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11623190 No.11623190 [Reply] [Original]

HLS Winners


>> No.11623197

ceasium-hydrogentlemen nuke rockets when

>> No.11623203

Why does NASA suck so hard?

>> No.11623213
File: 39 KB, 680x593, Tom_shotgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be "fresh" AE graduate
>See that Dynetics won
>Figure that they'll be looking for more employees
>Check their site
>"Bachelor's Degree and 10 years experience minimum, Master's preferred" on most of their positions

>> No.11623241

You'd have a better shot at getting a job through Dianetics.

>> No.11623324
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I want these all to make it just for the chance of them being in the same frame on international television. It's humiliating that these can exist in the same decade

>> No.11623342

Absolutely mogged Jesus Christ how will the competitors even justify their own lives after such a humiliation?

>> No.11623395

Whenever hydrogen stops being a meme
Aka never

>> No.11623399

Apply to be a janny at spacex bro

>> No.11623400

How long until ground control has to discipline their astronauts for not spending time in their own landers.

>> No.11623410

Why is America the only one with landers? I thought Gateway was an international project like the ISS?

>> No.11623411

So when can I buy a space minivan to launch from my moon house?

>> No.11623415

America is the best

>> No.11623416

NASA will make it so BO lands in 2024, Dynetics in 2025 but for cargo only, and Lunar Starship will be delayed to 2028 because of qualifications issues.

>> No.11623422

Blue Origin actually doing something?

>> No.11623424
File: 803 KB, 1265x836, wideboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Giga Shelby combat the girthy might of W I D E M A N?

>> No.11623426

Whats that pipe in the middle of the cargo/crew bay? It visible through the windows.

>> No.11623430

Maybe if we aggressively circulate this shoop, some science reporter will make a clickbait article about it.

>> No.11623435

Stripper/fireman pole. For both entertainment and movement between decks.

>> No.11623442

The gateway is so international partners can broadcast a second american flag in 4k

>> No.11623443

Space X delivering other two landers at once, making Jeff cry

>> No.11623444

You can't discipline. There's no discipline in space.

What are they gonna do, not send you on the next mission? Astronauts never get repeat missions anyway.

>> No.11623445

Probably just for people to climb up in micro-g

>> No.11623448

I thought Jefferies tubes are for that

>> No.11623450

Could also be the downcomer pipe for the LOX header tank they keep in the nose

Actually if you could make the pipe a firepole that would be the cheekiest weight saving ever

>> No.11623455

>Lunar Starship will be delayed to 2028 because of qualifications issues.

Good thing starship is a launch and return system so that can't happen. They'll just send their own astronauts to watch the nasa astronauts from an ivory tower after blowing lunar regolith fucking everywhere

>> No.11623476

>Could also be the downcomer pipe for the LOX header tank they keep in the nose

>Day 27 of life on Starship, things are getting a little stuffy
>I go over to the LOx pipe passing through the habitat, and open a ball valve
>with a loud hissing noise, liquid oxygen starts spraying out into the cabin
>I let it run for a few seconds, spilling several liters of oxygen, and close the valve
>the oxygen rapidly boils, rejuvinating the air
>"And those SLS fags said that life support would be a big problem for making Starship viable"

>> No.11623483

Dm-2 conf is today

>> No.11623501
File: 106 KB, 960x960, 1587698618673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought Gateway was an international project like the ISS?
Everyone but the US and Russia on the ISS is there for a participation trophy. With Gateway even the Russians are also rans. There's a reason the State Department calls NASA "space diplomacy."

Bonus points if they land on top of an old non American robot lander and destroy it.
>ha ha vacuum Raptor go fwooosh

>> No.11623505

>day 3 of the moon mission
>holy fuck this thing is cramped
>every surface is plastered with Bezos pictures his cold lizard eyes pierce my soul every time I try to take a shit
>the glamour is starting ot wear off
>look out my tiny window at the SpaceX lander
>they're using the crane as a fucking SWING....wait, whose that third person?
>ohmy god they smuggled a prostitute! There's a fucking MOON WHORE over there
>rig fuel tanks to explode, spend rest of time on moon drunk banging hookers with the spacex chads

>> No.11623506

Absolute genius
/sci/ solves yet another problem

>> No.11623508

Getting a job in any industry isn't about experience, it's about who you know.

If you didn't make contacts in the industry while in school you fucked up. Should have figured out where you were going before you even graduated fampai.

You're best bet now is to just spam applications to anyone and everyone even vaguely in your field and hope someone takes pity on you.

>> No.11623514

>>ohmy god they smuggled a prostitute! There's a fucking MOON WHORE over there
I hear her blowjobs are out of this world.

>> No.11623519

>Bonus points if they land on top of an old non American robot lander and destroy it.

I doubt that’d be permitted but it’d be fucking hilarious and comparable to flying the entire US Air Force over their capital as far as power moves go. Mars will be american for at least twenty years before any other shitty country puts people there, so we might as well go ahead and claim the whole thing as a US territory and ban everyone else, ensuring US dominance of human history for eternity and achieving what even the greatest conquerers could not. Orbital defense platforms when?

>> No.11623525 [DELETED] 

>ensuring US dominance of human history for eternity

That sounds like the worst thing ever, pretty much everything about America is fucked.

t. American

>> No.11623536 [DELETED] 

>t. American

Sure thing Chang

>> No.11623545

Orbital defense platforms, hell. Starship is the ultimate MIRV. Imagine that during reentry it rolls so the cargo doors face the ground and becomes a Death Piñata full of nuclear stealth cruise missiles that scatter in every direction, and then the vehicle itself crashes into a city. Project Pluto eat your heart out.

>> No.11623551 [DELETED] 

Nice argument, I'm really enjoying my ever restricting freedoms, shitastic two party system where both sides conspire to fuck each other over, endless bullshit wars that make the entire world hate us. But yeah don't let that get in the way of your murika fuck yeah! spiel.

>> No.11623555 [DELETED] 

This post reeks of college freshman.

>> No.11623563 [DELETED] 

make it up

>> No.11623565 [DELETED] 

Refute any of that, its factually fucking correct.

>> No.11623567 [DELETED] 

>noooooo stop blowing the shit out of evil terrorists and commies noooo

>> No.11623579 [DELETED] 

It's a load of "woe betide us, everything America does sucks" bullshit that's been spoonfed to you since you learned how to look at a television.

>> No.11623580

Shouldn’t this thing have some soft-to-the-touch stuff lining the interior walls for insulation and to prevent agonizing injuries when people inevitably knock into them?

>> No.11623585

>You can't discipline. There's no discipline in space.

Yet. Brigs will inevitably become a part of many large spaceships and they’ll have officers or something

>> No.11623587 [DELETED] 

>fabricate evidence and invade sovereign countries on proven false pretenses
>they start blowing your troops up

I haven't watched TV since I was 8, go back to /ptg/ you delusional patriotard.

>> No.11623593 [DELETED] 

>they start blowing your troops up

America has always had a high KD ratio. The tiny losses we take are easily replaced

>> No.11623596 [DELETED] 

I had a family member come back in a coffin over these bullshit wars. Absolutely fuck you for supporting this shit.

>> No.11623598 [DELETED] 

>I had a family member come back in a coffin over these bullshit wars

Based. The highest honor a man can attain is death in glorious battle.

>> No.11623600 [DELETED] 

It's one thing to be critical of the United States. It's quite another thing to believe that nothing the United States does is right, or that the "great and terrible evils its committed for -" are they still saying it's all done in the name of oil? They've been saying that for so long I don't even know if they've come up with anything new since that narrative fell apart -"oil far outweighs any of the good it does," because it's always a segue for "this is why we must pursue a progressive agenda where ethnic minorities are ethically superior human beings and they must all become citizens of our nation to atone for our sins, and if you don't like it, you're a racist fucking bigot." College kids (who are quite possibly the most conformist people you can find these days) always come out saying the same thing.

>> No.11623604 [DELETED] 

So tell me then, oh enlightened one. What are the purpose of these endless fucking wars?

>> No.11623605 [DELETED] 

>I had a family member come back in a coffin over these bullshit wars

I have friends who had to bury scores of their brothers to these stupid wars. They are great and terrible human tragedies, but one needs to be able to hold a broader perspective than each tragically lost human life can reveal.

>> No.11623608 [DELETED] 

Joe McCarthy did literally nothing wrong except stop before he was done.

>> No.11623609 [DELETED] 

>What are the purpose of these endless fucking wars?

Killing bad people, glory, and I’m sure there’s some sort of economic benefit.

>> No.11623610 [DELETED] 

Fucking hell, can you people go to bed so we can resume with a better thread in the morning?

>> No.11623612 [DELETED] 

A catastrophically failed attempt to create a more stable geopolitical situation in the Middle East - a long projected and broadly inevitable hotpoint for future conflicts, given the endless sectarian violence, eternal grudge matches, and Islam's preaching for violent conquest. It basically kicked off what it aimed to prevent. Unfortunately, the ongoing violence is just about the only thing that's stopping it from spreading outside of its borders, as was keenly felt when Obama pulled out of Iraq, allowing ISIS to spread exactly as it was predicted it would.

>> No.11623614 [DELETED] 

>bad people

Its just mud farmers you radicalised by invading their countries dumb cunt. Nothing inherently bad about most of them.


Absolute cringe, nothing glorious about these shitfights. Wow you put a bullet in a women who looked like she had an ied vest on and then got blown up by a car bomb, yeah valhalla surely awaits you lmao.

>> No.11623616 [DELETED] 

It's mid afternoon in Beijing so there's probably another eight hours of this tripe ahead.

>> No.11623619 [DELETED] 

Jannies, do your job.

>> No.11623620 [DELETED] 

You know, you're not wrong. MacArthur was right, too.

>> No.11623622 [DELETED] 

>if you don't like our pathetic shitfight of a two party system and enriching the military industrial complex through endless murder you are a chink

How's the weather in tel aviv kike?

>> No.11623624 [DELETED] 

>Its just mud farmers you radicalised by invading their countries dumb cunt

So bad people.

> Nothing inherently bad about most of them.

Commies and Islamists are inherently evil. Nuke ‘em

>> No.11623633 [DELETED] 

Behold the intellectual capabilities of your average /ptg/ poster

>> No.11623647

Wouldn't that also imply large enough workforces to take up the slack? I can't see that happening until passenger Starships are being used for crew rotation at full hundred man capacity.

>> No.11623649

Why is there no go to site for space news? They all have their pros and cons. Arstechnica? It's Berger jerking off SpaceX. NSF? Good but only covers a handful of events. Space News? Good but mostly covers shit nobody cares about.

>> No.11623652

>Why is there no go to site for space news?

There’s always here. Ignore the gunfire and it’s fine

>> No.11623655

Just space them bro

>> No.11623657

just follow the 20 odd twitter accounts of space news people, and the 10 odd worthwhile space scientists like McDowell. All those news article are is whatever is tweeted out with fluff added anyways

>> No.11623658 [DELETED] 

MacArthur was evil because he didn’t want to attack the Soviets like Patton did. Could have obliterated communism then and there.

>> No.11623661

Twitter is cancer to use though. Not to mention lots of space personalities love inject personal political opinions into everything.

>> No.11623663
File: 179 KB, 393x359, IMG_3653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could also be the downcomer pipe for the LOX header tank they keep in the nose
The header tank is probably not in the nose for moon starship because it doesn't bellyflop and wants its CoM to be as low as possible. The top is probably a docking port because it ain't flat for no reason.

>> No.11623665

I hope we see two Starships docking one day, like two big beautiful pp.

>> No.11623669 [DELETED] 

Yeah could have replaced communism with our neat globohomo gayplex democracy and had the Russians buttfucking each other and chopping their kids dicks off.

>> No.11623672 [DELETED] 

It’s okay anon I’ll suck your cock and show you the wonders of homosex

>> No.11623673

>The top is probably a docking port

>> No.11623675 [DELETED] 

What if you're an anti-social autist like me?

>> No.11623678

How long do you think it’d take for the relevant authorities to let people bring dogs to Mars or the moon?

