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11571125 No.11571125 [Reply] [Original]

Respect to Wolfram & Weinstein... but let's be real here. Weinstein has nothing solid, and Wolfram's does not model physics 1 to 1, it's just a universal turing machine like Game of Life. Meanwhile, Optimum Theory is as close to a 1 to 1 simulation of the 4 forces as is physically possible and all from 1 equation. We deserve the real deal. Optimum Theory is the legitimate Unified Theory of Everything.

>> No.11571132

You're basically just a really boring version of Tooker, with one hundredth of the personality and less talent too. Hope you realize that.

>> No.11571142


I do realize that. I am not a "personality". I'm just a fairly ordinary guy who stumbled upon something cool, and it would be cowardly and selfish if I did not share it. Also, yeah science can be pretty dull. I'm not here to yank people around talking about parallel universes and worm holes or whatever. Our actual reality is pretty straightforward, but there is still plenty of room for wonder & awe.

>> No.11571269

Playing with cellular automata in excel is not physics.

>> No.11571304

Ooh if/then/else optimized
Can you tell if people piss and shit themselves and only find a toilet because plumbing was invented.
How do you know what you think you know?

>> No.11571310

I saw some optimum theory videos and they didn't make sense. Why can't you just tell us the formulas that govern the automata?

>> No.11571313


If you want to argue that Gary is a major bore that's one thing, but saying automata is not valid for science is like saying chalk and blackboard is not valid for science, especially when Gary's automaton is math based and not a traditional "Game of Life" automata

>> No.11571326

>I saw some optimum theory videos and they didn't make sense. Why can't you just tell us the formulas that govern the automata?

He's copypasted it a millions times. That's not his problem. His problem is that not many people, if anyone, believes him.

His automata has a random number in each cell that averages with its von neumann neighborhood, overlayed with a heat map and vectors that point to the greatest change from each cells reference frame. That's all there is to it. How does that make "waves and particles and gravity?" Fuck if I know, so I think that's where the suspicion rightly comes from that Gary is hiding something

>> No.11571336

>How does that make "waves and particles and gravity?" Fuck if I know, so I think that's where the suspicion rightly comes from that Gary is hiding something

Gary would say some shit like "the numbers represent pressure density, and they have to average to conserve their values because of law of conservation blah blah blah" but I get your point. It seems fucky

>> No.11571379

Imagine if you actually knew a thing or two about physics. Imagine if you read a book instead of following a schizo (assuming you aren't the schizo himself)

>> No.11571424

Youre only ordinary in your motivation to take from others

I thought you were like tooker or terry
You arent actualy that sort of mental ill tho. Youre fucking mentally ill of the sort that you will steal from people who genuinely arent smart enough to see what youre peddling is complete fictional bullshit.

Youre an asshole and I want no part in this.

>> No.11571497

i was trying to think what should be included in the 2020 edition of Optimum Theory... expanded section on the standard model and simulating fundamental particles with the automaton: spin, mass, charge, strangeness, etc... I was thinking an expanded section on fundamental economic theory... also fundamental conflict theory (war), its causes and resolutions... quantum computing... cryptocurrency...also a section inspired by Feynman's article "plenty of room at the bottom"...

>> No.11571509

Shut up dude. Stop.

>> No.11571511

This is fucking great.

>> No.11571535

use your own words perhaps. you seem to be putting things together. you should already know it in your own words.

>> No.11571549

Post the complete description of optimum theory, I dont want to go to the optimum institute.

>> No.11571550
File: 41 KB, 171x189, 1560154401221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gary what if I told you I already understand your theory better than you do and it straight up doesnt work bro

Just because you get approximates at the start doesnt mean they apply to all

>> No.11571552


I was think that older editions would be free and only the new one would cost money... i asked for WAY too much last year. $99 was too much. There was a reason for charging that much, wasn't greed... I had an amount I needed to hit... but still, I should have found another way. Should have been $19 or $25 tops.

>> No.11571561


Then if you are willing to help, help me understand where I am wrong. But I won't agree unless I really believe it, so don't get mad if I disagree. and I won't disagree out of ego either.

>> No.11571562

I would give you $99 daddy uWu

>> No.11571572


Charging money is the only way I know to propagate the theory. If I had UBI I could, and would, do this for free. The theory can be propagated at certain scales at certain amounts.

