrients cannot be created, they need to be added, otherwise the plants only keep recycling the meager remnants of the soil, and nothing improves.

>> No.11657522

If that isn't clear, the soil will recreate ONCE THE NUTRIENTS ARE ADDED. It cannot recreate on its own, since the missing nutrients cannot be created, they need to be added, otherwise the plants only keep recycling the meager remnants of the soil, and nothing improves.

>> No.11657560


The Darwinian model of evolution does not allow for "all humans to be equal"

>> No.11657575

That has been the guiding mantra of Western thought on "race" for the last 50 years.

>> No.11657603


>> No.11657613
File: 33 KB, 615x158, unesco race question 1950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bit longer than that. this is why you fought the nazis, sweetie

>> No.11657617

Thankfully the latest research is unseating this fraud. Even Anthropology is starting to toss out the Boas nonsense

>> No.11657629

No, coffee isn't good for you.

>> No.11657638

It naturally gets readded as flora and faune die and decompose. We simply don't naturally let that happen, having dead animals and plant waste root on our soil, but adding it from compost. Literally a non issue if you have animals and rotate your crops.

>> No.11657698

At this point "tomorrow" has long come and gone, went full circle and came out the other end. The race question should be in the minds every 1st worlder. Should we really spend billions and cripple our institutions trying to help a people we know can't be helped, while holding the opposite opinion become ever more dissonant as the scientific world progresses? Are we going to let a people, who we know pose a direct detriment to everything we've ever done, explode, with the faintest hope of changing their trajectory that's existed since the very conception of the human species? Yes, empathy is important, they are humans too after all, but where does it end? How much more will we have to spoonfeed developing worlds? How much more will we have to believe in memes like "socioeconomic factors" and AA?

>> No.11657719

Foreigners openly cheating, plagiarising, and falsifying data/results at all levels of Western academia.

>> No.11657741

they already knew then. it's why the Jews at UNESCO pre-emptively framed it as a "moral" question
science itself is being sacrificed to maintain the communist lies

>> No.11657764

Answer to all can be found in Plato's The Republic.

>> No.11657771

People don’t make fun of science, only seething humanitards do

>> No.11657826

The negroid, pygmy, khoi san, indian ocean "negrito" and australo-papuan are not fully modern humans and should not be accorded full rights. more than apes but less than humans.

>> No.11658117

>Foreigners openly cheating, plagiarising, and falsifying data/results at all levels of Western academia.
that's funny. "Western academia" is and has been composed mostly of foreigners for the last, what, 70 years? perhaps even more. tons of countries educate people (paying all the costs needed) and then "export brains" to western countries because they can't compete with what western universities/institutes/companies would pay them.

>> No.11658142

It's simply been anti-genocide and anti-persecution. That is all. Meanwhile you're defending Nazism.

>> No.11658148

Virology is market driven virus hunting for vaccine manufacturing.

>> No.11658180

IQ differences between the races and the implications they have for immigration policy.

>> No.11658185

Importing Millions of people and irreversibly changing the demographics of your society isn't nececessary for not engaging in genocide.

>> No.11658221

oh go back to r eddit you cock sucker

>> No.11658250

you left off RA fisher's comment

>In 1950, Fisher opposed UNESCO's The Race Question, believing that evidence and everyday experience showed that human groups differ profoundly "in their innate capacity for intellectual and emotional development" and concluded that the "practical international problem is that of learning to share the resources of this planet amicably with persons of materially different nature", and that "this problem is being obscured by entirely well-intentioned efforts to minimize the real differences that exist"

could anyone have summed it up better? the "everyday experience" part is really crucial, the cathedral/academia/propaganda pushing for globalism, for which a belief in racial and sex equality is necessary will never work, because human intuition is the best pattern matching algorithm in the universe, and we can all tell deep down that such differences exist plain as day and are intractable without genetic engineering/selective breeding

>> No.11658258

If you’re not trolling, kill yourself.

>> No.11658279

You’re delusional. A lot of (most?) potential areas of scientific advancement, won’t need any great mental agility or genius insight to investigate. Just reasonable and honest people to put the studies together and build up the literature.

>> No.11658285

race and iq

>> No.11658288

What are you talking about?

>> No.11658351


I was hoping to share an insight into an issue not known by many people. But I stand corrected. Some 3rd world semi-literate mouth breather knows way more about the global economics of soil management and food production than I and hundreds of fellow soil scientists do. After years of painstaking research, data collection and careful analysis we have got it all wrong. How could we know anything when he has years of experience growing onions on his 1/8 acre plot in Uzbekistan? How can I compete with such mastery? I will tell my boss to hire this guy so he can go around throwing banana skins and chicken manure everywhere. World hunger solved. Soils saved. I'm out of here.

