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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 152 KB, 1600x1066, Life with Aphantasia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11614231 No.11614231 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11614248

no. nothing special happens even if you take an absurb amount

t. microdosing lsd

>> No.11614249

I believe if you were to stop consuming media that does the picturing for you, you'd be able to create a mental picture easier. Don't look towards hallucinogen to solve problems. God bless.

>> No.11614260

Kys degenerate.

>> No.11614273

Consider asking for esketamine or microdosing ketamine
Causes growth and regrowth of neurons. Had helped a patient fully recover from Alexithymia, or complete lack of emotion, after hypothermic brain damage

>> No.11614276

Thanks, anon.

>> No.11614288

How clear are peoples' mental images? I'm trying to picture a rainbow but it seems distorted if I try to focus on an actual picture in my mind

>> No.11614295

No. All people I know with aphantasia also had a history of using hallucinogenics. Unsurprisingly, depending on external stimuli for your imagination hampers your natural imagination

>> No.11614303

I know it went viral a while back but I still dont get it, do people actually see a clear vivid idea, or is it not just the concept of the image on the black background of your thoughts?

>> No.11614306
File: 145 KB, 341x539, uf5brm3to1e21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal people see a 6 here. Anything less means various degrees of aphantasia

>> No.11614307

I have aphantasia I guess, the images are malformed, they're vague and not clear at all. More like Plato's "forms" of an object rather than a unique construct. I used to have three inner voices though. The normal "me" voice, one that I called the calculator and would instantly solve mathematical problems and a third I called the bad man who would constantly shit talk people I could see. I remember sitting at the lunch table in school and the bad man would say shit like "Keep an eye on that fat fuck he'll probably try nabbing your cookies!" unfortunately I got clubbed in the head with a baseball bat in a street fight so the other two are gone. Probably for the best, I think bad man would have developed into paranoid schizophrenia in the future. Having the calculator back would be financially helpful though.

>> No.11614308

How do I fix it then?

>>11614303 see >>11614306.

>> No.11614316

If it is drug induced, then your imagination should eventually recover over time if you stay off drugs

>> No.11614321

That's interesting, I'm pretty sure I used to be able to visualize when I was younger, but then during martial arts practice in my mid-teens I was thrown from the mat onto the back of my head. Though, I don't remember being rendered unconscious, or having concussion.

>> No.11614322

I can imagine whatever opacity I want

>> No.11614324

I just cannot visualize things, although I'm fairly certain that I do have visual dreams.

>> No.11614328

Then you're fine. People's ability to visualize more difficult objects of course vary, but aphantasia makes even simple visualisation impossible

>> No.11614335

How do you fare on IQ tests and then which often require you to keep an image in your head?

>> No.11614338

I, OP, cannot even manage 2, I kinda get a vague outline of only part of the form, and that is with intense effort.

>> No.11614340
File: 165 KB, 1600x752, df0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's interesting, I'm pretty sure I used to be able to visualize when I was younger, but then during martial arts practice in my mid-teens I was thrown from the mat onto the back of my head. Though, I don't remember being rendered unconscious, or having concussion.

Yeah I also used to Wrestle so perhaps I suffer from a mild form of CTE, who knows, who cares. I'm more functional than a good 70% of the people I interact with so I don't worry about it too much, the best confidence booster is witnessing how fucked up other people are.

>> No.11614342

Like Raven's Matrices?

>> No.11614350

Yeah, I guess, but it bothers me that I may have acquired this lifelong deficiency, that may no be able to be corrected, and that I have no second chance at life. So this is my experience, and that's it. It sucks.

>> No.11614360
File: 17 KB, 358x285, 1580424461-fig-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar, but not quite. Here is an example

>> No.11614363


>> No.11614368

Oh, no just noticed my error. Line leaves from white, not black.

>> No.11614374


>> No.11614377


Yeah, just noticed.

>> No.11614379

Well despite your error you seem to have working spatial visualisation

>> No.11614382

Yeah, I can "reason" trajectories and that sort of thing. I'm actually a pretty good shot in both archery and with firearms. I can only remember faces, and know my own face. I'm fairly certain I can also remember events.

>> No.11614386

>*also remember faces

>> No.11614402

Well actually I think that level of spatial puzzle is supposed to filter out the average person. The more simple ones that just put different colours to the sides even do that

>> No.11614405

Actually, it seems like I can picture things better with my eyes open for some reason

>> No.11614408

Is is possible to have aphantasia and maladaptive daydreaming at the same time?

>> No.11614414

I may not be the average citizen so don't take this as a baseline

When I imagine ops rainbow test, I can see a rainbow fading into the horizon from above, I can feel the moisture of the air as I am in a plane, I can see the air vapor that is causing the rainbow, its a sunny humid day, I smell the smell of rain and flowers

When I do this, I see a large red sun, the way scientific photos of stars look, I can see the surface moving like the sped up scenimatic footage looks

its only painful because I want to make out the things I see in vr software because they're beautiful and interactive in my mind
I have schizophrenia and was trapped in my mind for my entire childhood, and often lucid dreamed

Also the apple test is a red apple with yellow freckles, I can hold it and turn it, taste and smell it, it is very crisp and crunch when I bite it, sweet, cold, and slightly hurts my sensitive teeth, I slump back in pain, and take another bite

>> No.11614417

How can you be on /sci/ and not be curious enough to try drugs?

