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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 58 KB, 1229x1160, confess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11648537 No.11648537 [Reply] [Original]

Confess your sins, /sci/

>> No.11648547

I used the Lord's name in vain. Is that an unforgivable sin?

>> No.11648554

I used to believe 0.999...=1

Thankfully, some intelligent anons here provided some good arguments and I saw the light. Still embarrassing to remember that I used to think that a non terminating sequence equalled a static number.

>> No.11648697

I-I sometimes leave behind beakers in the chemistry lab...

>> No.11648832

I bluffed my way through statistical mechanics with a B.
I fabricated data as an undergrad research assistant.
Can I be saved, or am I too far gone?

>> No.11648844
File: 66 KB, 640x639, 1587250748972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell for /pol/ memes.

>> No.11648849

I have killed 8 patients "accidentally" so far

>> No.11648859

Sometimes I intentionally omit fact I’m aware of to win a scientific argument

>> No.11648872

I tell people the reason I don't have a job is because I can't find one, when really I haven't even looked.

>> No.11649067

This but with a gf, haha

>> No.11650299
File: 32 KB, 200x340, Reeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He might forgive you, but I most certainly will NOT!

>> No.11650325

I bully our Catholic brothers on /his/ for no reason.

>> No.11650346

I want to be part of the skeptics community except that I know the Deep State is distorting science for their own political ends so I can't. Just read the Green New Deal and ask why it's all socialism and no actual solutions to global warming like nuclear power.

>> No.11650351


>> No.11651496 [DELETED] 


first you, IAS

>> No.11651515

What's the point? Not gonna kill everyone.

>> No.11651562

I accidentally downloaded the wrong data from pdb and did months of simulations with it but the results are reasonable enough that I'm using them anyway.

>> No.11651581

i Convinced people I didn’t like that the harmonic series diverges

>> No.11651593

they were people who i thought there was no point in keeping them alive any longer (85+, no close family, poor, on medicare, nonambulatory, incontinent, etc)

>> No.11651659

I shit on CS majors but I'm one of them. I regret majoring in this every day.

>> No.11651678
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1587438849399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I snuggled naked with my pillows for two hours today. I whispered things in their ears like "I love you so much baby, I wanna marry you" or "You're my little angel, you're everything to me". I'm so alone.

>> No.11651681

Yesterday I trolled OP.

>> No.11651684

consider another job, maybe slaughterhouse suits you better, clearly medicine is not your calling, ahaha

>> No.11651702

>multiple pillows
That’s not wholesome!!

>> No.11651729

I didn't try nearly as hard as I should have in bio or orgo, ended up with a D and a C as penance I guess.

>> No.11651730

I like a girl and she likes me back but I don't dare to make a move so sometimes I imagine that we already are together but that doesn't motivate me enough

>> No.11652377

I wrote the cosine rule on my leg before a math exam when I was 15. I didn't use it but I was ready to...

>> No.11652420

me too, once you visit /pol/ you're there forever

>> No.11652435

i been on sick leave b4 corona and haven't done anything. all i been doing is shitposting and playan vidya. now idk how to work anymore. halp me, babby jebus. sometimes i wonder if my failed an hero was the biggest failure of all.

>> No.11652475

eh could be worse. dont let it haunt you

>> No.11652534


>> No.11652549
File: 1.74 MB, 500x500, 1587770243976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This statement or request has no valid translation or practical purpose beyond those who actively defend or explain it upon request or need to do so.

Of which I have never been someone to do so.

>> No.11652577

enlighten me faggot.

>> No.11652638

I’m dumb but pretend I’m smart by acting superior to other people

>> No.11652640

How is this a sin? Aren't you just explaining who you are in one post?

>> No.11652647

Re-read the post and apply yourself retard.

>> No.11652650

I eat in the lab

>> No.11652668

I didn't post your words, you did. Why would I apply your existence to mine and expect any sane translation to be the result?

All qualifiers are ultimately opinions of a culture or audience that you've experienced or subscribe to and I have never met anyone with that outlook or approach.

>> No.11652677

Activated my almonds, thank you

>> No.11652694

I had sex with one of my students.
It was after giving her the grade, but still doesn't feel right.

>> No.11652696

If the student consented or initiated or encouraged then I fail to see the fucking problem.

>> No.11652705

Yeah, both. At our institutes christmas party she grabbed my phone, smashed in her number and that's how it started.
I don't know man, it just feels wrong. Like a teacher-pupil kinda thing.

>> No.11652713

How big is your ego that you being a teacher somehow means that a student can't have more than one relationship with you or is somehow unable to be the master of their own sexuality and you a beneficiary?

>> No.11654287

I don't see how that has anything to do with my ego. It's social pressure. Try to go outside sometimes.