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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11614939 No.11614939 [Reply] [Original]

>Alcohol lowers your IQ
>Smoking weed lowers your IQ
>Not getting 8-9 hours of high quality sleep per night lowers your IQ
>Doing a martial art lowers your IQ
>Being overweight lowers your IQ
>Everything fun is terrible for your brain health

What's the point? Everything makes you dumber, the world is literally out to keep you as a brainlet.

>> No.11614943

Nice, I don't do anything that you listed and my life is great.

>> No.11614949

Only marginally, genetics play the biggest role, all you listed is mostly cope.

>> No.11614957

Don't forget clamping. Clamping lowers IQ. Though you can't really clamp away genetics and brain architecture, you can definitely attenuate the effectiveness and quality of life they may have otherwise had.

>> No.11614959

Same! W00t superiority

>> No.11614968

how low iq do you have to be to think iq is the only thing that matters.
high iq is associated with dissatisfaction
normie bliss is where you want to be

>> No.11614972
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>genetics play the biggest role

Nigga iodine deficiency by itself at prenatal/childhood reduces your IQ by roughly 12 points.


>> No.11614978

Hence why they replaced iodine in flour with bromine, add fluoride to water, add chlorine, add S O Y to everything, etc.

>> No.11614980

>>Doing a martial art lowers your IQ
who the fuck cares what your iq is when you can woop ass?

>> No.11614983
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Joke's on you, I only take edibles

>> No.11615014

>smoke weed daily since i was a teenager
>learn in my 20s that my brain was still developing/growing and I probably fucked myself over
dude lmao

>> No.11615022

I've done all of those things, shit!

>> No.11615028

That's why you gotta tryhard esp. if you don't into high IQ

>> No.11615047
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You will be fine with cannabis, ours brains have cannabinoid receptors and you will bounce back as soon as you stop smoking if you do get any side effects. Also the legit studies showed no difference for teen cannabis smokers to adult hood but, alcohol does actually make you retarded. So just avoid alcohol.

>> No.11615060

is it purely material dependences that lead to low IQ or can low IQ beliefs lead to low IQ?

>> No.11615095

>Everything fun is terrible for your brain health
That's where you're wrong.

>> No.11615189

Life isn't about maximizing your IQ, it's about having fun and experiencing it. Mind altering drugs aid and assist that (within reason). Sure my brain my have been sharper when I was teen but for fuck's sake I do not want to be that guy sitting in his room at the end of his life saying "I may not have had any fun in life but I sure as shit did join MENSA!"

>> No.11615233

>We have cannabinoid receptors
>Therefore cannabis is fine lmao
We also have nicotinic and opioid receptors, but that doesn't make nicotine or heroine any better.

>> No.11615236

Bullshit I don't do any of that and my IQ is mensa tests 94

>> No.11615244

Don't forget vaxxing, clamping, circumcizinaABLHRARHAGHRHGHRHGHR HA ABLBUBL!

>> No.11615250

>right, only marginally in moderate doses
>right, only marginally in moderate doses
>citation needed
>Nice cope faggot, how much of a brainlet you must be to be such mad about your own IQ

>> No.11615288

Don't worry, covered above. ;^)

>> No.11615299

>Good health all my life
>Never drank or did drugs of any sort, good sleep schedule for 22 years of life
>Try a little vodka a few weeks ago
>slower eye movement and a headache, that's about it
>missing many details in things that I do immediately afterwards, my sentence structure is lacking, and I'm more forgetful on small things
I can't believe it.

>> No.11615304

I don't understand.

>> No.11615311

>doing a martial art lowers IQ
Are you getting repeatedly punched in the fucking head? I seriously doubt this.

>> No.11615335

dubs confirm you fucked up. go be an alcoholic somewhere else now

>> No.11617074

alcoholic scum

>> No.11617494
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Blame the industrial revolution.

