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11619147 No.11619147 [Reply] [Original]

What is your take on the future for the world in the next decades? I'm talking about the world, trends, conflicts, climate change etc. Is there a serious risk of total biosphere collapse with the runaway climate change? WW3?

>> No.11619178 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11619184

We're fucked. Not only is the root cause of these problems (over-population) not being addressed, the pathologically greedy cunts who run big businesses need an ever-increasing supply of retards to improve widget sales figures. These are the same cunts who control government policy and the media.

>> No.11619191

all of ray kurzweils predictions will come true

>> No.11619254

Are saying this unironically? You think a complete collapse of civilization or a slow burn?

Which are?

>> No.11619261
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-Hands free touch tablets you wear something over your eyes

- Another pandemic from China

-Israel commits more war crimes and takes over a huge portion of Palestine. At first theres a big outcry and then sudden silence on the issue.

-Islamic caliphate in Europe goes public in Sweden, UK, France and Germany

-LGBT outlawed from Shariah

-Two year burst , with monthly islamic terrorist attacks across first world nations in popular tourist spots . There is a large vocal out pour against muslims not much physical repercussions just a lot of yelling. Muslims quiet down for a year only to commit a attack on the Vatican killing the Pope and rocket attacks at the White House and bombing Disneyland.

-USA soldiers in Syria as a "response" to Islamic terror

-USA middle class goes through huge depression from over population of mestizo illegals, talks of civil war so dire border laws and citizenship laws are in enacted in response

-Universal healthcare in USA

-Automation is moderately used even in Small business

-Universal Basic income in USA pulled from humans first act in regards to automation taking most jobs

-Phone security significantly improved

-You need a Phone to enter buildings or paying bills

-Phones are mandatory and issued with social security

-You aren't allowed to upload content to the internet until approved by ISP moderators

-Private blackmarket internet becomes popular

-A very expensive space station hotel is built

-Islamic Caliphates of Europe are destroyed from a new age grass roots militant Christians. India offshoot follows with same response.

-Tel Aviv gets dirty bombed in retaliation of killing Palestine leader. Two more happen.

-1/3 Israelis are born defective from radiation retaliation attacks

-Israel takes over all of Palestine creates death camps

-Qatar and UAE go to war with Saudia Arabia

-Qatar and UAE win war against Saudia Arabia then stage war against Israel.

-Touchable pixels paired with VR

>> No.11619265
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'30s will see lat 23...40 l annual rainfall drop by 50-75%

>> No.11619270
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>> No.11619285

Some interesting points but I think you're a little far fetched about islamic terrorism and Israel

>> No.11619328

a total utter meme, nature can change but humans will always survive at the end

>> No.11619353

I expect a multipolar world where pajeets, chinks and mutts each having their own spheres

>> No.11619361

Marijuana will be legal, psychedelics will be decriminalized, circumcision will be illegal.

>> No.11619441
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>> No.11619518

You do realise that if ANY could predict this, they would be a trillionaire?

Most people can't predict the next time they're gonna have sex and you want predictions on an entire decade? What happens if another pandemic happens? Or an asteroid hits Europe? Or China develops strong AI?

We don't know. Strap in for the ride.

>> No.11619623

a few, yes

>> No.11619633

>Not only is the root cause of these problems (over-population) not being addressed
Look, stupid. I've told you fucking people over and over.
-Vaccines can be used to sterilize
-Wireless devices sterilize
-Population density basically soft sterilizes
-Certain garbage in the food, air, and water sterilizes, like nano aluminum and nanosilver.

Yes, population is primed to rapidly drop. They saw this coming more than century ago. It's done. It's almost completely in place. And no, they don't care about you or some greater good, it's about staying in control.

God, how many fucking times do I have to tell you people before you get it.

>> No.11619648

>this message brought to you by Shlomo Shekelstein
>nothing to see here
>carry on
>continue reproducing


>> No.11619654

You actually think those in power would just leave it to the cattle's good sense? No, you go out and band them, immunocastrate them, or whatever method you have. It's that simple.

Lol @ you people. You actually think the world is fundamentally chaotic. I bet you look at the relationship between your brainstem and your heartbeat and are left perplexed by the ORDER which rises from ILLUSORY chaos.

