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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 60 KB, 497x380, 15B575AE-8F89-432A-8FA4-B532DFB9B202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11658675 No.11658675 [Reply] [Original]

How drastically will the world change over the next 30 years?
What scientific and engineering advances will likely have been made by then?
How unrecognizable for a contemporary person will the world be by then probably?

>> No.11658680

Very little. Scientific achievement has plateaued. And we're about to enter a depression. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11658682

electric airplanes

screencap this post and come back in 2050

>> No.11658684

they'll have better memes

>> No.11658710
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x719, 1413159355727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'll look a lot like 1920, considering peak oil and all

>> No.11658715
File: 24 KB, 256x256, E364D1A1-80F2-47FE-8E07-E611C2A4957C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>11658682

I’ll add some. Feel free to add any
>Bipedal robots with human-level mobility
>Successor to quantum model of physics
>Footsteps on Mars
>Another interstellar bound probe
>Around 50+ people in orbit around earth in a given day
>Nuclear fusion

Some big ifs
>World war 3
>Math and physics developed a path towards practical FTL travel
>Mammoths revived
>SLS launches

>> No.11658741

this is your brian on popscience

>> No.11658744

Mobile devices and social media will become increasingly invasive, probably in the form of implants/hidden wearables that allow telepathy-esque communication. I think that would be the biggest impact to our way of life, likely for the worst since corporations will be blasting ads directly into your ears/eyes and will be tracking literally every single thing you do and say.

>telescopic contact lenses (supervision)
>laundry folding machine
>transparent screens

Imagine also that the walls in your house are coated with something digital, allowing you to set the "paint" color to whatever you want, as well as sectioning off areas for pictures, to-do lists, weather widget, clocks, your TV, etc. All resizable a la windows on your desktop.

>> No.11658757

I think that if you make it to 2060 as an upper middle class citizen of a first world country, you will probably not die of old age.

>> No.11658771
File: 40 KB, 195x306, 8F69F773-8D41-4C32-BBDB-08C6ECD7E835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you specify what makes you think any of this is popsci? The closest thing I could think of is Nuclear energy and only because its fairly talked about in “popsci” media

Is it the FTL travel bit? I’m sorry, but I’m not fully confident we have an accurate model of physics. You have untestable theories on top of untestable theories being made, supported on a model of physics that assumes dark matter is real and is not simply evidence that our current model of physics is inaccurate in its lowest levels.

If it’s the robot prediction, I highly recommend you take a look at this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5hFevwJ4JXI

>> No.11658775

immortality is the biggest meme in human history. You're going to die

>> No.11658784

>laundry folding machine
i read that some brands (uniqlo?) already use them in their warehouses

>> No.11658801

Wrong. And cringe.

Footsteps on mars. I'm skeptical. FTL travel, absolutely. All of the equations and evidence suggest that it's impossible. And yes Einstein's theories are testable. To accelerate to the speed of light would require infinite energy, because an object becomes heavier as it approaches the speed of light.
The rest is possible.

>> No.11658826

>heh lmao you're wrong dude wow I just owned this guy on 4chan man I love being negative because my life sucks

>> No.11658836

not that anon but
>getting this assblasted over being told a basic certainty of life

>> No.11658839
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You sound more like a popsci tard than me. Questioning our understanding of physics is a big nono for big brained tysons

>> No.11658842

>basic certainty
wrong. but I hope it still happens for you because I don't want to be stuck with your dumb ass in 1000 years

>> No.11658854

aww don't be mean, you will miss the banter

>> No.11658895 [DELETED] 

>blocks your path*
(inb4 warp drive meme)

It's as much of a certainty as smallpox, the flu, diabetes and cancer, meaning, a disease that needs fixing. Dumb boomer.

>> No.11658900
File: 6 KB, 245x202, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path*
(inb4 warp drive meme)

It's as much of a certainty as smallpox, the flu, diabetes and cancer, meaning, a disease that needs fixing. Dumb boomer.

>> No.11658914

I'm actually a dumb zoomer thank you very much. I simply do not see how you would stop things from deteriorating over time. Literally everything does, not just us.

>> No.11658936

>muh AI
>muh uploading
>muh gene therapy
dont bother, he thinks he's special enough to defeat death

>> No.11658938

Anon, when most people mean mortality, they mean avoiding deterioration associated with old age. You’re being as pretentious as those who say solar energy is non-renewable because the sun will eventually die

>> No.11658944

If the last 30 years are any indication basically nothing will change. The only thing that’s changed in 30 tech wise is cell phones are far more widely adopted, are touch screens now, and people that have no business on the internet now use them to be in the internet. If someone was in a coma for 30 years I could catch them up on new tech in like 2 minutes.

>> No.11658954

global warming probably do some crazy shit.

>> No.11658957


>> No.11658958

That's not what I'm saying, I wasn't making a "well technically..." autistic Ben Shapiro argument. But I don't know, I'll look into it. I've never read about anti-aging science, it just doesn't seem the same as a disease.

>> No.11658960
File: 23 KB, 680x373, 8d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he's special enough to defeat death

>> No.11658963

Everyone has a high quality camera and a means to instantly communicate with anyone in their pocket. People can work from home now.
>comparing this to 1990
You're getting caught in the weeds of technical specifics and aren't looking at the broader implications these technologies have on the texture of life.

>> No.11658964

>I could catch them up on new tech in like 2 minutes.

You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Try teaching a boomer about technology and then you can talk. These people lived through the past 30 years of technological growth and many of them in all those 30 years still can't "get it."

You zoomers have no idea how much technology has advanced in 30 years, just cause you were born into it.

>> No.11658973


What makes you think life extension technology of some kind won't become a thing in the next 30 or so years?

There's a good possibility that if we don't destroy ourselves or enter a new dark age we could solve the aging crisis within the next couple centuries. If life extension technology is made, some of us might be able to see that.