>> No.11658546


>> No.11658641
File: 101 KB, 500x600, 1565282428516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reasonable and honest
just as I said, people with IQ above 120 (but you won't stop those lab-helpers from publishing their thoughts, so 140 is more preferable)

>> No.11658829

>ularly in genetic modification to food
What if instead, we genetically modified the micro fauna, as you put it, in order to output larger amounts of nitrates and nitrites from metabolic cycles in native soil conditions, in order to provide additional nitrogen into plant growth?

>> No.11658850

>something something argument from authority
Stop blogging and start sourcing, faggot.

>> No.11658856

Don’t be a retarded troll.

>> No.11658876

Science is a European creation, so easier to just say Europeans only again seeing as Whites are the only ones who contribute to science and world knowledge.

>> No.11658881

Yeah bro just read my all knowing text bro it has all the answers. I know this because the writer said he was right

>> No.11658923 [DELETED] 

White having the inverse morality (a.k.a. being evil) >>11657074 is a far bigger problem.

>> No.11658934

Flora and fauna decomposing cannot readd anything. It can only cycle the remaining little that is left there, something can be added through ocean fish and such, but that would take centuries. You need to add back what you took away.
Whatever doing doesn't seem to be working very well. What research you need to undrstand that when you remove nutrients from soil and not replace them (all of them. Just because a nytrient is needed in lesser amount doesn't mean it's less important) the soil will eventually disappear. Don't you know matter cannot be created or destroyed. (Plants or animals are not capable of nuclear fusion, they cannot recreate what you removed)

>> No.11658947

tell me more about the soil problem, or make a thread pls

>> No.11658953

Those three specific questsion, question on race difference, question of sex difference, question of ideological difference. Question of God's relation to the material world. Are all specific topics in the Republic.
Just butthurt because you realize their are questions that cannot be answered inside the scientific framework.

>> No.11658994

White having the inverse morality (a.k.a. being evil)>>11657074 (You)#is a far bigger problem. The problem isn't intelligence, the problem is that what whites think is good is what the rest of the world considers evol and vice versa. (With a few exceptions forced on them by middle eastern religions, but that won't do) whites were good enough for a tribal society where disagreements could be settled by mutual combat, but that is unacceptable in a more civilized society.
Literally this is the problem. I have seen NGOs trying to convince non whites to do things they consider morally abhorrent as an attempt to "help" them. That is not the solution, you need to accept whites are different.

>> No.11658999

>Meanwhile you're defending Nazism
it's not about thinking of others as superior or inferior, it's about aknowledging that there are differences between and in groups

>> No.11659007
File: 623 KB, 480x600, WestAfricanDol.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at fertility rates. There will be more than enough talented Igbos to fill every academic position. Millions of African geniuses will steer history going forward.

>> No.11659017

>What's the biggest elephant in the room of science
An explanation of how eukaryogenesis can be naturally possible. As proof of this watch how many people deny this is an elephant in the room..

There's papers suggesting even the precursors to this may be a far far less-than-once-in-the-lifetime-of-the-universe probability event.

>> No.11659018

Honestly they most likely will. The main obstacle is whites considering everyone else stupid, because they don't understand them. Feynmann aparently had the same problem - the problem seems to be the language areas of whites are more primitive, so they rely far more on memorizing, rather than the more flexible language of non whites. (Whites only use one hemisphere instead of both, so their language capacity is essentially halved. Just like monkeys learn to deal with no language, they learn to compensate for this difference, but others seem stupid to them because they cannot understand)

>> No.11659019

you people don't seem to understand capitalism
if you think "globalism" is a new problem, then go read a history book. and yes, capitalism will destroy any cultural knowledge, any differences, etc. under the pretense that we (EVERYONE on this earth) are all equal, and have the same habits, and follow the same psychological patterns and other fake stuff. all of that with the purpose of expanding, finding cheap labor (aka "human resources"), land and natural resources.
and no, it's not only jews, white men have their fair share of destruction, even before moden capitalism became what it is.
but I guess you guys don't give a shit about learning, you only want to promote your views.

>> No.11659033

nothing we'd know you are just going to get a bunch of retarded responses from people not in any of the fields and from people that barely graduated high school wanting to push their pseudo science from youtubers they watched.

>> No.11659050

>muh culture ;(
euro poor spotted.

>> No.11659053

look at yourself, being all obsessed about minimal details while ignoring the whole message
absolute retard

>> No.11659063

lmao. Anyways, why, in your eyes, hasn't knowledge about soil depletion reached the public at large yet? Is it corporate lobbying, the fertilizer industry? What do you recommend we do to supplement our food? I have a garden which I plant in every year, keep it well stocked with compost. It seems the only thing we can do is rapid population reduction.

>> No.11659066
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So idiocracy is still too politically correct to be true?

>> No.11659068

Aristotle and Liebniz literally btfo'd this question.