>> No.11623692


>> No.11623696

That reminds me. They actually gestated frog embryos in micro-g and hatched them, so people who doubt we can reproduce in space got BTFOd ages ago

>> No.11623703

>only one crewed mission to the moon per year
They're going to need to open this up to commercial crews like they do for the ISS.

>> No.11623706

Nothing is stopping private entities from doing their own missions independent of NASA

>> No.11623708

They can't build SLS any faster. Faster cadence implies Starship.

>> No.11623709

NASA would have to allow them to use the Gateway, lander, and any assets on the surface.

>> No.11623715

And NASA will have to ask to dock to Moon-Mart

>> No.11623720

SpaceX isn't interested in going to the Moon. They'll take paying customers, but they won't go there themselves. NASA only plans on going once a year. So who's going to pay to go to the Moon? Maybe foreign governments will be willing to pay SpaceX to send crews to the Moon?

>> No.11623807
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I hope so

>> No.11623811
File: 61 KB, 1218x686, 06689r4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just imagine
>Lunar Cargo Dragon XL's
>Lunar-optimized crew Starships
>Refueling tanker Starships
>Custom crewed #dearmoon orbital flyby
>Mars cargo Starships
>Mars crewed colonial Starships
>Starlink delivery Starships
>Earth-to-Earth suborbital Starships
all operating at once

>> No.11623825

Any official or unofficial news on potential raptor test fire/ hop dates for starship sn4?

>> No.11623834 [DELETED] 
File: 530 KB, 1509x1190, 1272199849896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's one thing to be critical of the United States. It's quite another thing to believe that nothing the United States does is right
There's a point where doing showy right thing is just a smoke screen for a less visible genocide of freedom and democracy.
The current president demonstrate how low he'll go to divert attention away and claim he's defending people from oppressive deep state conspiracy when he actually want to protect the plutocracy that let him and his rich friends be treated like medieval lords.

But anyway, space flight thread.
Where would we be if the US reduced his military spending by half and put it in various space project?

>> No.11623838 [DELETED] 

You live in a social society, you are a social animal. Learn to be social even if you hate it. If you aren't good at being social, then fake it until you make it.

There isn't any substitute for socialization and its the key to pretty much everything.

>> No.11623840 [DELETED] 

People who aren’t social aren’t people.

>> No.11623863 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11623874
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Top secret design specs for the interior of blue origins lander

>> No.11623875
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>> No.11623877

Imagine being unemployed.

>> No.11623882

>Everyone but the US and Russia on the ISS is there for a participation trophy.

Meanwhile the shell was made in Italy and they have managed to corner to market on external shells.

>> No.11623884 [DELETED] 

Found the guy who's broadly left leaning and likely socialist sympathetic.

>> No.11623885 [DELETED] 

Hint: the tip-off has nothing to do with your criticism of the current administration.

>> No.11623886
File: 143 KB, 1500x1125, Norway can into space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone but the US and Russia on the ISS is there for a participation trophy
Be nice or we won't send you beer.

>> No.11623887
File: 156 KB, 1440x1080, 4718f898749c23ac61ccc99153398085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tow an asteroid from the belt into a high earth orbit
>cancel out it's velocity with a big retrograde burn
>asteroid starts falling
>there is no defence against a big ass rock falling from space
>impacts at several kilometers per second
>damage would make the russian 50 megaton device look tiny
>conference held at neutral antarctica
>the one year war starts

>> No.11623900

>the US should increase it's space funding
More like other countries should have a space program. Space is a gold mine but barely anyone spends any money on it.

>> No.11623904
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>> No.11623905

>SpaceX isn't interested in going to the Moon.

They will absolutely test Starship multiple times on the Moon before attempting a Mars mission. Elon also said we ought to have a moon base by now.

>> No.11623912

>Space is a gold mine
I'll argue it's not. not YET.
We do not have the technological level to exploit it. So at best spending money on space program would start by developing the technology and studying human survival in space (instead of just another flag planting operation on a different).

>> No.11623914

The memes are real pal.
but nobody believes me

>> No.11623922

Companies throw up cubesats with cameras on them and make millions. Other companies put antennas on the ground to monitor space traffic and make millions. There are markets out there if you look for them.

>> No.11623924

As space grows, more companies will join in the space economy and more jobs will open up and the requirements to join will go down.

>> No.11623925

>We do not have the technological level to exploit it

Ehhhhhhh. The price of gold per pound is substantially higher than the cost-per-pound of payload on Falcon 9. Mining Psyche might actually be profitable already.

>> No.11623929
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They existed but weren't profitable https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MegaBots_Inc..

>> No.11623943

Yea, but these ones sucked.
Not only where they ridiculously slow, the "weapons" where also more or less a joke.

>> No.11623952

The question isn't if something is more valuable than its weigh launched into LEO.
The question is if something is valueable enough to launch the facilities and personal to mine it into orbit and some ablative heatshields.
Getting stuff from orbit to earth is several orders of magnitude cheaper than launching stuff from earth to LEO.
As you can imagine, it highly depends on the scale of operation.
If you have a mostly self-sustaining station in earth orbit, you will mostly have to re-supply them with heatshields and kick-stages to de-orbit extracted ressources.
And these can weight far less than whatever you mine.

>> No.11623955

>tfw no British space program
>no British Experimental Rocket Group
Why is my country such a fuck up when it comes to space travel?

>> No.11623958

The UK is increasing their spending on space but it's not anything spectacular.

>> No.11623967

Orbital space is currently only good for communication and spysat, it's centered around Earth not around other celestial resources.
They'd create a Kessler syndrome if they found a way to make money of it.

Profit require the new sources to cost less to exploit than other available source. We are more likely to mine underwater than space in the next 100y.
If you somehow managed to flood Earth with space gold and rare ore their prices would plummet unless the demand increase.

As said by someone else there's also the matter of how much you spend to setup the infrastructure. The barrier to entry and the monopoly on space resource would make a mockery of free market and our economic system.

>> No.11623973

>The barrier to entry and the monopoly on space resource would make a mockery of free market and our economic system.

Based. Mercantilism is coming back, bitches.

>> No.11624000
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we have always been paradoxical in aerospace, great concepts and engineering but absolute fucking brainlets in charge willing to drop anything at any moment

>> No.11624003

based black arrow trips

>> No.11624007

Its imminent. Perhaps tonight very likely this weekend.

>> No.11624023

Britain has a decent share of the Space market especially smallsatd and has two space ports in the works. The Scottish one especially could cause a decent space industry for the country due to its easy access to a very profitable orbit.

>> No.11624025
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or they could stage in Low Lunar Orbit, the Gatewat is just a trap for Congress

>> No.11624031

The first phase of denialism. Just straight up "won't happen". Then when we have Starships en route to Mars with mining and ore processing on board it'll be "w-well sure it's happening, I never said it WON'T happen, this is different".

>If you somehow managed to flood Earth with space gold and rare ore their prices would plummet unless the demand increase.
Had this discussion before. Wellcucks don't control orbital resources. Ohh you panicked and brought down the price of gold, plat, and iridium to pennies? That's cool, pass what you have around for a while and see how long it takes demand to go up with no supply incoming. I'll just park here in my platinum spaceship, maybe send some cheap sats into LEO with massive reflectors to show off my GOOOLD.

>> No.11624061
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dynetics-spacex joint lunar lander

>> No.11624064


>> No.11624073

That’s something I made in KSP

>> No.11624079

Nah, they'd probably just strap their lander to a FH and use a few kick-stages launched by other FH to get the required deltaV, assemble it in orbit and launch the crew with a human rated F9.
If they rushed it, they could probably get the first man on the moon since the 1970s by the end of the year that way.

>> No.11624091

Interesting idea, they could build a single engine vacuum-Raptor powered upper stage and launch it and droptanks for it with F9s for orbital assembly.
That droptank-stage could then perform the TLI way more efficient than one powered by a vacuum-Merlin ever could and you'd only need one FH launch and a few F9 launches for a manned lunar mission.
As this uses existing technology from SpaceX, I'd assume they could do that rather quickly if they wheren't focused on Starship that much.

>> No.11624094

>existing technology
hooking up cryogenic drop tanks in orbit is not existing technology, although Dynetics/SNC think they can pull it off (because they proposed it)

>> No.11624159 [DELETED] 

noooo if only china was the dominant hegemony >:-( china wouldnt be as BAD and EVIL as the US. i HATE my country. i wish china was in charge :'(

>> No.11624162 [DELETED] 


>> No.11624177 [DELETED] 

This is your brain on /ptg/

>> No.11624184 [DELETED] 

lmao hovering in the thread waiting for replies to your troll bait. heres an ad hominem as well mr enlightened college freshman, you're a retard trying to appear smart

>> No.11624189 [DELETED] 

Ok bye migapede, enjoy your latest round of funding to Israel.

>> No.11624218 [DELETED] 
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I dunno Mr. Zhou, you tell me?

>> No.11624223

So the black holes are thrusters? For the last bit of landing burn to not make a crater or something?

>> No.11624226 [DELETED] 

You probably worship jews in other ways.

>> No.11624232 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11624235

yeah, considering on the source selection statement NASA said they'd done a great job solving the debris problem that has to be it

>> No.11624256

How much effective thrust is lost when thrusters aren’t pointing directly downwards? Not sure I phrased that right

>> No.11624262

cosine of the angle is the number you're looking for

>> No.11624299

I already posted ages ago why direct ascent is a stupid idea. The Apollo engineers knew this, you can find all their research on it freely available. it's not impossible but it's a waste of fuel. And may I remind you that in-orbit refuelling is still science fiction. I don't know why /sci/ has put so much faith in a system which hinges on a technology that doesn't currently exist.

Starship is a meme, that airplane like thing at the top landing anywhere in the solar system, you've been reading too many science fiction books. Not only is direct ascent a dumb idea for all planets and moons but the design is only optimised for one celestial body.

>Inb4 they got the Artemis contract!
The core stage is probably legit, they have the Raptors and they're testing the tanks. What will happen is NASA will make them put a traditional upper stage and lunar lander atop it.

>> No.11624309
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Public Notice of Cameron County Order to Temporarily Close State Highway 4 and Boca Chica Beach
Primary Date May 1, 2020 9:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. Closure Scheduled
Backup Date May 2, 2020 9:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. Closure Scheduled
Backup Date May 3, 2020 9:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. Closure Scheduled

>> No.11624317

I also like to add that /sci/ shouted me down when I called out the 550t BFR as horseshit... which went on to be scaled down So I was right. SpaceX does deliver but they hype up all their designs to appeal to sci-fi nerds such as yourselves. Remember Crew Dragon was supposed to have that funky interior with propulsive landing? Dropped. Remember Falcon Heavy was supposed to fly tourists around the Moon? Dropped. They both still exist but aren't as different from "oldspace" as was initially promised

>> No.11624321 [DELETED] 
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absolute state of sci

>> No.11624330

>They both still exist but aren't as different from "oldspace" as was initially promised
But when oldspace proposes a concept nowadays, it seems fairly grounded, and then they cancel it with nothing to show for it. SpaceX over proposes, but they still get stuff done.

>> No.11624333

the plan isn't direct ascent, it's LOR again
this starship won't be an earth entry Starship, they have the Orion command module for that, and they aren't bringing Orion down to the surface

>> No.11624341

True I suppose

>> No.11624351

static fire tonight or tomorrow then hop the next day?

>> No.11624358

Hop probably next weekend if all goes well.

>> No.11624368

But according to this trend they will not end up being massively cheaper than oldspace. Sure they'll probably be cheaper but that's relative. Halving the cost is still too expensive to make space accessible for everyday people. Whenever any design claims to change things by an order of magnitude it's almost always bullshit. Even the Model T which was the most revolutionary change in car production ever was at most half the price of the competition.

>> No.11624369

>wahh, people disagreed with me
Who fucking cares, lmao. Being mad about 4chan arguments days later is anger management level, you're running on years at this point, that's high tier wizardry.
>SpaceX scales back its designs after the drawing board
That's all rocketry, you big dumb nig. You probably believed the line that the SLS would be quick and easy because it was made out of the parts bin. I pity you.

>> No.11624370

>But according to this trend they will not end up being massively cheaper than oldspace.
You're not actually paying attention to anything that's happening beyond your own selfish disappointment. The economics of full reusability are at play whether you launch 150t or 450t.

