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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11612986 No.11612986 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a mental limitation? Not being able to conceive of infinity? It's been settled math for over a century now.
I remember a conversation I had with my daughter in the car when she was starting out with algebra...
>Me: Is 9.999... the same as 10, or is it just really close to 10?
>Kid: Really close. It never gets all the way there.
>Me: Well then how close? What do you get when you subtract 9.999... from 10?
>Kid: (pause) An infinite number of zeroes. . .and then a one. . .wait, you can't do that.
>Me: Right. You just have an infinite number of zeroes. Which is zero.
>Kid: (pause) Oh, that's mind-blowing.
Even a child can come to acknowledge the infinite, it's all quite trivial really, but apparently still too much for lesser minds. *sigh*

>> No.11613031

If you can't algebraically represent a number then what's the point of having a way to express this concept? in other words: 0.999... is meaningless.
If you want to explain what a limit is, then explain what a limit is, don't create some magical lexical device to impress some dull kids.

>> No.11613042


>> No.11613074

Infinity is not real

>> No.11613084

Whenever someone says terms like "settled science" you know they're spewing bullshit.

>> No.11613086

Infinity doesn't make sense if you try to analyze or justify it beyond the gradeschool assumption that "it is the biggest number"; so your story is retarded fake and gay bullshit OP.

0.999... isn't 1 no matter the circumstance. "Close enough" is a measure of finiteness.

>> No.11613087

Less than 1 is not the same as 1.

>> No.11613109
File: 3.18 MB, 1280x9898, Eternity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is indeed a mental limitation and it's in the heads of those who believe "0.999..." is the same as 1. The core of the mental problem in their minds is as follows:

Their inability to comprehend that ".999..." isn't the same as "1" is directly tied to their inability to grasp eternity and infinity. Their minds have basically been programmed to believe eternity and infinity are impossibilities. Over the course of many generations of indoctrination into an alien worldview, their parents and their parents etc gradually "learned" to be unable to comprehend it and this "learned disability" was inherited, and encouraged/fueled by various external factors from the echoing modern culture.

So basically, they're mentally damaged.

This difficulty they have with eternity/infinity shows up in many different fields, from math to astrophysics.

This mental handicap is inherited directly from the (((Abrahamic))) religions, more specifically (((Christianity))) for us Westernerns. In it's origin, the inability to understand infinity and eternity is 100% Judaic in thought/philosophy. In contrast, the non-Jewish man; the Pagan man, at least the /European/ Pagan man, never had any problem with infinity and eternity. (((Christianity))) introduced into the minds of people the idea of life and the world/universe being linear, starting from point A and ending at a point B, whereas in the Native European worldview everything is an infinite circle.

That's why many people today can't understand that .999 repeating forever will never reach 1 - they refuse to accept the idea of an infinite/eternal repetition. Saying "it's 1" is their method of escaping from the uncomfortable (and to them insurmountable) challenge which the concept of infinity/eternity is to their Judaically-induced mental disease.

>> No.11613116
File: 71 KB, 696x1072, 1566523934222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very related. A slip-up from one of the "less than 1 is the same as 1" promoters, showing he can't mentally accept that infinity/eternity is real.

>> No.11613125

>Why do people struggle so much with the idea that .999...=1?
because people don't understand that strings of digits are not literal numbers, they're just notation which we use. they think that 0.999... = 1 means "two distinct numbers are actually equal" which is obviously paradoxical.

>> No.11613157

Stop shitposting

>> No.11613186

See: >>11613157

>> No.11613207

Repeating digits are indeed not real numbers in decimal. They often exist perfectly fine in fractions or otherwise rendered as an identity outside of decimal. For example [math]\pi[/math] doesn't actually proveably exist. There are plenty of indications to assume it exists, but the unlimited degree of accuracy required to accommodate that pi symbol in Decimal are distinctly greater than the finite degree of accuracy acquireable. You only need about 10 digits of pi to accurately accommodate virtually any measurement involving pi, but pi isn't actually 10 digits; nor is it actually 50 trillion digits. It likely has more digits than can possibly be discovered in either sense of having a Large Number amount of decimal places or an "infinite" unlimited amount.