If you are an intellectually daring atheist, and not a milquetoast wibble-waffle agnostic, I would recommend you read Ed Feser's "Five Proofs for the Existance of God": he collects the traditional arguments from Aristotle, Augustine, Plotinus, Aquinas and Liebniz, and shows why many of the objections (particularily things like "who made God?") rest on very weak straw men.

If he (or one of those ancient geniuses) is wrong in any of his arguments, you can get a nice publication in the philosophy quarterly showing why, which is good even if you are STEM. (it shows bredth of thought)

If he is right, then you have discovered God exists, and you have good reasons for faith in a higher power.

>> No.11659073

>muh niggers: the thread

So this is 4chan intellectualism

>> No.11659076 [DELETED] 

It's from the life adapting to the rocky planet oxygen based metabolism, from the gas giant metabolism that relied on burning CO2 and hydrogen into methane. Life could either stay as it was (archaea) and stay in niche environments, adapt the metabolism completely (bacteria) or encapsulate the incompatible parts (eukaryota).

The evolution of complexity doesn't require more complex organisms, it's only a mystery when you assume that the survival of the fittest is true. In fact it isn't and complexity evolves when a defective organism manages to survive, such as when the original worm presumably lost a working mouth part, survived by pushing food into its anus, and eventually evolved around the defect, which resulted in the extra complexity. It goes from
simple, perfect organism -> simple, defective organism -> better off, complex organism.
SInce it's extremely unlikely to mutate back, and it's very likely many other mutations will be at least somewhat advantagenous, once a defective lineage arises, it's unlikely to get back to way back to the simplicity of the original organism, as evolution works to add complexity to patch around the defect.

>> No.11659078

Not the end of the flyn effect. Basically the flynn effect was like a software upgrade, people can think more analytically bc thats how theyre trained to think now. However it masked a decline in g, ie the hardwire of the brain is getting worse.

Before the inudstrial revolution there was strong selection for intelligence, more in some places than others. But now thats gone, so the genes that were being culled every generation are being mixed back in. We are less intelligent on average than the victorians, i.e if you teleport a victorian here magically, they would score something like 115-120 on out iq tests.

Lower average intelligence, fewer geniuses, fewer competent engineers/scientists...slow decline

>> No.11659079

Let's say that someone that has gender dysphoria has no other mental disorders, that the repression of their feelings and the societal view is the only root cause for their distress, and after transitioning and having people acknowledge them, they are completely normally functioning besides that they are living as the gender they weren't assigned at birth.

After the transition, if they can function, cause no issue for themselves or others, and have a realistic view of reality other than this view of their identity, would that person have a mental disorder, more than say someone who's addicted to alcohol, or posting on an anonymous board, thinking their opinion matters?

>> No.11659082

It's from the life adapting to the rocky planet oxygen based metabolism, from the gas giant metabolism that relied on burning CO2 and hydrogen into methane. Life could either stay as it was (archaea) and stay in niche environments, adapt the metabolism completely (bacteria) or encapsulate the incompatible parts (eukaryota).

The evolution of complexity doesn't require more complex organisms, it's only a mystery when you assume that the survival of the fittest is true. In fact it isn't and complexity evolves when a defective organism manages to survive, such as when the original worm presumably lost a working mouth part, survived by pushing food into its anus, and eventually evolved around the defect, which resulted in the extra complexity. It goes from
simple, perfect organism -> simple, defective organism -> better off, complex organism.
SInce it's extremely unlikely to mutate back, and it's very likely many other mutations will be at least somewhat advantagenous, once a defective lineage arises, it's unlikely to get back to the simplicity of the original organism, as evolution works to add complexity to patch around the defect.

>> No.11659086

euro spotted and confirmed

>> No.11659089
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>if its not from a verified institution i dont like it

>> No.11659093

yes retarded youtubers is not a trust worthy source anon

>> No.11659094

Basically, for the last 30 millenia or so, we've been evolving away from the rigid, cerebral cortex intelligence, towards the more flexible cerebellum based intelligence. Our cerebral cortex evolved too large which resulted in defective thinking.

>> No.11659097

>Implying social "scientists" are any less retarded

>> No.11659100

The outer core is spooky and we must drill down and get a sample.

>> No.11659103

Cause they literally want to mutilate themselves, speaks of deeper problems. This idea society is putting some huge weight on their shoulders is false, theyre more likely genetically pre-disposed to being depressed and weird, some other weirdo says its cause they have the wrong genitals...we know the rest.

Its anti-cohesion (ie theyre adopting two identities simultaneously regardless of what theyre trying to do), illogical, so will get a visceral gut response from normal people. Sorry thats just how it is.

>> No.11659105

yes, retarded youtubers talking about EU and other garbage are retarded compare to social scientist.