>> No.11624373

>I had an argument on the internet with random fanboys and I turned out to be right
Welcome to the internet?

>> No.11624378

they were dropped because starship makes them obsolete, plus i would much rather have a spacex that overpromised and still absolutely trounced oldspace like they are with falcon and dragon

>> No.11624383

Bill Gerstenmaier has only been with SpaceX for three months and he's already gotten SpaceX in good with NASA
holy shit

>> No.11624391

remember sls was supposed to launch in 2016
things change :^)

>> No.11624392

As if SpaceX doesn't owe their entire existence to NASA.
Falcon 9? Thanks, Daddy NASA.
Dragon? Thanks, Daddy NASA.
Crew Dragon? Thanks, Daddy NASA.

>> No.11624395

yes, NASA literally saved SpaceX early on with that Falcon 9 and Dragon development money
but NASA was busting SpaceX's balls over Crew Dragon just a few months ago, and now SpaceX have three fucking contracts for lunar cargo and crew services

>> No.11624398

>born just in time to see space colonies become at thing
>born to early to ever afford to be able to go to them

>> No.11624403

>NASA was busting SpaceX's balls over Crew Dragon just a few months ago
Yeah, because they want what they fucking ordered to exact specs. That's what NASA does.

>> No.11624404

>But according to this trend they will not end up being massively cheaper than oldspace.
They are though. Sure, John Smith who works at Dollar General might never be able to afford sending something into space, but the cheaper price per launch AND per mass of payload is still enough to encourage more operations in space. For decades the single biggest limiter of space flight was the cost of getting into orbit. Compare $1.5B to send roughly 20 tons to LEO (Shuttle) to only $62M (Falcon 9). That is a huge reduction in cost which allows for more frequent launches, more flexibility in missions, and more types of missions all for the same budget as before.

>> No.11624408

they changed the specs on SpaceX a couple of times just to fuck with them

>> No.11624409

Don't forget that SpaceX almost didn't win a Commercial Crew contract because some ((senators)) wanted only one provider for commercial crew transport, and that was going to be Boeing.

>> No.11624412


>> No.11624414

It's not that they scaled back the design it's that fanboys here defend anything they announce even if it's obviously bs. This place is basically r/futurism
Still won't change things by an order of magnitude. Name a single design in history that reduced price overnight by an order of magnitude. It will probably still be a couple decades before we see prices dropping that much.

>> No.11624415

look at all the deleted posts you dumb fuck

>> No.11624421

>Name a single design in history that reduced price overnight by an order of magnitude. It will probably still be a couple decades before we see prices dropping that much.
I think SpaceX is expecting that. Maybe not a couple of decades, but a couple of years. Much in the same way iterating on the Falcon 9 reduced it's cost significantly. Elon is well known for fibbing or stretching numbers, so it's your own fault if you're disappointed in what he said.

>> No.11624422

I like how you used the most expensive launch system ever in your comparison. Falcon 9 is half the cost of Atlas V. So my point still stands that they delivered but it wasn't anywhere near the wild initial claims of orders of magnitude cheaper.

>> No.11624433

>"haha I knew his numbers were bullshit all along!"
nice cope.

>> No.11624437

So this moon configuration is never supposed to return to earth right?
Because dont see wings for airbreaking or a heatshield.

>> No.11624438

some people got suckered by them
I was taking a hiatus from following spaceflight at the time (after watching the Columbia disaster cleanup as a kid)

>> No.11624441

>Still won't change things by an order of magnitude. ... It will probably still be a couple decades before we see prices dropping that much.
So basically, you directly admit that you're wrong already as a way of padding your argument. Then when it does drive costs down by an order of magnitude faster than your own prediction but not at SpaceX/Elon's notoriously optimistic timeline, you will come and cry that people disagreed with you when you made an extremely good argument you don't remember the details of anymore.

>> No.11624442


>> No.11624443

correct, this is a deep-space-lander optimized Starship without aerofeatures and with thermal management (paint) considerations
it's going to go from NRHO (gatewat orbit) to the lunar surface and back again repeatedly, refueling in NRHO each time

>> No.11624457

>I like how you used the most expensive launch system ever in your comparison.
For good reason. NASA used the Shuttle for decades and was constantly hampered by how expensive and slow the launcher was. With now cheap the Falcon 9 is, much more can be done.

>Falcon 9 is half the cost of Atlas V. So my point still stands that they delivered but it wasn't anywhere near the wild initial claims of orders of magnitude cheaper.
It doesn't have to be orders of magnitude cheaper to have an effect on the scope of launches. Falcon 9 is "merely" half the cost of an Atlas V, but it also accounts for half of the commercial launches in 2018. Half of the market is significant, and if it's cheap for commercial then it's more than cheap for the government.

>> No.11624459

I never said it would, I said if it did it would take decades.

>> No.11624461

How much of this was actually due to reusability and not just due to cutting red tape?

>> No.11624462

spaceflight discussion only please this is so gay

>> No.11624463

they'll be dropped before you get there

>> No.11624465
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> tfw most abundant element in the universe and people call you a meme

>> No.11624470

i dont remember where i heard this, but a fast-ass rocket could use fused hydrogen along with ceasium to magnetically propel the craft forwards

>> No.11624473

And you will hedge your bets again when it takes years, not decades.

>> No.11624489

Where is the market for this massive price drop?

>> No.11624496

Unknown since SpaceX has not released their price breakdown of the Falcon 9, but I guess that most of the price drop is due to how the rocket was designed. Its production is very lean. Parts were chosen based on cost. Operations and transport is kept cheap too. It seems like reusability isn't hurting SpaceX at the very least as they've been pricing reused F9's cheaper than fresh ones for a while.

>> No.11624497

Yeah, we're back to ion thrusters then and then we're talking Volkswagen tier acceleration.
I can find some old books talking about theoretical ion thrusters using caesium hydride (which is what you're talking about).

But that's all. Ion thrusters are slow as fuck.


That's the book in question. 1963.

>> No.11624500

SpaceX itself. Eventually, the rest of the launch industry will grow into the new paradigm of designing and launching cheaper, less mass optimized equipment.

>> No.11624501

Any active element left within NASA would be more than happy to buy tons of launches from SpaceX if launches were that much cheaper.

>> No.11624508

>but the design is only optimised for one celestial body.

So every space craft ever

>> No.11624516

how much would sfg pay to go to space? the moon? mars? for me i think i'd be capped at $50,000 unless i was set for life

>> No.11624524

>And may I remind you that in-orbit refuelling is still science fiction. I don't know why /sci/ has put so much faith in a system which hinges on a technology that doesn't currently exist.

So what happens if you only believe existing technology can work and you only use existing technology?

>> No.11624527

All grant farm and redtape, no results.

>> No.11624529

Between Berger Arstechnica/NSF/SpaceNews what else do you need?

>> No.11624530


>> No.11624537

>And may I remind you that in-orbit refuelling is still science fiction. I don't know why /sci/ has put so much faith in a system which hinges on a technology that doesn't currently exist.
Then the technology will be developed when needed. If we only used technology that has been developed already then we would've never left the caves.

>> No.11624540

>tfw oxygen only needs 20 microjoules it ignite and just about any electrical system with switches/relays near the valve will blow everything up

>> No.11624541
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Falcon Heavy will now also launch the power/propulsion module for Gateway. Another win for SpaceX rocket family.

>> No.11624545

>tfw oxygen only needs 20 microjoules it ignite
Oxygen doesn't ignite you dingus.

>> No.11624550

SpaceX will be launching more than half of the Artemis program at this rate

>> No.11624554

Of course they would. They're flying the most powerful American rocket from American soil.

>> No.11624556

They've got the only vehicle available to take anything meaningful to Moon right now.

>> No.11624557
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>> No.11624559

that was a composite overwrap that ignited, not oxygen

>> No.11624562

I'm not sure, I just hate going to multiple sites and being disappointed.

>> No.11624566

Disappointed with what? We're living in exciting times, my friend.

>> No.11624570

I just feel unsatisfied with the options out there.

>> No.11624578

Be thankful we have 3 decent coverage of space industry. Mainstream media for general public does not even have a single reputable one, they're all divided by partisan hackery.

>> No.11624579
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Tracked "mecha" can be as fast and maneuverable as modern tanks, minus the extra height reducing clearance of course. The MegaBots company wasn't profitable simply because it was for entertainment, not work. There's some cool "mecha" used in the timber industry. Some have legs to walk around, but most are tracked/wheeled. Though, people don't like the fact there's only 1 "arm".

>> No.11624584

You think it will be pure oxygen by the time it reaches nearby electronics? lol

>> No.11624587

I think we could see /real/ person/company invest their time into mech development starting from ground up with 0 assumptions(ala Elon Musk style of building). Why should mechs be slow? Why extra bulky? Why expensive? and so on. Mechs designs we've seen so far aren't constrained by physics, they're constrained by personal preference/bias/assumptions.

>> No.11624597

>mecha kinda suck, but not if we give them tracks
>hmm, should probably shorten it a bit too because the high profile makes it an easy target
>should probably reduce the arm, it's just a needless complication compared to a quick and efficient gimbal
Behold, a tank

>> No.11624600

You are correct. It is the same thing that happens when people think of "exoskeleton." Yet, they drive to work in an exoskeleton every day. Same with, "hover car" when "helicopters" exist and "flying car" when "planes" exist.

That was the whole point, but thanks for pointing that out. lol

>> No.11624601


>> No.11624636

whats scary is I'm early 30's and already spent that much on alcohol and drugs, not even accounting for inflation
if you include whores it's way more
I'd trade it all for some sweet sweet orbit time, that or a liver transplant

>> No.11624638

Yeah but then you'd get to questions like why should a mech have legs? why should a mech be tall? Why should a mech have a single pilot? And you'd be right back at the tank.

I'd say you misunderstand elon. He didn't set out to build a sci-fi rocket. He set out to go to mars in a sustainable way, whatever that happens to be. So if you set out to blow shit up it doesn't necessarily lead to sci-fi mechs.

>> No.11624655
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except right now I can't even afford 6k EUR for a space on a dank parabolic flight

>> No.11624657
File: 14 KB, 480x360, because cool factor or something.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why should a mech have legs? why should a mech be tall?
Because, cool factor is inefficient, but efficiency is not why people want gundams, hoverbike, and flying cars to exist.

>> No.11624666

Elon's way of thinking = working from ground up, not "build a scifi rocket." As in to ignore the standard assumption and take the physics approach to building. What is limited by physics? We can do many things with physics, all things we see today in some way or form is due to physics.

>> No.11624689

And when that shit meets reality and is jank, inefficient garbage, nobody wants it.

Mecha aren't even an engineering idea, really. They're just a storytelling contrivance so you can have conflicts play out personably and relatably despite sci fi scales.

>> No.11624704

Some of you are alright, don't check Elon Musk's twitter account and watch the chances that we ever leave this planet dwindle. What a fucking idiot.

>> No.11624706

>mini mecha
>remotely operated by professional teams
>engage with real weapons on mini battlefields
Would this work? Why are we talking about mecha anyway?

>> No.11624710

fuck off

>> No.11624711

>Mecha aren't even an engineering idea, really. They're just a storytelling contrivance so you can have conflicts play out personably and relatably despite sci fi scales.
Too true.

Seems like you're the idiot here. lol

Spess Mecha: >>11623904

>> No.11624714

jesus christ

>> No.11624719

Fucking reddit idiots need to neck themselves.

>> No.11624721

Elon misses the SEC folks. This is his way of setting up dates with them.

>> No.11624726
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APCs in combat has been a thing for a long time, anon.

>> No.11624729

>Spess Mecha
he's talking about the Artemis program, it's a lot of orbital rendezvous

>> No.11624747
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wonder what drugs he's on today

>> No.11624753

Irregardless it sparked the mecha discussion.

Looks like redpills.

>> No.11624760

I mean in lower gravity, more rugged environments, legs begin to make more and more sense as opposed to wheels.
I'm picturing something specialised for traversing the surface and interior of asteroids being an octopus type thing

>> No.11624772

I've constantly defended him but at this point I would support the SEC taking his twitter account from him. It's one thing to say that you thought the share price of your company was too high in the past, it's another thing entirely to say that it's too high currently and then watch as it loses billions of dollars within a few minutes. This isn't 4d space chess, there's no reason for this meltdown.