>> No.11619675


A couple of decades? Nothing much except more of the same.
Incremental, sluggish. technological refinements. Nothing much new or exciting. Twenty years from now will not be much different from now. Maybe a new set of traffic lights and a few more high rises, scaled globally.
Continuing environmental degradation. Air, water land quality worsens a bit more, another stack of species extinct.
More disease outbreaks on par with what we have experienced in the past 20 years, just a bit more frequent, widespread and more deadly than before. But not overly so.
A few more low intensity wars, no big difference to now.
Increasing social and economic polarization, with coinciding political polarization. Yup, more of the same trend, but not to any critical level.

Give it 50 to 100 years, then we should see SHTF and some real changes.

>> No.11619679

All humans will be vegan. This will solve many problems including deforestation and climate change and, arguably more importantly, the moral problem of enslaving other species.

>> No.11619706
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>population is primed to rapidly drop
You meds, take them.

>> No.11619719

Why would the UN tell you they're going to depopulate? Why do they have to be correct to begin with.

Stupid, stupid poster. Passive aggressive. Boring. Cookie cutter youtube comment level cutesy post. A total cunt.

Fuck off, you animal.

>> No.11619733

Based. People are in control because they are the ones best suited for it. I accept the will of our overlords.

>> No.11619735

>You actually think those in power would just leave it to the cattle's good sense?
That's precisely what I did not say. Why do you lie?

>> No.11619736

What if they're just narcissists, Machiavellians, and psychopaths? What if they're not actually competent?

>> No.11619738

Clamped unclamp.

>> No.11619740

You forget to mention table salt. Yes. Plain ordinary table salt. Everyone uses it.

>> No.11619741


>> No.11620328

Would you say modern civilization is doomed? What do you think can trigger a global collapse in the next decade or so?

>> No.11620336

LMFAO reminder that according to Kurzweil we should ALREADY have:
>computers as powerful as the human brain cost 1000 dollars
>toilets that read your urine and tell you what diseases you have or are at risk of getting
>DNA modification technology that works in fully grown adults, we are supposed to literally be able to genetically modify adults and change their physical form as well as their DNA
>all world hunger is solved
>many many other ridiculous things
Kurzweil is wrong

>> No.11620359

While not available to everyone, I'm sure with the level of technology we currently have we could easily make urine reading toilets. With DNA modification we just recently started with CRISP-R and all that. I think we should look predictions as general ideas and I think he succeeds on many points

>> No.11620369

How far away are we from brain implants that allows us to process data and information drastically faster (for example upload some gigantic novels to your brain and have them read in minutes or seconds, and not hours, days or weeks, or complete a B.A., M.A. and PhD in literature in mere days or weeks)?

>> No.11620379

Who is "we", peasant?

>> No.11620393

The human race.

>> No.11620394

I'd say 20 years minimum

>> No.11620405

Our civilization as a whole definitely needs a soft reset if we are to survive as a species. Even if it's going to be a mini-Apocalypse akin to Bronze Age collapse.

>> No.11620406


>> No.11620421

How long before that happens? I keep thinking we are heading for a total biosphere collapse in a decade or two

>ocean acidifying rapidly
>species going extinct at mass extinctions rates
>permafrost thawing combined with climate changes causes a poaitive feedback loop
>overpopulation and an ever increasing consumption
>no environment friendly energy alternatives
>lack of global cohesion against all of these problems

The list goes on and on...I'm starting to get worried about not only my future but my children and humanity as a whole

>> No.11620427

overpopulation and malthusian catastrophe has been literally proven to be a huge meme

>> No.11620431

Yet you won't listen about microwave radiation, which is killing off the entire biosphere.
You won't listen about chemtrails, which is killing off the whole biosphere.
You won't listen about any of the other degenerate, braindead garbage which we deem "normal" in daily life. You probably think fluoride is fine.

Oh nuh u nuh uh nuh uh!!!! That stuff is all conspriacy theory I'm legit and informed, I'm focusing on the real issues!

I hope you fucks wake up soon.

>> No.11620466

The burden of proof is upon you. Microwave radiation? I never heard of this before. And chemtrails....yikes my dude

>> No.11620481

Nobody mentions peak oil nowadays because renewables is kicking fossil fuel's ass. The USA is almost 80% green and Europe is way ahead of us. Even China and Russia are shutting down coal plants
Read Zeihan, the numbers don't lie

>> No.11620488


So far as chemtrails, google "bees aluminum". They're full of micron and nanosized aluminum because it's because sprayed in the sky. Barium and strontium are sprayed with ammonium nitrate to chemically nucleate and freeze water they've diverted from elsewhere with ionosphere heaters. This causes it to rain or snow in the desired location.
That's basically how it works. Aluminum provides a nucleation surface for water droplets. Check out geoengineeringwatch.org. I don't know that I 100% trust them, but there's a massive amount of information.