>> No.11659109 [DELETED] 

More cerebral cortex is better until the cerebellum loses control and not only you lose half of the capacity, the uncontrolled hemisphere fills the other hemisphere with garbage, resulting in the biased and disordered thinking of the typical human. So it seems we've been evolving towards weaker cerebral cortex, by the shape, brain chemistry and by evolving smaller cerebral cortex and bigger cerebellum.
I guess it might have been why people did those trepanations, to get rid of part of the brain and push the person back to normal.

>> No.11659115
File: 359 KB, 486x330, 1581793340121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah theres retarded youtubers, theres clever youtubers, theres clever people on all sorts of internet areas. You outsource your thinking, fine, but dont pretend its enlightened, its literally what the catholic church did for 1500 years - guild their knowledgebase.

>> No.11659122 [DELETED] 

More cerebral cortex is better until the cerebellum loses control and not only you lose half of the capacity, and either the uncontrolled hemisphere fills the other hemisphere with garbage, or the cerebral cortex takes over, and the biased and disordered thinking of the typical human.
So it seems we've been evolving towards weaker cerebral cortex, by the shape, brain chemistry and by evolving smaller cerebral cortex and bigger cerebellum.
I guess it might have been why people did those trepanations, to get rid of part of the brain and push the person back to normal. It seems that sensory deprivation can also push the person back to normal, by not giving the cerebral cortex anything to bombard the cerebellum with, allowing the conscious mind of the cerebellum to take over the cerebral cortex subconscious.

>> No.11659123

More cerebral cortex is better until the cerebellum loses control and not only you lose half of the capacity, and either the uncontrolled hemisphere fills the other hemisphere with garbage, or the cerebral cortex takes over, and the biased and disordered thinking of the typical human results, and the person essentially becomes "evil".
So it seems we've been evolving towards weaker cerebral cortex, by the shape, brain chemistry and by evolving smaller cerebral cortex and bigger cerebellum.
I guess it might have been why people did those trepanations, to get rid of part of the brain and push the person back to normal. It seems that sensory deprivation can also push the person back to normal, by not giving the cerebral cortex anything to bombard the cerebellum with, allowing the cerebellum to regain control.

>> No.11659127

All human life is precious.

We have none to spare.

Every body lost is infinite potential wasted.

We need to stop death and reverse it.

>> No.11659129

Interesting stuff mate. Thanks for sharing. I'm an ausfag and I remember Peter Garrett saying about 20 years ago that no matter what your cause is, it's a lost cause without population control. The soil situation would appear to be another example of that.

>> No.11659134

the problem science has two parts to it to be actual science. ie the scientific method. create a hypothesis then create a bunch of different experiments to test this hypothesis. what retarded youtubers have are hypothesis but do no experiment. then they try to counter tried and true stuff like general relativity (btw been backed up with countless experiments ) with retarded conjecture. unless you have a counter example of a youtuber testing a hypothesis with an experiment that is actually a good experiment im all ears.

>> No.11659142


>> No.11659168

You don't have to "do an experiment". You can use data scientist have collected and use it for purposes other than what it was collected for. Anything stats related can use this method (psychology, group behavioural genetics, economics) e.g. The Alternative Hypothesis does this all the time.
I dont disagree with relativity. But also bear in mind theres no and never was scientific evidence for 1) the blank slate (which was institutionalized for decades) 2) The idea evolution stopped 50000 years ago for humans 3) Any theory with 'multiverse' in it 4) Diversity is good for innovation 5) Theres no mind-body split etc etc

>> No.11659171

its really hard to reuse data without a formal background. statistics is really really really hard to get right. doing napkin math is not a good way to do science. doing retarded math on data is not science.

>> No.11659188

Yeah it is hard to get right. Which is why prominent scientist still tout crap like Lowontins fallacy.

But not THAT hard, what do you think that scientist get some ultra rigorous training in stats. True in physics maybe, but biology definitely not, chemistry is half and half. The vigor to which they train psychology is a joke. Like you can see most biologists just use the default settings from stats software on their data

>> No.11659197

No of course. There was a study on more then 50% of studies being wrong or something. However if I had to guess this number is a lot higher in the retarded youtuber counter theory community.

>> No.11659262

That effort is pointless and IQ is the end of all means.

>> No.11659266

Any kind of substantial progress is likely to be made by somebody with little formal training at this point - everybody is too stuck in the "correct" interpretation of experiments to make any radical progress, and there is nothing much to add to the current frameworks. It's going to take somebody who doesn't know the right way to do something wrong that will turn out to work.

>> No.11659274

I think astronomy/ astrophysics is a very good example of this. Theres a lot of stuff that just "shouldnt" be there. Stars that are too big, a lack of supernovae etc. Youll need outsider theories for this stuff

>> No.11659287

>no matter what your cause is, it's a lost cause without population control
That's pretty well said.

>> No.11659289

Lots of people have pointed out that scientists are doing a poor job accepting the obvious truth that genetics play a huge part in human differences.

