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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 245 KB, 1440x880, ca_coronavirusreinfection_031320getty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11616984 No.11616984 [Reply] [Original]

It's over doombros, looks like coronavirus isn't reinfecting people after all.
Seems like our reinfecting respiratory super aids with a 30% kill rate, was just another mostly mild respiratory virus in the end.

>> No.11616999

Sorry Nothingburgerfag, you're never going to be free. The virus doesn't matter any more. The public has shown they have no balls and will roll over and take whatever the government dishes out. House arrest is the new normal.

>> No.11617002

>SEOUL, April 29 (Yonhap) -- South Korean health experts said Wednesday that recovered coronavirus patients may have tested positive again due to traces of virus fragments that have been inactivated.

>As of Tuesday, a total of 277 people who recovered from COVID-19 have retested positive here, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC).

>The country's central clinical committee for emerging disease control said there was no live virus present in such cases, positively refuting theories like the virus being reactivated or reinfection.

>They said that apparent reinfection cases came because fragments of the virus remained in their bodies and showed up in test kits.

>The country currently uses a reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for the COVID-19 virus that works by finding the virus's genetic information, or RNA, in a sample taken from a patient.

>The experts said this PCR test is so sensitive that it can still pick up parts of the small amount of RNA from a cell even after the person has recovered from COVID-19.

>"RNA fragments still can exist in a cell even if the virus is inactivated," they said in a press release. "It is more likely that those who tested positive again picked up virus RNA that has already been inactivated."

>Oh Myoung-don, head of the committee, said the cases in which people retested positive were due to technical limits of the PCR tests.

>The committee further said it is virtually impossible for the virus to be reactivated unless the COVID-19 virus causes chronic infections.

>"The COVID-19 virus does not invade inside of the cell nucleus and combine with a patient's DNA," Oh said. "It means that the virus does not create chronic infections."

>Oh further said the COVID-19 virus is different from diseases such as HIV and hepatitis B in which the virus stays dormant inside of a cell nucleus and later causes chronic infection.

>> No.11617030

Thanks for the summary.

>> No.11617135

Excellent analysis op, can't wait to see the conspiracy theorists and doomers try to work around this one

>> No.11617225

>Sorry Nothingburgerfag, you're never going to be free
Nice digits, but lockdown has hardly changed anything about my life. I'm having a blast since being a homebody became socially acceptable. Nearly every commercial service offered is now catering towards my lifestyle. It's fantastic.

>> No.11617341

This doesn't say it wasn't produced in that lab. It also doesn't say Corona won't cause permanent damage in mild cases.

>> No.11617366

What a fucking shit show.
The government actually has to tell these experts what PCR does jesus christ

>> No.11617444

Also a lot of "reinfections" are due to unreliable tests.

>> No.11617466

it's over for happeningfags

>> No.11617479
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The schizos told you this months ago.

Unfortunately this. This covid-19 nonsense has actually brought me a deep peace, because I finally know exactly where I am. the power structure has finally made a move as we all predicted for years.

Consider the recent call to shut down meat processing factories and destroy the food supply. When has this happened before? 100 years ago, at the same time that Holodomor was going on in Ukraine.

>> No.11617498

The virus response has been an obvious government power grab from the beginning and it makes me sick how many people fell for the bullshit.

>> No.11617503

muh (((jesus christ)))

>> No.11617514

I wish I bought the conspiracy theory from the start. Instead I lost a bunch of money shorting the market. But with the knowledge that big dicks never wavered and the sell off was only retail investors panicking makes sense in hindsight. The game was rigged from the start.

>> No.11617523

Oh no we got too cocky.
Still, this virus has been more of a happening than anything else in recent years.

>> No.11617588

I hate normies and their hysterical groupthink so much. Fuck normies

>> No.11617716

>Seems like our reinfecting respiratory super aids with a 30% kill rate, was just another mostly mild respiratory virus in the end.
Wait your telling me something that never existed and had no evidence to support its existence doesnt, in fact, exist?


>> No.11617908

>three paragraph news article with no sources from some literal who website
Are nothingburger fags this pathetically desperate?

>> No.11618131

i thought you fags had your designated containment board to talk about my evil government and the power grab and all that bullshit

>> No.11618138

Then why are so many people getting sick and dying?

