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11619020 No.11619020 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11619216

>this just proves we were right to over-react, we saved the day and are basically heros :^)

>> No.11619220

he's just some billionaire who wants people to go back to work so he stops losing money.

>> No.11619549

>stop people from going outside, lowering the spread of disease
>less people get infected
>less people submitted to hospital
>less people in hospitals
Elon Musk should be shot in the back of the head.

>> No.11619573 [DELETED] 

A straight line implies nobody is actually has the desease. There should be something significant as media has been talking of flattening the curve.

>> No.11619579

That is not what it implies. Are you brain dead?

>> No.11619580

Pretty sure his companies will get massive amounts of tax payer money so he probably won't lose any money.

>> No.11619594

Don't tell me they are plotting population infected vs people hospitalized.

>> No.11619595

>Ban all elective surgery

>> No.11619866
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Musk is not science. Go shill on leddit.

>> No.11619935

>we saved the day
and lost a few hundreds of billions dollars in process.
but it doesn't matter because human life is priceless™

>> No.11620023

Damaging the economy still causes loss of human life. What they have to do to determine what measures are suitable is modelling to find the best balance between the two.

>> No.11620117

>few hundreds of billions dollars
Trillions. The impact of this "pandemic" on the economy is going to be felt for decades to come.

>> No.11620123

how does this happen in a country where you can literally print more money?

>> No.11620125

The green and blue lines were the predictions for what would happen with lockdowns and social distancing. They were wrong. Very wrong.

>> No.11620140

Now imagine how much they're hyping up """""""climate change"""""""""", something even less falsifiable

>> No.11620141

Unironically that's called modern monetary policy and there are actual economists and financial workers who say the same thing.

>> No.11620143


>> No.11620145

i could have not answered my question myself, thanks.

>> No.11620147

Kek. There's no clear answer. Read up on modern monetary policy if you want to see criticisms but there's no proven reason why it wont work.

>> No.11620155

theres an answer, why arent people everywhere losing their lives in this time of "economic" stress?

>> No.11620156

trees continue to produce fruit that is safe to eat, is my point.

>> No.11620162


That's a good guy. You better let the government step in and forcibly stop the use and production of cheaper/more efficient fuel sources and taxing the shit out of people and businesses to stop that big bad climate change boogeyman that will come any day now!

>> No.11620163

"going to work" doesnt sustain oneself, it is a method of sustaining oneself.

>> No.11620165

nietzshche isnt the problem

>> No.11620169

work -> paycheck
paycheck -> food, shelter

does that make it any clearer for you?

>> No.11620174

that second line should say (paycheck - (paycheck * taxes))

>> No.11620183

When I talk about the economy I wasn't talking about Joe Blogs who works at the local shit retailer. I'm talking about industries being impacted which has run on effects causing less availability of things like medical care.
Things like 'elective' surgeries gets put on hold but what a lot of people don't seem to realise is being elective doesn't mean a surgery isn't necessary it just means it's not an immediate death sentence. There are people dying while waiting for treatments.

Closing shit like dine-in restaurants and indoors entertainment areas to reduce the spread makes sense and has minimal economic impact.
Shutting down every business even those which could comply with physical distancing is where some countries went pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.11620194

lmao dude if they had done nothing hundreds of millions of people would have died and that would have had a pretty big effect on the economy

>> No.11620324

Sweetie I'd shut down the entire economy permanently and revert thousands of years of human progress if it saved just one life. :^)

>> No.11620332

Whatever bailouts he gets probably won't fully compensate for people buying fewer luxury cars from him in the upcoming economic depression.

>> No.11620343

>Things like 'elective' surgeries gets put on hold but what a lot of people don't seem to realise is being elective doesn't mean a surgery isn't necessary it just means it's not an immediate death sentence. There are people dying while waiting for treatments.
Correct. Loads of cancer treatments have been postponed for instance. Those people won't die immediately, but the longer their procedures are postponed the worse their odds in the long run are.