Extend this process to whether "1÷3 = 0.333..." is actually a true or false statement. It obviously requires it to be false; the Fractional identity [math]\frac{1}{3}[/math] is clearly greater than any string of Decimal 3's in "0.333..."
The issue is that this problem has long been passed, ignored, taken for granted, and incorrectly asserted into education, and we find ourself in a world of hard decimal cutoffs integrated into calculators and computers. Not only are aspects of infinity relative to numbers ignored (as it should be), most calculations don't make it past 15 digits for virtually anything. Not just obviously finite, but finite to a degree that even children can easily comprehend.

Calculators and computers merely carry one more digit than necessary and use it to round a final answer. Explicitly rounding with explicitly finite digits easily accommodates "0.999... = 1"; and literally nothing less than explicitly rounding with explicitly finite digits.

>> No.11613218

Because 0.999... is not 1

>> No.11613219

I'm so glad you retards made ANOTHER thread about this to samefag to bump limit.

>> No.11613268

It's not unlikely that an apocalyptical event occurs that could have been avoided had greater decimal accuracy been accommodated; which wasn't available because history ignored the task of reforming maths and insisted it was fine enough to just cutoff decimals and round after spending half a fucking breath to write out or compute a mere handful of digits.

>> No.11613275

if 0.999 is equal to 1, then, in R, are open intervals topologically the same as closed intervals?

>> No.11613293

0.999... doesn't exist inside R unless 0.999... strictly has some finite amount of decimals.

Cantor was a brainlet btw.

>> No.11613304

I'm not a mathematician, but isn't 0.999... a real number? Why? Actually, if 0.999.. =1 then it surely belongs to R.

>> No.11613316

Why is /sci/ so much more shit than HN?


But GJ for spamming this so hard for so long that it's gained traction, I guess.

>> No.11613329

Not a single person in this thread exhibited a coherent idea surrounding this topic. Go learn basic real analysis.

>> No.11613335

A lot of people just struggle with the notion that any given number can be expressed in different ways that are completely equivalent.

>> No.11613337

Because they're think of it as a process rather than a value.

>> No.11613342


can you please answer my genuine questions, then? not trying to bait: >>11613275

>> No.11613344

Explain how that would follow (it doesn't). I'm just curious to see what you're reasoning is.

>> No.11613357

>noooo people don't respond to troll threads seriously!!!!

>> No.11613374

Well, I never studied topology beyond glancing at wikipedia for definitions of stuff that was mentioned when I was studying other subjects, so it's expected that I might be saying something stupid.

For me 0.999... is the perfect analogue of the left border of an open interval like [math] ]1,x], x\in R and x>1[\math]

>> No.11613377

btw, fuck javascript

>> No.11613384

0.999.. is a real number yes, because the real numbers are closed and contain all of its limit points: 0.999... is by definition the limit of a sequence of partial sums (it is in particular a geometric series).

I dont know how to answer your question about open and closed sets. If there existed a homomorphism between a closed set and an open set, both sets would be forced to be open and closed because open maps take closed sets to closed sets and open sets to open sets. Since R is connected, there are no proper open and closed sets.

>> No.11613400

I don't understand. What do you mean by analogue of the left border? Are you suggesting [0.999... x] = (1,x]? If that were true, then every open set is also closed, making the default toplogy on R totally disconnected. Actually, I'm glad you raised this point. You can draw the above absurdity if 1 isn't 0.999...

>> No.11613403

I understand your reasoning on the mapping from open set to closed set cannot be possible with a homomorphism, and it makes sense to me.
However, what was meant by this, then >>11613293 just bait and/or ignorance?

>Since R is connected, there are no proper open and closed sets.
Isn't the notion of open set a generalization of an open interval in R? Or does the word proper have some significance here?

Also, it's seems really weird to me that everyone in mathematics knows about this curiosity of 0.999...=1 but hasn't thought about it in terms of topological boundaries.

>> No.11613417

Difference between "the set of real numbers" and what a real number actually is.

"The set of real numbers R" is a dumb niggerbrained meaningless concept made up by cantor but his shitty dumbass definitions and axioms basically require that every element in an infinite set must be, itself, finite; else infinity itself is an element contained within the set and presumes infinity is a literal real number.

0.999... isn't a real number in the sense that it actually contains an infinite expansion of 9's unless infinity is strictly a real finite number itself; or rather that "0.999..." only contains a finite expansion.
In the technical sense of accommodating infinity, "0.999..." is not even a real actual number, so whatever it's supposed to be may as well just be 1.