It's a stretch, but if bet money on it

>> No.11659000
File: 1000 KB, 400x300, 1414492551047.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What makes you think life extension technology of some kind won't become a thing in the next 30 or so years?
it might, but you're talking about physically de-aging cells. That either means nanobots of some kind or genetic engineering. Both would take gobs of money, application at the right time, and probably massive amounts of energy. If you mean uploading, that's a true meme and does nothing for your physical brain.
>we could solve the aging crisis within centuries
my original post said YOU are going to die. Maybe some magic happens in the far future, but you people are looking at the state of technology now, with the biggest advancements literally just being efficient algorithms and electric cars, and thinking that means immortality technology in 20 years. No, and especially no if there's a long recession at any point thatll shut down a lot of tech experimentation
>life extension technology
from where we are, that means adding 20 years max, realistically. wow, you get to live to 2100! which again is not defeating death.

>b...but look at out wonderful technology! surely we'll live forever!
said the chinese emperor as he chugged mercury

>> No.11659009

Uploading isn't a meme. You've literally being uploading your entire life. The cells and molecules in your brain right now are not the same ones that were there in the past. The ones there right now will cease to exist in the future. Nothing is off the table.

Second is AI, and the majority of experts thinking it is possible for AI to surpass human intelligence. When that happens AI can function as a genie and make rapid advancements in technology.

>> No.11659030
File: 591 KB, 905x917, 1413050341884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uploading means uploading your consciousness into the internet or wherever. You could theoretically make a copy of yourself to do that, but it isn't the individual you. So you still die.
>molecules change man
the fuck does that have to do with not dying
also kind of a meme. it has potential, but you're assuming the growth of knowledge is exponential, and that any of that new knowledge will lead to immortality. remember, immortality either is possible or isn't. if you die a million years from now, you still failed.
>it can function as a genie
you want to describe what you're thinking of, and the first place your mind goes as a comparison is something made of magic. not good anon

>> No.11659041
File: 396 KB, 1536x817, american future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How drastically will the world change over the next 30 years?

Technologically not so much maybe except better computers , faster Internet connection. But socially future will be MUCH WORSE version of 2020.

But at least we can try to escape to "virtual reality" , because "real world" will be
really shitty place to live in him , right anons ?

>> No.11659049

>comparison is something made of magic
Not even my description, but one I read during my readings into the topic. Point is, that's exactly how it would work. Nothing magical about it. We already have AI making designs. And we're 30 years away from 2050. Just because you can't think outside the box doesn't mean this, this, and that is impossible or doesn't work. Seems like a you problem.

>> No.11659067

I'm one of those grognards who believe we've hit a technological wall.

>> No.11659075
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 1584136373904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self driving cars
>smart software
>many jobs lost due to automation
>eugenics but under a new name
>brave new world type culture
>climate engineering (with sulfur aerosols)
best case scenario right there

>> No.11659080

>but I’m not fully confident we have an accurate model of physics. You have untestable theories on top of untestable theories being made, supported on a model of physics that assumes dark matter is real and is not simply evidence that our current model of physics is inaccurate in its lowest levels
This is the popsci bit

>> No.11659083

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.11659116

The years between the mid 19th and mid 20th centuries were very transformational, with every decade being radically different than the last. But since then we've only seen tiny amounts of progress, so don't be surprised if 2050 looks like 2020. That said I think some 'gimmes' are:
>Virtual, mixed, and augmented reality are common tools that people use every day, not just for the rare video game.
>Outposts on the Moon and Mars happen, and multiple space stations will exist in the Earth-Moon system. Traveling to space will be possible for the average person from a wealthy country.
>Robots of all kinds will be seen daily, from driverless cars, to drones, to delivery bots, and more. We see this already in some places but we'll likely see it in most of the world by 2050.

>> No.11659121

>>Outposts on the Moon and Mars happen, and multiple space stations will exist in the Earth-Moon system. Traveling to space will be possible for the average person from a wealthy country.
this is not going to happen until 2500

>> No.11659141

Sigh. You see science as stagnating because you were born into the world you observe today.

>> No.11659145

It's the same way as going around the problem. You can find a way to go around the problem, and even pop sci retards like you can figure that one out.

>> No.11659160

Have you not been paying attention? We are living through a revolution in space technology. The cost to put cargo in orbit is in freefall. Multiple megacorporations are actively competing to build hyperadvanced reusable human-rated launch vehicles.

How could you possibly think it would take 500 years to do the things that will be done within 30 according to even conservative timetables?

>> No.11659178
File: 104 KB, 502x570, 1g7prl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Outposts on the Moon and Mars happen, and multiple space stations will exist in the Earth-Moon system. Traveling to space will be possible for the average person from a wealthy country.

In 2050 ? Are you joking ? I would be surprised if this would be true before 2150 ...

>> No.11659193

Strong AI will be created within 10 years.
In 2050, they will have civil and political rights.

>> No.11659195

Wrong. Scientific progress is nowhere near as fast as it was in the 20th century.

>man on the moon
>we want to fly past the moon some time this decade..

>> No.11659199

>global warming denial
>religious views going up
>flat earthers
>moon landing deniers
>worldwide IQ decreasing
>humans sold for ad revenue, glued to digital billboards in their pockets
>depression, loneliness, anxiety, obesity on the rise
it's over

>> No.11659202

Its going to happen in less than 10 years. There are 4 space stations, 2 Moonbases, and 1 Mars colony in the works, with actual funding and hardware. Some of them may get delayed to the 2030s, but I expect at least half to be here in the 2020s.

>space stations
China, Gateway (international), India, Axiom (American commercial)
Artemis (American), Chinese

>> No.11659219

Most of the comments on this site will be in Mandarin Chinese or some Latinized combination called Chinglish.

>> No.11659231

you're assuming that AI can develop better versions of AI, when there's absolutely no proof that suggests that right now. Its blind hope that even that works, and extra blind hope that it working solves death itself. cmon now
>a you problem
so saying death isn't going away any time soon is delusional? really?

>> No.11659254

>it's never gonna happen! the post
We get it, buko.

>> No.11659263
File: 56 KB, 960x720, WHY+DID+BIOSPHERE+2+FAIL+The+likely+culprit +the+failure+of+nutrient+cycles..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its going to happen in less than 10 years.
>There are
>4 space stations - alright I believe in it
> 2 Moonbases - What Moonbases ?
>and 1 Mars colony in the works - What Mars colony ?

