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11610207 No.11610207 [Reply] [Original]

It's the best way to ensure there's no corruption. There needs to be a bribery organization instituted that consists of relatively unknown people who try to bribe government officials and if they accept the bribe, arrest them. If this is done well and repeatedly it will get to the point where all government officials are unable to distinguish a fake bribe that will get him arrested and a real bribe that happens very rarely. It will make no sense game-theoretically for any government official to accept any bribe. It will also be cost-effective because no actual bribes will be going on and a lot of money will be made from arrests initially before politicians learn to stop accepting bribes.

I would really want to know if this idea has ever been tried. Why wouldn't it work?
I'm really sorry for this being a bit offtopic but honestly I had no idea where else to post it. I'm just curious about the reasoning and what could go wrong with it. This is a bit related to game theory and probability, as well as social dynamics which could be statistically modeled.
If you think there is another board or place where I could ask about this idea, please tell me, just don't ban me!

>> No.11610231
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Who stops the bribers from getting bribed?

>> No.11610245


>> No.11610246
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A step towards a solution, but not actually possible. The power structure will not only always outmatch you in resources, connections, and influences, but there is also a filtration process whereby those truly in power get dirt on people before they're allowed into power. See eg "brownstone method", Epstein filming people having sex with underaged prostitutes, and the age old practices in secret societies (eg Jesuits, Freemasonry, etc) which involve embarrassing, immoral, or illegal acts during rituals.

It's a very tight system. You can infiltrate it. There are no cracks. The fact that it still exists and works this way is predicated on this fact. We are not the first to want to tear down the house of cards and all the lies.

>> No.11610247

>You can infiltrate it.

>> No.11610301

bribery is legal in the US though

>> No.11610308

>There needs to be a bribery organization instituted
And who will pay their wages?

>> No.11610401
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The fact that no one else knows who the bribers are, because they would be the members of general public selected randomly by an algorithm. There would be another group selected randomly by the algorithm to observe the bribers. They would also be anonymous.
Similar to jury duty except much more confidential and discreet which is possible because of computers.
>The power structure will not only always outmatch you in resources, connections, and influences,
That contradicts the fact that there have been numerous revolutions in the world which were so devastating to the status quo as to dissolve any doubt that they were done by the powers that be.
>It's a very tight system. You can infiltrate it. There are no cracks.
An open proposal of a new system could definitely work, provided enough people get behind it. Democracy works (in a way).
LOL good point.
The algorithm.

>> No.11610413

Essentially the goal is to eliminate the need for trust and to make honesty the most rational choice for each individual person.

>> No.11610423

Who creates the algorithm? They would now have valuable information they could sell, revealing the constructs existence. Who would run the servers the algorithm is on? They too would now have valuable information they could sell. How does the algorithm securely contact the chosen person? GnuPG requires you knowing the sender. Also, not everyone uses GnuPG, in fact most people don't. What would be the point in selecting people who are without the means, or social standing to bribe, it would just look suspicious? What stops the observers seeking payment for their favor? I mean, there are so many issues with this, you clearly haven't really thought it through.

>> No.11610435

>That contradicts the fact that there have been numerous revolutions in the world which were so devastating to the status quo as to dissolve any doubt that they were done by the powers that be.
All were highly funded. Often by Jews, actually.

>> No.11610453

Who writes the algorithm and maintains the infrastructure that supports this whole operation?

>> No.11610461

You...You mean you want to pay them? e-e

>> No.11610468

The problem is that you're proposing a system of power to do this, which will be rife with all the problems a system of power entails. If you had a society where this behavior was commonplace, that is if everyone of one given position felt compelled to bribe people they agree with to an opposing viewpoint and then reveal it if the bribe was taken, you could actually implement your desired results. But of course scientists are autists and incapable of manipulating the true base level sociology like this, which is probably why systems of power were devised in the first place.

>> No.11610474

-_- What a mindless take.

>> No.11610492
File: 28 KB, 410x461, 67a86f04a706bf46f6d60b0fa89e566e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just thinking of bitcoin and how well it was able to eliminate trust from the equation of money. I'm absolutely sure something similar can be done, at least in part, in politics. We just need to figure out how.

>> No.11610503

You're almost certainly right, the issue with code transparency would still be an issue as some anon pointed out, but with some good old fashioned national selection I'm sure it could be solved to an acceptable degree. Who knows, I'm an idiot, maybe there is a fundamental solution somewhere, that would certainly be nice for everyone.

>> No.11610509

government should be abolished

>> No.11610515

I know, then me and my buddies could use our guns and start telling people how life should really be done.

>> No.11610520

people need militias

>> No.11610839

You are right, I have not thought out the approach very well. Just daydreaming right now. Do you think anything of the sort I was trying to get as is impossible?

>> No.11610850

you mean like a paycheck?

>> No.11610860

What's that?

>> No.11610861

This is literally what the FBI does for a living.


>> No.11610873

The problem is corruption doesn't only come from unknown people attempting bribery, the issue is that well known individuals or corporations bribe to get things in their favor and that is much harder to falsify.

>> No.11610881

Not impossible, but I can imagine it becoming just as corrupt as the system it is trying to police.

>> No.11610886

If you're talking about entrapping elected officials then yeah that happens all the time. Vladimir Putin got his start in politics by using his KGB experience to do this for Boris Yeltsin (and presumably the USSR was doing it too, hence where he learned). There's a story about how he tricked three opposition candidates (one of which was Eduord Limonov, leader of the actual IRL NazBol party.) into banging the same prostitute in the same room on camera and then broadcast the footage all over Russia the next day.

>> No.11612370

Isnt that corruption

>> No.11612379

What if you had fake officials whose job it is to attract bribes from such people?