If 1-to-infinity were scaled down between 0-to-1, 0.999... is equivalent to "infinity minus 1", which is indeterminable nonsense because infinity isn't supposed to actually be a number. But infinity itself is also indeterminable nonsense as a number, and so "(infinity - 1) = infinity" is analagous to "(0.999...) = 1"

"0.999..." doesn't exist in R if the assumption is "0.999..." contains an infinite expansion of 9's. Any other finite expansion of 9's could exist in R though.

Its all busybody nonsense. In one case, 0.999... doesn't actually "equal" 1 because 0.999... doesn't actually exist.
In many other cases, 0.999... equals 1 because "0.999..." somehow implicitly assumes a finite degree of accuracy and rounding.

The problem with 0.999... not being a real number is one that stems from more basic and easily understood concepts. For example: Nothing lasts forever in this universe.
No real number contains an infinite expansion of decimals because nothing real lasts forever here.

>> No.11613418

Yes, that is precisely what I mean, and what >>11613384 already answered in the same way you did. Thank you both.
It makes sense to me now. It's actually a neat way to prove this by absurdity, I guess.

I write ] instead of ( because I learned with the French notation.

>> No.11613427

I don't see why a number that has infinite digits cannot be rational.

>> No.11613428
File: 254 KB, 1140x1758, 71ISqljcSfL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go learn basic real analysis.
Go learn basic witchcraft, then you'll see that my crystals have healing powers.
>all those idiot techies using the shit-tier algebraic "proof" and being smug about it
They really need to stick to writing webshit Javascript

>> No.11613435

Proper just means it's not all of R or empry. R and the empty set aren open and closed sets (by definition), so saying there are no proper open and closed sets is the same thing as saying the empty set and R are the only open and closed sets.

I dont think mathematicians like to waste their time arguing about this. It is just such an obvious thing to anyone who has studied analysis. The only reason I'm still here is to answer your questions, and you're not being aggressive.

I'm not sure if that's bait or ignorance, but the statement itself is wrong. So yes, it's one of those things.

>> No.11613438

Infinity as a concept related to numbers is irrational.

>> No.11613448

As clever as that pun may be, you've just given yourself away. I do give you brownie points for that

>> No.11613464

By the way, just to be pedantic, I guess what I actually meant when I was initially talking about the open interval was defining a number such that
x = 1.000000000...1
and then for all other y>x in R if it was the case that
[x, y] = ]1, 0], so I was actually approaching this from the wrong side, I should have thought this from the right side of the interval, so that for example
[0, 1[ = [0, 0.999...]
but I understood your points, anons

>> No.11613478

Ok, thanks. It's not something I would spend a lot of time on, it's just that I was curious because it popped to my head and I took the chance that people that had studied this might be able to clarify it simply for me.

>> No.11613488

and also, that makes sense because you can define a homomorphism to the null set or to R itself, so I understand the need for saying that

>> No.11613504

It really is truly as simple as that though.
Infinity has never once been clearly defined to properly work within mathematics in a consistent way. It started strictly as a philosophical concept related to ponderings about the magnitude and scope of God by latin romans over a millenia ago. Had nothing to do with numbers or math til recent history. Cantor failed to properly define it even with his Axiom of Infinity, and postmodern usage of it in the age of computers just makes it the biggest number that can be addressed in a datatype, aka a big specifically finite number; "the biggest number". There are many different and contradicting interpretations of infinity in math.
All of them at least share how unnecessary and trivially pointless it is.
Like trying to describe God with numbers.
Trying to describe something that doesn't exist through a medium that doesn't acknowledge it in the first place.

>> No.11613537

"Infinity" being hijacked to describe the unlimited nature of countable numbers is basically the same as fags hijacking the rainbow to mean gay sex.

>> No.11613619

>hy do people struggle so much with the idea that .999...=1?
because they haven't taken basic real analysis where they construct the reals.

>> No.11613632 [DELETED] 

>If you can't algebraically represent a number then what's the point of having a way to express this concept? in other words: 0.999... is meaningless.
[math] 0.999... = \limsup_{n \to \infty} {0.9, 0.99, \dots, a_n} [/math], where [math] a_n = \sum_{k = 1}^n \left( 9 \cdot 10^{-k} \right) [/math].
>>Kid: (pause) Oh, that's mind-blowing.
>with my daughter in the car when she was starting out with algebra...
things that never happened. there are better ways to make a point, undergrad.