>> No.11614418

kill yourself soulless drone

>> No.11614421

Yeah, at first I look at the top right pattern and notice the line pattern below it didn't match up correctly to any of them. So then, I looked at the bottom left pattern and that is when the error occurred, that being, the line pattern to its adjacent to the pattern next to it was running in the right direction. Then, I posted without double checking myself. Upon further reflection, I noticed that it didn't match up with the orientation of the squares. That it then when I turned by attention back to the top right pattern, rotated it to fit the line pattern I had previous mistaken and realized the answer was actually A. By which point, I'd already fucked up, because I posted without appreciating the actual nature of the challenge. I oversimplified.

>> No.11614424

Using semantic thought, I guess?

No, A.

>> No.11614432

I cannot imagine imagery or sensation, of any kind. I also suspect I have a weak sense of actual smell, which upsets me.

>> No.11614434

I could see it if your control circuitry doesn't have a good handle on your visual processes. As someone who was pretty sure he had maladaptive daydreaming you may want to consider though the possibility that your problem is a maladaptive line of word-thought that you visualize automatically, if it's fairly persistent and buried enough it could keep you from using your capacities for visualization for 'willing' activities.

>> No.11614439
File: 7 KB, 286x342, 1395719962383.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone with aphantasia become good at art like drawing or painting?

>> No.11614441

It seems so, there are a few on YouTube.

>> No.11614442

Ah shit, you're right, just did it on paper, forgot to flip top once more

>> No.11614450

Because he's a faggot crossposter from /pol/ here to spam shitty threads about IQ, race, and other garbage while screeching at anyone that doesn't adhere to his Tradcuck Christfag beliefs.

>> No.11614451

>weak sense of actual smell, which upsets me.
Don't be. Being aware of others' odors is a mixed blessing. While many hyperaccentuated sense of smell has some weird practical utility, like knowing what is in a room or who has been there before me, it also causes a lot of discomfort and makes me unable to eat fish

>> No.11614453

>While many
*While my

>> No.11614454

>try to picture the red star in this picture
>can't and keep seeing just black
>but try something more complex like a blue roller coaster flying around in the sky, winding back and forth or up and down
>can picture it just fine
What the fuck is going on here?

>> No.11614456

I have aphantasia and 400ug gave me legit clear mental images like 6 in >>11614306. It was only for the duration of the trip though. Had amazing synesthesia too, i could taste and visual music. No acid trips after that one produced similar results though. Now I'm back to being aphantasic. It sucks.

>> No.11614458

It bothers me because this is the only life I have, and I have to live it with a muted imagination limited mostly to semantic reasoning and a muted sense of smell. I seriously want to fix this shit, after all, life is "about" experiencing. Or at least, that's what makes life interesting.

>> No.11614459

They might even become good at it since painting obviously gives them a way to visualize

>> No.11614462

Sounds worth it just to experience what it is like for a brief period of time.

>> No.11614464

Perhaps the rollercoaster is borrowed from another medium. Meanwhile the abstract form is an original visualisation

>> No.11614465

no you are some soulless freak. born soulless cant do anything other then be a wage slave.

>> No.11614471

Found the poster with shitty semantic reasoning.

>> No.11614472

>Speaking from experience

>> No.11614474

It was, honestly. Even to just know what it's like to be both a vivid imaginer and a synesthesic was a profound experience. I would kill to have synesthesia as a normal trait as music is a huge passion of mine. Once you see music take form and color you realize how much depth music really has.

>> No.11614477

But doesn't aphantasia mean you can't picture anything in your mind? Including scenes from your own memory? Like you're incapable of producing mental pictures within your mind?

>> No.11614479

Exactly, it really sucks to not be able to visualize or imagine sensation, only being left with the concrete. I can listen to a piece of music and reason what the sound would look like, but cannot visualize it.

>> No.11614482

But then it would essentially be amnesia

>> No.11614485

"Seeing" sound is not part of the standard kit

>> No.11614487

>soulless freaks calling me a soulless freak
nice try go wage slave somewhere else

>> No.11614489

No, no, I mean using your to imagination, to say, visualize it was a "waveform", that would be sick.

>> No.11614493

Try to imagine yourself standing on a frozen lake and you NOT breaking the ice and falling into the lake.
It's impossible for me, it always cracks.

>> No.11614494

I can visualize gay little stars just fine, you're just a dummy if you think the soul is visualization, your gpu has more soul than you if that's the case.

>> No.11614497

>This questionnaire invites the person to visualize a series of images (a relative, a rising sun, a shop they know, etc.) and rank how vivid the image is, from "perfectly clear and lively as real seeing" (5 points) to "no image at all, you only know that you are thinking of the object" (1 point). It is categorized as aphantasia if they score a total of 20 or less across 16 questions
Except it sounds like the diagnostic questionnaire involves thinking of things from memory. Wouldn't that mean even being able to perfectly visualize something from memory means you don't have it?