>> No.11624787
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yet we still don't have competitive tournaments and stream it, like how the Romans used to have kickass naval battles in the Colosseum

>> No.11624788

Wait, that's the issue? Lmao, he's said Tesla stock is too high before, never mattered. I do support taking his twatter from him, though.

>> No.11624794

I'll extend your support. I support taking twatter away from everyone online. Heck, I support taking facebook, instagram, youtube, reddit away from everyone.

>> No.11624795

The only reason that I can come up with to defend him on that tweet is he's playing 4D chess to be forcibly removed from Tesla.

>> No.11624796

Dodge v. Ford Motor Co. was a mistake

>> No.11624797
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4d chess play right there

>> No.11624804
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>I am selling almost all physical possessions. Will own no house.
>Tesla stock price is too high imo
>Now give people back their FREEDOM
what an absolute fucking madlad

>> No.11624808
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>says he will sell all his possessions to save a company he loves because the local government are overreacting and strangling it to death thus exposing his passion for his life's work
>this is a bad thing
If his companies survive hopefully he will realize setting up in commifornia was a mistake and move East.

>> No.11624817

wasn't he already planning Giga T E X A S

>> No.11624820

In b4 he moves into a leftover Starship tank in Boca Chica, focuses entirely on starship development and starts flinging his faeces at reporters who get too close.

>> No.11624823

We do, but they also end up being tanks in the end.

>> No.11624829

Why sell? He needs to fling the rest of his cars to deep space on Starship.

>> No.11624831

Sometimes I wonder if this economic shut down due to corona is some ploy to jumpstart the automation revolution.

>> No.11624832

>"global warming causes pirate activity" scientists say
That's the type of journalism going on in that image.

>> No.11624833

well he 's already spent half his life living on couches in the offices and factories, this is just the next logical step lmao

>> No.11624834

So what are the odds the launch happens on the 27th?

>> No.11624837


>> No.11624839

He's just selling his personal physical possessions because he has no need for them, probably. He can rent Tesla cars/jet/spacex house/etc. Personal possession is for poor people. Rich people fulfilled their lives.

>> No.11624842

>wipes out billions in TSLA value through twitter
wait he's just trying to tank the price again to buy more of the stock back whilst things are shit isn't he

>> No.11624850

Diogenes of Boca Chica.

>> No.11624851

Next DM2 briefing in 5 minutes.

>> No.11624852

>Baby due on Monday
ah, I see what's happening

>> No.11624854

>Lmao, he's said Tesla stock is too high before
That's not the same, he was talking about it being too high in the past after it dropped significantly. This new tweet actually dropped the share price.

Imagine being a Tesla employee, you could get paid more elsewhere or have an easier job but you believe in what you're doing and you get stock options that make up for your lower salary. Then Elon one day decides to spit in your face and deliberately tank the stock for no reason. SpaceX is privately held but the same thing applies, he just fucked over his employees.

>> No.11624855


>> No.11624856

99% chance for launch ATTEMPT on that date but they will be treating it with kid gloves though. If the weather turns or something looks even the slightest bit off they will scrub.

>> No.11624857

now he's basically living either in his jet or at boca chica across from the taco trucks
wonder what the grimes baby will grow up like in that sort of 'household'

>> No.11624859


>> No.11624861

>after it dropped significantly
No, he tweeted it ~700+ shares. Then it climbed to 900+ before crashing to 600ish, then back up now.

>> No.11624866

>This new tweet actually dropped the share price.
lol you are a moron, anon

>> No.11624869

what an actual psychopath

>> No.11624870

lol the SEC is going to bitch

>> No.11624877

American fuck yeah!

>> No.11624879


full sized tanks

with melee weapons

>> No.11624880

Can't stand the reddit shit derailment.

Neat. Started now.

>> No.11624891

Q&A's? Some Ameribro ask them if further mission contracts using manned Dragon 2's are being planned beyond the ISS.

>> No.11624902

They usually use #AskNASA on Twitter for the normies. Not sure if it's in use for this.

>> No.11624903

Already a thing,

>> No.11624904

No, this was during the coronavirus sell off and he wasn't specifically talking about TSLA. The share price at this time was $200 less than what it was before the selloff and it didn't move it at all because he said WAS too high, that isn't the same thing.

>This new tweet actually dropped the share price.
That's a fact. His investors sold off because they are worried that he is out of his god damn mind.

>> No.11624906

Just tweet at them

>> No.11624921

>The first phase of denialism. Just straight up "won't happen". Then when we have Starships en route to Mars with mining and ore processing on board it'll be "w-well sure it's happening, I never said it WON'T happen, this is different".
The first phase of denialism. Just straight up "it just need money". Then 20 years later when the unique Starship is barely reliable enough for one moon-trip to study human health it will be "w-well sure it's hard, I never said it was just money, this is different".

>Had this discussion before
Yet you still didn't learn basic economy lesson like the Silver Thursday or the petrol right now, given away because the demand crumbled.
Buyers will guess easily how much it cost you to get your platinum, they'll also know if you have loan to repay. So if you don't make honest offer they can afford to wait you out.
It won't be an ancap fantasy where no one can do anything against your "clever" scheme.

And get your silly scenario streight: Mining stuff on Mars can only be part of a colonization effort, bringing ores wouldn't be profitable without an economic system so monopolistic the anarchist will beg for a organization to take full control.

Ready for you to switch to the childish "colonization is the market" because you are in denial of how much research we still need to make self-sustaining habitat.

>> No.11624934

It rose for an hour and fell for an hour, the market has lag.

Apparently a lot of people who own tesla stock don't know he's manic but so far it hasn't caused any real disasters yet

>> No.11624936

Its also important for him to curb the enthusiasm people have for Tesla. Too much enthusiasm can lead to bubble and Elon doesn't want that happening.

>> No.11624942

I'll give you your (You) for effort, but this is one big not an argument so I'm not going to bother

>> No.11624952

>If you somehow managed to flood Earth with space gold and rare ore their prices would plummet unless the demand increase.

>The barrier to entry and the monopoly on space resource would make a mockery of free market and our economic system.

These aren't compatible. If you have a monopoly on space resources you undercut the cheapest terrestrial resource price, it wouldn't crash unless competition in space caused a price war.

Also crashing the price of something is bad in the short term but ultimately the point of economic advancement. You increase the purchasing power of everyone and they can buy more goods and serves for less money which means less work for the same thing.

>> No.11624956

HAHAHHAHAH what the fuck. I love this guy. SEC????????

>> No.11624958

Rather I think the real product will simply be made in space for people in space/low gravity planets/moons.

>> No.11624966
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>> No.11624967

What's the atlantic going to ask this time?

>> No.11624973
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The tweet dropped it about 6% to 10% compared to Nasdaq 100, which is the red line on this chart. The arrow marks when he tweeted. Elon fucked and employees and investors for no reason.

>> No.11624976

No, he fucked short term investors wanting quick cash. That's whats driving up the hyped up prices.

>> No.11624978

fucked his*

>> No.11624979

If you are that anon, no surprise you didn't learn basic economy then. It's because of irrational dreamer that human progress so slowly toward space. They keep lying about how hard the tasks are, they pretend it can be done with a miracle technology they read on the internet, then argue against any of the first steps to learn the technology.
Without them NASA would get a stable budget to actually develop the tech, they wouldn't need to promise flag planting and would be trying multiple model of reusable rockets.

>> No.11624991

Can you get any more schizo? It seems like you'll hang yourself with any amount of rope I give you so here's another (You), go at it

>> No.11624997

It's still some really sketchy stuff, and he just talked about selling all his possessions. Which include stock in tesla. Funny guy, i'd love to load up more tesla under 400.

>> No.11625000

Depends on if it goes back up

If it does, that means flakes got replaced by opportunists

Also some real life advice, don't take stock as compensation from your employer. If the company goes under you lose your job and the stock. It's increased risk for no additional return

>> No.11625001



>> No.11625004

>he just talked about selling all his possessions. Which include stock in tesla
Either you're dumb and can't read or you've bought into the fake news. He only said physical possessions. Examples he gave was his houses.

>> No.11625005

he specifically said "physical possessions"

>> No.11625008

Exactly this tells me its just short term investers who want to make quick cash and drive up the prices for a pump/dump.

>> No.11625009

>you umm have umm this umm state of umm the art umm spacecraft umm ummm mm mmumum

>> No.11625014

you have this state of the art spacecraft .

Fixed for brainlets

>> No.11625015

He fucked all his investors. It will have a lasting impact in share price because there is now even more doubt about his mental stability. His employees are constantly selling their stocks when they vest and converting them to cash, they're now going to get less for them.
If it goes back up, it doesn't mean that it wouldn't be higher if he never tweeted this. He basically helped put a top on the share price and anything past this point will be more likely to be considered overvalued because that's the opinion of the chief executive himself.
>If it does, that means flakes got replaced by opportunists
The real winners are people who are betting against his companies which he helped today.

>> No.11625016
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>> No.11625017

Elon teaches public speaking classes at SpaceX.

>> No.11625018

>haha twitter go tweet

>> No.11625022

>And may I remind you that in-orbit refuelling is still science fiction. I don't know why /sci/ has put so much faith in a system which hinges on a technology that doesn't currently exist.
Anon, reusable boosters were also just a childhood sci-fi meme once. As long as it's not too outlandish (I.E. warp travel), it's likely it'll be accomplished within a reasonable timeframe.

>> No.11625023

You're right. Still gonna get investigated lol.

This guy is literally acting against the interest of shareholders.

Yup. Now anyone buying at over 750 dollars is literally going against the CEOs own valuation of the company.

>> No.11625024

>He fucked all his short term stock stock pumpers

>> No.11625027

No, if the company is overvalued at 700 ACCORDING TO THE LITERAL CEO. Who's gonna buy there?

>> No.11625031
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brainlet here, why would he want to lower the price? that means he has lower assets to put back into reinvestment right

>> No.11625034


Read the comments lol. Lots of newbies got fucked.

>> No.11625037

Only long term investors. Short term stock pumpers are not investors. They're manipulating the stock and screwing over long term investors.

Short term manipulation create bubble stocks. Bubble stock will crash and cause harm to innocent/new investors who think they're going to be rich in short term. It happens all the time in shitty penny stocks where manipulation of stocks happen and then its dumped when it peaks. This causes the crash of many small companies as they can't survive the volatility.

>> No.11625042

On top of that, due to high volatility of Tesla stocks due to vast amount of short term trade, it hurts Tesla stock more due to investors viewing the stock as a gamble instead of an investment.

>> No.11625044

commenters obsessed with the suits

>> No.11625046
File: 259 KB, 1600x1011, IPPbackground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop getting your world view from your ass

NASA was ready to do everything we wanted in our back yard. The nixon administration and succeeded administrations decided to pull funding and only pay for things that immediately effect national life. I know because nixon said so. The problem has always been the executive directive and lack of money. The reason NASA doesn't get the money is everyone else wants it and NASA has the least to offer to politicians.

The public's expectations about the difficulty of space travel has no effect whatsoever. Aspirational laymen have only ever asked that NASA gets more money and even if they aren't enthused about conservative development they aren't writing senators to stop it and they wouldn't listen anyway.

And it depends, the way NASA gets more money is having something to offer, which is usually satisfying special interests which is why we are in the mess we are now with multi state jobs programs and life support for boeing.

>> No.11625048


Holy shit this guy.
They aren't screwing long term investors. Lots of the people entering are retail who want to hold until 10k. This is popping that bubble

>> No.11625052

>If it goes back up, it doesn't mean that it wouldn't be higher if he never tweeted this.

If it goes back up in the short term it's just as safe an assumption that investors cooled off as it was that they flaked in the first place

>> No.11625053

>In addition, I find it notable that through price negotiations, and in accordance with NASA’s stated negotiation position, Blue Origin’s final proposal contained a price reduction in excess of $300M for the base period of performance without any corresponding change to its technical or management approach.
Did BO nearly swindle NASA of 300 million in its bid?