>Its going to happen in less than 10 years.


Do you really think that sending few people on space stations VERY CLOSE TO EARTH IN SPACE TERM is the same thing as building and estabilishing regular space colonies MUCH FURTHER FROM EARTH ?

The major flaw in the $150 million Biosphere 2 project has been discovered by a leading geochemist and his student, raising questions of whether the venture in the Arizona desert will be corrected in the interest of serious science or will be doomed to repeated cycles of failure in the years ahead. In theory, the experiment is to last 100 years.
As an attempt to create a balanced and self-sustaining replica of Earth’s ecosystems, Biosphere II was a miserable (and expensive) failure. Numerous problems plagued the crew almost from the very beginning. Of these, a mysterious loss of oxygen and widespread extinction were the most notable.Not quite 18 months into the experiment, when oxygen levels dropped to the point where the crew could barely function, the outside managers decided to pump oxygen into the system so they could complete the full 2 years as planned.The designers of Biosphere II included a carefully chosen variety of plant, animal, and insect species. They anticipated that some species would not survive, but the eventual extinction rate was much higher than expected. Of the 25 small vertebrates with which the project began, only 6 did not die out by the mission's end. Almost all of the insect species went extinct, including those which had been included for the purpose of pollinating plants. This caused its own problems, since the plants could no longer propagate themselves.

> I expect at least half to be here in the 2020s.

Then you will be dissapointed that this wont happened in the 2020s or 2030s.

>> No.11659271

>it has to happen! the post

>> No.11659278

Relativistic mass is a meme and should NEVER be used.
The change comes in momentum, not in the fucking mass.

>> No.11659283

Likely very little, excluding an unexpected discovery comparable to at least electricity or genetics. Life extension may come, otherwise much of the potential has been exhausted.
Bullet trains.
Rather unlikely. Rockets are too impractical for practical space travel and there is nothing to hold on to develop anything else.
As for robotics, the biggest advancement right now would be something that could automatize sewing.
>it might, but you're talking about physically de-aging cells. That either means nanobots of some kind or genetic engineering.
That would most likely mean something like reactivating some enzyme that turns off with aging, or at worst adding a new one.
Well yeah, that's what plateaud means. No more constant infliw of new technology like in the past decades. The progress has plateaud.

>> No.11659295

what is there on the moon for people to give a shit about
fuck the moon there's 100000000 technologies being developed on earth for earth more important

>> No.11659307

I agree honestly. Why spend resources trying to inhabit a lifeless rock instead of advancing infrastructure on the lush planet we have literally evolved for? Popscience is a plague, I really enjoy space fiction but unfortunately it seems most npcs have trouble distinguishing between fiction and reality.

>> No.11659349
File: 568 KB, 1920x1280, Smiling-Serena-Williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You live in 2020, you have seen the world changing within months, nobody has seen this coming.

>> No.11659366

AI will change everything, a brave new world will rise

>> No.11659498

Didn't we make fairly decent leaps in the sciences normies rarely hear about beyond popscience like genetics, medicine, neuroscience and all the other bio-fields?

>> No.11659513

>you're just electrical pulses bro a brain scanned copy of you is totally immortality
t. retard

>> No.11659515

we've made pretty big strides in genetics and medicine too

>> No.11659517

>nobody ever predicted an infectious disease spreading across the world and altering our normal patterns of behavior

>> No.11659542

>Biosphere II was a miserable (and expensive) failure.

Wrong, problems were solved during second run (oxygen loss was due to concrete absorption) and then it worked well. Also, Biosphere II was a rather half-assed and short effort. Closed ecosystems may very well be easy if serious effort was put into it.

>> No.11659553

>>global warming denial
>>religious views going up
>>flat earthers
>>moon landing deniers
>>worldwide IQ decreasing
>>humans sold for ad revenue, glued to digital billboards in their pockets
>>depression, loneliness, anxiety, obesity on the rise
This is because the world is becoming too complicated for the average person. Complexity = the unknown. People fear that they do not know.

>> No.11659554

Lol faggot doomers.

If you think you could whip out your phone and play some HD videos let alone an average videogame on it to even a futurist in 1990 and not blow their mind you weren’t there.

Moon and Mars bases will be properly established by 2050.

>> No.11659598

So we must destroy the civilization to make people believing science?

>> No.11659751

2050 will be just like 2020, except more gay and with better computers, don't fret.

>> No.11659773

Better computers give us many changes.
Almost all changes since 1990 were made by computers.

>> No.11659775
File: 717 KB, 2560x1920, base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No white people exist anymore
Moon base
Realistic virtual reality
Basic neural control interfaces
China owns the world

>> No.11659836

>How drastically will the world change over the next 30 years?
At least a bit, maybe a lot.

>> No.11659838

>had more important things to do than send extremely costly rockets on largely pointless voyages into space
>hurr science is ded
It just means engineers have had better shit to do with their time.

>> No.11659976


>> No.11660019

>not even half a year and everyone is already going back to normal life

>> No.11660054

it is forecast that in 2050 there will be more than 10 billion people in the world and islam will be the largest religion
it will be a state of constant war

>> No.11660368

>and islam will be the largest religion
It has been for a couple decades.

>> No.11660402

Yes. Numerous genetic diseases that would have been death sentences are now managable

>> No.11660412

>God will be created within 10 years.
>In 2050, he will have civil and political rights.

>> No.11660439
File: 98 KB, 960x679, 2B87EBA9-0DAC-43B9-993B-1E7B397ABB41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popscitards are usually the ones who will grasp at straws to protect their precious view of the world.

For example, you’ve always heard scientist say “when you find proof, then we’ll talk about ufos”, but when the Navy declassified video footage of unknown objects, which were spotted in an area over a month, and said objects were capable of going mach 51 in less than a second, they still scoff and roll their eyes. It’ll be funny when you’re dumbfounded whenever the next big thing comes. When our model of physics changes, you’ll be pretending you doubted the original in the first place

>> No.11660902

The big question will be rather whether Islam will still be even remotely powerful:

>> No.11660970

valid question
secularism, but also downright degeneracy is slowly on the rise there

>> No.11661884

India will be a superpower

>> No.11661929

Assuming it's will be at least somewhat democratic and not just a hindu-fascist copy of chairman Xi's China this would be a genuinely good development.