>> No.11614498

I don't have aphantasia, but I find sociopaths like you a lot more soulless than someone with a handicap

>> No.11614504

When I read crack it started to crack, but then I simply rewinded it

>> No.11614507

>...your gpu has more soul than you if that's the case.
You just destroyed him, anon.

>> No.11614516

But there are degrees of aphantasia as a the star test shows. And recalling a preprocessed image like a memory might require less focus than building something from scratch, because then you need to hold it together. I mean imagining an image of an actual star is also easier than an abstract one

>> No.11614554

your idea of a star and of red is borrowed from other mediums

>> No.11614599

Stop masturbating.

>> No.11614604

schizo anon from earlier
I am standing on a frozen bluish white lake, im wearing a black peacoat and a black beanie, there are marks on the ice from iceskating. Someone a short space away is laughing and slipping. Around the lake is a bridge and piles of snow. My hands hurt and ifeel melancholic, my nose is drippy. I stand there staring longingly at the winter landscape

>> No.11614620

How do you do this?

>> No.11614638

Not him but I have a feeling its a skill that must be learned in childhood while your brain is still highly plastic.

>> No.11614642

A few different factors, cptsd/trauma, childhood schizophrenia, adhd, hyperawareness 24/7, memorizing everything, drawing since I was 10, drawing every day for 2 years, acid trips

If you mean how do I do this and not necessary how did this happen, I literally fucking hallucinate and teleport to where I am and have to talk in this hallucinatory dimension while typing irl. also i cant imagine anything if my eyelids are closed
Ehhhhh, im glad i have it but im not glad the way I got it.
Working on a 2d animation now, the lake scene was too atmospheric and beautiful

>> No.11614649

DMT helps for tramautic aphantasia (people becoming retarded from injury) but not for congenital aphantasia (people born retarded)
t. Neuroscience researcher

>> No.11614651

So in my mind I imagine a person swinging/spinning around a rope in a circle. He's not quite vivid, but I can get a decent sense of his features as I think of them. When I want to imagine him to stop, I have trouble making him (and the rope) to stop spinning. He keeps spinning, but I can still imagine what his stopped version looks like simotaneously.
It's more difficult to imagine the rooe dropping to the ground without centripital force, but it's still doable. What's this phenomenon called? It's almost like getting a song stuck in your head.

>> No.11614653

Goddam, how I envy you. My head feels so empty of this kind of intense sense and imagery.

>> No.11614656

I think mine might be tramautic: >>11614321

>> No.11614685

Interesting. Check out these two papers:



>> No.11614704

You're still "seeing" the thing in your mind, doesn't matter if you have your eyes closed or not

>> No.11614707

How do you enjoy a book if you can't imagine anything

>> No.11614712
File: 603 KB, 640x627, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I tend to superimpose things onto my vision rather than close my eyes.
Similar to this old trend seen most places on the internet

>> No.11614718

Thank you so much! Do you reckon his just apply to visual imagery, or also imagined sensation?

I'm not sure that I do, honestly. Pretty much all of the books I have ever read in my life have been non-fiction and either technical or academic. That said, I am able to semantically reason a form of "imagery", although it is non-visual. When people said: Picture X, I always assumed it was just metaphorical.

>> No.11614721

>*this just applies

>> No.11614730

Also, this makes me worried about possible other brain damage I may have unwittingly sustained without noticing. I was never THAT concerned, until recently, as I said, I don't recall being unconscious or having a noticeable concussion. Should I get an fMRI done?

>> No.11614734

wtf could this help regrowth of neurons in the case of neuronal death in the cerebellum, in which case, which is the better option?

>> No.11614739

I would try anything to fix my brain, the brain is the most important thing inside you.

>> No.11614743

lol which drug is the better option?

>> No.11614745


god that took me for fucking ever but it's A

kept trying to do the whole thing at once then realized i just needed to flip the last piece and fold the top down to know where the corners are.

>> No.11614747
File: 43 KB, 736x539, wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not try both?

>> No.11614752

>Why not try both?
the small possibility of drug interference, i.e. one drug stopping the other and thereby itself

>> No.11614759

I didn't mean at the same time!

>> No.11614774

Plus they cost money, presumably, and why would I take the time to try them both when I could just ask that guy which one is better? Even in the case I do try them both, it would still be better to know which one is the most likely to work. What if one usually works around the same time it causes you to go blind in your left eye?

>> No.11614783

Good point.

>> No.11614805

If you didn't look at this and know A within 10 seconds you are a fucking brainlet

>> No.11614816
File: 10 KB, 182x183, 1585982476385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ that's fucking depressing...

>> No.11614817

What do you see?

>> No.11614844

It took me 2 or 3 minutes. Someone who can "know" A within 10 seconds either has a more-developed imagination than I, or they rushed so as not actually to be sure it was A and yet consider their good feeling that it is to be knowledge. Anyone who would define knowledge in such a way is fucking retarded. Conclusion: if you did this in less than 10 second, you either have a superhuman imagination, or you're fucking retarded.

