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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 38 KB, 800x1035, Tom_Scott_avatar_by_Matt_Gray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11613706 No.11613706 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of youtube "smart people" channels? Tom Scott, Vsauce, etc.

>> No.11613720

It's easy to look smart when you flex about a bunch of poorly researched wikipedia articles in front of an audience with an average iq of 50 points.

>> No.11613723

Vsauce is based everyone else is a fucking hack

>> No.11613729

Tom Scott is the worst, it always acts so fucking smug.

>> No.11613730

vsauce is "science" for people who don't value their own time. Imagine wasting 20-30 minutes on average looking at a 40 y.o. dudes ranting about shit that isn't even useful, that's youtube science in a nutshell.

>> No.11613735

most of them genuinely don't seem to want to spread misinformation or sensationalize things so they're not really doing any harm. Sure they're cringey, but if they get young people interested in science who cares.

>> No.11613737

bunch of nerds and social outcasts

>> No.11613738

>ranting about shit that isn't even useful
That's what I like about it tbqh famalam

>> No.11613740

Do you know where you are?

>> No.11613747

The people who run them are "ok" but the people who watch them are pseudointellectuals who think that they're smart but just parrot out what they hear from popsci

>> No.11613749

I choose to be a social outcast, I'm not forced by other plebs to be
I get 10s of calls to hangout but solving geometry problems is more fun to me than the company of bunch of brainlets

>> No.11613750

Absolutely tremendous. Don't watch them myself but I think if I'd had youtube as it is now in my early teens I'd probably have gone ALOT further and I deeply appreciate how good youtube is as a learning aid for me now.

>> No.11613764

>I get 10s of calls to hangout but solving geometry problems is more fun to me than the company of bunch of brainlets
That's not good. If you're not lying then you should accept one of those offers sometime.

>> No.11613772
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>Absolutely tremendous

>> No.11613774

well yeah a pint is the best way to end a weekend

>> No.11613782
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>I choose to be a social outcast
I was in your position in my late teens champ, you won't be choosing for long.

>> No.11613836

>in my late teens champ
I'm probably older than you, kid
you will reach an age where you realise that spending you whole time with your family and learning is 100 times better than wasting your energy on an average cunt.
but going out 3 times a month is enough to fill up your human needs for social interaction

>> No.11613844
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>> No.11613846


>> No.11613849

Do you have more images like this?

>> No.11613851

Out of topic but I'd like to know your opinion on NoFap.

>> No.11613852
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>Absolutely tremendous. Don't watch them myself but I think if I'd had youtube as it is now in my early teens I'd probably have gone ALOT further and I deeply appreciate how good youtube is as a learning aid for me now.

>> No.11613853
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imagine coping this hard lmao

>> No.11613856
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>> No.11613861

some of Tom Scoot's videos are alright

>> No.11613869

I used to like vsauce, but then unsubscribed after he sold out and started thinking cringy stuff are funny like eating a sandwich that fell into the toilet.
Then I looked at his first videos and realized that he was just a businessman from the start, not some carl sagan-esque guy that just enjoy talking about interesting stuff. Pathetic

>> No.11613872

This guy is such a faggot. I clicked on a vid where he was giving a speech in some fucking English Harry Potter building. Then I pressed 8, accidentally, and was greeted by him schreeching about nut seas.

found it

God what an ugly cunt. He looks like he thinks that he's Tyrion Lannister and right-wingers are the white walkers or some shit.
Part of the whole "I can just recite accepted theories and badly written pc opinion pieces, in an oh so British way, about this thing and it'll magically solve everything for you."

>> No.11613875
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>eating a sandwich that fell into the toilet.

>> No.11613890

All the real big brain niggas have been banned from jewtube

>> No.11613911

he's right about one thing
>I've made no secret of the fact that I dislike Reddit. It's seen as toxic, as dangerous, as a bad thing to be associated with in many of the communities and friend circles that I work with -- and particularly in those that I base my career on. It has a reputation based on endemic racism, celebrity photo leaks, and harassment campaigns. It's generally considered a thing to steer well clear of.

>> No.11613937

The fucking superficial and sinister American smile.