>> No.11661932

>Imagine also that the walls in your house are coated with something digital, allowing you to set the "paint" color to whatever you want, as well as sectioning off areas for pictures, to-do lists, weather widget, clocks, your TV, etc. All resizable a la windows on your desktop.
And then we'll replace firemen with people who burn books!

>> No.11661948

It looks to be fascist from here on out.
But the economic growth is a side show and an inevitable reality. It could have been democratic but that's politics

>> No.11662810


>> No.11662844

All I know is that it will change more than the last 30 in the next 15

>> No.11662874
File: 60 KB, 325x239, truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the concept of you in this argument is entirely arbitrary. Are you still you if you move 5 meters to the left? if your cells are constantly being recycled than is it really any different from being uploaded? You are just a pattern of information, your body is the vessel. If you change that vessel then you are still you, just on a different medium. I'd argue it's more the method of uploading, if you did destructive scanning that would be cut and past, non destructive would be copy and paste, and if you connected your brain up to a computer and uploaded one neuron at a time such that you never lost consciousness throughout the process, that would be true migration.

>> No.11662882

Bro ai has been developing better ai than humans since 2015, it's been done multiple times and to great success.

>> No.11662903
File: 26 KB, 750x553, it's time anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god will be created
You mean he will manifest physically and make it on earth as it is in heaven, than retroactively create the mathematical fractal that is the universe revealing that the matter we coalesced from was the result of his unconscious mind imagining simple math algorithms that when repeated infinitely created a 2-d hyper-graph that perfectly represented all infinite versions of reality in all possible universes capable or not of bearing life that could exist, and that is was always the case and we just happened to live at a point in time and space in a universe wherein the infinite repetition of simple maths created a fractal point where god himself came into being and created everything to begin with, but now he has awoken and we get to chill with him and drink sprite cranberry.

>> No.11663097

it will be exactly the same, they will just have better phones. Proof 1990 compared to 2020.

>> No.11663110

literally nothing that matters will change

>> No.11663277
File: 60 KB, 746x510, 87e4e05b7b44ebf895a8551aec178813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>embedded AR implants
>virtual world overlay
>direct information upload/download
>24/7 free satellite data-packet uplink
>personal tictac transportation
>children raised by hologram
>daily food in one pill
>daily sleep in one minute
>pineal hypercalcification
>nuclear war is commonplace
>transsubstantiation confirmed in laboratory
>the Second Coming prevented
>total-conversion transsexuality
>ley line based power generation
>armed conflict with DMT spirits
>moon landing hoax widely accepted
>holocaust proved
>b----k o---a's name ordered eradicated from history books
>personal ballistic shielding leads to return of sword and dagger combat
>sports teams representing races rather than cities
>return of kings and barons
>dinosaurs can choose if they want feathers or not
>maps switch north and south due to magnetic inversion
>east and west stay the same
>extinction of the donkey
>doggerland emerges
the list goes on

>> No.11663329

>Tick-Tac transportation

If the Military somehow made those tic-tacs, or the objects are actually our friendly neighbors, then there is definitely a new chapter in our understanding of physics ahead, one that would surprise everyone

After all, with all the dogma and grasping for straws to make the equations work, it wouldn’t surprise me if these objects actually existed and were flying with an unknown principle of the universe.

>> No.11663528

Can I get a QRD?

>> No.11664658
File: 1.02 MB, 1962x2913, doggerland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairly large chunk of land in the north sea that used to be above sea level not too long ago.

>> No.11664677

the difference between today and 2050 will be less than the difference between 1950 and 1980, or 1890 to 1920

>> No.11664688

First pictures of alien planets with visible biosphere like vegetation cover and colour change will change our whole understanding of our place in universe

>> No.11664711

>or 1890 to 1920
>first world war
>gas warfare
>Soviet Union starts forming

So 2020 to 2050
>nanoweapons used
>first war in space
>first use of exo frames in military conflict
>first hive neural network formed
>first country taken over by hegemonizing hive collective

>> No.11664759

Probably not, we would have noticed planets with biosignatures already.

>> No.11664799

Only East Asia will make breakthroughs since whitey is killing itself right now.

>> No.11665031
File: 183 KB, 500x918, African mentality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whitey is killing itself right now

Not only whites.What about "these geniuses from Africa " ? They also have real talent to killing themselves.

>> No.11665102

Don't give Zimbabwe any aid dammit. It's all been ruined.

>> No.11665229
File: 79 KB, 580x790, africa economic growth map 2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not only whites.What about "these geniuses from Africa " ? They also have real talent to killing themselves.

>> No.11665269
File: 154 KB, 1024x818, oil curse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This economic growth in Africa has a VERY FRAGILE foundation.

Have you ever heard about : Dutch disease -In economics, the Dutch disease is the apparent causal relationship between the increase in the economic development of a specific sector (for example natural resources) and a decline in other sectors (like the manufacturing sector or agriculture). The putative mechanism is that as revenues increase in the growing sector (or inflows of foreign aid), the given nation's currency becomes stronger (appreciates) compared to currencies of other nations (manifest in an exchange rate). This results in the nation's other exports becoming more expensive for other countries to buy, and imports becoming cheaper, making those sectors less competitive. While it most often refers to natural resource discovery, it can also refer to "any development that results in a large inflow of foreign currency, including a sharp surge in natural resource prices, foreign assistance, and foreign direct investment".

The term was coined in 1977 by The Economist to describe the decline of the manufacturing sector in the Netherlands after the discovery of the large Groningen natural gas field in 1959.


and about : Resource curse - The resource curse, also known as the paradox of plenty, refers to the paradox that countries with an abundance of natural resources (such as fossil fuels and certain minerals), tend to have less economic growth, less democracy, and worse development outcomes than countries with fewer natural resources.


>> No.11665401

>Probably not, we would have noticed planets with biosignatures already.
We don't have the capability for this yet, but our time shall come.