>> No.11614847

I immediately pictured a huge 3D version of the star. Texture, temperature, the character of the silence it existed in in my minds eye.

I legit feel bad for those who can't naturally do that. Science needs to make our aphantasia bros a priority, for real.

>> No.11614856

Whoa, fuck my life.

>> No.11614881

p sure people who see nothing are confusing seeing the back of their eyelids with not being able to picture anything, like "seeing the star" actually means seeing the star. What this is a test for is deceitfulness, e.g. hurr durr i don't see anything give me your (you)s i'm fucking pathetic, or it's also a test for stupidity.

>> No.11614890

>like "seeing the star" actually means seeing the star
It does.

>> No.11614898

So you see the star with your eyeballs?

>> No.11614903

I don't, but normal people do, apparently.

>> No.11614904

Ha, I was right.

>> No.11614910

You don't either, otherwise you would've known. So you're an aphantasiafag too, just like me!

>> No.11614919

I don't what? Picturing the star does not mean stimulating your ocular nerve and seeing it.

>> No.11614925

As far as I'm aware, it's actually to do with activating your visual cortex.

>> No.11614950

If you can picture a red star, then why would you assume that is not what is meant, but that you need to picture it in such a way that is indistinguishable from actually seeing it?
>when you're so retarded everyone thinks you're a master troll

>> No.11614969

You need to learn the difference between different types of reasoning, my friend.

>> No.11614970

I can imagine in my head. Though idk if it's the normal way of imagining. I can imagine the colours and shape, but its blurry and there is actually no colour. I can materialise something with colours and shape, but it is transparent and incomplete. Do normal people actually see real colours in their minds eye?

>> No.11614971 [DELETED] 

There's logical reasoning and a logical reasoning. Do you mean like a subset of one of these?

>> No.11614975

There's logical reasoning and alogical reasoning. Do you mean like a subset of one of these?

>> No.11614988

>Do normal people actually see real colours in their minds eye?
No, I'm not a britbong retard. I see colors.

>> No.11614996

How? Literally every drug destroys your brain and making it worse.

>> No.11614999


Can confirm. Hallucinogens ruined my fucking imagination. Used to have an incredible imagination. Was going to be an artist. Thought the shrooms would make it even more vivid. Guess I flew too close to the sun. Oh the sweet irony of it all. I can now only imagine things after jogging a couple miles. Stuck in a mental gulag.

>> No.11615008

If imagination is so great, wtf is the purpose of porn?

>> No.11615010
File: 210 KB, 1280x720, aphuckingtansia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a way to know whether the mental images of people correspond to a given standard.

If you believe the above statement you are a completely lost case. Please try not to procreate.

>> No.11615013

Then you are a brainlet. Stop coping. I instantly imagined the sides being folded. Then I looked at it and remembered each side. Look at potential answers. Check if A: Look up, imagined the cube in 3d then rotated it. A matches. I guess it took me more like 20 seconds, not 15.

>> No.11615015

t. aphantasiafag

>> No.11615023

You can unlock your mind eye by meditating.

>> No.11615029

>imagined the cube in 3d then rotated it
superhuman imagination confirmed. But inferring that I'm a brainlet from this means you're a megabrainlet. Makes sense, as the holodeck in your head would take otherwise useful brain space.

>> No.11615030

Prove your claim and win a Nobel prize. It's that easy. You're gonna solve the "is the yellow I see the same yellow you see" problem forever.
Sometimes it kind of sucks to be so immune to these dumbfuck pseudoscience traps. It must be kinda fun believing you have special imagination powers that make you superior.

>> No.11615041

It's a simple yes or no question. Do you think you can picture a red star, or not?

>> No.11615042

Shut up you fucking retard. The fact that you can't even comprehend that an ability like imagination can be on a spectrum from non-existant to vivid is proof you're a delusional self absorbed retard.

>> No.11615062


I can picture a more vivid red star than yours. Prove me wrong, you fucking shit eating pseuds. Oh, you can't? Guess that proves my point huh.
How the fuck would you even go about proving your red star is "more red" than someone else's, or that it manifests in the same way?

>> No.11615072

What I'm trying to tell you is that my subjective self-report on what I'm seeing after you present me a fucking picture is not a good way to make broad conclusions.
Yes I can visualize a red star, even a different one from the image in question. I can give it a different number of points, or picture it more or less squiggly or whatever the fuck.
But that's irrelevant. Someone else could have the exact same mental experience I'm having right now, but for whatever reasons believe they have a poor imagination, and self report themselves to have aphantasia. I'm nearly sure that phenomenon is happening in this thread.

>> No.11615077

Is it supposed to be right in front of your eyelids or much more abstract, vaguely rendered somewhere in your head?
I can visualize better with my eyes open by disassociating from my surroundings.

>> No.11615080

Can you draw a rough sketch of all the possible orientations of the cube real quick on paint? It should be extremely easy for you.

>> No.11615082

There is no unique right answer, but people in this thread will have you believe otherwise.

>> No.11615086

No one is asking how red your star is lol, just if you can picture a red star at all. p sure an NPC would instead lie and say they totally do, so you're safe there.
or not. I'm fairly certain that people who report that they can't see a red star are stupid, because they can just in their mind, that's not what is meant for no reason.