>> No.11618163
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>SEOUL, April 29 (Yonhap) -- South Korean health experts said Wednesday that recovered coronavirus patients may have tested positive again due to traces of virus fragments that have been inactivated.
while it's true rna fragments may be picked up by pcr. rna has a short af half life and these kits pick them up quite some time after they get batter.
>The study revealed that commonly used methods provide distorted results and that RNA molecules live an average of only two minutes, ten times shorter than previously assumed.

>> No.11618199

the tl;dr is that you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet

>> No.11618230

It long ago ceased being a containment board and now is a base of operations.

>> No.11618237

holy shit you understand less about finance than /biz/ truly amazing

>> No.11618238

This is the exact same that the Chinese scientists said weeks ago. It's on the "doomers" pastebin.

It rules out reactivation, but it has nothing to do with reinfection and I don't know why you think it does.

Reinfection and reactivation were competing theories. This doesn't attempt to explain symptomatic recurrence either.

>> No.11618253
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>> No.11618258

lol you seriously think it is over? the market has fully recovered? it is just the dead cat bounce.

>> No.11618297

Nope. It's going to fall 20% after rising for another day or two, and that will be the dip. The fed has absolutely destroyed any possibility of a return to the bottom. The dollar has been devalued to the point where we're actually just pricing in the forward inflation.

>> No.11618642

>The fed has absolutely destroyed any possibility of a return to the bottom

>> No.11618674

Well, it is a highly contagious virus that has a high hospitalization rate, which threatens to overload our healthcare system, so hmm not a mild respiratory virus, dude.

>> No.11618682

Was sent this from a friend...


"Dr. Andrew Kaufman is an American natural healing consultant, inventor, expert witness and forensic psychiatrist who has been powerfully outspoken throughout the pandemic.

Speaking counter to the mainstream media, Dr. Kaufman has stated that a virus is not causing a new disease, there is no evidence of increased mortality and modern medicine is the leading cause of death.

Having studied at M.I.T, Duke and the Medical University of South Carolina, he has published original research and lectured, supervised, and mentored medical students in all psychiatric specialties. His knowledge and experience has qualified you as an expert witness in local, state, and federal courts.

Dr. Kaufman’s interview will be broadcast on April 29 at 6pm on the Digital Freedom Platform for an uncensored conversation on the COVID-19 pandemic, the science behind the virus and global erosion of civil liberties."

Comment section:
> Coronavirus is fake, it's all the 5G Towers
> Coronavirus is distracting us and giving us vaccines when vaccines cause autisms
> Trump isn't a fucking lizard

Listened to half of the interview and the man just gave opinions and 'facts' with no evidence.

Worst part is, my friend is in university taking sciences. What is wrong with him?

>> No.11618684

>Well, it is a highly contagious virus that has a high hospitalization rate, which threatens to overload our healthcare system
By this point I think it's pretty clear that this isn't much of a threat. Even in NYC where this is actually a big deal, hospitals aren't overloaded

>> No.11618696

Well, I don't know about NY, but in my country, Brazil, some major cities, like Rio, are crumbling down. 90% of the ICU beds are taken and # of cases are going up by the day.

And this is happening while we are in quarantine.


>> No.11618739

the problem is not immediate reinfections, but reinfections a year from now. antibody titers start dropping by quite a bit for SARS a year after infection

>> No.11618778

So that's in direct conflict with a previous report that some of the patients had recurring symptoms. If the test was only detecting deactivated particles, then why the relapse in symptoms?

>> No.11618811

Rio is always crumbling in some way or the other. Can't even go in the water near Sugarloaf due to all the sewage.

>> No.11618848

>the problem is not immediate reinfections
This isn't about reinfections caused by no immunity. This was about the virus lying dormant and then reactivating at a later point like HIV and Herpes do. And it has finally be shown to be bullshit.

>> No.11618869

It hasn't been shown to be anything. The article in the OP literally uses the word "may" in its explanation, and the explanation it gives both contradicts the fact that many of these patients have relapsed symptoms in addition to their relapsed test results and the established scientific fact that RNA molecules have half-lives on the order of minutes and would have decayed already in these patients if they were just old RNA fragments.

There isn't actually anything about this explanation that even meets with the current science on the topic. It's a fantasy, plain and simple.

