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File: 175 KB, 1462x534, xmas850-24_2020_091152-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11596288 No.11596288 [Reply] [Original]

why are western medical standards so shit in comparison to asian?

how is any thinking person supposed to take western health "experts" seriously when they go around just wearing a surgical mask while asians are in hazmat? ffs n95 should be civilian issue only as its pores are 300nm big while the virus is 70nm. so it'll help reduce some transmission but not in environments ridden with the virus like hospitals. the west is literal clown world.

>> No.11596394

>its pores are 300nm big while the virus is 70nm

The virus doesn't just fly out of your mouth by itself. It's in water droplets and aerosols, many of which are much later than 300nm.

>> No.11596395


>> No.11596410


And also more stringent standards don't necessarily mean better or more effective policy, especially when you're dealing with allocation of finite resources. Plus, those pics might have been taken in two different types of wards where different standards would make sense. "West" could be a pic of a skilled nursing floor for all we know.

>> No.11596572

>what is precautionary principle? never heard of it.

>> No.11596575


>> No.11596582

also wtf is wrong with 4chan that it thinks nature dot com links are spam?

>> No.11596661

Nice try Wu Long Lee.
+5 social credits distributed to your account.

>> No.11596665

nature the mag?
Maybe because nature is pozzed, they hired a...moderator? twitter p.r.? i don`t know the name of that worthless career, use elsevier or pubmed.
Because westerns love "freedom" and "democracy" you would be crying and suing your gov if they treated you like they treated chinese people during the pandemic.
It worked for them and they almost (who knows but it`s the best strategy) squash the virus with their chemical team

>> No.11596666

I finally figured it out the other day, it thinks the last part is a phone number. Even more retardedly, if you just remove the dashes it works fine. Which means it's trivially bypassed. Which means it's nothing but a nuisance.

>> No.11596723

That's overkill. It was kinda justified when the virus was new and we didn't know jack shit about it or how it spread, but more basic PPE has been found to be sufficient.

>> No.11597352

>more basic PPE has been found to be sufficient.

>> No.11597373

And look what it says on his suit: 3M. A WESTERN company. Huh. Go figure.

>> No.11597376
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>meanwhile in Italy and Spain there are more than 5k medical staff infected on each country

>> No.11597468

made in china.

>> No.11598112

>muh social distancing

>> No.11598136

testing testing


>> No.11598144


>> No.11598151

How convenient. They created the pandemic too.

>> No.11598164

>implying it isn't the west's fault for being a bunch of intellectually lazy brainlet cucks for relying on "information" from the CCP-hijacked WHO

>> No.11598182

western countries outsourced everything to cheaper asian countries, and preparing a national stockpile of ppe is not viable in a 4 year election cycle system

>> No.11598191

Outsourcing, quarterly planning, corruption, bureaucracy, and over exertion of medical facilities for trivial shit that score points on elections.

>> No.11598193
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these excuses are getting pathetic. what you should be saying is western health officials are retards.
>preparing a national stockpile of ppe is not viable in a 4 year election cycle system
>There are eleven types of elections in Taiwan which, since 2012, have been unified into general and local elections, each held every four years, typically in January and November respectively.

>> No.11598202
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>> No.11598203

>what you should be saying is western health officials are retards
i also believe that to be true, yes. but that wouldnt be as big of a factor if most factories hadnt moved

>> No.11599141

How very interesting you mention that because it seems that there were confirmed cases in the U.S. as early as February, and in Spain and Italy on early January, so that pretty much disproves any notion that the virus came from China for now. This seems to support the theory that this is a virus that has been slowly evolving rather than a "*chews bat* here's your fully developed bad boi bro!".

>> No.11599321
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china was too busy hunting down doctors as "rumorongers" and cooking books to confirm any cases so that is a conclusion based on bogus data.
>By applying a correction, we predict that the number of cases is highly under-reported in most countries. In the case of China, it is estimated that more than 700.000 cases of COVID-19 actually occurred instead of the confirmed 80,932 cases as of 3/13/2020.

>> No.11599336

>How very interesting you mention that because it seems that there were confirmed cases in the U.S. as early as February, and in Spain and Italy on early January
what is air travel?
>so that pretty much disproves any notion that the virus came from China for now.
this statement pretty much proves you're a retard.

>> No.11599364

No, U. There are several theories flying around and this virus might have evolved somewhere else before spreading in Wuhan. For all we know it might have been around for half a year or even more

>> No.11599387

Asians have higher IQ. They see westerners like you see niggers.

>> No.11599389

>There are several theories flying around
yes, i know of the ccp's conspiracy theories that the us was behind the virus.

>> No.11599396
File: 95 KB, 750x465, black-people-banned-from-mcdonalds-china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean only better than chinese see blacks.

>> No.11599399

Yes and the highest IQ westerners aka Jews are Turkic asiatic in their origins as well aka Khazars.

>> No.11599400 [DELETED] 

3M is Brazilian.

>> No.11599425


>> No.11599439

I followed this topic very closely and it’s bullshit. They are Khazars but other Khazar analogue populations (Chuvash, Volga Tatars, Bashkir, Nogai) can be J2, R1a, R1b.

The Jews freaked out when the original Khazar evidence came out so they went on overdrive. They picked a rando false Khazar analogue stand in pop like the Armenians and claimed that the Khazars also ruled the Caucasus region so if the Ashkenazi didn’t carry Armenian genes it must mean Ashkenazi weren’t Khazars. It’s actually absurd but that’s literally the paper which supposedly proves that Ashkenazi aren’t Khazars. Then they found some J2 Anatolian early farmer gene carrying Jews (genes that are fairly common across the Med and Caspian/Black sea region due to the Neolithic expansion) and claimed Ashkenazi were European Italians :))).