>> No.11571577


So I was thinking that there would also be an edition around that amount and it would come with a phone call or video chat 30 minutes... an hour... something like that... and I would certify people as "Optimists" haha. "Certified Optimist". I guess that's what a lot of people are doing on Patreon these days, that kind of thing.

>> No.11571588

The model for education needs to change... or if not change it needs an alternative. Elon Musk does not care about degrees. Why should he? All the knowedge is already on the internet. Why shouldn't you be able to get almost any job as a "Certified Optimist"? Isn't that enough, plus Google-fu?

>> No.11571595

Would anyone like to try it? We talk or video-chat for 30 minutes to an hour, and if you can prove to me that you understand Optimum Theory I will certify you as an Optimist. Signed certificate and everything. You don't have to agree with Optimum Theory. You only have to understand it.

>> No.11571601

Why would anybody care they have a certificate from some literal who that they understand excel?

>> No.11571609

I'm a Physics senior and genuinelly interested. What's the one equation you're talking about? I couldn't find it in your website.

>> No.11571627
File: 72 KB, 514x839, last_comment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're Israeli, right? Why can't you get a degree there? Get in a university, talk to teachers, maybe even get a degree, maybe. What's stopping you?

>> No.11571630


I could have been more clear about the equation in the video. Each cell has a random real-number value that averages, each time step, with its Von Neumann neighborhood therefore conserving the automaton's sum value. That's it! Everything else is a graphical layer, so there is a color heat map to help discern high and low values, and there is a vector layer that points to the biggest local change from each cell's perspective. How does that result in everything seen in that video? That's the amazing part! I don't really know! All I know is that I set out to develop an automaton from first principles using what I was absolutely sure of our material reality: local interaction, conservation, symmetry, simultanity, variability. I have my jaw on the floor for MONTHS when I saw the results.

>> No.11571696


Because it's fun. Optimum Theory is super fking awesome, and it's cheaper than a diner date and a movie.

>> No.11571712


Lol, no. Also, if I was Sabine and found out that my new "friend" was posting on 4chan I would do like the CIA and admit nothing and deny everything, too. But I'm not Sabine. she is from a completely different generation and methodology as me.

>> No.11571725


And of course, I'm not Gary either. I am a GAN.

>> No.11572010

Gary's in Seattle. Sabine only thinks that because he got his through site Wix, which is Israeli.

>> No.11572616

I implemented these rules in code and got a blur filter. The constant averaging over each iteration leads to a quick heat death (where all values are equal)

>> No.11572731


You need to use real-number values. Positive and negative, just like our universe with matter antimatter and positive negative charge. You also need to make the random values apply to each cell each time step. Lastly, there is room to play with the value that you are dividing by. When averaging by the Von Neumann neighborhood one would assume you average by 5, but understand that we are imagining an infinite Universe - depth and scope. The automaton is simply a tool. What you are trying to do is recreate an infinite field - depth and scope - that has "real-number values" at every point, that interact with their neighboring values while conserving their total sum value. THERE IS NO HUMAN WAY TO REPRODUCE THIS PERFECTLY. WE ARE NOT GOD. But the closer you can get to APPROXIMATING that ideal the more lifelike your automaton will become. MAke sense? The biggest mindfck here is in understanding that THE UNIVERSE IS NOT PERFECTLY RECREATABLE EVER. EVER! EVER!! Not now. Not ever. No matter how advanced humans become. In 1 trillion years we will still not recreate even a square inch of this Universe. This is why we have, for example, uncertainty principle, because the data contained at all points, everywhere, is infinite. We cannot simulate or recreate true infinity, so we can only approximate. But our approximations can still be very accurate! Just not perfect. It's a lot to take in. That's why it is always suggested to watch the 2.5 hour video.

>> No.11572746


Everyone always tries to recreate the automaton. No one ever tries to recreate THE IDEA. THE IDEA CAME FIRST. The idea was completely inside the developers head as a concept before he ever even tried to program it. INFINITE UNIVERSE OF DEPTH AND SCOPE WITH ITS ONLY VALUES BEING SPACE AND LOCALLY INTERACTING, CONSERVING, ENERGY-MATTER.