>> No.11613941

He's English

>> No.11613967

yeah but his smile is American

>> No.11613970

don't care about this shit

>> No.11614008
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He just described basically every social media outlet. It just means that the communities are full of people with dangerous half-knowledge.

>> No.11614028
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>> No.11614058

I mean, just look at Tom Scott. It's obvious the dude is some sort of retard.

>> No.11614062

I wish more retards were like Tom.

>> No.11614064 [DELETED] 

You're outcast because you're better than they. This is not a delusion. Be sure to excel at something academic and make a shit ton of money, guy obviously to young to be here.

>> No.11614067

You're outcast because you're better than they. This is not a delusion. Be sure to excel at something academic and make a shit ton of money, guy obviously to young to be here.

>> No.11614081

krugzkaugaskzast is fine

>> No.11614093

guy abviously needs to learn english, you sound like an Indian or a 3rd worlder aren't you

>> No.11614129

Mathology and 3blue1brown are great for math (Numberphiles is for plebs).
Practical Engineering and SmarterEveryDay are the best miscellaneous science channels.
Codyslab is cool for general diy science.
Chemical Force is cool for unusual chemical reactions.

>> No.11614135
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>> No.11614148

CIA shills. They hardly talk about anything important.

>> No.11614154

Whats so bad with it? It explains shit well with cool animations

>> No.11614156

He's going to post another soijack, just let him tire himself out.

>> No.11614198
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The Chem channels are pretty kino

>> No.11615087

Teeth too good?

>> No.11615114
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Good way to get yourself on a list

>> No.11615354

It’s called entertainment you autist.

>> No.11615371

NileRed is probably the only one I can stand.

>> No.11615386

calm yourself anon, please, you've become unbalanced

>> No.11615408

I only saw Vsauce once, he seemed to be talking random unconnected shit like a maniac so I never watched him again, made uncomfortable. Tom Scott I didn't really care for.

SmarterEveryDay seems alright, lots of interesting experiences.
And I don't think it counts but I will always like 3blue1brown, he's fun

>> No.11615422

Numberphile is often uncomfortable to watch, but I like the variety of perspectives and stuff.
Note I haven't watched more than like 6 of their videos though

>> No.11615443

REALLY good thread. Excellent stuff.

>> No.11615588

there's something off about him

>> No.11615620

>krugzkaugaskzast is fine

>> No.11615621

I like his vid about copyright.

>> No.11615631

Just ignore the human-related ones, they are all dumb anyways.

>> No.11615632

>krugzkaugaskzast is fine
>Except when they're not, ignore those

>> No.11615634

Yep, thats right. The channel is good for pop sci, not for political stuff.

>> No.11615637
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>Yep, thats right

>> No.11615664

seconding this

>> No.11615670

for me, it's applied science
maximum comfort and learning

>> No.11615951

How about you apply my cock in your ass.

>> No.11615974

scientifically knowledgeable != smart

>> No.11615990

Don't worry, they're all smarter and more knowledgeable than you and all the other shitstains who keep shit talking about science YouTubers.

>> No.11616006

>Tom Scott
Glorified travel channel hosted by a code monkey who thinks he knows everything.
90% juvenile repetitive dick jokes.

>> No.11616009

NileRed is based but he needs to stop hanging out with William Osman, who is awful and a bad influence.
He's some sort of hapa.

>> No.11616054

Those are just "fun fact" channels. I like codyslab.

>> No.11616065

Vsauce is just useless and imo is watched by people who go wooaaaa that's so deep man look at this shit duuuuude.
Tom Scott is much better but I bet you there's a couple hundred thousand teenagers who watch his videos and think they're smart because of it.

>> No.11616066 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is better than tv.
That said i dont watch any of them but the guy in pic related.
But only because he reminds me of myself like is something catches my eye i go is autistic obsession over it.
For him this obsession is tesla valves.

>> No.11616070
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>>11613706 (OP)
Everything is better than tv.
That said i dont watch any of them but the guy in pic related.
But only because he reminds me of myself like is something catches my eye i go into autistic obsession over it.*
For him this obsession is tesla valves.

>> No.11616072

Has he finished his college degree yet?
I stopped watching him right before his gf left him.