>> No.11619376

Dude, the guy saying vaccines caused autism has long ago admitted to having fabricated this for fame. There is no link between the two.

>RNA molecules have half-lives on the order of minutes
In which environment?

>> No.11619380

Wakefield is not the only guy who's ever said anything about vaccines, you fucking weirdo.

Shut up.

>> No.11619382

Nice argument, faggot. Show evidence or gtfo.

>> No.11619389

How about I just call you clamped and vaccinated instead?

I could open up my text document and copy and paste, but what's in it for me? What value could you possibly return? A bunch of bullshit and whining, that's what.

Shut up, fuck off, gtfo. k? k. Unclamp.

>> No.11619392

>How about I just call you clamped and vaccinated instead?
Fucking lol. Drink your bleach, fag.

>> No.11619396

Don’t try to bullshit the foreigners. We were never in lockdown because people here are not respecting the quarantine. In order for it to be effective it has to be >70%, we only achieved around 60%.
The numbers are rising because, until your average monkey does not see a cadaver with its surname, he wont believe its happening.
We need a militarized, China type of lockdown with the army locking people in their home, unless they will commit suicide and take a shitload of innocents with them.
Also, neck yourself.

>> No.11619397

It's more like it came close to bringing hospitals to crashing down but it looks like we might have just avoided the worst scenario.

>> No.11619398

The Covid-19 pathology is caused by 5G, in large part. One of the few cases where I think Occam's razor is apt and adequate.

>> No.11619399

Listen, you literal human fuckhole, the real world sucks, yeah, but your doomsday vision of there being dangers conspired about by power that be is as fucking retarded as your pea-brain.

>> No.11619402

There are no 5G in my area. There are no 5G towers in places such as the amazon, which is crumbling and cases are still rising. How is it 5G related? Are the democrats shooting COVID19 signals from a 5G satellite to Brazil? Fuck you.

>> No.11619410 [DELETED] 

There is a 5G test are near me. Among the very rural areas it's literally the only part of the city without any cases.

5G destroys Corona (note for autists: I'm being sarcastic here).

>> No.11619412

Fuck I'm retarded, let me try again:

There is a 5G test area near me. Apart from very rural areas it's literally the only part of the city without any cases.

5G destroys Corona (note for autists: I'm being sarcastic here).

>> No.11619417

This is the difficulty when it comes to having any kind of discussion. There can be multiple things (and agendas) which is all being lumped together as "Covid-19". Whether by opportunism or design. In the case of 5G, yes I think it's clear the reports from around the US obvious match effects you'd expect from millimeter wave exposure. Maybe this is 5G, maybe WiGig, maybe it's an outright fabrication to build up an association in the public mind for the future when 5G is really activated (at which point it will be blamed on a virus and medical personnel will buy it).

As far as covid-19 in the amazon, it would have to be in the peripheries. The key here is whether WiGig is present. the presentation is also important, eg is the clotting and hemoglobin breakdown aspect present across all affected populations.

Anyway. Don't know why I'm wasting my time. Never mind. Good luck. And fuck you too by the way.

>> No.11619431

>5G destroys Corona (note for autists: I'm being sarcastic here).
It actually an control the direction of effect. It can be tuned to either attenuate viruses, or make them more infectious. Both as a direct effect and a modification of the host.

For the autists out there, I'm being completely serious and I'm also correct as well.

>> No.11619446
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I told you fags. Response even matched the usual attention span for any 'crisis', 4 weeks and people are getting bored of it.

When we move into the aftermath watch for the difference between states/countries that took harsh measures and infection rates. There will be minuscule difference, the only factor that will seriously affect the data is population density points - cities. This was all useless. Same as hundreds of flu strains before it except we kept better track of this one than ever before.

>> No.11619447

Look, buddy, don’t know if you’re trolling or not, but you seem to have a grip on what you are talking about, and I respect that.
To humor you, when I refer “the amazons”, which is can be as big as half the US, I am talking about places in its capital which, I can assure you, 100% has barely any celular data, let alone 5G or even 60ghz wifi signals. Brazil, as a whole, barely scratched the surface of 5ghz routers.
And still, COVID19 still is going strong. How do you explain that? Sorry, but I cant buy into this.

>> No.11619465

To clarify, are you in Brazil?