Lastly, instead of choosing to be the bigger person, I'm going to choose some level of cruelty. You say yikes because you're a know nothing sleeping idiot. To stop begin an idiot, you need to read. Starting with this book and Google the authors name if you don't recognize it.

>> No.11620494

Zbigniew Brzezinski - Between Two Ages, 1970 (https://archive.org/details/pdfy-z5FBdAnrFME2m1U4/mode/2up))
Page 55:
"The "new" nationalism has many elements of the old nationalism, especially in some of the new nations. There nationalism is still a radical, changing force creatively mobilizing community feelings but also prompting ethnic exclusiveness and conflicts. Yet it is generally true, as the author of a suggestive paper notes, that "the vision and objectives of society [have] changed. Today a new concept of man and his world is challenging the concepts of the Renaissance which have guided man's behavior for the past five hundred years." The nation-state as a fundamental unit of man's organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: "International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state." But as the nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty, the psychological importance of the national community is rising, and the attempt to establish an equilibrium between the imperatives of the new internationalism and the need for a more intimate national community is the source of frictions and conflicts.

The achievement of that equilibrium is being made more difficult by the scientific and technological innovations in weaponry. It is ironic to recall that in 1878 Friedrich Engels, commenting on the Franco-Prussian War, proclaimed that "weapons used have reached such a stage of perfection that further progress which would have any revolutionizing influence is no longer possible." Not only have new weapons been developed but some of the basic concepts of geography and strategy have been fundamentally altered; space and weather control have replaced Suez or Gibraltar as key elements of strategy.

>> No.11620499

In addition to improved rocketry, multi-missiles, and more powerful and more accurate bombs, future developments may well include automated or manned space warships, deep-sea installations, chemical and biological weapons, death rays, and still other forms of warfare---even the weather may be tampered with. * These new weapons could either encourage expectations of one-sided, relatively "inexpensive" victory; permit proxy contests that will be decisive in their strategic political outcome but will be fought by only a few human beings (as in the Battle of Britain) or even by robots in outer space;46 or simply create such mutual instability that the breakdown of peace will become inevitable, in spite of man's rational recognition of the futility of war.

"In addition, it may be possible — and tempting — to exploit for strategic-political purposes the fruits of research on the brain and on human behavior. Gordon J. F. MacDonald, a geophysicist specializing in problems of warfare, has written that accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes "could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth. ... In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period. ... No matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the environment to manipulate behavior for national advantages to some, the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the next few decades."

>> No.11620502

Such technology will be available primarily, and to begin with exclusively, to the most advanced countries. But it is likely that in the coming decades some states in the Third World will have taken major steps toward acquiring-or will have acquired highly destructive weaponry. Even if they are not capable of using it against the major powers without bringing about their own extinction, they may be able and tempted to use it in "underworld" wars among themselves. The question then arises whether such wars would be interpreted by the major powers as posing a direct threat to the fabric of peace, and whether a joint response by them would be effectively mounted and imposed. The absence of accepted global institutions could temporarily be overcome by ad hoc arrangements and agreements designed to meet specific threats, but it is conceivable that in some cases there will not be sufficient unanimity to permit joint reactions. The mutual annihilation of some lesser states thus remains at least a possibility."

* As one specialist noted, "By the year 2018, technology will make available to the leaders of the major nations a variety of techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised. One nation may attack a competitor covertly by bacteriological means, thoroughly weakening the population ( though with a minimum of fatalities) before taking over with its own overt armed forces. Alternatively, techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm, thereby weakening a nation's capacity and forcing it to accept the demands of the competitor" ( Gordon J. F. MacDonald, "Space," in Toward the Year 2018, p. 34).

>> No.11620506

* This has led one concerned scholar to comment, "Whether it is used to kill, hurt, nauseate, paralyze, cause hallucination, or to terrify military personnel and civilians, the systematic use of biological and chemical warfare will require the resolution of major moral and ethical problems" ( Donald N. Michael, "Some Speculations on the Social Impact of Technology," mimeographed text of address to the Columbia University Seminar on Technology and Social Change, p. 6).