>> No.11615097

>drawing with your mouse is easy

>> No.11615099

Even in the original aphantasia paper people who claim to have it still are capable of dreaming vivid images and shit. I'm pretty sure there's something fucked in this whole thing and it's more semantics than an actual medical condition.

It's probably a case of people imagining how the minds of others work and overestimating it.

>> No.11615103

>Mr Perfect imagination
You can literally download a blank cube from google images if you can't draw one, and just fill in the 3 visible faces one at a time with some basic squiggles + line tool. It's good enough to represent your answer.

You're just full of shit.

>> No.11615111

>It's probably a case of people imagining how the minds of others work and overestimating it
80s/90s movies and things like that 70s show, where the pornstars in the magazine start talking to Eric.
>believing this is what other people actually experience when looking at miss january

>> No.11615129
File: 4 KB, 200x200, cube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, got one for you. I'm not gonna tell you how many possible orientations a cube has because I'm sure you can just see it in 10 seconds or so as well. Chop chop, get working!

>> No.11615134

Yeah I was just thinking things. Cartoons with the thought bubbles as well. Would've been interesting to know how people approached this before we had all this media influencing us.

>> No.11615138

Im aphantasic and i have extremely vivid dreams and have even been able to lucid dream. But during waking life i cannot even conceptualize the visualization of objects. I cant say for certain if other people can imagine things as vividly as dreams or not, but it really isn't that far fetched to believe there are those who can if we already possess the ability to do so, i.e. vivid dreaming. Like mentioned earlier it's probably a spectrum of ability.

>> No.11615145

There's 8, one for each corner. not that guy, but I'm pretty sure most anyone can "work out" each orientation without visualizing the cube fairly easily.

>> No.11615153

In your entire life, have you fapped to the thought of a woman?

>> No.11615166

In my entire life i have never fapped to the thought of anything, actually. I'm certain the fact that I never exercised the ability to imagine things and purely relying on visual stimulus retarded my ability to develop an imagination. It could be like this for an untold amount of people. There's a chance the technological era is neutering peoples ability to develop healthy imaginations

>> No.11615168

What a blessed existence, to live as an NPC and just react to stimuli. I unironically envy you

>> No.11615172

Are you a girl?

>> No.11615177

Lol no

>> No.11615186

So when someone says "remember that scene from the matrix?" how do you remember the scene?

>> No.11615193

there's a difference between memory and imagination

>> No.11615196

microdosing? just do whole fucking tabs you degenerate

>> No.11615199

Can you remember Neo calling Morpheus a nigger?

>> No.11615203

no, because it didn't happen

>> No.11615211

So you can't remember Neo stopping short with a punch to Morpheus' face and saying "I know what you're trying to do, nigger."

>> No.11615217

Personally they're just not for me. Not a fan of anything that fucks up my cranial function worse than it already is

>> No.11615225

Probably in a purely abstract semantic way.
Like, they probably think back to when they ate an apple and the memory is just words in their head.
They'll think "it was so red and delicious but it had a brown bruise on it which was gross" but they won't be able to remember the actually color or shape or seeing the bruise. They just think of it purely in words.

>> No.11615241

Which scene? There's plenty of iconic scenes from that movie. But to answer your question like what >>11615193 said, imagination and memory aren't the same. I can actually (very poorly) recall some memories visually, but this only started after an acid trip. Before then i couldn't recall things visually at all. Most memories for me are just basically text files. No associated sounds, smells, feelings, etc. More like it's just a basic description of the context of the memory. I'm pretty much an npc lmao

>> No.11615258

Can picture the part with the bendy glass?

>> No.11615262

what kind of drugs are you on

>> No.11615268

Are you sure you have this? It could be some intense depression or anxiety.

>> No.11615290

real question: From what specifically is this inferred?
side note: I'm pretty sure this post out of nowhere as it is would freak me out if I were on drugs. reminds me of this time I was really stoned playing texas holdem and one of the first three cards was a six, and then the turn was a six, and I thought "no way is it-" then the river was a six. It was like I made it happen with my fucking mind. In hindsight, the dealer probably saw that I was beyond stoned and was fucking with me. But anyway, I tripped the fuck out.

>> No.11615294

Can you* picture it

>> No.11615324
File: 73 KB, 1918x948, 8226D63B-EA1F-4667-8CDD-EA431B2C3085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To picture things I have to do a construction: think of the shape and it’s lines, then the color, and then synthesize it. It’s easier to visualize less abstract things

>> No.11615326

I have no visual memory of the matrix at all my dude stop shitting up the thread

>> No.11615344

Can you get better at visualization by practice if you can kind of see images in your head?

Like through meditation or visualization from reading?

>> No.11615345

C is correct.

>> No.11615363

>I have no visual memory of the matrix at all
Then you should not have asked which scene?
>stop shitting up the thread
Be happy I'm here to tell you to kill yourself. Kill yourself. One of these days, you have to listen.