>> No.11613638 [DELETED] 

[math] 0.999... = \limsup_{n \to \infty} \{0.9, 0.99, \dots, a_n \} [/math]
[math] a_n = \sum_{k = 1}^n \left( 9 \cdot 10^{-k} \right)[/math]

>> No.11613641

>If you can't algebraically represent a number then what's the point of having a way to express this concept? in other words: 0.999... is meaningless.
[math]0.999... = \limsup_{n \to \infty} \{ 0.9, 0.99, \dots, a_n \}[/math]
[math]a_n = \sum_{k = 1}^n \left( 9 \cdot 10^{-k} \right)[/math]
>>Kid: (pause) Oh, that's mind-blowing.
>with my daughter in the car when she was starting out with algebra...
things that never happened. there are better ways to make a point, undergrad.

>> No.11613669

>Why do people struggle so much with the idea that .999...=1?
because I can imagine them as being distinct. Can you?
>reality > imagination hurr durr durr
This btw does not answer my question.

>> No.11613676

If they're distinct, then there exists a nonzero difference between them. What would that nonzero difference be?

>> No.11613684

>What would that nonzero difference be?
some kind of infinitesimal, obviously, as far as I know that doesn't have a representation in math, because infinity is as nonsensical as 0.00...001.

>> No.11613707

0.9 + 0.1
0.99 + 0.01
0.999 + 0.001
0.9999 + 0.0001
0.99999 + 0.00001
0.999999 + 0.000001

How does this pattern continue?
Theres always a smallest rational part wherever you stop.
>b-but you don't stop
So you only ever count finite steps forever, no matter what.
>b-but infinity isn't finite
So you completed infinite steps, thereby making it finite...?

It seems that "how big is too big" and "how small is too small" are rational questions derived from the actually real limitations of the universe.

How small is too small that a decimal 0.0[...]1 number is too bothersome to deal with?

How many digits is too many digits that a 0.9[...]9 number is too long to deal with?

>> No.11613746

>infinity is as nonsensical as 0.00...001
If there is no context, then everything is nonsensical. If you mean [math]\infty,[/math] then this is just the same of some otherwise very ordinary object that plays a special role when you talk about a theory. The notation 0.00...001 however has no meaning in mathematics whatsoever.

>> No.11613748

>nothing comes after infinity
Technically nothing precedes it either.
More technically, infinity never comes at all in the first place.
More more technically is everything and anything can come after infinity because infinity isn't a finite end.
Cantor-technically, anything finite can come after infinity because infinity is an arbitrary indetermined finite natural number.
Double Cantor-technically is that infinity is TREE(3), the biggest finite number, of which no number can be greater, and the very definite hard limit cutoff end of numbers.

Nothing wrong or invalid about "0.000...1"

>> No.11613751

>the same of
the same as

>> No.11613760

>Nothing wrong or invalid about "0.000...1"
Tell us what it is supposed to mean then?

>> No.11613796

I understand you read my post in reverse and started from the last line but please, continue reverse reading the post back up to the first line before asking dumb questions.

>> No.11613815

Thank you for inserting a solid dose of gibberish into the thread. Not that it wasn't full of it already.

>> No.11613820

So you just don't know?

>> No.11613833

>Tell us what it is supposed to mean then?
Clearly, we take [math]...[/math] to signify [math]a lotta numbers[/math]. Hence, it follows directly that:
[eqn]...1 = a lotta numbers w/ one at teh end[/eqn]

>> No.11613834

your inability to read is not indicative of my lack of knowledge. please don't reply at all if you only know how to project.

>> No.11613885

I just assumed that if you know the answer, then you will present it. Since you refuse, then so be it.

>> No.11613891

Is gibberish your first language, or did you adopt it specifically to use on 4chan?

>> No.11613908

Here I can make some bullshit up too

Here's a conversation I had with a first grader:
>Me: Is 9.999... the same as 10, or is it just really close to 10?
>Kid: Really close. It never gets all the way there.
>Me: Well then how close? What do you get when you subtract 9.999... from 10?
>Kid: (pause) An infinite number of zeroes. . .and then a one.
>Me: Right.
>Kid: (pause) Oh, that's mind-blowing.

>> No.11613944

The post you initially quoted where you asked for an explanation had 5 fucking justifications in it you brainlet.

The weirdest part is that you quoted the end of the post which necessarily required you read the rest of the post before it. There's no honest or good reason you should have asked the question you did. You're as dumb as language comprehension AI.
>the sky is blue
>"is the sky blue?"
>"wow avoiding, you don't know?"
>the sky is blue

Already asked you to avoid replying if all you understand is projection; which I'm gonna spell it out for you, is indeed the case. All you know is projecting.