Aside from that one, I think scientists are not owning up to the fact that physics is kind of spinning its wheels and not making progress anymore. And it seems quite likely that physics screwed up somewhere along the line; seeing as there are big paradoxical mysteries about the universe.

Physicists always play it off like "Oh wow, the universe is just so incredible that these bizarre implausible things are true". Any other domain or industry would reason the opposite way: "Huh, this result is bizarre, maybe its not that reality is bizarre, but there is some error in my judgement or measurements".

>> No.11659294
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The guy who promotes this shit in russia is an obvious prick and freak (he also tells that cloning is fake, same lysenko mob, nobody fired them, they keep on shitting through generations) but abundant at putin-tv. The last time I checked he compared maximum skull size of the past and average skull size of today (even if he did it right it wouldn't prove much: only brainiacs would be great enough to be buried properly in the past, we include pigmeys in humans charts now, even higher temperature could make our bubbles bigger, but not more complex, that last one is the weakest argument, but the previous ones suffice) That is just some dumbening propaganda (with stupid scientist meme and other psy0ps) We solve Zeno's paradoxes in our adolescence now.

>> No.11659328

What kind of "God" are you talking about? The religion god? Or the god that philosophers believe in?

>> No.11659373
File: 2.98 MB, 384x288, 4chan_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole thread

>> No.11659453


Fortunately those questions were thoroughly and completely addressed by the works of Socrates' bitchboy!

>> No.11659489

What is the difference?

>> No.11659531

Who says all groups are identical though? You have created a narrative that doesn't exist so you can push a harmful agenda.

>> No.11659540

>e.g. The Alternative Hypothesis does this all the time.
He misrepresents data and lies to you. Goddam you people are gullible. Why doesn't he publish a real paper? It's called a meta-analysis. You can take data from other studies and analyze it. There's a reason he only has a website for his propaganda.

>> No.11659546

not even meming but this.

large parts of Africa should be cordoned off as natural zones but the idea that those "countries" should have UN voting rights is absurd.

>> No.11659607

>that the repression of their feelings and the societal view is the only root cause for their distress

>> No.11659631

A meta analysis is not the same a reusing the data for another purpose.
Look lots of people say the data is missused, why dont people just find positive proof of their theories rather than constantly debunking what they dont like to hear disingenuously?
here's a study on whether homosapiens is polytypic (ie are there subspecies):
it found yes, probably.
He doesnt say anything crazy. Just different groups have different IQs and the origin is likely majority genetic, so importing large numbers of low IQ people is a dumb thing to do. Why is this controversial? The differences aren't even a fringe opinion among evolutionary biologists and psychologists.

>> No.11659634

piss off with boring race shit.

americans u are fucked in the heads.

>> No.11659671

+1 for publication
-1 for non peer-reviewed

Also, subspecies classification have never been based on heterozygosity.

>> No.11659699


>> No.11659727

Your point? Peer review isn't a standard for quality papers, its literally just to stop random crap being accepted by a journal.
subspecies are not based on heterozygosity no. But heterozygosity is a proxy for genetic variation within a population. Its a tool that can help classify inter group genetic variation, why not use it? Theres obviously differences between human populations, we can quantify them.

>> No.11659733

The endconsumer is human, humans decompose into nutritional compost, liek any other animal. You're saying we need to use old cemeteries as soil? Nothing is disappearing in a semi closed system like our planet. No matter how much we fuck up the soil, those missing ingredients are only somewhere else, not out of the equation. The only problem is to bring the mountain to the prophet if vice versa isn't an option.

>> No.11659734
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>> No.11659736

>americans u are fucke
who isn't?

>> No.11659737

I'm pretty sure I learned about soil depletion, crop rotation etc in fucking elementary school

>> No.11659750

Humans can travel the Earth. They have done so for all of history. An animal species separated by a mountain or a river might be incapable of crossing over. We typically acknowledge boundaries like that via subspecies classification.

>> No.11659765

Well so what? I can see continents, could i classify humans like that? You're saying its arbitrary right.

>> No.11659789

Lol. Yes, if you really really want to, you can do it. But don't try to say it's backed by science. Tell the truth. Say that you saw continents, used your preconceived notions about race (because Eurasia is easily one continent), and really really wanted it to be true.

>> No.11659802

You're right, using continents is dumb. Ive got an idea, why dont we measure , average heigh, intelligence, rates of different genetic diseases, muscle mass and distribution, differences in personality. You know, something physical. I wish there was data on this, then we could prove everyone was the same.

>> No.11659804
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>this post
>this OP pic

You know OP. We all do.

>> No.11659948

Because these have never been used to determine subspecies. If YOU want to use it, you can. But that will be YOUR personal preference.

>> No.11659970

Better than guesswork and some mountains.

>> No.11660015

Lol you can't seriously think STEM is going to get taken over by blacks.

>> No.11660018

I have known lots of intelligent phd stem students who were blick.