>> No.11619468


>> No.11619480

Do you have first hand evidence of covid cases and death? Here in the US the numbers are being tampered with on multiple levels, for starters, the lack of an accurate test. Even then the death rate for the general population is realistically predicted to be 0.05% of the population, at most.

>> No.11619497

>"The COVID-19 virus does not invade inside of the cell nucleus and combine with a patient's DNA," Oh said. "It means that the virus does not create chronic infections."
Don't worry, it'll be fixed it in future releases

>> No.11619510

I have to go. To Brazil guy, see the link below, read through it, and make up your own mind regarding similarities.

>> No.11619514


I have first hand account as a close relative of mine has a career as a medical doctor. For the past two decades, she has aided in multiple outbreaks, from dengue, to Zika, and H1N1 and she is terrified of what she is witnessing.
I can assure you, that the numbers are being tempered here indeed, but subverting your expectation, is being tampered for less, not more. For the past two months we’ve seen an increase of 120% of death related to respiratory failure and pneumonia, which are clearly related to corona, but are not being registered as such because
1 - the test results have not arrived before time of death
2 - refusal from family to register as covid19 for political reasons because it weakens our president

Its a nightmare. Hospitals are starting to look as chaotic as Wuhan. There are so many bodies we cant get rid of them, which makes me question if even the holocaust really happened, but never once have i doubted the severeness of this virus.
For godsakes, my friend’s entire nuclear family is in the ICU.

>> No.11619523

Thats OK, its still killing loads of people through indirect means and the economic repercussions will be felt for decades

>> No.11619537

Interesting, and I'm sorry to hear that. People get pissed but the intention is not to make light of anything.

I'm also a chemtrail crazy so I don't doubt this pathogen, or another biological agent, could be selectively dispersed by aircraft. Look up Ken Caldera. He was a primary contractor for iirc a DARPA project developing methods of aersolized dispersion of pathogens from the upper atmosphere. Ultimately the intention is to prevent food production in the long game, and starve us all into submission. Which is why they're ordering the destruction of the food supply here in the US. The last time this was done was with the Agricultural Adjustment Act. The Holodomor was happening in Ukraine simultaneously.


>> No.11619540

From https://www.academia.edu/40822987/Some_Unknown_History_of_the_United_States_--_The_FDR_years_1933_to_Apr._1945_2nd_edition :
"In 1933, the recently elected administration of Roosevelt granted official US recognition to theSoviet Union for the first time. Especially repugnant was that this recognition was granted even though Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin had just concluded a campaign of genocide against Ukraine that left over 10 million dead. This atrocity was known to the Roosevelt administration, but was not disclosed to Americans at large due to suppression of the news by the Western press.

Walter Duranty was the New York Times' Moscow bureau chief from 1922 to 1936. In November 1932 he published denials that this Ukrainian genocide by starvation, called Holodomor was in progress (https://www.thenewamerican.com/culture/history/item/4656-holodomor-the-secret-holocaust-in-ukraine )

On May 1, 1933, Roosevelt signed and an executive order doing away with the gold standard. It required everyone in America to turn in all gold bullion and gold certificates (dollar bills redeemable in gold) to the Federal Reserve Bank. And at the end of 1933 the gold standard was abolished.


>> No.11619545

The rationale for the seizure was that the decline in prices of the Great Depression were a direct result of overcapacity. This flawed reasoning resulted in the creation of disastrous policies such as the National Industrial Recovery Act where business cartels were deliberately constructed to keep prices high and the Agricultural Adjustment Act that ordered mass destruction of livestock and crops in order to reduce supply and drive up prices. In a time when unemployment was at record highs and people were suffering from economic hardship, these policies were the complete opposite of what was required to soften the hardships of the depression on the poor.

As a final component to the Roosevelt Administration's desire to increase prices, was the devaluation of the Dollar. To do so required that the Dollar be uncoupled from gold. As long as the Dollar was tied to a gold standard, the amount of money in circulation could not dramatically increase as the public would convert the paper into gold when they became aware of the over-issuance of paper currency."

Like I said, I've been waiting for this shit for so long I just don't care anymore. Have to double down and just focus on decentralized food production.