>> No.11620362

t. Retard

>> No.11620388

>trusting a billionaire who has a huge financial interest in this

>> No.11620397

Fake news.
WHO already said people are dropping dead on the streets in cali

>> No.11620511
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The bodies are already piled higher than the buildings. How many more dead kids will it take before you people take the bat flu seriously??

>> No.11620526

>Epidemiology and biology are fraudulent pseudosciences that consist of making models and then ignoring them while throwing random shit at other random shit and hoping something happens
What else is new?
t. Medical student

>> No.11620534

>The hospitals are overwhelmed. The NHS is overwhelmed. GUYS SO MANY DEATHS.
>Nice TikTok, Nurse Sharon? Ready for another 2hr coffee break?

>> No.11620545

>Increased need for automation, driving greater technological advances
>Working and underclasses reduced in population
>Better funding of important things like space colonisation, instead of just gibs
Oh no, what a nightmare.

>> No.11620823

This is going to be a religious doctrine for ages for ages to come. We could look at the actual QALY loss to get a rough value of those lives, or the value of their future earnings to estimate how much was actually lost to the economy. But instead it's going to be "get in the breadline motherfucker, we had to appease the plague god."

>> No.11620940


>> No.11620964


>> No.11621001
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A nothingtard trying to conjure up a world where he was right

>> No.11621094

>Im not the first to say atodaso, but you know what? atodaso. a fukcing atodaso

>> No.11621138

Its water under the fridge.

>> No.11621662

Are you implying his tweets about how he believed China's numbers could have something to do with his tesla factory in China?
I sincerely hope you heal from all that negativity.

>> No.11621705

Does he think hospitals only provide emergency services? Obviously this is due to mass cancellation of electives.

>> No.11621793
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>> No.11621921

this. ecelebs thread are raw cancer

>> No.11621926

this but unironically

>> No.11622009
File: 17 KB, 680x387, bork bork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every model trotted out has been wrong when compared to actual data. This includes countries like Sweden with no lockdown, and includes "lockdown models" such as the one OP posted. The reality is, the models are complete garbage. We didn't know that initially but now we do. For you to continue to use them as proof of anything is pure Scientism. Go kneel before Bill Nye and stroke your singing pickle while the rest of the world moves on.

>> No.11622016

but the second-order effects of shutting down the economy will destroy millions of lives, if you really agree unironically you're a fucking retard

>> No.11622023

And in the cases where it's not deadly, it can still have lasting negative consequences. I had a root canal fail so they were going to redo it. With the delay, they're probably going to need to do a bone graft instead which is much bigger surgery and involves using bone donated from a cadaver. I'm not really looking forward to becoming 0.1% zombie.

>> No.11622045

it's called the preventive paradox

german media actually covered this one up, instead of the media in other countries

>> No.11622266


>> No.11622273

lol right on cue >>11619549

>> No.11622298

>german media actually covered this one up

>> No.11622318

>med student pretending to know shit about biology and ending up sounding retarded
Imagine my shock

>> No.11622730

Sweden without official lockdown actually had mobility reduced far more than the US with stay at home orders.

>> No.11622750

How so?

>> No.11622766

value produced = paycheck - (paycheck*taxes) - (paycheck*profit)

>> No.11622777

Anon, are you retarded? That graph shows Sweden is doing FAR worse rhan models predicted.

>> No.11622812

Look at the shape of the red part. They've already achieved herd immunity. It's over, snowflake.

>> No.11622820

Wrong. Trump didn't do enough and this disaster could have been avoided. Even one death is too many.

>> No.11622850
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>> No.11622854

Half of all the patients being hypochondriac or other frauds who are there just for the company confirmed!

>> No.11622960

Sweden has the highest rape rate in the world. Everyone was already too afraid to go outside so when the pandemic hit, there wasn't really much change in how Swedes live their daily lives. They were already on self imposed lockdown.

>> No.11622971

Well overall mortality did rise to the lebel not observed in recent years after all. Fresh stuff, look it up

>> No.11623377

Elon musk says measures are fascist