>> No.11660022

zoomers cheat far more than any previous generations. it's ingrained

>> No.11660029

How many? Personally I know zero

>> No.11660034
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>implying no institutional bias in their favour
>implying phd is some measure of innovative thinking

>> No.11660036


>Can't put together a single (one) 1st world level country on their own

>> No.11660062

jewish physics is false and has been derailing scientific progress for over 100 years

>> No.11660073


Well you have to be smart to do a phd. one i know for sure went on to do postdoc.

>> No.11660084

How would you know? You've never tasted laissez-faire capitalism, just its bastardized cousin crony capitalism.

>> No.11660118

Blsck are not stupid. The language gap is real and massive. Minorities are virtually always isolated from the whites, but not necessarily between each other. Most white-non white relations fail despite mutual effort, because whites are just not capable of communicating well enough. East Asian languages are known to be fiendishly difficult among whites, but Africans have no particular difficulty with Chinese, it isn't learning the language that is the problem, (Chinese is a simple language after all) the problem is that whites are not able to speak it as well as it is expected.

>> No.11660132


You ever notice Dunning-Kruger Niggers always trail off in their own nonsensical stream of "logic" that makes sense to no one but themselves and basically only serves to stroke their own insane conspiracy chasing ego.

>> No.11660146
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This. Death has been the elephant in the room since humanity became self-aware.
Our entire lives are structured around dealing with this immense terror, but people prefer to believe and focus on other things than just go after the worm at the core.
Is it because we are afraid that even through our greatest effort we wont be able to defeat death and time?

>> No.11660148
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>An animal species separated by a mountain or a river might be incapable of crossing over. We typically acknowledge boundaries like that via subspecies classification.
No. We never did. Phenotypical differences always were the primary reason for distinguishing subspecies. Most subspecies are in regular contact.

What does it get you to lie so overtly ?

>> No.11660151

Cool story bro. I guess those africans can look after themselves now they've learnt chinese.

>> No.11660159

race and IQ by far

>> No.11660163
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>> No.11660173

not racist but race and intelligence..

blacks are just.. so.. "different" i guess is the best way of saying it

>> No.11660180

I like this guy because everything he says implies whites should be left alone.

>> No.11660196

What do you think causes the geographical boundaries on the map?

>> No.11660199

The problem is that the way others speak is too complicated for you.

>> No.11660203

No mountain or river that's impossible to cross for wolves, that's for sure, and that's why you're a liar.

>> No.11660211

Lol. Why are they even separated geographically? Why can't they all be in the same spot?

>> No.11660221

>t. has never published a paper
The a very large portion of the published research is either cherry picked data or outright bullshit, and is completely non reproducable

>> No.11660227


No the precise problem is that you think you're speaking complicated but you're really just a monkey that got his hands on a thesaurus and doesn't realize that actually smart people can read and criticize language on the fly. But this makes sense, as you seem to think language is some kind of monstrous barrier, of course you'd think no one else can read it and call bullshit when you try your hand at it. Shut the fuck up and go sling poo somewhere else

>> No.11660235

I will be on the lookout for this technological and cultural boom in Africa now that they have benevolent Asian teachers to convey to them advanced concepts they themselves could oddly learn from whites. This should take no more than a few decades like Asian countries were able to manage right?

>> No.11660240

Not because of mountain or rivers. So why did you lie ?

>> No.11660254

I don't recall saying that subspecies is a hyper-specific term reserved SOLELY for rivers and mountains separating a species, and NOTHING ELSE EVER!!!

>> No.11660257 [DELETED] 

It has nothing to do with big words. It's more like if you have no capacity to follow on the fly what is being said so you try guessing based on what you could catch instead.

>> No.11660262

Actually, fuck you. A ton of those boundaries are clearly obvious mountain ranges and rivers.

>> No.11660273

No, you said TYPICALLY, which is a bald-faced lie. What was your goal ?

>> No.11660283

>separated by a mountain or a river might be incapable of crossing over.
Don't get angry now. If getting caught lying is upsetting to you, then don't do it.

>> No.11660292
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So that humans can be the only animals without subspecies...because...we can walk AND use a boat?

>> No.11660306 [DELETED] 

It has nothing to do with big words. It seem more like if there is too much meaning per amount of time for you to follow so you try guessing based on what you could catch instead.

>> No.11660308

It has nothing to do with big words. It seems more like if there is too much meaning per amount of time for you to follow so you try guessing based on what you could catch instead.

>> No.11660313
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So the primary rebuttals so far from the chief nigger luminaries ITT are:

>nigs can't progress because they can't learn English, Chinese is easier
>it's impossible for humans to have sub-species because that doesn't feel right

Imagine if universities were actually open and free and people like this could finally be challenged rather than having your mouth forcibly shut to let the pets speak and make themselves feel smart on occasion

>> No.11660316


Why did you delete your other retarded response to go and post this even more retarded response? I was going to just leave you be.. maybe that's the point. I'll give you a 1.5/10 and go back to more productive things

>> No.11660317
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>> No.11660323

>>t. has never published a paper

>> No.11660344
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>It all makes sense now

>> No.11660367
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Well the guy who wrote that dictionary entry must not have been a taxonomist.
Subspecies are typically in contact with one another. Isolated populations are the exception, especially when you consider their ranges before human intervention.

