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File: 53 KB, 590x360, mdma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11616431 No.11616431 [Reply] [Original]

It's time to talk about psychiatry's dark history.

>> No.11616437

nothing dark about it
its just illegal to manufacture and sell it as a recreational substance

>> No.11616858

>dark history
>still active trials with MDMA today
Just because you can't buy it doesn't mean it doesn't work.

>> No.11616885
File: 102 KB, 334x500, d3aaehi-fc03a332-8223-4d94-8a66-5807c0eee57c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a full 100 years of fucked-up shit to pick from, and THIS is your example of "dark history"?

>> No.11616890


>> No.11616892


>> No.11616903
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>> No.11617077

>you can't buy it
How many do you want?

>> No.11617084

If you have real MDMA and not that bullshit that has been sold as MDMA for the last 15 years I'll take 200 and be set for life.

>> No.11617085

MKULTRA, Delgado, Ewen Cameron.

Watch this:

>> No.11618399

On molly you know nothing about trauma, and even after it... Its quite a hypnotic state, but really.

Today psychiatrist are causing permanent brain damage and lowering cognitive potential. Even erasing memories...

They are doing stuff, that cannot really be suited for humans, that want to be good at anything.

Really, cures now cause diabetes and things like that, that are not usually desired in patients lives.

They seem like strange psychopaths, and by their attitude, they haven't proved me anyhow wrong.

>> No.11618593

How are they lowering IQ and erasing memories, you mean with the drugs they prescribe?

>> No.11618793

200 what? Pills? If you want real molly buy crystal and get it tested, don't take some sketchy "ecstasy" pill that's 50/50 meth/morphine.

>> No.11618802

>Not even mentioning the aberration that is child hormone replacement therapy
OP is literally a faggot

>> No.11618838

>child hormone replacement
Not at thing that actually happens, at least in America. Poltards fuck off.

>> No.11618852

what's with all the chinese communist shills trying to debunk the idea there are differences between people

>> No.11618982

>hormone blockers from age 8 and cross sex hormones from age 15 technically aren't HRT checkmate christcuck :^)

>> No.11618999
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>> No.11619001

They were clamped, vaccinated, and most importantly, circumcised. The result is a desire to bring everyone else down to the same level. Misery loves company, and deep trauma is difficult to face. Despite the constant whining and complaining about continental philosophy, of the small amount of Nietzsche I've read he actually said it best. The desire of those with a slave morality is not to maneuver until they're come to become dominant, it's to destroy and atomize until everything is lateral and no one may rise above. Hence vaccination, early clamping, and so on. Social stability, and safety, comes through systematically attenuating any natural talents to make things more equal.

The phallus is a power symbolic manifestation of man's psyche. To alter his phallus will yield many effects.

>> No.11619004

trips wasted on a gay faggy political pic fucking gay

>> No.11619005

This. He is gay, and should be ashamed of his mediocrity. He has underwhelmed, and will now be socially punished.

>> No.11619007

my circumcised dick is still fat and thick i don't understand what the fuck the problem with circumstision is

>> No.11619019


>> No.11619029

Schizo-posting or are you the guy that hates anti-psychotics?

>> No.11619037

I genuinely didn’t know what a un-circumcised penis looked like until I was around 18. Boys these days don’t just go around looking at penises, and the ones that they do see are in porn so they’re already erect or they’re family members(brothers) whose penises look like theirs. I don’t think it’s as much of a psychological conspiracy that you think it is

>> No.11619038

The trauma of circumcision splits the core self, and as the neonate has no language, the preverbal trauma's origin and basis is near impossible to identify as it contributes to one's behavior as an adult. Especially if the adult does not recognize that it was a trauma. Circumcision communicates to the individual that if you are even not in control, those close to you will do you harm. It communicates that you are a raw material which shall be shaped into a proper being, by force, from the outside. This causes the individual to hide their vulnerable true self, and create a false self to prevent further physical violations from failure to conform. The true self remains safely hidden away, the false self, a sort of fancy shell personality, becomes an interface or a buffering layer. It is shaped accordingly.

Your penis and so forth is obviously your own business and subject to your own judgement, and the psychology is not universal, but it doesn't need to be universal. It only needs critical mass to start the feedback loop.

A few things are brought to mind.

People are becoming more and more like compartmentalized golem, assuming they weren't all along. The doctor wants to clamp the cord early, so they clamp the cord. The culture vaccinates, so they vaccinate. They were circumcised, so they circumcise. The food is poison, the water is poison, the air is poison. The whole world is degenerating braindead poison. No one reacts, no matter how overt the damage. The television says it's fine, so everything is fine. This is a matter of trauma bonding and stockholm syndrome, not unlike you see in families with abuse, simply playing out on a society-wide scale.

>> No.11619090

MDMA would probably be more effective than antipsychotics

>> No.11619169

molly isn't hard to find at all and you can test it for 10 bucks

>> No.11619174
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best post

>> No.11619212

there's nothing dark about it, there have been proven results. probably not the best long term treatment for trauma, but it an effective tool in the psychiatrists toolbox.
it was outlawed when the war on drugs started, and even when it was around it was viewed as pseudoscience. but there have been peer reviewed studies about it that have come out in the past 20 years.

take your meds dude

>> No.11619274

>my parents payed someone to cut off the most sensitive part of my sexual organ
>"I dunno dude I don't think this is a big deal"

If the cutting had not caused deep trauma, you would be able to see that it is weird and wrong. The very fact that you shrug off something as brutal as genital mutilation obviously suggests you are somehow absolutely blind to it, exactly like when people traumatized.
"Oh yeah no it's normal he always talks to me like that." Get it?

>> No.11619337

MDMA is a wonderful drug and perfect for therapy.

>> No.11619806
File: 167 KB, 1926x294, pharamceuticlatorture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you man. You know they used to call that shit "chemical lobotomy" with a glee? Not too much has changed.

These "patients" should have the right to decide between some form of incarceration and this "treatment"

All hail the pharaceutical money machine, may your emotions subside, your brain shrink and your ambitions and social aptitude vanish.

>> No.11619827
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Anyway sci-dweller-trolls, if you agree that facing your problems is the only way to overcome them then you will agree with psychedelic use in selected cases

Traditional psychiatry is an unscientific misstake and I would rather get treated by kids on vrchat

>> No.11619832

Being stuck in an office with some annoying cunt pestering you with questions while you're high on molly sounds like a torture.

>> No.11620374

Take your meds. Unmedicated schizos like you make 4chan worse.