>> No.11615532

On the side the vertical lines are adjacent to a diagonal line, the triangle on top is right next to the diagonal line, not opposite it. You can visualize this by each square being assigned to each side of the square with triangles clockwise.

>> No.11615571

It’s A, but I only did that by comparing each to certain starting points and performing simple rotations. Basically a deductive approach, but initially I tried to simple imagine the cube, however that was challenging for me

>> No.11615824

You don't see such things when you read a book? Muat be terrible

>> No.11615829

I can do the same without all the those conditions

When I was a kid I lived in a remote area and often had to entertain myself. So git really good at visualising do dinosaurs into the landscape so I am seeing them in like a layer over reality. In fact I still by reflex imagine dinosaurs coming out of the woods so sometimes to this very day

>> No.11615847

Eh if I read a book on history, I imagine the historical scenes happening in my mind at same time

>> No.11615867

Not with your eyes, you see it in your mind

>> No.11615881

Can do both

>> No.11615882
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>> No.11615910

More like 24

>> No.11616014

This is my second time seeing you in a thread. Out of all the posters on this board, it is your life that I care the least for. That must be a common sentiment held against you in real life too. I hope you're used to it, at least.

>> No.11616210

the orientation changes when folding. the correct answer is C.

>> No.11616236

If your hoal was to get me to draw it, cut it out, and fold it up just to know you're wrong, congratules

>> No.11616268

did you? if so you would see it works. how many rotations are applied to the top?

>> No.11616295
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>> No.11616299
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>> No.11616300
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>> No.11616307
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Yes the carpet has a lot of dog hair and crud, I know.

>> No.11616376

I have kind of an aphantasia, but on acid I could see beautiful high resolution and images. I simply thought of something and it popped in my head like a drawing. For example I thought of some character from multiple angles and I instantly saw it in my mind. Or colorful forest, literally anything.
But sober I see it very vaguely and without many details. It's like greyscale 400x300 24fps normally, compared to 4K 32-bit 60fps on acid

>> No.11616395

>look at A
>see that the top is 2 triangles
>look away for 1 second and remember it as 2 squares
Do i have brain damage

>> No.11616418

There is 100% NO such thing as aphantasia. Its just people unable to express what they see when they imagine things. Everyone has a 'minds eye' but it isn't something thats exactly the same as seeing something through your eyes photoreceptors, in hallucinations, or in dreams. There are different degrees which people can *mentally* visualize things in their minds eye, but none of it is akin to actual sight.

>inb4 cope

>> No.11616518

So are you supposed to see the images like an actual form of sight? Because imagining a hypothetical physical red star is very easy for me and I can see it very clearly (I can do this with strings of numbers too for better working memory) but if I try to make an image as if I'm not actually viewing it but rather as a disembodied view that has nothing to do with my sight, it becomes very difficult to add any color.

>> No.11616558

fucking kekekekeke dunning kruger effect in action as always. anon has contrived himself a sensational rainman! oh such a pity.

>> No.11616598
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people are being gaslit into thinking they should be able to summon a rembrant in their minds eye at will or else they are a deficient. it doesnt work like that retards. imagination is fleeting. a moment of clarity in a neural storm. you only ever get the basic feeling of a shape or a notion, never its clearest impression as if you were stood next to it. people like to act like snowflakes and pretend they have astral projection powers like this retard >>11614414 but as you can see he couldn't even solve a simple spatial problem which had already been answered correctly. even the greatest artists have had to muse for months or years to create their visions in full detail. take the statue of david as an example. you think about him first in general, then you think a bit about his face, breaking that down into a nose, mouth eyes etc. you never get the whole david and just "know" what it looks like as if you had already crafted him. such thinking is just the lies of ego driven teenagers. i used to think my emotions could control the weather when i was 6 too, thats the tier that these "special seers" are on.

>> No.11616627

Interesting, how do these "people" enjoy a book?

>> No.11616628

haha he thought he was so smart he just assumed that the orientation changes. this is an example of a mind created by standardised testing, looking for the deliberate pitfall which is always present in examination questions in order to find the correct solution. so in this case where the pitfall was infact a double bluff, the subject continued anyhow feeling confident he had sniffed out the trick, despite being entirely wrong. this is an example of how delusion can fool your visual cortex and profess untruth.

>> No.11616634

this thank you anon at least there are two non retards in this thread.

>> No.11616707

are you saying that every time your friend tells you a story about something in their day you go all CSI flashback mode and imagine every strand of hair and all the shadows like you were a fucking nvidia gtx? give me a break.

>> No.11616734

I can imagine an apple in perfect clarity, I can imagine a giant pile of apples perfectly, but if I try to imagine a set number of apples, their resolution decreases as the number goes up.

>> No.11616781

i dont believe you, i think you are a chinese man whom sends post through the door claiming to see the apple in perfect clarity.

>> No.11617014

Your eye measurement ability is shit though

>> No.11617044

You are supposed to imagine a simple 2D red star, if you imagine some kind of NASA-footage it means you have failed the task. Having a working imagination is about visualizing exactly what you are supposed to visualize and not drift away

>> No.11617047

I haven't slept in a long time, bsumddn

>> No.11617053

The person who made that image is obviously unaware of how to imagine shit, they don't lack the ability they just don't know what people mean.
If it's black that means you're just looking at the inside of your eyelids instead of actually imagining something, as there is absolutely no need to rid of sight to imagine a visual thing.