>> No.11599442

>let me explain as a certified /pol/ "race"ologist

>> No.11599447
File: 92 KB, 249x202, C4776D81-1A01-48FA-8174-313BCA8E7B62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a great power for centuries and it’s official religion was Judaism. It didn’t disappear. It’s people blended and assimilated. They are Asiatic Turkics who converted to Judaism, and then multiplied.

>> No.11599450

Read the studies faggot. I’m not a poltard. I’m an Altaic person myself. I embrace my Ashkenazi Turkic brethren, I just wish they weren’t so self hating.

>> No.11599455

Also. The issue was proven and brought up by secular Ashkenazi Israeli researchers in Israel. The people who oppose it are right wing nationalist Israelis and religious Orthodox Jew Israelis because they don’t care about facts and all they want to do is press some muh culture meme and muh Israelite meme. Ok I’m sure there were some legit Israelites that the Khazars imported and all that but they majority of Ashkenazi do not really descend from them. Any purported Middle East gene is the same Neolithic expansion gene that everybody in the wider med/Europe/west Asia/east Europe region has.

>> No.11599462
File: 31 KB, 356x239, E766084A-83D5-45B2-A775-9E33EE2770C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neolithic expansion
Aka how the farming and pottery tech spread across Eurasia.

>> No.11599470

>The finding should thoroughly debunk one of the most questionable, but still tenacious, hypotheses: that most Ashkenazi Jews can trace their roots to the mysterious Khazar Kingdom that flourished during the ninth century in the region between the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire, Richards and Ostrer said.

>> No.11599476

> The dispersal of Neolithic culture from the Middle East has recently been associated with the distribution of human genetic markers. In Europe, the spread of the Neolithic culture has been associated with distribution of the E1b1b lineages and Haplogroup J that are thought to have arrived in Europe from North Africa and the Near East respectively.[99][100]

This is all over Europe. It’s in Italy and Sardinia and Spain and England.

Thomas Jefferson’s family for example has a rare Neolithic farmer haplogroup from this expansion. But most of it is J1 and J2.

>> No.11599480

Can you dispute the problems I raised about the study? They compared Ashkenazi to modern day South Caucasus people. Ok I’m not surprised there is very little similarity. Why don’t they compare Ashkenazi to Chuvash Turkics instead?

>> No.11599485


>> No.11599496

>Of the Jewish populations in this cluster, the Ashkenazim were closest to South European populations (specifically the Greeks) and also to the Turks." The study estimated that Ashkenazi Jews are descended on their paternal side from a core population of approximately 20,000 Jews that migrated from Italy into the rest of Europe over the course of the first millennium, and that "All European Jews seem connected on the order of fourth or fifth cousins."[13]

>> No.11599505

>Of the Jewish populations in this cluster, the Ashkenazim were closest to South European populations (specifically the Greeks) and also to the Turks." The study estimated that Ashkenazi Jews are descended on their paternal side from a core population of approximately 20,000 Jews that migrated from Italy into the rest of Europe over the course of the first millennium, and that "All European Jews seem connected on the order of fourth or fifth cousins."[13]
Bullshit. Anyone who knows enough about science and population genetics knows that it is easy to fabricate this nonsense. I don’t doubt that Sephardic and Mizrahim or whatever are native Med/Middle eastern but your chinky eyed pale ass Ashkenazi poles and germans are not.

>> No.11599511

ok, can you go sperg out in another thread? this is about shitting on western healthcare for being a joke.

>> No.11599937
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No, but there was a theory that one of the Italian strains was older than the Wuhan strains and there were similar cases of a similar epidemic some time ago. An Italian doctor claimed this, but it was "dismissed" as CCP propaganda by... basically by /pol/tards because their messiah said it was a Chinese biolab virus.
But it seems it's possible he was right since other countries are also reporting that there might have been strains previous to the big outbreak. Basically this virus might be older than the Wuhan epidemic... or might have mutated into wu-flu in the last 3 months. No answers= back to research.

Another theory is that it came from a bat in China. The evidence of this is that a very similar coronavirus has been found inside some bats, so if this one is true it also dismisses the bioweapon theory. Could it be a leaked virus? It could, or it could be a bat shitting on Mr.Zhang's fresh apple right before he decided to have a chew on it. No final answer yet. It's very convenient for Americans (or pretty much any non-Asian country) to claim this is a bioweapon or a biolab leak because they massively fucked it up and they need a scapegoat. Politics and real science do not mix well. Putting economics before biology during an outbreak... might have been better than China's full shutdown solution or might have fucked our shit up for good. We will find out soon.

>> No.11601249
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>> No.11601833

Because they all fucking professionals right?

>> No.11602285

>why are western medical standards so shit in comparison to asian?

Depends on the country in the West and which Asina country you mean. In Germany and Scandinavia things are excellent, the average US hospital is 3rd world level, the good and expensive ones in China are great, the normal ones suck, Singapore/Japan/South Korea are fine, Malaysia not that great.

>> No.11602308
File: 578 KB, 2310x1155, Countries_by_poverty_rate_world_bank_data.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is actually a third world country if you go by extreme poverty maps from the World Bank.

>> No.11602317

>0 and not available is the same color.
Might as well just throw this image in the trash.