>> No.11625055

There's zero reason for him to want to lower the price. If he wanted to pick up more shares, he could have done it a month ago when the stock was half the price it is now. His payout for being CEO is dependent on how high the share price is and if it stays above a certain amount. His agreement then lets him purchase shares at discount which he could then convert into cash if he wanted to.

>> No.11625057
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>Don’t need the cash. Devoting myself to Mars and Earth. Possession just weigh you down.
he is ascending, the man's soul is the first to escape gravity

>> No.11625058

Rather NASA gave them money because "NATIONAL TEAM." Its a political money rather than anything.

>> No.11625060

Yup, and he is so close to getting to that next stock option payout.

>> No.11625063

Well it's quite different than any other ever worn. It's funny that it seems like it's always SpaceX guys getting asked the most. Elon, Gwynne, now Benji.

>> No.11625064

Diogenes of Boca Chica confirmed. Is he here shitposting with us?

>> No.11625068

estronaut is so fucking insufferable replying to every single elon tweet with some stupid shit. this isnt a /sfg/ post.

>> No.11625072

>media: how could elon be so irresponsible, and CRASH HIS STOCK PRICE GET OUT NOW

>> No.11625078

>also media: elon wants gov to lift lockdown so he can get richer, billionaire EVIL!!!

>> No.11625084

No, it could just mean that the share price is discounted enough that people are willing to buy despite Elon being batshit crazy. The only people he spooked were long term investors who are unwilling to put up with this shit. Most of the short term shareholders got out after earnings and anyone with short term calls already got fucked when it dropped from $860 to $760 before this tweet. Really, there's no defending this.

>> No.11625092
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looks like he's had some kind of epiphany in the last 24hrs and just realized how much he really, really wants to get the fuck off this rock

>> No.11625094

He probably stumbled upon a flat earther video.

>> No.11625099

He wants to get off Earth and on to Mars. There he will build an empire and nuke Earth.

>> No.11625100

We also don't know how much it actualy costs them to launch a F9, we only know what the charge for it.
However we can assume that it is highly profitable for them at the current price as they can afford to launch the starlink settelites and build flying or exploding watertowers.

I'd say about 50% of what they charge is pure profit.

>> No.11625103

what do you expect
Once sojboi always a sojboi

>> No.11625107

>We also don't know how much it actualy costs them to launch a F9, we only know what the charge for it.
There was a livestream (that was deleted very quickly) that stated their F9 cost them $30m per launch.

>> No.11625110

I honestly think he wants to go full on hermit at Boca Chica. Won't be suprised if he steps down from ALL of his current positions and gets Gwynne to put him as CTO of Starship Development.

>> No.11625121

>No, it could just mean that the share price is discounted enough that people are willing to buy despite Elon being batshit crazy.
Who cares if the stock price is the same by tomorrow. One group traded for another.

>The only people he spooked were long term investors
That reacted in one hour when elon says weird shit on twitter all the fucking time? Lurk more

I'm not defending it, but forming opinions on short term volatility that's endemic to the stock market anyway is a waste of concern. If there's no rebound then you can complain about it. It's not a responsible thing to do either way, but no one here needs to be convinced that elon is an unhinged spontaneous dude.

>> No.11625125

Why would he give up his dream of going to Mars? Literally no one else on the planet can do it but him, as shown by the fact that there are no one else on the planet, no organization, no country, no company besides his own that has any plans for humans on mars.

>> No.11625126

big if true

>> No.11625137

Technicly the Delta IV heavy can also launch some 10 tons into a lunar transfee orbit.
Practicly it's way more expensive and has a far too slow launch frequency.
And with SLS the launch frequency would be too low and the costs of it are just insane.

>> No.11625143

I meant that he realizes he no longer has the time or energy to do Tesla, Boring, Neuralink, and even some SpaceX stuff like DragonXL all at once. He'll be dedicating his entire time and resources for Starship to finally leave for Mars.

>> No.11625149

He literally said that his only goal is to acquire assets on Earth so he can go to Mars. Tesla batteries/solar, Boring tunnel, Neuralink, SpaceX are all for Mars. He'd likely give off/sell all his Earthly possessions once Mars colony is established (hopefully) within his life. He has roughly 20-30 years left of functioning brain.

>> No.11625153

He's acting like an idiot. What's gotten into him?

>> No.11625157

Space HAVE SE-X.

>> No.11625162

That's the rational thing to do. Sell when you're ready to go there. Musk's idea of rational is more than likely different.

>> No.11625166

realized he broke his agreement with the SEC and is throwing a fire sale so he doesn't have any assets they can go after

>> No.11625169

>Who cares if the stock price is the same by tomorrow. One group traded for another.
Most of the long term investors who wants the share price to retain perceived value and support higher prices in the future. This is the type of volatility no one wants to see and is highly damaging to investor relations.
>That reacted in one hour when elon says weird shit on twitter all the fucking time? Lurk more
Elon has never done anything this stupid, at least not publicly. Smoking a blunt was minor, calling someone a pedo in a personal dispute may have been in poor taste but not overly damaging to his companies. This time he deliberately crashed his own stock for no reason and the people supporting his companies, including his own employees, have literally lost billions of dollars in value within an hour.
>no one here needs to be convinced that elon is an unhinged spontaneous dude.
He's unhinged and lost the ability to control his emotions. No rational person would have done this.

>> No.11625183
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>> No.11625190

>implying tweets have anything to do with the market

>> No.11625191

>Most of the long term investors who wants the share price to retain perceived value and support higher prices in the future
Only if the valuation is correct. Long terms investors have never liked pump/dump schemes that's so common with Tesla stocks due to a very strong anti-Telsa base. Volatile stock is never in the interest of long term stockholders.

>> No.11625195

They absolutely can

>> No.11625201

no and the media should know better

>> No.11625203

This is retarded. The "pump and dump" gave longs 3x or 9x their money. This excessive valuation is in their interests.

>> No.11625207

Idiot. The tweet just moved TSLA down 10%. If the CEO doesn't have faith in the companies valuation. Why should you?

>> No.11625214
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>> No.11625215

>That's a fact. His investors sold off because they are worried that he is out of his god damn mind.
lol you are a moron, anon

>> No.11625216

>Elon - "Fuck you I don't care, Tesla stock is overpriced Imma sell everything and go live in a fucking collapsed starship tank! Just open up the fucking economy already!"

>> No.11625221

>The tweet dropped it
lrn2economics, Newsberg.

>> No.11625225

Bull fucking shit.
The only thing driving stock value is something that we dont know about.
Seeing how he is talking about selling his shit only means (if he is serious) something really went south money wise for him or for his companies.
Again the tweets have nothing to do with it.

>> No.11625230

>This guy is literally acting against the interest of shareholders.
You are delusional and your 1st language is Chinese.

>> No.11625234

This doesn't change what I said. At the time NASA outlived its usefulness the objective of the space race was to get nuclear ICBM and a major ideological victory. The technology of the time was only good for missiles, comm/spy satellite and scientific probes, nothing else was reasonable.
Today we could have a few breakthrough if the minimum budget was met. It's not because budget is STILL dependent on president trying to milk the next flag planting.

You think public expectation has no effect because the current dogma that NASA is a waste of money unless it's Apollo 2.0 already ran everyone trust into the ground, even SpaceX superb renewable rocket struggle to rise hope because they exaggerate the same way about getting to the Moon/Mars.
It's only a recent trend that started promoting more reasonable research, take Chris Hadfield YT video.

And now the current government is antiscience, willing to shut down anything that doesn't produce good economic numbers or contradict the president.

>> No.11625236

I can't imagine being as dumb as you, if you truly believe what you are selling.

>buh muh tweeties pooh!!!
LOL! Fuck off.

>> No.11625238

Most of the long term investors never believed there was a pump and dump scheme or that it was overvalued, otherwise they would have started selling at high prices and waited for a correction, that's basic money management. I don't know why you're finding it so hard to believe that this is a major fuck up, go to any site that has discussion for Tesla investors, we're all seething right now.
At least I'm not stupid enough to dispute a fact by calling someone a moron without even attempting to explain why I have that belief.
That is exactly what happened. That tweet created panic selling as people lost their faith in the company and its leadership. Usually TSLA trades much closer to the Nasdaq.

>> No.11625239

Last DM-2 briefing today with the crew starts now.

>> No.11625241

Pump/dump only generate negative news and harm the company's stability. Going from 500 to 900 then back to 500 then back to 800 then back down to 500, is not a long term investor dream. LMAO. For long term investors, that's $0 growth.

Your "3x or 9x" money is for short term pump/dump manipulators. That also ignores the "3x or 9x" loss as well.

>> No.11625243


Markets move off expectations of future earnings. Not illuminati shit. This tanked because people are realizing Elon is unstable.

>> No.11625244

His tweet didn't affect anything. Keep taking your red-painted bluepills, they suit you.

>> No.11625245

>we're all seething right now.

>> No.11625247

interviewing bob and doug:

>> No.11625248
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impressive effort for a shitpost, i'll give you that

>> No.11625250

>investors caring about tweets
Have you seen Trumps twitter? lol

>> No.11625252

Try your hardest, anon.

>> No.11625256

>if he is serious

You're literally just newfag at this point

>> No.11625257

Market goes up, Market goes down. Can't explain shit.

>> No.11625265

if you say so bud

>> No.11625266

Most of the time they are informed where it will go. Musk is just irked by that so he did some tweeter shenanigans over it.

>some anon thinks twitter caused it

>> No.11625268

No he's been acting like a retard these past days. I don't know what's gotten into him they should take away his phone.

>> No.11625271

He acts "retarded" every month. Yet he delivers. What does that say about your assessment?

>> No.11625273
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>> No.11625275

I've always viewed websites like twitter the same way as I view youtube video comments. It is all bullshit and no one in their right mind should lend any credence to them.

>acting like a retard these past days
Oh, you're new. That explains a lot. lol

>> No.11625285

Longs bought in 2016 or so. Anyone buying now is someone who accepts the volatility.

>> No.11625286

Not in a long time though. His corona bullshit and now the rambling are just bizarre

>> No.11625287
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hearty chuckle, lad

>> No.11625288

>His tweet didn't affect anything
Except it did and the lawsuits have already started coming in. Undoubtedly there will be an SEC investigation because of his violation of his fiduciary duties as chief executive.
Yes, I'm a shareholder. The Elon Internet Defence Force(EIDF) here probably isn't and they'll constantly defend him regardless of his actions. Grimes is having her baby on Monday while Elon is melting down on twitter and saying that he is going to sell all his possessions and that he no longer needs money. Epic meme.

>> No.11625289

More likely its not because of this tweet itself, but rather Elon questioning the narrative about covid that's being told by the media. Elon/Media never go well together. They've been after him ever since his first Roadster.

>> No.11625296

Trump pumped oil 30% when he tweeted he thought there was gonna be an OPEC+ deal.

Lol you have no clue.

>> No.11625302

That's your problem brah. You bought a stock without questioning/researching properly. You bought one of the most volatile stock right now and you're mad its volatile.

>> No.11625310


Really funny stuff.

>> No.11625313

Oh shit.

He deleted his twitter bio with all the companies he owns. He's gonna do it!!!!

>> No.11625322
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talk about space you fucks

>> No.11625324
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>Yes, I'm a shareholder.

>> No.11625327

Bob and Doug's excellent machine.

>> No.11625334

getting shades of kurt russel in the stargate movie from doug
excited for dragon to fall into a wormhole

>> No.11625336

Anyone buying TSLA after it's 300% run-up gets what they deserve, regardless of any Elon stunts. It was over priced at 250$ a share, why the fuck are people buying it at 700$? Fools and their money etc.

>> No.11625337

>Elon this morning

thread is 404ing
make new thread

>> No.11625340

page 3 dude

>> No.11625342

This wasn't due to a lack of research on my part and I'm still bullish on the stock. No one predicted that Elon would tank his own stock for no reason by saying that the price was too high when it was already weak. You can pretend you could because 'zomg he is so wacky, anything can happen, brah', but you would just be lying and you are talking about a subject you know nothing about.
>You bought one of the most volatile stock right now and you're mad its volatile.
No, I love volatility , particularly upside volatility. What I don't like is a deliberate attempt to crash a stock by a chief executive of a company.
I've made at least 40-50 thousand off TSLA. It could drop to zero and I would have still made money.