>> No.11572756


Furthermore, your equation must be SIMULTANEOUS. It must also have a change step, that derives the difference between successive steps since this is, you guessed it, how the human mind registers TIME. Time is simply the difference between two moments. Then you need a heat map. Then you need a vector layer that applies an arrow to each cell that points in the direction of greatest change from the perspective of each cell.

>> No.11572768

holy fucking shit

>> No.11572769

interesting thread

>> No.11572772


A little bit more involved than a blur filter. But again, start with the idea first and work backward from there. Use logical. Work from first principles. Don't try and make what they TELL you is true - make what YOU KNOW IS TRUE. Take care.

>> No.11572806


Oh, and to be clear, space and energy-matter are inseparable. There is no energy-matter without a space equivalent or vice versa. This is what so many who tried to unify physics failed to understand. There is no "that's empty space" and "That's matter or energy" they are two sides of the same coin. They generate each other.

Just think about it. You'll figure it out if that's what you want to do.

>> No.11572810

>Just think about it. You'll figure it out if that's what you want to do.

And then when you do, you can move on to the second half of Optimum Theory which is just as detailed, if not more so that unified physics: abiogenesis and consciousness. But no one from this message board has ever gotten that far. No one here has made it past unified physics yet.

>> No.11572817


BUT if you can understand all of that, then contact Gary at The Optimum institute, schedule a videochat or phone call, and if you can explain it all to him then he will make you a certified Optimist. You don't even have to agree with the theory, you just have to understand it.

>> No.11572914
File: 1.56 MB, 1093x1087, 1585777844635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fuck ufkc fuck fuckufkc you fgary dfuck you fucking fucking slimey fucking snake you fucking fuck you gary you take money and you run like the ufkcing little rodent fuck tard u are fuck you gary get fucked

Pic related is Terry Davis. A man you will never come close to living up to.

>> No.11573607

prove that simulating fluid with positive and negative pressure won't rapidly dissipate particles as your simulated cells per m^3 reaches infinity

>> No.11573636

I think what makes this fuckhead so obnoxious is that you don't get the impression he's really insane. He's 5% nutter and 95% weasely con artist.
Tooker doesn't try to hide his work, because he's proud of it. He genuinely thinks it's correct and wants to show everybody. He's honest, if nothing else.
This guy absolutely refuses to post anything but vague woo and keeps trying to lure everybody asking for anything remotely testable or refutable into private communications.

>> No.11573792


They do dissipate (decay). This is why night vision goggles work, because everything is dissipating away particles, even at night. The universe has infinite depth so it's not like a particle has to run out of fuel... it's syphoning energy from the infinite scales below it and expanding that outward into infinity, and the inverse for negative "fluid", and yes positive and negative numbers behave differently in the automaton, it is not simply a matter of distance on a number line, they fundamentally behave differently. There is no equilibriumm The Universe can never reach equilibrium because it is infinite. Similarly, it is infinitely optimizing, I.e. optimum theory... like some kind of infinite "crystaline". We can even see this in the model. In the second half of the video you can even see that automatons have been made by a programmer in Russia that self replicate and undergo metabolism. It's remarkable. No one here has gotten that far in the theory yet, but it's worth it.

>> No.11573793

>Optimum Theory is as close to a 1 to 1 simulation of the 4 forces as is physically possible and all from 1 equation
Show me CA simulations of the beta decay of a neutron
Show me the Lennard Jones potential between 2 helium atoms, two versions, one where the r12 and one where r6 terms dominate
Show the full electron structure for Rubidium and then show it excited to a Rydberg state

>> No.11573798
File: 198 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Understood. This is the kind if thing being worked on for the 2020 edition of Optimum Theory. (Image is from particle life, automaton that self replicates using only attract and repulsion, both forces which are derivative if the optimum model.)

>> No.11573811

>I think what makes this fuckhead so obnoxious is that you don't get the impression he's really insane. He's 5% nutter and 95% weasely con artist.

I dont know senpai. Gary is a prick but he's also a high school math and science teach... part of me thinks he's just disgusted by the education system and is trying to force advancement somehow since edu curriculum hasnt really changed since the end of WW2

>> No.11573812

>using only attract and repulsion, both forces which are derivative if the optimum model.
Seeing attract and repel is not particularly impressive. You have to show me the CA model gives the correct STRENGTHS/AMOUNTS of the attract/repel at any given distances between sources

>> No.11573813


I just say that because I remember him ranting a while back about how they put him on drugs when he was a kid instead of in ap classes since there was nothing at his level and he was always acting out. He was pretty salty about it

>> No.11573817


The automaton particles attract by the square of their distance... I dont known if you saw that. This sht is all emergent senpai. Its bonkers.

