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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11596982 No.11596982 [Reply] [Original]

I have both ADD and autism. Legitimately. My thinking is extremely slow because of it. My parents are trying to get me on disability, but aren't succeesing. Am I slow because of the autism or the ADD?
Also, my IQ in 5th grade was 140 math over 110 verbal. My IQ in 11th grade was 140 math over high 80's. The instructor messed up with the questions the 2nd time. I was given next to no explanation for what was going on. I looked up later what it was, and it was one of those "here's a problem and tell me one ducking way how to solve it." Problems. First, the instructor didn't tell me she only needed one solution and 2. I thought I could explain to her how stupid the rest was while taking the test, which was retarded. Overall, I am retarded I guess.

Here's a sample question.
Tina wants to paint. Her dad wants to go out for basketball or something.
Acceptable solutions:
Tina is right. Let her paint and cuss out her dad.
Dad is right. Let him drag her away to play basketball.
Not the correct solution:
there's two ways of going about this, and it depends on the relationship Tina has with her father.

>> No.11597000
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How can you validate the speed of your thought in comparison to others if you adopt their description of you without question?

If you're being programmed like a robot by their 'concern' for you then you'll always think that you are somehow less than others.

Perhaps the problem is that you can't provide or present an identity/characteristic about yourself and have the confidence to stick with it until others accept or understand it about you.

>> No.11597007
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The stilted cognitive function is likely due to both autism and having a high IQ in some (or several) facets, but not in others. Your ADD likely then interrupts your ability to apply your strengths. I prescribe the use of Adderall.
Next patient!

>> No.11597024
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It's amazing how modern medical science is now an RPG character sheet and list of priority interrupts for a given terminology.

I wonder when full science NPC society is going into effect.

>> No.11597035
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Simon Cosgrove, I have said your power word! In the name of the modern science, I banish thee! You may do no harm here, demon, for I have the power of scientism within me!

>> No.11597040
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>> No.11597062
File: 111 KB, 417x234, sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, you took the shamanpill, didn't you? Listen, not all those who wander are lost.

>> No.11597066
File: 155 KB, 1437x816, 2iy0hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is a shaman OR a pill? I'm ugg, I live on a travelling rock that shoots through space.

>I really find obsession with 4chan and pills to be a great source of being able to increase my 'fuck with normies' powers.

>> No.11597073
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PROTIP: Vagus is latin for wandering/roving.

Seems really retarded to use a J.R.R Tolkien quote but who am I to judge.

Sol Vagus, lone wanderer. That whole shtick. Surprised nobody figged dat oot yet

>> No.11597078
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>Surprised nobody figged dat oot yet
I did, why did you think I used a random J.R.R Tolkien quote? It's all a flower of rhetoric, dude.

>> No.11597082

Shaman = Spiritual weirdo
-pill = Suffix denoting a conceptual archetype

>> No.11597118
File: 380 KB, 1920x1440, 2020-04-11 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a random quote, meaning I cannot attribute what you meant by wanderer and lost to any internal mapping. If rhetoric is arbitrary then technically aren't you just wearing rose-tinted glasses? I inquire.

Spiritual = plug-in for stupid people whose fee-fees get hurt if I use polysyllabic monotonic recursion expressions.
That pill definition though is the first time I've read it so thank you for the virgin experience.

>> No.11597122
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About 15 seconds is all ya need to get how I really feel about spiritual faggotry.

>> No.11597130

OP try modafinil

>> No.11597157
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There we go! Was wondering where the relevant lesson on rhetoric was.

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxxK9pEtVj0

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evOASMb6SJo

>You can either change your perspective or the audience. Your own perspective is usually the faster option.

>> No.11597171

Same deal, except my math I was 142, visual spatial was 146, patterns was 157, logic was 132, verbal was 124. Overall 137. This was in elementary school.

In hgh school my logic jumped to 140 and verbal to 145ish. I'd say its 145 ish now.

I fucking love genetics

>> No.11597201


I was on modafinil for a few years, until my insurance company realized they were paying $1200 a month simply because my doctor respected my opinion and gave me the drugs I wanted. Anyway, it's amazing at killing fatigue if you've been up all night, but Adderall is a far superior study drug.

>> No.11597256

>posters: 6
Good news OP, you also have schizophrenia and can get retard bux now.

>> No.11597263
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>> No.11597284

On a more serious note, just suck cock

>> No.11597295
File: 2.13 MB, 5632x4224, 2020-04-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take all those requests. So strange that so many people want me to suck my brother's dick all the time, but it makes me happy so what do I care?


Solivagus says, "I think it is because other people seem to believe that having the power to reduce all the variation and freedom gained from a singular act or reductionist practice is somehow pitiable, despite how much America jerks off and makes porn."