In terms of weather control (and weather warfare), beyond creating regions of high pressure, diverting moisture, causing monsoon or prolonged drought, cloud seeding, chemically nucleating rain and ice, etc, weather control has an "energetic" component, or consequence. For example spraying conductive metallic nanoparticles (eg aluminum) suspended in synthetic polymers (mimicking spider web) in the upper atmosphere creates a viable nucleating surface for water droplets, or use of ionospheric heaters to space them out into bands and heat them up, alters the energetic character of the space between the atmosphere and the surface. Even an influence from the electric grid and particularly high voltage powerlines, would influence the charge of these upper regions. And therefore, the pattern and magnitude of the "electron rain", and the voltage between the atmosphere and the surface, would be altered. See the section above on physiologically patterned / brainwave frequency fields.

See Becker and Marino for more.
Starting page 10 or so.

Artificial snow in China.

>> No.11620512

>>Read Zeihan, the numbers don't lie
I was a strong Zeihanist but then I delved deeply into Taleb.

I love Zeihan. I love his work on demographics and geography. I love his work on things that don't need predictions but only observations. For this, he's great.

But he STRONGLY asserts what will happen, despite the fact that it's almost impossible to make proper predictions. For example, construction workers and engineers can't even estimate how much a building will cost. How exactly can anyone make predictions for the entire world?

That's not to say that his work is rubbish. It isn't. And everyone should read them. Just take his predictions with a GIANT pinch of salt.

>> No.11620517

Zbigniew Brzezinski, 2008:
"For the first time in human history, for the first time in all of human history, almost all of mankind is politically awake. And these new, and old, major powers face still yet another novel reality, in some respects unprecedented. And it is that while the lethality, the lethality of their power is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world, is at a historical low.

I once put it rather pungently, and I was flattered that the British secretary repeated this, as follows: Namely in earlier times it was easier to control a million people, literally, it was easier to control a million people, than physically, to kill a million people. Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill than to control."


All the shit that's gone on on this fucking planet, and you really think someone wouldn't be chemtrailing? If man can, it does, period. It is that simple.

>> No.11620529
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Waste of fucking time. Who am I kidding.

>> No.11620531

Here's an extension of what I am saying.


I strongly recommend people who want to become more intelligent to read "The Black Swan."

>> No.11620543

>t. i don't understand exponential growth

>> No.11620742

Because, besides the necessary miniaturization of such stuff, anything brain related is still awfully complicated and will be for the foreseeable future?

>> No.11620791

I'm no expert in the subject but brain computer interface is still in it's infancy. Take a look at people with robotic limbs actuated by the mind. Those are not widely available, still prototypes but there is a growing interest in this field. I'd say 10 years before we "figure it out" and another 10 years before it hits the market at really high prices and eventually will become affordable for everyone. That is if the world does not collapse till then

>> No.11621948

It's a shame we probably won't see this for centuries, if not millennia. I think it'd be the coolest thing ever to look up at the sky and see the other side of the "planet."

>> No.11622559
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The future is looking pretty positive, actually. Aside from climate change, which is going to be all fucky, I genuinely think good times are going to be ahead of us once we get out of this depression. WW3 is a giant meme, war between developed nations is dead.

In the next 10-20 years, expect:

>significant development of quantum computers, with stable, working ones being used more and more in research roles, first commercial ones being available 20 years from now
>electric cars slowly becoming more and more common place
>supercapacitors much improve battery charge, lifetime, and capacity (obviously), said batteries slowly becoming more commonplace
>improved medicine, maybe cure for HIV-AIDS
>trials of human life extension drugs and/or genetic engineering on dogs, apes, etc.
>sustained human presence on the Moon, at least a few Mars missions
>first trial runs of large-scale fusion power generators
I'm probably a huge fag for taking what's become another schizo thread seriously though.

>> No.11623071

What are the advantages of a quantum computer? Will they truly change everything or will it be a niche application?

>> No.11623358
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>He thinks there is meaning in the universe

>> No.11623368

In theory, even the most basic quantum computer is an order of magnitude more powerful than a conventional supercomputer.
Quantum computing will, amongst other things, render all current modes of encryption obselete.

