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File: 267 KB, 960x1280, 1586610491721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11605458 No.11605458[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Prove to me it's objective by something else than pigment, And if it's pigment which makes us white then at what level do we become white when it comes to Arabs? And what about Albinos?

>> No.11605460

I can't, it is.

>> No.11605469

I am asian but what I observe about the "whiteness" of certain people is that they have certain traits, not because of their skin colour (I know ppl with white skin who feel more asian than I am)
- self above family
- some "ghostly, abstract ideals" about reality and life in general
- self is projected outside one's own
- love for abstraction and minute definitions
- generally more driven towards self actualisation and more in touch with ones emotions (inner driven) rather than being externally driven

>> No.11605608

sidecuts are shit

>> No.11605755

whiteness is defined as the lack of large racial deficiencies found in non whites.

Negro: violence, rape and low iq tendencies
Asian: spineless, cockroach/ant creatures that are born to follow without question. (so cucked they can't approach their own women)
Jew: supreme greed, lack of ethics or honour
Indian/Arab/Browns: refuse to accept the concept of a shower or modern hygiene. not moving on from the skyman LARP

>> No.11605761


Honorary mentions

Australian Aboriginal: soul full of lust for cousinrape and the smell and taste of petrol.
(likely applies to most indigenous societies)
Mexican: Similar to skin tone received half the nigger virus, strong lust to burn anus.

>> No.11605898

if you have white skin = youre white (according to anyone) [objective]
if you have white skin = you necessarily arent white (according to white nationalists/supremists) [subjective]

>> No.11605912

In this day and age "Whiteness" is defined by those that oppose it, whatever it may actually be. Free your mind.

>> No.11605940
File: 163 KB, 850x682, Map-of-European-populations-genetic-distance-with-a-map-of-Europe-From-Novembre-et-al.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DNA basically, you can clearly group most European populations together into a single group, with the Mediterreanean as a genuine barrier stoping geneflow.

>> No.11606150
File: 187 KB, 1024x1280, 71129ffcc59945f5c79642faf740429c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's objectively subjective

>> No.11606171
File: 303 KB, 659x582, human genetic diversity - 3D PCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See that red/blue cluster? That is white people. This clustering is the result of computer PCA and was not put in by hand or by a human.

>> No.11606173

which rgb values are considered white? in what lighting?
you still need to choose a dividing line between them, hence subjective

>> No.11606185

why arbitrarily divide there? why PCA vs other dimension reduction? why only 3 PCA components? what genetic features were used in the PCA?