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File: 104 KB, 440x368, Cro-Magnon-male-skull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11585204 No.11585204 [Reply] [Original]

I read that hunter gatherers were taller than farmers, because farmers developped arthritis But what about Neanderthals ? They were hunters too, so were they taller than the average Mesopotamian ?

>> No.11585484
File: 30 KB, 629x525, C2A787C6-848F-48CE-8930-B9B35D9F1F2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11586322
File: 3.15 MB, 1536x6200, 1560244738434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> what about Neanderthals ?

Are you taller than the average Mesopotamian?

> You are 99,7% Neanderthal

> What does Science tell us about our Origins?

> The DNA Hoax

> Revolutionary News about Neanderthals!?

> Neanderthal Diet (What did our Forebears eat?)

> The Truth about Cro Magnon

> 3 (((David Reich))) quotes

> Science Today

> The Theory of Evolution

> Quick Guide to DNA tests!

> Eye Color and Color Blindness

> Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes

> How the ENTIRE European Population will be NORDIC in some thousand years

> Why being NORDIC is THE NORMAL for Europeans

>> No.11586974 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 534x728, cad85ff030ad5e67ddc80e2cacedfe81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is untrue, most of the reconstructions are made with the skull pointing out, so that they may have human like foreheads. But Neaderthals, like other species except sapiens, had brains behind their faces, not on top of them so they would look very different. The maraurding tribes of America were Neanderthal until modern times and the Nordics are indeed still mentally Neanderthal.

>> No.11586977 [DELETED] 

> the skull pointing out
pointing down

>> No.11587002 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 534x728, cad85ff030ad5e67ddc80e2cacedfe81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is untrue, most of the reconstructions are made with the skull pointing out, so that they may have human like foreheads. But Neaderthals, like other species except sapiens, had brains behind their faces, not on top of them so they would look very different. The maraurding tribes of America were Neanderthal until modern times and the Nordics are indeed still mentally Neanderthal. The issue with this is that Neaderthal wired brains are wired to fight, but can control themselves and use reason too cooperate when needed, unlike others who are wired to cooperate, but can use reason to supress their drive to cooperate and fight when necessary.

>> No.11587007
File: 51 KB, 534x728, cad85ff030ad5e67ddc80e2cacedfe81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is untrue, most of the reconstructions are made with the skull pointing down, so that they may have human like foreheads. But Neaderthals, like other species except sapiens, had brains behind their faces, not on top of them so they would look very different. The marauding tribes of America were Neanderthal until modern times and the Nordics are indeed still mentally Neanderthal. The issue with this is that Neaderthal wired brains are wired to fight, but can control themselves and use reason too cooperate when needed, unlike others who are wired to cooperate, but can use reason to supress their drive to cooperate and fight when necessary. You can also see that where Nords came, they always went to genocide and replace the local populations, while everybody alse fought to conquer and rule, since Nords are wired to not see other H. sapiens as people.

>> No.11587035

Does that explain this testimony I read on /fit/?

>> No.11587352 [DELETED] 

I don't see how it would. Autists are those whites who are NOT Neanderthal (both beucase they are different and because others instictively hate and sabotage them). I have never seen an autist who enjoys fighting, except an Asian where the situation is reversed and autists ofthen join Yakuza and such.

>> No.11587356

I don't see how it would. Autists are those whites who are NOT Neanderthal (both beucase they are different and because others instictively hate and sabotage them). I have never seen an autist who enjoys fighting, except an Asian where the situation is reversed and autists are those who do think like neanderthals and often join Yakuza and such.

>> No.11587369

i.e. autists are not antisocial, the problem is that whites more or less constantly fight for fun in one way or another, and they cannot take it.

>> No.11587406

The west is only held stable because things like sports and multi party politics provide less destructive outlets to funnel the agression into. It was more or less constant war until the WWII.

>> No.11588581

What the fuck

>> No.11590062

Based and redpilled.

>> No.11590650

Somebody larping as an autists. That's how they see us. For example, I refused to believe a child is uncontrollably agressive. The parents provided a recording of the child screaming in terror as a proof. The child got punished for being afraid and developed essentially phobia of fear and panic attacks as the result.

Aryan whites have no emotions so they interpret every emotion as a sign of agression.

>> No.11591050


There's no such thing as a Nord you larping faggot and the Norse did seek to conquer and rule and there's no evidence whatsoever of them committing genocide. Plenty of evidence of them intermarrying with other populations though.

>> No.11591053


>unironically posting varg vikernes

please leave

>> No.11591134

>there's no evidence whatsoever of them committing genocide.
North America - population exterminated.
Africa - population brought back to the stone age.
Australia - population virtually exterminated
India - extermination attempted and failed.

>> No.11591265

we wuzing won't give you neanderthal genes lol

>> No.11591385
File: 16 KB, 300x225, legit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> because farmers developped arthritis
Height prior to logistics and refrigeration was due mainly to diversity in diet providing vitamins and essential amino acids.

Farmers, while having a steadier source of calories, were often malnourished from the vitamin side.

Even as late as World War I, rural America was severely malnourished. When the draft called up young men, many were turned away for being too sickly.

When World War II and the ability to isolate vitamins rolled around, the US government quietly ordered all bread manufacturers to fortify their bread with vitamins and minerals. This still happens today, btw.

> Inb4 tl:dr
It was the Jews.

>> No.11591419

>bro neanderthals behaved like this, because their brains where like this
>No one has ever seen how a neanderthal behaves and we dont even have a good understanding of how the structure of modern brains influences behaviour
Herp derp

>> No.11592029


you're a schizo

>> No.11592063

American farmers were malnourished because they lived off corn, but didn't know how to cook it properly. It wasn't the usual state of things. Corn is mostly indigestible unless cooked in alkali.
Are you trying to deny facts?

>> No.11592206

>North America - population exterminated
This is just not true.
>Africa - population brought back to the stone age
No they weren't. Africa has running water, electricity etc. They were never bought "back" to the stone age.
>Australia - population virtually exterminated
There are around 800 000 australian aborigonals alive in australia today. Estimates of the population before europeans arrived were 300 000- 1 000 000, so they aren't virtually exterminated.
>India - extermination attempted and failed.
Yes, this is what happened. They wanted to exterminate all indians. You are in no way being hysterical right now. You also have a good idea of the things youre talking about.
Didnt pull any information out of your ass.