>> No.11616107
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im certain Cody Lurks here

>> No.11616146
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>> No.11616153

he was kicked out of college and hasn't gotten back in as far as I know.

>> No.11616156

Nothing this guy makes ever seems to work, probably because he doesn't seem to have any fabrication skills other than using a 3d printer..

>> No.11616157
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>> No.11616161

I think because he was literally broke and worked with what he had.
Thanks to capitalism in his latest video he made some progress and I literally cant wait to see if this new data will help him build a working version.

>> No.11616163

I heard there was some sort of dispute between him and a professor involving heavy water.

>> No.11616172

Any place where I can read about this?

>> No.11616176

dunno, I just read something like that in his comment section once I think

>> No.11616192

Ultimate tier: Cody's Lab, Nile Red, Journey to the Microcosmos
Alright Tier: Really old Vsauce videos, some Numberphile videos, The thought emporium (although they're totally hacks)
Meh tier: Vihart, Tibees, Any of those "making laminar flow in my backyard" channels, Scishow
Absolute shit tier: Veritasium, Tom Scott
Nuclear waste I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE tier: Kurgzgezagt

Thoughts on my list?

>> No.11616224

You should check out this channel.
just like Integza his latest videos became really good


>> No.11616247
File: 1.14 MB, 815x847, explosions&fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the channel, some of them I still watch even though they're kind of meh-tier.
I recently came across Explosions&Fire. Absolute shitposting Aussie chemist doing some actual interesting stuff. I think I might have missed the channel when I first started adding a bunch of chem channels because "Explosions&Fire" sounded too childish for the highbrow undergrad I was at the time, but he does some neat synthesis and reactions. Especially his side channel Extractions&Ire.

Applied Science is good comfy content, more engineering though.

>> No.11616253
File: 1.15 MB, 1239x1758, mathematics is not worthwhile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo you can't just do math for entertainment

>> No.11616264

daily reminder that chemistry peaked in the 60s

>> No.11616293
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Fun fact: his azidoazide azide video is cited on wikipedia.

>> No.11616366

His old videos were like top internet videos of ths day and wow look at this. Somehow he came upon his vaguely related topic jumping formula and took off with it, but he was never a deep thinker to begin with. Watch any interview he has with an expert and you'll see real quick he doesn't have much to offer besides a random joke or two. Now he gets to play the role of cool science guy like Bill Nye

>> No.11616407


>> No.11616493 [DELETED] 


post 1/3

>> No.11616499
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did you learn this from raising your wife's son too?

>> No.11616595

Vsauce is fucking boring for people who are actually serious about science.

Literally every educational channel on YouTube is giving birth to a generation of pseudo-intellectualls who think they know shit but in reality they've merely just scrapped the surface of a subject which is way deeper than their landwhale mom's whore vagina. I was one of the victims, fortunately I got addicted to books soon after only to learn that even pop science books are crap and are doing the same thing. People who actually wanna enjoy science should stick to literal textbooks.

>> No.11616737

Brady is the only based science youtuber. All the others are over produced normalbait. when i watch science videos, i want it to be like either khan academy or numberphile, sixty symbols etc.

vsauce and veritas is maybe the exception that proves the rule, because they get to do some prety hollywood stuff at times.

>> No.11616771

I don’t really watch popsci. I used to watch a lot of VSauce, Vihart, Veritasium etc. when I was in HS/early undergrad (around 2012-2013) and I can still watch and enjoy many of the videos I used to like back then.
Nowadays, I am aware of 3blue1brown who does an excellent job and a couple of very good french creators (science étonnante, El JJ, la statistique expliquée à mon chat). I don’t have an opinion about the other ones.

>> No.11616785

N N Taleb's Probability Moocs is the only channel you will ever need.

>> No.11617209

why lol

>> No.11617217


>> No.11617222

>post 1/3

>> No.11617224


>> No.11617242

I never really got the appeal of ViHart
She was like math boxxy or something

>> No.11617292

Numberphile, 3b1b, nurdrage and papa flammy are all alright. Sometimes I feel like they're all too elementary though.

>> No.11617380

I realized it was our boy Teddy when I got to the second point. Who seeks life advice from a mass murderer in prison though, lmao.