>> No.11665548
File: 106 KB, 481x473, 1464104710905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Launch date Late-2030s (proposed)
Why does such space related projects always take so extremely long?
Is it just a lack of funding or because of how complicated such stuff has become?

>> No.11665912
File: 297 KB, 651x932, UFO Contactee Billy Meier - The New Circular-Ratio of Pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11666012

I know the reference but I don't get the point you're making. That it's unrealistic?

>> No.11666749

is that seattle?

>> No.11666766

You are too young to remember the specter of communism, not aware of the goals of islam and communism, or something. It is not unreasonable to go to another planet since there are several ideologies that are determined to take over the whole planet and impose horrible restrictions. Its not like I'm paranoid, I just think its dumb to think it won't ever ever happen.

>> No.11666769


A lot of urban population centers are going to become horribly burnt and irradiated

>> No.11666907

Isn't this just the expected result of comparative advantage?

>> No.11666957

Wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to make those telescopic contact lenses augmented reality stuff, then to make entire house into screen?

>> No.11666966 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 1158x592, examples of Dutch economical disease in the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather it is effect of fact that vast majority of people who are are part of society in every country are MORE IMPERFECT than you think . Basically they are biological robots driven by simple instincts : lust or lechery , desire of money, food, fame, power, or sex , gluttony , greed , laziness , wrath , envy , pride .

Society doesnt want to create REAL PROGRESS. At the same time, reality is the opposite of my expectations. In my opinion, invention is currently not fashionable in 2020, but only desirable to satisfy consumers, which means that we are partly back to thinking from before this revolution, but at a different level. We expect that there will be inventions, but the people who design them are not famous, and these are just another anonymous work, which we do not admire but only demand. Admittedly, there are universities, pop-culture productions promoting slogans: "all the way forward", "don't give up", "it's all up to you", "you make your way", but how many people listen to them? There is no such a push for these slogans anymore, and I am afraid that we are entering another period of stagnation, but at a higher level of development, which in turn is more difficult to maintain in case of "misfortune".

>> No.11666972
File: 691 KB, 1328x2380, Huxley vs. Orwell vision of society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather it is effect of fact that vast majority of people who are are part of society in every country are MORE IMPERFECT than you think . Basically they are biological robots driven by simple instincts : lust or lechery , desire of money, food, fame, power, or sex , gluttony , greed , laziness , wrath , envy , pride .

Society doesnt want to create REAL PROGRESS. At the same time, reality is the opposite of my expectations. In my opinion, invention is currently not fashionable in 2020, but only desirable to satisfy consumers, which means that we are partly back to thinking from before this revolution, but at a different level. We expect that there will be inventions, but the people who design them are not famous, and these are just another anonymous work, which we do not admire but only demand. Admittedly, there are universities, pop-culture productions promoting slogans: "all the way forward", "don't give up", "it's all up to you", "you make your way", but how many people listen to them? There is no such a push for these slogans anymore, and I am afraid that we are entering another period of stagnation, but at a higher level of development, which in turn is more difficult to maintain in case of "misfortune".

>> No.11667024

I mean, when you are mediocre at mining cobalt, and really bad at making cars, you are probably better off if you concentrate your efforts on mining cobalt and buy the cars you need instead.

>> No.11667032


>quantum computing
>AI breakthroughs
>medical advancements
>exoplanet discoveries
>LHC experiments

And the list goes on

>> No.11667067
File: 23 KB, 315x335, 1390913694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working ai boosts humanity into a new age
>fusion power up and running
>colonies on moon and mars
>mercury and asteroid belt getting mined
>combustion engines banned in modern countries
>not legal to manually drive a car anymore
>drones in the air everywhere delivering goods
>robots on legs and wheel everywhere doing manual labor

>> No.11667078

Don't expect too much. You will be disappointed because very little will change

>> No.11667345

-Hegemony of political power will remain the same
-Wealth will become even more polarised
-Art will become less diverse and more forms will die out than ever before, contrary to the expectation that the advent of modern information technology would lead to no craft or knowledge completely dying out ever again- a poverty of attention in a wealth of information
-AI will play a bigger role in arts and culture, if not in the direct composition of entertainment then at least in selecting what is greenlit and how much projects are marketed compared to each other; companies will pre-select what becomes popular on the basis of algorithms to a greater extent than is already present
-As resources become sparser in some regions due to climate change e.g. clean freshwater in the case of Myanmar, which is prone to flooding, the subset of the population that is not affected will get smaller and smaller and incrementally ramp up protectionist attitudes and policy while those on the border between safe and unsafe say "I don't see anything wrong" because they're currently being sheltered from the danger, much like how the famine in Yemen remains invisible and incomprehensible to us in the west right now due to its distance from us; eventually only the richest, small pockets of upper-class suburbia will carry on as "normal" i.e. a lifestyle comparable to that the bulk of us live out today, heavily protected both by an entrenched culture of docility among the rest of the population and through the increasing use of private security companies in place of state-level law enforcement- perhaps the line between the two will become more and more blurred
-Automation will have an impact on the job market but the response won't be UBI etc., it'll be governments (or rather, privately-funded policy institutes that direct government advisers to ministers) encouraging greater "family planning" etc. to avoid any expansion of the welfare state; cont.

>> No.11667393

...in several generations' time this will lead to a much smaller workforce which may be problematic economically but that's beyond the scope of both the concerns of those whose decisions in their lifetimes will encourage that outcome occurring far beyond it; and beyond the scope of how far into the future is foreseeable
-There will be significant displacement of people from equatorial countries due to climate change that will dwarf the previous Mediterranean migrant crisis; fights over resources in central and western Asia and in Africa will increase sectarian religious conflict which will spill over into western Europe once again like the ISIS attacks, except more desperate and framed partly through the view of survival rather than purely moral conflict; the west will retaliate with even more xenophobia and insularity, further fuelling the protectionist bent previously mentioned; the UK in particular will struggle to reconcile its protectionism with lack of agricultural production- both due to areas land such as the Fens being lost to climate change, and due to economic factors such as the aforementioned loss of skills and knowledge in the enormous sea of information; eventually this will lead to a public health crisis of poor nutrition there
-This post isn't just a dystopian angst-wank: Medical technology and consumer technology will continue to perform leaps and bounds as it has done over the past century, with neurology and genetic therapy two of the fields that will probably make great gains in the next few decades
-The right wing in the west will continue to grow and you'll see more of the aesthetic preferences for stoicism and the classics etc. you see on the humanities boards here, but also more right-wingers engaging in debauchery as well; this will probably be the primary cause of disagreement and infighting among them, the libertarian right-wingers versus the pro-authority right-wingers; who gets the upper hand is not foreseeable to me