>> No.11625344
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>> No.11625346

>No one predicted that Elon would tank his own stock
You didn't predict Elon's tweet could be controversial and affect his stock?
>This wasn't due to a lack of research on my part
I don't believe you.

>> No.11625347

Um sweetie, this is stock fights general. You've seem to have come to the wrong place.

>> No.11625351

>Gene Wilder


>> No.11625353

Tesla has been a bad influence on Musk's mental health.

>> No.11625355

>"I've made at least 40-50 thousand off TSLA. It could drop to zero and I would have still made money." t. anon posting on the space related basket weaving form

>> No.11625359

>This doesn't change what I said.
Then don't respond to what we agree on

>It's not because budget is STILL dependent on president trying to milk the next flag planting.
You're saying we need a president interested in flag planting for a budget?

>You think public expectation has no effect because the current dogma that NASA is a waste of money unless it's Apollo 2.0 already ran everyone trust into the ground
No, I don't even know what you're talking about, but that wasn't in my post.

>> No.11625364
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>blue origin gets 500m for lunar lander
>spacex 130 mil

>> No.11625365

>You didn't predict Elon's tweet could be controversial and affect his stock?
That isn't what we are talking about. This isn't a case of him calling someone a pedo or going after the media. This was an intentional self destruction.
>I don't believe you.
I don't care what you think. I have over a hundred hours researching just Tesla alone, it's the majority of my portfolio since I bought it at $220 around this time last year and have taken enough profit that most of my shares are basically free.

>> No.11625369

There's a full video & audio of DM-1 and IFA from inside the cabin. SpaceX release it already.

>> No.11625372

>blue origin gets 500m
Split four ways with Draper, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin.

>> No.11625373

>oldspace get typical oldspace money like always
>spaceX gets enough to build 50,000 Starship crumply tin can prototypes, for free

>> No.11625375

The Apollo program rocket hardware was never relevant to ICBMs.

>> No.11625381

>implying that SpaceX needs $500M to make a lander that outshines everyone else's

>> No.11625385

And yet starship is going to dab all over those old space losers.

>> No.11625387

less is better. More likely to get past the second round.

>> No.11625388

They all received ten months worth of funding for their various landers. SpaceX is already developing Starship so they don't really need much funding and the lower amount could have increased their chances of being selected.

>> No.11625393

>it's the majority of my portfolio
I think it's amusing that someone who owns tesla stock is trying to convince anons that probably don't own tesla stock that the price drop was really bad and spells a bad future for the investment. Ok? Get out. Right or wrong you're only ingraining your current psychology by arguing here and it doesn't make a difference what happens to the people you are arguing with. You're getting too close to the material. Dispassionately analyze your investments.

>> No.11625394

I love how optimistic you guys are
my money on old space

>> No.11625404

My money is on spaceX finishing starship first but not getting in humanrated in time and because of that the blue origin bid will go go first.

>> No.11625409

starship doesn't need to be human rated (exactly) to be a lunar lander

>> No.11625414

Space flight is heading to good times. Hard not to be optimistic about it.

>> No.11625421

NASA is asking for crewed lunar landers....

>> No.11625429
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>bides his time

>> No.11625439

human rated for earth launches and rated for moon descent and ascent are very different things.

>> No.11625445

Why is that amusing? I'm trying to explain to people who don't understand this subject why this specifically is bad for his companies only to receive stupid replies about how this tweet couldn't have affected it and baseless denial fueled by people who worship Elon Musk like a God.
>Right or wrong you're only ingraining
I'm not ingraining anything beyond reality. Nearly every investor and those betting against the stock would agree with me that this tweet was terrible for the share price.
>Dispassionately analyze your investments.
I'm not analyzing anything here, I'm discussing something. It's so curious how people who cannot even beat the market, if they have any investments they manage at all, always have some opinion on what everyone else is doing wrong.

>> No.11625473

>Why is that amusing?
I explained in the sentence right after. The stakes are high for you, low for everyone else.

>Nearly every investor and those betting against the stock would agree with me that this tweet was terrible for the share price.
ad populum. Yeah, you aren't analyzing anything.
>It's so curious how people who cannot even beat the market, if they have any investments they manage at all, always have some opinion on what everyone else is doing wrong.
Yet you care intensely what they believe and want to change their mind. Your confoundment is my amusement.

>> No.11625474


thread theme

>> No.11625487
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It's going to look ridiculous attached to Orion.

>> No.11625496

Imagine the "So the big spacecraft is the one that's worth a billion dollars?" reactions.

>> No.11625497
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>> No.11625501

>ad populum
Your whole argument is a fallacy argument. You're somehow upset that I refuted your stupid argument about this not affecting the share price, now you've resorted to claiming that my posts amuse you without actually saying anything relevant. What's your actual point?
>Yet you care intensely what they believe and want to change their mind.
I don't care that much, if someone responds to me with something that is objectively wrong, I'll correct them. You don't care about who is right, otherwise you would have stopped posting after I proved you wrong, you only care about appearing to be right and saving your bruised ego. You can be amused all you want, I'm amused by your stupidity, yet I don't constantly state that and act like it means anything.

>> No.11625525

I'm not that anon. My only argument was that you are getting emotional and it's going to cloud your financial judgement. And then another one is you're in denial. You've been responding to this topic for a long time, you clearly care too much.

Are you going to sell or hold?

>> No.11625541

If we agreed on everything why did you even post?
You seemed to believe your post was contradicting mine, so I went on to explain it wasn't relevant.

>You're saying we need a president interested in flag planting for a budget?
Quite the opposite, IMHO we need a president who care about getting science done and give a stable budget. Previous presidents claimed to be interested in flag planting for the bump in popularity it brought then discretely cut the budget later as it inevitably turned out unfeasible during their mandate.

>No, I don't even know what you're talking about, but that wasn't in my post.
>>11625046 >>The public's expectations about the difficulty of space travel has no effect whatsoever
So I'm explaining to you,
When public is told repeatedly "Mars for 2020" then 2030 and see it never ready (because it's harder than they were told) they end up thinking NASA is a waste of money, and since NASA don't have a stable budget they were forced to pretend we can do it using older off-the-bin technology, rarely experimenting with new stuffs.
Closing the loop with the next president not giving a real budget because no one believe it anymore.

Now the financially irresponsible SpaceX CEO gave engineers a stable budget and they developped something new. It's nowhere reliable for their big project and no one raise their hope anymore because of all the previous lies.

Read better, the space race was a race for new rocket engines and nuclear missiles technology, Apollo was for an ideological victory over the Soviet.
Anyone serious should know that.

>> No.11625545
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Did Elon watch Pewdiepie's Diogenes videos?

>> No.11625555

>When public is told repeatedly "Mars for 2020" then 2030
I remember when it was "Mars for 2010".

>> No.11625560

>muh stable budget
NASA's budget has been stable for 50 years you uneducated faggot.

>> No.11625566

You're obviously the same person or another person that shared that belief or you wouldn't have cried ad populum when I stated that most investors and those betting against the stock would agree that the tweet affected the price. It dropped 10% within 50 minutes of the tweet whereas the indices dropped less than 1%. There was no other Tesla related news at the time.
>My only argument was that you are getting emotional and it's going to cloud your financial judgement
That isn't an argument, it's a baseless opinion by someone that doesn't even trade. I'm annoyed by your shitposts, it has nothing to do with what I think about the stock. Even with this drop, my total return for the last year is well over 500%, at least 50 times that of the average investor, yet you want to talk about performance?
>you've been responding to this topic for a long time, you clearly care too much.
This is projection. The only reason why you're still responding despite being wrong is because you're upset so you're pretending that I care too much about the argument and that I was wrong to reply to your stupid posts. Keep trying to move those goal posts, it's amusing.

>> No.11625567

>Starship works as intended
>SLS gets canned
What does Artemis look like now?

>> No.11625583
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this, but with lunar Starships

>> No.11625589

>What does Artemis look like now?
Something that will actually materialize in my lifetime.

>> No.11625592

>If we agreed on everything why did you even post?
That's your assessment. Everything you said was wrong

Now you'e going into a different topic which is the general appraisal of nasa by the public, which is mixed. My only position was that people who aspire for impressive and rapid advancement and are ignorant of obstacles aren't the reason nasa has no money, which is what you claimed.

Also a president that wants boots and flags is vastly preferable to a president that is only interested in satellites, microgravity research, and a few telescopes like every administration between now and nixon.

>> No.11625596

An actual functioning space program that doesn't take a decade and billions of dollars to make a leaky tank.

>> No.11625598

Tiny bump
Tiny cut
NEVER what they would actually need to pull a Manned mission on Mars/Moon
That's another reason people mistrust them and the government who acted like their meager budget increase was relevant

>> No.11625605

astronauts are replaced with mexicans picked up from a bus station in southern texas and starship buses them to the moon by the dozens to weld shit out of raw materials. Moon base looks like chicago pile 1, but it's more functional and well tested than any space infrastructure has ever been.

>> No.11625607

>Elon will pull Mars on a 1/1000th of a budget of NASA


>> No.11625608

You're conflating two different things

It's obvious the stock price dropped because elon said stupid shit. It's not obvious that the future stock price will be lower in the long term because of these events. That's a conclusion you're drawing based on the gambit of others and not your own analysis.

You're not mad, yet you totally forgot to answer my question despite typing an essay, are you selling or holding?

>> No.11625622

>merlin shutdown investigation concluded
>final parachute test today was successful
looks all green for Dm-2

>> No.11625641

>Now you'e going into a different topic which is the general appraisal of nasa by the public, which is mixed. My only position was that people who aspire for impressive and rapid advancement and are ignorant of obstacles aren't the reason nasa has no money, which is what you claimed.
General appraisal of NASA determine wether a president will put money in them for "space project" or not. Because culture and talk from idiots who think impressive = rapid advancement kept claiming those Manned mission were easy and coming soon no one trust NASA or the government on the matter anymore.

>Also a president that wants boots and flags is vastly preferable to a president that is only interested in satellites, microgravity research, and a few telescopes like every administration between now and nixon.
I'd argue only the boots are necessary, where you put them, and those boot are needed mostly for microgravity research.

Stupid to say that before he demonstrated it could. They don't even have the rocket ready and they'd be using NASA decade of research in spacesuit and life support system.

>> No.11625675

>t's not obvious that the future stock price will be lower in the long term because of these events
Yes it is. All short term events impact future pricing, they are never removed from each other. The current price always has some effect on the future price because it's the past prices that make support and resistance which governs buying opportunities and the range of a stock. As I stated previously, what Elon did was put a top on the stock and anything past this point is more likely to be considered overvalued. So now are you going to admit that your argument was never about my prowess as an investor and that you were upset about your previous failed argument?
>ou're not mad, yet you totally forgot to answer my question despite typing an essay, are you selling or holding?
No, I just ignored your question because I'm not going to give you an opportunity to try to move the goal posts again and pretend what I do is at all relevant to your tantrum replies. You don't have to admit that you're an idiot who doesn't know what he is talking about, you just have to stop posting.

>> No.11625687

So your theory is that people who are enthusiastic about space travel jaded more people with false hope and made them unenthusiastic about space travel than they converted, and ultimately pressured funding to fall more than they pressured it to rise.

That's a highly abstract, immeasurable claim. Sorry, the idea that space is expensive, congress decides the budget, and representatives only fund what they are incentivized to fund makes more sense. This is a bigger topic than space, special interests have way bigger pull on congress than the public sentiment. You can tell because special interests get most of the nasa budget and the people get shit.

>> No.11625693

so what if Elon's starting a cult? Would you join his cult?

>> No.11625699

>so what if Elon's starting a cult?
It would either get memed to death, or spook some agency resulting in an investigation that get's memed to death.

>Would you join his cult?

>> No.11625708

Would there be free tacos, a chance to work on starship and a ticket to mars in it for me?
If so? Maybe? Fuck it, I'm early retired and got nothing better to do.

>> No.11625714

You don't know the difference between "lower" and "impacted" and "affected". I'd be really careful with your play money. Yeah elon put a top on the stock, but tomorrow's news could always remove it. I think you should get some more experience and advice before pretending high rewards from high risk means you are a skilled investor.