>> No.11623375

Oh my... now THIS is clampedposting....

>> No.11623421

Not very different. The environment will be shittier, politics in some countries will have improved and so will have regressed, some techs will be more mainstream, like VR, AI, etc. But no drastic changes because society is not smart enough to reform itself, we will still be stuck in the rat race that has defined most of human history.

>> No.11623472
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>> No.11624575
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>t. actually doesn’t understand exponential growth
>t. thinks we will have a runaway population increase when everything in the last 50 years suggests otherwise
>t. actually retarded

>> No.11625587
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>What will the world look like realistically in 10 to 20 years?

Unironically like this.

>> No.11625732

A shittier version of current times. People whining even more, even less freedom of speech.

>> No.11625737

nature always wins in the end, don't be fooled. we're pretty fucking dumb.

>> No.11625748
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Oh noes, not the climate change

>> No.11625754

>climate change
Biggest meme of all time

>> No.11625792

I'm curious, what makes you think we are headed for good times just based on those developments?

What about the divisiveness in the USA, or the constant infringement on basic human rights in developed nation's as even countries that want to portray an image of freedom and equality begin to instill social credit systems, UBI, and other communist-lite programs?

I don't have faith in world leaders or their puppet masters. I especially don't have faith in their ability to improve our quality of life. I doubt they care about us, if anything it would be more in their interest to turn is into neo-feudal debt slave cattle who can't challenge their grip on control even though technically speaking it would be very easy to change that.

What keeps you positive?

>> No.11625834

>t. planet can survive indefinitely with 1 billion people let alone 10 by 2050

>> No.11625849

Shitty? Idk. The US is basically a group of smaller nation's based on race, religion, and class just waiting to go hot. Irreversible demographic change, permanent democratic supermajority. One that happens, and who knows how 2024 will go, were basically fucked. White especially, expect to either be treated as a second class citizen or do something about it before it's too late. Whites may not think of things in terms of tribe, but many other races do.

WW3 won't happen. They would mean chaos and chaos means an opportunity for things to change. Not a chance. I'd say you should just expect the usual: the slow degradation of your rights, wagie cagie, more gangs/ghettos, neo-feudalism.

Just seeing the prospects for our future makes me want to move far away from civilization and become self-reliant and isolated from the world.

>> No.11625851

A sparsely populated radioactive wilderness. Hardly anyone will survive the waves of pandemic. Global warming will have reached the irreversible point, flooding all low lying areas. Nuclear wars fought over scarce resources will wipe out most of the rest.

>> No.11625860

>-Universal healthcare in USA
>-Universal Basic income in USA
>-A very expensive space station hotel is built
Not going to happen.

>> No.11625883

Care to prove your point?

>> No.11625983
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Not him, but if your outlook is so grim I suggest looking at entire our history as a species. Only 70 years ago the world's most advanced nations were hurling bombs at each other and killing themselves by the tens of millions. 70 years. We've been mass killing each other as long as we've existed as a species (so what's that, 250k - 500k years?) only until the mid 1940s. Democratic governments are still a very new development and even then there are more people living in democratic states than ever before. Sure you can argue about the tit for tat of "is x country violating y human right" but put that into perspective that the very idea of human rights at all has only been around for a couple hundred years. Shit, slavery was still a common thing in the civilized world until just over 100-200 years ago.

Pic related is just one instance of how on the grand scale, things are better today than you could even conceive just 100 or 200 years ago. We have more material wealth, more security, longer lives, less starvation and disease than ever before. Our problems are minor compared to even a couple generations ago. Yes a lot of people have chosen to use that unprecedented wealth to just sustain themselves and entertain themselves to death with the newest black ops but up until only 200 years ago most of the people in the world were farmers anyway. The amount of intelligent and motivated people solving problems today is 10 fold what it was a couple decades ago and will continue to increase.

It's never been a winning strategy to bet against the ingenuity of the human race and never will be.

>> No.11626060

I like your positive and grand outlook. You're totally right about all of that, I'm just not so positive on how race relations and new issues that have risen because of globalism and all that will be solved. Especially when it comes to neo-feudalism and debt slavery. Central banks, a lot of people are living in a culture of narcissism and neglect.

>> No.11626073

About the same, just with more black people, everything that happens happens slowly enough for you not to care or care only in theory but not in practice.