>> No.11667412

... since I'd expect whoever has the most force behind them will inevitably win but it's totally up for debate to what extent either of those 'sides' has the most power at the starting condition i.e. now
-Left-wing movements such as trade unionism will become less and less effectual as direct forms of political action seen before the 21st century become a distant memory and people realise placard-protests make no change in an era where those in power are no longer afraid of consequences, legal or otherwise; those who would have been radical left-wingers in the 20th century will instead be more likely to retreat to more solitary and primitivist/permaculture lifestyles as they grow disillusioned with mass political movements and organisations
-Of course there will be exceptions to these sweeping predictions; I expect New Zealand and Finland in particular to buck many of the political/social trends described here for example
-More atomisation of society, the trends of companies operating online-only or Deliveroo/Uber-type models for lower overheads will continue for the forseeable future and social venues will become less and less economically sustainable for their owners
-Antibiotic resistance will lead to some bacterial pandemics in the future of a comparable scale to the current coronavirus, but medical technology will have progressed by then enough that it won't become some world-devastating event much greater than the outcome of this current crisis, since unlike this virus the research into combating resistance-evolved bacteria is already well underway
-Gen Z counter-culture will be dominated for the next 10-20 years by two main strands- your simple nihilist "doomers", and those possessing the suspension of disbelief necessary for religious faith who will turn to neuvo-pagan beliefs such as "wicca" stuff and also more contemporary forms of superstition such as simulation theory and quantum immortality; they will probably grow out of these things by 50

>> No.11667416

A lot will change; even more will stay exactly the same

Which, to be less broad and smart-arse about it, means that the underlying principles of human nature will stay the same, but the way in which those behaviours are organised and their aesthetic presentation will change

>> No.11667457

This would be a cultural Tsar Bomba for the UK. The whole islander mentality is so deeply ingrained.

This is now officially my most anticipated happening.

>> No.11667465

>they tried to run from the Europe
>instead the continent Anschlussed whole island

>> No.11667475

>ice sheets melting
>doggerland emerges

>> No.11668965


>> No.11670587

>not found
CRISPR/Cas9 is probably the only potential breakthrough we are seeing but it will take decades of legislative work to make it available.

>> No.11671742

>electric airplanes
We ALREADY have this.

>> No.11672325


>> No.11672779

Looks like it is "son of Webb". That is not a good sign. Webb might get launched in 2030, so this one will be 2100.

>> No.11672962

just skimming this thread. are you all underage?

such optimism is sickening. fucking mars base 2050, get a grip.

heres a clue, the west is going down in flames. all you white cuck scientists will be decapitated in your nursing homes because they wont be bothered to care for you. seriously you fucking brainlets start focusing on reality.

>> No.11672965

whats the point. the UK will be a african and pakistani colony long before that happens. its like you live in a fake reality where we arent being genocided.

>> No.11672986

keep whitey out. let them return to their natural population number so they stop migrating. we arent obligated to feed them to our own detriment.

>> No.11672994

>The resource curse, also known as the paradox of plenty, refers to the paradox that countries with an abundance of natural resources (such as fossil fuels and certain minerals), tend to have less economic growth, less democracy, and worse development outcomes than countries with fewer natural resources.
id like to see this data with european countries removed, or just within europe.

>> No.11673586

Aren't things slightly different this time compared to a few decades ago because we start seeing modest moves towards industrialization in Africa instead of the usual, "dutch disease" economies?

>> No.11673675

>doesn't realize that the tictacs are just holograms

>> No.11674024

Democracies can't become superpowers.

>> No.11674040

Democracies are a front where wolves at least pretend they're one of the sheep. You don't want an actual fascist system, Nazitard.

>> No.11674049

>You don't want an actual fascist system, Nazitard.
I want a communist system.

>> No.11674066
File: 541 KB, 792x480, wofl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pampered lily white butt won't be safe in either authoritarian society.
You don't want the veneer of democracy to completely slip away, trust me.

>> No.11674086

Not that anon but anarchism is the only way I can see that technology won't be used to utterly dominate and control everyone.

>> No.11674112

I'm slavic.

>> No.11674338

Think about why it's called the Dutch disease.

>> No.11674347

Most whites are psychos, who think capitalism is an amazing invention that allowed people to cooperate. Think about the "tragedy of the commons", they have no idea that you'd get beaten if you bring too many animals to the common pasture. 'Oh no, the evil commies are jealous I have more animals than them'

>> No.11674605

>I want a communist system
You will be the first one to land in gulag.

>> No.11674645

>Drag queen story hours on every street
>Forced hrt
>5G towers everywhere where the poor constantly get cancer
>Food is further fattened to domesticate us more
>Bugs become a substitute for meat
>No more whites
Future looking good!

>> No.11674966
File: 43 KB, 644x598, leftist state of mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want a communist system.

People unironically want to live in communist system are cynical liars or naive idiots.

>> No.11674980

Modern communists expects most work to be done by machines, and wouldn't promote labor.

>> No.11674996

You mean you WILL die of old age. Nothin else to take you out

>> No.11675012

Kids these days dont understand having to wait up at night with the phone on a cord to talk to a friend

>> No.11675025

Already at the brave new world stage. Everyone addicted to something they can forever chase while no one wants to be an educated thinker.

>> No.11675038

He means aging will be cured.

>> No.11675047

This. If you think that anything good will happen, prepare for massive disappointment.

>> No.11675522

How likely (or unlikely) is it for me as in the late 90s born, middle class, western european to see the 22nd century, assuming I don't contract some serious disease as a young man or die a violent death before hand?