>> No.11573820

Where is this shown?

>> No.11573823




>> No.11573828


People are always like "Gary's a failure cause hes not famous" or whatever. that does not matter. The model is true. It's like saying the guy who discovered germ theory failed because he was called a kook at first. Facts are facts. There could be an extinction level event and when the octipi evolve up they would blurble out eventually that the Universe is just Energy / Space. What we are doing is discover, not story telling

>> No.11573831

Just because the two red areas fall toward each other and merge doesn’t convince me there is any r-dependence. You need to do this at many different starting distances and show me the acceleration in each time step.
Also inverse square law is wrong in 2D anyway.
Also why are 2 reds attracting when like charges repel?

>> No.11573833


I honestly have no fking idea why people are not stoked about this. You can literally see the sht like its the fking matrix. Compare this to Garrett Lisi's model or Wolfram or Weinstein... those where the top of tops for this kind of thing and Optimum Theory is waaay beyond all that

>> No.11573839


Why do two planets attract? It's quantum gravity. When you isolate the electromagnetic layer you will see that they still remain separate if I remember correctly. All entirely emergent. And yes, they always attract by their square. If they are too far away you could be sitting their for an hour clicking to progress the time steps

>> No.11573842

please ignore the many spelling and punctuation errors etc... i am half asleep laying in bed in a hella awkward position

>> No.11573850

By the square is WRONG in 2D and you don’t convince me this or any r dependence is even happening.
You have to show a way bigger range of distances to convince me there is any r dependence. Impossible to tell from that 5 secs of video if/how the potential changes with distance.

>> No.11573870



Also by removing a dimention the particles radiate less energy so it balances out. They attract by square. Any further than that video and you'll be sitting there a while. I'm going to sleep. Thanks for chatting.

>> No.11573879

imagine coding 1 special case of a cellular automata and deluding yourself into believing you have a grand unified theory of physics ...

please tell me op - how does your theory generalise and unify, for example, the uncertainty principle and the special relativity?

>> No.11573929

Is it optimum to try and convert those of an established doctrine to a new way of thinking when every single member of it is armed to the teeth with their own special case exceptions or calls for the new thing to explain one of the billions of old things they were taught?

Why challenge the old when the freshly stupid are ripe for the taking instead? If it is optimum then it will wash over them instead.

Unless optimum is somehow just charging straight into those least willing to adopt because if they do they'll find themselves as turncoats surrounded by enemies.

>> No.11575179

>They attract by square
To me the motion in this video looks like a constant with no r dependence. Not 1/r^2 or even 1/r. So it is totally unconvincing to me.

>> No.11575288

Oops didn't mean to make this thread. I'm a faggot.

>> No.11575432

wtf bros is this why the universe is expanding

>> No.11575597

gary choke me

>> No.11576580

I didn't realize Gary is still a thing.

>> No.11576824

You're too pessimist

>> No.11576982

>high school math and science teach
wow thats no credential at all

>> No.11576989

fuck off Gary

>> No.11577392

time to leave this board for another few weeks as it becomes unusable due to this schizo

>> No.11578474

Seeya crybaby.

>> No.11578503
File: 238 KB, 345x507, 1587061173484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you point me to the paper where you rigorously derive Einsteins Field equations, Yang-Mills and the Dirac equation from U = E / S?

That's all I'm asking. Produce this paper and I will start considering your theory seriously.

>> No.11578522

Sorry, but no. I am a hack, and understanding even those concepts is out of the question.

>> No.11578534

so what you're saying is you don't know what you're talking about? Then why should anyone give a shit about your theory?

I'm not trying to be derogatory I'm actually kind of intrigued because the idea itself is elegant enough, but I won't waste my time on it unless you can convince me this is not just absolute crackpot horseshit (or at least convince me enough to bother spending a day or two going through it all)

>> No.11578537

that's not the real Gary anon.