Shut the fuck up and stop replying you dumb retard.

>> No.11613945

That kid sounds clever. He explains what he means. In contrast that other anon refuses to explain his retarded and meaningless 0.000...01 stuff.

>> No.11613946

>some kind of infinitesimal, obviously, as far as I know that doesn't have a representation in math
Yes, there are infinitesimals. Fortunately the only infinitesimal in the real numbers is 0 by design - that is equivalent to the Archimedean property.
>because infinity is as nonsensical as 0.00...001.
not really. See I knew this would come up. There is no infinite zeroes that lead to end with 1, since we could just as easily 'repeat' the countably infinite amount of leading zeroes and keep on going, and so on and so forth. hence there's actually no single instance of a 1 showing up here. again, this is due to the Archimedean property
Read the above. We don't do this proof via computation on a computer - the proof and its computational realizability are two different matters entire. read more recursion theory and computable analysis until you try and throw these arguments
>how big is too big
>how many digits
the answer is infinitely many lol

>> No.11613954

0.999... is not equal to 1, but it is approaching 1.

>> No.11613955

No the answer is like 16 digits.
16 digits is too many digits.
Don't be a dumbass trying to be a smartass.

>> No.11613963

>1 doesn't exist inside R
wew lad

>> No.11613965

>16 digits
stop being a dumbass pretending they're anything more than a dumbass. Anyone who has studied basic real analysis knows that 0.999... always provokes discussion of limits because its definition is inherently built on the supremum and limit definitions the reals were made to handle

>> No.11613966

>5 fucking justifications
You mean the meaningless word salad? Not that there is anything wrong with that when you post on 4chan.
How about you continue to post the equivalent of grunting caveman sounds, and you leave it to me to explain mathematics? It seems a fair division of efforts into the thread.

>> No.11613971


>> No.11613973

You might just be too dumb to breathe.

>> No.11613977

>is approaching
0.999... is static, the length is aleph_0 from the get go.
Your naive cartoon vision of a diesel engine chugging along is ridiculous. Embarrassing even.

>> No.11613980


>> No.11613986

Pro-tip: Insulting easy to read sentences is just insulting your own intelligence. You're the only one here braindamaged enough to produce word salad.

>> No.11613993

Of all the definitions for infinity as a number, not a single damn one of them allows for [math]\frac{1}{10^{\infty}}[/math] to equal zero.
You doubleshitposted just now.

>> No.11613995

0.999... isn't static because it continues endlessly.

0.999 -> 0.9999 -> 0.99999 etc

>> No.11614002

It isn't less than one, it's an alternative way to write one. You may as well argue 7/7>1 because "mOrE tHaN oNe Is NoT eQuAl To OnE".

>> No.11614007

>I don't understand it therefore it's witchcraft!
Fuck off and learn something.

>> No.11614009

1+2+3+4+... = inf
n/inf = 0
n*inf = inf
n+inf = inf
n-inf = -inf
0.999... = 1

>> No.11614012

>sizes of infinity
>cantor brainletism
i'm afraid your disability is terminal, anon.
Your mom pooped you out of her vagina before you were done.

Go back and finish developing.

>> No.11614014

>it has legs and runs around

>> No.11614018

What do you call numbers that are not static? Just non-static, or something more fancy, like "dynamic"?
Is 0 = 0.000... then static or not?

>> No.11614021

I can imagine a continent between South America and Africa, so what? Why are you stupid enough to believe that your ability to imagine something has anything to do with anything?

>> No.11614022

Impressive, did you quote that from your PhD?

>> No.11614026
File: 54 KB, 720x575, 1584492051282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Infinity is an unbounded quantity greater than every real (and every whole) number.
>>a Quantity is how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify
>>to Quantify is to express as a number or measure or quantity
>is infinity a number?
>>∞ is not a number
>is "1/(not a number) = 1/∞" true?

Infinity is a concept made up by retards, for retards.

>> No.11614036

Okay okay everybody shut up I have a proposal
>0.99... = 1 is partially correct because they represent the same value on a number line
>0.99... =/= 1 is partially correct because they are different types of numbers (one is real and the other is not)
So everybody is kind of right and the dispute is about what equality even means

>> No.11614037

>unbounded quantity
you keep ignoring the first word
you keep ignoring the results

>> No.11614042

Your shitpost is a ramble made up by a retard, for retards.