>> No.11617054

Yes, I actually do

>> No.11617208

I can't prove it so I don't mind that you don't believe. Don't worry, I don't believe in qualia even though I can visualize things in my mind. The consciousness is a vehicle for the lizard brain to execute survival algorithms.

>> No.11617617

yes, this.

>> No.11617851

Yeah. You just close your eyes to get rid of distractions.

>> No.11618270

Conscious recalling of word takes even different stuff, working part of brain where memory and episodic memory is stored...

>> No.11618367

so this means these people can't/don't dream, right?

>> No.11618432


>> No.11618993
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That’s all retarded, just imagine a blue nike logo. It’s easier to remember from memory as opposed to a complex weather formation seen from far away

>> No.11619014

Google image streaming

>> No.11619197

Ah same

>> No.11619349

I'd say just try and maybe not necessarily microdosing. I don't think I personally have had problems with imagination, but sometime it's just difficult to imagine some things, so visual stimulation is very convenient. And maybe out of laziness I go out to search out for visual interpretation of information (yt videos?) instead of trying to imagine myself how things work in my head.

The lsd certainly can help in the moment. For example, I was imagining completely, while I was typing on a keyboard while staring into the ceiling with my keyboard in my lap, that keyboard melted around my hips/waist and I was typing on a banana/saddle shaped object, that perfectly fit on top and around of my waist/hips and it was a pleasantly delightful imaginative experience. I was perfectly aware that keyboard maintained and kept a physical coherence and it was still a "solid" object, but my imagination let me run completely with the idea that it was a soft object that has failed to maintain its rigidity.

>> No.11621174

ur just an npc

>> No.11621263


>> No.11621290

I still dont know if i have this or not.
I can resolve incredibly fine detail when i imagine things, but i never see anything. I get the impression im supposed to have some kind of projectors built into my eyes that make the back of my eyelids light up like a monitor.

>> No.11621303
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holy fuck, I'm almost 30 and I can remember memories from the time I was literally 3 years old as if there is a short collection of webm's in my brain I can play back at will with 80% perfect clarity. Sounds I'm even better at remembering, like they're mp3s. Curiously, I don't have a photographic memory, I suck at remembering lines and tracts of text, I need to put a lot of effort into it. Idk.

I have a friend who microdoses all of the time and he has aphantasia. It didn't help him with visualization though. It baffles me that people with aphantasia exist. I thinkI first became aware of it around 2015 when I was navigating for my friends in Sydney, I said I never really getl ost because I had a 3D image of the city in my head, and my friends said they couldn't even picture it, even when they knew where they were and were oriented Northwards. I feel bad for people with aphantasia, even if they are more intelligent than me in some ways.

>> No.11621306

Uh, yeah? Not even memeing, lmao

>> No.11621401

A simple letter made you look like an absolute retard.

>> No.11621905

Aphantasia isn't a thing, the only diagnostic in this test is whether you're wise enough to dismiss this phenomenon as semantics immediately or if you're bored and have low enough self esteem to try to paint yourself as special in some way or another as a result of the test.

>> No.11621946

is there anyone that makes visual plans in their mind for days.
every day when i walk home from work i come through the medieval part of my city so over months i made a plan on how you could convert the city back to a self sustainable system if society collapsed.
when i go to sleep i have very clear visions where we would have to build new defense walls, where we could generate power how to dispose the trash through a very complex recycling system how you would secure the food chain etc.

also when i enter a store and wander around looking at the inventory even months later i could show you were a specific item was placed.. i exactly know the drill bits are in the 4th row on the left side of the store. but i know this be visualizing the layout of the store and pictures of the inventory. not by just remembering the rows.

or at work we have a huge inventory of spare parts, if i open every drawer and look at it i can remember where something is. and its super annoying when the storage guy is there and has to search for it for 10minutes though he works there since a year.

>> No.11621951
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>> No.11621961

Nice vocabulary Eisenhauer but you failed to mention how aphantasia isn't real.

>> No.11621967

Weird, I have aphantasia but I'm great at direction/knowing where I am.

>> No.11621990

No one claims phantasia is anything near as high fidelity as real vision and this is explained to aphantasians. They still report that they can't imagine shit at all.

Also some people can't visualize but they can still recall sound and music and get songs stuck in their head, or vice versa. And they can analogize with that to conceptualize what the other is like and know they are lacking it.

>> No.11621991

I don't know anything about Eisenhauer so I'm not sure what you mean but I think aphantasia is people interpreting their experience in a way that makes them feel unique. I say it's not a thing, that it's meaningless. Nothing of value exists in this idea. I can say " I have it because when I close my eyes it's just black" or I can say "I'm so Phantastic (heh) that I can describe this exact image and even add sensations and emotions that aren't even called for!" Both responses are equally available to everyone.

>> No.11622010

It's not likely that they report that because they don't understand the question. If you assume that everyone has similar capacities to visualise, you would still expect this result of some people not understanding the question and reporting aphantasia.