>> No.11578568

Yep, it's all true.
Speak for yourself, "anon"

>> No.11578569
File: 79 KB, 1080x1286, 1584484350836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck a stick up my ass and call me a taffy apple

I've been had

>> No.11578595

Are you implying that I'm Gary? I'm just familiar enough to tell you're doing a real half assed impersonation.
Before your next post try huffing some paint and sucking a few cocks to try and put yourself in a mindset more similar to his.

>> No.11578759

Why are you obsessed with cocks? And no, I have never huffed paint. My French girlfriend was the one that shared the wisdom of the stars with me. Nonetheless, I am a hack, anon.

>> No.11578770


>> No.11578829

And from today's lesson we learned that Gary should've put up some fucking tripcode.

>> No.11578833

But then he'd have to take responsibility for his posts.

>> No.11580340


>> No.11580461

Also it would be easier to take him as the fool he is, he won't deliver his spreadsheet

>> No.11580544


I dont think this reverse psychology is needed. My understanding is Gary wants to make the spread public, but he's a fallible dumbass like everyone else and needs to rebuild it because of a harddrive crash.

In my experience calling Gary names etc... is the last thing you should do for him to do what you want. Just be friendly like you would with a normal person out in meatspace.

>> No.11580582

go to bed, gary
/sci/ will be here in the morning

>> No.11580585

Calling Optimum Theory the Theory of Everything is like calling simple harmonic motion the solution to the Navier-Stokes Equations. You "theory" literally just models the 4 fundamental forces of nature with small sample sizes.
It's not even a theory, it's literally an indie game.

>> No.11580604


This is fairly accurate. ~Gary

(The ~ is supposed to be like a wave. Everything is a wave. Including me. I'm wavy)

>> No.11580664

No gary you stupid FUCK he's saying your theory is dogshit

>> No.11580681


Oh jeez, this has been answered a million times and is has been in the video for a year.

Also was corroborated by the most respected CPU designer in the World on the Lex Fridman podcast last month.

Universe has infinite data density at all points. Impossible to calculate. Ever. Has nothing to do with probability. Its all about computation.

Sooner people understand this sht is the fcking truth the faster we can optimize.

You all do know the goal here is eternal life through upload, right?

I dont want to die. Do you?

>> No.11580684



We are all dogshit next to the infinite creation. Have you even watched the complete Optimum Theory? Not a single one of you has even commented on anything past the first hour of it.

>> No.11580705

I do not think I am better than you. This is where the Universe placed me. I don't know why. I DONT KNOW WHY. Why did he place Elon's conscious where He did? Bill Gates? Fucking Post Malones. Or someone born in a cage and will never escape. An electrician. An eagle. A fish. A worm. who whoever... I DONT KNOW.

But what I do know is that this sht comes from a place of real belief & faith.

Magic happens every fking day. I dont build towers or battleships, or CPUs, but I can contribute this.

You think its bullshit. I know. I dont care, because I dont.

>> No.11580904

One of my best arguments about why there's no god: people who speak about him the most are motherfucking liars.

>> No.11580927
File: 147 KB, 871x990, 1564106511983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're interpreting that as Gary dogwhistling a belief in God you couldn't be farther from the truth.

>> No.11581016
File: 75 KB, 908x539, zONEnTfYmoE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't necessarily speaking of jews, but yea, the argument remains. I never said those who speak of god the most actually believe in him.

>> No.11581076
File: 610 KB, 1287x2708, NotthebestexamplebutIcan'tbebotheredtofindbetter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never said those who speak of god the most actually believe in him.
In that case it is an extremely accurate observation.
If you were to take every Jewish conspiracy and turn it to be about christians you'd a fairly good idea of Gary's beliefs. Only replace the greed with a deep desire to kill minorities.
Because of this Gary will perform the equivalent of a modern artist pretending to be jewish.

>> No.11581111 [DELETED] 

>In that case it is an extremely accurate observation.
Specifically I mean your image is.

>> No.11581696

this just sounds like an odd game of life made in excel, and with vector mathematics

>> No.11582001

No because my time is more valuable than that. If after an hour everyone still stretching their head, youre doing it wrong

>> No.11582030

The universe doesn't expand. It has nothing to expand into, since the universe is by definition everything. What scientists have done is confused their observable universe for the whole universe. The most we can say is the part of the universe we can observe is expanding.