>> No.11619546

So does this rule out seasonal reinfection or no? Seems like it rules out the possibility of immediate reinfection however I still don't see why you couldn't contract the virus on a seasonal basis.
The PCR data says nothing of how long the memory T and B cell antibodies for COVID-19 remain in the body. There's still no real data to suggest whether this is a virus you only have immunity to for a few months or a year or whether it's lifetime immunity like chicken pox.
Ideally we can get vaccines out before seasonal waves of this virus become big problems but, they may not be out in time for the first big wave of re-infections this winter.

>> No.11619556

...aaaand the world economy was destroyed anyways

>> No.11619559 [DELETED] 
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Dude, they clamp our umbilical cords early. Why is any of this surprising again?

>> No.11619572

Holy shit what a retard. PEOPLE, not governments are calling for the shut down of meat processing facilities. Governments are foolishly trying to keep them open.
The reasons they want the plants shut down is because multiple employees have tested positive to COVID-19 which is being easily spread in meat processing facilities due to the large number of employees and the absolutely abhorrent lack of any kind of safety precautions being taken to prevent the spread of this virus by large companies that repeatedly take advantage of their workers like Smithfield. They only care about profit and won't spend a fucking dime to provide their employees with basic PPE and make any modifications to production or worker schedules to allow for any kind of social distancing. It's disgraceful. Not only does it severely compromise employee safety it also taints the meat and compromises the safety of anyone that handles either the meat or the packaging. That includes delivery drivers, supermarket employees, and the customer that buys it!
Even in spite of all of that these shut downs are not permanent with most only lasting a few days to a week and with affected employees being barred from returning to work for two weeks or so. This is hardly going to kill the food supply. Oh and let's not forget the abundance of food we have in the US that IS NOT MEAT. We have wheat out the ass so you can have bread or pasta or whatever the fuck you want. There's still plenty of fish and seafood. There are loads of alternative options. You're just mad you can't have your fucking burgers.

>> No.11619575

Have you tried cooking your meat before eating it?

>> No.11619586

Your meat may have been packaged by a sick employee so even if you cook your meat right you still have the virus on your hands when you prepare and eat it. Most people will wash their hands before they even open the packaging so the virus is able to completely bypass hand washing.

>> No.11619601

It would be an amazing route for the virus to travel to successful infection. Odds would be disgustingly low even if the employee sneezed on it. At that point you should just give it to the poor virus, what a fight for its half-life.

Personally I always treat my groceries with radiation before putting them away, just in case.

>> No.11619613

2021: permanent house arrest for everyone to stop the potential of getting lupus

>> No.11619615
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>This guy sticks his hand up in his face after handling raw meat

yeah keep worrying about the corona mang

>> No.11619618

>PEOPLE, not governments are calling for the shut down of meat processing facilities.
God you're stupid. Define "people". You're not even smart enough to understand the role of propped up agitators in crowds. "dude everyone wants the meat processing shut down but gubmint is stopin it and btw TRUMPPPPPP@@@#$%@#er;o!!!!!"

Ugh. No, people and government aren't a dichotomy. Government and people aren't singular entities. Like, fucking, duh.

AND BY THE WAY, to directly address your other knee-jerk identity politics retardation. I live in a rural area. I don't and would never want to eat that garbage western beef. I only really eat turkey and seldom grass fed beef, which is raised locally. I suggest you shut your dumb cunt mouth and start thinking about how you're going to eat. Hint, arguing with me isn't going to magically put food in your mouth.

Lastly, it's a fucking virus you momo. I mean come on guy. It's basically inert at what, 118-125 degrees F? I recall. Basically, cook your food. To the workers in the plants, I really don't see how the environment constitutes some terrible nexus beyond anything else. I'm well aware of the abhorrent waste in the US, and yes, they have it coming. Nonetheless, the target is the food supply.

>> No.11619664

Priced in inflation. The market knows the dollar will be worth far less in the future, so the short term problems don't matter as much.

>> No.11619676

>it was a nothingburger all along
imagine all the cretins on /pol/ with a hundred cans of beans

>> No.11619684

Wait, do you think people handle raw fucking meat in their homes and then just don't wash their hands?

>> No.11619695

I've got relatives here in Ohio in the ICU who say it's been fine, is this just the promised land or something?

>> No.11621199

Trips confirm

>> No.11621410

Thanks to the biologists who made those retarded fucking models.

>> No.11621510

that was the early 1930s

>> No.11622229
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OK, but is this for sure this time and we're safe?