>> No.11617500

>doing a martial art lowers your iq

>> No.11617518

IQ is a meme. The measuring stick shifts with each test and its methodology is primitive. The whole of biology and neuroscience barely understands intelligence as it is.

Half of you brainlets probably can't even clap to a rhythm.

>> No.11617527
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>> No.11617532
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I feel bad for anyone who really hasn't had any fun with alcohol or any other drugs. Losers

>> No.11617535

>I feel bad for anyone who really hasn't had any fun with alcohol or any other drugs
im sure they are all hurt deeply by this. faggot

>> No.11617538

>>Doing a martial art lowers your IQ
Dafuq? How can exercise, especially exercise which promotes neurological integration of movement, lower your IQ?

>> No.11617542

if u have to worry about you getting lower iq you didnt' have high enough iq to start with

>> No.11617595

Lol you don't have any friends to drink with? Never drink alone, autismo

>> No.11617608

i dont have any friends at all, friendship is a waste of my fucking tiem

>> No.11618232

Fucking lmao

>> No.11618292

>What's the point? Everything makes you dumber, the world is literally out to keep you as a brainlet.

smarts are a curse anyway, really. is it really better to be the chick who knows he is moments away from becoming a nugget?

>> No.11618321
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lolololol nice

>> No.11618331

If you are effective that state is getting called psychosis and then they inject you stuff that lowers your IQ and shrinks important parts of your brain.

>> No.11618369

You forgot old age

>> No.11619103

>Not getting 8-9 hours of high quality sleep per night lowers your IQ
This is my big problem. In fairness, it's hard for me to go to AND stay asleep, so I'm doubly fucked.

>> No.11619119

I've drunken before and while it can be fun to do every once in awhile, getting buzzed and/or drunk all the time is such a normie thing to do and a complete waste of time.

Never tried any mind-altering drugs, mostly for fear of giving myself schizophrenia or something, and I'm sure it'd be an interesting experience, but it's also something that I'm sure is overrated too.

>> No.11619139

compared to the studies that showed when you start smoking before you hit 21 you literally stop your brain from developing you coping faggot

>> No.11619142

probably by getting hit in the head. OP just worded it awkwardly because of low IQ

>> No.11619148

nope, marijuana using twins who were dissimilar for cannabis use both experienced the same drop in IQ, which is strong evidence indicating underlying genetic factors were to blame, and the mj use wasn't causal in the cognitive problems. makes sense, given THC is non toxic with an extremely high ld50. it turns out dumb people are just more likely to use weed, but weed itself won't make you stupid.

>Among twin pairs discordant for marijuana use, we assessed intelligence quotient (IQ) score changes while adjusting for the effects of genetic influences and other factors shared by members of the same twin pair. Results suggest that familial confounds underlie the association between adolescent marijuana use and declining IQ scores

don't let that stop you from spouting off about vague studies though


>> No.11619157

>how can getting hit in the head repeatedly ever be bad for me?? I need source !!

>> No.11619162

How far do you think my IQ was lowered by more than a decade of suicidal depression?

>> No.11619166

i'l have you know it makes heroin and nicotine way better.

>> No.11619177

thats a laughable view of martial arts. I train in Shaolin Kung Fu and we never train with full contact blows because our kung fu is just to powerful. we dontrainimg drills and free sparring though.

so no hitting in the head at all retard

>> No.11619455

hahaha nice "martial art". seriously kys

>> No.11619486

Except iodine deficiencies cause fatigue, weakness, hair loss, dry skin, swelling, weight gain, and isn't nearly as easy as you think it is to "cover up".

>> No.11619489

Nah. Sub-acute, low grade chronic deficiency is fairly nebulous. On sub-clinical nutrient deficiencies are.

>> No.11619492


>> No.11619493

>believing in an arbitrary test with an arbitrary score that has never been proven to measure real intelligence
Doesn’t surprise me that you are a frogposter

>> No.11619496


IQ is a meme.

>> No.11619498

If you filter "IQ", the quality of this board actually quadruples.