>> No.11617397

He's English we are all a little smug

>> No.11617405

They're highly pretentious but sometimes interesting

>> No.11617509

Vsauce has an ugly voice and a loathsome style that combined are to infotainment what throat-rape is to sex:
>have minion write verbose tease-heavy script 2X longer than it needs to be to convey the matter
>record and edit that script at 2X pace to compensate for the script's tricky disorder.
Usually after the 2 minute pre-ramble and 3 minutes of "expository" I'm feeling like Elvis about to shoot his TV. He's also sliding toward that cartoonish cadaver-level of makeup and grooming that Dr. Phil is infamous for, but as a hipster's own caricature of the hipster look. Inexperience in the fields treated have cursed him into that manic self-puppetry. Compare to someone like the alluring Periodic Videos guy, whose digressions meld anecdote and topical content in a tasty way. People who aren't interesting in and of themselves shouldn't try to be anything but concise.

>> No.11618936

I just like when people splice it into memes
>Vsauce, Micheal here

>> No.11618957

britbongs are always smug

>> No.11619054

Nilered is the highest quality chem production but nurdrage, dougslab, and extractions&ire have more impressive chemistry experiments. Chemical Force has by far the most impressive access to rare chemicals but you can’t understand half of what he’s saying because of his accent . Numberphiles is intro level math but german Mathologer guy is amazing if you can follow him. Good list though. SmarterEveryDay content really is on point, even if the guy is a little annoying, worth including.

>> No.11619060

No, but from raising your wife's son.

>> No.11620153

Nilered is a spoiled brat,for me it came apparent while watching nileblue.
Everyone else you mentioned is top notch.(for the chemistry guys)

>> No.11620199

I like styropyro, he plays with fun stuff, some numberphile stuff is nice for either areas outside of what I'm interested in, or for explaining to people I know that aren't into math.

Robert miles is very interesting if you are interested in ai safety, got a lot of the basics and examples that stuns me every time.

>> No.11620922

3blue1brown had one hell of an interview on lex fridman's AI podcast

>> No.11621321

>tom scott
he always struck me as the sort of person who's main appeal is his speaking style. He's simply good at public speaking and this alone seems to give him an air of authority in the eyes of most people, even though he's not much of an expert on most of the subjects he speaks about.
Still they're mostly pretty harmless videos with nice delivery. If you treat them as entertainment rather than education there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.11621771

Literally female daffy duck. Sounds like she has fucking food in her mouth, plus she's retarded, and PLUS she's female.

>> No.11621811

>spoiled brat

>> No.11622032

I wish 3b1b was around when I was in high school. His visualizations of calc concepts are god-tier

>> No.11622176

I don’t think nilered is spoiled. I think he’s a little smug because he’s actually smart and has a little social awkwardness mixed in.

>> No.11622184

Styropyro sounds like if macaulay culkin recklessly played with lasers and high voltage.

>> No.11622211

I like how they traced the entire flat earth movement to a single vsauce video and youtube recommendations after it.

>> No.11622321

For me? It's Anton Petrov

>> No.11622466

I can already tell he's good. Thanks for the recommendation

>> No.11622477

I like this channel
and sometimes this channel

>> No.11622647
File: 1.25 MB, 1339x739, Screenshot_2020-05-01 Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek pop science is the ultmate trash

>> No.11622807

Tom's channel is nice to watch if I want to travel somewhere.

>> No.11623705
File: 1.39 MB, 1136x640, 0BBE0D61-E1E9-432D-B1AE-C6D2D29C58E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Builds death day for the lulz
Styropyro is a true /sci/tuber

>> No.11623762

>i choose to be an outcast

>> No.11623788

I hate his intonation and random pauses. It's like he's narrating a historical disaster while talking about computer glitches and bottled water.