>> No.11622236

Don't worry, the e.coli will overpower the coronavirus.

>> No.11622245

chinesevirus = scapegoat for the economic crisis

>> No.11622316

Fine, 90 years ago.

>> No.11622324
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>take nonrepresentative sample which shows that 20% of the population has already recovered from Covid 19
>/sci/ now says it's a nothing burger
I know some of you are paid Chinks, but come on.....

>> No.11622384

Holy shit this is some paranoid schizophrenic tier delusions. Seriously man, get help. Your perception of reality is warped so far beyond what any person could reasonably consider normal and you've formed an echo chamber where all of these warped ideas become louder and louder. Anything that doesn't fit into your worldview immediately gets rejected without consideration and the brain comes up with increasingly less logical explanations for mundane things and you just create layers and you just assume layers and layers of conspiracies to be true without any critical thought. There's nothing I can say to you. You need major mental help. This is not normal and I won't encourage it. If you want I can give you the contact information of a good therapist.

>> No.11622439

>Anything that isn't like me is defective or a subset of me. If it wasn't, it would be me.
>Thinking I have no personal insight or theory of mind.
>Thinking I am of a "singular" mind, and have communicated everything about me, everything I've thought, error control systems, other possibilities, and given a complete representation of my mind, in my post.
To drag out a tired old inversion, it may well be that you, anon, are deeply mentally ill and struggling to understand sanity.

Regardless, I appreciate the concern. All you can really do is make your case and move on.

>> No.11622549

It's not just me. Your reality is so far warped from the average perception of reality of all people living in American society. That's the basis for judging you mentally ill.

>> No.11622583

>Because so many purport to believe it, it must be true.

>> No.11622591


>> No.11622619

I think circumcision will be necessary as well. You see, you have to understand aerophysics and pneumatic chemistry to see that given a beltline of arbitrary length, and with orientation in space weighted and various factors controlled for, you would see that any sneeze or virus in the air will be electrostatically drawn down into the pants. There, in the moist environment, it will be trafficked to special cells with receptors unique to the foreskin. This serves as the primary vector by which airborn particles manage to infect the body. Line up, Goy. What? No, I'm afraid there's a high risk it's already a biohazard, so we'll have to keep it for your protection.

>> No.11622682

this, sadly

>> No.11622866

This is totally unsustainable and won't work in the long term. it's only been a month and things are already falling apart, and it's only a matter of time until the courts rule that the government doesn't have any power to keep people in their homes like this.

>> No.11622926

The lawsuit in Michigan has already failed, as the court ruled constitutional rights are not absolute and the government has a compelling interest in protecting the public that overrides any rights the public has been given.

>> No.11622958

Isn't that totally unconstitutional though? Doesn't that overwrite the basic right if the American people?

at some point if the courts can't take care of it the people will one they realize this virus is bullshit.

>> No.11622972
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Like the rest of the government, the courts have realized the public are a bunch of gutless punks who will take whatever they're given. The public might grumble, whine, and complain but ultimately they wont' do anything. Look at the changes in society over the past couple of decades and how the public has done essentially nothing to stop it.

>> No.11623198

>"To protect the public, I'll have to kill you and your family"
>But isn't that unconstitutional?

>> No.11624148

Its been three months and its to introduce the ban of cash and forced vaccs with tattoos

>> No.11624238

While the media is mostly focused on Trump and China, they're completely overlooking how hard this is hurting Latin America. Those economies are much more fragile than the wealthy first world countries. The shutdown has caused a huge amount of damage to them and even if they go back to work today, they're going to have a difficult time recovering. To make things worse, their primary export markets are all shutdown. They'll also not be able to depend on the international community to help them out as all other countries are dealing with the virus and economic destruction. The misery in that part of the world is going to be unprecedented, which is saying quite something given how bad they've had it over the centuries.

>> No.11624406

Can someone answer this for me, please?
>600,000 people die in a usual year in the UK
>estimated 300,000 would have died from bat flu if nothing had been done
>no mention of how long that would have taken, but let's assume a year
>most of those would over-lap, so ultimately only 700,000 would have died in an untreated year
>600,000 people a year die "usually", nothing happens
>100,000 people could die, the entire country goes into lockdown
Why exactly haven't governments cared about so many dying before and only now act like it's not an unfortunate part of life?