>> No.11660496

you don't understand Darwinian evolution then retard

>> No.11660529

What do you mean?

>> No.11660555

It's easy to draw an overlap region on a map of they needed to. You're still showing pretty extreme geographic isolation. And just about every definition of subspecies I find says it's not specific, but typically refers to geographic isolation.

>> No.11660586

What is your actual point here? Are you really concerned with the definition of sub species?

Its literally just a category for genetic variation between relatively similar organisms. What else could it be? Sure it lines up with geography, you'd expect it to?

>literally 4 subspecies on the great eurasian steppe
>"Hurr durr extreme geographic isolation"

>> No.11660596

Overlap is not needed for there to be contact.

My point was that the fact that there is contacts accross geographical boundaries does not preclude subspecies classification.

>> No.11660620

You realize that a ton of the contacting boundaries are the locations of rivers or mountaon ranges, right?

>> No.11660623

>Its literally just a category for genetic variation between relatively similar organisms.
It's literally not. Not by definition, or by typical usage. Stop fucking lying.

>> No.11660634

>rivers or mountaon ranges,
that don't prevent individuals from crossing over.

>> No.11660638

This is some bullshit half truth.
I don't doubt brain ratios change with each generation, but there's no way you can confirm what impact that has.
You're an undergrad doomer with enough knowledge to make it seem like someone should listen to you, which is dangerous.

>> No.11660640


>> No.11660657
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Ok so whats the difference between different sub species of tiger. That they're just in different places.

Look, sub species point out genetic variation or they'd literally be a useless category you dimwit. Why create a a further division in a group thats similar otherwise?

>> No.11660663

You can artificially bloat your iq by just practicing the puzzles it uses.

>> No.11660772

Obviously there are applications to defining the range of gene flow. Yes, sometimes subspecies are defined even for extremely similar populations.

>> No.11660825

Yeah, and the reason is that variation in a similar population must be caused by some variation in genes. Even if its small, its a genetic variation.

>> No.11660845

Fermi Paradox.

>> No.11660885

But you still only use subspecies to designate gene flow boundaries..... No boundary means no subspecies. They simply become phenotypes among the same subspecies.

>> No.11660950
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If the phenotype belongs to a population, and would disappear if this population hybridized with another, it indicates a gene flow boundary.

And such boundaries exist among humans.

>> No.11661039

Genes don't disappear until the carriers stop reproducing. Populations mixing doesn't mean the genes disappear. It's not a gene flow boundary.

>> No.11661087

very true

>> No.11661090

very true

>> No.11661245

There is the ear man, the tactile man...whites shaped the world and if blacks would want to make it work their way they'd have to reverse colonize the rest of the world. Maybe we'd all live in huts and return to primitivism, communalism/tribalism, naturalism. It's more likely the chinese will take that role if there wont be a shift of mentalit while we dominate with our modell of intelligence
Tell me why I'm wrong I'm here to pretend that I'm learning about the world

>> No.11661249

jesus christ u guys a thick, not even that annon.

>> No.11661255

>Populations mixing doesn't mean the genes disappear
No, it means the subspecies phenotype disappears, since it is highly polygenic.
If the phenotype doesn't disappear, it means mixing is limited, which means there's a gene flow boundary.

>> No.11661280
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>> No.11661287

>Our Solar System is too big to explore

>Capitalism is one of the biggest problem in science

>Life should be impossible

>> No.11661347

What the fuck are you even saying at this point? Give it up dude.

>> No.11661381

what do you think all of the 140+people are doing if theyre not in science, anon?

>> No.11661400

If there's different phenotypes between populations that means there's a limit to the flow of genes.
I think it's pretty clear, what part don't you understand ?

>> No.11661407

depends of the dominance of one variant of a gene

>> No.11661412


They're making actual cash and doing real work in the private sector

>> No.11661414

>humans are 99.8% all the same
>yet anon blames the .2% difference on most disparities

>> No.11661420

And my point over the whole discussion was that subspecies appear when gene flow between populations is limited, not just when it's stopped.
And so humans' occasional migrations (individual or communal) don't make subspecies classification invalid as long as we're not reduced to a homogeneous brown mass.

>> No.11661425


>> No.11661431


>> No.11661448


>that pygmy person with an IQ of 50 and a 6'5 Swede with a 120 IQ are 99.8% the same "genetically", therefore humans have no differences

We are also "only 4% removed" from bananas, anon

>> No.11661471


There are two ways in which the whole "human beings are all 99.8% the same genetically so we are all the same" comment is wrong.