I don't see any clear image. In fact in my head it's not really an image at all. It's nothing like actually looking at an object, I can't maintain it, sure there's the idea of red and star shaped but is the colour really there? I'm not sure, I have aphantasia.

Also photographic memory doesn't exist. It's just a more powerful version of the way you yourself remember things. Descriptions of recall are all subjective. All reports are subjective and fluid. There's no evidence to support much of a difference in the way we all think.

>> No.11622015

*It's more likely..

>> No.11622058

There's probably some asshole who do that but for people like me who only recently found out when people talk about "seeing images in their mind" they mean actual images, that they can point out details in and shit.
That blew my fucking mind, I thought it was exaggeration.
I remember things in details I know to be facts about them as well as a loose cloud of feelings and associations.
The fact that I know there's a difference is there have been rare times I've been able to imagine an image but it comes in an instantaneous flash, is very muddled and a can not describe anything about it or focus on it.
Interestingly though I can imagine scents, tastes and space pretty well.

>> No.11622086

They fabricate the details the instant they point them out. It's not like looking at a big picture and zooming in on a detail that's been there the whole time. It's constructing a new detail. You can do it too. They don't see images any more than you do.

Same for "photographic memory". I think of the document. I now construct my memory of a sentence that exists in that document. I now recall my memory of the individual words in that sentence. Everyone can do this. Some people have excellent recall but the process is the same.

>> No.11622131

You'd have to find some way to prove that which would be difficult. Iirc there's been some studies with MRIs literally showing visual parts of aphantasiacs brains not lighting up. Not like I want this to be some genuine defect I have, itself be great if it turned out to just be a quirk of how consciousness views it's own memory or something.
I recognize there are faggots that want to feel special and they're scumbags but there's plenty of people like me seemingly genuinely experiencing this.
But from everything I've heard of how people describe mental imagery it's nothing like what I have.
Can you recall your mother's face? See it in your mind?
I can't, I know what she looks like, I know facts about her appearance, I know the vibe/accociations I have with that face that make it unique from other faces, and if you drew a picture of her I could say "yep that's her".
But beyond that I don't "see" her face in my mind, despite being an artist I couldn't begin to draw it without references.

>> No.11622137

You are autistic. This is a strength

>> No.11622150

I've seen articles and blog posts written by people suffering with aphantasia. They know what they are talking about. I've also seen people that don't know what they are talking about. Just because those people exist doesn't mean aphantasia is fake. You're making a logical fallacy.

>I don't see any clear image. In fact in my head it's not really an image at all. It's nothing like actually looking at an object, I can't maintain it, sure there's the idea of red and star shaped but is the colour really there?

Real aphantasians don't describe this

>> No.11622268

Yeah fair enough, I'm probably being a bit extreme.

Just taking aim at the popularising of the idea.

So there's a spectrum of how people use the visual aspect in memory. I feel like I don't use it that often. I probably go hours at a time without using it. My thought is basically that it doesn't create much difference in how we all experience life.

>> No.11623499
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>A study conducted by Lieberman, Pearson and Mowbray provides evidence that individuals with narrow heads (dolicocephalic) or narrow cranial bases and relatively large brains are more likely to have occipital buns as a means of resolving a spatial packing problem.[1]

I have a large bun on the back of my head and my imagination and visualization ability are quite vivid.

>> No.11625855

A, but D is pretty close, just a thick/thin line difference
my process:
check the easy checkerboard corner for any cube matches
check the easy 2 black triangle corner for any cube matches
check the the 2nd corner for checkerboard
check the 2nd corner for 2 black triangle
check the 3rd corner for both, etc

A matches the 3rd corner for 2 black triangle, took me a while just because it was late in my process, and i spotted D first and had to be sure it was wrong

>> No.11625867

>all that faggy writing shit
>and he gets it fucking wrong
anyone can remember how apples taste retard

>> No.11625889

Some guy wrote an article about this, and it turns out he has an insane auditory working memory. Maybe you have a cool ability to compensate?

>> No.11625898

You have a mildy interesting, very rare condition, Anon.
Your question is outside of my circle of competence. I can't in good faith recommend a search engine, for this specific subject matter, either. Start by seeking out fellow aphantasians. What if any, are the recovery stories? I have no idea if your LSD guess came from logical thinking or not, but if it does - of course seek out LSD microdosing experts. Good luck. I'm sorry, but I will never be checking this topic again.

>> No.11625913

I think people massively overdiagnose themselves with this because they think they're supposed to be able to close their eyes and see a full-colour photograph of any object they want. That's not what aphantasia means. It's much more severe than that. It's also very rare.

>> No.11625932

Study geometry seriously. My ability to visualize things mentally improved hundred fold after taking differential geometry at University

>> No.11626326

>tfw 1
End ne already

>> No.11627231

You probably aren't missing out on that much, the capability to visualize is probably less incredible than you think. For instance all of the visualizations in my minds eye feel fledged out but completely hollow. It's like looking at a seperate transparent monitor at the back of your skull with the brightness turned down. The only exception is while dreaming or in some kind of altered state.