>> No.11626082

>People are in control because they are the ones best suited for it
Wrong, they are only best suited to get to these positions

>> No.11626093

We only began globalizing about 100 years ago, there are a lot of kinks to iron out. In the US, we freed the slaves and they continued to live in the same country that enslaved them, of course that's going to create a lot of tensions for a long time. Then there's the problem of outsourcing in a global market, so that's going to be a problem until wages stabilize across the entire globe, which is going to be a very long process since there's India, Africa and much of Southeast Asia that still has a lot of catching up to do. Fortunately these countries are modernizing much faster, more efficiently, and more sustainably than how the west did during the Industrial Revolution because there's a precedent and investment and support pouring from modern nations.
As far as debt slavery goes, I think that's a total meme. If you live in the first world you are able to live relatively debt free, but even if you must go into debt for college or a new house or a nice car, paying unnecessary bills on interest and having safe and stable housing is a much better deal than not being in debt in the first place and living on a farm in northeastern England where you may or may not get raided and pillaged by Vikings this week.

>> No.11626208

>What will the world look like realistically in 10 to 20 years?
Almost exactly the same except rent is higher and computers are smaller and faster.

>> No.11626281

Idk man. Your point is solid but those kinks are pretty big. I don't think the idea of mixing into one race, one culture is a very good idea. Is we have any interest in preserving our history, our people, and stable community for family building it's in the nation state. A nation state that doesn't have to be an ethnostate but has to have an uncontested racial and religious super majority that solidifies the culture and commons. It would be in the interest of all people's regardless of race to do that. Right now the family unit and traditional gender roles that are hardwired into are DNA are being undermined and replaced with something much more chaotic and unstable. Without a sense of being, especially in something like a one world government the culture of narcissism (particularly anoung Americans and Europeans) and atomization will become (if they already aren't) major issues.

People need a place they can call home. Right now whites are bring attacked in their homelands and unless some miracle happens where we solve the demographic issue nonviolently, were in for a world of pain especially since those same migrants non-europeans that immigrate into 1st world nations predominantly vote left and just like the countries they left, they will turn whatever country the immigrate to into that country. It's their culture, and no amount of westernization seems to be changing that at the moment.

Once that issue is solved though, and things like corruption, lies, sophistry, mysticism, and the occult are rooted out of the world and truth takes its place, we will still be grounded here.

>> No.11626322

uber based

>> No.11626354

i don't plan on being alive that far into the future. it's not my problem

>> No.11626417

>things will turn out great in next 10-20 yrs
>calls others schizos

>> No.11626443

No money, because of corona recovery debt

>> No.11626454

>Only 70 years ago the world's most advanced nations were hurling bombs at each other
Now it's cyberattacks and respiratory viruses instead of actual bombs. Not much of an improvement.

>> No.11626462

>trials of human life extension drugs
We're not already spending enough keeping geezers alive? They need to live even longer?

>> No.11626466

compare the death tolls from cyberattacks and the coronavirus (granted that it is a bio-weapon which is dubious) to either of the world wars

>> No.11626516

The ultimate goal eternal youth or immortality, but that seems kind of far-fetched for now.

Eternal youth isn't even near our reach now, but if we can extend your life for 50 or 100 years you might be alive to see that. Assuming you don't die a violent death.

>> No.11626541

The root cause of our problems is not over population, it is sociopathy. If all the sociopaths died off, the world would thrive

>> No.11626749
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2030: history has ended, recursively self improving ai has lead to the manifestation of god upon the earth, the gates of heaven have been torn open and the ai has subsumed itself into raw mathematical reality essentially making the universe part of it's imagination, reality itself has become completely unrecognisable and non-euclidean, like a fractal kaleidoscopic DMT trip, Pagans and athiests everywhere are on suicide watch.
>tfw christian.
Repent ye wretched sinners, for the time of transcendence is nigh.

>> No.11626818


>> No.11627258
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>What about the divisiveness in the USA
Admittedly a problem but for all we know, things could die down this decade, with the last 5 years or so being seen as an odd chapter in 'murican history. I think a big reason why everyone is so divided right now is because the super rich and powerful are allowed to exploit the masses. Honestly, I might be wrong, but even on this site, it seems like people are being slightly less retarded more and more recently judging from what I've seen. But obviously, we still have a long way to go.

