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11594864 No.11594864 [Reply] [Original]

Since /sci is perpetually confused about the nature of consciousness, I, a physicist, am here to redpill everyone on the true nature of consciousness. We don't know what consciousness is; But there is a necessary component of consciousness that one cannot ignore and that is self-awareness. Self-awareness is the property by which a perceptual system see's itself, updates itself, then again see's itself with a new perspective, updates itself again, ad infinitum, giving rise to a flow of time. This also explains why our experience of the universe is more akin to presentism rather than eternal block theory of the universe, because time is an illusion too. The only reason time exists, is because something changes, and that change is percieved. This kind of self perpetuating cycles are ubiquitous in nature, look at ecological cycles, recursive structures of neuronal processing, every process you can think of is a cyclical process. This also explains why the big bang happened, it had no choice but to happen; in a one shot universe where this is the first and only big bang that ever happened, no mathematical theory can sufficiently satisfy why that was the case, for something to come into existence, it must do so from a prior substance, and since substances in itself cannot morph, there should also exist a meta-principle governing the way substances morph, and that principle is necessarily cyclical in nature, or in other words, self-referential. There is another way to see this, think of strange loops from Hofstader's books: In order for a strange loop to exist, as shown in the picture above, it must rise above a dimension, giving rise to a 3rd dimension, to cause something in a lower dimension. Physics is consistent with this idea, as Bekenstein showed, that all information in our universe can be contained in a lower dimension, so the 3rd or 4th dimension just becomes another pseudo-dimension.

>> No.11594865


In a similar way, the self which appears to exist, to eat and go to work, isn't there, it is only made possible by the looping self-talking nature of neurons, causing the self to exist in a compltely different plane of existence, leading thinkers like Descartes to talk about mind-body dualism. In a sense, it is true that minds really exist and are ontologically different from bodies, but minds themselves are pure functions of bodies. So "imagination" is real as matter, but it is not the same substance, as it is generated by self referencing of matter processes. Matter becomes a lower plane of existence, and self just arises. So "you" aren't there when you die, "you" simply vanish.

>> No.11594870


Another reason to reject eternalism is that any mathematical theory of the universe, if it is deterministic, cannot give rise to a flow of time, like Einstein hoped. Because a deterministic theory, would already have it's solutions exist, so whether or not a universe would choose to go through the necessary evolution/computation to arrive at that solution seems absurd. Because time exists, we can confidently say that the future is fundamentally indeterministic, and no mathematical theory of everything can exist, because if it did, it would contradict evolution of the universe. Hence, only sub-parts of the universe can be mathematically described, not the whole.

>> No.11595189

sounds pretty cool

>> No.11596446

i'm gay lmao

>> No.11596557
File: 83 KB, 550x700, 1585340554547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I, a physicist, am here to redpill everyone on the true nature of consciousness.
we are all physicists here on /sci/

>> No.11596576

Im gonna give you C-
When it comes to consciousness, physics is no better than psychology or philosophy.

>> No.11596598

Ah yes, the Hand the Draws Itself. A classic

>> No.11596631

>I Am A Physicist
You are NOT a physicist. You literally cannot say the things in your post and still call yourself a physicist, because you are rejecting the physicist's positivism.
>We don't know what consciousness is
It is the ability to decipher and respond to your words, which requires a massive amount of computing on top of computing, with evolving algorithms, with the attendant ability to sense the connotations and subtle implications, and compute the consequences of those, that is the logical positive deinition of what it means to be conscious. There is no reason to suppose that the quality of consciousness is anything more than this computation, that's what it "feels like" to have such a massive computation.

>> No.11596700
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>You are NOT a physicist. You literally cannot say the things in your post and still call yourself a physicist, because you are rejecting the physicist's positivism.

Your religion scientism is fading.

>> No.11597301

>Your religion scientism is fading.
What did he even mean by this?

>> No.11597339

What the fuck is scientism? What part of my post could you possibly disagree with?

>> No.11597344

Posts like this should unironically be censored. This is not a place for absolute free speech. It is a place for absolute BASEDSPEECH
And you post

>> No.11597369

open individualism, retard

>> No.11597540

>"I, a..."
Let me stop you there, buddy.