>> No.11623933

Tom Scott: Occasionally golden content, but overwhelmingly tarred by his subpar social views and weird af energy
Vsauce: Absolute GOAT
Numberphile: Very interesting, lots of breath, often superficial
3Brown1Blue: Fantastic, well animated content
Veritasium: Vsauce's less-eccentric brother
SmarterEveryday: Grounded, everyday, engaging content. His enthusiasm is encouraging
RedNile: Chemistry GOAT
Vihart: The definition of PopSci... not very rewarding
Mathologer: Very solid content, often on unusual topics. (His video on modulus arithmetic was my introduction to it years ago)
ASAP Science: High-intensity, gay energy makes most of their content difficult to watch. Like Tom Scott, there is occasional gold
Practical Engineering: Top-rated content
Steve Mould: Veritasium's slightly-less attractive, but infinitely more charming, brother
It's Okay to Be Smart: Shit-tier Vsauce

>> No.11623939

From this post alone, I can tell that you're an autistic bore.

>> No.11623945


3blue1brown is math GOAT

>> No.11624020

This, although I'd put more rating on Mathologer for his brazen head-on attempts at maths topics that the others have deemed to complicated, and he is extremely cute with his lame jokes and high pitch squeal laugh. I'd also rate Steve Mould higher since he always seems to cover stuff that the others totally miss and it's consistently interesting, his originality is refreshing and he really completes the Youtube /sci/ channel space.

>> No.11624347

They're good mind refreshes but only an idiot would take anything anyone says on the internet at face value. That being said, I think Tom and Michael are great teachers, at least better at engaging their audience than most. Better thank watching a top 10s brain drain or thoughty2 levels of autism.

>> No.11624432

Handsome Ted Cruise does a much better video on Tesla Valves


>> No.11624514
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>I choose to be a social outcast

>> No.11624522

"smart people"?

i thought they were just dudes with a university education?

>> No.11624532

Potholer is the only one with integrity and actual content i.e. not just reciting Wikipedia articles. The rest is useless trash.

>> No.11624697

The Organic Chemistry Tutor for me is one of the GOATs because it got me into the Uni I wanted, never paid any attention in classes so I started from zero.
Kurzgesagt is crap, I had to talk with a lot of them reddit tier pseuds when I had to do group projects.
One of them was a lazy mf that didn't wanted to no nothing because "muh life is worthless-heat death-string theory-ligthis300,000kmh" bullshit, he was also a fedora fag that made fun of everyone he knew who was a religious person.

>> No.11625133
File: 72 KB, 700x319, begone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based. Death to pop-sci.

>> No.11625709


>> No.11625722


>> No.11625755

itt: bunch of academic losers who won't even make a fraction of Tom's or Michael's yearly income.
They are entertainment, not science anyway.
Seethe, elitist nerds.

>> No.11626154

>I'll see you tomorrow, space out, and as always, bye bye

>> No.11626171


This. To me as an uironical idiot, the way he explains mathematics makes it seems VASTLY different from the way autists I have met in real life made it seem. It's absolutely fascinating. Not sure if that's his intent but when I watch those videos I feel like an idiot but at the same time I think something like 'I should read more about this. I may not grasp it fast but it's ok; I'll get it at my own pace'. You know what I mean?

>> No.11626210

They're fine for entertainment or to introduce new concepts, but they don't really teach you anything. It's purely scientific popularization. Sadly, you find a lot of self-proclaimed ''"experts"" because of them.

>> No.11626231

NileRed is alright

>> No.11626703

Britbong here i fucking hate Tom Scott,He makes me cringe every time

>> No.11626704

lemme guess, you're a southerner?

>> No.11626789

Organic Chemistry Tutor is as based as you can get. He's always there when I have no idea how to solve a math problem.

>> No.11626803

I didn't watch that because I found the interviewer insufferable

>> No.11626839

pseud central

>> No.11626858

I find them informative

>> No.11626908

Do you have book recommendations? Are Carl Sagan books under the banner of crap pop-science books in your opinion?

>> No.11626911

what's wrong with these videos?

>> No.11626913

yo agreed

>> No.11626914

Pop science. Predigested crap for the pseudointellectual redditor.The type of people only only read abstracts and think they're suddenly experts in the field. I pay them no heed, and neither should you.

>> No.11626919

4chan is infested by feds, we're already on a list.

>> No.11626929

Is PartickJMT smart?
What about the dude forgot his name who debunks the axiomatic foundations of math and other bullshit of choice ?

>> No.11626938