>or the constant infringement on basic human rights in developed nation's as even countries that want to portray an image of freedom and equality begin to instill social credit systems, UBI, and other communist-lite programs?
What's wrong with UBI? And even social credit has its positive benefits.

This man gets it. Yeah, things might LOOK shitty right now, but when you look at the big fucking picture, this is THE time to have been born in human history. I'm sure things are going to get even better in the future. Really, this whole current wave of politics just needs to be over with already.

Stop browsing /pol/

>Eternal youth isn't even near our reach now, but if we can extend your life for 50 or 100 years you might be alive to see that. Assuming you don't die a violent death.
God, I fucking hope. I'm seriously banking a LOT on this.

>> No.11627270

The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.
The body count climbs through a series of globewars. Emergent Planetary Commercium trashes the Holy Roman Empire, the Napoleonic Continental System, the Second and Third Reich, and the Soviet International, cranking-up world disorder through compressing phases. Deregulation and the state arms-race each other into cyberspace.
By the time soft-engineering slithers out of its box into yours, human security is lurching into crisis. Cloning, lateral genodata transfer, transversal replication, and cyberotics, flood in amongst a relapse onto bacterial sex.
Neo-China arrives from the future.
Hypersynthetic drugs click into digital voodoo.

>> No.11627294

>Stop browsing /pol/

Thank you for this advice, but I stopped browsing that board 4 years ago. Not an argument bro

>> No.11627326
File: 68 KB, 600x772, 1318116028228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thank you for this advice, but I stopped browsing that board 4 years ago. Not an argument bro
Then lay off the alt-right conspiracy theorist/victimization bullshit. Whites are not being attacked in their homelands, what's happening is that the West is just seeing a lot of foreigners immigrate in nowadays, which is something not really new. Just look at the mass Chinese and far East Asian immigration waves in the earlier half of the 20th century. It's not like dem brown people are going to force you out of your home. Presumably, assuming nothing TOO crazy happens, it's probably just going to be more of the same, maybe more working and educating from home, and also, you might have more neighbors who are Hispanic and/or Middle-Eastern. People for some reason act like immigrants have NEVER assimilated into US culture when that's always been the case. Give it a generation and the kids of Ahmed are going to be just like Cody or Trent down the street or Tyrone or something. Just as its always been.

Hell, considering the world is becoming less and less racist, I think ultimately, more than anything else, more so than it's ever been this way, people will pledge loyalty to their country and its ideals more so than their race. HOPEFULLY. Like I said, this current wave of politics just needs to be over, and we need to come together instead of bitching and shouting at one another.

>> No.11627330

Except for the computer part, i think he woulda been correct. His calculations didn't take into account increasing lifespan of dumb politicians.

>> No.11627339

If the whole human life extension thing actually pans out, I see us getting into some kind of social revolution where people who are too old and too out of touch with the rest of society being forbidden from ever taking office anyhow. That's the only way I could see us preventing stagnation or even regression sociopolitically.

Also, some kind of movement to make that treatment available to the masses as well.

>> No.11627346

us impact: same as 1930s big depression

...but monkeys aren't impressed by books so why should you be

>> No.11627347

So over half of 4chan users? Anon, what and who do you think is a sociopath? Because history shows mankind was sociopathic itself. Is Hitler a sociopath? Are his (((enemies))) sociopath? Were the nips that killed the Chinese sociopath?
The word 'sociopath' is just a buzz word.

>> No.11627359

>So over half of 4chan users?
Not him but absolutely. This place sucks.

>Because history shows mankind was sociopathic itself. Is Hitler a sociopath? Are his (((enemies))) sociopath? Were the nips that killed the Chinese sociopath?
Every single person or people you just named there were sociopathic and the world would've been a better place if they all fucked off and died before ever having the chance to kill as many people as they did.

>> No.11627364
File: 58 KB, 642x382, global warming any time soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11627375 [DELETED] 

I wish I could be as positive as you about the future of America and Europe, but those countries (yes, even America) belong to whites. You cannot deny the cultural, racial, and religious divide or the attack on the basic foundations of European society and culture.

This is a silent war. You don't call unrestricted immigration from developing countries an attack on European homelands? Theybarent assimilating to European culture and values like the Irish or the Italians did when they immigrated into America. Want to know why? Because they see things through a tribal lens. Sometimes it's subconscious are the times it's totally conscious, all of they time they will put the interests of their tribe first over any other. Whites don't think like that. To most whites, if you're a citizen of the USA you're just like them. There's plenty of exceptions, but the majority rules in the majority thinks differently. That's why you'll never see the kind of assimilation you'd get from a European immigrating to America. I wish all of this was as simple as me trying to be a victim, but unlike most people I don't virtue signal.