- The commnent is almost always talking about genes being identical, but not about alleles (gene variants). Genes are kind of like boxes or variables that store values in them. We all have the same boxes, but the content inside those boxes are different. If you and I both had cardboard boxes, we would both be identical in that, we are both people with identical boxes. But, if my box had $30 in it and yours was empty it would not be accurate to say they are identical in any practical sense.

- Imagine you were writing a program and you changed one character in your code to something else randomly. What is the probability that the code would still work? The outcome wouldnt be slightly different, it would probably become completely broken. And yet, that single character would be like 0.001% of the code. The broken and non-broken programs would be 99.999% identical but completely different in their functionality.

Thats a more extreme than how it is with genes, but it demonstrates the point. Genes interact and have greatly varying relevance to phenotype. So small differences in genotype can possibly have big differences in the phenotype.

>> No.11661489

>Using resources depletes resources
You're a faggot, capitalism allows for the illusion of freedom to be maintained, so fuck off

>> No.11661543

Why would you focus on the differences of a 50 IQ man and a 6'5" Swede? There are so many other things that combines humanity. As long as there is proof of conciousness, there is no reason to rule a person out as potential differences can be will powered through. Yes some people have to work harder, but that doesn't imply uselessness. This is like kicking your brother out the family because he's dumber than you.
>If you and I both had cardboard boxes, we would both be identical in that, we are both people with identical boxes. But, if my box had $30 in it and yours was empty it would not be accurate to say they are identical in any practical sense.
You're ignoring that certain things that all "boxes" have that make them useful regardless of what is inside of it. It's not the contents that make the box important anyways. Thing of it as as bonus
>Imagine you were writing a program and you changed one character in your code to something else randomly. What is the probability that the code would still work? The outcome wouldnt be slightly different, it would probably become completely broken. And yet, that single character would be like 0.001% of the code. The broken and non-broken programs would be 99.999% identical but completely different in their functionality.
Humans aren't a piece of code anon. They are beings with emotions, a concious, desires and beliefs.

>> No.11661553

>Why would you focus on the differences of a 50 IQ man and a 6'5" Swede? There are so many other things that combines humanity. As long as there is proof of conciousness, there is no reason to rule a person out as potential differences can be will powered through. Yes some people have to work harder, but that doesn't imply uselessness. This is like kicking your brother out the family because he's dumber than you.

Why are you making so many assumptions and employing a pre-canned argument? I was just pointing out that your statement is fallacious. You can respect and treat a retard kindly while acknowledging they're a retard, fyi.

>> No.11661725
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>> No.11661734
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>What's the biggest elephant in the room of science
How to stop thinking about her without an heroing.

>> No.11662698

It used to be believed it's the huge cerebral cortex is what makes us smart, but it is in fact the reason why we need to rely so much on culture and having knowledge handed down from previous generations, as the cerebral cortex seems to be mainly for sensory processing and memory. The prefrontal cortex is only associated with self control and abstract thinking because it's typiccaly more strongly connected to the cerebellum (but there is considerable variation)
It is also why you can guess at people's intelligence by the way they move, as smart people will nove more smoothly, while dumb people are more rigid. (Mark Zuckerberg is an extreme example, he moves so smoothly he falls into the uncanny valley for many)
So it seems that what we call higher thinking may not actually be anything special, and the thinking of the elephant may be in fact far more abstract than of any human, while animals with similarly unbalanced brains, such as sperm whales, also seem to rely heavily on culture, like we do.

>> No.11662702

Is this even a /sci/ board now with posts like these? Everything about this low-iq drivel screams /pol/tard.

>> No.11662724

Most "science" is based on completely false assumptions and is hugely over-interpreted. Cause and effect are routinely stipulated where there is no evidence for them. Studies with inadequate samples inadequately analysed are routinely published and lauded. The efficacy of various theoretical and phenomenological models is overestimated to a ludicrous extent.

>> No.11662768

no you can't. not more than 20 points which is natural variation, that's why I set the minimal level at 120.

>> No.11662786

When north and south koreans can become biologically distinct over just 100 years, i become extremely wary of any kind of hardline ethnic determinism divided from actual environmental reality

>> No.11662831

Officially I'm not in science, because I felt uncomfortable among those retards and their retarded ways, so I make science by myself, revolutionizing my field sole-handedly. If I wasn't this intravirtuous (forginve me, I'm not a native speaker) I would emigrate to some first world country and made some big business about rejuvenation and near-absolute immortality (now I'm in completely different field)

>> No.11663007


> Humans aren't a piece of code anon.
I am not comparing humans to code. I am comparing DNA to code.

> It's not the contents that make the box important anyways.

What is important to people? Its hard to think of a human virtue which is not in some way correlated with genes. Human character is what is important, and that inevitably comes down to whats in "the boxes" one way or another.