>> No.11614046

>one is real and the other is not)
stop pissing in your cereal

>> No.11614054
File: 97 KB, 1654x2339, For 1 tards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, stop using the Golden Mean Fallacy. The people who think 1=/=0.9... are WRONG, end of story.

>> No.11614055

>infinity as a number,
lol, you're an idiot

>> No.11614074

Anon I agreed that they represent the same value. I'm simply asking if part of the issue is that 0.99... is not an actual number and is just a funky way of writing 1, making an equals sign a bit misleading.

>> No.11614079

0.90... is not an actual number and is just a funky way of writing 9/10, making an equals sign a bit misleading.

>> No.11614080

0 = 0.0 = 0.00 etc
No matter how many 0s you add to it, it's going to equal the same.

9 < 9.9 < 9.99 < 9.999 etc
As you add 9s, it gets larger

>> No.11614085

>As you add
how about when you die, does math change anon? or does it grow a mustache and legs and dancesdancesdances off to the sunset

>> No.11614106

We can pick this apart for fun. Wolfram does not have the best writers for their documentation pages, that is already clear.

We can let "infinity" be some typical value that occurs in theories of finite or infinite elliptic curves, or in extended real or complex numbers, etc.. So we let [math]\infty = \{ \{0\}\} [/math] and see how this goes. Note that
[math]\infty [/math] has size 1 by this definition.

>>>Infinity is an unbounded quantity greater than every real (and every whole) number.
An "unbounded quantity" means a set that has no maximal element. Our set [math]\infty[/math]
has only one element, which then has to be its maximal element. So Wolfram does not include those examples of infinity that are actually used.

>>>a Quantity is how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify

Our infinity above has exactly one element. But 1 is not greater than every real number. So the description is wrong.

>Infinity is a concept made up by retards, for retards.
Let us agree that, apart from the fact that it is not "a concept", it does confuse the retards.

>> No.11614118

If it's not the same then what is the difference ?
Well it's 0, but I just assume the concept of nil is way beyond your reach.

>> No.11614122

I agree, decimals are not real numbers.
[math]\frac{1}{3} and \frac{9}{10}[/math] are clearly real numbers with real parts 1, 3, 9, and 10.

0.333... and 0.9 are just gibberish. Not real numbers. You can't count "0.3" of something.

>> No.11614125

Yep, it's the limitation of our writing system; if we were using base 12 1/3 would be 0.4

>> No.11614168

>Our infinity
your pulled-out-of-ass infinity
read a book

>> No.11614176

30 cents
>wipes sweat from forehead

>> No.11614195

>30 = 0.3
burger education

>> No.11614204

>0.999... is meaningless.
Nah, it's [math]\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{9}{10^n} = 1[/math]

>> No.11614211

Let x = 0.999...
10x = 9.999...
9 + 0.999... = 9.999...
9 + x = 10x
10x - x = 9
9x = 9
x = 1

>> No.11614226

hurr durr

>> No.11614326

Indeed. It's clearly meant to be a steam train in this analogy.

>> No.11614364


>> No.11614563

This is not an algebraic expression though, just another way to express the same

>> No.11614565

>define 0.999... to be 1
>therfore 0.99... = 1
fuck off

>> No.11614888

Bullshit. They defined what a decimal expansion is in terms of infinite series. There's nothing wrong with the definition, other than it making your ignorant feelings hurt.

>> No.11614973

Consider the sequence of continued fractions:
[math]0.9 = \frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{9}}[/math]
[math]0.99 = \frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{99}}[/math]
[math]0.999 = \frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{999}}[/math]
[math]0.9... = \frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{9...}}[/math], this is, [math] 0.9... = \lim_{x\to\infty} \frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{x}} [/math]

>> No.11615337

Well that's what the decimal notation means

>> No.11615349

>I define 1 to be 2
>Therefore 1=2
This is what onetards sound like

>> No.11615357

So, in order to assert:
[math]0.999... = 1[/math]
you must first assert:
[math]\frac{1}{∞} = 0[/math]


>> No.11615381


>> No.11615399


>> No.11615413

Your days of HERESY are all but finished now, SODOMITE! The CRUSADE for finite and discrete mathematics is indefatigable, undefeatable. We of the ONE TRUE FAITH shall emerge victorious. Because we have GOD on our side!