>> No.11582057

>The most we can say is the part of the universe we can observe is expanding.
But it does not. Actually the opposite is more correct way to look at how it behaves. You somehow figured out the first part right, though

>> No.11582456

>Universe has infinite data density at all points
>CPU designer in the World on the Lex Fridman
Who is this? Jim Keller? Can you give link and time stamp where the guy says this? Or other info on it. Genuinely interested. Also why do you need this for optimisation?
Great thread btw.

>> No.11582462


>> No.11582506

That image has to be the most pseudointellectual fedora tippery I have ever seen.

>> No.11583479

pill me on optimal theorems

>> No.11583566


Universe is infinite in depth and scope.

Universe repeats in structure, infinitely; light speed is the conversion factor between the infinite scales of reality, i.e. bigger scales are slower and smaller scales are faster infinitely in both directions.

Universe is: simultaneous, symmetrical, locally interacting, conserving, infinite in time space & energy.

The Universe optimizes over time which results in all complexity including life.

The universe is singular and perfectly logical. You exists at this point of infinite time and space because you have always existed, because you, us, we are all one. Just facets of a singular fooled to think otherwise for optimizations sake similar to how we are fooled during a dream state.

The Universe is Energy over Space.

Although we can know the equation we can never reproduce it perfectly since the Universe alone is the perfect Turing machine, the only thing capable of creating everything including itself... simply, the Universe is of infinite data density at all points. Us? We are stupid, finite apes in comparison.

>> No.11583579


Remaining questions:

Why does the Universe exist? Optimists can only allude to some priciple of perfect. Grace. "It must exist because it is the supreme Turing machine and there for perfect logic is must exist". We don't really know. God in the abstract is as good a reason as any.

What dictates the distribution if energy-matter over space? Optimists equation applies "random" number generators for this... and yet the theory is perfectly determanistic otherwise. If the autonatom had the same number at each cell, the Universe would have no varience, and that seems more "perfect", so why varience?

>> No.11583593

>What dictates the distribution if energy-matter over space? Optimists equation applies "random" number generators for this... and yet the theory is perfectly determanistic otherwise. If the autonatom had the same number at each cell, the Universe would have no varience, and that seems more "perfect", so why varience?

All Optimism can gather is that an infinite system has no symmetry, since symmetry necessitates something to be finite... so perhaps the distribution is all combinations... the Universe is computing every possible combination. But why? I don't claim to know.

>> No.11583617
File: 2.90 MB, 395x540, ' 1583945635137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these aren't theorems

>> No.11583625


Well I dont know what you expect. Perhaps those are more what you consider axioms. Later. This sht is all fcking stupid

>> No.11583652


Earth is a cube.

Universe is 6 minutes old and your memories are implants.

Get fucked.

>> No.11583654


Burn it all down.

Humanity was clearly a mistake.

>> No.11583662


That is what you deserve.

>> No.11583676


Optimum Theory gives a logical and optimistic way forward. You don't deserve that.

Germs are fake. Earth is a cube. Universe began 6 seconds ago. Science is fake. Numbers are fake. This is what you deserve. This is what you get.

>> No.11583703

Wow Gary. Suddenly you are making a LOT more sense. All that blatant schizo shit about superfluid and gatoms had me thinking you were totally full of shit. But I think the stuff your bringing up now has some real legs. You should really lead with this stuff on your site.
Tell us more about "Germs are fake".

>> No.11583743


But germs are fake...

And the Earth is a cube.

You didnt know?

>> No.11583749

>Get fucked
Ah I see, clearly shortened form of the metaphor that we all get fucked from birth, introduced by philosopher Srdjan Spasojevic in A Serbian Film, Which is in of itself an allusion to the gnostic belief that the world is inherently evil.
>Burn it all down.
>Humanity was clearly a mistake.
Clearly stating that humanity has made mistakes and we must burn "it", ie "society" down so it can be rebirthed like the mythological phoenix.
>That is what you deserve.
An inspiring message that this rebirth is something we have earned.
>This is what you deserve. This is what you get.
This new society will be one in which we are rewarded or denied based on our actions. A meritocracy.
A whole manifesto's worth of reform yet put so succinctly!

Gary! These 4 posts are the most illucidating things you have ever conjured up! Please post exclusively in this style from now on.