>It's obvious the stock price is going to be lower
>I'm not telling you if I'm selling

lol. Really impressive riddle you've weaved here

>> No.11625724

Elon espouses simulation theory, I didn't jump on simulation theory. I don't constantly worry about the existential threat of AI (although he has more of a point there). Elon's really smart in terms of his approach to engineering problems. Acknowledging that shouldn't automatically mean you agree with everything he says

>> No.11625745

Whoops, meant for >>11625693

>> No.11625764

Enthusiasm is irrelevant and I won't pinpoint the problem on a single group of individuals, even if many SHOULD know better ever since the last Apollo missions.
What I consider to be clear enough is that on a national level no one trust anymore space project because many influencer abused the "next apollo" card without caring about feasibility and NASA is considered as a scam from lobbyist because of the above and only side-note in grant schemes explain how HARD it is to do the simple stuff they do.

Obviously from the very start I consider granted that any money spent on space program is the same as for science: A bet cast in the future as to wether or not it will help mankind. And since the beginning I'm saying we don't have the technology to do any of the grandiose Mars permanent colony/outpost we so often discuss. Therefore I'd personally settle for a better use of the meager budget than flag planting propaganda.
...and less military spending but that's a hot topic.

>> No.11625765
File: 595 KB, 1040x1012, musk do it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA early 2019: "Starship won't work"
>NASA late 2019: "Starship might work"
>NASA 2020: "Starship will work and is now in the Moon lander program"
What did they mean by this?

>> No.11625782

Did they say that? I thought they've been pretty silent on it up till now. Most probably want it to succeed but can't really say anything because orange rocket.

>> No.11625785

>You don't know the difference between "lower" and "impacted" and "affected".
Lower prices today always decrease the likelihood of higher prices in the future, I've already told you why. Conversely higher prices today increase the likelihood of higher prices in the future. Your argument was never 'it is not obvious that this will have a lasting effect', it was that it didn't affect the price at all. You constantly move the goal posts like the weaselly little faggot you are.
>I'd be really careful with your play money.
I'd kill myself if I were you.
> I think you should get some more experience and advice before pretending high rewards from high risk means you are a skilled investor.
I've been trading and investing for over ten years. Including crypto, my lifetime return is well over a thousand percent. My risk adjusted performance is still higher than average. You don't care about investment, you're simply bringing this up as a fallacy argument and pretending that what I do as an investor means anything. It's laughable that you try to wag your finger at me when you have zero idea what you are talking about.
>It's obvious the stock price is going to be lower
I didn't say that at all. It could go lower, it will affect future prices. Most of the damage has already been done and it's not clear any further impact cannot be negated by positive news like battery investors day. There are also could be other reasons not to sell like tax implications.

>> No.11625830

Oh no, a /biz/ chartist has directed his gaze at me

>Your argument was never 'it is not obvious that this will have a lasting effect', it was that it didn't affect the price at all.
It's literally in my post >>11625608 lmao. Do you still not understand what lower and affected mean after being confronted about it? Yeah, it does look like a goal post is moving if you never understood the argument in the first place.

>I've been trading and investing for over ten years. Including crypto, my lifetime return is well over a thousand percent. My risk adjusted performance is still higher than average.

Imagine boasting about your power level no one will believe, claiming to have the risk tolerance for bitcoin yet you're spooked by some shitposting on twitter

>I didn't say that at all.

>> No.11625832

I recall a NASA spokesperson saying that they wished spacex luck but didn't think they could get starship to work, not sure if this was back when it was called BFR.

>> No.11625840

Why does SpaceX test Starship at night instead of the day?

>> No.11625844

Practicality. Easier to get permits to close roads during the middle of the night.

>> No.11625843

Maybe its easier to close the road?

>> No.11625864

>It's literally in my post >>11625608 lmao
That wasn't your original argument. It's not even a real argument, it's a stawman you came up with after getting your other arguments refuted and trying to talk about investment strategy to mask it.
>Do you still not understand what lower and affected mean after being confronted about it?
Nothing I said was at all conflicting and your attempt a trying to force me to define basic words doesn't mean anything. It's obvious that this will affect the price long term, at least in some way. That doesn't mean that it will stay lower or that it cannot go higher.
>Imagine boasting about your power level no one will believe
I'm boasting? You were talking about my performance, I corrected you, and now you get upset that I corrected you and claim that I'm boasting. So pathetic.
>claiming to have the risk tolerance for bitcoin yet you're spooked by some shitposting on twitter
I'm not spooked, I'm stating a fact that he dropped the price because other people are spooked and sold off. You're such an insufferable little faggot.

>> No.11625869

So we don't get a better video of their starship blowing up?

>> No.11625897

Well next time regret the stupid shit you said and start arguing in bad faith a little bit faster. Once you start denying my positions and changing your own all I'm doing is making you mad which was the warning I gave you in the first place

>> No.11625917

I've said literally nothing that wasn't true or accurate, including my insults against you which have now caused you to chimp out and claim that I was acting in bad faith when you were doing that the whole time, even going as far as lying and pretending that you were someone else responding and not the original party.
>Once you start denying my positions
I refuted that position as well, I was just stating that it wasn't your original argument and it was a strawman.
>all I'm doing is making you mad which
I'm not mad, I'm annoyed. You wasted your own time because you were too petty just to admit that you were wrong and stupidly thought you could keep moving the goal posts without me noticing what you were doing. Kill yourself, you pathetic cretin. You're everything wrong with the world. You don't care about truth, you only want to protect your self image.

>> No.11625927

spacex is cool and all but those flight suits look like movie props

>> No.11625940
File: 763 KB, 1920x3215, 40e3479h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd like to see what they come up with for an actual EVA suit

>> No.11625946

fuck the nasa ratings just test and send

>> No.11625948

>even going as far as lying and pretending that you were someone else responding and not the original party

Imagine needing to believe this or else you'd have to face you were in an unwinnable argument for hours

>I-I'm not mad
>You're everything wrong with the world.

You were going on about how I'm the one who's overinvested by keeping this thread in another tab lmao

>> No.11625949

pressure suits will never look cool. Compression suits are what we're waiting for, but they're being grant farmed at the moment.

>> No.11625956

If that's true and they sell launches for 62 million, I was pretty much spot-on I guess.

>> No.11625958

It's going to be that way until shape memory physical compression suits are a thing

But the one patent holder is slow as fuck so it's not happening

>> No.11625980
File: 40 KB, 800x913, playmobil-the-astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11625991

eva suits are going to be bulky as shit, can't get around physics

>> No.11626002

i thought the orange starlliner looks cool and looks similar to the blue starliner flight suits which i thought looked cool - until i saw them inflated

does the space shuttle flight suit inflate as well?

>> No.11626003

Imagine how a tree would look in a Mars base concourse
Lower gravity making the thing grow tall and spindly as it pops out the rock wool container

>> No.11626017

>Imagine needing to believe this or else you'd have to face you were in an unwinnable argument for hours
Imagine thinking that you didn't lose every argument you made which is why you're playing victim instead of bringing up anything relevant. Imagine being that stupid, oh wait, you don't have to, retard.
>You were going on about how I'm the one who's overinvested by keeping this thread in another tab lmao
You mean, exactly what you are doing now? You're totally not SEETHING right now, right? When your career as an armchair investor doesn't work out, you can find work as a clown.

>> No.11626021

3.5 billion for 24 engines cant be right?

>> No.11626026

what is it about cost plus that you dont understand?

>> No.11626040

Cringe cleanup on post 11626017

>> No.11626041
File: 142 KB, 1200x800, Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all those little engines! So busy now! Notice how each one is useful. A lovely ballet ensues, so full of form and color. Now, think about all those contractors that created them. Technicians, engineers, hundreds of people, who will be able to feed their children tonight, so those children can grow up big and strong and have little teeny children of their own, and so on and so forth. Thus, adding to the great chain of life. You see, anon, by adding a few zeros to the cost, I am in fact encouraging life.

>> No.11626058

>spends two hours doing mental gymnastics and lying through his teeth
>still loses the argument
>ur cringe
Clever, retard. You totally didn't embarrass yourself, that was a close one.

>> No.11626059

SpaceX only asked for 130 mil, though

>> No.11626064

Not even trying to hide the gaft anymore. This price is worse than the Russians. Wonder what NK would sell NoDongs for?

>> No.11626066


>> No.11626070

Bridenstine literally said he is completely confident that Elon Musk and SpaceX will make Starship a reality

>> No.11626075

No wonder when they use solid gold of all materials as a plug in these engines.

>> No.11626076

in fact, Blue Origin are getting stiffed, they bid for the whole value of the contract
SpaceX is getting exactly what they asked for

>> No.11626077

>rock wool container
Enjoy your cancer. Sand is fine as long as you water multiple times a day.

>> No.11626086

Why even use gold, it isn't even the most nonreactive metal we have access to, and even platinum is cheaper.

>> No.11626099

If budget isn't an issue, you can plug damaged injectors with gold.

>> No.11626105

If you're going to be incredibly wasteful, then you might as well blingmaxx.

>> No.11626110
File: 2.16 MB, 2881x2821, DSC_0005 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon's big steel balls

>> No.11626128

elon is going to live inside sn4

>> No.11626131
File: 415 KB, 966x473, Starships_Testies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delightfully counter-intuitive.

>> No.11626157

I wonder who will buy his submarine prop Lotus Esprit

>> No.11626161
File: 3.61 MB, 3840x2560, EW8ZjOOUwAIeqjS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone that doesn't like the suits are wrong

>> No.11626169
File: 360 KB, 521x595, flight_suit_pilot_SR-71_USAF_United_States_Air_Force_Blackbird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SR-71 suit was more kino.

>> No.11626170

They look really bad when walking, it forces a waddle and the groin seam is really low, making legs look short

motherfuck is that a black helmet

>> No.11626174

The suits are probably nice and comfy. The boots on a fucking fishing vessel.

>> No.11626176

they're space suits, of course they look weird when walking. wait to see them when in microg

>> No.11626178

*belong on a fucking fishing vessel.

>> No.11626187

>of course they look weird when walking

old space called they need you

>> No.11626194

>It's not because budget is STILL dependent on president trying to milk the next flag planting.
And what do you believe happened between 1972 and Bush's Vision for Space Exploration in 2003?
>Today we could have a few breakthrough if the minimum budget was met.
Human Spaceflight is only about half of NASA's budget, with the specific portion going to SLS even lower.

>> No.11626203
File: 478 KB, 2571x1295, 1558382796669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read better, the space race was a race for new rocket engines and nuclear missiles technology
It wasn't though.

Mercury Redstone: using existing military rockets (PGM-11 Redstones) to launch people into NEO
Mercury Atlas: using existing military rockets (Atlas ICBMs) to launch people into LEO
Gemini: using existing military rockets (Titan II ICBMs) to launch people into LEO
Apollo: using bespoke civilian rockets to send people into LEO and to the moon.

In none of these cases did manned/civilian use of the rockets predate military use of the rockets. Military rockets were not piggybacking off manned space rockets, rather it was the opposite way around (with the exception of Apollo, in which case they were wholly unrelated.)

>> No.11626206

What are the benefits?

>> No.11626209

>And may I remind you that in-orbit refuelling is still science fiction. I don't know why /sci/ has put so much faith in a system which hinges on a technology that doesn't currently exist.

Wrong. It’s already been performed.

>> No.11626215

ISS refueling? Any other cases?

>> No.11626217
File: 179 KB, 1076x699, 93472347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freedom from the weakness of the flesh

>> No.11626219
File: 25 KB, 412x400, 809C300A-2E85-4581-8E32-958E32FC7931.jpeg_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like roadwork cancelled tonight's static fire

>> No.11626224

does that mean I get to have sex with all the young women?

>> No.11626226

where does it say it was cancelled due to roadwork, and not for rocket-related reasons?