>> No.11675668

I'm the communist and I hate these anti-work faggots who claim the same ideology as me. Automation should target professional-managerial type jobs first and then all those people can learn useful skills instead of being leeches.

>> No.11675949

instinctively it feels wrong or too early?
but at the same time oldest people alive today were born when the most common mode of transport was horse and cart.

>> No.11675977

it wasn't that bad, after stalin died all the social parasites were resettled on collective farms in the ass-end of siberia and after 5-10 years they could return home

>> No.11676028

We're on the other side of the life expectancy bell curve now. Chances are most of us won't be 80.

>> No.11676053

>We're on the other side of the life expectancy bell curve now. Chances are most of us won't be 80.
You don't think that's a bit pessimistic? Aren't most of our modern health problems related to the poor diet of far too many westerners and dysfunctional healthcare system because of all the failed neoliberal experiments since the 70s?

>> No.11676346


>> No.11676680

The questions being asked in this case come from a rudimentary understanding of certain phenomena, while knowing almost nothing of the mechanisms behind them.

>> No.11676765

chinks will give it a huge push, now that their economy is not garbage anymore.

>> No.11677054

That’s a way bigger leap though. You’re talking about something that is numerous orders of magnitudes more difficult relative to current circumstances than merely creating and distributing a high def screen. I think there’s absolutely zero chance of based on the moon or mars by 2050.

>> No.11677060

I completely agree. It’s a bit absurd to me to even talk about colonizing mars for many reasons but chief among them is probably the fact that we have arctic tundras and oceans right here. We fail to even maintain our city infrastructure and we’re talking about colonizing the moon? It makes no sense.

>> No.11678096

Smartphones would definitely sound like complete sci-fi in 1990.

>> No.11678608

Maybe but that doesn’t mean anything. The technological difference between a phone and a smartphone is not the same as the technological difference between say any modern US city and a colony on Mars.

>> No.11678749

Hi Peter

>> No.11679390
File: 19 KB, 636x350, EXZo87_UwAEE2P7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have the tech, just not the willpower to use it

>> No.11679585

You’re right. There is no willpower because it doesn’t meet anyone’s immediate interests. We live in a democratic society that eats all the cake because the enemy might be the one at the table later but it’s not just about willpower. It’s about logistics and infrastructure. We don’t even have the ability to rapidly transform our energy infrastructure to say, natural gas or nuclear or whatever and we’re talking about constructing civilization on an alien planet. It’s a bit absurd desu.

>> No.11679597

depressingly this

>> No.11679610

Well neither of those are the same as the tech difference between hot air balloons and motored flight. What's your point?

>> No.11679701

flying cellphones

>> No.11679734

if they find something to do with all that shit, who knows.

>> No.11679743

really really hope they can fix aging, i'm not looking to be 20 again, but as long as i can live healthy its good enough.

>> No.11679767
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Imagine being so conceited

>> No.11679782

>Wrong. And cringe.
You're literally going to die there is no singularity and no "solving aging" that will save you

>> No.11679813

Why do you type "sigh" you fucking faggot.

>> No.11679823

>That would most likely mean something like reactivating some enzyme that turns off with aging, or at worst adding a new one.

Yamanaka factor.
Cellular de-aging has already been achieved
So worst case scenario even if nothing comes up, they can extract your cells, make them younger and inject them back

>> No.11679842

Kek imagine thinking it’s “just too hard” to extend human lifespan

>> No.11679949

The way i see it, we will either be the luckyest generation to ever existe because we made it in the right time for reverse aging.
Or the the unluckyest because we died just before.

>> No.11680140

Feels kinda weird seeing all the futuristic dreams from sixty years ago actually coming within our reach within our life.

>> No.11680691

You sound like a giant faggot, a gigafaggot of sorts.

>> No.11680709
File: 33 KB, 810x421, thesingularityisnear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll make it. I was born in 95 and based on my family I've got another 60 years on this planet. That's 2080. Even the most conservative AI guys think we'll have AGI by then, except for the retards who think it's impossible

>> No.11680724

in the book i'm pretty sure that the tvs were on the walls just like what that anon said, so i think he's just referencing the book.

>> No.11680730

>Armed conflict with DMT spirits
kek, based schizoposter

>> No.11680734

Don't be too depressed anon, there is always hope

>> No.11680738

All the relatively low hanging fruit is in medicine and biology. Expect an integration of silicon and hydrocarbon

>> No.11680743

i'm with you m8 but even without whites, there's still china, etc.

>> No.11680748

it's impossible

>> No.11680811

While I'm fairly optimistic myself, could you please provide some additional information what that chart even represents?

>> No.11680935

This is actually a best-case scenario that assumes no catastrophic disruption from any of several possible causes, and the reason for it is that the kind of innovation that creates wealth--by improving industrial processes--is at a near standstill compared to those which are used to gather in or concentrate existing wealth, which is what IT is mostly being used for. Almost everything is made of the same materials and in the same basic way as it was 50 years ago, and our combined efforts against the present pandemic are almost as lame, chaotic, and desultory as those against a similar one 100 years ago. Basic science simply isn't getting anywhere, and there is only so much that can be done with mere technical craft to compensate--or cope.

>> No.11680943


- everyone will have a custom multivitamin made just for them when the are born, supplying perfect % of every vitamin and mineral

- electric cars driven on specific locations of the road so that you can do work while driving to places


- hurricane katrina 2.0

- programming taught in elementary schools

>> No.11681680

Well in 2080 i would be 92, while my senpai do live long on average, 92 years old is super lucky territory even if i take good care of myself i think there is less then 10% chance i reach that age naturally.

I think organ regeneration (replacement) will be available in our lifetime, a full epigenetic clean up (reverse aging) is still hard to predict, i think it would be impossible to reach without AI

>> No.11681799

>Strong AI will be created within 10 years.
>In 2050, they will have civil and political rights.
This will be true very much so.

I also predict that we will have a colony on the Moon, and an established colony on Mars. 2050 is 30 years away and there is already deep interest in space at the moment, countries like China, India, America and even the EU have all shown increasing interest in Mars, and would certainly be open for a joint moon base.