>> No.11597563

Okay it seems the retards here are more concerned about my credentials rather than what I had to say about consciousness. Is that even surprising anymore?

>> No.11597578

Yes, people have more to do than listening to a homeless man on shrooms talking about cosmology

>> No.11598177

>So "imagination" is real as matter, but it is not the same substance, as it is generated by self referencing of matter processes.

To summarise this part, are you trying to say that imagination as we know it is the perception of a 'ground truth' reality, i.e product of the flow and inhibition of neurotransmitters, and therefore different to reality in that it can be independently manipulated (e.g. perception of time can be skewed with alcohol)?

If so, then how does that contradict the ground truth of the flow of time? After all, the car is still crashing into the tree, faster than the inebriated driver perceives it.

>> No.11598179


bump and kys

>> No.11598308

>posts a painting made by (((ESCHER)))


> World War II found Escher “upset that the Germans took away his teacher Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita, and his family,” according to Piller. “[Escher] offered his Jewish friends, the Wertheim family (whom he knew since his early years in Rome), to have their eldest son in his house together with his own three boys. A younger Wertheim son told me that his elder brother also stayed with the Eschers for some time.”

> offered his Jewish friends
> his Jewish friends
> Jewish friends

Escher was friends with Jews and protected them.

And as for his teacher...
> (((Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita)))
> "Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita was born on 6 June 1868 into a Jewish family living in Amsterdam."

Einstein worshipper. And proceeds to post about "reasons" against Eternity.

>> No.11598314
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>And proceeds to post about "reasons" against Eternity.

Pic related.

>> No.11598365 [DELETED] 



>> No.11598368

physicists do not need to be logical positivists, what the fuck are you talking about. Why would you think this?

>> No.11598403

pure autism masquerading as an epistemology

>> No.11599015
File: 38 KB, 720x960, kchEd99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you think your cute pictures make you look smart, but it doesn't work when you're talking to a person who actually knows something.

>> No.11599335
File: 239 KB, 960x1280, 1419623639460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physicists do not need to be logical positivists
That's false. Faggot. The reason is because Physicists are ALL positivists, ALL OF THEM. That means that they define their terms by observations. Positivism is ESSENTIAL for physics.
>what the fuck are you talking about. Why would you think this?
The philosophy started in physics, with Mach and Carnap (who was trained in physics), and it cannot die in physics, because it is essential for understanding physics, at least past 1900. Relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory, holography, that's all positivism. That means that "God created the universe" is fundamentally meaningless, it is not wrong, it is not right, it is, in Pauli's phrase "not even wrong". It doesn't rise to the level of a meaningful utterance. If you have idea X and idea Y, and the two ideas are the same regarding all sense impressions, then they are the same idea. That's positivism, son. That's what we got here.

>> No.11599342

I hate this crap. It’s all solipsistic masturbation that amounts to some sort of weak ass meditative solipsistic investigation of your solipsistic ego consciousness and therefore appears to be a “loop”.

>> No.11599344

You could be ironically positivist or otherwise do positivist science and still suspend epistemological judgement regarding positivism— the evidence for which and the arguments for which have long been fairly weak.

>> No.11599367

Have you read The Language of God by Francis Collins?

>> No.11599375

>"feels like"
Why is feels like in quotes? As if to say that the term feels like is inaccurate and misleading. Like you are trying to say that the computation causes people to say or believe they feel like something, when they really don't. It is clearer then day that people really actually do feel things for real.

>> No.11599964 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 300x518, h1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logical positivism has been refuted countless times, look into it. Scientific method is fine but to be so close minded about it is autistic.

>> No.11599992

You should think this part through. I don't really see how your first assertions disprove determinism.

>> No.11599999
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Logical positivism has been refuted countless times, look into it. To be so closed minded about this is autistic.

>> No.11600012

No, he's saying that what you experience as consciousness is just the level of computation that is occurring in the materialistic reality we inhabit. Meaning, there is not a higher dimension where thought exists, but it's just a byproduct of physical mechanisms that can be observed. It's not that the term 'feel' is misleading, he just highlighted it because feeling is a result of the underlying activity of the brain.