>> No.11583758


Wat? You are thinking way too hard about this. Universe is a 19n hyper dimentional plane in a Universe that was created by Mohammed 6 seconds ago. Germs are fake. Earth is a cube, but only on Wednesdays.


>> No.11583776

I think germs are real and optimum theory is fake

>> No.11583783

Fuck gary

>> No.11583784



Literally no one care

>> No.11583787

That would seem to make more sense. Corona virus and all.

>> No.11583789

gary cares that's why he makes threads to shill for optimum theory, especially when he sees wolfram and weinstein getting all the unified physics quarantine attention

>> No.11583794


Gary does not even come here. I've just been trolling because its funny.

Universe is 19n hypercube sitting on a fucking turtle. Turtles all the way down.

>> No.11583797


Gary isnt even on 4chan. Stop buying into this bullshit

>> No.11583800

you are gary
you can't expect anyone to trust anything you say about optimum theory when you try to pass off such obvious lies

>> No.11583802


Listen to your supervisors. Gary has never even been on 4chan, he has only heard about it from other people. What your supervisors have instructed to you is accurate: worm holes are real, parallel universes are real, earth is sometimes 6,000 years old, Universe is a simulation created by future Elon Musk who time traveled back. Earth sits on a turtle.

Do not stray from their teachings. You supervisors so so WISE

>> No.11583807


China is listening. Don't anger China or the Banks or your supervisors. Earth is a 19n cuboid. Gary is an illusion. He is not real. No one is real. Everything is in your mind. Mindscape. MiNdScApE

>> No.11583808

Uhh.. gary we've seen videos of you browsing 4chan dude. You can't hide that stuff bro. Please don't do that.

>> No.11583809

Gary. during an improv there's a rule called "yes and". You want to affirm what the other person has said, "yes", and then add more of your own, "and".
What you've done would be more of a "no nothing". You first dismissed my entire thing, and then restated the exact things you'd already said. adding nothing.
I won't pretend my post was that funny, but it's still rude to reject it like that dude.

>> No.11583811


Literally just a GAN I thought you knew that. But the Terminator movies actually are real. They are footage from the future brought back to your time

>> No.11583813

no i am an indpendent thinker i dont blindly trust authority
which is how i realized optimum theory was fake

>> No.11583816

I have the videos on my harddrive of you browsing 4chan! I can reupload them if you're really this far in denial about that happening?

>> No.11583825


Optimum Theory is fake. Who tf said it was real? Gary is not even real. He is a fake hologram created by the Illuminati. Like Tupac. or Post Malone.

>> No.11583826

No anon you do not understand. Those videos are just GANs made by archivefag. He has a mysterious version of fakeapp that is so sophisticated it is impossible to tell the difference between it and real footage, it even works perfectly from all angles and when you put your hand in front of your face. He also simulated Gary's voice. And somehow did all this months before Gary doxed himself.

>> No.11583830


Everything can be fake. Except that video of selina gomez getting double stuff oreoed. That one was real, the deny was the fake on that one

>> No.11583832

So where did you hide the REAL Gary you brainless GAN bot?!

>> No.11583836


In Eminem's closet

>> No.11583837 [DELETED] 

I saved those videos directly from Gary's yt channel myself using youtube-dl. I don't know who archivefag is but he sounds like a real tool. That does it, I'm making the xvideos playlist right now. I have every single video you've ever made, gagarebear. You'll see!

>> No.11583839

I saved those videos directly from Gary's yt channel myself using youtube-dl. I don't know who archivefag is but he sounds like a real tool. That does it, I'm making the xvideos playlist right now. I have every single video you've ever made, garebear. You'll see!

>> No.11583842


Lol bro wtf

>> No.11583852


In before you spend an hour doing that shit and someone pretending to be garebear just says its a neuralnet GAN fake

>> No.11583857


And then gets a copyright takedown on it anyway for using likeness. Sht is stupid. Earth is a cube. Nothing is real. Turtles all the way down.

>> No.11583874

should be up soon, don't deny who you are gary

>> No.11583878

You wouldn't happen to have the patreon announcement video or "it's so tiring" would you?
You do realize sending a takedown would validify them as real Gary? Or are you suggesting you would commit perjury by filing for content you do not own because it is a GAN produced by someone else?