0.999... does NOT equal 1

Even a child understands that until they are brainwashed, coerced, forced into SATANIC HERESY. You corrupted your own daughter,and for that heinous SIN you will burn in the finite fires of HELL


>> No.11615424

>wall-of-text schizo

>> No.11615425

Not using Surreals, it isn't.

>> No.11615429

This so much, only those brain-dead fuckwits cant even see the pants-on-head retarded nature of their own fallacious thinking. They are truly cretins.

>> No.11615444

You call that a few lines a "wall of text"?

Man, just wait until you have to read a textbook. Oh wait. Stupid motherfuckers cant into reading.

>> No.11615453

i believe 0.999... = 1 was used in the first proof that the transcendentals are uncountable if im not mistaken

>> No.11615487

Nobody can conceptualize infinity
It's about understanding the consequences

>> No.11615555

get it published then

>> No.11615766

>Nobody can conceptualize infinity
source: my ass

>> No.11615770

do it big boi

>> No.11615774

>You can't count "0.3" of something.
you can't count 3/10 of something ?

>> No.11615786

a set X is finite if every injective mapping X -> X is also surjective
a set X is infinite, it is not finite

that wasn't too hard

>> No.11615792

lysol or clorox injective?

>> No.11616347

Real analysis is easy and only baby retard highschoolers like you suck your own dick off for knowing it.
The problem with Real Analfist is that it forces you to actualize infinity thanks to Gayfag Cantor.
But you wouldn't understand the philosophical implications, all faggots like you know is how to construct the reals (and only once these very Jewish axioms have been accepted). Muh Dedekind butts! Muh Cauchy suhquhnsuss!!!

>> No.11616365

>philosophical implications
well, the scientific implication is that we can build spacecraft and shit
so hit me with your hardest philosophical implication

>> No.11616413

>thinks we need real analysis to build things
behold the math freshman

>> No.11616435

>thinks we don't need the whole theory, just the applicable results of the theory
behold the retard

>> No.11616494

>"accept that there are orders of infinities, or you can't build stuff"
You can do all of that without reals, mongoloid.

>> No.11616498

And you're typing this up furiously on reddit while cumming just at the thought of the down's anons on here getting their minds blown, yes?

>> No.11616501

You think physicists and engineers care about your epsilon delta autism? I know you feel like a big boy because you know proofs now, but sit down bitch

>> No.11616530

this philistine is going to say π=3

>> No.11616827

>You think physicists and engineers care about your epsilon delta autism?
of course they don't. how is that relevant ?

>> No.11616887

How are you even defining 0.999... if you reject the notion of infinity? With that logic you should be calling 0.999... a meaningless symbol. To compare 0.99... with 1 means you accept 0.99... is defined but I doubt it is in whatever system of axioms you're using. You don't even know how to be a finitist.

>> No.11616913

This post went full schizo

>> No.11617070

Well tell me what you get after slicing your pie an infinite number of time.
I'll wait.

>> No.11617339

Kicked out of the bakery?

>> No.11617354
File: 112 KB, 720x303, 65835427457869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Retards that think they're being clever mathematicians by asserting that, as a number, 0.9999...=1.


Ask your uni professors, only the LIMIT of 0.999... =1. The infinite sequence itself never equals one for any step.

>> No.11617373

>Ask your uni professors
pretty sure they will tell me that 0.999... IS the limit

>> No.11617414

Ellipses were never used to infer a limit -anything contrary to that is the fault of embarrassed mathematicians changing the definition because someone made them look a fool.

An Ellipse just means (pattern continues). Without a limiting pair, it continues indefinitely in one direction.

>> No.11617434


end the fucking thread before i shoot up cum in this bitch

>> No.11617446

>Ellipses were never used to infer a limit
not true at all, lmao

>> No.11617448

I don't like flawed notation. I like notation which maps losslessly and unambiguously to the underlying absolute. I see this as a flaw.

Also, infinity isn't real. It is unlikely there is infinite subdivision or extent of any object which exists. Therefore, infinity is a nonsense concept.

>> No.11617474

>Also, infinity isn't real. It is unlikely there is infinite subdivision or extent of any object which exists. Therefore, infinity is a nonsense concept.
it is unlikely that there are two completely identical objects which exist. therefore, equality is a nonsense concept.

>> No.11617579

No its not. Its a lie you believe.
By your own evidence they are not equal.
If it proves anything it proves that math is a lie.
But then so are tools, dreams and constructions.
Nature does not lie, nature needs no tools, dreams or constructions.
Nature exists as law.
Math is not law.
Only nature is law.
You are confused as to what is true and what is not true.