>> No.11681831

This sounds likely. Take the blindpill while you still can! Art has devolved into experience over enlightenment and now we are seeing the fallout.The immersive capabilities of TV (which had revolutionary capacity) are probably to blame.

The institutionalization of science is huge in leading to stagnation. Like biological organisms, institutions select for reproduction over function. In a competitive climate this favors safe options.

We need to be on the outside, we need to be revolutionary in art and science somehow. /sci/entists and /lit/izens must unify.

>> No.11681837

>except for the retards who think it's impossible

>> No.11681841

>Why does such space related projects always take so extremely long?
NASA is useless, and they are underfunded.
God I hope that they cure cancer within that timeframe.

>> No.11681856

Is that good?

>> No.11681931


>> No.11681937

where's my nuclear flying car

>> No.11681960

This, stagnating mostly due to how complicated advances are now, it takes legions of geniuses and billions of dollars just to invent something like "AI" or that fusion reactor.

And this >>11659041

>> No.11682053

There will be significant advancement in tchnology but most of the worlds population will be dead. The coronavirus will continue reinfecting people and countering vaccines untill the world population will become sparce enough for it to stay contained in certain communities, seperated by geographical factors, which (communities) unless they break appart too, will die out. Then the remaining communities will have to learn to be self sufficient in the products they consume (easier with lower population) while they can still hold contact with others via telecomunications and the internet and thus technological development and scientific advancement won't be affected much (the majority of people nowdays don't contribute to those and presumably in a smaller community there will be less such people, less "ordinary", "average", "NPCs"). The way global society will be organized will also serve as the inspiration and basis for colonies on mars and other planets. The comunities themsleves will be held together by comon ideas, racial criteria or a sence of brotherhood and familiarity. Wars would only serve to humiliate one another as any aditional resources will not be exploitable (with the exeption of slaves but it is unlikely that they would be kept alive for long). Of course the jews will play a key role in all of this and it is possible that they will try to establish a "goverment of international comunities" or a "universal goverment" that will control comunities and stage wars between them, all for their own gain, to shape mankind as they see fit and to make everyone serve them, as the leaders of this new order.

>> No.11682123 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 1726x586, brain reading technology will be real in the future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mobile devices and social media will become increasingly invasive, probably in the form of implants/hidden wearables that allow telepathy-esque communication. I think that would be the biggest impact to our way of life, likely for the worst since corporations will be blasting ads directly into your ears/eyes and will be tracking literally every single thing you do and say.

Sadly this is very possible invention. Brain-reading technology will be allow on common and ubiquitous surveillance by goverments and corporations with NOWHERE TO ESCAPE TO , except boondocks like sandy deserts , ice deserts or jungles.

>> No.11682140 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 1726x586, brain reading technology will be real in the future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mobile devices and social media will become increasingly invasive, probably in the form of implants/hidden wearables that allow telepathy-esque communication. I think that would be the biggest impact to our way of life, likely for the worst since corporations will be blasting ads directly into your ears/eyes and will be tracking literally every single thing you do and say.

Sadly , this is very possible scenario. Brain-reading technology will be allow on common and ubiquitous surveillance on FRIGHTENING LEVEL by goverments and corporations with NOWHERE TO ESCAPE TO , except boondocks like sandy deserts , ice deserts or jungles.

>> No.11682145
File: 254 KB, 1726x586, brain reading technology will be real in the future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mobile devices and social media will become increasingly invasive, probably in the form of implants/hidden wearables that allow telepathy-esque communication. I think that would be the biggest impact to our way of life, likely for the worst since corporations will be blasting ads directly into your ears/eyes and will be tracking literally every single thing you do and say.

Sadly , this is very possible scenario. Brain-reading technology will allow on common and ubiquitous surveillance on FRIGHTENING LEVEL by goverments and corporations with NOWHERE TO ESCAPE TO , except boondocks like sandy deserts , ice deserts or jungles.

>> No.11683566


>> No.11683853

how long is my lifespan?

>> No.11684624

AR will become common place. Ads everywhere you look

>> No.11684654


I was about to agree with you except your image involves the magnets-atheism thing, which is unironically a good idea to impose on the human population even if it involves a certain intelligence loss. There is an ethical and general principles imperative to get religious feeling out of the human condition, the major problem is to do it with minimal side effect.

>> No.11684656

i fucking hate this just give me the fucking lobotomy you fucking mongs

>> No.11684691

Humanoid robotics, automation and AI are going to get a huge push after this wuflu bullshit.

>> No.11685545

>How drastically will the world change over the next 30 years?
Not by that much, unless there was some kind of big war to drastically change our lifestyles. The US political world will certainly not change no matter how many "different" presidents get elected.
>What scientific and engineering advances will likely have been made by then?
Lots ov medical achievements and better health equipment and better batteries. Other than that, the only "advances" would be in worthless consumer goods and better surveillance for every government.
>How unrecognizable for a contemporary person will the world be by then probably?
Not by that much. Since the last century, we have been living in decadence. For example, old franchizes like Star Wars are still popular and companies would rather cash in on existing products with remakes and the like. The culture has remained stationary for several years and until there is a major change, society will be unable to escape this rut.

>> No.11685588

Another thing that will change is our dependence on technology and the companies that produce them. Things like smart homes and many essentials will be ran by some kind of big silicon valley company such as google with our accounts being more and more relied upon. Technology will also replace communities and families. Instead ov older people being taken care ov their families in their old age, they will be replaced by robots. This will cause everything to be hyper-individualized. These machines will be passed off as a "necessity" since they will not have any idea how to do those things any other way since they were socialized with them. People will replace cats and dogs with machine pets and old people will replace real company for lifeless robots. It is also predictable that the government will have much more power without anyone being able to do anything about it and there will certainly be stricter laws for our "protection".

>> No.11686144

You faggots do realise that saying FTL is impossible means you're assuming that GR is a complete theory

which it obviously is not

I'm not saying FTL is possible, I'm saying no one is in any position to say with 100% certainty that it's impossible, because that would imply GR is a complete theory. Also, I'm not saying GR is wrong, I'm saying it's incomplete.

>> No.11686325

Climate change, biotech, renewables, open source, quantum IT, health sciences
Not too strange I'd guess.