>> No.11583879


Definition: thirsty.

Fucking autosavinv every Gary video lololololo

>> No.11583880

>Definition: thirsty.
>Fucking autosavinv every Gary video lololololo

>> No.11583884


Gary has cancer and will die soon. He literally does not give af about what you think he gives af about. He just thinks its funny when you talk about him to justify his short miserable life

>> No.11583890

>He just thinks its funny when you talk about him
How does he know we talk about him if he's never been on 4chan?

>> No.11583892


Takedown for likeness. It's a thing. Copyright is established for peoples images anon

>> No.11583895


Because people email him about it, people like me. I just think its funny

>> No.11583896

>How does he know we talk about him if he's never been on 4chan?
Just you wait, video's encoding rn

>> No.11583898

It would be exempt under Code §107 as these videos are clearly parodies of you created for criticism and therefore fair use.

>> No.11583908


Be sure to inklude dis 1. Sht is hot sauce in da swag bag https://youtu.be/5EgcjbVVYLI

>> No.11583923
File: 180 KB, 1035x822, sabine email.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah we got some good memes picrel

>> No.11583931

Why do people even want there to be one theory to explain everything? I don’t get it.

>> No.11583932

WTF xvideos takes forever to encode things!

>> No.11583941

Personally I've seen almost all of Gary's videos and have jav to watch so I'm not gonna wait around.
pls answer whether you have these videos>>11583878
pls upload to anonfile.com if you do, thanks.

>> No.11583951

I'll try accounting though my gary files in the morning. I should have the patreon announcement video, if I'm remembering correctly.

>> No.11583957

Thank you. "it's so tiring" is an especially valuable piece of lost media as it is a video of Gary whining about anons being mean to him.

>> No.11583979

you are missing the point, the idea is that there are theories that directly contradict one another
all that is wanted is explanation that does not do this

>> No.11583981

That’s impossible. Reality is relative

>> No.11583983

well we seem to be converging on a theory in those parameters, read the literature ye faggot

>> No.11583984

what is optimum theory?

>> No.11583986

I’ll believe it when it actually happens...

>> No.11583987


>> No.11583989


Is that really Gary?

>> No.11583991


Jez, no wonder why Sabine disowned him... why did you tell us you were wrote emails like this to her when the drama was going down Anon?

>> No.11583994


Yeah, this too https://youtu.be/bHhvmoMxwiQ

He's a better musician than scientist, but that's not saying much

>> No.11584013

Gary, I'm going to let you in on a secret skill most non-autistic people, or nuerotypical as you call us, have. Recognizing context clues.
Now I want you to try and stave off the adhd and focus real hard on that image. If you'll notice it's multiple posts stitched together and has text and lines drawn on. That's a hint that this image has been altered at least a little. Now if you look at the words Sabine says you may realize that it really doesn't seem like the type of thing she'd say in response to what the email is quoting. that seems a little odd doesn't it? Now stop focusing so very hard on the image and look a little to the right. There's some more words there. That's someones post. In that post they say they've got some memes, and picrel. Now I'm gonna give you the answer to this one as I think it may be too tough for you, but picrel is short for "picture related" that means that the words they typed are related to the image they posted. Now if you think real hard about what the words they typed mean you might realize they're saying that the image is a meme.

Now if we take all these "context clues" and try and piece them together. You may come to the conclusion that the email in that image has been changed to say something other than what it originally said.

Now Gary, I want you to remember this context clues idea, and think real hard about it. And maybe you can learn to recognize some of them on your own one day. Remember if you're having trouble you can always ask for help.

>> No.11584018
File: 49 KB, 1021x487, 1555144890232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of. I happen to have the original so if that Long very wordy post was too hard for you to grasp. Just know that this picture is real, and the other one is fake.
You got that big guy? This make sense to you?

>> No.11585130

anon delivers: https://www.xvideos.com/video55323863/optimum_theory_-_4chan_is_producing_breaking_nobel_level_physics_work_and_saving_the_human_race

>> No.11585365

> uploads it to xvideos with shemale tag
> didn't learn yet to hold his laughs

>> No.11585678

my sides

>> No.11586087
File: 56 KB, 1130x863, skel4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11586801


>> No.11588884


>> No.11589903

You fucking what