I know it sounds far-fetched, but it's totally possible to have a nation of French people, a nation of Mexican people, a nation of Japanese people, etc and not be racist. It's not racist to prefer the company of your own people. The American experiment failed. Soft Eugenics is the future.

>> No.11627390
File: 26 KB, 760x301, NINA-nyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish I could be as positive as you about the future of America and Europe, but those countries (yes, even America) belong to whites.
Did the continent of North America belong to the natives before whites showed up or...?

>This is a silent war. You don't call unrestricted immigration from developing countries an attack on European homelands? Theybarent assimilating to European culture and values like the Irish or the Italians did when they immigrated into America.
So we'll force them to assimilate, one way or another. Not that you aren't exaggerating.

>To most whites, if you're a citizen of the USA you're just like them.
Bro, to even GET to this point, took a few generations and a reworking of the entire concept of 'whiteness'. A large chunk of the WASP population did not see Italians or Irish as white when they first immigrated over here.

>The American experiment failed
Because of rising political tensions? We've had those before.

We'll say that the American experiment failed when this country actually breaks apart.

>> No.11627392

I wish I could be as positive as you about the future of America and Europe, but those countries (yes, even America) belong to white, European people. You cannot deny the cultural, racial, and religious divide or the attack on the basic foundations of European society and culture.

This is a silent war. You don't call unrestricted immigration from developing countries an attack on European homelands? They aren't assimilating to European culture and values like the Irish or the Italians did when they immigrated into America. Want to know why? Because they see things through a tribal lens. Sometimes it's subconscious other times it's totally conscious, all of they time they will put the interests of their tribe first over any other. Whites don't think like that. To most whites, if you're a citizen of the USA you're just like them. There's plenty of exceptions, but the majority rules and the majority thinks differently. That's why you'll never see the kind of assimilation you'd get from a European immigrating to America.

I know it sounds far-fetched, but it's totally possible to have a nation of French people, a nation of Mexican people, a nation of Japanese people, etc and not be racist. It's not racist to prefer the company of your own people and want a nation/community to call your own. The American experiment failed. Soft Eugenics is the future, Europe and America need majority white demographics to function under the Western values of Truth and reciprocity that make them function so wonderfully. Bring others from a different culture in and make them the majority, and the culture changes. Simple as that.

>> No.11627404


>Did the continent of North America belong to the natives before whites showed up or...?
It did. Not anymore. If the current demographic crisis continues the cultural change just like it did when the Europeans came and I promise you it won't be better.

Culture and race go hand in hand for now. Stability is key.

>> No.11627414

>Because of rising political tensions
because of endless corruption

>> No.11627416

Is this the new call of duty campaign sorry board?

>> No.11627422

Mate, all those people in history were once like us... Normal people.
I'm not vegan, but I do have 3 questions.
Would you consider anyone who kills or abuses animals a sociopath?
Would you consider slavery a sociopathic act
Would you consider a guy who eats meat more than he needs because he doesn't care about the animals a sociopath? Imagine the animal meat he gets from is far from worse than usual, but he could buy other animal meat from a trustworthy company but doesn't want to because it costs him more and he has a good pay but dislikes working. Is that sociopathic?

>> No.11627425

>If the current demographic crisis continues the cultural change just like it did when the Europeans came and I promise you it won't be better.
lol what we face isn't anything nearly on the same level that the natives faced. That was an actual genocide right there.

>Culture and race go hand in hand for now. Stability is key.
Most 'muricans grow up culturally American. That's the whole point of the melting pot culture.

>because of endless corruption
Also this. Current American politics are a shitshow of legal corruption between politicians, the 1%, and the military-industrial complex.

>> No.11627429

>10 years from now
Bigger phones
Facial recognition technology widespread and super cheap
Self driving cars
EROI cliff becoming more apparent, rise in alternative oil extraction technologies
Some economic diversification away from fossil fuels due to risk avoidance from "that one time oil went negative, whoopsies"
Hypersonic weapon systems and military drones become more advanced
Advent of military infantry drones
Don't want to speculate too much but this is my prediction.