>> No.11626229
File: 405 KB, 1920x1080, 0v1t9Fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys paving the road

>> No.11626234

state-operated road repairs are the strongest bureaucratic force in the universe

>> No.11626235

I find it hard to believe scheduled roadwork would postpone a scheduled rocket launch, considering it would be easier (cheaper) to reschedule roadwork than to reschedule a rocket launch

>> No.11626238

no one cares

>> No.11626244

>government should reschedule necessary infrastructure maintanence because it's inconvenient for a corporation

>> No.11626246

I bet elon does

>> No.11626269

Scott Manley is god-tier youtube

>> No.11626283

Grimes is a mutt and musky is a stuttering autist

>> No.11626299
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>> No.11626305

Starship doesn't even need to sacrifice itself. Have autonomous, spiderlike murder robots just fill a secondary compartment so the starship can land on wreckage and send a barrage of those bastards to kill any survivors.

>> No.11626307

I'm no NEETfag, but kek

>> No.11626311

They're the one government monopoly that has persisted since Rome.

>> No.11626319


>> No.11626320

To be fair, a combination of the Megabot and a common excavator would be fucking awesome. Dual use arms. You'll just have to use pedals for the treads lmao

>> No.11626329

Jealous NEET cries about rich people

>> No.11626332

He probably already is. SpaceX will probably abandon Chlamydifornia and focus on Florida and Texas.

>> No.11626334

He’s also a billionaire with six kids and you’re, uh.....?
Some NEET Virgin

>> No.11626335

So what exactly "went wrong" with American space flight between the end of Apollo and recent years? I've trying to compile a list of specific things.
>Over-reliance on a central agency to accomplish tasks
>Had inefficient leadership and technical systems, but no attempts to fix the issues due to fears of causing unfortunate disturbances
>Gradual acceptance of under performing
>Focus on sustaining rather than growing
Am I missing some big things?

>> No.11626336

SpaceX also has offices in Washington, a state with no income tax and a history of being nice-ish to aerospace megacorps.

>> No.11626338
File: 273 KB, 1904x1346, who owns the media asks elon musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as the child is based and redpilled, I don't care.
>t. half a jappa

>> No.11626348

>Am I missing some big things?
You're missing the "whitey on the moon" factor. The US was forced to choose between telling greedy, worthless parasites to shut up and human spaceflight. We chose incorrectly.

>> No.11626352
File: 1.40 MB, 713x1086, 1587054363819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lack of public support, periodic regime change and pic related

>> No.11626359

Space shuttle was cool in principle but mismanaged and misdesigned.

>> No.11626362

I want to see Starship's wings get a bit bigger, the ventral side flatten a bit, and for the third "wing" to come back as a vertical stabilizer. Shuttle 2.0.

>> No.11626368

Yeah, nasa reached equilibrium with how everything works with government funding, the squeeky wheel gets the oil.

The reason we have a space program at all is because industries want contracts, states want jobs, and senators want to make those constituents happy. There's no objective for science or exploration or anything, though microgravity research offsets some of the cost which is why the space station happened.

>> No.11626372

Have rockets ever been launched to orbit starting at an angle? They always seem to sit vertical

>> No.11626375

less efficient

>> No.11626376

The Japanese Lambda rockets were launched at an angle because they were unguided.

>> No.11626386

NASA does not determine its budgets or overall direction, the presidential administration, Congress, and the OMB do. These groups are constantly changing, and see space flight as merely one among many competing national priorities. US has a space agency, but hasn't really had a space program (definite goals to reach) since Apollo ended. They got slapped hard in the '70s and gave up everything but the Shuttle, only to get slapped again and have to make decisions about it that lowered development costs at the expense of making a cheap, easily reusable vehicle with frequent launches (assuming that could be done with 1970s technology). Without dramatically lower costs, everything else NASA wanted to do in space would be expensive, forcing a reduction in the number and scope of the programs they do.
Even after the problems with the shuttle became clear, NASA's attempts at replacement programs (X-33, NLS, ALS, NASP) floundered due to insufficient funding and the desire to use extremely experimental technologies.
NASA also learned to play politics, designing programs and choosing contractors to spread the spending over as many states as possible to get political support. SLS and Gateway (ISS, but around the Moon!) being examples of this.
The US economy in the early '70s wasn't good, and there was demand to reduce budgets. NASA was part of discretionary spending, and only a minority actually cared about space. Saturn V production ceased in 1968.

>> No.11626399

>The US economy in the early '70s wasn't good, and there was demand to reduce budgets.
And that was really dumb of them. NASA spending has a GDP multiplier of like 800% and free shit has a GDP multiplier of zero.

>> No.11626440

Lack of vision and determination.

>> No.11626453

I reckon hearing somewhere Soyuz had to launch from a tilted pad at first because the primitive guidance system could only control a single axis

>> No.11626459

Musk should really think about blocking his internet for 24hours every time he lights up a joint.
Dude is fucking himself in the ass hard right now.

>> No.11626468

He’s just making some soulless subhumans cry.

>> No.11626472

Yeah but those NPC's have all the power.

>> No.11626484

They have none; just the ability to seethe.

>> No.11626560

>soulless subhumans cry.
His employees? They're the ones building rockets while you shit yourself on 4chan.

>> No.11626587

>His employees?

Nah just journalists.

>> No.11626601
File: 61 KB, 844x747, EW3eLciU4AEKnFNh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elevator to the next thread is leaving, reply to get on

If you miss it before the archive maybe boeing will give you a ride

>> No.11626618

>"Was Elon's Tesla Twitter meltdown illegal?" - theverge
>Elon Musk tweet wipes $14bn off Tesla's value - BBC News
>Elon Musk's Twitter tantrum is about his closed - Mashable
>Elon Musk claims in a tweet that Tesla's Cybertruck can float - businessinsider
Christ, people are absolute fucking morons online. When I read Musk's tweets I just go, "heh" then move on. These people act like every tweet is some act of god or satan or both. Fuck, I hate this timeline.

>> No.11626622

you're a fucking faggot

>> No.11626625

it's like
page 9, we're fine, there's still four hours or so to go before archive

>> No.11626636
File: 35 KB, 500x500, electrolytic capacitor 1175001258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people who gasp at his every word are every bit as annoying as the hyper shorts. At the very least you have to filter his ramblings with a nice huge capacitor to filter out all the ripple.

>> No.11626638

post limit

>> No.11626640

Haha, bought almost exactly at the bottom. Looking forward to making some pocket money on Monday.

>> No.11626641

slow board, it'll be more like 1-2 hours from page 9, but all the post limit does is stop the auto bump

>> No.11626643

>Fuck, I hate this timeline.

It’s great. We’re going to Mars.
You should grow up and react to dumb news by not even being aware it exists by never looking at it, or just saying “heh”

>> No.11626646

>It’s great. We’re going to Mars.
No we're not. That's why Elon Musk is so distraught.

>> No.11626651

>No we're not.
ok retard

>> No.11626653

There's no post limit. There's a bump limit

>> No.11626658


A CEO doing something that hurts his companys stock price by a huge amount is news worthy.

A CEO making a statement that hurts his companys stock price by a huge amount is news worthy.

So why isnt it news worthy if the statement is via twitter?

>> No.11626659

Clicks are what they are after. They are a business first, "news" outlet second. Those people aren't dumb, well at least some of them aren't. They are doing it on purpose.

>> No.11626672

>No we're not.

Yeah we are lol

>> No.11626679

Elon is depressed because he's realized it can't happen.

>> No.11626684

ok retard

>> No.11626688

>We’re going to Mars.
The other timelines had people on Mars in the 1990s after the moon base was finished in the 1980s.

>> No.11626694

His tweet did nothing at all.

>> No.11626696

And in another one, the industrial revolution began in the classical era. I don’t care about imaginary nonexistent worlds and how they might be better

>> No.11626697

So elon probably did a shitload of drugs and his goth pregnant waifu wasnt around to tell him to chill out.

>> No.11626702

If you were a slider, with a broken encabulator, you'd care.

>> No.11626710

Ourtage culture is the norm now. Its stupidity incarnate.

>> No.11626719

>Ourtage culture is the norm now

Most people have no real conflict or drive so they find some dumb shit to be mad about. Welcome to apes.

>> No.11626728

I think it is worse for those who actually stay in during the "lockdown" bullshit.

>> No.11626733
File: 88 KB, 1440x1080, Pegasus_launch_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the main goal of a rocket is to go fast and the athmospheric drag is preventing that to a certain degree, it makes the most sense to leave the densest part of the athmosphere behind ASAP.
However the air-launched series of Pegasus rockets launched horizontaly from a plane.

>> No.11626736

>I think it is worse for those who actually stay in during the "lockdown" bullshit

Why would you do that? Go outside and drive around unless you’re a million years old or have AIDS

>> No.11626756
File: 9 KB, 201x251, 3454456456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Static fire test at what time?

>> No.11626760


Sure it did. So, he is the CEO. He has an opinion that is uniquely informed. He has an insight into the company unlike anyone elses. He dropped some information into the world that the stock price is overvalued. The market gives him a lot of credibility, naturally, and responded.

>> No.11626764

May 5th iirc.

>> No.11626767

What is this implying anon, even NASA’s original plan featured a shuttle.

>> No.11626768

Based and truthpilled

>> No.11626772

They're refilled satellites that weren't even designed to be refilled, anon.

>> No.11626773

Source? Which?

>> No.11626777


>> No.11626778

He's claimed the stock is overvalued multiple times. What difference is it today? Was it because he disagreed with the government lockdown? That's rhetorical. The answer is because his opinion didn't align with the narrative.

>> No.11626780
File: 48 KB, 775x544, p335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's implying that all of that was cancelled, with NASA only getting a shuttle. And even then, it wasn't the shuttle they wanted. The shuttle was supposed to be just one element of the human spaceflight program, not its only element.

>> No.11626781

I don't do that, but I know of many people who are doing that. One couple has a melt down if you get close to their house.

>> No.11626783

You are delusional.

>> No.11626785
File: 476 KB, 602x873, Screenshot_2020-05-01 SpaceX ( SpaceX) Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crew Dragon updates.

>> No.11626788

They needed to rotate the pad, not tilt it. The Soyuz computers were designed to take the thing and drive it along an orbital ascent trajectory, and instead of making it smart enough to be able to deflect to the correct roll heading, they just had it capable of killing any induced roll, and manually 'rolled' the entire launch pad instead, because it was easier.

>> No.11626797

newfag, lurk more

>> No.11626799

Pegasus is defacto cancelled because it's stupid expensive per kilogram and nobody wants to buy it.

>> No.11626801

>One couple has a melt down if you get close to their house.

Schizo freaks lol

>> No.11626822

Hell yeah, I want to be a neuralink early adopter who gets like 200 units installed and then spend a few months in ascetic meditation using it to migrate my awareness into the internet. They'll find my empty shell of a body and a rat's nest of wires around my head. I'll be long gone, free to shitpost at maximum efficiency in my ethereal existence.

>> No.11626835

Sorry, I mixed up two things. Basically, NASA did a mission on the ISS where they gave the robotic arm a new toolbox in order to have it cut retaining wires, unscrew caps, and refill a simulated fuel tank with liquid, with the experiment goal to demonstrate the ability to refuel spacecraft that were not designed to be easily refueled. The interesting thing to note here is that the actual propellant refilling hardly even gets a mention in the literature because it's so easy compared to the other things they had to do.

>> No.11626872

road closure scheduled for tomorrow, todays was cancelled, so they should do it

>> No.11626873

>Riding with Boing!
Might as well just open your helmet to the void.

>> No.11626878

How do they transfer liquid from one container to another in zero g?

>> No.11626888
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>> No.11626923


giant ice rat

giant ice rat

>> No.11626933

There are different options for that:
>slight accelleration
>spinning both spacecraft on a teather around their common mass center
That settles all liquid in one end of the tank where it can get pumped.
>heating one tank and cooling the other
>pumping fuel in gas form
The fuel evaporates in one tank and condenses in the other tank

To be fair, the slow spinning sounds the most promising to me.
It doesn't even need to be much, 1 cm/s2 would probably be sufficient allready.

>> No.11627006

i mean 250000 is achievable in a couple years if you have a decent job

>> No.11627022
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, Make bait great again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11627047


>> No.11627067

>riding with boeing
might as well accept your fate

>> No.11627260

Am I fucked if I'm still doing general education classes but haven't really networked yet?