>> No.11617721

0.999..= 1 cannot be true outside of calculus.

Take a sphere with an infinite amount of points and subtract any amount, the state of the sphere is not equal to it's previous state.

>> No.11617729

But it still has an infinite number of points, just with a discontinuity at the one you removed.

>> No.11617731

Whether you can, at one instant, have two objects existing in precisely the same state, is another matter. I don't know the answer to that.

>> No.11617737

neither you know the answer to whether "there is infinite subdivision or extent of any object which exists"

>> No.11617738

>9 + x = 10
>nigger you call that a proof?

>> No.11617755

that's wrong
a limit of it is 1

>> No.11617771

based schizoposter

>> No.11617778

Doesn't matter, the state of the sphere is not the same as it was. You can remove any amount and the result is the same, you are left with a difference that exists.

>> No.11617793

and what exactly is the analogy with 0.999... supposed to be ?

>> No.11617797

yes, it's less by ZERO

>> No.11617800

and 0.999... is defined to be this limit

>> No.11617808

0.999 is the infinite sum and 1 is it's limit

>> No.11617817

>0.999 is the infinite sum
source: my ass

>> No.11617818

What can you do.

>> No.11617819

You can break the sphere (1) into an infinite amount of points. If you believe that removing any amount of points is not reducing the original state of the sphere that is a paradox.

>> No.11617823
File: 48 KB, 300x250, nSxbDj2RmF-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Your naive cartoon vision of a diesel engine chugging along is ridiculous. Embarrassing even."
What's embarrassing is that you saved your retard-tier post and sit on /sci/, waiting for threads like this to post it in:
What a sad life lmao

>> No.11617824

and how is that relevant to 0.999... being or not being 1 ?

>> No.11617829

defined by retards that have egg on their face

0.999... just means 0.999 followed by an infinite number of 9s. It does NOT mean "the smallest number that is greater than any sum featured in the set 0.999..."

>> No.11617833

0.0 is a terminating sequence, retard. Consider any number that you enumerate as the result of a mechanical calculator. This is what happens when the result is infinite, there is no termination:


>> No.11617834

I don't know how I can make it clearer to you. If you remove any amount of points from a sphere with infinite amount of points, how many points are you left with? And what happens if you add it back in?

>> No.11617858

>how many points are you left with?
that depends on how big is the set of points you removed
>And what happens if you add it back in?
you get the sphere back

>> No.11617881

i have a cube. it is a geometric cube, I like this cube.

I cut my cube in half, because I like thinner shapes more. Now its' volume is 1/2 what it used to be.

I would like the volume even smaller, so I shall do that again. It is very thin now, at 1/4 what it used to be.

I shall continue to do this, forever.

The intelligent people who want there to be a distinction between 0.999... and 1(Even though, in the common mathematical notations, there actually isn't) will say the result is a 2d square.
Those who think 0.999 = 1, and therefore 1/inf = 0, will say that you are left with nothing.

>> No.11617883

Remove any amount you want, what is the numeric representation of removing any amount you pick from a sphere with infinite amount of points?

>> No.11617893

>numeric representation
as in terms of cardinal numbers ?

>> No.11617894

>You can break the sphere (1) into an infinite amount of points
that is wrong under euclidean geometry. A circle is not a bead necklace, and a sphere is not an infinite number of points.

>> No.11617904

no it doesn't and i can prove that.
A.1: .999...!=1
Looking... Looking... No contradictions.

>> No.11617920
File: 84 KB, 800x903, flat,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h-h-how is that relevant??
>>well, the scientific implication is that we can build spacecraft and shit
Your whole argument was that it was impossible to do anything in the world without modern real analysis
>the length is aleph_0 from the get go.
>get go
>static static static
Please stop using that word, you're an imbecile.

>> No.11617956

>>stop using that word
>t. i have no argument

>> No.11617966

The answer is clearly in the 6.
And .333... × 3 = .999... (on the knife)
1/6 = .16666667
And .333 + .167 = .5 = 1/2

>> No.11617967

You're a retard who thinks quibbling about, and criticizing word choice is a sign of intelligence. Fuck off.

>> No.11617969

actually spending your life doing warosu searches

>> No.11617972

>Your whole argument was that it was impossible to do anything in the world without modern real analysis
physicists and engineers don't need to know real analysis to use tools provided by real analysis